Postman Delivery Remarks - SAP - PMA

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Delivery remarks in DPMS by Delivery PA

Remarks Explanation Disposal/Action

Door locked at the time of visit of Intimation to be served. Article

1 Door locked
Postman. to be kept on hold / deposit
Premises is open but addressee is
Addressee Intimation to be served. Article
2 not available [in the case
Absent to be kept on hold / deposit
addresseee specific articles]
Return to the sender or to the
There is no person of that name at "Return" address as mentioned
the specified address is available or on the article after the
Addressee the addressee has gone away completion of period of
3 cannot be without leaving any instruction as retention (7 days following the
located to the disposal of correspondence day of receipt ie., D+7) at the
and no reliable information is post office after all enquiries to
available about his/her new address. find the addressee have been
proved unsuccessful.
The addresssee has vacated the
house/premises without leaving an
Addressee left Keep in deposit for 7 days and
instruction as to disposal of
4 without if nobody claims, Returned to
correspondence and no reliable
instructions sender/RLO.
information is available about his
new address.
Addressee has moved from the
Addressee address and has left instructions as Article to be redirected to the
moved to the redirection of his new address on the same day.
In the case of change of addressee To be invoiced to the correct
6 Beat Change from one beat to another within the beat in the next delivery
delivery jurisdiction of the office. attempt.

Return to the sender or to the

"Return" address as mentioned
on the article on the same day.
7 Deceased Addressee has expired
Postmasters can take a
recourse as per the provisions
of Clause 89 of PO Guide Part I

Southern Region, Madurai
Delivery remarks in DPMS by Delivery PA

Remarks Explanation Disposal/Action

In r/o Speed Post articles,

Return to the sender or to the
i) The address given on the article is "Return" address as mentioned
incorrect. However, the addressee on the article after the
can still be located and delivery can completion of period of
be made within the jurisdiction of retention (7 days following the
Insufficient the same office. day of receipt) at the post office
Address after all enquiries to find the
ii) Address given on the article is addressee have been proved
not complete like name of street, unsuccessful.
house number, locality etc are not
available In r/o Registered articles,
Returned to sender / RLO
After careful enquiry and
verification, the article can be
No such Address is located but no such returned to sender on the same
9 person in the addressee resisdes there or not day and can be kept in deposit
address known to the locality upto a maximum of 7 days if
there is any possible chance of
Addressee refused to accept the
article. Addressee is present but Returned to sender/RLO
10 Refused
does not take delivery of the article immediately
on one pretext or other.
Article is recalled by the sender as
11 Recalled per the provisions of Clause 34 of Returned to sender.
PO Guide Part I
On addressee Article is retained as per the Article can be held in deposit to
Instructions request of the addressee. a maximum of 7 days
Article to be delivered within 7
13 Poste Restante Article addressed to C/o Postmaster days and returned to sender
after that.
Local Holiday declared in the
Keep in deposit and attempt on
14 Local Holiday locality of the addressee and the
the next working day.
premises is closed.
Delivered through window after
Item was not delivered since it was giving notice to the addressee
15 Damaged
in damaged condition as per Clause 40 of PO Guide
Part I

Southern Region, Madurai
Delivery remarks in DPMS by Delivery PA

Remarks Explanation Disposal/Action

Select BO Name for invoicing to

16 Divert to BO Article to be sent to BO
Return to the sender or to the
Intimation was served but the
"Return" address as mentioned
article was not taken delivery by
on the article after the
17 Unclaimed the addressee or his /her
completion of period of
representative till the date of
retention (7 days following the
retention of the article in the office.
day of receipt) at the post office.
Invoice the article to the bulk
Divert to Bulk Select Bulk Addressee name
18 addressee after capturing the bulk
delivery and invoice.
Articles containing prohibited item Returned to sender as per the
19 or injurious items as per Clause 209 conditions laid down in the said
to 213 of PO Guide Part I clauses of PO Guide Part I

Returned to sender as per the

Articles containing prohibited item
conditions laid down in Clauses
Prohibited or injurious items or having leaky
209 to 213 of PO Guide Part I
20 Articles or contents.
or delivered/destroyed as per
Leaky contents
the conditions laid down in
Clause 40 of PO Guide Part I.

Article can be kept in deposit

Article can be held in deposit to
21 Others (Pending for delivery for the reasons
a maximum of 7 days
not listed above)
i) The address is correct but it falls
in delivery area of another office. Article to be redirected to the
22 Missent
ii) The address is correct except the new address on the same day.
pincode which is incorrect.

Returns not
23 Not to be used
available now
Revert from
Invoicing the article from Bulk Select the beat and assign to it
24 Bulk
Addressee to a Beat for next working day.
Keep in deposit and attempt for
Returned to payment upto a maximum of 7
25 For eMO only.
DAP days to the remitter. Send it to

Southern Region, Madurai
Delivery remarks in DPMS by Delivery PA

Remarks Explanation Disposal/Action

26 Divert to Beat Invoicing the article from BO to Beat Select Beat name and invoice.
Based on the request of the
Based on addressee.[Applicable for the
Keep in deposit upto a
27 Customer articles with special/specific
maximum of 30 days.
Request instructions from the

Southern Region, Madurai

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