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Pros & Cons

of Casteism in
Table of Contents
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Casteism is a social phenomenon characterized by
the division of society into distinct hierarchical
groups called castes, with each caste traditionally
associated with specific roles, occupations, and
social statuses.
Casteism involves the discrimination, prejudice,
and unequal treatment of individuals based on
their caste affiliation. It's important to note that
casteism is often linked to the concept of caste,
but they are distinct.
Caste refers to the social group itself, while
casteism refers to the discriminatory practices and
attitudes associated with these social divisions.
In India, casteism has deep historical roots and
has significantly influenced social, economic,
and political dynamics. The connection between
casteism and politics in India is complex and
multifaceted: Casteism in politics refers to the
influence of caste considerations, identities,
and dynamics in the political landscape. It
involves the use of caste as a factor to garner
votes, build alliances, and shape policy
Casteism in politics has both positive and
negative aspects, and its impact can vary based
on context and intent.
Positive &
Positive Aspects
1. Social Inclusion and Representation: Caste-based
politics can provide historically marginalized
communities with a platform for representation. It
can give a voice to castes that have been
historically underrepresented or ignored in the
political process.
2. Empowerment: By focusing on caste-based politics,
parties and leaders can empower individuals from
marginalized castes, encouraging them to
participate actively in politics and governance.
Positive Aspects
3. Addressing Historical Injustices: Caste-based politics
can draw attention to historical injustices and
discrimination faced by certain castes. This can lead to
policy initiatives aimed at addressing these inequalities.
4. Social Welfare Policies: Parties may prioritize the
development and welfare of specific caste groups
through targeted policies, such as reservations,
scholarships, and economic assistance.
Negative aspects
1. Division and Polarization: Caste-based politics can foster
division and polarization within society. In some regions of India,
parties have actively encouraged caste-based divisions to secure

2. Manipulation of Sentiments: Some political leaders exploit caste

sentiments for their own gain

3. Identity Politics Over Policy: Caste-based politics might

prioritize identity and vote bank considerations over policy issues
and development.
Negative aspects
4. Undermining Meritocracy: Emphasizing caste-based
reservations and preferences might undermine the
principle of meritocracy, where positions and opportunities
are based on skills and qualifications.

5. Short-Term Populism: Caste-based politics can

encourage politicians to make short-term, populist
promises without considering the long-term consequences
of their policies.
Manipur Case-Study


Meitesi, Kulkis, Nagas


1762 during the British rule in India,

Manipur was ruled by Meiteis
This Meiteis had trouble with Burma
and Naga Tribes, so Meiteis asked help
from British.
1826, the 1st Burma war ended. After Independence they demanded
The British took control over both for separate State, for the help of
Manipur & Burma. retaining identity, heritage etc...
For easier administration, British But Manipur became a Union
divided Manipur's population Territory & the govt. disregarded all
Meitei's at the centre of the of the demands
state In 1972, Manipur became a state
Kuki's & Naga's away from the but their demands were ignored.
centre to forests.
Even today,Meitei's live at the Cristian missionaries aimed to
centre in Urban Area's their spread Cristianity all over the
Population mostly comprises of state.
10% of land Statistics:
53% of Meitei's population 1901 --> 8% Christians
whereas, 2021 --> 45% Christians
Kuki's & Naga's live in the
forests Causes for conflicts
90% of the land
comprises of Christian IN THE NEXT SLIDE-->
Population of 45%
Kuki's Meitei's
Regarded as St's & were given They were not given the status of
preferences in jobs & education. ST's although they demanded.
Had permission to buy the land in Had no right to buy inner vally
the inner valley forest land forest land.

Meitei's asked for ST's status in High court & their demand was fullfilled.
Now, Kuki's feared that & started violence against Meiteis due to their hatred.
which is Christian propagation.
Due to this violence Meiteis started to run away from Manipur
Kuki's have more Foreign Support;
Illegal Immigration from Myammar.
Weapons are provided to them, this ignited
violence and terrerism.

Provides scope for adressing historical inequalities, promotes unity and social progress
Creates more just, harmonous and empowered society
At the same time,
Political parties use caste system for their own benefit creates various grievances in the
I n t h e p r o c e s s o f u p b r i n g i n g a n d s u p p o r t i n g o n e c a s t e , t h e i n t e r e s t o f t h e r e s t a r e
generally ignored
O n c e m e m b e r s o f t h e o n e c a s t e i . e . , c o m m u n i t y a n d f a m i l y c o m e t o p o w e r , g a i n p o p u l a r i t y ,
the same get elected again and again. Others will not have a fair chance for contesting in

Eradication of caste discrimination that has led to social hierarchy,

exclusion of certain groups, sufferings and inequalities.
Political parties need to move beyond their narrow interests to
maintain national unity, integrity and development.

"My friends, it is no use fighting among the castes. What good

will it do? It will divide us all the more, weaken us all the more,
degrade us all the more."
-Swami Vivekananda

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