A Philosophy Q1 M1 ELOISA CLEAN 091521

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Senior High School

Introduction to the Philosophy

of the Human Person
Quarter 1 - Module 1
Doing Philosophy

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 - Module 1: Doing Philosophy
First Edition, 2021

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Published by the Department of Education- Region III

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Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

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Ma. Eloisa Sayo-Mendoza, Patrick Enriquez Pagtalunan, Aileen Casimiro-Santos,
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Department of Education--- Schools Division of Bulacan

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Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan
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Senior High School

Introduction to the Philosophy

of the Human Person
Quarter 1 - Module 1
Doing Philosophy
Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, dear learners, can
continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions,
directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to
understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or
if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teachers are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how
they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any
part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises
and tests. Read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.

What I Need to Know

Have you ever asked yourself what will happen to your life a few years from

Anyone may linger in this question during a pandemic when people are
uncertain of the future. It is during this trying time that you and others will seek to
know and understand what is happening around you that affects your life in many
ways. When you start to ask a question and think deeply to find answers to this
question, then you are caught in philosophical thoughts. For this reason, you will
be guided to think and discover the meaning of your experiences through this

This entire course, Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person,

will help you (1) reflect on your daily experiences especially during a pandemic;
(2) acquire and apply critical and analytical skills to the affairs of daily life; (3)
become truthful, environment-friendly, and service-oriented; (4) actively
committed to the development of a more humane society; and (5) articulate your
philosophy of life (DepEd K-12 SHS Curriculum Guide - Introduction to the
Philosophy of the Human Person, May 2016).

The course comprises different learning competencies and learning tasks.

For this week, you will focus on distinguishing a holistic perspective from a partial
point of view. Through this module, you will be guided to achieve the following:
• Differentiate holistic perspective and partial point of view.
• Cite a situation that adopted a holistic perspective.
• Reflect on a current personal experience using holistic perspective.

To begin with, answer the items below to assess your prior knowledge of
the lesson that will be discussed in this module.

What I Know

Choose the best answer. Write the letter of your choice in your notebook.

1. It is a perspective that considers the “bigger picture” when looking at problems and
a. Partial perspective b. Holistic perspective c. Insight d. Reflection

2. It is a perspective that focuses on a specific aspect of a situation.

a. Holistic perspective b. Reflection c. Insight d. Partial point of view

3. Doing philosophy requires _________.
a. selecting the facts that you want to believe.
b. getting the approval of your peer group in making a decision.
c. stepping back and considering the general aspects of a problem.
d. overthinking of a problem that is beyond your control.

4. “Seeing with the mind” refers to ____________.

a. insight b. being informed c. partiality d. inspiration

5. Having a fixed mindset on a certain issue means ____________.

a. finding meaning to what is happening around you.
b. thinking of different possible solutions to address the issue.
c. looking to the issue with a narrow mind.
d. consulting other people for different perspectives.

6. This action describes best holistic perspective.

a. Giving your friend a one-sided advice.
b. Expressing your opinion about a politician without basis.
c. Giving up your studies because you think that life is too hard.
d. Reflecting and taking actions to the challenges of a pandemic.

7. Making connections of the events and experiences in life will bring you
a. deeper understanding and realizations of uncontrollable events and
b. deeper understanding and pride that you can boast to other people.
c. wisdom that you can use to get even to those who offended you.
d. deeper understanding and finding peace regardless of the difficulties in life.

8. According to Thales, a Philosopher, “everything is related with each other.” In the

context of pandemic, this means _____________.
a. You can do something to help ease the suffering of your family.
b. You can focus on your studies despite the pandemic to help your family.
c. Your actions will either spread or stop the spread of the virus in your
d. All of the above.

9. Reflecting upon a situation based on holistic perspective will lead you to

a. bias judgment b. being considerate c. blind obedience d. misinformation

10. Using a partial point of view in analyzing a situation will show you _______.
a. a partial part of the entire truth
b. the totality of the truth
c. understanding of everything
d. connectedness and relatedness of every perspective

11. A holistic perspective means ____________.
a. looking at a certain aspect of a situation
b. looking from an overview of a certain situation
c. looking at a certain situation from a personal perspective
d. looking at a certain aspect of the whole scenario

12. Using a holistic perspective, what should you consider a priority in pursuing SHS
studies amidst a pandemic?
a. Having a stable job to provide for your family
b. Having a stable Wi-Fi connection at home
c. Having a good physical and mental health
d. Having a boyfriend / girlfriend relationship

13. Why is it important to consider every partial aspect of a situation?

a. To see the relatedness of every aspect and the whole truth of a situation
b. To arrive at a bias judgment or conclusion
c. To gauge the situation and make a quick conclusion
d. To give consideration to only one aspect of the situation

14. What important factors should you consider if you were to work and study at the
same time amidst COVID-19?
a. family economic status, things that you want to buy, job opportunities, salary
b. health protocol, family economic status, academic performance in grade 11,
time management skill
c. health protocol, family economic status, salary, time management skill, parental
d. family economic status, salary, academic performance in grade 11, parental

15. Which of the following best describes a holistic view of life’s reality?
a. Life is like a flower, it is always beautiful.
b. Life is like a sunset, it can be gloomy.
c. Life is but happiness, no pain nor sorrow.
d. Life is like a coin, it has two-sides: happiness and sorrow.

Check your answers with the help of the answer key on page 15 . If you got a
perfect score in the previous pre-assessment activity, it means that you have a wide
knowledge of the lesson. On the other hand, if your score is low it means that there
are more things that you need to discover regarding the lesson.

Regardless of your score, what matters most is your willingness to learn.

What’s In

Learning entails reading, and reading entails understanding of words especially

the unfamiliar ones. Do the activity below to give you an idea of the concepts that will
be discussed in this lesson.

Unlocking of Difficulties: Find the meaning of the following words using a dictionary
or Google search. Copy and complete the table in your notebook. Number 1 is already
done for you.

1. Philosophical Relating to the study of fundamental nature of knowledge, reality,
and existence
2. Holistic
3. Partial
4. Abstractive
5. Philosopher
6. Insight
7. Perspective

What’s New
Read the poem “The Six Blind Men and the Elephant.” You may go through the
questions before reading the poem to guide you in reading the poem.

Answer briefly the following questions once you have read the poem. Write
your answers in your notebook.


1. In the poem, do the blind men given the correct depiction of the elephant?
2. Based on the poem, how can you identify holistic perspective? How about
partial point of view?
3. What is the importance of a holistic perspective as pointed out in the poem?
4. What do you think is John Godfrey Saxe’s message in the last stanza of his

The Six Blind Men and the Elephant
John Godfrey Saxe’s (1816-1887) Version

It was six men of Indostan, The Fourth reached out an eager hand,
To learning much inclined, And felt about the knee:
Who went to see the Elephant "What most this wondrous beast is like
(Though all of them were blind), Is mighty plain," -quoth he,-
That each by observation "'Tis clear enough the Elephant
Might satisfy his mind. Is very like a tree!"

The First approach'd the Elephant, The Fifth, who chanced to touch the
And happening to fall ear,
Against his broad and sturdy side, Said- "E'en the blindest man
At once began to bawl: Can tell what this resembles most;
"God bless me! but the Elephant Deny the fact who can,
Is very like a wall!" This marvel of an Elephant
Is very like a fan!"
The Second, feeling of the tusk,
Cried, -"Ho! what have we here The Sixth no sooner had begun
So very round and smooth and sharp? About the beast to grope,
To me 'tis mighty clear, Then, seizing on the swinging tail
This wonder of an Elephant That fell within his scope,
Is very like a spear!" "I see," -quoth he,- "the Elephant
Is very like a rope!"
The Third approach'd the animal,
And happening to take And so these men of Indostan
The squirming trunk within his hands, Disputed loud and long,
Thus boldly up and spake: Each in his own opinion
"I see," -quoth he- "the Elephant Exceeding stiff and strong,
Is very like a snake!" Though each was partly in the right,
And all were in the wrong!


So, oft in theologic wars

The disputants, I ween,
Rail on in utter ignorance
Of what each other mean;
And prate about an Elephant
Not one of them has seen!

What Is It

Philosophy and Its Holistic Approach

How humans think? Do they ponder the world around them? What do you think
about their perception of the world? In this topic, you will try to uncover how a person
perceives everything around him/ her.

Imagine yourself on top of Tilapilon at Doña Remedios Trinidad, Bulacan. What

do you see? You not only see the pathway and scenery from a different perspective,
but you see everything that connects to each other. You get to see your experience of
hardship as you walk and climb towards the place but this experience only leads you
to a feeling of joy and victory. This means seeing things from a holistic perspective.

This means that humans are capable of different perceptions. Some may have
attained a different form of enlightenment by seeking answers around them. These
people are called “Philosophers.” Philosophers think in a way a normal person would
not do. They think in a metaphysical manner, which means considering every possible
concept to arrive at a certain conclusion. This is Holistic Perspective. It means that
from the specific way of formulating thoughts you can arrive at having a general
overview of whole idea. The perfect example of this is the poem about the elephant
wherein the different blind men gave their different opinion or perception. They were
able to describe the different parts of the elephant in their own perspective but not the
whole itself. It is at the end when the realization to perceive it as a whole makes the
difference. Form this, a person can arrive closer to the truth that can be achieved
through various perspectives and forming it as a whole.

The first philosophers noted in history hail from the ancient Greek civilization.
What makes this civilization so special for philosophy? If today there are satellites,
internet connection, and electronic devices that would allow you to see the world,
despite being confined at your home, from a holistic point of view, these great thinkers
in the past used their minds “to see the whole.” They had insight which means “seeing
with the mind” (Ferriols, 2001). The ancient Greek philosophers asked the questions,
“What makes us all connected to each other? What makes us one? What underlies
everything that exists?”

Many believe that the first philosophers came from the Greek civilization. Going
back from history most of the classical thought that arrive today
came from this civilization, from Thales (c. 624-545 B.C.),
Socrates (c. 470-399 B.C.), Plato (c. 428-348 B.C.) and Aristotle
(c. 384-322 B.C.). These people wonder and seek answers from
their questions about everything around them. This gave birth to
insights about the world. They were able to look beyond and
arrive at a conclusion that is closer to truth.
Thales, first philosopher
Image Source: Google Images

Key points:
v An insight is “seeing with the mind.”
v Doing philosophy means looking at things in a holistic rather than partial
v Holistic perspective is being able to see the connectedness of parts to see
a meaningful whole while partial perspective is being able to see just a part
or portion of the whole reality.
v Having a glimpse of the whole allows you to see the meaning of the activities
that you do every day.

What’s More

Write your answers to the following activities in your notebook.

Independent Activity 1

Directions: Create an acrostic for HOLISTIC based on the lesson discussion.


Independent Assessment 1

Directions: Write Holistic if the phrase describes a holistic perspective and Partial if
it describes a partial perspective.

1. A bigger picture
2. Seeing the general aspects of a problem
3. Being one-sided
4. Open-minded
5. Too much focus on the negative side of the situation

Independent Activity 2
Directions: Using a diagram, illustrate the difference between holistic perspective and
partial point of view.



Holistic Partial Partial


Independent Assessment 2
Directions: Read the following scenarios. Identify whether the scenarios are showing
a holistic or partial perspective. Write H for holistic perspective and P for partial point
of view.

1. Your friends have a misunderstanding. You try to listen to each one of them so
that you can help them settle the issue.
2. You are having a hard time connecting to the internet with your device. You
decided not to submit your homework because you think that it is useless to
3. Your teacher in Philosophy is asking for your help to contact your classmate
who happens to be your neighbor. Your classmate is no longer submitting
outputs. You think of many possible ways to reach out to your classmate without
putting yourself at risk. You can see what might happen to your classmate if
he/she cannot complete the output of the module in Philosophy. However, you
can also sense that your classmate must be experiencing a problem.
4. Life is hard nowadays because of COVID-19. It is dangerous for youth like you
to go out and acquire the virus. You heard from someone that your neighbor
has COVID-19 virus, immediately, you tell your parents not to talk to your
neighbor and his/her family.
5. You were about to cook rice for lunch. You discovered that the rice container
was empty. You thought how you could overcome poverty. On the other hand,
you realized that there is something that you can do to help improve the living
condition of your family.

Independent Activity 3
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. Cite a situation where you adopted a holistic perspective in looking at a problem
or situation. How did adopting a holistic view help you make sense of the
2. How does having a holistic view help you become better individual?

Independent Assessment 3
Directions: Formulate five questions about the lesson that you want to ask your
classmates if given the chance to talk to them.

1. Example: What is a holistic perspective?

What I Have Learned

Find out what you have learned about the lesson. Write your answers in your

A. Complete the following sentences by writing the missing words.

1. An “insight” is seeing with the _______________.

2. Doing philosophy means looking at things in a ________________
3. A _______________ perspective focuses on a portion of the entire reality.
4. The six blind men in the poem by John Godfrey Saxe used a
_______________ perspective to describe the elephant.
5. To see the _______________ of your daily experiences or activities will give
you a deeper meaning of your life.

B. Refer to the questions that you have listed in Independent Assessment 3. Provide
the answer for each of your question. Follow the format below.

Questions Answers
1. Example: What is a holistic Example: Holistic perspective is looking at
perspective? all the angles of a situation.

What I Can Do

• Discuss with your family members, relatives or significant persons a problem
or issue that you are currently experiencing. Write down their views and use
them as basis to come up with a solution based on a holistic perspective.
• Refer to the graph as a guide.
• Do this on the answer sheet. Make sure to write your name and section. Let
your parent sign your output.

Example: My family is experiencing a financial problem. I am considering to work
while I study.
Father’s Views: Mother’s Views:
My father said it is okay for me to work My mother said that I should focus more
for as long as I can manage my time and on my studies. She can work on week
I will not get infected of the virus. days since my siblings can already take
care of themselves.
Brother’s/Sister’s Views: My own views:
My siblings said that I should not work I want to work on week days so that I can
because they also need my help in help my family in financial matters. I can
accomplishing school tasks. also buy the things that I need for school
and even the things that I want.
Other important views or things to consider:
My teachers’ views are important. They advise me to focus on my studies. They also
said that if I were to work I have to make sure that I can manage my time well. Since
Grade 12 subjects are more difficult, more time is required for me to study. If I get
higher grades, there is a greater chance for me to be qualified for college
Solution 1 - I will find a part time job, a job that will not sacrifice my health and time
for studying.
Solution 2 - If ever I do not find a part time job, I will focus on my studies and do my
best to spend within our means. I will not buy the things that I want instead spend
money wisely. I believe that good health and education are what I truly need to have
a better and more secured life.

Rubric for grading the activity:

Category 4 3 2 1
Content Presented all Presented all Presented Presented
the necessary/ the necessary some vague or
relevant views views necessary irrelevant views;
supported with supported with views without presented
clear details; some details; details; vague solution
presented presented presented one
solutions that solutions but solution that
are specific and lack specifics lacks specifics
feasible and feasibility and not feasible
Presentation/ Output is neat Output is neat Output has Output is not
Neatness without any but with some several presentable at
erasure or erasures and erasures and all
unnecessary unnecessary unnecessary
markings markings markings

Following of All the One direction is Two directions Directions are

directions directions are not followed are not followed not followed

Timeliness Submitted on Submitted 1-3 Submitted 4-5 Submitted 6-7

the exact date days delay days delay days delay
of submission


Choose the best answer. Write the letter of your choice in your notebook.

1. Doing philosophy requires _________.

a. selecting the facts that you want to believe.
b. getting the approval of your peer group in making a decision.
c. stepping back and considering the general aspects of a problem.
d. overthinking of a problem that is beyond your control.

2. An insight means _________.

a. Seeing with the mind c. Seeing with the heart
d. Bird’s eye view d. Inspiration

3. It is a perspective that focuses on a specific aspect of a situation.

a. Holistic perspective b. Reflection c. Insight d. Partial point of view
4. It is a perspective that considers the “bigger picture” when looking at problems and
a. Partial perspective b. Holistic perspective c. Insight d. Reflection
5. This action describes best holistic perspective.
a. Giving your friend a one-sided advice.
b. Expressing your opinion about a politician without basis.
c. Reflecting and finding solution to the challenges of pandemic.
d. Giving up your studies because you think that life is too hard.

6. Having a fixed mindset on a certain issue means __________.

a. finding meaning to what is happening around you.
b. thinking of different possible solutions to address the issue.
c. looking to the issue with a partial point of view.
d. consulting other people for different perspectives.

7. According to Thales, a Philosopher, “everything is related with each other.” In the

context of pandemic, this means ________.
a. You can do something to help ease the suffering of your family.
b. You can focus on your studies despite the pandemic to help your family.
c. Your actions will either spread or stop the spread of the virus in your
d. All of the above.

8. Making connections of the events and experiences in life will bring you ________.
a. deeper understanding and realizations of uncontrollable events and
b. deeper understanding and peace regardless of the difficulties in life.
c. deeper understanding and pride that you can boast to other people.
d. wisdom that you can use to get even to those who offended you.

9. Using a partial point of view in analyzing a situation will show you ________.
a. a part of the entire truth
b. the totality of the truth
c. understanding of everything
d. connectedness and relatedness of every perspective

10. A holistic perspective means __________.

a. looking from an overview of a certain situation
b. looking at a certain aspect of a situation
c. looking at a certain aspect of the whole scenario
d. looking at a certain situation from a personal perspective

11. Reflecting upon a situation based on holistic perspective will lead you to _______.
a. unfair judgment b. being compassionate c. blind obedience d. misinformation

12. Which of the following best describes a holistic view of life’s reality?
a. Life is like a flower, it is always beautiful.
b. Life is like a sunset, it can be gloomy.
c. Life is but happiness, no pain nor sorrow.
d. Life is like a coin, it has two-sides: happiness and sorrow.

13. Why is it important to consider every partial aspect of a situation?
a. To see the relatedness of every aspect and the whole truth of a situation
b. To arrive at a bias judgment or conclusion
c. To gauge the situation and make a quick conclusion
d. To give consideration to only one aspect of the situation

14. What important factors should you consider if you were to work and study at the
same time amidst COVID-19?
a. family economic status, things that you want to buy, job opportunities, salary
b. health protocol, family economic status, salary, time management skill,
parental consent
c. health protocol, family economic status, academic performance in grade 11,
time management skill
d. family economic status, salary, academic performance in grade 11, parental

15. Using a holistic perspective, what should you consider a priority in pursuing SHS
studies amidst a pandemic?
a. Having a stable job to provide for your family
b. Having a stable Wi-Fi connection at home
c. Having a boyfriend / girlfriend relationship
d. Having a good physical and mental health

Additional Activity

Choose one particular subject in grade 12 that you find difficult. Using a holistic
perspective, write five advantages of learning this subject in your life and society
especially during a pandemic. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

What I Know
1. b
2. d
3. c
4. a
5. c
6. d
7. d
8. d
9. b
10. a
11. b
12. c
13. a
14. c
15. d
Independent Assessment 2
1. H
2. P
3. H
4. P
5. H
What I Have Learned
1. mind
2. holistic
3. partial
4. partial
5. holistic
1. c
2. d
3. d
4. b
5. c
6. c
7. d
8. b
9. a
10. a
11. b
12. d
13. a
14. b
15. d
Answer Key


Abella, Roberto D. Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. Quezon City: C
& E Publishing, Inc. 2016.
Corpuz, Brenda, Ruben Corpuz, Maria Lovelyn Corpuz-Paclibar and Socrates Paclibar.
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. Quezon City: Lorimar
Publishing, Inc. 2016.
Ferriols, Roque J. S.J. “Insight.” In Philosophy of man: Selected reading, edited by Manuel
B. Dy, 3-6. Makati: Philippine Goodwill Trading Co. 2001.

Electronic Resources

Image of Thales of Miletus. Greatest Greeks. Accessed date September 13, 2021.

For inquiries or feedback, please write:

Department of Education, Schools Division of Bulacan

Curriculum Implementation Division (CID)
Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan
Email Address: lrmdsbulacan@deped.gov.ph


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