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@sE-O KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOL uy FS eee 2 Term Examination, 2019 Be, Engineering 1** Year 2% Term Examination, X Department of Computer Science andl Engineers CSE 1201 Fractured Programming “Tue: 3 hours —e—ev FULL MARKS: 210 inhi) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separates ipts. {iy Figures in the right matgin indicate full srk. (0) SecuoN A wo (answer ANY THIRER, question fom tis vston fm Seo A) « “1 scribe the basic structure of a C program with its different sections. ane 12) # Bese te a ean ner dt pease ts wi om sess shen (10) explain the following eode segment. ‘AS var = 1277 rine f ("8a") var)i «) Write dove the five variable naming mules 9 “3 4 Whats conto instrution of C progrem? Give example (08) escribe priority and associativity of operators with proper examples. on “ 3 iz re 7 ° 3147403647, * 2 a 2° 1b, determine the values of the following (09) expressions: oe +28 yr i) tz * tty 2? Orr ii) 2 >> y + (769)7 ©) Show implicit and explicit type conversion with example(s). (09) 8) Explain the output of the Following progrant (10) include int main) int a= 1, if ta printé("astd, beéd\n”, a,b): ) Sa) Write 2 C program to show total number of prime numbers up to N, where Nis an integer (10) ‘number and taken from user. bb) Whstare the differences between “else if ladder” and “switch case structure”? (10) ¢) Draw the working flowchart of “do while” loop, (05) {Is thee any problem in the following program? 1f“n0" then what is the output? Otherwise (10) solve the problem. Hinclude int main() f S int arr{15}, 43 1 for (iO; i<25; itt) : arr(i] é vel for(i=0; i<15; i++) : printé("td”, arr[il)+ hey Aw | “ eu ET". Design a user define {undtion “Catenation (char *, (12) two parameters of character type pointer and onty task of that function is to ing after mother. For exainple, Catenation ("CSE", “KUET") produce 42). Consider)two strings “CSE” and “i chat #)” havin catnnte one “CSEKUET®. b) What js the limitation of 2-Dimensional array? (08) ©) Why do you use array of ring Dis te Hota od pointers to string?Diseuss the problem of it and how do you solve (15) SECTION (Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Seript B) |S a) Explain why different types of pointer variables are needed although we only store address in (06) 1 pointer variable in C language. : : : ) Using the concepts of byte copying and function pointers, create a generic atray sorting (20) function in C. Also, explain your code and show a sample use case. - ) Explain with proper memory diagram if itis safe to retum address of a local variable using (09) address of operator (&) ot via pointer variable. f* 8) Discuss the relationship between array and pointe On) ') Isit possible to return multiple values from a function? Create a function to swap two variables (08) using call by reference. ©) Create a variadic function find average of varying number of parameters. The types of (15) parameters can be either integer, float or double which will be provided in a string as shown below: average("i fd i £", 5, 2.3, 3.5, 10, 2.8) ‘here, i means integer, £ means float and d means double. 4) Why is typedef used? Explain with example. 7, a) What is recursion? Write a program to solve Tower of Hanoi problem using recursion. ') What isthe buffer overflow problem of gets()? How fgets() can solve the problem? Explain. ©) Give an example of memory teak, Write your own implementation of the realioe() function, 4) How does free() function work without a size argument? ® a) Explain the output of the following printi(): printé(*¢#012X", 14); Also, show the uses sscanf{) and sprintf) funetions, b) Why structure padding is used? How can we tuin off this feature? Calewate size of the following structures considering structure padding ivsteuct structa{ | stsuct structb{ char c; char c; int 1:3; double d; char d; noe ; aaa } LO m using fread() and fwrite() fimetion to do file operations on a structure to KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY B.Sc. Engineering 1* Year 1" Ti Engineering ‘erm Examination, 202 Department of Computer Science and a PHY 1107 t ae Physics 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210 N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts Figures in the right margin indicate full marks, ae Section A (Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A) Ko _ 7 oe by phase velocity and group velocity? Establish a relation between phase (10) @ draw the diagram for the scattering of a photon by an electron and also draw the vector (15) diagram for momenta and show that X-2= KU = e050), where the symbols have their usual meanings. (})A monochromatic X-ray’ beam whose wavelength is 55.8 pm \& the wavelength of the scattered beam. scattered through 46°. Find (10) A # Di setor atom model, Write down the names of all quantum number associated with (13) vector atom model. by Find the S, L and J values that correspond to each of the following states: (10) sy. 3rp 20y),> St Ot, «) What is Hermitian operator? Show that, the eigen value of a Hermitian operator is real (12) ‘on for three-dimensional time dependent Schrodinger equation. (2) (13) K & Dative an expressi 4 Derive an expression for probability current fora free particle «A particle limited to the x axis has the wave function ¥ = ax between Oand x =1; (10) © Oelsewhere. (a) Find the probability that the particle can be found between x = 0.45 and 0.55, (b) Find the expectation value < x > of the particle’s position. plain how chromatic aberration may be removed in the case ofa combination of two lenses (12) n contact. b) Give, with necessary theory, of monochromatic light. How can we get a bright center? «) In Young's double slit experiment, the separation of the slits is 1.9 mm and the fringe spacing (10) ost mm ata distance of 1 meter from the slits. Caleulate the wavelength of Tight Newton’s rings methiod for the determination of the wavelength (13) -r10N B ‘ (Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Seript B) LZ) In pracice, how many crystal systems are possible? Give the names starting the relationship (15) between crystallography axes and the angle between them. ') Define atomic packing fraction. Find the atomic packing fraction in a crystal for (10) (Simple cubic, (i) Body centered cubic and (ii) Face centered cubic structures, treating the atoms as spherical. ) An X-ray beam of wavelength 3A is diffracted from the [001] planes of a cubic crystal. The (10) first order diffraction is obtained at an angle of 40.5°. Determine the spacing between the [001] planes and the volume of the unit cell 6, 8) Define and construct a reciprocal lattice. Find the magnitude of reciprocal lattice vector. (12) §) What are phonons? Express the las of conservation of energy and momentum inthe case gf (13) inelastic scattering of a photon by a phonon, ee ; _ 6) Compare the frequencies of sound waves of wavelength A= 124% 10-7 em for (10) {@a homogenous line, (i) Acoustic waves on a linear lattice containing two identical atoms per primitive cell of interatomic spacing 2.6A and (ii) ight waves of same wavelength given that vp = 10° emvsee. se electron model? What ae 7, a) What are the outstanding propries oF me eon model = As prop’ if 9 : suai and anspor PEP ofa we near lattice dispersion relation and discuss (15) b) Derive the ‘vibrational mo various condition for ow ‘and high fre c) Copper oP x 10-8 ohm-m. Calculate i) {iy The mean free time (iy The Fermi ni 4) Give the brief outlines of the form of input enefSY ofa LASER. Write important properties of (13) LASER light. b) Explain lasing action, Describe the working principle of Ruby laser with suitable diagram | 12) Whe red cadmium line of wavelength 644% H ~7 m is 30 em. (10 corresponding to the © yherence fength and Jength for {lations ) The coherence Calculate (i) (ji) The coherence time. the number vf osci aa KIIULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Se. Engineering 1" Year |* Term Examination, 2021 Department of Computer Science and Engineering CSE 1107 Discrete Mathematics rime: 3 hours unt Mags: 210 N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate rips ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. (Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Serirt A) 1. a) Find the domain and range of these functions: i) ‘The function that assigns to each pair of po integers ) si) The Tunetion tat assigns to each positive integer the umber of the digits 12 6,7,8,9 that do not appear as decimal digits ofthe integers iy ‘The function that assigns oa bit string the mumber of times the blesk °! APPS) in) The funtion that assign to a it sting the numerical postion of he first 1 im the » 1 tha assigns the value 0 to abit string consisting ofall Os . oe +) Define sequence, Let the sum of the geometric series, ‘,* is given by (#) ‘ar, where a, € R. Reduce the closed form ofS «) Determine symmeti, asymmetric and antisymmetric relations from the followin ive integers the maximum of these "9 345 prs (10 0 « «iy “ ‘ Jn of the sequence 1,2,4, 4, os 4) Find the generating funet 2. a) Let dy denotes the n® term of a sequence satisfying the given initial condition(s) and the (05) eunenee relation. Compute the first ten terms ofthe sequence. dy = Lodz = dy = 3 dy = dys + yon + yay form = 4 +) During a month with 30 days, a baseball tam plays atleast one game aay, uo ae than (10) 45 games, Show that there must be a period of same numberof consecutive days uring which, the team must play exactly 14 gam ¢) What is algebraic system? What are the eonditons needed for an algebras system {0 bea (10) group? Give example. ss the properties of the operations of an algebraic system. ao 4) 3, 0) Hach user on a computer system hasa password, which is five to seven characters ls Where an tach characteris an uppercase or lowerease letter oF a digit. Each password must contain at Teast one letter. How many possible passwords are there? 'b) What are the conditions that an algebra system to be a ring? Give example (ao) ©) Define Monoid. Prove that (W; X) is a monoid (08) <&) What is the coefficient of x*2y" in the expansion of (2x + 4y)**? (03) 4, of Let A = (1,2,3,4) and R is a rel 1 differontrepresentaions of R and check whether itis symmet ‘or not. +b) What are the equivalence classes of @ and 1 for congruence modulo 4? (io) Forsch of the following pair of sets, determine whether the first isa subset of the second, the (05) Second isa subset ofthe first, oF nether i a subset ofthe ote. : 4) The set of airline fights from New York to New Delhi, the set of nonstop qe __ from New York to New Delhi. : {i). The set of people who speak English, the set of people who speak Chinese, ) ‘The set of flying squires, the set of living ereatures that ean fly 4) Find the complexity of binary search from its recurrence relation (19) Page: 1 of 2 (a,b) | @ divides b), show that (10) anti-symmetric and transitive ine flights SectiON B (Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Seript,B) 9 = ) Is equivalent to p ifand only ify v) (PAq) 4 (pvq). ) Is the symbolic expression for “y only if”. ¢) List the “rules of inference” for mathematical reasoning. Show that the hypothesis given below (15) lead to the conclusion: If | do not finish my program, then I will wake up refreshed. “Ifyou send me an email, then I will finish my program, If you do not send me an email, then tv goto sleep carly. If I goto sleep early, I will wake up refreshed” (Use rules of inference only). 6. a) Classify different proof techniques using example(s) (10) b) Prove the following using direct proofs, contrapositive proofs, or proof by contradiction: (15) i) Majbandalc,then@b+ey SS Ifn € 2, then 5n? + 3n + 7 is odd. Suppose a, b € 2, if both a « b and a + b are even, then both @ and b are even. | ) Prove the following using mathematical induction: (10) 2¢n+ 1)? 12 example. What is its applications? (08) 2. 8 What is prime factorization? Explain For all positive natural numbers a, b, ¢, prove that ged (a, ged(b,c)) = ged(ggd(a,b).c). (05) J) There are certain things whose number is unknown. When divided by 3, the remainder is 2; (10) when divided by 5 the remainder is 3; and when divided by 7, the remainder is 2. What will be the number of things? @ ‘State and prove the Chinese remainder theorem. (12) ‘What is a graph? Compare the following graphs: ; (12) (@).Simple graph, (ii) Muligraph (ii) Pseudograph, (iv) Directed graph and (v) Directed multigraph ; (@))Explain different representations of graphs using cexample(s). a) state the general conditions for two graphs tobe isomorphic. Determine whether the following (10) {graphs is isomorphic or not. If yes, show the reasons. v. v, 2 “ “i u, vy uy ey vs Y & Draw the graph for the following adjacency matrix and check whether the graph represents a (05) tree. i 0 + 0 Hoon hone KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY + B.Sc. Engineering 1* Year 1® Term Examination, 2021 Department of Computer Science and Engineering HUM 07 inglish and Human fommunication sriwe: 3 hours FULL Marks: 210 N.B.i) Answer ANY THREE questions from eacl-seetion in separate scrips. ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. ‘Section A (Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A) ZO Make sentences on the following structures using the verbs given in brackets. a4 i) Subject + Intransitive verb + adverbial, (go as verb) ii) Subject + Linking verb + adj. complement + extension. (seem as verb) Subject + Linking verb + noun complement + extension, (become as adverb) Subject + Transitive verb + Infinitive as object. (want as verb) _v) Subject + Transitive verb + object + noun complement. (name as verb) vi) Subject + Transitive verb + object + adj. complement. (hold as verb) “Vii) There + Verb + subject + extension. (any verb) 'b) Make sentences using the following Modals as directed, (12) i) Could (To express inference) ii) Could (To express opportunity in the past which was not done) i). Must (To express logical deduction in the present) iv) Beto (To express command) v) Be going to (To express plan) vi) May (To express guess about the present) ace the music, At large, (09) «) Make sentences using the following phrases and idioms: By the by, Sit tight, Hush money, In a fix. ZEA) Wrensorm ie following sentences as tected (4) 1) _ My teacher decfined the request. (negative) it) There was no cloud without astiver lining. (alirmative) iil) tedoesn’t matter if go. {nterrogatve) jv) What a wonderful bridge the Padma is! (assertive) ¥) Asif knows English better than Arif. (positive) vi), The woman was not s0 old as I expected (comparative) ) Let the order to open fre (passive) (12) b) Correct the following sentences. i) Yesterday’ have received a letter from my friend. Jil He is living in the UK since 1995. Gil) You had better joined this post. iv) He returned back to the town. _y)_ Hardly I had reached the station than the train lef (vi) { shall do it by hook and crook ¢) Mak&' new word with each of the following prefixes and suffixes and use them in sentences: (09) CIN sess BQ eves PEO oven DE vests votes ABC, sve Hig. 3. a) Frame wh questions from the underlined parts of the following answers. (4) i) She gave the boy a pen, ii) met him on my way to university. iii) He speaks English like the English. iv) We read for pleasure. v) His order prevented me from going there. vi). Of the three shirts [like the white one most. vii) He drives bis father’s car. 'b) Make sentences using the following words as directed. (2) Phone (as verb); Phone (as adjective); But (as pronoun); But (as noun); Net (as verb); Net (as adjective) ©) Change the following words as directed and make sentences with the changed words. 0) ‘Mind (into adjective); Danger (into verb); Onder (into adjective); Readiness (into adverb); Secret (into noun); Weight (into verb). we Complete the sentences with subordinate clauses #8 directed. 1) eessssee Surprised us all ii) She is confident .......~ iii) He achieved a first class, AV) esessseay I will give you a cal v) He locked the door . vi) 1 the teacher refused to let him in. vii) ‘4 [still could not blame him. 'b) Make sentences expressing the following emotio i)Apology ii) Condolence iii) Imprecation iv ©) Supply a suitable word to fill the blanks. sain him, yns/notions, i) He has placed his fi) Smoking is .......... by everybody. iii) I is doubtful ........... he will return. iv) Hearing the news, he hurried ........... home. vy) ‘walking along the road, he met me. vi) The man is to die. (Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Seript B) LO Read the passage and answer the following questions: Today’s teenagers are a generation for whom the line interaction is practically non-existent. a social networking site, but which now i week", Myspace currently receives more dail 40 million members worldwide, each using 1! blogs and photos of themselves. tis precisely tl a teen sensation. It's like a voluntary Big Brother. For millions of t the madness of the Internet and of adolescent hormon On one occasion, 14-years-old Kara met 18-years~« which began as friendship, intensified on th _xelationship, tried to cut off her online access to him, ‘The internet fuels fanta: using these sites to act ot Besides, lonely, unpopul Tt doesn’t matter if anyone is out, and see it is archived forever. i) Why being a teenager and u ii) Why were Kara’s parents murdered? iii) What is meant by “Internet fuels fantasy”? jx). Do you think Internet is addictive? Why? pf Make a precis of the above passage with a suitable-title, JO ‘Amplify the idea contained in the statement: “Appearance can be deceptive” / Write a contrast paragraph on ‘Family life and hostel life’ Bloomberg is looking for a softws KO financial professionals the best po 'b) Suppose you are the owner of highest numbers of foreigners after COVID-19. W' other facilites for the additional profit. 8, a) Write a free composition on the following topic: “Modem technologies in modern daily life’ ) Invitation v) Offer “The apotheosis ofthis is, whi is “a nightclub open 24 hours a day, seven da ly visits than Google and Amazon. The site has heir personal page to email and post bulletins, hat creation of identity which has made it such fhe site. When het parents, ‘her parents were shot dead by the boy sy. You can be an Internet warrior wut fantasy. On the Internet, you are lar or troubled teenagers get online and pl: actually reading their posts or n fare developer who will innovate new ssible services. Prepare your CV and apply for the po: ff shopping center in a five star by rite a metno to inform salary ine (noun clause) (noun clause) {adjective clause) | (adverb clause of time) {adverb clause of purpose) rb clause of reason) . (adver | (adverb clause of concession) . ) vi) Wish \ (09) \ (20) between online and real world ‘ich began as weenagers, the Internet is like a drug. And 1s can be especially potent combination. ‘old David on Myspace. The relationship, who opposed the xt, an Internet seductress. Kids are allowed the chance to be the best. lay the roles they want to be. all it just feels good to let sing Intemet is such a potent combination? (15) (20) (1s) and better ways to give (20) st ‘otel, Your employees attracted (15) rement and G5) KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENG RING & TECHNOLOGY £ B.Sc. Engineering 1 Year 1* Term Examination, 2021 Department of Computer Seience and Ii é : MATH L107 ‘ Differential and Integral Calculus hours: FULL MARKS: 210 N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from cach section in separate seripts. i) Figures inthe tight margin indicate Fall marks, SECTION A. (Answer ANY THREE, questions from this seetion in Seript A) 1a) atin and iene of fant. ition f(x) a define as folows as) 2-1 yee 2A when x #1 Pres r= 2,when x arthe curve x"y™ = a, show thatthe subtangent at (10) b) Define subtangent and subnormal, any point varies asthe abseissa of the point i 10) c) Evaluate the following: (10) oC inte?) {iss finceot*s), (12) (9? = 1)", then finda relation among Yny2s Yat» Yo fo 1 i tion. Pind the maximum and minimum of the (4) 'b) Define maximum and minimum of a fune fiction 12(log x + 1) +x? — 10x + 3. aybeax a_at-w?y faye? 9 ©) Wf) = (SE) then show that 10) (210g - =") G) (09) PO ate san roe +yt eat fay byt 24), then show thal 02) gate @- 0+ NE +) Define sxymptotes. Find the asymplotes of the following curve: 3) xi bxty —ay?— y2 + day + ay? — 3x ey = 0 «) State Taylor's theorem, Expand f(x) = 2x! + Sx? — 2x +1 in Taylor series in power (io) of Ae Define the radius of curvature. If p; and pz be the radii of the curvature at the ends ofa focal (12) chord of the parabola y? = 4ax, then prove that py + p57 = (2a)-7/4 b) State Rolle’s theorem, Examine the validity of Rolle’s theorem for f(x) = ox? + 4x43: (12) in (-1,1). © Prove that the eurves r® = a” cos nO and 7" = b" sin nd cut orthogonally, an NB ons from this section in Seript B) (Answer ANY THRE] 5. a) Integrate the following: ; reat ee Para 6) totegrate the following: 7) Iv gas + cosx — 2sinx) ©) Inegrate the following et NGFD , NEED ag ap Page: 1 of 2 6 a) Th 4 gat? I spout by Eh alt he following: 1 VOR | ery? nt n ne uate the following (10) tim Imin 4, : ry Also, find the value of (13) £) Define Beta and Gamma functions. Prove that B (m,n) bnl@ =m). 7. a) Evaluate the following: qi) 2 f V@=TVR= 5 de by If, = Jo" sin"xdx, then prove that / (12) (2) _£) Hvaluate the following i ~e= ie 1 = gsin?x &. a) Determine whether the following functions are functionally dependent or not? If dependent, (12) 1% ty = find a relation among them for, wy ==>, up = 32. b) Transform the integral f°, {°,_,0ey + 3)dydx by using the relation x=utv and (12) y = uv, Henee uate it. ©) Find the volume bounded by the plane 2x + y+ syplane, lying in the first octant. 4, the cylinder x* + y* = 1 and the (11) | Department of Computer Science and CSE 1201 Structured Programming ime: 3 hours FULL Marks: 210 sup.i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts. ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. suction A (Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Seript A) Xa) °Ciscalled a free form programming language” explain with example. (05) is) What is the output of the following program? (10) [Winclude | int main() ( unsigned char x = ~27 | TeGe2) peines (rbu\a" 07 else printf (gu\n", x42) 7 L return 0; } } 6) “else if ladder block is better then ‘witel-ease block” —when and why 0) {Differentiate between logical and bitwise operators with examples (10) 2. a Rewrite the following code of “ifelse-block” into corresponding “switch/case-block". ay ee a ce Wi ade 7 ] int main(){ | int a= 2, b= li if(a==2 && b ) printé("Okay\n") else print£("Not okay\n") + return 0; | | plese — Bu) jh Rca aa is called Bitoni ar Increasing. then decreasing. In other words. an array (1s) aera Bitoni there exits an index where OS -s n— 1 such thal 0 S45 So 2 oe Implement a ser define function that checks an array 's She and a 2 at oteype of the fetion is given as follows where mi the size of array [int _cheokBitonietint arett, int a); ZO ‘What is variadie function? Show some examples of ‘variadie function in C programming language. (09) 2p) Waite a C program that takes @ mark (0 to 100) from user keyboard. ‘Then, find the Tinguistie (13) grade of the corresponding mark. Note: you must’t use any lve block. fee ist aa uae <60 Unsatisfactory | ‘by Is there exist any logical, syntactical or any other problem? Do the solution if exist any. (10) } [Finctude | Jint maing{ \ | int age=50; | if(age<=40) al if (age<=16) printé ("Young\n") 7 4 else 1 ; peinté("Old\n") 7 ©) Make the following user defined Tunetion r it retums the summation between m and 1. cursive designing the base and recursive ease so that (12) Tint m, int wyl Page: 1 of 3 4, «) When docs stack overflow problem occur in recursion? Give example and solution 'b) What will be the output of the following programs? Explain your ans\ef Winclude Finclude int a, by © = 07 ant main() { pret ec int i = OF [void prefun (void) + static int int main() { jump: static int a= ly 1 int i = 53 refun()s a t= Lo a | Brerunas prineee"sa",3)7 PEUEENn 8d 8d *, aybis) es | void prefuni) ( | if (ic7) seatie ine 292s \ ie arene | goto james ogram that converts the last character into opposite case oF all words ina given string, (11) (Answer ANY THREE questions from this s SB) “All character arrays are strings but all strings are nol character arrays” — justly this statement, (05) °) Write a program in C to reverse a string without using strrev function. No extra string should be (09) used and the source string itself’ should be modified to store the réverse string. Number of exchanges should be minimum, ff Fach line in a file named “input.txt” contains weekday, day, month and year in the format shown (11) in following, There can be any number of such lines in the file. You have to Rnd weekday (as a string), ay (as an integer), month (as a sting) and year (as an integer) from those lines in the sion in Seript B) “input.txt” file and print these in the output console. ‘inputixt 1 ‘Monday, December, 2022 | | Thursday, 29 December, 2022 Sunday. 18 December. 2022 (4) Suppose in a project you have some sensor data in the form of short (16-bit values) array named (10) “givenDara”. You have to write those data in a file named “data dar” using write function and ier that you need to read those data from “data. cat” file using, fread and store ito “output array. You need (0 determine the size of ths “eivenData” array and che © P efhciently, Write a program for it 6. a) How isa multidimensional array defined in terms of an array of pointers? How does this definition (09) ) Pa - Reracturo ‘with Roll, Subject!, Subject2, Subject} and total. Now take Roll and marks of (13) three courses for n students, Caleulate the total marks of each student. Also ealeulate the average marks of cach courses obtained by 1: students. ) Differentiate between malloc and calloc wit} their declarations. 0) & Nhat significance of BOP? oo aie 4 C program to print the average of some numbers given through command line using the (09) Oneept of command tine arguments, : crore ae 4 files (main.c, adde, sub.c, calculator.h). Write an efficient Makefile for (13) you have sun eee rendencies, variables and proper comments. Now consider the situation where ‘un to the Makefile once and after that you have Jhanges in the ade file eu CASH be cxcled Ifyou orn ee ae resrun the Makefile? oe non differ froma srueave? nn MOR (05) Pag Which Pi oved

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