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CE 471: Water Resources Engineering-III

Quiz 2, 4th Year 2nd Semester, Section A, Fall 2020

Marks: 20 Time: 35 min (including uploading)

1. Distinguish between (i) soil moisture tension and piezometric head (ii) available water and
readily available water. (4)
2. Give a comparison between Time Domain Reflectometry and neutron method of soil
moisture measurement. (4)
3. Determine the field capacity of the soil for the following data: moisture content at the time
of irrigation = 19 %, depth of root zone = D m, dry density of soil = 1350 kg/m3, volume of
water applied = 450 m3, water-application loss = x %, area irrigated = 0.3 ha. (7)

D = 1.0 and x = 20 for Student ID to

D = 1.1 and x = 25 for student ID to
D = 0.9 and x = 30 for the rest

4. Consider a vertical saturated soil column of 0.25 m2cross-sectional area and 1 m long. Water
drips from the lower end of this column when water is ponded on top to a depth of x cm.
Determine the volume of water collected in 30 h if hydraulic conductivity is k cm/h. (5)

x = 15 and k = 4.0 for Student ID to

x = 20 and k = 4.5 for student ID to
x = 25 and k = 5.0 for the rest

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