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Foundations in Physical Education and Health

Philosophical and Socio-Anthropological Foundations of P.E and Health

Unit 1: Philosophical
Foundation of P.E and


The philosophy behind physical education entails principles that

teach students the mechanics of physical activity, why it's important, and
how they can and should remain physically active on their own. It goes
much deeper than that, of course. Underlying this outward manifestation
of physical education is the understanding that if students learn all of this
and apply it, it will benefit them tremendously in terms of physical and
mental well-being. This will, in turn, benefit the entire nation since
healthier people do not take up as many healthcare resources.

Analyse the function

Learning Outcome and meaning of physical
education and sport in
different individuals
through sharing of
Philosophical and Socio-Anthropological Foundations of P.E and Health

What is Physical Education?

We are in an era, where we love sports and realise the
importance of sports.

Playing sports (game) in schools

and colleges level need NOT be
considered just as a hobby. One can
build their CAREER in physical
education to see various career
options in it.

Physical Education (PE) develops students’ competence and

confidence to take part in a range of physical activities that become
a central part of their lives, both in and out of school.

A high-quality PE curriculum enables all students to enjoy

and succeed in many kinds of physical activity.

They develop a wide range

of skills and the ability to use
tactics, strategies and
compositional ideas to perform
Philosophical and Socio-Anthropological Foundations of P.E and Health

When they are performing, they think about what they are
doing, they analyse the situation and make decisions. They also
reflect on their own and others’ performances and find ways to
improve upon them. As a result, they develop the confidence to take
part in different physical activities and learn about the value of
healthy, active lifestyles.

Discovering what they like to do, what their aptitudes are at

school, and how and where to get involved in physical activity helps
them make informed choices about lifelong physical activity.

PE helps students develop personally and socially . They

work as individuals, in groups and in teams, developing
concepts of fairness and of personal and social responsibility.
They take on different roles and responsibilities, including
leadership, coaching and officiating. Through the range of
experiences that PE offers, they learn how to be effective in
competitive, creative and challenging situations.

Our aims are to:

 encourage a healthy and active lifestyle throughout the school

 nurture sportsmanship in all aspects of competition
 widen each student’s sporting experience and enjoyment
 create a passion for active recreation and sport
 Assist students in reaching their physical potential in a variety
of sporting environment.
Philosophical and Socio-Anthropological Foundations of P.E and Health

Scope of Physical Education and Sports

Physical activity must be learned; hence there is a need for
thinking on the part of the intellectual mechanism, with a resulting
acquisition of knowledge. Physical activities are essential for the
development of a child's scientific insight, intelligence and superior
type of reflective thinking.

What are the career options?

There are various career options in sports academy, health

clubs, sports goods manufacturing companies, and in the areas of
marketing. Also, there are opportunities as a commentator, sports
journalist, sports trainer, school/college teacher (physical training),
and many more.

What are the job roles for Physical Education?

Assistant Sports Physical

Professor Manager Therapist Sports Trainer

Health Sports
Coach Instructor
Educator journalist
Philosophical and Socio-Anthropological Foundations of P.E and Health

What is Philosophy?
”Philosophy begins with wonder”


Philosophy means "love of

wisdom." It is made up of two
Greek words, philo, meaning love,
and sophos, meaning wisdom.
Philosophy helps teachers to reflect
on key issues and concepts in
education, usually through such questions as: What is being
educated? What is the good life? What is knowledge? What is the
nature of learning? And What is teaching? Philosophers think about
the meaning of things and interpretation of that meaning. Even
simple statements, such as "What should be learned? Or What is
adolescence?" set up raging debates that can have major
implications. For example, what happens if an adolescent commits
a serious crime? One interpretation may hide another. If such a
young person is treated as an adult criminal, what does it say about
justice, childhood, and the like? Or if the adolescent is treated as a
child, what does it say about society's views on crime?

Your educational philosophy is your beliefs about why, what

and how you teach, whom you teach, and about the nature of
learning. It is a set of principles that guides professional action
through the events and issues teachers face daily. Sources for your
educational philosophy are your life experiences, your values, the
Philosophical and Socio-Anthropological Foundations of P.E and Health

environment in which you live, interactions with others and

awareness of philosophical approaches. Learning about the
branches of philosophy, philosophical world views, and different
educational philosophies and theories will help you to determine
and shape your own educational philosophy, combined with these
other aspects.

When you examine a philosophy different from your own, it

helps you to "wrestle" with your own thinking. Sometimes this
means you may change your mind. Other times, it may strengthen
your viewpoint; or, you may be eclectic, selecting what seems best
from different philosophies. But in eclecticism, there is a danger of
sloppy and inconsistent thinking, especially if you borrow a bit of
one philosophy and stir in some of another.

If serious thought has gone into selection of strategies,

theories, or philosophies, this is less problematic. For example, you
may determine that you have to vary your approach depending on
the particular learning needs and styles of a given student. At
various time periods, one philosophical framework may become
favored over another. For example, the Progressive movement led to
quite different approaches in education in the 1930s. But there is
always danger in one "best or only" philosophy. In a pluralistic
society, a variety of views are needed.
Philosophical and Socio-Anthropological Foundations of P.E and Health

Significance of Philosophy to Physical

Physical Education develops the skills, knowledge, values and
attitudes needed for establishing and enjoying an active and healthy
lifestyle, as well as building student confidence and competence in
facing challenges as individuals and in groups or teams, through a
wide range of learning activities. Physical education is offered as an
elective examination subject at senior secondary education level. It
emphasizes the connection between theory and practical skills and
is designed to develop the interest and potential of students in the
areas of PE and sports.

It will help students gain a deeper

understanding of theories and
applications in the fields of human
movement and health, and it will
promote the well-being of individuals
and society.

Behind every school and every teacher is a set of related

beliefs--a philosophy of education--that influences what and how
students are taught. A philosophy of education represents answers
to questions about the purpose of schooling, a teacher's role, and
what should be taught and by what methods. Socrates, Plato, and
Aristotle are the three most legendary ancient Greek philosophers.
Philosophical and Socio-Anthropological Foundations of P.E and Health

 Socrates is hailed today as the personification of wisdom

and the philosophical life
 Plato, Socrates’ pupil, crafted eloquent dialogues that
present different philosophical positions on a number of
profound questions.
 Plato believed that a realm of externally existing “ideas,"
or “forms," underlies the physical world.
 Aristotle, Plato's pupil, was remarkable for the breadth as
well as the depth of his knowledge. He provided a
synthesis of Plato's belief in the universal, spiritual forms
and a scientist's belief in the physical world we observe
through our senses.

He taught that the virtuous life consists of controlling desires

by reason and by choosing the moderate path between extremes.

The importance of physical training and

fitness reflected the philosophy of physical
education at the time. In a sense, the work of
Robert Roberts and the YMCA helped to
spread this type of character education across
the country and had a great impact on the
development of physical education and sport
Philosophical and Socio-Anthropological Foundations of P.E and Health

Indian meaning of philosophy is 'to see behind the scene

while Western world seeks its meaning in the 'love for knowledge.'
But, in general, Philosophy derives the knowledge which satisfies
the human curiosity. Philosophy of education is that knowledge
which describes the definition and decides the definition and
decides the aims, objectives and criterion of education.

When philosophy of education is applied to a

particular field, such as, psychology, biology,
history, physical education, sociology,
anthropology, economics, etc. it seeks to bring
practice into harmony with basic thinking in that
field. It provides some theories, based on different
streams of thinking, which help in working with and
implementing that field in various aspects of life.

1. In your own words, define philosophy.

Philosophical and Socio-Anthropological Foundations of P.E and Health


2. What is your philosophy in life?


3. How could your philosophy in life able to help you in choosing

your career path?

Philosophical and Socio-Anthropological Foundations of P.E and Health

CRIT ERIA / SCALE -3- -2- -1- -0-
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Inadequate
Paper is Paper has a clear There is some level There is no
Organization logically organizational of organization apparent
organized structure with through organization in the
Flow of thought some digressions, paper.
Easily followed digressions, ambiguities,
Transitions Difficult to follow
Effective, smooth, ambiguities or irrelevances are too
Format and logical irrelevances many No or poor transitions
transitions Easily followed Difficult to follow No format
Professional format Basic transitions Ineffective transitions
Structured format Rambling format
Manipulates complex Uses complex Uses compound Uses simple sentences
sentence structure sentences for sentences sentences
punctuation/mechan Few Too many
ics No punctuation punctuation
punctuation or and/or mechanical
or mechanical errors
mechanical errors
Vocabulary is Vocabulary is Vocabulary is used Vocabulary is
Vocabulary; sophisticated and varied, specific properly though unsophisticated,
use of correct as are and appropriate sentences may be not used properly
vocabulary sentences which simple in very simple
vary in structure and Frequently uses sentences.
Tone length subject-specific Infrequently uses
vocabulary subject-specific Uses subject-
Uses and correctly vocabulary specific
manipulates correctly vocabulary too
subject-specific Writer’s tone sparingly
vocabulary for emerges and is Writer’s tone
effect generally exhibits some
appropriate to t h e level of audience
Writer’s tone is clear, audience sensitivity
consistent and
appropriate for the
intended audience
The central idea is Central idea and The central idea is Central idea and
Clarity of purpose well developed and clarity of purpose expressed though it clarity of purpose
clarity of purpose is are generally may be vague or too are absent or
Critical and exhibited evident throughout broad; Some sense incompletely
original throughout the the essay of purpose is expressed and
thought paper maintained maintained
Evidence of throughout the
Use of examples The abundance of critical, careful Little or no
evidence of critical, thought and evidence of critical,
careful thought and analysis and/or Some evidence of careful thought or
analysis and/or insight insight critical, careful analysis and/or
thought and insight
Evidence and There are good, analysis and/or
examples are vivid relevant insight There are too few,
and specific, while supporting no examples and
the focus remains examples and There are some evidence or they
tight evidence examples and are mostly
evidence, though irrelevant
Philosophical and Socio-Anthropological Foundations of P.E and Health

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