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Synonyms & Antonyms

18 তম িশ ক িনব ন পরী াথীেদর জন -

Selected 100 Synonyms & Antonyms

1. ‘Turbid’ (Nb) is most similar in meaning to-

(a) shiny (D¾¡j) (b) murky (†Nvi AÜKvi)
(c) pellucid (¯^”Q) (d) agitated (Av‡jvwoZ) Ans: b
2. What is the synonym for the word ‘indifferent’ (D`vmxb)?
(a) similar (GKB) (b) unhappy (AmyLx)
(c) apathetic (D`vmxb) (d) frank (†LvjvLywj) Ans: c
3. The synonym for ‘Nepotism’ (¯^RbcÖxwZ) is-
(a) Terrorism (mš¿vmev`) (b) Despotism (ˆ¯^iZš¿)
(c) Neatness (cwi”QbœZv) (d) Favoritism (wcÖq e¨w³i cÖwZ cÿcvwZZ¡) Ans: d
4. The antonym of ‘stubborn’ (GK¸‡q) is-
(a) agreeable (m¤§Z) (b) obstinate (GK¸u‡q)
(c) difficult (KwVb) (d) irritable (wLUwL‡U) Ans: a
5. The antonym of ‘dormant (myß)’ is-
(a) latent (myß) (b) active (wµqvkxj)
(c) sluggish (wb‡¯ÍR) (d) torpid (Amvo) Ans: b
6. The synonym of ‘Brittle’ (f½yi) is
(a) soft (†Kvgj) (b) tough (KwVb)
(c) strong (kw³kvjx) (d) fragile (f½yi) Ans: d
7. “Contaminate” (`~wlZ Kiv) means-
(a) purify (†kvwaZ Kiv) (b) pollute (`~wlZ Kiv)
(c) corruption (`yb©xwZ) (d) think (wPšÍv Kiv) Ans: b
8. Antonym of ‘tedious’ (K¬vwšÍKi) is:
(a) boring (weiw³Ki) (b) monotonous (GK‡N‡q)
(c) tiresome (K¬vwšÍKi) (d) refreshing (Avb›``vqK) Ans: d
9. Synonym of ‘apex’ (P‚ov) is:
(a) base (wfwË) (b) zenith (kxl©)
(c) bottom (wb¤œ) (d) low (wb¤œ) Ans: b
10. A synonym for ‘epoch (hyM)’is-
(a) generation (Drcv`b; cÖRb¥) (b) society (mgvR)
(c) era (hyM) (d) event (NUbv) Ans: c
11. A synonym for ‘expand (cÖmvwiZ Kiv)’ is-
(a) broadens (we¯Í…Z Kiv ev nIqv) (b) user (e¨envi Kiv)
(c) relaxes (wkw_j Kiv; Avivg Kiv) (d) reveals (cÖKvk Kiv) Ans: a
12. The antonym of ‘migrant’ (GK ¯’vb n‡Z Ab¨ ¯’v‡b MgbKvix) is -
(a) expatriate (cÖevmx) (b) gypsy (†e‡`)
(c) native (†`kxq) (d) nomad (hvhvei) Ans: c
13. The antonym of ‘Hazardous (SzuwKc~Y©)’ is-
(a) certain (wbwðZ) (b) risky (SzuwKc~Y©)
(c) safe (wbivc`) (d) clear (¯úó) Ans: c
English Moja 1
14. The antonym for ‘delicious’ (Z…wßKi) is-
(a) appetizing (iæwPKi) (b) scrumptuous (my¯^v`y)
(c) dainty (my¯^v`y) (d) displeasing (Am‡šÍvlRbK) Ans: d
15. ‘Apathy’ (D`vlxbZv) is most opposite in meaning to?
(a) enemy (kÎæ) (b) attention (g‡bv‡hvM)
(c) concern (D‡ØM) (d) courteous (†mŠRb¨g~jK) Ans: b
16. The antonym of ‘infatuation’ (†gvn) is-
(a) security (wbivcËv) (b) celebrity (we‡kl e¨w³)
(c) apathy (D`vmxbZv) (d) separation (c„_KxKiY) Ans: c
17. The synonym of ‘nightmare’ (`yt¯^cœ) is-
(a) hallucination (`„wóåg) (b) delight (Avb›`)
(c) owl (†cuPv) (d) story (Mí) Ans: a
18. The antonym of ‘feasible’ (m¤¢e) is-
(a) Constant (w¯’i) (b) Possible (m¤¢e)
(c) Impractical (Aev¯Íem¤§Z) (d) Theoretical (ZË¡MZ) Ans: c
19. What is the meaning of contaminated (`~wlZ)?
(a) hybrid (†`v-Auvkjv) (b) clean (cwi®‹vi)
(c) poisonous (welv³) (d) Polluted (`~wlZ) Ans: d
20. The synonym of ‘vigilant (mZK©; mRvM)’ is-
(a) tired (K¬všÍ) (b) fickle (Pcj; Aw¯’i; cÖvqk cwieZ©bkxj)
(c) wicked (gšÍ; Lvivc; `yó; bxwZnxb) (d) watchful (mZK©) Ans: d
21. The synonym of ‘benevolent (`qvjy; m`vkq)’ is-
(a) spiteful (we‡Ølc~Y©) (b) Empathetic (mnvbyf‚wZkxj)
(c) greatful (K…ZÁ) (d) heinous (RNb¨; Mwn©Z) Ans: a
22. The anonym of ‘indifference’ (D`vmxbZv) is-
(a) ardour (Drmvn) (b) compassion (KiæYv; mg‡e`bv)
(c) anxiety (D‡ØM; `ywðšÍv) (d) concern (D‡ØM) Ans: a
23. The word ‘Lately’ (m¤úªwZ) is close in meaning to-
(a) late (‡`wi‡Z) (b) later (cieZ©x)
(c) recent (mv¤úªwZK) (d) recently (m¤úªwZ) Ans: d
24. The antonym of ‘Frugal’ (wgZe¨qx) is-
(a) economic (A_©‰bwZK) (b) economical (wgZe¨qx)
25. (c) extravagant (Ace¨qx) (d) close-fisted (K…cY) Ans: dWhat is the antonym of
‘famous’ (weL¨vZ)?
(a) Bad (Lvivc) (b) Opaque (Am”Qj)
(c) Hidden (jyKv‡bv) (d) Obscure (AL¨vZ) Ans: d
26. The antonym of ‘omniscient’ (me©Á)
(a) unscientfic (A‰eÁvwbK) (b) insensible (Am‡PZb)
(c) ignorant (AÁ) (d) unsoholarly (g~L©¨) Ans: c
27. What is the antonym of ‘fake’ (K…wÎg)
(a) Spurious (bKj) (b) Authentic (LuvwU)
(c) Inauthentic (†fRvj) (d) False (wg_¨v) Ans: b
28. The antonym of ‘diligent’ (Aa¨emqx)
(a) lazy (Ajm) (b) shy (jvRyK)
(c) brave (mvnmx) (d) hard-working (K‡Vvi cwikÖgx) Ans: a
29. The synonym of ‘obsolete’ (AcÖPwjZ/cÖvPxb) is-
(a) fake (cybivq ejv) (b) modern (cwieZ©b Kiv)
(c) authentic (Abyev` Kiv) (d) antique (wd‡i †bqv) Ans: d

English Moja 2
30. The antonym of ‘Pernicious’ (ÿwZKi) is-
(a) harmful (ÿwZKi) (b) neutral (wbi‡cÿ)
(c) helpful (DcKvix) (d) tangible (ev¯Íe) Ans: c
31. The antonym of ‘Polite’ (f`ª) is-
(a) courteous (f`ª) (b) deferential (mkÖ×)
(c) confuse (nZeyw× Kiv) (d) rude (Af`ª; AgvwR©Z) Ans: d
32. The word ‘prominence’ (cÖwmw×) is closest in meaning to-
(a) reputation (L¨vwZ; hk) (b) excellence (DrKl©)
(c) effort (cÖ‡Póv) (d) permanence (¯’vwqZ¡) Ans: a
33. The synonym of ‘inimical’ (ˆeix; cÖwZK‚j) is-
(a) victorious (weRqx) (b) fickle (Pcj; Aw¯’i; cwieZ©kxj)
(c) friendly (eÜzmyjf; AbyK‚j) (d) hostile (ˆeix; cÖwZK‚j) Ans: d
34. Choose the opposite word of ‘Messy’ (wek„•Lj)-
(a) Tidy (cwicvwU; cwi”Qbœ) (b) Artful (a~Z©; PZzi)
(c) Honest (mr) (d) orginal ( †gŠwjK; Avw`) Ans: a
35. ‘What is the antonym for coarse (Agm„Y)?’
(a) Abrupt (nVvr) (b) Bland (gm„Y)
(c) Aware (mZK©) (d) Indolent (Ajm) Ans: b
36. The synonym of ‘trivial’ (Zz”Q) is-
(a) intelectual (eyw×e„wËK; eyw×Rxwe) (b) insignificant (¸iæZ¡nxb; Zz”Q)
(c) unusual (A¯^vfvweK; A™¢zZ; D™¢U) (d) tyranncial (wbg©g; ˆ¯^ivkvmKmyjK) Ans: b
37. The synonym of “harsh” (KK©k) is-
(a) jarring (KKk©; †emyiv; †eLvàv) (b) gentle (b¤ª; f`ª)
(c) hurry (Zvov; e¨¯ÍZv) (d) fermented (hš¿YvMÖ¯Í; wei³) Ans: a
38. The synonym of ‘Reticent’ (¯^ífvlx) is-
(a) reserved (Pvcv ¯^fv‡ei) (b) confident (AvZ¥wek¦vmx)
(c) unrestrained (AmshZ) (d) communicative (Avjvcx) Ans: a
39. Find out the synonym of ‘economical’ (wgZe¨qx)
(a) Extravagant (Ace¨qx) (b) Wasteful (Ace¨qx)
(c) Sparing (wgZe¨qx) (d) Squander (Ace¨q Kiv) Ans: c
40. What is the antonym of ‘misery’ (`y`©kv)
(a) healthy (¯^v¯’¨evb) (b) hopeless (Avkvnxb)
(c) helpless (Amnvq) (d) happiness (myL) Ans: d
41. What is the synonym of ‘mild’ (†Kvgj)?
(a) violent (DMÖ) (b) gentle (f`ª)
(c) hard (K‡Vvi) (d) lovely (g‡bvig) Ans: b
42. The synonym of ‘Bonafide’ (LuvwU)-
(a) honest (mr) (b) similar (GKB)
(c) bondage (ØvmZ¡) (d) spurious (†fRvj) Ans: a
43. The word ‘benevolent’ (`qvjy) means-
(a) cruel (wbôzi) (b) honest (mr)
(c) unkind (wb`©q) (d) kind (`qvjy) Ans: d
44. A synonym of ‘expensive’ (e¨qeûj) is-
(a) low-priced (¯^íg~j¨) (b) reasonable (hyw³m¤§Z)
(c) rare (`yj©f) (d) pricey (Ag~j¨) Ans: a
45. The antonym for ‘Inimical’
(a) hostile (ˆeix; cÖwZK‚j) (b) friendly (eÜzmyjf; AbyK‚j)
(c) indifferenet (D`vmxb) (d) angry (µz×) Ans: b
46. The Antonym of ‘Apathy’ (Abxnv) is-
(a) lethargy (Avjm¨; Z›`ªv) (b) eagerness (AvMÖn)
English Moja 3
(c) modern (AvaywbK) (d) caring (hZœkxj) Ans: b
47. The word ‘flame (AwMœwkLv)’ means-
(a) passion (Av‡eM) (b) burst (we‡ùvwiZ)
(c) fire (AwMœ) (d) light (Av‡jv) Ans: c
48. The word ‘liberty (¯^vaxbZv) means-
(a) freedom (¯^vaxbZv) (b) independence (¯^vaxbZv)
(c) liberal (D`vi) (d) lawlessness (AivRKZv) Ans: a
49. The antonym of ‘sentimental (ms‡e`bkxj)’ is-
(a) emotional (Av‡eMc~Y©) (b) cynical (wbôyi)
(c) sloppy (Xvjy) (d) sympathetic (ms‡e`bkxj) Ans: b
50. The word ‘amicable (eÜzZ¡c~Y©)-’ means-
(a) hostile (cÖwZK‚j) (b) amusing (gRv`vi)
(c) expensive (e¨qeûj)’ (d) friendly (eÜzZ¡c~Y©) Ans: d
51. What is the antonym of the word ‘humble (webxZ)’?
(a) wind (evqy) (b) violent (wnsMÖ)
(c) rude (Af`ª) (d) calm (kvšÍ) Ans: c
52. What is the antonym of ‘courage (mvnm)’?
(a) daring (mvnmx) (b) strong (kw³kvjx)
(c) cowardice (KvcyiælZv) (d) cowardly (Kvcyiæl) Ans: c
53. What is the antonym of ‘high (D”P)’?
(a) Low (wbPy) (b) Big (wekvj)
(c) Pacify (kvšÍ Kiv) (d) Fiber (Zš‘) Ans: a
54. Which is the antonym of ‘Transparent’ (¯^”Q)?
(a) Opaque (A¯^”Q) (b) Clear (¯úó)
(c) Honest (mr) (d) None of the above Ans: a
55. ‘Shortly’ (`ªæZ/ ms‡ÿ‡c) means-
(a) Short (mswÿß) (b) Soon (kxNªB)
(c) Small Sized (‡QvU AvKv‡ii) (d) Similar (Abyiƒc) Ans: b
56. The word ‘Matrimony (weevn)’ means-
(a) Money (A_©) (b) Property (m¤úwË)
(c) Divorce (wew”Qbœ) (d) Marriage (weevn) Ans: d
57. ‘Sumptuous (AZxe e¨qeûj) is the most nearly similar in meaning to-
(a) Fancy (Awfbe) (b) Meagre (Aí)
(c) Lavish (wejvmx) (d) Swampy (Rjvf~wg) Ans: c
58. The antonym of the word ‘Benign(m`q)’ is-
(a) Tenfold (`k¸Y) (b) Peaceful (kvwšÍgq)
(c) Blessed (ab¨) (d) Malignant (AwZ ¶wZKi) Ans: d
59. What is the antonym of ‘Limpid (wbg©j)’?
(a) Watery (¯^v`nxb) (b) Bright (D¾¡j)
(c) Muddy (cw¼j) (d) Transparent (¯^”Q) Ans: c
60. ‘Millennium(mnMÖ ermi)’ is a period of ___.
(a) 100 years (100 eQi) (b) 500 years (500 eQi)
(c) 1000 years (1000 eQi) (d) 2500 years (2500 eQi) Ans: c
61. ‘Clandestine (†Mvcb)’ kãwUi wecixZ A_©‡evaK kã †KvbwU?
(a) Overt (cÖKvk) (b) Coveted (†jvfbxq)
(c) Covert (cÖ”Qbœ) (d) Intractable (Aeva¨) Ans: a
62. What is the antonym of ‘Expel (weZvwoZ)’?
(a) Banish (wbe©vwmZ Kiv) (b) Dismiss (eiLv¯Í)
(c) Eject (wbM©Z) (d) Admit (fwZ©) Ans: d
63. The word ‘imbibe (cvb Kiv)’ means-
(a) to learn (‡kLv) (b) to drink (cvb Kiv)

English Moja 4
(c) to acquire (AR©b Kiv) (d) to inform (AewnZ Kiv) Ans: b
64. What is the synonym of the word ‘Homogeneous (mgRvZxq)’?
(a) Heterogeneous (wfbœag©x) (b) Scrambled (SuvSv‡jv)
(c) Motley (eûeY©) (d) Similar (mgRvZxq) Ans: d
65. Synonym of ‘thrust (av°v)’ is-
(a) end (†kl) (b) reach (†cŠQv‡bv)
(c) push (av°v) (d) stop (eÜ Kiv) Ans: c
66. Synonym of ‘gigantic (wekvj)’ is-
(a) small (‡QvU) (b) large (eo)
(c) tiny (¶y`ª) (d) little (mvgvb¨) Ans: b
67. What is the antonym of ‘segregation (c„_KxKiY)’?
(a) integration (GKÎxKiY) (b) separation (c„_KxKiY)
(c) depression (nZvkv) (d) sadness (`ytL) Ans: a
68. Termination (mgvwß) means to-
(a) start (ïiæ) (b) end (mgvwß)
(c) beginning (Avi¤¢) (d) continuation (avivevwnKZv) Ans: b
69. The synonym of ambition (D”PvKv•ÿxv)-
(a) Indifference (D`vmxb) (b) Aimlessness (j¶¨nxbZv)
(c) Desire (B”Qv) (d) Purposelessness (D‡Ïk¨nxbZv) Ans: c
70. What is the antonym of ‘Delete (gy‡Q †djv)’?
(a) Injure (ÿwZ Kiv) (b) Insert (†XvKv‡bv)
(c) Delay (wej¤^) (d) Trap (duv`) Ans: b
71. The word ‘Altercation(SMov)’ means.
(a) Adjustment (mvgÄm¨) (b) Replace (cÖwZ¯’vcb Kiv)
(c) Quarrel (SMov) (d) Repairing (‡givgZ) Ans: c
72. Solemnity (Mv¤¢xh©) is most similar to-
(a) Gravity (¸iæZ¡i Ae¯’v) (b) Diligence (Aa¨emvq)
(c) Sleepiness (NygšÍ Ae¯’v) (d) Glee (Avb›`) Ans: a
73. Antonym of BLUNT (†fuvZv)-
(a) timid (fxZy) (b) fickle (PÂj)
(c) sharp (Zx²) (d) shallow (AMfxi) Ans: c
Find out the synonym of the following words
74. Obstacle (cÖwZeÜZv)-
(a) craven (fxZz) (b) paltry(Zz”Q)
(c) impediment (cÖwZeÜKZv) (d) few (wKQz) Ans: c
75. Monstrous (weivU)-
(a) dauntless (wbfx©K) (b) ample (ch©vß)
(c) colossal(weivU) (d) malefactor (we‡Ølx) Ans: c
76. Sophisticated (AvaywbK)-
(a) complicated (RwUj) (b) injurious (ÿwZKi)
(c) active (mwµq) (d) alien (we‡`kx) Ans: a
77. Authentic (LuvwU)-
(a) False (wg_¨v) (b) Imitation (AbyKiY)
(c) Genuine (LuvwU) (d) Inaccurate (Aï×) Ans: c
78. Handsome (my`k©b, mycyiæl)-
(a) Ugly (KzrwmZ) (b) Unattractive (AvKl©Yxq bq Ggb)
(c) Good Looking (my`k©b) (d) Dreadful (fqsKi) Ans: c
79. Hostile (kÎæcÿxq/ ˆeix)-
(a) Friendly (eÜzZ¡c~Y©) (b) Aggressive (AvµgYvZ¡K)
(c) Sociable (wgïK/ eÜzfvevcbœ) (d) Affable (AgvwqK/ eÜzfvfvcbœ) Ans: b
80. Inimical (kÎæZvc~Y©)-
(a) virtuous (m`¸Y m¤úbœ) (b) fickle (Lvg‡Lqvjx)
English Moja 5
(c) crowded (Mv`vMvw`) (d) hostile (kÎæZvc~Y©) Ans: d
81. Relevant (cÖvmw½K)-
(a) Unconnected (m¤úK©hy³ bq Ggb) (b) Related (m¤úK©hy³)
(c) Impertinent ( AcÖvmw½K) (d) Extraneous (ewnivMZ) Ans: b
82. Tiny (ÿz`ª)-
(a) Giant (‰`Z¨/ cÖKvÐ) (b) Massive (cÖKvÐ/ wekvj)
(c) Vast (wekvj) (d) Minute (AwZÿz`ª) Ans: d
83. Attentive (g‡bv‡hvMx)-
(a) Negligent (Ae‡njvc~Y©) (b) Careless (Amveavb)
(c) Thoughtful (wPšÍvkxj) (d) Beautiful (my›`i) Ans: c
84. Stationary (w¯’i)-
(a) sincere (AvšÍwiK) (b) capacious(RvqMveûj)
(c) vague (A¯úó) (d) motionless (MwZnxb) Ans: d
85. Placid (kvšÍ)-
(a) circumspect (wePÿY) (b) inept (A`ÿ)
(c) honor (m¤§vb) (d) serene (kvšÍ) Ans: d
Find out the antonym of the following words:
86. Satisfaction (mšy‘wó)-
(a) Happiness (cig-myL) (b) Discontent (Amš‘ywó)
(c) Pleasure (Avb›`) (d) Liking (cQ›`) Ans:b
87. Criticize (mgv‡jvPbv Kiv)-
(a) Extol (cÖksmv Kiv) (b) Detest (Zxeª N„Yv Kiv)
(c) Blame ( wb›`v Kiv) (d) Disdain (AeÁv Kiv) Ans: a
88. Deter (evav †`Iqv/ wbiærmvwnZ Kiv)-
(a) Hinder (euvav †`Iqv) (b) Threaten (ûgwK †`Iqv)
(c) Inspire (DrmvwnZ Kiv) (d) Prevent (cÖwZ‡iva Kiv) Ans: c
89. Frank (AKcU)-
(a) Candide (AKcU/ gb-‡Lvjv) (b) Artful (cÖZviYvc~Y©)
(c) Sincere (AvšÍwiK) (d) Open (Db¥y³) Ans: b
90. Wicked (`yðwiÎ/ Lvivc)-
(a) Licentious (`ytPwiÎ/ Lvivc) (b) Shameless (wbj©¾)
(c) Virtuous (cweÎ/mr) (d) Immoral (A‰bwZK) Ans: c
91. Blunt (‡fuvZv)-
(a) Timid (fxiæ) (b) Fickle (Lvg‡Lqvjx)
(c) Sharp (aviv‡jv) (d) Ugly (KzrwmZ) Ans: c
92. Inevitable (Awbevh©)-
(a) visible(`„k¨gvb) (b) vital (AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZ¡c~Y©)
(c) infrequent (gv‡S gv‡S) (d) avoidable (Gov‡bv hvq) Ans: d
93. Release (†Q‡o †`qv)-
(a) grasp (AvuK‡o aiv) (b) esteem (m¤§vb Kiv)
(c) endure (n«vm Kiv) (d) flatter (†Zvlv‡gv` Kiv) Ans: a
94. Acme (Pzuov)-
(a) dull (bxim) (b) blameworthy (†`vlv‡ivc‡hvM¨)
(c) contempt (N„Yv) (d) nadir (me©wb¤œ ¯’vb) Ans: d
95. Stamina (mwnòzZv)-
(a) lack of stability (fvimvg¨Zv) (b) lack of endurance (mwnòzZvi Afve)
(c) loyalty (wek¦¯ÍZv) (d) neutral (wb‡icÿZv) Ans: b
96. Commend (cÖksmv Kiv)-
(a) soothe (mvšÍbv †`qv) (b) engender (ˆZixKiv)
(c) reduce (n«vm Kiv) (d) criticize (mgv‡jvPbv Kiv) Ans: d
97. Spacious (RvqMveûj)-
(a) erroneous (fyjc~Y©) (b) airless (evqynxb)
English Moja 6
(c) cramped (m¼xY©) (d) aquatic (Rjxq) Ans: c
98. Docile (eva¨)-
(a) complex (RwUj) (b) optimistic (Avkvev`x)
(c) unruly (Aeva¨) (d) fatuous (‡evKv) Ans: c
99. Novice (wkÿvbexk)-
(a) placid (kvšÍ) (b) master (`ÿ)
(c) sparse (`y®úÖvc¨) (d) pessimistic (nZvkvev`x) Ans: b
100. Vague (A¯úó)-
(a) archaic (cÖvPxb) (b) haughty (D×Z)
(c) clear (¯úó) (d) rough (Agm„Y) Ans: c

Question Bank
17Zg K‡jR/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2022
1. The word 'decade' refers to-
(a) thirty years (b) fifty years
(c) ten years (d) twenty-five years Ans: c
2. The word 'heritage' refers to-
(a) heir (b) tradition
(c) legitimacy (d) intrigue Ans: b
3. The antonym of 'vice' is-
(a) honensty (b) values
(c) virtue (d) truthful Ans: c

16Zg K‡jR/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2019

4. The word 'adulteration' can be best explained as-
(a) to mix something intensely
(b) to use unusual methods
(c) to make impure by adding inferior ingredients
(d) to mix poison Ans: c
5. 'Leave no stone unturned' means-
(a) heave stone (b) impossible
(c) rare stone (d) try every possible means Ans: d
6. What is antonym of 'rear'?
(a) Not available (b) Behind
(c) Front (d) Available Ans: c
7. What the appropriate meaning of Achilles 'heel'?
(a) Important issue (b) Turning point
(c) Vulnerable point (d) Main point Ans: c

15Zg K‡jR/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2019

8. What would be the right synonym for 'initiative'?
(a) apathy (b) enterprise
English Moja 7
(c) indolence (d) activity Ans: b
9. Select the meaning of the word 'stagflation'-
(a) controlled prices (b) economic slow down
(c) a disintegrating government (d) cultural dullness Ans: b
10. The word 'permissive' means-
(a) polite (b) law-abiding
(c) liberal (d) submissive Ans: c
11. What would be the right antonym for 'annihilate'-
(a) destroy (b) obliterate
(c) establish (d) extinguish Ans: c
12. The synonym of the word 'scanty' is-
(a) ample (b) copious
(c) meagre (d) abundant Ans: c

14Zg K‡jR/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2017

13. The antonym of 'Honorary' is-
(a) Literary (b) Honorable
(c) Salaried (d) Official Ans: c

13Zg K‡jR/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2016

14. What is the synonym of the word 'Repress'?
(a) Control (b) Represent
(c) Republish (d) Repute Ans: a
15. What is the antonym of the word 'Compulsory'?
(a) Mandatory (b) Obligatory
(c) Voluntary (d) Complimentary Ans: c
16. The antonym of the word 'Benign' is-
(a) Beginning (b) Peaceful
(c) Blessed (d) Malignant Ans: d
17. Choose the correct synonym for 'Extempore'-
(a) Planned (b) Improvise
(c) Immediate (d) Impromptu Ans: d

12Zg K‡jR/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2015

18. The antonym of 'belligerent' is-
(a) bellicose (b) pugnacious
(c) peaceful (d) silent Ans: c
11Zg K‡jR/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2014
19. What is the synonym of 'reveal'?
(a) disclose (b) conceal
(c) proclaim (d) pacify Ans: a

10g K‡jR/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2014

20. Find out the correct synonym of 'hazard'.

English Moja 8
(a) Impartial (b) Static
(c) Immobile (d) Danger Ans: d

9g K‡jR/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2013

21. Which one is very important in a 'News Report'?
(a) An introduction (b) A short eye-catching headline
(c) A description (d) Conclusion Ans: b
22. Synonym of 'Notable' is-
(a) novelty (b) notion
(c) prominent (d) ordinary Ans: c

8g K‡jR/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2012

23. Synonym of 'Candid' is-
(a) devious (b) artful
(c) frank (d) condial Ans: c
24. What is the antonym of 'Zeal'?
(a) apathy (b) interest
(c) enthusiasm (d) sympathy Ans: a

7g K‡jR/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2011

25. What is the synonym of the word 'Redemption'?
(a) forbidden (b) salvation
(c) assumption (d) award Ans: b
26. What is the antonym of the word 'Punishment'?
(a) prize (b) crime
(c) reward (d) presentation Ans: c
6ô K‡jR/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2010

17Zg ¯‹zj/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2012

27. The antonym of 'Honorary' is-
(a) official (b) honorable
(c) salaried (d) literary Ans: c
28. The synonym of 'Prudent' is-
(a) unwish (b) insightful
(c) injudicious (d) impolite Ans: b
29. The synonym of 'incredible' is-
(a) unbelievable (b) unthinkable
(c) unlikely (d) un-thinking Ans: a

16Zg ¯‹zj/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2019

30. The antonym of the word 'benign' is ___.
English Moja 9
(a) tenfold (b) peaceful
(c) blessed (d) malignant Ans: d
31. The opposite word of 'sluggish' is-
(a) animated (b) dull
(c) heavy (d) slow Ans: a
32. What is the antonym of 'abduct'?
(a) Take away unlawfully (b) Kidnap
(c) Restore (d) None of them Ans: c

15Zg ¯‹zj/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2019

33. The word 'camouflage' means-
(a) disguise (b) difficult
(c) heavy (d) dangerous Ans: a
34. The word 'homogeneous' means-
(a) dissimilar (b) of the same place
(c) of the same density (d) of the same kind Ans: d
14Zg ¯‹zj/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2017
35. How did you come by your lost watch? here 'come by' means-
(a) quicken (b) get
(c) mend (d) lose Ans: b
36. The word 'ambiguous' is the synonym of-
(a) alien (b) centain
(c) dubious (d) dangerous Ans: c
37. The antonym of the word 'dishearten' is-
(a) discourage (b) encourage
(c) develop (d) ameliorate Ans: b
38. What is the synonymous word of 'augment'?
(a) Beautify (b) Increase
(c) Segment (d) Calm Ans: b
39. The synonym of 'abandon' is-
(a) try (b) join
(c) keep with (d) leave Ans: d

13Zg ¯‹zj/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2016

40. The synonym of the word 'huge' is-
(a) sanctified (b) tiny
(c) colossal (d) momentary Ans: c
41. The antonym of the word 'unique' is-
(a) popular (b) common
(c) distinctive (d) deciduous Ans: b

12Zg ¯‹zj/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2015

42. The synonym of the word 'witty' is-
English Moja 10
(a) clever (b) dull
(c) boring (d) tedious Ans: a
43. The synonym of the word 'cordial' is-
(a) hostile (b) unfriendly
(c) meek (d) amiable Ans: d
44. The antonym of the word 'adverse' is-
(a) hostile (b) negative
(c) favourable (d) unfavourable Ans: c
45. The antonym of the word 'flexible' is-
(a) hard (b) elastic
(c) changeable (d) ductile Ans: a

11Zg ¯‹zj/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2014

46. The antonym of the word 'liberty' is-
(a) liberal (b) bondage
(c) frugal (d) diversity Ans: b
47. The synonym of the word 'call' is-
(a) summon (b) exile
(c) impede (d) recollection Ans: a
48. The synonym of the word 'scream' is-
(a) yell (b) sound
(c) cry (d) loudly Ans: a

10g ¯‹zj/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2014

49. The synonym of the word 'increase' is-
(a) augment (b) decrease
(c) quick (d) lessen Ans: a
50. The antonym of the word 'alien' is-
(a) new comer (b) native
(c) adverse (d) foreigner Ans: b
51. The word 'usual' is the synonym of-
(a) normal (b) certain
(c) unusual (d) strange Ans: a
52. He is proud of his aristocracy. Here 'aristocracy' means-
(a) bad blood (b) blue blood
(c) good blood (d) cold blood Ans: b

9g ¯‹zj/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2012


8g ¯‹zj/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2012

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English Moja 11

6ô ¯‹zj/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2010


‡emiKvwi wkÿK wbeÜb (we‡kl) cixÿv - 2010


17Zg ¯‹zj-2/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2022

53. Where is the antonym of 'transparent'?
(a) Transform (b) Lubricant
(c) Pure (d) Hazy Ans: d
54. The synonym of 'Prestige' is-
(a) status (b) state
(c) prestigious (d) static Ans: a
55. What is the antonym of 'antagonistic'?
(a) Unfriendly (b) Friendly
(c) Hostile (d) Trivial Ans: b

16Zg ¯‹zj-2/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2019

56. What is the antonym of 'agile'?
(a) active (b) nimble
(c) lively (d) lazy Ans: d
57. The antonym of 'optimism' is-
(a) Pessimism (b) Opportunities
(c) Pestilence (d) Opulence Ans: a
58. What is the synonym of 'alliance'?
(a) Enmity (b) Alien
(c) Association (d) Separation Ans: c
59. The synonym of 'annihilate' is-
(a) restore (b) preserve
(c) safe (d) destroy Ans: d
60. The word 'Banish' means-
(a) exile (b) emerge
(c) drive away (d) expel Ans: a

15Zg ¯‹zj-2/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2019

61. What is the synonym of 'remarkable'?

(a) Noteworthy (b) Remark
(c) Praiseworthy (d) Memorable Ans: a
62. Academic is similar to-
(a) scholar (b) scholared
(c) scholastic (d) scholistics Ans: c
English Moja 12
14Zg ¯‹zj-2/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2017

63. The word 'docile' refers to-

(a) wild (b) angry
(c) disheartened (d) tame Ans: d
64. The antonym of 'candid' is-
(a) frank (b) straight forward
(c) reserved (d) truthful Ans: c
65. The synonym of 'decrease' is-
(a) abate (b) destroy
(c) expand (d) amplify Ans: a

13Zg ¯‹zj-2/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2016

66. Find out the correct synonym of 'occupy'-

(a) grab (b) gain
(c) receive (d) reserve Ans: a
67. Find out the correct synonym of 'defence'.
(a) assault (b) resistance
(c) attack (d) raid Ans: b
68. Find out the antonym of 'assist'.
(a) hinder (b) aid
(c) support (d) co-operate Ans: a
12Zg ¯‹zj-2/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2015
69. Which is the antonym of 'handsome'?
(a) Beautiful (b) Ugly
(c) Nice (d) Bad Ans: b
70. Find out the correct synonym of the word 'ability'.
(a) Property (b) Appropriacy
(c) Capability (d) disability Ans: c

11Zg ¯‹zj-2/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2014

71. Find out the correct synonym of 'hazard'.
(a) Impartial (b) Static
(c) Impolite (d) Danger Ans: d

10g ¯‹zj-2/mgch©vq wbeÜb wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-2014


The End
English Moja 13

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