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> From the beginning, God promises to send the Messiah.

> When the line of David seemed lost, God promised to send the Messiah

MESSIAH - God's chosen Savior and King.

GOSPEL - the good news that God saves people from sin through the life, death and
resurection of Jesus.
PROPHETS - people God used to speak His words and reveal His plan.
VIRGIN - a woman who had never married or pretended to be married.
IMMANUEL - a name for Jesus that means "God with us".

In our previous discussion, you have learned that...
From the beginning, God promises to send the Messiah - Jesus Christ

- Have you ever made a promise?
- Did you keep it or break it?
- How do you feel when someone breaks a promise to you?

*But God is always faithful to keep His promises. What God had promised, He will really do it,
He will really make it happen. Because God is Sovereign, He is all-powerful. je is all-mighty.
Nothing is impossible for Him.
*The promise that God had made 700 years before, He fulfilled it.

*The birth of Messiah which God had promised to send was prophesied in the Old Testament
hundreds of years before it happened.
*Jesus' birth by a virgin Mary was a prophecy from Isaiah and that the place where Jesus was
born was a prophecy from Micah.
*Remember the prophets spoke for God.

- Whom do you know who can predict the future before it happened?

• We know that only God can predict the future because God is omniscient. He is all-knowing.
He knows all things including the future.
• We can be sure that Jesus is the Messiah whom God promised because everything the Old
Testament said about Him happened just as the prophets Isaiah and Micah said.
• God's prophets Isaiah and Micah predicted Jesus' birth and it happened just as they said when
Jesus was born.


Ask: Who among you here has a pocket family picture in your wallet?
Show: family picture.
• All babies, except for one, have a mother and a father.
• Jesus' birth was not like every other birth - it was a miracle.
• He has a mother (Mary) but His father was not Joseph. Jesus' father is God.
• He was called Immanuel, which means "God with us".
• He was given this name because He is both man (born from Mary) and God (came to earth
from heaven - conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit).
• As GOD - Jesus can forgive sins (Luke 5:21).
• As MAN - He lived a perfect life on earth and died as a perfect sacrifice on behalf of a sinful
man (1Tim 2:5).

Q - Why did God promise to send the Messiah? why did God needs to send the Messiah?
> Because, diba we have learned that when God created the heavens and the earth and all the
things in it, including man, everything was good. It was perfect.
Because is God Holy and perfect.
> However, when Adam and Eve disobeyed and had sinned, the relationships between God and
man had been severed, it was cut-off. We became under God's wrath.
> So the consequences for the sin of Adam and Eve were:
1. We lost the right relationship with God,
2. We have conflict with Satan and sin,
3. There is sufferings and death.
> Now, because God is so gracious, merciful, and a loving God, he promised to send a
Messiah to save us from our sin and to reconcile us back to Him. He gave us hope. He gave us
light. Through His son Jesus Christ. Through the perfect life, death and resurection of Jesus
> And to prepare the way for Jesus, God sends John the Baptist.

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