World Literature Pre Activty

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Answer the following in essay form:

1. What is literature to you? (personal meaning)

- Literature is the art of written or spoken language. It encapsulates a broad
spectrum of genres, including poetry, prose, drama, and essays. Literature are
deeply personal experiences. It serves as an outlet for emotions, ideas and life
experiences. It allows both readers and writers to find unique interpretation and
connections with the text through language.
2. Reflect on this “Literature does not yield much unless we bring something of
ourselves to it.”
- Literature as we know is merely a written text if we do not find it in ourselves to
engage and connect with the text itself. Therefore it is not merely a conveyance
of information but rather a form of artistic expression that demands creativity and
craftsmanship that extends beyond mere words on a page. Oftentimes, the value
in literature depends on our own interpretation of the text influenced by our own
thoughts, emotions and experiences.

3. How does literature (literary works) affect the perception or intuition of some
students towards society? Explain
- One of the most significant feature of literature is its ability to reflect cultural
backgrounds from which it comes from. Through literature, societies are able to
perpetualize their own respective histories, that enables us to progress in a way
that question our beliefs, engage in significant conversations that transcend
temporal and geographical boundaries. It helps us to become more inclusive with
our cultural norms, values and societal dynamics. Beyond entertainment or
information dissemination, it possesses transformative capabilities that
challenges societal norms and inspire change.

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