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History, concepts, theories, and principles of planning

• Who’s who of Urbanism (2 days) (Citylab University Link)*

• 100 Most Influential Urbanists (3 days) (Link)

• Urban Planning Theories and Models (5 days) (Link)

• History of Planning in the Philippines (2 days) (PDF)*

• Comprehensive Land Use Planning Guidebook Volume 2 (PDF) (3 days)

Environmental planning process, methods/techniques and strategies

• Comprehensive Land Use Planning Guidebook Volume 1 (PDF) (3 days)*

• Rationalizing the Planning System Sourcebook (PDF) (4 days)*

• Preparing and Updating the Comprehensive Development Plan (PDF)*

• PPP Manual for Local Government Units (Link) (5 days)

• Project Development, Management and Implementation (Link) (2 days)

Environmental plan implementation, legal aspects and administration

• Republic Act No. 7160 Law and IRR (3 days)*

• Republic Act No. 10587 Law and IRR (1 day)*

• Handbook on Philippine Government Procurement (PDF) (5 days)*

• Comprehensive Land Use Planning Guidebook Volume 1 (PDF) (3 days), Volume 2 (PDF) (3

days), and Volume 3 (PDF) (3 days)

• Other laws relevant to environmental planning (Link)

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