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Nama: Mohammad Dimas H

Kelas: XI TKJ 3

Mapel: B Inggris

Is technology useful today?

Yes, technology is very useful nowadays. It facilitates communication, provides access to information,
supports various job functions, offers entertainment, and improves health services. However, it is
important to use technology wisely, being aware of potential negative impacts such as privacy issues
and addiction. Responsible use is key to maximizing its benefits.

What are the impacts of technological developments?

Simplify and shorten the information exchange process. Increase work efficiency and effectiveness.
Enables completely online learning. Can communicate with other people even if they are not in the
same location. Technology helps make things easier for us, brings things closer together, and thanks to
communication we can also increase our knowledge. We can also get to know anyone around the world
without any obstacles through various communication methods such as video calls, video conferences,
and many other examples.

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