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Today I will explain you the concept of interrogative adjective quel. Quel means which or what.

Singular plural
Masculine quel quels
Feminine quelle quelles

The interrogative adjective quel is masculine singular.

The interrogative adjective quelle is feminine singular

1)Quel film veux-tu voir ? (Which movie do you want to see?)

2)Quelle ville est plus jolie ? (Which city is more pretty)

Notice that quel in the above examples is used before a noun.

In the first example, quel is used before the noun film.
In the second example quelle is used before the noun ville.

Now you must be wondering why in the first example it is quel film and in the second example,
it is quelle ville. There is a difference in the spelling of Quel. Because film is a masculine
noun, it is quel and ville is a feminine noun so it is quelle

Now we will discuss the French interrogative adjective in Plural form

The interrogative adjective quels is masculine plural

The interrogative adjectives quelles is feminine plural

1)Quels livres achètes-tu ?(which books are you buying)

2)Quelles villes aimes-tu ? (Which cities do you like)

In the first example we use quels because livres is a masculine Plural noun.

In the seconds example we use quelles because villes is a feminine Plural noun.

We also use quel with the être verb for eg.

1)Quel est votre nom ? (What is your last name?)
2)Quels sont les cours plus intéressants ? (What are the most interesting classes?)
3)Quelle est la solution ? (What is the solution?)
4)Quelles sont les solutions ? (What are the solutions?)

We use quel in the first example because nom is masculine singular noun
We use quels in the second example because cours is masculine Plural noun
We use quelle in the third example because solution is feminine singular noun
We use quelles in the 4th example because solutions is feminine Plural noun

Notice that when you are using quel with être verb or quelle with être verb it is
quel/quelle est but when we are using quels with être verb or quelles with être verb it is
quels/quelles sont.

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