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The news is related to the problem of scarcity because it mentions the rising cost of
food. When food prices become expensive, it becomes challenging for individuals and
families to afford an adequate and nutritious diet. This scarcity of affordable food
contributes to the overall problem of poverty and limited access to basic necessities.

B. The concept of trade-offs or opportunity costs can be related to this news clip.
When individuals and families spend a significant portion of their income on
expensive food, they may have to make trade-offs or sacrifices in other areas of their
lives. For example, they may have to cut back on other essential expenses, such as
education or healthcare, or they may have limited resources to invest in income-
generating opportunities. This highlights the opportunity cost of spending a large
portion of income on food, which affects the overall well-being and economic
prospects of individuals and families.

C. In my opinion, the government should take several steps to address this problem.
Firstly, they should focus on implementing policies that aim to reduce the cost of
living, particularly in terms of food prices. This can be done through measures such as
promoting agricultural development, supporting local farmers, and ensuring fair
pricing practices in the market. Additionally, the government should prioritize job
creation and economic growth to address the issue of high joblessness. This can be
achieved through investment in infrastructure, support for small and medium-sized
enterprises, and initiatives to attract investment and create employment opportunities.

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