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** MC Ques)ons **

1. What remains unchanged when a laptop is moved to a different network?

a) IPv4 address
b) IPv6 address
c) MAC address (Correct)
d) Network name

2. What is a MAC address?

a) A unique number assigned by the user
b) A unique number that is part of the NIC (Correct)
c) A dynamic IP address
d) A network protocol

3. IP addresses on a network are usually assigned by which en)ty?

a) The device's hardware manufacturer
b) The user's personal seOngs
c) The network's DHCP server or internet service provider (Correct)
d) The local government's communica)ons department

4. What does the subnet mask determine in an IP address?

a) The host part
b) The network part (Correct)
c) The broadcast address
d) The gateway address

5. In the IP address with a subnet mask of, what is the host
a) 192.168.200
b) 27 (Correct)

6. Where does dynamic addressing informa)on come from?

a) A sta)c IP configura)on file
b) A DHCP server (Correct)
c) A DNS server
d) A subnet mask

7. What is the primary use of ICMP?

a) Assigning IP addresses
b) Encryp)ng data packets
c) Tes)ng connec)vity and sending control/error messages (Correct)
d) Transla)ng private IP addresses

8. Which command is a part of ICMP?

a) tracert
b) netstat
c) ping (Correct)
d) ipconfig

9. What does NAT do in IPv4 networks?

a) Assigns dynamic IP addresses
b) Converts private IPv4 addresses to public ones (Correct)
c) Filters MAC addresses
d) Priori)zes traffic types

10. What is the purpose of Quality of Service (QoS) configura)on?

a) To encrypt data packets
b) To assign IP addresses
c) To allow devices to add themselves to a network
d) To priori)ze specific traffic types (Correct)

11. Why is UPnP considered a security risk?

a) It priori)zes traffic types
b) It is not secure and allows devices to add themselves to a network (Correct)
c) It filters MAC addresses
d) It assigns IP addresses

12. What is a DMZ in networking?

a) A protocol for assigning IP addresses
b) A network that provides services to an untrusted network (Correct)
c) A type of network address transla)on
d) A quality of service configura)on

13. What does port forwarding do?

a) Filters MAC addresses
b) Allows traffic to specific ports (Correct)
c) Assigns dynamic IP addresses
d) Priori)zes traffic types

14. What is port triggering used for?

a) To permanently open a port in the firewall
b) To encrypt data packets
c) To assign IP addresses
d) To temporarily open a port in the firewall for specific inbound traffic (Correct)

15. What is the purpose of MAC Address Filtering?

a) To priori)ze traffic types
b) To specify which MAC addresses are allowed on the network (Correct)
c) To assign IP addresses
d) To encrypt data packets

16. What does whitelis)ng allow in network seOngs?

a) Unlimited access to all IP addresses
b) Access only to specific IP addresses (Correct)
c) Blocking of all web sites
d) Priori)za)on of traffic types

17. What is the purpose of blacklis)ng in network seOngs?

a) To assign IP addresses
b) To encrypt data packets
c) To block known websites (Correct)
d) To allow all users access to the network

18. How can IoT devices connect to the internet?

a) Through a pre-exis)ng network only
b) Through a network of their own only
c) Either through a pre-exis)ng network or a network of their own (Correct)
d) Neither, IoT devices do not connect to the internet

19. What is commonly found in a smart home?

a) DMZ servers
b) IoT devices (Correct)
c) DHCP servers
d) Subnet masks

20. What is the role of a firewall in a network?

a) To assign IP addresses
b) To priori)ze traffic types
c) To protect the network from unauthorized access (Correct)
d) To provide services to an untrusted network

**TF Ques)ons**

1. The MAC address of a laptop remains unchanged when it is moved to a different network.

2. A MAC address is a unique number that is part of the Network Interface Card (NIC). TRUE

3. IP addresses on a network are usually assigned by the device's hardware manufacturer.


4. The subnet mask of an IP address determines the network part of the address. TRUE

5. In the IP address with a subnet mask of, the host address
is 192.168.200. FALSE

6. Dynamic addressing informa)on is typically provided by a DNS server. FALSE

7. The primary use of ICMP is to test connec)vity and send control/error messages. TRUE
8. The ping command is part of the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP). TRUE

9. Network Address Transla)on (NAT) in IPv4 networks

assigns dynamic IP addresses. FALSE

10. Quality of Service (QoS) configura)on is used to priori)ze specific traffic types on a
network. TRUE

11. Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is considered secure and does not pose any security risk.

12. A Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in networking is a network that provides services to an

untrusted network. TRUE

13. Port forwarding is used to filter MAC addresses on a network. FALSE

14. Port triggering is used to permanently open a port in the firewall. FALSE

15. MAC Address Filtering is used to specify which MAC addresses are allowed on the
network. TRUE

16. Whitelis)ng in network seOngs allows unlimited access to all IP addresses. FALSE

17. Blacklis)ng in network seOngs is used to block known websites. TRUE

18. IoT devices can only connect to the internet through a pre-exis)ng network. FALSE

19. A smart home typically contains DHCP servers. FALSE

20. The role of a firewall in a network is to assign IP addresses. FALSE

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