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Jihad in Islam

Afif Kazi/HRT3M1/Mr. Graham

01 What is Jihad 02 Arguments

03 Verification of 04 Conclusion
1 What is Jihad
Jihad in Islam
● “Jihad” literally means to

● Many types of Jihad in Islam

● Struggling against one’s desires,

Speaking the truth to a ruler

● Focus on Jihad bis saif - fighting

with the sword
“The striver (mujaahid) is the one
who struggles with himself in the
obedience of Allah”
—Muhammad (pbuh)
2 Verification
The narrations regarding Muhammad
(pbuh) have been preserved
● The oral tradition was mainly relied upon during
the time of Muhammad (saw)

● When scholars wrote down the sayings of

Muhammad, they verified them

● This was done using chains of narration and citing

3 Arguements
Why did Muhammad and the
companions wage 74 wars?
● During the time that Muhammad lived, he and the
muslims waged 74 wars against others

● Morally wrong and instigating evil

● Occurence of bloodshed and conquering of lands
These were not wars
● In the books of tradition, these
were documented as “ghazwa” and

● 34 out of 74 had no fighting at all

● Only 1258 casualties in all 74

campaigns, 1.5% of all the troops
Why did the muslims go on
the offensive?
● During the reign of the caliphs, many lands were

● Why instigate conflicts with other lands?

● Weren’t so many people killed during these

conquests? And all for power, wealth, and land
The best defense is a good offense
● The muslims were oppressed originally by the

● They would have been oppressed by other empires

as well

● Conquests had many rules in place and was done

in a civilized way

● This is not specific to Islam

There is no need to justify terrorism
● Jihad can only be waged by political leaders in an
islamic state

● Due respect must be shown to the lives of

non-muslims during Jihad

● Jihad was waged with a deep understanding of

what it entails, and only when needed

● One has to understand what a dogma entails.

4 Conclusion
What truly is Jihad
● Jihad is of many types in Islam

● One of these types is warfare, but it doesn’t equate to


● It was done to defend and ensure the survival of


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