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Design Brief

As the current Vision for Box Hill states, the current design of Whitehorse
Road does not reflect the needs of the people who live, work and visit Box
Hill. The road is dominated by six lanes of heavy traffic, which creates
noise, pollution and safety issues for pedestrians and cyclists. The tram
stop and surrounding areas are poorly lit and feel unsafe at night.
Combined with the empty retail spaces and poorly used carpark, the
median strip is wasted space that could be used for social and cultural
activities, greenery, and public art. The area also somewhat lacks a sense
of identity and diversity, as it is perceived as predominantly geared
towards East Asian and Caucasian cultures, as shown in the surveys
conducted by Whitehorse Council.

By analysing urban renewal projects that emphasized diversity (such as

Superkilen in Copenhagen, Denmark) I found that engagement with the
local community was incredibly important in creating an inclusive space
where people from different cultures can come together. As well, urban
spaces should be colourful and inclusive.

The main goal of the design project is to create a new civic space along
Whitehorse Road that will:

 Enhance the liveability and attractiveness of Box Hill

 Provide opportunities for social interaction, recreation and cultural
 Improve the pedestrian and cyclist experience and connectivity
(especially from the bus interchange to Box Hill Gardens)
 Reduce the impact of traffic and noise
 Celebrate the diversity and heritage of Box Hill

I plan to mostly follow Whitehorse Council’s Boulevard Plan, which

proposes to divert traffic away from Whitehorse Road, reducing the road
lanes from six to three, and moving them all to one side away from the
activity centre. The new median strip area will be in three broad precincts:
A large pavilion replacing a tired carpark, a retail area transforming the
tram stop, a large public square/amphitheatre and a ‘boulevard’ including
bike lanes and pedestrian space.

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