Tropical Evergreen Forests

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Tropical evergreen forests are dense, multi-layered, and

harbour many types of plants and animals. They occupy

about 7% of the earth’s surface. They are found mostly near
the equator.
Evergreen’ because there is no definite time for trees to
shed their leaves. These forests are always green as the
trees shed their old leaves but get new leaves very soon
Hence these forests appear green all the year round.
Tropical evergreen forests are also known as rain forests
because they receive more than 200 cm rainfall per year.

The tropical wet evergreen forest in India is usually found

in areas receiving more than 200 cm of rainfall and having
a temperature of 15oC - 30oC degrees Celsius. They are
found regions with high rainfall and humidity. These
regions are warm and wet throughout the year due to which
there is luxuriant vegetation of all kinds.
Tropical evergreen forests are well stratified, with layers
closer to the ground covered with shrubs and creepers,
followed by short structured trees, further followed by tall
variety of trees. In these forests, trees reach great heights
up to 60 m or above.

In India, it is found on the western slopes of the Western

Ghats, islands of Lakshadweep, Andaman & Nicobar,
Upper parts of Assam and Tamil Nadu coast

Few of the common animal species found in tropical

evergreen forests are, monkeys, elephants, deer, lemur,
one-horned rhino (Assam, West Bengal), birds, sloths, bats,
scorpions, snails, etc.

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