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Marketing 13th Edition (eBook PDF)

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ThirTeenTh ediTion

Roger A. Kerin • Steven W. Hartley
In today’s fast-paced and demanding educational environment, innovation is es-
sential to effective learning. To maintain Marketing’s leadership position in the
marketplace, the author team consistently creates innovative pedagogical tools
that match contemporary students’ learning styles and interests. The authors
keep their fingers on the pulse of technology to bring real innovation to their text
and package. Innovations such as in-text links, a Twitter feed, hyperlinked Power-
Point slides, and an online blog augment the McGraw-Hill Education online in-
novations such as Connect, LearnSmart, and SmartBook.

In-text Links. You can see Internet links in magazine ads; on television program-
ming; as part of catalogs, in-store displays, and product packaging; and through-
out Marketing, 13/e! These links bring the text to life with ads and videos about
products and companies that are discussed in the text. These videos also keep
the text even more current. While each link in the text has a caption, the links are
updated to reflect new campaigns and market changes. In addition, the links al-
low readers to stream the video cases at the end of each chapter. You can simply
click on the links in the digital book or use your smartphone or computer to
­follow the links.

Twitter Feed and Online Blog. Visit to participate in

Marketing’s online blog discussion and to see Twitter feed updates. You can also
subscribe to the Twitter feed to receive the Marketing Question of the Day and
respond with the #QotD hashtag.

Connect, LearnSmart, and SmartBook Integration. These McGraw-Hill Educa-

tion products provide a comprehensive package of online resources to enable
students to learn faster, study more efficiently, and increase knowledge reten-
tion. The products represent the gold standard in online, interactive, and adap-
tive learning tools and have received accolades from industry experts for their
Library and Study Center elements, filtering and reporting functions, and imme-
diate student feedback capabilities. In addition, the authors have developed
book-specific interactive assignments, including (a) auto-graded applications
based on the marketing plan exercises, and (b) activities based on the Applying
Marketing Metrics box and marketing metrics presented in the text.

Innovative Test Bank. Containing almost 7,000 multiple-choice and essay ques-
tions, the Marketing, 13/e Test Bank reflects more than two decades of innova-
tions. The Test Bank includes two Test Item Tables for each chapter that organize
all the chapter’s test items by Bloom’s three levels of learning against both (1) the
main sections in the chapter, and (2) the chapter’s learning objectives. In addition,
a number of “visual test questions” for each chapter reward students who have
spent the effort to understand key graphs, tables, and images in the chapter.



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Chapter 1: New Discussion of Marketing at Cho- managers thought that improving information and
bani, New Showstopper Analysis, and New Material analytics was a top priority.
on the Internet of Everything. Chapter 1 begins with
an update of Chobani’s saavy use of marketing to cre-
ate a new food category. Examples include Chobani’s Chapter 4: New Emphasis on Sustainable Market-
use of a YouTube channel, its introduction of yogurt ing and the Ethics of Buying Counterfeit Products.
cafés, and its development of new products such as New text explains how marketers have embraced so-
Chobani Flip. New product examples such as Apple cietal responsibility through sustainable marketing,
Newton, StuffDOT, and Pepsi True have been added which seeks to meet economic, environmental, and
to the discussion of potential “showstoppers” for social needs without compromising the opportunity
new-product launches. Discussion of “the Internet of for future generations to meet theirs. The financial
everything” and how data analytics is used to form impact of counterfeit products has been expanded
relationships with customers has also been added. and updated.

Chapter 2: Updated Chapter Opening Example, Chapter 5: New Evaluative Criteria Data and New
New Coverage of Social Entrepreneurship and Mar- Emphasis on Student Trial of VALS. The Alternative
keting Analytics, and the Addition of Apple Watch Evaluation discussion has been updated to show new
to the BCG Analysis. The Chapter 2 opening exam- data for Apple, HTC, Motorola Droid, and Samsung
ple discusses how marketing strategies, and “linked Galaxy phones. In addition, the Consumer Lifestyle
prosperity,” contribute to the product, economic, section now includes additional discussion to increase
and social aspects of Ben & Jerry’s mission. Social en- student use of the VALS survey and self-assessment
trepreneurship and Forbes magazine’s 30 Under 30 of their personal VALS profile.
Social Entrepreneurs are now discussed in the Mak-
ing Responsible Decisions box. In addition a new sec-
tion discusses tracking strategic performance with Chapter 6: New Chapter Organization, New Mar-
marketing analytics. The application of the Boston keting Insights About Me Box, and New Buying
Consulting Group business portfolio model to Ap- Function Section. The first section of the chapter has
ple’s product line has been updated to include been reorganized to reflect the important distinction
changes such as the introduction of the Apple Watch. between organizational buyers and organizational
markets. In addition, a new Marketing Insights About
Me box has been added to allow students to assess
Chapter 3: New Discussion of Changes at Face- the diversity practices of potential supplier organiza-
book, Update of New Trends in Marketing, and a tions. A new section on the buying function in organi-
New Section on Technology and Data Analytics. Re- zations has also been added.
cent changes at Facebook are discussed, including its
purchase of Oculus, the use of drones to transmit In-
ternet signals, and the creation of Creative Labs Chapter 7: New Examples Related to World
which is charged with trying to predict the future. In Trade, Countertrade, Exchange Rates, and Mar-
addition, discussion of new trends such as increases ket Entry Strategies. The relative influence of the
in binge-watching; the growing connectivity of cars, United States, China, and Germany in world trade
homes, and planes; and the dramatic rise of big data has been updated. In addition, the countertrade
and data analytics has been added. A new section discussion now includes an example of PepsiCo
about data analytics reports that 50 percent of all agreeing to purchase tomatoes in India for its Pizza

Hut division. Other new examples include Procter description of the new-product development pro-
& Gamble’s losses due to exchange rate fluctua- cess. A new Marketing Matters box discusses the in-
tions, and the significant cost of Target’s entry and troduction of Google Glass in 2012 and its withdrawal
exit from Canada. from the market in 2015. Other new examples include
P&G’s Swiffer WetJet, the Chevy Bolt, and Burger
King’s French fries.
Chapter 8: Updated Chapter Opening Example,
New Primary and Secondary Data Coverage, and
New Section on Big Data and Data Analytics. The Chapter 11: New Material on Brand Repositioning
chapter opening example has been updated with at Gatorade, and New Trademark Coverage. The
new research methods such as “social listening” Chapter 11 discussion of Gatorade now includes its
which uses Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, and other so- efforts to reposition the brand and to develop differ-
cial media to monitor movie campaigns. An update ent lines of Gatorade products for different types of
of secondary data sources is included in the Market- athletes. New examples about Apple’s iPhone 6, Gil-
ing Matters Box and a new discussion of the diffi- lette’s Body line of shaving products for “manscap-
culties of obtaining an accurate assessment of ing,” and American Express Green, Gold, Platinum,
television viewing behavior has been added. In ad- Optima Blue, and Centurion cards have been added.
dition, new examples of Procter & Gamble and In addition, the Marketing Insights About Me box
IKEA using observational research techniques, an ­discusses how to check for a business name that fea-
online version of the Wendy’s survey, and a new tures your name, and the text discusses how Kylie
section Big Data and Data Analytics have been and Kendall Jenner have filed to have their first
added. New topics such as data visualization, the names trademarked.
intelligent enterprise, and cloud computing are

Chapter 12: Updated Discussion of Airbnb, New

Chapter 9: Update of Zappos Segmentation Economic Impact Data, and New Advertisements.
­Approach and New Segmentation Examples. The An update of Airbnb’s success and its influence on
discussion of’s successful segmenta- the sharing economy has been added. In addition,
tion strategy has been updated. In addition, exam- global and U.S. services valuations have been up-
ples of segmentation for book series, movies, and dated. New advertisements from United Airline, Mer-
theme parks have been added. Walmart’s new rill Lynch, Outward Bound, United Way, American
strategy to compete for the discount chain (e.g., Red Cross, the United States Postal Service, Hertz,
Dollar General) segment with Walmart Neighbor- and Accenture have been added.
hood Market stores is also discussed and the Wen-
dy’s product-market grid and discussion have been
updated to reflect new products and digital mar- Chapter 13: New Chapter Opening Example about
keting activities. Vizio, and New Marketing Matters Boxes about
Spirit Airlines and Big Data. The new chapter open-
ing example describes VIZIO’s approach to pricing
Chapter 10: Update of Apple’s New-Product Devel- smart televisions so that they are affordable for the
opment Successes and Failures and Greater Empha- average consumer. A new Marketing Matters box de-
sis on Open Innovation. The chapter opening scribes how Spirit Airlines offers fares that are 40 per-
example has been updated to include a history of cent lower than other airlines and how customers
Apple’s notable innovation successes and failures and assess the value of Spirit’s offerings. In addition, an-
the introduction of the Apple Watch. The concept of other new Marketing Matters box describes the price
open innovation has been added and approaches to elasticity of demand for cigarettes among different
implementing open innovation are discussed in the age groups.

Chapter 14: New Chapter Opening Example about Advertisements, and New Example of an IMC Pro-
the Pricing of E-books, New Discussion of Dynamic gram for a Movie. The Marketing Matters Box has
Pricing, and New Making Responsible Decisions been updated to include the most recent suggestions
Box about “Surge” Pricing. Chapter 14 now begins for successful use of mobile marketing to reach col-
with a discussion of the pricing practices related to lege students. New advertisements include examples
printed books and e-books, including the use of odd from The North Face, Klondike, M&M’s, Gulfstream,
prices such as $19.99. The section on dynamic pricing and Jurassic World. The IMC program used to pro-
includes the concept of “surge” pricing, when a com- mote the movie Jurassic World has been added to
pany raises the price of its product if there is a spike the Scheduling section. In addition, a new end-of-
in demand. The new Making Responsible Decisions chapter video case about Taco Bell has been added.
box asks students to evaluate the economic and ethi-
cal perspectives of surge pricing.
Chapter 18: New Chapter Opening Example about
Virtual Reality, New Advertisements and Sales Pro-
Chapter 15: New Amazon Video Case, New Disin- motion Examples, and New Discussion of the Ad-
termediation Example, Updated Making Responsi- vertising Agency of the Year. The impact of virtual
ble Decisions Box. A description of a disagreement reality is the new topic of the chapter opening exam-
between Amazon and Hachette Book Group about ple. Current VR campaigns by Mountain Dew, Game
how e-book revenue should be divided between the of Thrones, and Marriott hotels, and future cam-
two companies has been added to the disintermedia- paigns by Fox Sports and NASCAR are discussed.
tion section. The Making Responsible Decisions box New advertising examples from Levi’s, Samsung,
has been updated to reflect Hewlett-Packard’s use of American Red Cross, Whole Foods, Milk Life, the Air
recycled plastic in its ink and toner cartridges. The Force, the Meth Project, Bebe, and Old Spice, and
chapter ends with a new video case about Amazon, new sales promotion examples from Ben & Jerry’s,
including coverage of its new drone initiative! Plenti, and The Tonight Show have been added. In
addition, the chapter includes new discussion of Ad-
vertising Age’s Agency of the Year—R/GA.
Chapter 16: New Chapter Opening Example about
Wearable Technology, Updated Making Responsi-
ble Decisions Box, New Section on Data Analytics, Chapter 19: New Chapter Opening Example, New
and New Mall of America Video Case. Chapter 16 Discussion of Web 3.0, New Section on Mobile Mar-
opens with a description of the potential impact of keting at Facebook, and New Marketing Matters
wearable technology on consumers and retailers. Box on Mobile Marketing. Chapter 19 opens with a
Products such as smartwatches, mobile apps, near discussion of the “ultimate marketing machine”—a
field communication, and Apple Pay, and their use at smartphone. The discussion includes a summary of
retailers such as Target, Kohl’s, and Marsh Supermar- usage rates, current advertising revenue, and likely
kets are discussed. The Making Responsible Deci- future developments. New discussion also includes
sions box now includes information about the next-generation web, Web 3.0. A new section on
Newsweek’s annual “green rankings” and encour- mobile marketing has been added to the discussion
ages students to review the rankings of their favorite of Facebook. Chapter 19 also includes a new Market-
retailers. In addition, a new section describing data ing Matters box about the importance of video in a
analytics as the “new science of retailing” has been mobile marketing campaign.
added. Finally, the end-of-chapter video case on Mall
of America is completely new!
Chapter 20: Update of the Chapter Opening Exam-
ple, New Discussion of the Importance of Personal
Chapter 17: New Video Case on Taco Bell, Updated Selling to Entrepreneurs, and New Photo Examples.
Discussion of Marketing to College Students, New The chapter opening example about GE’s Lindsey

Smith has been updated to include a description of Me box discusses Internet shopping addiction. In ad-
her new responsibilities and job title. A new discus- dition, the Cross-Channel Consumer section dis-
sion about the three reasons personal selling is criti- cusses showrooming and webrooming.
cal to successful entrepreneurial efforts has been
added. In addition, new photo examples of a
Medtronic salesperson, team selling, and a trade Chapter 22: Updated Chapter Opening Example,
show have also been added. Expanded Discussion of Resource Allocation, and
New Marketing Matters Box. The chapter opening
example has been updated to describe how the
Chapter 21: Expanded Discussion about Marketing strategic marketing process at General Mills has led
in Two Environments, New Marketing Insights to many new products such as Fiber One snack bars,
About Me Box, and New Discussion about the Chex gluten-free mix, and Warm Delights. The re-
Cross-Channel Consumer. The Marketing in Two source allocation discussion now introduces the
­Environments section now discusses how some retail- ­concept of the capitalist’s dilemma. Finally, a new
ers provide showrooms for consumers that purchase Marketing Matters box discusses how to create
online, while some luxury fashion retailers don’t have ­innovation in the “blue oceans” of uncontested
an online presence. A new Marketing Insights About ­marketspace.


Instructor’s Manual Video Cases

Test Bank
The IM includes lecture A unique series of 22
We offer almost 7,000 test
notes, video case teaching marketing video cases includes
questions categorized by
notes, Appendix D case new videos featuring Amazon,
topic learning objectives,
teaching notes, and Mall of America, and Taco Bell.
and level of learning.
In-Class Activities. Appendix D Cases
Alternate cases for each
chapter for instructors
who elect to assign
additional cases.
In-Class Activities
Chapter-specific in-class Marketing,
activities for today’s students
who learn from active, 13/e
participative experiences. Instructor
PowerPoint Slides Resources
Media-enhanced and
hyperlinked slides enable Blog
engaging and interesting
classroom discussions. A blog written specifically for
Practice Marketing use in the classroom!
(Simulation) Connect, LearnSmart, Throughout each term we
Practice Marketing is a 3D, and SmartBook post new examples of
online, multiplayer game The unique content platform marketing campaigns, along
that enables students to gain delivering powerful technical with a classroom discussion
practical experiences in an resources and adaptive and participation guide.
interactive environment. learning solutions.

Practice Marketing
McGraw-Hill’s Practice Marketing is a 3D, online, multiplayer game that enables
students to gain practical experience by applying the skills they learn in a highly
interactive and engaging environment. Using the knowledge built on their
course, students become the marketing manager for a company entering the
backpack market. By making decisions and seeing the results, players get feed-
back on their actions and learn by doing. Practice Marketing is the first in this
series of new digital products from McGraw-Hill. Contact your local rep for
more details.

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Assurance of Learning Ready
Many educational institutions today focus on the notion of assurance of learning,
an important element of some accreditation standards. Marketing is designed
specifically to support instructors’ assurance of learning initiatives with a simple
yet powerful solution. Each test bank question for Marketing maps to a specific
chapter learning objective listed in the text. Instructors can use our test bank soft-
ware, EZ Test and EZ Test Online, to easily query for learning objectives that di-
rectly relate to the learning outcomes for their course. Instructors can then use the
reporting features of EZ Test to aggregate student results in similar fashion, mak-
ing the collection and presentation of assurance of learning data simple and easy.

AACSB Tagging
McGraw-Hill Education is a proud corporate member of AACSB International.
Understanding the importance and value of AACSB accreditation, Marketing’s
Test Bank recognizes the curricula guidelines detailed in the AACSB standards
for business accreditation by connecting selected questions in the text and the
test bank to six of the general knowledge and skill guidelines in the AACSB stan-
dards. The statements contained in Marketing are provided only as a guide for
the users of this textbook. The AACSB leaves content coverage and assessment
within the purview of individual schools, the mission of the school, and the fac-
ulty. While the Marketing teaching package makes no claim of any specific
AACSB qualification or evaluation, we have within Marketing labeled selected
questions according to the six general knowledge and skills areas.

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To ensure continuous improvement of our textbook and supplements we have uti-
lized an extensive review and development process for each of our past editions.
Building on that history, the Marketing, 13th edition development process included
several phases of evaluation and a variety of stakeholder audiences (e.g., students,
instructors, etc.).
Reviewers who were vital in the changes that were made to the 13th edition and its
supplements include:
A. Diane Barlar Bob Dahlstrom Cindy Leverenz
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Barbara Evans Charles Ford Debra Laverie
Barbara Ribbens Charles Schewe Deepa Pillai
Barnett Greenberg Cheryl Stansfield Dennis Pappas
Barry Bunn Chiranjeev Kohli Dennis Rosen
Bashar Gammoh Chris Anicich Diana Joy Colarusso
Beibei Dong Chris Ratcliffe Diane Dowdell
Ben Oumlil Christie Amato Diane T. McCrohan
Beth Deinert Christine Lai Don Weinrauch
Bill Curtis Christopher Blocker Donald Chang
Bill Murphy Christopher Kondo Donald F. Mulvihill
Bill Peterson Christopher Ziemnowicz Donald Fuller
Blaise Waguespack Jr. Chuck Pickett Donald G. Norris

Donald Hoffer Gerard Athaide Jane McKay-Nesbitt
Donald Larson Gerald Waddle Janet Ciccarelli
Donald R. Jackson Glen Brodowsky Janet Murray
Donald V. Harper Glen Gelderloos Janice Karlen
Donna Wertalik Godwin Ariguzo Janice Taylor
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Dotty Harpool Gordon Mosley Jarrett Hudnal
Douglas Kornemann Greg Kitzmiller Jason Little
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Duncan G. LaBay Harlan Wallingford Jean Murray
Eberhard Scheuling Harold Lucius Jean Romeo
Ed Gonsalves Harold S. Sekiguchi Jeanne Munger
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Ed McLaughlin Heidi Rottier Jeff Finley
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Eldon L. Little Howard Combs Jerry Peerbolte
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Ellen Benowitz Imran Khan Jim McHugh
Eric Ecklund Irene Dickey Jo Ann McManamy
Eric Newman Irene Lange Joan Williams
Eric Shaw Ismet Anitsal Joanne Orabone
Erin Baca Blaugrund J. Ford Laumer Jobie Devinney-Walsh
Erin Cavusgil Jacqueline Karen Joe Cronin
Erin Wilkinson Jacqueline Williams Joe Kim
Ernan Haruvy James A. Henley Jr. Joe M. Garza
Eugene Flynn James A. Muncy Joe Puzi
Farrokh Moshiri James C. Johnson Joe Ricks
Fekri Meziou James Cross Joe Stasio
Frances Depaul James Garry Smith John Benavidez
Francis DeFea James Gaubert John Brandon
Francisco Coronel James Ginther John C. Keyt
Frank A. Chiaverini James Gould John Coppett
Fred Honerkamp James H. Barnes John Cox
Fred Hurvitz James H. Donnelly John Finlayson
Fred Morgan James L. Grimm John Fitzpatrick
Fred Trawick James Lollar John Gaskins
Frederick J. Beier James Marco John H. Cunningham
Gail M. Zank James McAlexander John Kuzma
Gary Carson James Meszaros John Penrose
Gary F. McKinnon James Munch John Striebich
Gary Law James Olver Jonathan Hibbard
Gary Poorman James P. Rakowski Joseph Belonax
Gary Tucker James V. Spiers Joseph Defilippe
George Kelley James Wilkins Joseph Myslivec
George Miaoulis James Zemanek Joseph Wisenblit
George Young Jane Cromartie Juan (Gloria) Meng
Gerald O. Cavallo Jane Lang Judy Bulin

Judy Foxman Larry Borgen Matt Meuter
Judy Wagner Larry Carter Max White
Julie Haworth Larry Feick Mayukh Dass
Julie Sneath Larry Goldstein Melissa Clark
Jun Ma Larry Marks Melissa Moore
June E. Parr Larry Rottmeyer Michael Callow
Karen Becker-Olsen Laura Dwyer Michael Drafke
Karen Berger Lauren Wright Michael Fowler
Karen Flaherty Lawrence Duke Michael Mayo
Karen Gore Lawrence Marks Michael Peters
Karen LeMasters Lee Meadow Michael Pontikos
Kasia Firlej Leon Zurawicki Michael R. Luthy
Katalin Eibel-Spanyi Leonard Lindenmuth Michael Swenson
Kathleen Krentler Leslie A. Goldgehn Michelle Kunz
Kathleen Stuenkel Leta Beard Michelle Wetherbee
Kathleen Williamson Linda Anglin Mike Hagan
Kathryn Schifferle Linda M. Delene Mike Hyman
Kathy Meyer Linda Morable Mike Luckett
Katie Kemp Linda Munilla Milton Pressley
Kay Chomic Linda N. LaMarca Miriam B. Stamps
Kaylene Williams Linda Rochford Nadia J. Abgrab
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Keith Jones Lisa M. Sciulli Nancy Boykin
Keith Murray Lisa Siegal Nancy Grassilli
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Kenneth Jameson Marc Goldberg Pamela Grimm
Kenneth Maricle Maria McConnell Pamela Hulen
Kerri Acheson Maria Randazzo-Nardin Parimal Bhagat
Kevin Feldt Maria Sanella Pat Spirou
Kevin W. Bittle Marilyn Lavin Patricia Baconride
Kim Montney Mark Collins Patricia Bernson
Kim Richmond Mark Weber Patricia Manninen
Kim Sebastiano Mark Young Paul Dion
Kim Wong Martin Bressler Paul Dowling
Kimberly D. Smith Martin Decatur Paul Jackson
Kimberly Grantham Martin St. John Paul Londrigan
Kin Thompson Marton L. Macchiete Paul Myer
Kirti Celly Martyn Kingston Peter J. McClure
Koren Borges Marva Hunt Philip Kearney
Kristen Regine Mary Ann McGrath Philip Parron
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Kumar Sarangee Mary Joyce Phyllis McGinnis
Kunal Sethi Mary Schramm Poh-Lin Yeoh
Lan Wu Mary Tripp Pola B. Gupta

Priscilla LaBarbera Ruth Taylor Terrance Kevin McNamara
Priyali Rajagopal S. Choi Chan Terry Kroeten
Rae Caloura S. Tamer Cavusgil Theodore Mitchell
Rajesh Iyer Sally Sledge Theresa Flaherty
Rajiv Kashyap Samuel E. McNeely Thom J. Belich
Ram Kesaran Sanal Mazvancheryl Thomas Brashear
Randall E. Wade Sandipan Sen Thomas L. Trittipo
Randy Stuart Sandra Robertson Thomas M. Bertsch
Ravi Shanmugam Sandra Smith Thomas Passero
Raymond Marzilli Sandra Young Tim Aurand
Reid Claxton Sang Choe Tim Landry
Renee Foster Sanjay S. Mehta Timothy Donahue
Renee Pfeifer-Luckett Santhi Harvey Timothy Reisenwitz
Rex Moody Scott Cragin Tina L. Williams
Rhonda Mack Scott Swan Tino DeMarco
Rhonda Taylor Scott Thorne Tom Castle
Richard C. Leventhal Shabnam Zanjani Tom Deckelman
Richard D. Parker Sheila Wexler Tom Marshall
Richard Hansen Sherry Cook Tom Rossi
Richard Hargrove Siva Balasubramanian Tom Stevenson
Richard J. Lutz Soon Hong Min Tom Thompson
Richard Lapidus Srdan Zdravkovic Tracy Fulce
Richard M. Hill Stacia Gray Vahwere Kavota
Richard Penn Stan Garfunkel Van R. Wood
Rick Sweeney Stan Scott Vicki Rostedt
Rita Dynan Starr F. Schlobohm Victoria Miller
Robert C. Harris Stephen Calcich Vincent P. Taiani
Robert Jones Stephen Garrott Vladimir Pashkevich
Robert Lawson Stephen Pirog Vonda Powell
Robert Luke Stephen W. Miller Walter Kendall
Robert Morris Steve Hertzenberg Wendy Achey
Robert S. Welsh Steve Taylor Wendy Wood
Robert Swerdlow Steven Engel Wesley Johnston
Robert W. Ruekert Steven Moff William B. Dodds
Robert Williams Sudhir Karunakaran William Brown
Robert Witherspoon Sue Lewis William D. Ash
Roberta Schultz Sue McGorry William Foxx
Roger McIntyre Sue Umashankar William G. Browne
Roger W. Egerton Suman Basuroy William G. Mitchell
Ron Dougherty Sundaram Dorai William J. Carner
Ron Hasty Sunder Narayanan William Motz
Ron Larson Susan Godar William Pertula
Ron Weston Susan Peterson William R. Wynd
Ronald A. Feinberg Susan Sieloff William Rodgers
Ronald Michaels Susan Stanix William S. Piper
Rosemary Ramsey Susie Pryor Wilton Lelund
Roy Adler Suzanne Murray Yi He
Roy Klages Sylvia Keyes Yue Pan
Ruth Ann Smith Tamara Masters Yunchuan Liu
Ruth Rosales Teri Root

This is the first edition of Marketing without William Rudelius as our coauthor. Our
relationship with Bill began as his students at the University of Minnesota, but in addi-
tion to being an exceptional professor he also quickly became a mentor, colleague,
and friend. It was Bill’s idea to write a textbook and many of our innovations such as
video cases, the social media chapter, and in-class activities were the direct result of
his commitment to improving the marketing education experience for students. We
will miss the day-to-day interaction with Bill as he now takes time to travel and con-
tinue his research on improving undergraduate education. We are certain, however,
that he will continue to be an influence on the content, appearance, and rigor of this
and future editions. For ourselves, and on behalf of the many students and instructors
who have benefited from Bill’s insights, skills, and professionalism, we cannot say
“thank you” enough.
Thanks are also due to many people, including students, instructors, university staff,
librarians and researchers, business periodical authors and editors, company represen-
tatives, and marketing professionals of every kind. Their assistance has been essential
in our efforts to continue to provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date teaching
and learning package available. We have been fortunate to have so many people be
part of our team!
Nancy Harrower of Concordia University, St. Paul led our efforts on the Instructor’s
Manual, the PowerPoint slides, and the In-Class Activities. In addition, she provides the
content for our blog ( Antony Peloso of W. P. Carey School of
Business at Arizona State University was responsible for the Test Bank and Quizzes. Tia
Quinlan-Wilder of the University of Denver was responsible for the LearnSmart compo-
nent of our interactive learning package. Erin Steffes of Towson University was respon-
sible for the Connect interactives. All of these professors are exceptional educators
and we are very fortunate that they are part of our team. Michael Vessey, our long-
time collaborator who passed away last year, also provided assistance in the prepara-
tion of the text and supplements.
Thanks are also due to many other colleagues who contributed to the text, cases,
and supplements. They include: Richard Lutz of the University of Florida; Linda Roch-
ford of the University of Minnesota–Duluth; Kevin Upton of the University of M ­ innesota–
Twin Cities; Nancy Nentl of Metropolitan State University; Leslie Kendrick of Johns
Hopkins University; Lau Geok Theng of the National University of Singapore; and Leigh
McAlister of the University of Texas at Austin. Rick Armstrong of Armstrong Photogra-
phy, Dan Hundley and George Heck of Token Media, Nick Kaufman and Michelle
­Morgan of NKP Media, Bruce McLean of World Class Communication Technologies,
Paul Fagan of Fagan Productions, Martin Walter of White Room Digital, Scott Bolin of
Bolin Marketing, and Andrew Schones of Pure Imagination produced the videos.
Many businesspeople also provided substantial assistance by making available in-
formation that appears in the text, videos, and supplements—much of it for the first
time in college materials. Thanks are due to Daniel Jasper, Jill Renslow, and Sarah
Schmidt of Mall of America; Mike Pohl of ACES Flight Simulation; Chris Klein, Jaime
Cardenas, Casey Leppanen, Heather Peace, and Lori Nevares of LA Galaxy; Carl
Thomas, Peter Dirksing, and Dana Swanson of X-1 Audio, Inc.; Ian Wolfman and Jana
Boone of meplusyou; David Ford and Don Rylander of Ford Consulting Group; Mark
Rehborg of Tony’s Pizza; Vivian Callaway, Sandy Proctor, and Anna Stoesz of General
Mills; David Windorski, Tom Barnidge, and Erica Schiebel of 3M; Nicholas Skally,
­Jeremy Stonier, and Joe Olivas of Prince Sports; Ian Wolfman of imc2; Brian Niccol of
Pizza Hut; Kim Nagele of JCPenney, Inc.; Charles Besio of the Sewell Automotive
Group, Inc.; Lindsey Smith of GE Healthcare; Beverly Roberts of the U.S. Census Bureau;
Sheryl Adkins-Green of Mary Kay, Inc.; Mattison Crowe of Seven Cycles, Inc.; Alisa
­Allen, Kirk Hodgdon, Patrick Hodgdon, and Nick Naumann of Altus Marketing and
Business Development; and Nelson Ng from Dundas Data Visualization, Inc.
Those who provided the resources for use in both the Marketing, 13th edition text-
book, Instructor’s Manual, and/or PowerPoint presentations include: Todd Walker and
Jean Golden of Million Dollar Idea; Karen Cohick of Susan G. Komen for the Cure; Liz

Stewart of Ben & Jerry’s; John Formella and Patricia Lipari of Kodak; Apple, Inc.; Erica
Schiebel of 3M; Karen Cohick of Susan G. Komen for the Cure; Joe Diliberti of Con-
sumer Reports; Patricia Breman of Strategic Business Insights (VALS); Brian Nielsen of
the Nielsen Company; David Walonick of StatPac; Mark Rehborg of Schwan’s Con-
sumer Brands (Tony’s Pizza); Jennifer Olson of Experian Simmons; Kitty Munger and
Mary Wykoff of Wendy’s; Mark Heller of RetailSails; Nicky Hutcheon of ZenithOptime-
dia; Amy Thompson and Jennifer Allison of Dell, Inc.; Adriana Carlton of Walmart and
Rick Hill of Bernstein-Rein Advertising (Walmart); Janine Bolin of Saks, Inc.; Dr. Yory
Wurmser of the Direct Marketing Association; Elizabeth Clendenin of Unilever (Caress);
Jennifer Katz, Kelsey Fisher, Jenny Caffoe, Lexi Diederich, and Malyn Mueller of
­StuffDOT, Inc.; and Eric Fleming of Segway.
We also want to thank the following people who generously provided assistance
with our Marketing, 13th edition In-Class Activities (ICAs) and associated PowerPoint
presentations: Mitch Forster and Carla Silveira of Ghirardelli Chocolate Company; Kar-
olyn Warfel and Betsy Boyer of Woodstream Corp. (Victor Pest); Leonard Fuld of Fuld
& Co.; Maggie Jantzen of Starbucks Coffee Company; ­Michelle Green and Victoria
Glazier of the U.S. Census Bureau; Lisa Castaldo of Pepsi; Muffie Taggert of General
Mills; Robert M. McMath, formerly of NewProductWorks; Greg Rodriguez; Jeremy
Tucker, Julia Wells, and Lisa Cone of Frito-Lay (Doritos); Susan Carroll and Bob Robin-
son of Apple, Inc.; Willard Oberton of Fastenal Company; Scott Wosniak and Jennifer
Arnold of Toro; Kim Eskro of Fallon Worldwide (Gold’n Plump); Robin Grayson of
TBWA/Chiat/Day (Apple); Katie Kramer of Valassis Communications, Inc. (Nutella/­
Advil); Triestina Greco of Nutella/Ferrero; Tim Stauber of Wyeth Consumer Healthcare
(Advil); Yvonne Pendleton and Lucille Storms of Mary Kay.
Staff support from the Southern Methodist University and the University of Denver
was essential. We gratefully acknowledge the help of Jeanne Milazzo and Gloria
­Valdez for their many contributions.
Checking countless details related to layout, graphics, clear writing, and last-­
minute changes to ensure timely examples is essential for a sound and accurate text-
book. This also involves coordinating activities of authors, designers, editors,
compositors, and production specialists. Christine Vaughan, our lead content project
manager, of McGraw-Hill Education’s production staff and editorial consultant, Gina
Huck Siegert of Imaginative Solutions, Inc., provided the necessary oversight and
hand-holding for us, while retaining a refreshing sense of humor, often under tight
deadlines. Thank you again!
Finally, we acknowledge the professional efforts of the McGraw-Hill Education
staff. Completion of our book and its many supplements required the attention and
commitment of many editorial, production, marketing, and research personnel. Our
McGraw-Hill team included Kim Leistner, Kelly Pekelder, Matt Diamond, Michelle
Whitaker, Danielle Clement, and many others. In addition, we relied on David Tietz for
constant attention regarding photo elements of the text. Handling the countless de-
tails of our text, supplement, and support technologies has become an incredibly
complex challenge. We thank all these people for their efforts!

Roger A. Kerin
Steven W. Hartley

Part 1 Initiating the Marketing Process
1 Creating Customer Relationships and Value through Marketing 2
2 Developing Successful Organizational and Marketing Strategies 26
Appendix A Building an Effective Marketing Plan 54
3 Scanning the Marketing Environment 70
4 Ethical and Social Responsibility for Sustainable Marketing 100

Part 2 Understanding Buyers and Markets

5 Understanding Consumer Behavior 122
6 Understanding Organizations as Customers 152
7 Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets 174

Part 3 Targeting Marketing Opportunities

8 Marketing Research: From Customer Insights to Actions 204
9 Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning 236

Part 4 Satisfying Marketing Opportunities

10 Developing New Products and Services 264
11 Managing Successful Products, Services, and Brands 290
12 Services Marketing 320
13 Building the Price Foundation 348
14 Arriving at the Final Price 370
Appendix B Financial Aspects of Marketing 397
15 Managing Marketing Channels and Supply Chains 406
16 Retailing and Wholesaling 434
17 Integrated Marketing Communications and Direct Marketing 468
18 Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations 498
19 Using Social Media and Mobile Marketing to Connect with Consumers 538
20 Personal Selling and Sales Management 566

Part 5 Managing the Marketing Process

21 Implementing Interactive and Multichannel Marketing 596
22 Pulling It All Together: The Strategic Marketing Process 620
Appendix C Planning a Career in Marketing 652
Appendix D Alternate Cases, available in SmartBook or Connect Instructor

Glossary 673
Name Index 683
Company/Product Index 691
Subject Index 698

Part 1 Initiating the Marketing Process
At Chobani, Marketing Is “Nothing But Good”! 2
Understanding Consumers’ Food Values 2
Reaching Customers 2
Chobani Today 3
Chobani, Marketing, and You 3
What Is Marketing? 4
Marketing and Your Career 4
Marketing: Delivering Value to Customers 5
The Diverse Elements Influencing Marketing
Actions 5
What Is Needed for Marketing to Occur 6
How Marketing Discovers and Satisfies Consumer
Needs 7
Discovering Consumer Needs 7
The Challenge: Meeting Consumer Needs with New
Products 7
Satisfying Consumer Needs 9
The Marketing Program: How Customer Relationships
Are Built 10
Relationship Marketing: Easy to Understand, Hard to Do 10
The Marketing Program and Market Segments 12
3M’s Strategy and Marketing Program to Help Students
Study 12
How Marketing Became So Important 14
Evolution of the Market Orientation 14
Focusing on Customer Relationship Management 15
Ethics and Social Responsibility in Marketing: Balancing the
Interests of Different Groups 16
The Breadth and Depth of Marketing 17
Learning Objectives Review 19
Learning Review Answers 19
Focusing on Key Terms 20
Applying Marketing Knowledge 20
Building Your Marketing Plan 20
Video Case 1: Chobani®: Making Greek Yogurt a
Household Name 21
Chapter Notes 24


Making the World a Better Place, One Scoop
at a Time! 26

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
ERICA spicata.


Erica, antheris aristatis, inclusis; floribus pluribus, dense spicatis,

subterminalibus; foliis subsenis.


Caulis fruticosus, pedalis, erectus, ramis pluribus, confertis,

Folia subsena, linearia, mucronata, patentia, glaberrima, subtus sulcata,
petiolis brevissimis, cauli adpressis.
Flores plures, subterminales arcte stipati, in spicam duram; ima parte
luteoli, summa virescens.
Calyx. Perianthium persistens, duplex; exterius polyphyllum, foliolis
lanceolatis, inæqualibus; interius tetraphyllum, flavescens, foliolis aduncis,
spathulatis, summa inflata, callosa, acuminata, connivente.
Corolla teretiuscula, basi attenuata, ore obtuso, quadrifido, æquali,
Stamina. Filamenta octo, capillaria, corollæ subæqualia, receptaculo
inserta. Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen subrotundum. Stylus filiformis, staminibus longior.
Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Novembri in Aprilem.


1. Calyx et Corolla.
2. Calyx et Bractea lente aucta.
3. Stamina et Pistillum.
4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta.
5. Stylus et Stigma lente aucta.


Heath, with bearded tips, within the blossoms; which are numerous, on a
close spike, nearly terminating the branches; leaves growing mostly by


Stem shrubby, growing a foot high, upright, with numerous, crowded,

undivided, and ascending branches.
Leaves growing mostly by sixes, sharp-pointed, spreading, and smooth,
channelled underneath, and pressed to the stem by short foot-stalks.
Flowers numerous, growing nearly at the end of branches, in hard
close-set spikes; the lower part of a light yellow, the extremity of a light
Empalement. Cup permanent, double; the outer many-leaved, unequal,
and spear-shaped; the inner four-leaved, which are yellow, crooked, and
spatula-shaped; their upper part hard, inflated, sharp-pointed, and tending to
each other.
Blossom somewhat cylindrical, with a tapered base; the mouth blunt,
and divided into a four-cleft, equal border, whose segments tend to each
Chives. Eight hair-like threads, nearly of a length with the blossom, fixed
into the receptacle. Tips bearded, and within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-vessel roundish. Shaft thread-shaped, and longer than the
threads. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from November till April.

1. The Empalement with the Blossom.
2. The Empalement and Floral-leaves magnified.
3. The Chives and Pointal.
4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified.
5. The Shaft and its Summit magnified.
ERICA spuria.


Erica, antheris muticis, inclusis; stylo exserto; corollis sub-cylindricis,

dilute purpureis; laciniis revolutis; floribus terminalibus, sub-quaternis;
foliis quaternis, sub-ciliatis.


Caulis fruticosus, pedalis, ramosus; ramuli numerosi, sub-erecti.

Folia quaterna, linearia, sub-ciliata, subtus sulcata; petiolis brevissimis,
Flores in apicibus ramulorum sessiles, sub-quaterni; pedunculi
brevissimi, bracteis tribus minutis instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis, carinatis, adpressis.
Corolla sub-cylindrica, pollicaris, dilute purpurea; laciniis sub-ovatis,
acutis, revolutis; ore parum arctato.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria, corollâ breviora; antheræ muticæ,
Pistillum. Germen ovatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Aprili in Augustum.


1. Calyx et Corolla.
2. Calyx lente auctus.
3. Stamina et Pistillum.
4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta.
5. Stylus et Stigma, lente aucta.


Heath, with beardless tips, within the blossom; shaft without; blossoms
nearly cylindrical, of a light purple; segments of the border rolled back;
flowers terminate the smaller branches, mostly by fours; leaves grow by
fours, a little hairy at the edges.


Stem shrubby, grows a foot high, and branching; the small branches are
numerous, and nearly upright.
Leaves grow by fours, are linear, a little hairy, furrowed beneath; with
very short foot-stalks pressed to the branches.
Flowers grow at the end of the small branches, generally by fours, and
sitting close upon them; footstalks very short, having three very small floral
Empalement. Cup of four leaves, which are awl-shaped, keeled, and
pressed to the blossom.
Blossom nearly cylindrical, an inch long, and of a light purple; segments
of the border nearly egg-shaped, sharp-pointed, and rolled back; the mouth a
little narrowed.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads, shorter than the blossom; tips beardless,
and within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud egg-shaped and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, and
without the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from the month of April till August.


1. The Empalement and Blossom.

2. The Empalement magnified.
3. The Chives and Pointal.
4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified.
5. The Shaft and Summit, magnified.
ERICA taxifolia.


Erica antheris muticis, inclusis; floribus spicato-umbellatis, terminalibus;

corolla ventricosa, ore arctata, calyce colorato, fere tecta, limbo patente;
foliis rigidis, ternis, trigonis, mucronatis, sexsariam imbricatis.


Caulis fruticosus, erectus, ramosissimus; rami et ramuli patento-erecti,

valde cicatrisati.
Folia terna, trigona, glabra, linearia, rigida, mucronata, sexsariam
imbricata; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis.
Flores in apicibus ramulorum umbellati, numerosi, erecti; pedunculi
colorati, longitudine corollarum; bracteæ duæ supra medium pedunculi,
tertia vero ad basin.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, mucronatis, concavis,
membranaceis, coloratis, longitudine sere corollæ.
Corolla ventricosa, ore arctata, carnea; laciniis patentibus, mucronatis,
semi ovatis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, capillaria, curvata. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ,
Pistillum. Germen subrotundum, sulcatum. Stylus inclusus, filiformis.
Stigma peltato-tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mensi Augusti, in Novembrem.


1. Calyx et Corolla.
2. Calyx, lente auctus.
3. Corolla.
4. Stamina, et Pistillum.
5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta.
6. Pistillum, auctum.


Heath with beardless tips, within the blossom; the flowers terminate the
branches in umbels, forming a spike; blossom swelled at the base, pinched
in at the top, and almost covered by a coloured cup, with the border
spreading; leaves grow by threes, harsh, three-sided, sharp-pointed, and tiled
in six divisions round the stem.


Stem shrubby, upright, very branching; the larger and smaller branches
grow spreading, and upright, and are very much notched.
Leaves grow by threes, three-sided, smooth, linear, harsh, sharp-pointed,
and tiled in six divisions; with very short foot-stalks, pressed to the
Flowers grow at the ends of the small branches in umbels, numerous
and upright; foot-stalks coloured, the length of the blossoms; two floral
leaves upon the middle of the foot-stalk, and the third at its base.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets egg-shaped, pointed, concave,
skinny, and coloured, nearly the length of the blossom.
Blossom swelled at the base, narrowed at the mouth, and flesh coloured;
segments spreading, pointed, and half egg-shaped.
Chives. Threads eight, hair-like, and curved. Tips beardless, within the
blossom, and yellow.
Pointal. Seed-bud roundish, and furrowed. Shaft within the blossom,
and thread-shaped. Summit between shield and four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from August till November.

1. The Empalement, and Blossom.

2. The Empalement, magnified.
3. The Blossom.
4. The Chives, and Pointal.
5. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one Tip magnified.
6. The Pointal, magnified.
ERICA tubiflora.


Erica, antheris muticis, sub-exsertis, floribus sub-solitariis, sessilibus,

terminalibus; corollis clavato-cylindricis, curvatis, pubescentibus; foliis
quaternis, tenuibus, ciliatis.


Caulis flexibilis, erectus, superne tomentosus; rami sparsi, filiformes,

frequentes, villosi; ramuli frequentissimi brevissimi.
Folia quaterna, tenuia, obtusa, ciliata, subtus sulcata.
Flores sessiles, in ramulis terminates, sub-solitarii, patenti, racemum
quasi formantes longum.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis spathulatis, ciliatis, pedunculis
fere nullis, bracteis tribus adpressis.
Corolla clavata, curvata, villosa, carnea oris laciniis acutis, reflexis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ muticæ, sub-exsertæ.
Pistillum. Germen pedicillatum, sub-globosum, profunde sulcatum.
Stylus filiformis, apice curvatus, exsertus. Stigma obsolete tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mensi Aprili, in Julium.


1. Folium, auctum.
2. Calyx.
3. Calyx, auctus.
4. Corolla.
5. Stamina, et Pistillum, anthera una lente aucta.
6. Pistillum.
7. Pistillum, auctum.


Heath, with beardless tips, within the blossom; flowers grow mostly singly
at the end of the branches; blossoms between club and cylindar-shaped,
curved and downy; leaves grow by fours, thin and fringed with hairs.


Stem flexible, upright, and downy at the upper part; branches scattered,
thread shaped, numerous and hairy, the smaller branches are very numerous
and very short.
Leaves grow by fours, are thin, blunt, fringed with hair at the edges, and
furrowed beneath.
Flowers sit close upon the ends of the small branches, mostly solitary,
and spreading, appearing like a long bunch.
Empalement. Cup four leaves, leaflets spatula-shape and fringed, with
scarce any foot-stalks; three floral leaves pressed to the blossom.
Blossom club-shaped, curved, hairy and flesh-coloured; the segments of
the border pointed, and reflexed.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads. Tips beardless, and just without the
Pointal. Seed-bud growing on a foot-stalk nearly globular, and deeply
furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, curved at the end, and without the blossom.
Summit obscurely four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from April till July.


1. A Leaf, magnified.
2. The Empalement.
3. The Empalement, magnified.
4. The Blossom.
5. The Chives, and Pointal, one tip magnified.
6. The Pointal.
7. The Pointal, magnified.
ERICA ventricosa.


Erica, antheris basi bicornibus inclusis; corollis oblongo-ovatis, ventricosis,

glabris; foliis quaternis ciliatis.


Caulis fruticosus, semipedalis, teres, crassiusculus, ramosissimus, ramis

Folia quaterna, linearia, acuta, basi recurvata, apice adscendentia,
ciliata, supra plana, subtus revoluta, nitida, petiolis brevissimis adpressis.
Flores terminales, plures, fastigiati, erecti; pedunculi purpurei, basi
instructa bracteis binis, parvis, oppositis.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum foliolis erectis, carinatis, ciliatis.
Corolla oblongo-ovata, apice arctata, limbo æquali, quadrilobo,
subreflexo, albo-purpurascens, glabra, nitida.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria, corollæ subæqualia, receptaculo
inserta. Antheræ inclusæ, parvæ, bifidæ, basi bicornes.
Pistillum. Germen, oblongum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, filamentis
æqualis; stigma sub-tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mensi Aprili ad Septembrem.


1. Calyx, et Corolla.
2. Calyx, et Bractea lente aucta.
3. Stamina, et Pistillum.
4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta.
5. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta.


Heath, with tips two-horned at their base, included within blossoms of an

oblong-ovate form, inflated and smooth; leaves ciliate, growing by fours.


The Stem shrubby, about half a foot high, cylindrical, thickish, very
much branched, the branches bend downward, then ascend.
Leaves growing by fours, linear, pointed with a recurved base, and an
ascending point, ciliate, flat on their upper, and rolled back on their under,
surface, shining, the leaf-stems very short, and pressed to the branches.
Flowers terminal, numerous, upright, level, and in bunches; the
footstalks purple, having two small opposite floral leaves at their base.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, erect, keel-shaped, and ciliate.
Blossom of an oblong-ovate form, narrowed toward the top, with a
slightly reflexed border, of a whitish purple, smooth, and shining.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads, nearly of a length with the blossomed,
fixed into the receptacle. Tips within the blossom small, cleft, and two-
horned at their base.
Pointal. Seed-vessel oblong and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, of an
equal length with the threads. Summit nearly four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till September.


1. The Empalement with the Blossom.

2. The Empalement and Floral-leaf magnified.
3. The Chives and Pointal.
4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified.

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