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1. **What is the primary purpose of an opera4ng system?

a) To manage network traffic
b) To control hardware and so@ware resources
c) To enhance graphic design
d) To create documents
- Correct Answer: b) To control hardware and so@ware resources

2. **Which par44on scheme is commonly used in computers with BIOS-based firmware?**

a) GUID Par44on Table (GPT)
b) Extended File Alloca4on Table (exFAT)
c) Master Boot Record (MBR)
d) New Technology File System (NTFS)
- Correct Answer: c) Master Boot Record (MBR)

3. **What is a key feature of mul4tasking in an opera4ng system?**

a) Running mul4ple applica4ons at the same 4me
b) Enhancing the graphical user interface
c) Managing single user accounts
d) Focusing on a single task at a 4me
- Correct Answer: a) Running mul4ple applica4ons at the same 4me

4. **What does the GUID Par44on Table (GPT) primarily provide?**

a) A classic par44on table layout
b) Enhanced storage on older systems
c) Modern techniques for par44oning hard drives
d) Improved network security
- Correct Answer: c) Modern techniques for par44oning hard drives

5. **What is the first step in installing a Windows opera4ng system?**

a) Configuring network se[ngs
b) Crea4ng a user account
c) Par44oning the hard drive
d) Installing an4virus so@ware
- Correct Answer: c) Par44oning the hard drive

6. **Which of the following is a feature of a mul4-user opera4ng system?**

a) Single account for all users
b) Individual accounts for mul4ple users
c) Limited to one applica4on at a 4me
d) No peripheral device support
- Correct Answer: b) Individual accounts for mul4ple users
7. **What is the role of Disk Management in Windows?**
a) To manage internet connec4ons
b) To create and manage disk par44ons
c) To design user interfaces
d) To install new so@ware
- Correct Answer: b) To create and manage disk par44ons

8. **What is a characteris4c of mul4processing in an opera4ng system?**

a) Support for a single CPU
b) Ability to support two or more CPUs
c) Running only one applica4on at a 4me
d) Limited to graphical tasks
- Correct Answer: b) Ability to support two or more CPUs

9. **What is the main advantage of upgrading an opera4ng system?**

a) Decreasing system security
b) Reducing so@ware compa4bility
c) Enhancing system performance and features
d) Increasing the need for technical support
- Correct Answer: c) Enhancing system performance and features

10. **What does mul4threading allow in an opera4ng system?**

a) Running different parts of a program simultaneously
b) Decreasing the boot 4me of the system
c) Opera4ng without a CPU
d) Using only one thread for all processes
- Correct Answer: a) Running different parts of a program simultaneously

11. **In the context of Windows installa4on, what is the boot sequence?**
a) The order in which applica4ons start
b) The process the system undergoes to start up
c) The sequence of user logins
d) The order of installing so@ware
- Correct Answer: b) The process the system undergoes to start up

12. **What is the significance of the Master Boot Record (MBR)?**

a) It is used to enhance the graphical interface.
b) It contains informa4on on how hard drive par44ons are organized.
c) It is primarily used for data encryp4on.
d) It manages network se[ngs.
- Correct Answer: b) It contains informa4on on how hard drive par44ons are organized.

13. **Why is disk par44oning important before installing an opera4ng system?**

a) It enhances the computer's audio capabili4es.
b) It provides necessary space and structure for the OS.
c) It is only required for aesthe4c purposes.
d) It reduces the overall performance for security.
- Correct Answer: b) It provides necessary space and structure for the OS.

14. **What is a primary func4on of the Disk Management u4lity in Windows?**

a) To manage user accounts
b) To control internet access
c) To create and format disk par44ons
d) To install new hardware components
- Correct Answer: c) To create and format disk par44ons

15. **What is the benefit of a mul4-user opera4ng system in terms of accounts?**

a) It allows all users to share a

single account for simplicity.

b) It provides different users with personalized se[ngs and files.
c) It restricts users from accessing the system.
d) It focuses on single-task opera4ons.
- Correct Answer: b) It provides different users with personalized se[ngs and files.

These ques4ons cover various aspects of Windows installa4on, disk management, and
opera4ng system features, as discussed in the chapter.

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