Lab 6

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Computer Programming
• Second level
• Third level
• Fourth level
• Fifth level

Nov 2, 2022
Exercise 1
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• Write a program that prints the multiplication table satisfying
following conditions.
to edit Master text styles
• A positive integer (from 1 to 20) is input.
• •If Second level
a value out of the range is input, re-input is requested, and it is
• Third
repeatedly level
performed until a specific key is input.
• It prints •the
Fourth level
multiplication table of the input integer from the 1st
multiplication• table
the screen.
• Up to 3 multiplication tables can be printed horizontally.
• The exit() function is used to end program execution and return to the
operating system. A return code of "0" exits the program without an
error message.
#include <stdlib.h>
int main( void )
// ...
Exercise 1
Click to edit
• Program output
Master title style
• Click to edit Master text styles
• Second level
• Third level
• Fourth level
• Fifth level

Exercise 1
Click to edit
• Program output
Master title style
• Click to edit Master text styles
• Second level
• Third level
• Fourth level
• Fifth level

Exercise 2
Click to edit Master title style
• Implement a function to determine prime numbers up to one positive
integer as input. Prime numbers are denoted by the # symbol.

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function prototype is as follows:
• Second
void level n);
• Third level
• Fourth level
• Fifth level

Exercise 2
Click to edit
• Program output
Master title style
• Click to edit Master text styles
• Second level
• Third level
• Fourth level
• Fifth level

Click to edit Master
• Submit to CSE server
title style
Lab # Class #
• Click to edit Master text styles
At the end of the Lab6, submit your C sources file by typing

• Second level
~gs1401/bin/submit Lab6_1 ex6_1.c ex6_2.c // class 1, Deadline: Friday by 10:50 am
• Third level
~gs1401/bin/submit Lab6_2 ex6_1.c ex6_2.c // class 2, Deadline: Friday by 11:50 am
• Fourth
~gs1401/bin/submit Lab6_3 ex6_1.c ex6_2.c // class 3, Deadline: Friday by 1:50 pm
• Fifthex6_1.c
~gs1401/bin/submit Lab6_4 level ex6_2.c // class 4, Deadline: Friday by 2:50 pm
~gs1401/bin/submit Lab6_5 ex6_1.c ex6_2.c // class 5, Deadline: Friday by 3:50 pm
~gs1401/bin/submit Lab6_6 ex6_1.c ex6_2.c // class 6, Deadline: Friday by 4:50 pm

You may check that you have submitted your source code correctly by typing
~gs1401/bin/submit -check

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