ADC-IMS-PR-17 Document and Record Control

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Doc Code: ADC-IMS-PR-17

Issue Date: 01-JUNE-2023

Issue No: 01

Revision No: 00
Page 1 of 5

1.0 PURPOSE................................................................................................................................

2.0 SCOPE.....................................................................................................................................

3.0 ABBREVIATION.......................................................................................................................

4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES.................................................................................................................

5.0 PROCESS.............................................................................................................................

6.0 RECORDS................................................................................................................................


Revision Date Record of Changes Prepared By Approved By

Mr. Semil Abbas Mr. Ayas V.S
(IMS Representative) (Operation Manager)
Initial Issue
00 01-06-2023

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Doc Code: ADC-IMS-PR-17

Issue Date: 01-JUNE-2023

Issue No: 01

Revision No: 00
Page 2 of 5

To establish, implement, and maintain documents and records to the extent necessary to support the operation of
processes and retain documents and records to the extent required to have confidence that the procedures are being
carried out as planned.
It encompasses all the documentation under an integrated management system.

3.1 ADC – ALA Design Consultancy W.L.L
3.2 IMS – Integrated Management System (ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018)
3.3 PR – Procedure
3.4 FR – Form
4.1 Departmental Heads
4.2 IMS Representative / External Consultants
4.3 General Manager / Operation Manager / Operation Manager
5.1 General
The documents and records of the organization include documents and records required by ISO 9001:2015, ISO
14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, and documents and records determined by the organization as being necessary for the
effectiveness of the integrated management system.
The organization determined to keep documents and records needed to be maintained by the organization to establish
an integrated management system (high-level transversal documents), including:
 The scope of the integrated management system – An integrated management system manual
 Documents and records necessary to support the operation of processes. - Operation Procedures
 The integrated management system policy
 The integrated management system objectives
 Organizational Knowledge
The organization determined to keep documents and records maintained by the organization to communicate the
information necessary for the organization to operate may include but is not limited to
 Organization charts
 Process maps, Process flow charts, and/or Process descriptions
 Procedures
 Work and test instructions
 Specifications
 Documents containing internal communications.
 Operation schedules

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Doc Code: ADC-IMS-PR-17

Issue Date: 01-JUNE-2023

Issue No: 01

Revision No: 00
Page 3 of 5

 Approved external provider lists.

 Test and inspection plans
5.2 Creating & Updating
The organization's top management determined some criteria for creating and updating the documents and records.
It was decided to include a title, date, and reference number to identify and describe documents and records.
SL# Purpose Action Details Process

01 Identification and description A title, date, and reference Company Name, Document Title, Issue
number Date, Revision Number & Document
Document Code:
Manual - ADC-IMS-ML-01
Procedure – ADC-IMS-PR-xx
Form – ADC-Department-FR-xx
xx indicates sequence

02 Format Language English

03 Media Paper and Electronic In Paper and Electronic

04 Suitability and adequacy Prepare and Review. Prepared - By the IMS Representative
Approval Approval – General Manager /
Operation Manager

The IMS Representative shall be responsible for maintaining the Master Copy, which will be marked and preserved,
from which all further copies will be made and maintained as CONTROLLED COPY kept.
The uncontrolled copies are those copies whose revision status cannot be controlled. Documents are
UNCONTROLLED / COPY unless otherwise marked; uncontrolled documents are not subject to update notification.
Safeguards are in place to prevent employees from incorrectly accessing and using obsolete information. It is
carried out with the help of the OBSOLETE section in the document.
5.2.1 Document Approval and Issue
After the preparation and numbering of documents, these are reviewed and approved by the competent authorities.
The following personnel are studying, and approving authorities related to various integrated management system
Type of Document Prepared by Approved by
IMS Manual IMS Representative General Manager / Operation Manager

IMS System Procedures IMS Representative General Manager / Operation Manager

Work Instructions IMS Representative General Manager / Operation Manager

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Doc Code: ADC-IMS-PR-17

Issue Date: 01-JUNE-2023

Issue No: 01

Revision No: 00
Page 4 of 5

Forms/Format IMS Representative General Manager / Operation Manager

5.3 Control of Documents & Records
The organization's top management is determined to control the documents and records required by the integrated
management system and by this International Standard. Ensure that documents and records of internal and external
origin determined by the organization necessary for the planning and operation of the integrated management system
are identified and their distribution controlled. The organization has established a procedure for controlling documents
in its integrated management system. This control ensures that:
 distribution, access, retrieval, and use.
 Storage and preservation, including preservation of legibility.
 Control of changes (e.g., version control).
 Retention and disposition.
Once the documents and records exist, the next logical step is control. Here are the control requirements from ISO
9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018:
1 Availability The documents and records exist where it is available for the end user. The organization
has dedicated the resources to create the documents and forms, and the information
suits the intended need.
2 Protection The documents and records are protected from tampering, unauthorized changes,
and damage. People who should not see the documents and records are prevented
from seeing them. The organization should implement appropriate safeguards to ensure
information is not misused. System passwords and employee training are two ways to
accomplish this.
3 Distribution You can assess the documents and records. Employees do not struggle to find it, and
they understand how to interpret its meaning. It is available in the system server for all
employees. In the case of retained information (e.g., records), they can be retrieved
within a reasonable amount of time.
4 Storage The organization specifies where the documents and records are located. This applies
to retained documents and papers (forms) and maintained documents and records
(documents). The location is accurate and verifiable, and there are controls to preserve
the information. A Common Folder is prepared in the server for the storage of
consultancy documents, and folders are ready for the other operations in the
5 Preservatio The organization included periodic backups of computer files and regular monitoring to
ensure continued legibility. The controls for “preservation” are very similar to the rules for
“protection” described above.
6 Change The organization can ensure that the correct versions of documents and records are
available. When documents and records are revised, the revisions are incorporated into
the information in use (after review and approval). Safeguards are in place to prevent
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Doc Code: ADC-IMS-PR-17

Issue Date: 01-JUNE-2023

Issue No: 01

Revision No: 00
Page 5 of 5

employees from incorrectly accessing and using obsolete information. It is carried out
with the help of CANCEL stamps/marking (Soft & Hard)
7 Retention Every record in the organization system could conceivably have a different retention
time. After discussing them with the Department Heads, the General Manager /
Operation Manager/ IMS Representative / Departmental Heads will decide the
appropriate retention times of records. This is entirely up to the organization and its
needs. The organization decided on a one-year minimum for all documents and records

5.4 External Documents Control

The following documents used in the company are of external origin:
 Legislation and regulations
 Customer Supplied Requirement.
 Product standards/specifications
 Customer Requirement Data
These external origin documents must neither be numbered nor approved by the competent authority.
5.5 Document Changes
Any person can initiate changes in the following documents and records, like the integrated management system
manual, integrated management system procedures, integrated management system Forms, Work Instruction, and
integrated management system plans, by filling in the Document Change Proposal. The Document Change
Proposal is signed by the concerned departmental head and sent to the IMS Representative. IMS Representative
will review the nature of the changes requested and approve the Document Change Proposal. After the approval,
the Document Controller or IMS Representative incorporates the changes in the concerned document and
describes the nature of the change on the amendment sheet. The authority approves the revised manuscript. The
revised document is then distributed to all the concerned persons by document distribution list, and the obsolete
Documents are retrieved. Outdated documents are destroyed or marked “CANCELLED” and adequately identified.
One copy of the ancient record is maintained for recording purposes.
5.6 File Labelling
The documents and records are properly filed and indexed for easy retrieval and safe storage. Each file has been
listed in the Master List of Files for the traceability and easy recovery of the documents and records.
6.1 Master List of Documents and Records ADC-DC-FR-01
6.2 Document Change Proposal ADC-DC-FR-02
6.3 List of External Documented Information ADC-DC-FR-03

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