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DHT Assam English Questions And Answers

1 : Select Correct Word

A. Aceleration
B. Aceeleration
C. Accelaration
D. Acceleration

Ans . D

2 : Select Correct Word

A. Agressive
B. Agrressive
C. Aggressive
D. Aggresive

Ans . C

3 : Select Correct Word

A. Iminent
B. Imminent
C. Iminnent
D. Imineent

Ans . B

4 : Select Correct Word

A. Cheqe
B. Ceque
C. Cheque
D. Chequee

Ans . C

.5 : Select Correct Word

A. Callibration
B. Calibration
C. Celibration
D. Calibrration

Ans . B
DHT Assam English Questions And Answers

6 : Select Correct Word

A. Asassination
B. Assasination
C. Assassination
D. Assessination

Ans . C

7 : Select Correct Word

A. Insurgenci
B. Inssurgency
C. Inchurgency
D. Insurgency

Ans . D

8 : Select Correct Word

A. Recruitment
B. Recuitment
C. Recrruitment
D. Recruittment

Ans . A

9 : Select Correct Word

A. Halloween
B. Haloween
C. Halooween
D. Hallowen

Ans . A

10 : Select Correct Word

A. Veengeance
B. Vengence
C. Vengeance
D. Venggeance

Ans . C
DHT Assam English Questions And Answers

11 : Select Correct Word

A. Guarante
B. Guarrantee
C. Gurantee
D. Guarantee

Ans . D

12 : Select Correct Word

A. Entrepreneur
B. Entreprreneur
C. Entreprneur
D. Entreprenur

Ans . A

13 : Select Correct Word

A. Ofence
B. Ofance
C. Offence
D. Ofancee

Ans . C

14 : Select Correct Word

A. Apreciation
B. Appreciation
C. Aprreciation
D. Appereciation

Ans . B

15 : Select Correct Word

A. Pesenger
B. Pessenger
C. Passenger
D. Pasengar

Ans . C

16 : Select Correct Word
DHT Assam English Questions And Answers

A. Mansion
B. Menssion
C. Mension
D. Mantion

Ans . A

17 : Select Correct Word

A. Exagerate
B. Exegerate
C. Exaggerat
D. Exaggerate

Ans . D

18 : Select Correct Word

A. Benefficiary
B. Beneficery
C. Beneficiary
D. Beneficiarie

Ans . C

19 : Select Correct Word

1. Physiology
2. Phisyology
3. Physiollogy
4. Phesiology

Ans . A

20 : Select Correct Word

A. Consequences
B. Conssequences
C. Consequeences
D. Consequances

Ans . A

21 : Select Correct Word

A. Courrtesy
DHT Assam English Questions And Answers

B. Courtesy
C. Courttesy
D. Courtesie

Ans . B

22 : Select Correct Word

A. Exercisse
B. Excercise
C. Exercisee
D. Exercise

Ans . D

23 : Select Correct Word

A. Excesive
B. Excessive
C. Exccesive
D. Exceseve

Ans . B

24 : Select Correct Word

A. Beenefited
B. Benefited
C. Beneffited
D. Benefyted

Ans . B

25.Ram said to me, “I am going to Jaipur.”

(A) Ram told me that he was going to Jaipur.

(B) Ram told me that I was going to Jaipur.
(C) Ram told me that he is going to Jaipur.
(D) Ram told me that he were going to Jaipur.

Ans . A

26.Mohan Said to her, “You have completed your work.
DHT Assam English Questions And Answers

(A) Mohan told her that She had completed her work.
(B) Mohan told her that She has completed her work.
(C) Mohan told her that She was completed her work.
(D) Mohan told her that She had completed his work.

Ans . A

27. Radha said to us, “You will get your salary from your office tomorrow.”

(A) Radha told us that we would get our salary from our office the next day.
(B) Radha told us that we will get our salary from our office the next day.
(C) Radha told us that we would get our salary from your office the next day.
(D) Radha told us that we shall get our salary from our office the next day.

Ans . A

28. Maya Said to him, “You can do this work.”

(A) Maya told him that he could do that work.

(B) Maya told him that he could do this work.
(C) Maya told him that he can do that work.
(D) Maya told him that he would do that work.

Ans . A

29. "If you don't keep quiet I shall shoot you", he said to her in a calm voice.

(A) He warned her to shoot if she didn’t

(B) He said calmly that I shall shoot you if you don
(C) He warned her calmly that he would shoot her if she didn
(D) Calmly he warned her that be quiet or else he will have to shoot her.

Ans . C

30. I told him that he was not working hard.

(A) I said to him, "You are not working hard."

(B) I told to him, "You are not working hard."
(C) I said, "You are not working hard."
DHT Assam English Questions And Answers

(D) I said to him, "He is not working hard."

Ans . A

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