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Personal Information:
[First Name] [Last Name]
[Date of Birth]

[Complete Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

1. Previous acting experience (If any): [Production/Play/Film Name Role Director Year]

Full Name: [First Name] [Last Name]

Role: [Role]

Director Name: [First Name] [Last Name]

Year: [Year]

Full Name: [First Name] [Last Name]

Role: [Role]

Director Name: [First Name] [Last Name]

Year: [Year]

Add rows as necessary

2. Training and Workshop: [Workshop/Training Name Organization/Trainer Duration]

Workshop Name: [Workshop Name]

Trainer/ Organization: [Trainer/ Organization Name]

Duration: [Duration in Months/ Years]

Workshop Name: [Workshop Name]
Trainer/ Organization: [Trainer/ Organization Name]

Duration: [Duration in Months/ Years]

Add rows as necessary

3. Special Skills (singing, dancing,
[Special Skills]
acrobatics, languages spoken, etc.):

Audition Details:
Desired Role: [Role]

Are you willing to accept other roles? Yes No

Availability during production: [End Date] [Available Time][Notes]

Availability during production: [End Date] [Available Time][Notes]
Add rows as necessary

Do you have any conflicts during the

Yes No
rehearsal schedule?

If Yes, please details: [Details]

Availability during production: [End Date] [Available Time][Notes]

Emergency Contact information:

[Emergency Contact Name]

[Phone Number]

[Email Address]

Additional Information:
Are you a member of any unions or
Yes No
acting guilds?

If Yes, please specify: [Details]

Have you ever been cast in this

Yes No
production/company before?

If Yes, please specify: [Details]

Are there any specific directors or cast

members you would like to work with?

Please note that by submitting this audition form, you are agreeing to commit to the rehearsal
and performance schedules, and that you have been truthful in providing this information.

Signature: [Signature]

Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]


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