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Service Planning Template

Determine production requirements

Confirm food production requirements

Analyse the standard recipe and associated food preparation list which you will be working from and
answer the following questions.

 How many meals are required? Describe how you will ensure that the correct number of meals
are produced.
5 dishes are required.

 Chicken Parmigiana

 Barramundi

 Pavlova

 Australian Burger

 Laming ton

Meals were prepared with a systematic approach that considered customer

requirements, requests, and dietary preferences, using a custom-developed system. The
process commenced with a thorough review of the customer's order or request, with a
keen focus on any mentions of food aversions, allergies, or dietary restrictions. This
information was vital for delivering suitable catering.
Next, a detailed calculation was made for each meal, carefully considering the quantity of
each ingredient needed, while also factoring in serving sizes and any necessary
adjustments to accommodate specific dietary requirements. At this stage, the goal was to
determine the exact amount of each component required and match it with the
customer's order.
Throughout the preparation phase, particular emphasis was placed on portion control
and adhering to dietary restrictions, ensuring that each dish was crafted and prepared in
accordance with the prescribed recipes and quality standards. Regular quality checks
were conducted at specified intervals during the cooking process to ensure consistency
and to confirm that each meal both tasted and appeared as intended.

 Calculate the number of portions that you need (show your workings).

Done below

SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery 1

 Calculate the amount of each ingredient that you require. An ingredient list has been provided for
you or you may like to use your organisation’s standard template.

Ingredient list

Recipe: Chicken Parmigiana______________________________________________________________________

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required

Chicken Cutlets 1 piece 1 piece 4 pieces

Tomato Sauce 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 2 cups

Mozzarella Cheese 1/4 cup 1/4 cup 1 cup

Parmesan Cheese tablespoon 1 tablespoon 4 tablespoons

Breadcrumbs tablespoons 2 tablespoons 8 tablespoons

Egg 1 large 1 large 4 large eggs

1-2 1-2
Olive Oil tablespoons tablespoons 4-8 tablespoons

 Select the cookery method that you will use. Explain your decision.

I'm going to bake my Chicken Parmigiana the conventional manner. Breaded and fried chicken
cutlets will be baked with sauce and cheese on top. This method ensures that the sauce and cheese
mix to create a delicious crust and that the chicken is cooked to perfection.

 Select the cooking times and temperatures that you will use. Explain your decision.

For around 25 to 30 minutes, I'll put the chicken parm in a preheated oven set to 375 degrees
Fahrenheit (190 degrees Celsius). Without overcooking the meal, the chicken will be cooked
through, the cheese will melt, and the flavours will combine at this temperature and time.

 Select the garnishes and accompaniments which you will add to your dish. Explain your decision
– how do these complement your dish?
My go-to garnish for Chicken Parmigiana is finely chopped fresh basil or parsley. This injects the
meal with a burst of brightness and freshness. Spaghetti or a simple salad on the side would be
a great way to round out the flavours.

SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery 2

 Describe how you will select the ingredients that you need from stores. How will you check them
for freshness and quality?
For the Chicken Parmigiana recipe, it's essential to use the finest quality ingredients. Ensure that
the chicken breasts are of the highest grade, fresh, firm, and without any unpleasant odors.
When making the sauce, opt for red, ripe tomatoes. Additionally, choose high-quality mozzarella
and Parmesan cheeses. Don't compromise on the freshness and vitality of the basil or parsley;
make sure they are vibrant and lively. For a side salad, select fresh lettuce and vegetables to
complement the meal.

 How will you check all perishable ingredients for spoilage or contamination?

It's crucial to ensure that none of the fresh ingredients for Chicken Parmigiana are spoiled or
contaminated before incorporating them into the dish. Begin by using your senses to assess the
chicken cutlets—sniff, inspect, and touch them to detect any indications of spoilage. Examine the
chicken for signs of mould, rot, or any unusual odour. Likewise, check the tomatoes for firmness
and signs of deterioration. When it comes to the cheese, inspect for mould and unfamiliar
flavours using the same method.
In addition, before using breadcrumbs, make sure they are completely dry to prevent clumping,
which could render them useless. Regularly assessing the quality and freshness of the
ingredients not only enhances the dish's flavour but also ensures its safety for consumption.

 List the food preparation equipment that you will need for this recipe. How will you ensure that it
is clean, well maintained and ready for use?
In the kitchen, maintaining cleanliness and the condition of tools and surfaces is of paramount
importance. When preparing Chicken Parmigiana, you'll require specific ingredients and
equipment. It's essential to ensure that the base of the heavy pan is both clean and in excellent
condition. Make certain it is free from any imperfections that might impact the cooking process.

Similarly, inspect the spatula to ensure it's free from any residues from previous uses that could
impart unwanted flavours. To prevent the spread of germs, it's crucial to consistently wash your
cutting board in hot, soapy water after each use. Knives should be cleaned and sharpened
before use to prevent any safety hazards and minimize food wastage. Lastly, for precise
ingredient measurement, always wipe off your measuring spoons and cups. By adhering to these
practices, you can guarantee that your cooking utensils are in optimal condition.

Ingredient list

Recipe: Barramundi____________________________________________________________________________

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required

Barramundi Fillet 1 piece 1 piece 4 pieces

Olive Oil 1tablespoon 1 tablespoon 4 tablespoons

SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery 3

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required

Lemon Juice 1tablespoon 1 tablespoon 4 tablespoons

Garlic 1 clove 1 clove 4 cloves

 Select the cookery method that you will use. Explain your decision.

I plan to utilise the "Pan-Searing" method to prepare my Barramundi. This technique involves
quickly searing the fish in a hot pan with a touch of oil, creating a crispy outer layer while
retaining the delicate and moist interior. Pan-searing is an excellent approach for cooking
Barramundi, as it enhances the fish's natural flavours and textures.

 Select the cooking times and temperatures that you will use. Explain your decision.

To achieve the desired results, the Barramundi fillet should be cooked for approximately three to
four minutes on each side in a pan set over medium heat. This cooking duration allows the fish to
develop a beautiful golden crust while ensuring it remains flaky and thoroughly cooked. It's
important to note that the actual cooking time may vary depending on the thickness of the fillet.

 Select the garnishes and accompaniments which you will add to your dish. Explain your decision
– how do these complement your dish?
Garnishing Barramundi with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice will provide a tangy note to the dish.
A simple herbed butter sauce, a side salad, or some steamed asparagus are all great ways to
round out the dinner and make it even more flavourful and enjoyable

 Describe how you will select the ingredients that you need from stores. How will you check them
for freshness and quality?
I would put a premium on using only the freshest, highest-quality ingredients while preparing
Barramundi. Make sure the Barramundi fillet is not only fresh, but also odourless. The juice from
a firm, undamaged lemon will taste the best. When choosing the side dishes, go for crisp,
unwilted veggies like asparagus. Use high-quality butter and fresh herbs if you're creating a
sauce. You can make sure the finished Barramundi meal is excellent and up to par by checking
each item for freshness and quality.

 How will you check all perishable ingredients for spoilage or contamination?

When preparing Barramundi, it's crucial to conduct a comprehensive examination of all

perishable ingredients. Check the fish fillet for any signs of spoilage, such as an undesirable
odours, sliminess, or discoloration. Ensure that the garlic cloves are firm and haven't started to
sprout. If you plan to use cherry tomatoes, make certain they are plump and free from any spots
or bruises. The freshness and safety of a dish can be guaranteed by the meticulous inspection
and preparation of its components.

SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery 4

 List the food preparation equipment that you will need for this recipe. How will you ensure that it
is clean, well maintained and ready for use?
To prepare Barramundi, it's essential to have a skillet for searing, and you should exclusively use
clean and readily available cooking equipment. Prior to use, thoroughly clean the skillet to ensure
there are no residual food particles or any cracks. Regularly sterilizing cutlery, cutting boards and
other cooking tools is important to prevent cross-contamination. The outcome of any culinary
venture relies on the condition and cleanliness of these essential implements.

Ingredient list

Recipe: Pavlova________________________________________________________________________________

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required

Egg Whites 2 large 2 large 8 large

Granulated Sugar 1 cup 1 cup 4 cups

White Vinegar 1 teaspoon 1 teaspoon 4 teaspoons

Cornstarch 1 teaspoon 1 teaspoon 4 teaspoons

Vanilla Extract 1 teaspoon 1 teaspoon 4 teaspoons

Whipped Cream To taste To taste To taste

Fresh Fruits (e.g., berries, kiwi,

passionfruit) To taste To taste To taste

Mint Leaves (for garnish) To taste To taste To taste

 Select the cookery method that you will use. Explain your decision.

I intend to create Pavlova using the "Baking" method. Baking at a low temperature allows the
meringue to develop a crisp exterior and a soft, marshmallow-like interior.

 Select the cooking times and temperatures that you will use. Explain your decision.

For Pavlova, the baking time will be approximately 1.5 to 2 hours at 250 degrees Fahrenheit (120
degrees Celsius). Baking at a moderate temperature for an extended period helps prevent rapid
browning and contributes to the meringue's desired texture—crisp on the outside and soft inside.

 Select the garnishes and accompaniments which you will add to your dish. Explain your decision
– how do these complement your dish?

SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery 5

I will top the Pavlova with a generous layer of whipped cream to add a creamy texture and
balance the meringue's sweetness. Fresh fruits like berries, kiwi, and passionfruit will be mixed in
to provide bursts of flavour and vibrant colours. Using fresh mint leaves as a garnish enhances
the visual appeal of the sweet dish.

 Describe how you will select the ingredients that you need from stores. How will you check them
for freshness and quality?
Selecting fresh and high-quality ingredients is essential when making Pavlova. Ensure the egg
whites are uncontaminated by yolk. Choose perfectly ripe and undamaged fruits for garnishing.
Examine the whipped topping for any signs of spoilage. When selecting mint leaves, look for
bright and unwilted ones. Using the freshest ingredients is crucial for achieving the best flavour
and texture in your Pavlova.

 How will you check all perishable ingredients for spoilage or contamination?

While making Pavlova, it's crucial to assess the freshness and quality of all perishable
components. Even a small amount of yolk in the egg whites can affect the meringue, so be
diligent about checking. Examine the berries and kiwis for mould, overripeness, and
imperfections. Inspect the cream for any off-putting smells or signs of spoilage. To achieve the
finest Pavlova result, using top-quality ingredients is of utmost importance.

 List the food preparation equipment that you will need for this recipe. How will you ensure that it
is clean, well maintained and ready for use?
Before starting to make Pavlova, gather the necessary equipment, including a baking sheet or
parchment paper, a mixing bowl, an electric mixer or whisk, measuring spoons, and an oven. It's
crucial to ensure that these items are thoroughly cleaned and dried before use, and that they are
free of any cracks or wear that could impact their performance.

Ingredient list

Recipe: Lamington_____________________________________________________________________________

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required

Sponge Cake (cut into small squares) 4 pieces 1 piece 16 pieces

Desiccated Coconut 1 cup 1/4 cup 1 cup

Chocolate Icing To coat To coat To coat

 Select the cookery method that you will use. Explain your decision.

To make Lamingtons, I've chosen the "Dipping and Coating" method. This involves cutting
sponge cake into small squares, coating them with chocolate frosting, and sprinkling them with

SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery 6

desiccated coconut. This method is preferred because it imparts the traditional Lamington flavor
and texture, characterized by a sweet and slightly crispy exterior.

 Select the cooking times and temperatures that you will use. Explain your decision.

Since Lamingtons are a "no-bake" dessert, there is no baking involved. Instead, the sponge cake
squares are coated with chocolate frosting and desiccated coconut. The time required depends
on how quickly you can cover the cake squares.
Select the garnishes and accompaniments which you will add to your dish. Explain your decision
– how do these complement your dish?
Since lamingtons are meant to be eaten on its own, no additional toppings or garnishes are
required. They're wonderful without any changes at all.

 Describe how you will select the ingredients that you need from stores. How will you check them
for freshness and quality?

It's crucial to select top-quality ingredients for Lamingtons. The sponge cake should be fresh,
moist, and free from any hard spots or mould. When preparing the chocolate icing, use high-
quality chocolate without any off-putting aftertastes. Ensure the desiccated coconut is fresh and
not stale. By using fresh and high-quality ingredients, you can control the texture and flavour of
the Lamingtons.

 How will you check all perishable ingredients for spoilage or contamination?

Before using any fresh ingredients for Lamingtons, it's essential to examine them for any signs of
spoilage or contamination. Ensure the eggs are intact and don't have any unusual odours before
using them in the sponge cake. The sponge cake should be freshly baked and free of mould or
staleness. If you're incorporating chocolate frosting as a decorative element, confirm that it hasn't
spoiled. The recipe should not include any ingredients that raise concerns.

 List the food preparation equipment that you will need for this recipe. How will you ensure that it
is clean, well maintained and ready for use?
To prepare the sponge cake for dipping into chocolate frosting and desiccated coconut, you'll
require a cutting board, knives, and a container. Before using them, ensure these items are
thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. Additionally, check the equipment for any obvious flaws, such
as dull knives or chipped containers, to ensure they are in good working condition.

Ingredient list

Recipe: Australian Burger________________________________________________________________________

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required

4 ounces
Ground Beef (1/4 lb) 4 ounces 1 lb

Burger Buns 1 bun 1 bun 4 buns

SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery 7

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required

Cheese Slices 1 slice 1 slice 4 slices

Tomato Slices 2 slices 2 slices 8 slices

Lettuce Leaves 1-2 leaves 1-2 leaves 4-8 leaves

Onion Slices 2-3 slices 2-3 slices 8-12 slices

Beetroot Slices (optional) 2 slices 2 slices 8 slices (optional)

Bacon Strips (optional) 2 strips 2 strips 8 strips (optional)

Tomato Sauce To taste To taste To taste

Barbecue Sauce To taste To taste To taste

Salt and Pepper To taste To taste To taste

 Select the cookery method that you will use. Explain your decision.

I've chosen the "Grilling" method to prepare Australian Burgers. This method imparts the
distinctive grill marks and smoky, charred flavour that are characteristic of Australian burgers,
providing an authentic and flavourful outcome.

 Select the cooking times and temperatures that you will use. Explain your decision.

To achieve a medium-rare to medium level of doneness, the burgers will be cooked over
medium-high heat for approximately 4-5 minutes per side. It's essential to maintain a temperature
range of around 175-200°C (350-400°F). The choice of cooking time and temperature is crucial
to ensure the desired doneness, and adjustments can be made accordingly.
Select the garnishes and accompaniments which you will add to your dish. Explain your decision
– how do these complement your dish?
Australian burgers are traditionally accompanied by an array of classic condiments and toppings.
Options such as crisp lettuce leaves, tangy tomato slices, mildly crunchy onion slices, creamy
cheese, and even beetroot slices and crispy bacon provide an authentic Australian twist. The
harmonious combination of sweet and savoury flavours from tomato sauce and barbecue sauce
complements the burger's taste exceptionally well. These traditional Australian toppings and
accompaniments enhance the burger's flavour and texture without deviating too far from its
original appeal.

 Describe how you will select the ingredients that you need from stores. How will you check them
for freshness and quality?
It's essential to prioritise the use of the freshest and highest-quality ingredients when making
Australian Burgers. Opt for freshly ground beef without any unusual flavours or odours. Ensure
that the burger buns are fresh, free from hardness, mould, or staleness. Select cheddar or other
hard cheese pieces that are undamaged during transport. Ingredients like tomatoes, lettuce, and

SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery 8

onions should be ripe, crisp, and without any signs of damage. If you opt to include additions like
beetroot and bacon, choose high-quality options. A delicious Australian Burger relies on the
freshness and quality of all its components.

 How will you check all perishable ingredients for spoilage or contamination?

Before incorporating any fresh ingredients into your Australian burgers, it's crucial to thoroughly
inspect them for signs of spoilage or contamination. Check the ground beef for any indications of
decay, such as an unpleasant odours, unappealing colour, or sliminess. Examine the lettuce,
tomatoes, and onions for any mould, spots, or signs of over ripeness. If you choose to include
bacon and beetroot, which are optional components, ensure they are clean and fresh. It's
important to ensure that no problematic ingredients make their way into the burger.

 List the food preparation equipment that you will need for this recipe. How will you ensure that it
is clean, well maintained and ready for use?
To prepare Australian Burgers, you will need a chopping board, knives, a spoon, and grilling
equipment. It's imperative to guarantee that these tools are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized
before use. Additionally, inspect your grilling equipment for any corrosion, and ensure that there
are no broken or missing parts, ensuring they are in proper working condition.

SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery 9

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