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Working in a group can be very difficult at times. Different people
with different views may not always agree with one another. The
group has to work as a team so that everybody’s opinion is heard
and the most relevant is chosen. Our group consisted of seven
students, we communicated with each other throughout the
project. I personally learned a lot and had lots of fun and good
times with my group members. We divided the tasks equally and
had a lot of help and guidance from our teachers which played
an important role in the making of this project. I feel that you
have to have trust in your group members to make any project
effective. We faced a lot of challenges during the project but
overcame them easily by just supporting one another. I enjoyed
the experience thoroughly. I would like to say that Teamwork
Made the Dreamwork!

Teamwork allows individuals with different backgrounds
and expertise to come together. In group projects, each
member brings a unique skill set and knowledge. We get to
learn a lot in group projects. There were many conflicts, but
everyone together solved them. It is fun to work in a group
like this. Everyone in this group equally contributed and
cooperated a lot. Teamwork emphasizes the importance of
communication, trust, and collaboration in order to
effectively complete a project. I personally enjoyed working
on this project with my group. All the teachers guided us so
we could complete our project on time. It was a great
experience and I learned a lot of new things.

This was my first year in our school’s EUMIND club and to say in
short, the experience was wonderful. I got to make new friends as
well share my ideas with them. This club gave me an opportunity
to discuss pressing matters and global issues. We talked together
and enjoyed a lot during the exchange of ideas. Our topic for this
time was Right to Privacy. Discussing the topic made our horizons
of thought broader and we got to understand the topic as well as
those who were affected due to breach of privacy. We also
discussed possible solutions to curb problems like hacking and
phishing. Overall, I would like to say that this enriching experience
has made me a better person than I was before, and I learnt how
important human rights are in a person’s life and these
indispensable rights are the main building blocks of a nation. To
end it with Mrs. Indira Gandhi quote: “Every new experience brings
its own maturity and a greater clarity of vision” and I have a better
clarity of vision now with my experience in EUMIND.

As the leader of my group in EUMIND, I was given responsibility
to communicate with the team and allot the different tasks to be
completed by each member and to make sure the tasks were
done in the given time limit. I was lucky to be given such a great
team because we coordinated and completed everything
efficiently. I made sure to give them tasks according to their
skillsets. I undertook the responsibility to draft the disclaimer
that had to be signed by all the interviewees because I have an
interest in law and was up to make the legal document. We had
chosen the topic, right to privacy and I also wrote a description of
the topic. Whatever errors the mentors had pointed out were duly
fixed by the team. We communicated with the teachers as well to
ensure the best work possible.

It was an enriching and exciting experience to be part of EUMIND
this year. It taught us to collaborate with each other and increase
our knowledge and awareness of important aspects like human
rights. Everyone has the right to be treated kindly and fairly and
to live a life free from fear and harassment. We must be respectful
to other people and not discriminate on the basis of caste, sex,
physical appearance or abilities. Human rights are very important
as they protect us from being abused. Thought is a very powerful
weapon. If you change someone’s thoughts, their actions change.
I understood that creativity is power. It helps you communicate
better, even across continents. It helps you show what is important
for you in life. Communication is the key as it helps you express
your thoughts to other people around the world. EUMIND helps
you develop knowledge about the surrounding world and
awareness about what is happening in other countries. It also
helps us in coming together to spread awareness on important
matters like why human rights matter. It was wonderful to learn
about the culture of Netherlands and its history.

One thing's for sure that this project went really smoothly for our
group. We all worked together really effortlessly, harmoniously
and efficiently making sure to continuously tick off tasks from
our checklists. As the group leader, I was the point of contact
between our teachers and the students in our group. I
coordinated the distribution of work and made sure that all the
tasks were equally distributed. I made sure that I was not
dictative and authoritative because those are qualities we all
despise in leaders!

The teamwork and connection between the members of our group
was what made our project go so well. We all laughed, chatted
and bonded with each other everytime we sat down to research or
even conduct interviews. It was difficult for all of us to
comprehend the extent of violence against children in our
country and having each other made this so much easier.
Although, if I could change one thing, I would have liked to
interact more with our intercultural peers and work more closely
with them.

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