Questions States of Matter With Anno

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States of matter 1. For an ideal gas, number of moles per litre in terms of its pressure P, gas constant R and temperature T is PTIR (b) PRT (Bret (RTP 2. Value of gas constant R is a) 0.082 litre atm (b) 0.987 cal mol~?K-? .3JmolK™!——(d) 83 erg mol™*K~* 3. Kinetic theory of gases proves (a) only Boyle’s law Charles” law (0) (c) only Avogadro’s law oan of these 4, According to the kinetic theory of gases, in an ideal gas, between two successive collisions a gas molecule travels awavy path (ine an accelerated velocity a straight line path eee (d) ina circular path #£ % 143 X3{% 5. As the temperature is raised from 20°C to 40°C, the average kinetic energy of neon atoms changes by a factor of which of the (b) (3137293) (d)2 6. In van der Waals equation of state of the gas b- Covolune law, the constant ‘b’ isa measure of ay ohne ‘occupied by the molecules Intermolecular attraction (c) Intermolecular repulsions (a) Intermolecular collisions per unit volume 7. Which one of the following statements is NOT. Sele ltly] true about the effect of an inerease in ‘temperature on the distribution of molecular eH 4 +l speeds in a gas? (a) The area under the distribution curve remains the same as under the lower temperature ‘The distribution becomes broader he fraction of the molecules with the most probable speed increases (d) the most probable speed increases aK ~ 4G: foes wees b= VO bing, Sosy Ge Wr QV b= lee = ta’ 8. If 10-7dm® of water is introduced into a 1.0 dm? flask at 300 K, how many moles of water are in the vapour phase when equilibrium is established? (Given: Vapour pressure of H,0 at 300 k is 3170 Pa; R = 8.314} K'mol) (@) 5.56 x 10-mol b) 1.53 x 102mol (c) 446 x 10-2mol (a)1.27 x 10mol 9. a" and “b’ are van der Waals’ constants for gases, Chlorine is more easily liquefied than ethane because ~ (@)a and b for Cl, > aand b for CH (b) aand b for Cl, < a and b for CH, (c)a for Cly < a fr CoH, but b for Cl, > b for CoHg (@a for Gly > a for CpHg but b for Cly bv fue nT RT me IFO nib F-31y y 30 TH lett ay + | 10, The compressibility factor for a real gas at high pressure is: 2= ou Rr — (a)1+ os h I Our 11, For a gaseous state, if most probable speed is denoted by C*, average speed by © and mean square speed C, then for a large number of molecules the ratios of these speeds are: C5 1:225:1.28:1 (by CC = 1.28:1225 (d)CrC:C= .225: 1.28 12, IfZ is a compressibility factor, van der Waals equation at low pressure can be written as @z=1+8 (oy =1- ()Z=1-2 (@za142 13, The ratio of masses of oxygen and nitrogenin | + | Ly} |p|] a particular gaseous mixture is 1 1, The ratio of | number of their molecule is mI 1 32 @) ( ne W (18 (d) 3:16 we 14, The intermolecular interaction that is * dependent on the inverse eube of distance between the molecules is y at ena (a) London force @y yydrogen bond = (c) ion*ion interaction (@) ion-dipole ow 7 a interaction 7 coal x | 4 nv Ab 15. Two closed bulbs of equal volume (V) Van containing an ideal gas intially at pressure p 7 and temperature 7; are connected through a “2M L narrow tube of negligible volume as shown in the figure below. The temperature ofone of the uy, bulbs is then raised to T. The final pressure pp + hy A, is (en. (=a) 20 (5) ©r(@S) (@2p:() at Th, Subjective: an —® 3% 1. When 2g of a substance A is introduced into Vo Las Ws Odox an initially evacuated flask kept at 25°C, the “Joo pressure is found to be 101.325 kPa. The flask : = is evacuated and 3g of B(g) is introduced. Sou Ft X0-0BY y 3 ais time pressure was found to be Y= 13-14 50,662kPa, how much time the molecule B is i heavier than molecule A.? 2. A mixture of He and Ar weighing 5.0 ¢ Van 7T occupies a volume of 10dm? at 27°C and 1 i tm. Whatis the composition of the mixture. a say 0 4 3. Two flasks of equal volume connected by a Nye 0.25 nga WS (6 : 3Seh) fxoe narrow tube are at 300K and contains 0.70 L mole of Hz at 380 tom One of the flaskisthen T= § ag py) Z immersed into a bath kept at 400K , while the a Doyo yN = (086 ) Ly. Usppether remain at 27°C. Calculate t the final 1 = 6.35 -% nw pressure and number of mole of Hz in each z L= 938 +605 (0:35+ 300 -lo-3s-n) eas, = Ou = 64 . > 0.44 -0-05 = 6.40 eI The pressure exerted by 12g of an ideal gas at temperature °C in a vessel of volume V litre is one atm, When the temperature is increased by 10 degrees as the same volume , the pressure increases by 10% calculate t and V ( Molar mass of the gas = 120) Calculate the density of COs at 100°C and 800mm of pressure O> present in one litre flask at a pressure of 7.6 X 10" mm of Hg. Caleulatg the no, of O: molecules at 0°C 2 (10 When 3.2 gof'S is vapourised at 450°C and 723mm pressure , the vapours occupy a volume of 780mL. what is the molecular formula ofS vapours — ¢ 9 Ne Ow, YT WW tT W246 272190 ==. 61% oe ag = vy vx lhe tu ° Calculate the volume occupied at 270°C and 2 ‘atm pressure of the gas evolved by 2mL of solid CO: . Given density of solid CO> is 1.53gmL" A gas at 0°C and | atm pressure occupies 2.5 litres, What change in temperature would be necessary iff the pressure is to be adjusted to Nz bS6U Me OD RT iM LXys LAES3 KO-0n oN ee 1.5 atm and the gas has been transferred to a uy XB 2.0L container =L9SL 10.20 em’ of SOx diffuses through a porous plug in 60 see. What volume of O2 will diffuse under similar conditions in 30s L 1D VA t Ly — : Wh - u — Jo, 4, L 6 2 x BO Bz bo J 0 ow — = Vv - UL ¥ Ny On +

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