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Objectives: At the end of the lesson the pupils can

a. Interpret the data from the graph,
b. Tell the benefits in eating fruits, and
c. Plot the given data in a graph.
II. Subject Matter: Interpreting Graph
Materials: Slides and visual Aids
Reference: English 4
III. Procedure: Deductive

Teacher’s Activity Pupils Activity

a. Preparation
1. Review/Drill

Good morning class! Same to you teacher.

Before we will start our class this Do as told.

morning we will sing an energizer

What was your last lesson yesterday? Students answered.

What is the difference between the

two? Students answered.

b. New Lesson
1. Motivation

Before we will watch the video,

 Kindly seat properly
 Don’t talk to your seatmate. Do as told.

What do you see in the video? It’s a Sinulog Festival.

Where is the festival celebrated? In Cebu teacher.


Do you know how many participants

attended the Sinulog Festival? No teacher.
Let us study the graph
( the teacher presents the graph)

Class, this is a graph.

What is the title of the graph? Number of Participants in the Sinulog

Which team has the least number of
participants? The Carcar City Division.

Which team ranks second? Tuburan National High School.


What is the difference in the number of

participants between Sinanduloy Cultural
Troupe and Tuburan National High Students Answered.


Now, do you know how to interpret the

data presented in the graph? No teacher.

2. Statement of the aim

This morning class we will learn about

Interpreting graph. After this, I am
expecting that you can interpret the
data in the graph, tell the benefit of
fruits and plot the given data in a

3. Generalization

A graph provides a visual

representation of numerical data. A
line graph, bar graph or other types of
graph represents information in
different ways. It is important to look
at the lines, curves, number figures,
labels and other marks or legends in a
graph to accurately interpret it.

Class what is graph? Students answered.


Class, here are some examples of


Why do we need to look at the lines, To accurately interpret it.

curves, numbers, figures, labels, and
other mark or legends in the graph?


Okay class, I have here another example.

Banana chips sold by Aling NInita

during their town fiesta.
Class? what is the graph all about?
Bar Graph.
What kind of graph is this?
400 packs teacher.
Class! How many packs of banana chips
Friday – 300
were sold on Thursday?
Saturday – 600
Sunday – 500
How about on Friday, Saturday and
Exactly! Saturday.

Which day has the most sales? Students answered.

Why do you say so?

Students answered.
In what day did Aling Ninita have the least
number of banana chips being sold?

Students answered.
How many packs of banana chips were
sold from Thursday to Sunday?

Very good. By adding the number of banana chips.

How did you get it?

Very good.

So we are going to add all the numbers of

packs of banana.

Math Integration

Let’s Solve:

Thursday = 400 packs
Friday = 300 packs
Saturday = 600 packs
Sunday = 500 packs

400+300+600+500 = 1800 packs

1800 packs teacher.

So how many packs were sold from

Thursday to Sunday?


Value integration Banana teacher?

Class what kind of fruit did Aling Nenina

Exactly! Yes teacher.

Have you tried eating banana? Sweet Teacher.

How does it taste?

Exactly. Yes teacher.

Do you know what vitamins do we get

from eating banana? Vitamin C teacher.

What is it?

Very good.

So vitamin C is good for fighting illness. Yes teacher.

What will happen you will not eat fruits?

Exactly. Yes teacher?

Is eating fruits important? Because fruits give us nutrients

especially vitamin C.


4. Inference
Now class, I have here a data and I
want you to plot the data in the table
and let x represents 20 Players.
60 players
Basketball and Volleyball

80 swimmers.
Now let us answer the following.
8 players.
1. Number of badminton player_____.
2. Sport that has same number of
3. Sports that have the least number of
players _____.
4. Numbers of swimmers ______.
5. Difference in number of players
between Track & Field and
Badminton _______.

5. Verification


Neatness ----- 10
Correctness --- 15
Unity ------------ 5

Group 1

Direction: Plot the following data below

in the line graph.

Group 2

Direction: Plot the following data below

in the bar graph.

Group 3

Direction: Study the graph above. Write the

correct answers to the question that follow.

1. Which ride was least liked by the pupils?

2. How many pupils took the caterpillar ride?
3. Which rides were enjoyed by the same number
of pupils?
4. How many pupils ride the bump car ?
5. How many students ride the horror train?

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Plot the following data below in bar

graph. Then answer the following question.
1. Which pet did eight children like?
2. How many children like rabbit?
3. How many children were asked?
4. How many children liked cat?
5. What pet is most liked by the children?

V. Assignment

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