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9. Student Reflective Journal



Name of college
Name of partner school : Wesco practice Annex

Name of lead mentor : Obeng Agyapong Emmanuel

Name of mentor : Mr. Johnson Adjei

Number/names of other staff members

Some of the names of the staff members includes the following;
 Mr. Johnson Agyei .
 Madam Jacqueline pokuaa Anokye .
 Mr. Agyare Gabriel.
 Comfort Mensah Amponsah.

 Madam Janet Anim.

Enrolment by class and sex:

Class Boys Girls Total Number with
Four A 24 22 46
Four B 23 11 44 One( hyperactiv
Five 22 23 45
Six A 23 17 40
Six B 20 24 44
School facilities (e.g., football field, toilet, office space, tennis court, buildings,

Some of the examples of the facilities that can be located in the school includes the
 School football field.
 Spacious headmaster’s office and teaching staff.
 Canteen for students.
 Sufficient classroom buildings for students.
 Toilet and urinal facilities
 School library and mini computer lab .

Brief history of the school.

The school was shewed with the following staff members.

 Mr. Johnson Agyei.
 Madam Jacqueline Anokye.
 Mr. Agyare Gabriel
 Comfort Mensah Amponsah
 Esther kumson
 Philip Brefo Mensah

Stakeholders collaborating with the school

Stakeholders collaborating to the development of the school includes the following;

 The traditional council.
 Parents Teacher Association. (PTA)
 SMC (School Management Committees)
 District Director of Education.

Topic Team Teaching: Co-plan, Co-teach, and Co-assess

Days of visits: MONDAY -FRIDAY

Dates of visits :4th - 8th JULY,2022.
• Exhibit knowledge and skills of co-planning, co-teaching, and co-assessing by
answering the following questions:
1. Which new teacher competences (aspects of the NTS) have I learnt or
developed further in the course of co-planning, co-teaching, and co-assessing
the lesson?

In the co planning, co teaching and co assessing the lesson with my STS mentor, I
learnt and developed further in many teaching competencies. Some of these includes;

 Communication and interpersonal skills;

I observed how my STS mentor acts as a role model for the students, demonstrating
professionalism in communication and manner. In his presentation of the lesson, he
demonstrates clear, concise verbal and written communication skills to the students.
Through that, I learned to develop proper teacher competencies by seeking to
understand clearly the views and notions of other students (Tolerance).
 Organization and planning.
During the observation, my STS mentor and I came out with many ideas on how to
plan and prepare effective lesson plans before entering the classroom to teach. We
made use of some selected instructional strategies, technology, material and
assessment strategies that builds on prior to the knowledge or experience, cultural
history that are relevant to the students in the class. We also took into consideration
reports on the achievement and progress of the students after the lesson is completed
and they are being assessed.
 Classroom management.
From observing my mentor, I learnt how to create and maintain an optimal learning
environment for each of the students. I also learnt to improve on how to appropriately
manage the students behaviour and classroom dynamics.I also learnt to treat mistakes
as part of learning. I observed my mentor as he re - directs student behaviour with
warmth, empathy and sensitivity to student’s status as a learner.
 Facilitation and engagement.
I observed my STS mentor as he captures and maintains students’ interest, efforts,
participation and enthusiasm for both the content and process of learning. Through
this, I learnt the relevance of creating an environment where students actively
participate and engage both independently and cooperatively. I studied to improve on
the purposeful use of multiple strategies and technology in the classroom to engage
the students to rivet on the lesson.
 Assessment and coaching.
I observed my mentor as he utilizes balances assessment and feedback to improve
student learning. He also made use of both the formative and summative assessment
strategies. From my STS mentor, I learnt how to set and communicate learning goals
that students can understand and articulate for each lesson.
2. Which of the three aspect, co-planning, co-teaching, and co-assessing a
lesson did I find most challenging and why?
The three aspects include co planning, co teaching and co assessing a lesson. One of
the three aspect that I find most challenging is the co - teaching. The reason being
that, two instructional methods were to be applied in the classroom and since the
students were already used to the old method by their mentor, it became a little
complicated for the students when the new instructional strategy was applied in the
same class.
3. How did I overcome any challenges I encountered in the course of co-
planning, co-teaching, and co-assessing a lesson?
Here are some of the points to consider to overcome any challenge encountered in the
course of co teaching, co planning and co assessing a lesson;
 In overcoming the challenge in co planning of the lesson, my mentor and I
decided to plan our lesson together issuing in all the necessary activities to make
the lesson more conducive.
 My mentor and I decided planed to make use of a single instructional strategy to
overcome the challenge of co teaching.
 In the co assessment of the students, my mentor and I decided to make use of
both formative and summative assessments on the students.
 We made use of instructional materials to upgrade the understanding of the lesson
by the students. This is done to overcome any challenge that appeared in the co
teaching aspect.
 My mentor and I inculcated the use of diverse instructional language and
activities in the co teaching aspect. This done to overcome any challenge that
appeared in the co teaching of the lesson in the class.
4. How will I apply new knowledge I got in co-planning a lesson?

From the observation, I learnt that, co planning of a lesson goes beyond the writing of
lesson notes. To apply this knew knowledge, my mentor and I must plans the lesson
inculcating all necessary aspects to make the lesson more savvy to the students. Some
of these includes;

 Selecting more appropriate instructional materials suitable for the students.

 The medium of instruction to be used in the class.
 Time planning and assessment strategies to be used.
 Instructional strategies to be used that is suitable for the students’ understanding.
 In planning of a lesson, other teachers can be invited to go through with the

TOPIC Teaching Learners with Diverse Background

Days of visits: Monday to Friday.
Dates of visits; 11th to 15th JULY, 2022.
Demonstrate knowledge and skills of how to teach, motivate, manage, and extend
the learning of all learners irrespective of their background by answering the
following questions:

1. How can I ascertain that a lesson is GESI responsive?

The following are some of the points to consider when ascertaining that a lesson is
GESI responsive;

 Equal opportunity given to females and males to ask and answer questions in
 Paying attention to the composition of females and males during group work and
assigns females leadership roles.
 The teacher ensures that the female students have equal access to teaching and
learning resources during lessons.
 Mentor checks to see if both females and males understand the lesson.
 Teacher speaks to make learners with hearing difficult to read their lips
2. How can I identify learners’ learning needs in a GESI responsive way?
The following are some of the points to consider when identifying learner’s learning
needs in a GESI responsive way;

 Teaching and learning resources are devoid of gender biases: This point give
a better way to identify the learning needs of some of the students in the class.
This further explains; when teachers assign teaching and learning materials to the
students free of gender biases, it creates a conducive class where students feel
free to approach the teacher with their innermost arcanum. In this way, the
teacher can identify the learning needs of the students in a GESI responsive.
 Females and males are mixed in classroom seating arrangement so that
pupils who need more support sit at the front: This is also one of the ways that
the teacher can use to identify the learning needs of some of the students in a
GESI responsive way. Making sense of this, pairing students in the class makes it
simple of some of the students to overcome their fears. Through observation, the
teacher can identify to find the learning needs of the some of the students in the
 Ensures equal participation of females and males during role play:
 Females have equal access to teaching and learning resources during lessons.
 Teacher speaks to make learners with hearing difficult to read their lips
3. How can I tell if a GESI responsive intervention has worked?
To ensure that a GESI responsive intervention has worked, the following points must
be considered;
 Observation: This is when the teacher observes all the activities of the students
being academic or non academic to see that there as been a change in the
academics and behaviour of the students.
 Assigning test to students with the learning needs.
 Creating an interview with these students to find out the updates on the students.
 Inviting other teachers to intervene to help these students to over their problems if
 The use of assessment tools to assess the students in the class.
Topic Classroom Enquiry: Teaching and Learners’ Learning
Days of visits: Monday - Friday.
Dates of visits: 18th - 22nd JULY, 2022
• Demonstrate knowledge and understanding on how to conduct a classroom
enquiry on teaching and learners’ learning by answering the following

1. How can I collect accurate data on how different learners learn?

Accurate data can be ascertained on how different the learners learn through the
 The use data collection instruments like interview schedules, observational
materials, checklist, questionnaires, graphs etc.
 Critical observation on different learners to be able get updates on the students’
performance in the class.
 Giving the students a multiple trial test can help ascertain data on how the
students learn differently.
 The use of ICT tools (for example, computers, mobile phones, video recorders
etc) can help collect accurate data on how different learners learn.
 Assigning tasks to all the students and observing how they all respond to the task
given to them.

2. How can I use learners’ assessment scores to identify their learning needs?
The following are some of the points to consider when using learner’s assessments
scores to identify their learning needs.
 Through the use of data collection instruments (questionnaires, observational
schedules, etc) to identify their learning needs.
 Observing learners in all their activities can aid in identifying their learning
 Most of the learning needs of some of the student often reflects their assessment
scores. For examples; low scores on students’ assessment reflect the kind of
learning need that the particular student have.
 Through research on the students could help identify their learning needs using
their assessment scores.
3. How do I know which intervention for addressing learners’ needs is most
The following points can be considered to identify which intervention for addressing
learners’ needs is most appropriate;
 Through observation on the students to identify their learning needs.
 An interview with the students
 Keeping records on the students to find updates on the students.
 Giving out a test to students to find out if the intervention applied was a success.
 Listing out the intervention and applying all of them to see if it is a success.

4. How will I apply new knowledge I got in identifying and addressing learner
learning needs?
The following are some of the points to consider when applying knowledge on
identifying and addressing learners’ learning needs.
 The use of research and data collection instrument to gather information about the
students and ways to find solutions to these problems.
 the use of various interventions when necessary to solve the problems of the
 The use of various instructional materials to make a lesson more presentable to
the students.
 The use of different assessment strategies to assess the students.
 Inculcating ICT into the presentation of the lesson.

TOPIC Leadership Qualities in the Wider School Community

Days of visits ; Monday - Friday.
Dates of visits : 25th - 30th July, 2022.

1. How do I assess the importance of co-curricular activity to me as a student

The following are some of the points to consider under the importance of co curricular
activities to the student teacher.
 Co curricular activities come in handy in social development of both the
teacher and the students in the class; students and teachers normally work
together, act together and live together. This helps in socializing the child and
develops social qualities, like team spirit, fellow feeling, co operations, toleration
etc. Most of the social activity programmes in the school helps the students to
develop their social skills.
 Co curricular activities are essential for emotional development: these
activities meet the psychological needs of both the students and teacher to lead
their emotional development. Their instincts are sublimated. Instincts like
gregariousness and self assertion which are so dominant in adolescence period
find expression in one activity or the other. The activities also lead to emotional
 Cultural value: Co curricular activities which have great cultural value. For
example; dramatics, folk dance, variety shows etc. Provides a glimpse of our
culture. These activities help in the preservation, transmission and development
of our cultural heritage.
 Helpful in the social development; the co curricular activities are carried our in
social environment. The pupils work together, act together and live together. This
helps in socializing the child and develop social qualities, like team spirit, fellow
feeling, co operation, toleration etc.
 Proper use of Leisure Time; some co curricular activities help in the proper use of
leisure time. For example, craft, hobbies and other creative activities cab be
pursued by the students. In the absence of such constructive activities, they may
pick up some bad habits.

2. Why should I know about the activities of PTA, SMA and other relevant
education stakeholders?
The following are the reason that a student teacher should know about the activities of
the PTA and SMC and other educational stakeholders.
 For educational purpose,
 For referencing purpose.
 For research purpose.
 Teachers can use the knowledge about the activities of these stakeholders as a
teaching and learning materials.
 Teachers can also share their grievances to the parents to seek help from them.

3. What new knowledge have I learned from participating in co-curricular

activities in my training school?

In participating in the co curricular activities in my training school, the following of

the new knowledge that I learnt;
 Co curricular activities is useful in the physical development of the both the
students and the teacher.
 Co curricular activities help in the proper use of leisure time:
 Co curricular activities posses an Aesthetic and Recreational value.
 Co curricular has an educational value.
 Co curricular activities is essential for the emotional development of the students.

TOPIC Meeting the National Teachers’ Standards

Days of visits: Monday to Friday.
Dates of visits:1st to 5th August, 2022.
1. How can I identify the NTS targets I need to achieve?
The National Teaching Standards contains all the NTS targets that need to be achieve.
In identifying the NTS target, the student teacher can make use of the National
Teaching Standards.

2. How can I achieve these targets a) on my own b) with the help of others?
a) on my own
 I will ensure to create a conducive class where students will be accepted and
share their views in the class.
 I will ensure to delegate roles to both the male and female students in the class.
 Based on the use of research instruments, I will gather information from the
students based on the background of the students.
 Participation in all meetings with the PTA, SMC etc.
 Setting objectives for the students.

b) with the help of others

 Co teaching, co planning and co assessment.
 Attending workshop with my mentor and STS partners.
 Having discussion with the students and mentor to achieve learning objectives.
 Collaborative learning.
 Conducting research with my STS partners on the background of some of the

3. How do I know which gender responsive cards are relevant in a lesson?

The gender responsive cards relevant in a lesson can be identified using the following
 The use of checklist (Sample Gender Responsive Scorecards) to identified the
relevant ones by ticking what the teacher put into action while lesson was being
 The use of data collection instruments (Questionnaire) to ascertain information
from the students about the gender responsive strategies that the teacher applied
in the class.
 The use of ICT tools (camera, mobile phones etc.) to record the strategies that
seems relevant in the lesson presentation.
 The use of assessment tools and strategies to find out if the gender responsive
strategies applied in the lesson worked.
 Conducting a research on the students to identify which of the gender responsive
cards was relevant in the lesson presentation.

4. How can I assess the impact of gender responsive cards on a lesson?

The impact of gender responsive cards on a lesson can be assessed through the
 Gender Responsive Cards help create a conducive class where students feel safe
and participate in all the activities that goes on the class.
 Gender Responsive cards have an impact on the selection of instruction materials
used in the class.
 It helps to promote tolerance (a disposition to allow freedom of choice and
behavior) in the class.

TOPIC Action Plan for Lifelong Learning.

Days of visits: Monday - Friday.
Dates of visits: 8th - 12th August, 2022.
• Reflect on the following and record your responses:
1. How can I prepare a lesson plan that will help meet whole class learner needs
and adequately promote GESI

The following are some of the points to consider when preparing a lesson plan that
will help meet the whole class’ learning needs and adequately promote GESI.

 Adequate preparation by acquiring more content knowledge about the particular

learning needs.
 Acquiring diverse teaching and learning techniques required in helping out these
learners understand the lesson.
 The instructional materials including ICT tools needed to present to make lesson
more savvy for the students.
 The teacher must assign to all the genders in the class. This helps to promote
GESI in the class. Assigning peculiar roles to female genders in the class makes
them more interested in the lesson.
 In the advance preparation, the teacher request for the assistance of other
personnel to have a talk with the students.
2. How do I incorporate the appropriate ICT tools and activities in my lesson
planning and teaching?
The appropriate ICT tools and activities can be incorporated in the lesson planning
and teaching through the following points;
 ICT tools and activities can impact learning planning and teaching when teachers
are digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into curriculum.Schools
use a diverse set of ICT tools to communicate, create, disseminate, store, and
manage information.
 ICT tools and activities has also become integral to the teaching-learning
interaction, through such approaches as replacing chalkboards with interactive
digital whiteboards, using students’ own smartphones or other devices for
learning during class time, and the “flipped classroom” model where students
watch lectures at home on the computer and use classroom time for more
interactive exercises.
 Most of the teachers of Wesco practice Annex are digitally literate and trained to
use ICT, these approaches can lead to higher order thinking skills, provide
creative and individualized options for students to express their understandings,
and leave students better prepared to dp bseal with ongoing technological change
in society .
 ICT issues planners must consider include: considering the total cost-benefit
equation, supplying and maintaining the requisite infrastructure, and ensuring
investments are matched with teacher support and other policies aimed at
effective ICT use.
 Learning become more fascinating to the students when ICT tools are
incorporated in the lesson. Students feel obliged to participate in all activities that
goes on in the class including both cognitive, affective and psycho motor.

3. How can I use ICT tools and approaches to address GESI issues in the
To address GESI issues in the classroom with the use of ICT tools, the following
points can be considered;
 The teacher ensures that, female students in the class have equal access to the
instructional materials (ICT tools) during lesson presentation.
 In the classroom seating arrangement, the teacher ensures that the female student
and that of the male are mixed together so that, some of the students who needs
support can be placed in front of the class.
 The use of assistive devices (ICT tools like hearing aid) to help students who are
impaired to hearing.
 Incorporating ICT tools (Projector, computer with assistive AI’s) to help students
thereby projecting presentations of lesson on the board.
 ICT tools and approaches can be use to address GESI issues in the classroom
when the teacher checks in to see if the males and females understand the lesson
that is being taught.
4. What new knowledge have I learned from the use of videos in lessons?
Using videos in lesson can be helpful in the following ways;
 The use of videos can be a useful instructional materials for most of the students
who are visual learners.
 Inculcating videos in lessons making learning interesting to the learner thereby
making learning become more real to them.
 Inculcating the use of videos in the curriculum is a diverse way of presenting a
lesson to the student and making it more savvy for the students.
 Students easily recalls lessons when the teacher makes use of the videos.
 Inculcating videos in a lesson creates a conducive class where students focus on
the lesson and ask pertinent questions about what they observed in the video.

Topic Professional Teaching Portfolio Development

Day of visit: Monday to Friday.
Date of visit: 16th to 20th August, 2022.
• Reflect on the following questions and record your responses:
1. How do I draw a link between a professional teaching portfolio and STS
professional teaching portfolio?
The following ways can be used to draw a link between a professional teaching
portfolio and an STS teaching portfolio.
 Items in the STS teaching portfolio are the same materials in the Professional
teaching portfolio.
 They both serve as evidences to teaching and observation.
 The SRJ in the STS teaching portfolio can be used as a reference in the
Professional teaching portfolio.
2. How do I know what items should be put into STS portfolio and what items
to put in a general professional teaching portfolio?

Portfolios serve as an evidence to teaching. The items that should place in the
portfolio should be items pertaining to education materials, for example; students
academic exercises, class test, teaching and learning materials etc. Some of the
materials that should be place in both the STS portfolio and the Professional teaching
portfolios include the following items;

STS portfolio professional teaching portfolio

 SRJ.  Lesson plan.
 Teaching philosophy.  Teaching philosophy.
 Pictures and videos  Teaching and learning
 Reports  Research work
 Curriculum Vitae.  Pictures, videos of students
 Research reports.  Reports on the learning needs
of some of the students.
 Lesson plan.  Evidence of class exercises,
exams, class test and

3. How can I assess the gaps in my content knowledge and pedagogical content

Content knowledge: refers to the teachers’ understanding of the subject matter taught
Pedagogical Content Knowledge: is the knowledge needed to make subject matter
accessible to students

The gaps in the content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge can be
assessed in the following ways;
 The method of presenting the understanding of the subject matter in the class
using various instructional materials is termed as Pedagogical Content
Knowledge. whiles, researching and understanding the subject matter is termed
the Content Knowledge.
 The Content Knowledge involves understanding whiles the Pedagogical
Content Knowledge involves the application.
 In the Content Knowledge, teachers often research in books, internet for the
better understanding of the subject whiles in the Pedagogical Content
Knowledge, teachers often refer to instructional materials, methods for their
lesson presentation.
 The PCK only applies in the basic education while the CK applies the cognitive
aspect of education.

4. Explain at least two key things you have learned in this topic

Two key things that I learned in the topic includes the following;
 I have learnt how to solicit information about students in order to know their
 I have learnt how to maintain inclusivity and equity in the classroom.

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