Organization Culture

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Organization Culture


Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an

organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing
direction for the people who work in the organization. Human Resource
Management can also be performed by line managers. Human Resource
Management is the organizational function that deals with issues related to
people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization
development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication,
administration, and training.

Culture is the most important aspect that directly contributes to the

development of human resources. If human resources have to be developed, the
organization should create conditions in which people acquire new knowledge
and skills and develop healthy patterns of behavior and styles. This type of
environment can be achieved only by acquiring proper knowledge on
organizational culture.

Henry Mintzbergon Culture:

According to him “Culture is the soul of the organization — the beliefs

and values, and how they are manifested. I think of the structure as the skeleton,
and as the flesh and blood. And culture is the soul that holds the thing together
and gives it life force.”
Culture is essential because technology is developing continuously and at
a fast rate. Systems and practices get outdated soon due to new discoveries in
technology, including technical, managerial and behavioral aspects. Developing
individuals in the organization can contribute to the effectiveness of the
organization. Hence, the organizations should develop such mechanisms, which

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 1
Organization Culture

support the growing technology and proper monitoring should be given so as to

make it fruitful.

“Always remember that you are unique, just like everybody else.”

- Margaret mead

Culture has evolved substantially from last few years with evidence
indicating more organizational interest regarding cultural development. Given
the intense pressure to compete, improve quality and customer service, and
lower costs, leading American companies have come to view culture as a key to
organizational survival and success. Likewise, in countries around the World,
culture has become increasingly important to prepare workers for new jobs.
Most firms not only invest in the continual learning of workers in order to be
competitive, but many companies are providing training to workers who are
new to the workforce. Many of these firms provide training regarding cultural
adaptation in addition to skills training.

The focus of culture is on the employee novice. Such learning

experiences are concerned with actual job performance. For positions, which are
highly measurable and clearly identifiable, it is fairly easy to specify the job and
the performance outputs. For other positions, such as from the cadres above
supervisor, it becomes more difficult to measure the exact job performance,
though efforts are proceeding in this direction.

An organization has the right to expect that if culture was the reason for
the program, then there should be some return on the job now being done by

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

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Organization Culture

Need for the study:

People need competencies to perform tasks. The nature of the job is

constantly changing due to changes in environment, technology, organizational
goals and strategies. It has become a challenging task for organizations in
public, private, joint and cooperative sectors to cope up with growing
competition due to on slot of globalization. In order to survive in this
competitive era, the organizations have to focus on improving its performance.
Reliance communications is one of the major Indian Company’s, which has
certain unique features. Its performance is being increasing over the consecutive
years. In this backdrop the present study is an effort to examine the cultural
aspects in the organization.

Every organization has a size so it should provide necessary cultural

practices to all its employees irrespective of their qualification, skill etc,
regarding the culture followed in their organization, it is an on going process.
The need for culture is for the following reasons:

1. To match the employee specifications with the job requirements and

organizations needs.

2. Organizational viability and transformation process.

3. Changing technology.

4. Change in job assignment.

5. Create productivity - effective training helps in increasing productivity.

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 3
Organization Culture

6. Quality conscious customers.

Objectives of the study

The main objectives of the study are to assess the cultural

development programs given at Reliance communications Ltd., Hyderabad. In
the light of this primary objective the following sub-objectives were set.

1. To analyze the organization culture relating to employees (mention

whether managers/executives/workers) in Reliance Telecom Ltd.,

2. To assess the benefits derived to the employees after cultural updation

with respect to Reliance Telecom Ltd., Hyderabad.

3. To evaluate the culture and to review the HR department activities with

respect to organization culture in Reliance Telecom Ltd., Hyderabad.

4. To offer recommendations if necessary regarding organization culture.

5. To understand whether organization culture is showing influence on its

employees or not.

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 4
Organization Culture

Methodology of the study:

Methodology is a systematic procedure of collecting information in order

to analyze and verify a phenomenon. The collection of information have been
through principle sources they are,

Primary data:

Primary data is that, which is collected for the first time and this happens
to be original in character. Data is collected through Questionnaire Method,
Interview Method.

Secondary Data:

Secondary data is that, which are readily available. This data is already
been collected and analyzed by someone else. It is gathered from the
organization reports, various publications and journals and browsed through
some websites.

Sampling Method:

Sampling is a technique where in a sample would considered and each

element of the sample would represent the universe. The sample size is 100,
which is selected on the basis of Simple Random Technique method.

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 5
Organization Culture

Limitations of the study:

Every study is conducted under certain limitations. The following are

the various limitations of this study

1. As the time span of the training was only for two months, efforts were
made for complete data collection in all possible ways.

2. There was very limited scope of gathering the confidential information.

3. Only the existing system has been studied and no attempt has been to
identify new and dynamic performed system due to time constraints.

4. Employees may not reveal the data due to the fear of the management.

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 6
Organization Culture


Telecom in the real sense means transfer of information between two

distant points in space. The popular meaning of telecom always involves
electrical signals and nowadays people exclude postal or any other raw
telecommunication methods from its meaning. Therefore, the history of Indian
telecom can be started with the introduction of telegraph.

Introduction the postal and telecom sectors had a slow and uneasy start in
India. In 1850, the first experimental electric telegraph Line was started
between Kolkata and Diamond Harbor. In 1851, it was opened for the British
East India Company. The Posts and Telegraphs department occupied a small
corner of the Public Works Department, at that time. Construction of 4,000
miles (6,400 km) of telegraph lines connecting Kolkata (Calcutta) and Peshawar
in the north along with Agra, Mumbai (Bombay) through Sindwa Ghats, and
Chennai in the south, as well as Ootacamund and Bangalore was started in
November 1853. Dr. William O'Shaughnessy, who pioneered telegraph and
telephone in India, belonged to the Public Works Department. He worked
towards the development of telecom throughout this period. A separate
department was opened in 1854 when telegraph facilities were opened to the

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 7
Organization Culture

Origin of Reliance Communications:

Reliance Communications is India's truly integrated [telecommunications

service provider]. The Company has a customer base of 105 million "Reliance
Communications has more than 50 million customers". Retrieved 2010-04-14
including over 2.5 million individual overseas [Retailing/retail] customers.

Reliance – Anil Derubai Ambani Groups continually reviews corporate

governance best practices to ensure that they reflect global developments. It
takes feedback into account, in its periodic reviews of the guidelines to ensure
their continuing relevance, effectiveness and responsiveness to the needs of
local and international investors and other stakeholders.

It ranks among the Top 5 Telecom companies "Top 5 Telecom companies

in the world "].Retrieved 2010-04-14 in the world by number of customers in a
single country. Reliance Communications [Corporation/corporate] clientele
includes 2,100 Indian and Multinational corporation/multinational corporations,
and over 800 global, regional and domestic carriers. A pan-India, next
generation, integrated (wireless and wireline), convergent (voice, data and
video) [Digital electronics/digital network] that is capable of supporting best-of-
class services spanning the entire communications value chain, covering over
24,000 towns and 600,000 villages has been established by Reliance
Communications. Reliance Communications owns and operates the next
generation [Internet Protocol/IP] enabled connectivity infrastructure. The
world's largest next generation IP enabled connectivity
infrastructure"].Retrieved 2010-04-14 comprising over 190,000 kilometers of
[Optical fiber/fiber optic] cable systems in India, USA, Europe, Middle East and
the Asia Pacific region.

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

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Organization Culture

Growth of telecom industry:


First operational land lines were laid by the government near Calcutta
(seat of British power)

1881 Telephone service introduced in India

1883 Merger with the postal system

1923 Formation of Indian Radio Telegraph Company (IRT)

Merger of ETC and IRT into the Indian Radio and Cable
1932 Communication
Company (IRCC)
Nationalization of all foreign telecommunication companies to form the
Posts, Telephone and Telegraph (PTT), a monopoly run by the
government's Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications (DOT) established, an exclusive
provider of domestic and long-distance service that would be its own
regulator (separate from the postal system)

1986 Conversion of DOT into two wholly government-owned companies the

Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL) for international
telecommunications and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL)

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Organization Culture

for service in metropolitan areas.

1997 Telecom Regulatory Authority of India created.

Cellular Services are launched in India. New National Telecom Policy is

2000 DoT becomes a corporation, BSNL

Indian telecom sector: Recent Policies

 All the villages shall be covered by telecom facility by the end of 2002.

 The Communication Convergence Bill 2001introduced in the Parliament

on August 31, 2001 is presently before the Standing Committee of
Parliament on Telecom and IT.

 The International Long Distance Services (ILDS) have been opened to


 The cellular operators have been permitted to provide all types of mobile
services including voice and non-voice messages, data services and PCOs
utilizing any type of network equipment, including circuit and/or package
switches that meet certain required standards.

 Policies allowing private participation have been announced as per the

New Telecom Policy (NTP), 1999 in several new services, which include
Global Mobile Personal Communication by Satellite (GMPCS) Service,
digital Public Mobile Radio Trunked Service (PMRTS), Voice Mail.

 Wireless in Local Loop (WLL) has been introduced for providing

telephone connections in urban, semi-urban and rural areas promptly.

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

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Organization Culture

 Steps are being taken to fulfill Universal Service Obligation (USO), its
funding and administration.

 A decision to permit Community Phone Service has been announced.

 Multiple Fixed Service Providers (FSPs) licensing guidelines were


 Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have been allowed to set up

International Internet Gateways, both Satellite and Landing stations for
submarine optical fiber cables.

 Two categories of infrastructure providers have been allowed to provide

end-to-end bandwidth and dark fiber, right of way, towers, duct space etc.

 Guidelines have been issued by the Government to open up Internet

telephony (IP).

Major Players in telecom sector:

There are many companies which are standing as competitors to each

other; in the present scenario each and every organization is trying to satisfy the
consumer needs in their unique ways. In them government companies are also
able to stand as one among the competitors. In that process taking the present
trends into consideration many new companies are coming into telecom
industry. Basing on them the telecom sector is mainly classified into three types
of players basing on their roots in telecom services, they can be shown in a
tabular form as below:

BSNL Bharat sanchar nigam limited

IDEA IDEA Cellular

AIRTEL Bharti airtel

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Organization Culture

VSNL Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd

Reliance Reliance telecom


Some of the telecom industries are, as follows:

BSNL: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. formed in October, 2000, is World's 7th
largest Telecommunications Company providing comprehensive range of
telecom services in India. Wireline, CDMA mobile, GSM Mobile, Internet,
Broadband, Carrier service, MPLS-VPN, VSAT, VoIP services, IN Services
etc. Presently it is one of the largest & leading public sector units in India

IDEA: IDEA Cellular is a publicly listed company, having listed on the Bombay
Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE) in March 2007.
IDEA Cellular is a leading GSM mobile services operator in India with over
72 million subscribers, under brand IDEA. It is a pan India integrated GSM
operator covering the entire telephony landscape of the country, and has NLD
and ILD operations.

AIETEL: We are one of world’s leading providers of telecommunication

services with presence in all the 22 licensed jurisdictions (also known as
Telecom Circles) in India, and operations in Srilanka, Bangladesh and now in
Africa. We served an aggregate of 183,371,520 customers as of June 30, 2010;
of whom 176,974,680 subscribe to our GSM services and 3,243,761 use our
Telemedia Services either for voice and/or broadband access delivered

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Organization Culture

through DSL. We also offer DTH and IPTV Services. All these services are
rendered under a unified brand “Airtel”.

VSNL: The company was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in New

Delhi, India. VSNL Internet Services Limited provides integrated telecom and
information technology solutions to corporate, enterprises, offices, and homes
in India. Its services include high speed Internet access, voice over Internet
protocol, Internet bandwidth, networking, managed data network, data centre,
and co-location services. The company also provides domain name services
and public IP addresses.

Reliance communications: Reliance Communications, rated among Asia’s 6

Topmost Valuable Telecom Companies, is India’s largest CDMA and GSM
operator. The company has established a pan-India, next generation, integrated
(wireless and wireline), convergent (voice, data and video) digital network that
is capable of supporting best-of-class services spanning the entire Infocomm
value chain.

The Indian telecommunications industry is the world's fastest growing

telecommunications industry, with 688.38 Million telephone (landlines and
mobile) subscribers and 652.42 Million mobile phone connections as of July
2010 It is also the second largest telecommunication network in the world in
terms of number of wireless connections after China. The Indian Mobile
subscriber base has increased in size by a factor of more than one-hundred since
2001 when the number of subscribers in the country was approximately 5
million to 652.42 Million in July 2010.

Modern growth:

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Organization Culture

A large population, low telephony penetration levels, and a rise in

consumers' income and spending owing to strong economic growth have helped
make India the fastest-growing telecom market in the world. The first operator
is the state-owned incumbent BSNL.

BSNL was created by corporatization of the erstwhile DTS (Department

of Telecommunication Services), a government unit responsible for provision of
telephony services. Subsequently, after the telecommunication policies were
revised to allow private operators, companies such as Vodafone, Bharti Airtel,
Tata Indicom, Idea Cellular, Aircel and Loop Mobile have entered the space.

In 2008-09, rural India outpaced urban India in mobile growth rate.

Bharti Airtel now is the largest telecom company in India.

India's mobile phone market is the fastest growing in the world, with
companies adding some 20.31 million new customers in March 2010.The total
number of telephones in the country crossed the 688.38 million mark in July 31,

The overall tele-density has increased to 58.17% in July 2010. Telecom

Regulatory Authority of India, Information note to the Press (Press Release No.
61 / 2007), 20 July 2010 In the wireless segment, 19 million subscribers have
been added in July 2010.

The total wireless subscribers (GSM, CDMA & WLL (F)) base is more
than 652.42 million now. The wireline segment subscriber base stood at 35.96
million with a decline of 0.22 million in July 2010.The company also deploys,
owns and manages passive infrastructure pertaining to telecom operations under
its subsidiary.

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Organization Culture



Few men in history have made as dramatic a contribution to their

country’s economic fortunes as did the founder of Reliance, Sh. Dhirubhai
H Ambani. Fewer still have left behind a legacy that is more enduring and
timeless. As with all great pioneers, there is more than one unique way of
describing the true genius of Dhirubhai: The corporate visionary, the
Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,
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Organization Culture

unmatched strategist, the proud patriot, the leader of men, the architect of
India’s capital markets, and the champion of shareholder interest. .

But the role Dhirubhai cherished most was perhaps that of India’s
greatest wealth creator. In one lifetime, he built, starting from the proverbial
scratch, India’s largest private sector enterprise. When Dhirubhai embarked
on his first business venture, he had a seed capital of barely US$ 300
(around Rs 14,000). Over the next three and a half decades, he converted
this fledgling enterprise into an Rs 60,000 crore colossus-an achievement
which earned Reliance a place on the global Fortune 500 list, the first ever
Indian private company to do so.

Dhirubhai is widely regarded as the father of India’s capital markets. In

1977, when Reliance Textile Industries Limited first went public, the Indian
stock market was a place patronized by a small club of elite investors which
dabbled in a handful of stocks. Undaunted, Dhirubhai managed to convince
a large number of first-time retail investors to participate in the unfolding
Reliance story and put their hard-earned money in the Reliance Textile IPO,
promising them, in exchange for their trust, substantial return on their
investments. It was to be the start of one of great stories of mutual respect
and reciprocal gain in the Indian markets.

Under Dhirubhai extraordinary vision and leadership, Reliance scripted

one of the greatest growth stories in corporate history anywhere in the
world, and went on to become India’s largest private sector enterprise.

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

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Organization Culture


Regarded as one of the foremost corporate leaders of contemporary

India, Anil Dhirubhai Ambani is the Chairman of all listed Group
companies, namely: Reliance Communications, Reliance Capital, Reliance
Energy and Reliance Natural Resources Limited.

He is also Chairman of the Board of Governors of Dhirubhai Ambani

Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Gandhi Nagar,

Till recently, he also held the post of Vice Chairman and Managing
Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,
Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 17
Organization Culture

Director in Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), India’s largest private sector


Anil D Ambani joined Reliance in 1983 as Co-Chief Executive Officer,

and was centrally involved in every aspect of the company’s management
over the next 22 years.

He is credited with having pioneered a number of path-breaking

financial innovations in the Indian capital markets. He spearheaded the
country’s first forays into the overseas capital markets with international
public offerings of global depositary receipts, convertibles and bonds.
Starting in 1991, he directed Reliance Industries in its efforts to rise over
US$ 2 billion. He also steered the 100-year Yankee bond issue for the
company in January 1997.

He is a member of: Wharton Board of Overseers, The Wharton School,

USA, Central Advisory Committee, Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission, Board of Governors, Indian Institute of Management,
Ahmadabad, Board of Governors Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. In
June 2004, he was elected for a six-year term as an independent member of
the Rajya Sabha, Upper House of India’s Parliament a position he chose to
resign voluntarily on March 25, 2006.

Awards and Achievements:

1. Conferred the ‘CEO of the Year 2004’ in the Platts Global Energy
2. Rated as one of ‘India’s Most Admired CEOs’ for the sixth
consecutive year in the Business Barons – TNS Mode opinion poll,
3. Conferred ‘The Entrepreneur of the Decade Award’ by the
Bombay Management Association, October 2002.
4. Awarded the First Wharton Indian Alumni Award by the Wharton
Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,
Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 18
Organization Culture

India Economic Forum (WIEF) in recognition of his contribution

to the establishment of Reliance as a global leader in many of its
business areas, December 2001.
5. Selected by Asia week magazine for its list of ‘Leaders of the
Millennium in Business and Finance’ and was introduced as the
only ‘new hero’ in Business and Finance from India, June 1999.

About the Reliance Anil Derubai Ambani Group:

Reliance continually reviews corporate governance best practices to
ensure that they reflect global developments. It takes feedback into account,
in its periodic reviews of the guidelines to ensure their continuing relevance,
effectiveness and responsiveness to the needs of local and international
investors and other stakeholders.

Our code of conduct and business policies encompass the following areas:

1. Values and commitments

2. Code of ethics

3. Business policies

4. Ethics management

5. Prevention of sexual harassment

6. Policy on insider trading

The Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group, created through the

de-merger of the Reliance Group founded by Shri Dhirubhai H Ambani
(1932-2002), ranks among India’s top three private sector business houses in
terms of net worth. The group has business interests that range from
telecommunications (Reliance Communications) to financial services

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

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Organization Culture

(Reliance Capital), generation and transmission of power (Reliance Power),

construction of roads and railways, distribution of power (Reliance
Infrastructure), entertainment (Reliance BIG Entertainment) and super-
specialty healthcare (Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital).

The Reliance ADA Group’s flagship company, Reliance

Communications, is India's largest private sector information and
communications company, with over 100 million subscribers. It has
established a pan-India, high-capacity, integrated (wireless and wire line),
convergent (voice, data and video) digital network, to offer services
spanning the entire infocomm value chain, on both CDMA and GSM
networks, within India and abroad.



• Reliance Communications
• BIG Cinemas
• Reliance Global com
• BIG Flix
• Reliance Telecom
• BIG Home Video
• Reliance Infrastructure
• BIG Music & Video
• Reliance Energy
• BIG ND Studio
• BSES Delhi
• BIG Synergy
• Reliance Capital
• Reliance Natural Resources

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Organization Culture

• Reliance Life Insurance • Reliance Power

• Reliance General Insurance • Mumbai Metro One

• Reliance Money • Reliance Energy Trading

• Reliance Capital Asset Mgmt • Reliance Infra Engineers

• Reliance Capital Services • Reliance Energy Transmission

• Reliance Consumer Finance • BSES Kerala Power

• Reliance BIG Entertainment • DS Toll Road

• BIG TV • NK Toll Road

• BIG 92.7 FM • TK Toll Road

• BIG Adda • TD Toll Road

• BIG Animation • SU Toll Road

• BIG Broadcasting • GF Toll Road

• BIG Pictures • Baramati Airport PL

• Delhi Airport Metro Ex • Latur Airport PL

• Sasan Power • Nanded Airport PL

• Sasan Power Infrastructure • Osmanabad Airport PL

• Sasan Power Infraventure • Yavatmal Airport PL

• Parbati Koldam Trn Power • Reliance Transport & Travels

• Coastal Andhra Power • Reliance HR Services

• Coastal Andhra Power Infra • Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of

• Rosa Power Information &

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

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Organization Culture

• Reliance Power International Communication Technology

• Maharashtra Energy • Reliance Technology Ventures

Generation Infra • Reliance Tech Services

• Vidarbha Industries Power • Reliance Health Ventures

• Chitrangi Power • Medybiz

• Tato Hydro Power • Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani

• Siyom Hydro Power Hospital & Medical Research

• Urthing Sobla Hydro Power Institute

Vision: ”Enriching Organization, Globally, Through Innovative HR


Reliance – ADA Group is one of the fastest growing diversified groups in

the country. With businesses growing at a breathtaking pace across all
verticals, one of the critical challenges of the Group would be to recruit,
develop and retain competent manpower in the years to come.

Reliance HR Services Pvt Ltd was formed in 1 st Oct 2007 under the
guidance of Mr.Amitava K Ghosh (Head - RHRS) to give end to end
Contract staffing solutions for Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group of Companies
(ADAG).Currently we are operating in 13 Circles across India having a

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work force of more than 20 thousand employees .

By 2015, be amongst the top 3 most valued Indian companies

providing Information, Communication, Entertainment services, and being
the industry benchmark in Customer Experience, Employee Centricity and

Today, we proudly serve almost every group constituent under

Reliance Communications, Reliance Capital, Reliance Infrastructure and
Reliance Big Entertainment. RHRS is proud to be fully compliant with all
statutory government norms and policies, and is a preferred partner to all
Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group constituents.

Mission: We will create world-class benchmarks by..

1. Meeting and exceeding Customer expectations with a segmented


2. Establishing, re-engineering and automating Processes to make them

customer centric, efficient and effective

3. Incessant offering of Products and Services that are value for money
and excite customers.

4. Providing a Network experience that is best in the industry.

5. Building Reliance into an iconic Brand which is benchmarked by

others and leads industry in Intention to Purchase and Loyalty.

6. Developing a professional Leadership team that inspires, nurtures

talent and propagates RCOM Values by personal example.

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

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Core Values Of Our Company:

With its core values defined as integrity, dignity, passion, teamwork,

quality-orientation and growth for all stakeholders, RHRS has created its
own unique identity in its chosen domain. With an unwavering adherence to

its core values and backed by a nationwide team of highly skilled, motivated
and committed core employees, RHRS is truly equipped today to fulfill its
vision of enriching organizations globally, through innovative hr solutions.
In the process, RHRS has also set in motion its transformation towards
becoming a learning organization.

Any person to whom this policy is made applicable cannot undertake any of
the following activities:

1. To undertake full-time employment or significant and active managerial

or decision-making role in any business enterprise other than RADAG

2. Bar on setting up, operating, advising, representing, or getting involved

in any manner whatsoever with business enterprise that competes with
any of R ADAG Companies in any of our businesses.

3. Not to participate in any activity that might lead to or give the

appearance of unapproved disclosures of proprietary information or
proprietary information owned by others who have entrusted such
information to RADAG Companies.

4. Employees should not use their corporate official title or position to

promote a book, seminar, or any other similar activity. All employees
may accept honoraria for an appearance, speech or article, provided that

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Organization Culture

the activity does not relate to the employee’s official duties.

5. An employee cannot be involved or engaged in any other activity that

could create the appearance of a conflict of interest and thereby impair
RADAG Companies’ reputation.

Company Policies:

I. Fair Market Practices

II. Inside Information

III. Financial, Records and Accounting integrity

IV. External Communication

VI. Personal Conduct

VII. Health safety environment

VIII. Quality

Industry Expertise:

We recognize and appreciate that each industry has its own nuances in
terms of job descriptions, portfolio allocation, management style, hiring
practices and compensation norms. In order to provide clients with
specialized and customized end-to-end HR solutions, RHRS has developed
expertise in the following industry segments:

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Organization Culture

 Hospitality

 Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

 Power / Energy

 Engineering & manufacturing

 Automotive

 Infrastructure

 Education & training

 Entertainment

 Retail & Customer Services

 Retail

 IT and ITES

 Logistics

Bord of directors of reliance group of companies:

•1. Shri Anil D. Ambani - Chairman

• Promoter, non-executive and non-independent Director

•2. Prof. J Ramachandran

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Organization Culture

• Independent Director

•3. Shri S.P. Talwar

• Independent Director

•4. Shri Deepak Shourie

Independent Director

•5. Shri A.K.Purwar

Independent Directo


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Organization Culture

Gareth Morgan has described organizational culture as: "The set of the set
of beliefs, values, and norms, together with symbols like dramatized events and
personalities that represents the unique character of an organization, and
provides the context for action in it and by it." Beliefs and values are words that
will pop up frequently in other definitions, as well. Norms might be described
as traditions, structure of authority, or routines.

- Gareth Morgan

Routine behaviors: Norms shared by teams, dominant values, guiding

philosophy for policies toward employees and customers, the rules of the game
for getting along in the organization, the climate of the organization.

Organization culture is mainly based and formulated for welfare of

employees as well as customers. It includes all services, amenities and facilities
which are provided by the employer in order to enable the employees to
perform their work in healthy and congenial surrounding and provide them with
amenities conductive to good health morals.

Welfare work may be defined as “Work for improving the health, safety,
general well being and the industrial efficiency of the workers beyond the
minimum standards laid down in the Factories Act and other legislations”.

From the above observations it can be that culture total composition of

social and relative concept. The total concept of culture involves physical,
mental, moral emotional well being of the individual. These four elements
altogether constitute the “four pillars” of organization culture.

Objectives of culture regarding HRD:

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Organization Culture

1. To prepare the employee to meet the present and changing future job
2. To promote good relations.
3. To ensure smooth and efficient running of the organization.
4. To create a climate that enables every employee to fulfill his individual
and organizational goals.
5. To broaden the minds of the superiors by giving opportunities to the
employees in sharing their views and experiences.
6. To develop their general capabilities as individuals and discover and
exploit their own inner potentials for their own and organizations growth.
7. To develop an organizational culture in which superior-subordinate
relationship, team work and collaboration among sub-units are strong and
contribute to the professional well-being, motivation and pride of

Scope of organization culture in HRD:

The scope of HRD is limited to ‘Training and Management development,

Career planning and development, Organization Change and development,
Quality of Work life, Quality of Circles, job enrichment’. The activities such as
Training and Development are Safety and Health Programs, Welfare programs,
Communication, Personality Development, Obsolescence prevention,
improving their Performance, Social security etc,. It can be explained basing on
the following example:

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Organization Culture

Earlier, Indian consumers were using non branded apparel, but today ,
clothes of different brands are available and same consumers are willing to pay
a more for branded apparel but today, clothes of different brands are available
and the same consumers are willing to pay more for branded quality clothes.

Significance of Organization Culture:

In the last 35 years, both awareness and concern for our natural
environment have become incorporated into our consciousness. Natural fibers,
recycling, biodegradable goods, concern for natural habitats, the disappearing
ozone layer, and second-hand smoke are all concepts that have filtered into our
personal and business behaviors.

The pattern of shared values, beliefs and assumptions considered to be the

appropriate way to think and act within an organization. Organization culture
can simply said in other words the art or custom of a particular group which
includes intellect of that group.

To identify and meet the needs and expectation of its customers and the
interested parties (people in the organization suppliers, owners, society) to
achieve competitive advantage and to do this effective and efficient manner, and
to achieve, maintain and improve overall organization performance and
capabilities organization culture takes the major role.

A sound organization is one which consists of good organization culture

includes industrial relationship system between management and employees
(and their representatives) on the one hand, and between them and the State on
the other, are more harmonious and cooperative than conflictual and creates an
environment conducive to economic efficiency and the motivation, productivity
and development of the employee and generates employee loyalty and mutual
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Organization Culture

Few of the areas where culture takes its part are:

1. Culture is shared
2. Culture helps members solve problems
3. Culture is taught to newcomers
4. Culture strongly influences behavior

Artifacts: Artifacts are the most visible and accessible level of culture. Artifacts
include personal enactment, ceremonies and rites, stories, rituals, and symbols.

1. Personal Enactment Personal enactment is behavior that reflects the

organization's values.

2. Ceremonies and Rites Ceremonies can be divided into organizational rites,

including rites of passage, rites of enhancement, rites of renewal, rites of
integration, rites of conflict reduction, and rites of degradation. They are
relatively elaborate sets of activities that are enacted repeatedly on important

3. Stories are rich carriers of organizational culture that give meaning and
identity to organizations and help orient new employees. There are stories
about the boss, stories about getting fired, stories about how the company deals
with employees who have to relocate, stories about whether lower-level
employees can rise to the top, stories about how the company deals with crisis
situations, and stories about how status considerations work when rules are

4. Rituals Everyday practices that are repeated frequently are known as rituals.
Typically unwritten, rituals send a clear message about the way things are done
in an organization.

5. Symbols communicate the culture through unspoken messages, and include

company logos, company colors, and even mental images held by employees.
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Organization Culture

Values: Values are a deeper level of culture that reflects underlying beliefs.
An espoused value is what organizational members say they value, like ethical
practice. Enacted values are values reflected in the way individuals actually
behave, and may differ from espoused values.

Assumptions: Assumptions are deeply held beliefs that guide behavior and
tell members of an organization how to perceive and think about things. They
are often held at a level below consciousness and are difficult to measure.

Adaptive cultures encourage confidence and risk taking among

employees, have leadership that produces change, and focus on the changing
needs of customers. Cultures that promote long-term performance tend to be
the most adaptive. Adaptive cultures facilitate change to meet the needs of their

The leader's role in shaping and reinforcing culture

A. What Leaders Pay Attention to Organizational members can get information

about the priorities, values, and beliefs of leaders by observing the things on
which leaders spend their time, as long as leaders are consistent in the things to
which they pay attention.

B. How Leaders React to Crises Many believe that organizations show their real
culture during times of crisis, and consequently pay close attention to the
leaders during a crisis situation

C. How Leaders Behave Employees emulate the leader's behavior and look to
leaders for cues to appropriate behavior. Leaders demonstrate the organization’s
values and culture through their behavior.

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Organization Culture

D. How Leaders Allocate Rewards

Rewarding behavior that is consistent with the organization’s values

increases acceptance of those values and the organization’s culture. If leaders
do not allocate rewards in a way that reinforces espoused values, employees
may become confused and frustrated.

E. How Leaders Hire and Fire Individuals

Leaders often reinforce a desired organizational culture through the

selection of new employees whose value systems are similar to the
organization’s value system. Promoting from within the organization also
serves to reinforce the culture. Also, both the rationale behind firing an
employee and the manner in which the termination is carried out convey a great
deal about the organization’s culture.

Assessing organizational culture:

Quantitative and qualitative techniques are both valuable approaches to

assessing culture.

Organizational Culture Inventory: Based on Maslow's need hierarchy, the

Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI) measures twelve cultural styles. It
provides an assessment of culture at the individual level that can be aggregated
to the group level or organization level. The two dimensions of the OCI are
task/people and security/satisfaction.

Kilmann-Saxton Culture-Gap Survey: This survey focuses on what actually

happens and on the expectations of others in the organization. It measures
operating norms and ideal norms along the two dimensions of technical/human
and time (short term versus long term). Results provided at the individual level
can be aggregated to the group level.

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Organization Culture

Triangulation: Triangulation refers to the use of multiple methods to measure

organizational culture. Three commonly used methods include (1) obtrusive
observations, (2) self-administered questionnaires, and (3) personal interviews.
This approach provides a more complete picture than using any of the methods
singularly would reveal.

How to Develop Group Norms:

The members of every team and work group develop particular ways of
interacting with each other over time. Effective interpersonal communication
among group members and successful communication with managers and
employees external to the team are critical components of group functioning.
With the potential power of the impact of these interactions on group success,
why leave group member interaction to chance? Adopt group relationship
guidelines or group norms early to ensure group success.

Trust Rules: The Most Important Secret without it, we have nothing. Trust
forms the foundation for effective communication, employee retention, and
employee motivation and contribution of discretionary energy, the extra effort
that people voluntarily invest in work. When trust is present, everything else is

How to Demonstrate Respect at Work: Ask anyone at the workplace what

treatment they most want at work. They will likely top their list with the desire
to be treated with dignity and respect. We can demonstrate respect with simple,
yet powerful actions. These ideas will help you avoid needless, insensitive,
unmeant disrespect, too. Read more about respect.

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Organization Culture

Build a Value-Based Organization: Does the environment of your workplace

motivate, excite and retain employees? To ensure that it does, create a
workplace with a foundation firmly based on your core values.

How to Make Values Live in the Organization: The culture which is outward
demonstration of the values that exists in at workplace. Are these values
creating the workplace which the organization wants? Do these values promote
a culture of extraordinary customer care by happy, motivated, productive

Explore the New Science of Complexity: The emerging science of complexity

is a way to better understand how organizations actually work. This knowledge
will help us to enable the organizations to flourish in a world of constant
change. Here's more on exploring the new science of complexity.

Conditions for Culture Change:

Some situations or the conditions which show some effect in adopting

cultural change are:

• A dramatic crisis
• Turnover in leadership
• Young and small organizations
• Weak culture
• A dramatic crisis
• Turnover in leadership
• Young and small organizations
• Weak culture

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Organization Culture

How Employees Can Change Unethical culture:

Employees can develop some kinds of unethical behaviors which help in

the downfall of the organization. Some of those aspects are as follows.
• Secretly or publicly reporting unethical actions to a higher level within the
• Secretly or publicly reporting unethical actions outside the organization.
• Secretly or publicly threatening an offender or responsible manager with
reporting unethical actions.
• Quietly or publicly refusing to implement an unethical order or policy.

Actions Organizations Can Take to Develop an Ethical Culture:

In order to come out of that kind of unethical behaviours organization

need to take care of its employees and their behaviours by formulating good
• Be realistic in setting values and goals regarding employee relationships.
• Encourage input from organization members regarding appropriate values and
practices for implementing the culture.
• Do not automatically opt for a “strong” culture.
• Provide training on adopting and implementing the organization’s values.
Keeping a Culture Alive:

“The goal is nothing. The way is everything.”

_Robert Broberg

Every organizations tries to keep culture alive in that process culture

every organizations keeps some basic and general aspects with which every
organization deals with, such as,.

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Organization Culture

Selection: Identify and hire individuals who will fit in with the culture
Top Management: Senior executives establish and communicate the norms of
the organization
Socialization: Organizations need to teach the culture to new employees

Suggestions for Changing Culture:

1. Change the reward system to encourage acceptance of a new set of


2. Replace unwritten norms with formal rules and regulations that are
tightly enforced.

3. Shake up current subcultures through transfers, job rotation, and/or


4. Work to get peer group consensus through utilization of employee

participation and creation of a climate with a high level of trust.

Models In Organization Culture:

a) Kevin Eikenberry:

At the time, any new employee knew what was happening and why it was
important to the development of the culture in this organization. They may not
understand it the way they do now …

For a whole variety of reasons, organizational culture is important to the

health or viability of any organization.

It is one thing to know something is important. It is another thing entirely

to know what to do about it. This article will give some specific things that can
be done to act on the importance of organizational culture.

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Organization Culture

Get help: Wherever a person sits in the organizational structure or hierarchy the
impact of organizational culture can be in a positive or in negative ways– but
why would they want to do that? Admittedly, if that person is in a position of
leadership, it might be easier, but every one can have an impact. But they can’t
do it alone. Form a team of like-minded, interested and enthusiastic people, and
get them on board with developing and enhancing the culture.

Get a vision: Get the team get to discuss the current culture. Define the parts
of the culture that are already great and need to be supported. And honestly
determine where the culture could use some polishing. Then create a vision of
the culture which is needed to be created, taking into account the entire current
picture – the warts and the beauty marks.

Get strategic: The team will recognize that this is important – some people
who already understand that are to be picked and a deeper understanding have
to be developed, a vision of a desired future culture. Help everyone understand
– the team and organizational leadership – that this isn’t a band-aid, quick fix;
but an ongoing, strategic intention to build a more attractive culture that fits the
needs of the organization.

Get people excited: Chances are the culture team will be excited. If not, get
them excited! Help the team recognize that not everyone else in the organization
is going to think that these efforts are worthwhile immediately. Remember that
enthusiasm is contagious. Do what you can to keep the enthusiasm of your team
high. If their excitement falters, remind them of the vision they created to re-
invigorate them.

Get a champion: That person may be you, or it may be someone else on the
team. In my case, I took on an alter ego of the “phun phantom”. While a
moniker might not be necessary, a point person, whether anonymous or not, is

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Organization Culture

important. Culture change is like any other change – it requires champions. The
champion needs to be someone who is passionate about creating the new
culture. As in my case, this might be a perfect role for a young energetic person,
but don’t assign the role. The best champions will rise up and “select”

Get started: Get momentum on your side. Any change will have a greater
chance of success with momentum. Don’t form your team today if you don’t
think you’ll be able to get them going quickly. Don’t think of this something
that can be done in a couple of weeks. A single event that you hope will
permanently change the culture – won’t. In fact, it might have the opposite
effect entirely. Get started but be committed to building momentum and staying
with it. It will be one of the most rewarding efforts you and your team will ever
engage in.

Particular or specific cultural events to try are not given. Why? Because
each individuals perception will be different so kind of changes are needed are
to be decided first. In that process one need to create higher levels of
camaraderie and more fun in the workplace. People may have that and may
want to enhance your culture in completely different ways. These seven things
are by no means a complete list – but they are a great place to start. And getting
started is the most important next step of all.

Views of Kevin Eikenberry on organization culture are explained as follows:

Employees spend 40 … or 45 … or 50 … or more hours at work each

week. Many of them spend more time with those they work with, than they do
their families. For us to be content and fulfilled people, that time must be
valuable for more than a dollar …

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Organization Culture

We want to be engaged in our work. We yearn for work that is enjoyable,

meaningful and engaging. When we are engaged we are safer on the job, more
productive and more willing and able to delight Customers.

It is for these basic reasons that organizational culture matters. It is the

right thing for an organization to do – to think about the work environment,
working relationships and “how we do things here”.

Focusing on building and sustaining an organizational culture is one way

of showing that people are the organization’s most valuable asset.

There are of course many other bottom line business reasons to focus on
and build organizational culture. Here are seven of those reasons.

A strong culture is a talent-attractor

Organizations culture is a part of the package that prospective employees

look at when assessing the organization. Gone are the days of selecting the

person you want from a large eager pool. The talent market is tighter and those
looking for a new organization are more selective than ever. The best people
want more than a salary and good benefits. They want an environment they can
enjoy and succeed in.

b) Lewin’s Three-Step Change Model

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Organization Culture

Implementing Change:
Unfreezing: getting ready for change, minimizing resistance.
Moving: making the change: Changing people (individuals and groups);
Tasks; Structure; Technology
Refreezing: stabilizing the change: Reinforcing outcomes, evaluating results,
making constructive modifications
Arouse dissatisfaction with the current state: Tell them about deficiencies in
Activate and strengthen top management support: Need to break down power
Establish goals: E.G. Make business profitable by end of next year
Institute smaller, acceptable changes that reinforce and support change: E.G.
Procedures and rules, job descriptions, reporting relationships
Develop management structures for change: E.G. Plans, strategies,
mechanisms that ensure change occurs
Maintain open, two-way communication
Build success experiences: Set targets for change, and have everyone work
toward targets
Reward desired behavior:

GOOD - reward behavior that reinforces changes

BAD: Reward old system (e.g., people relying on old systems while
computerization is going on)

Culture and successful companies:

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Organization Culture

In their famous books “in search of excellence” Peter and Waterman

discussed brilliant companies and what characterizes them and their culture is.

• Stress action

• Superior contact with customers – quality, service, reliability

• Independence and entrepreneurship – many leaders and innovators

• Productivity through motivated employees

• Motivate the employees – participate yourself

• Focus on the activity that you have a good command of

• Simple form, small management

• An organization which is both firm and soluble

The last and somewhat least summarizing attribute, a firm and soluble
organization, means that a firm centralized combined with maximum individual
independence is preferable.

c) Creating an Environment for a Different Kind of "Green"

The result of the awareness is a pretty good understanding of the

interdependence we have with our natural environments and reasons to respect
them. Do we have a similar appreciation for the contribution of our working
environments to our business success? Do we understand the relationship
between the environment in which we work and our ability to be creative and
productive while working? Do we understand the many ways in which we can
create an environment that fosters important business qualities – loyalty,
enthusiasm, desire to contribute, creativity and productivity – both for ourselves
and, if we have them, our employees?

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Organization Culture

I’m sure we all remember the popular debate about nature vs. nurture –
the impact of genetic heritage vs. the environment in shaping who we are, our
values, behaviors and attitudes. Regardless of which feature wins in the end,
environment has a huge impact on personal attributes.

We rarely think about this, yet we all inhabit a variety of “environments”

affecting our business life. Some are obvious – we know that if we’re cold, in
the dark and hungry, work is not likely to be at the top of our priorities until
those “environments” are corrected. Some are not so obvious yet have
considerable impact, just the same. And, if not consciously designed and
nurtured, our working environments can have a major impact on business
success, affecting a business’ ability to attract and keep desirable employees,
attendance, creativity, productivity, general work habits, team effectiveness, use
of time, valuable communications; essentially all those qualities a business
depends on to get the job done.

We can think about this, another way. When developing products, don’t
we bend over backwards to give them all the support we can to ensure they’ll
succeed and thrive? We find funds to develop and promote them, we find
champions who’ll support their development, we find partners, test markets,
affiliates and more. Just as you would provide a new product or service, every
working person deserves all the support available to ensure success – for
themselves and for the contribution they make to your business. Part of this
support comes from the environments in which we all work. Consider these and
how they affect the business.

Relationships: Our colleagues, managers, employees, and associates. The

people with whom we have regular contact create an environment of attitude,
either supporting or defeating our efforts to complete tasks. Are you likely to try
something new, submit a proposal, and follow through on a pet project,
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Organization Culture

volunteer your ideas if those around you are negative, denigrating, rude and
unappreciative? Do you think similar attitudes affect the degree of interest your
employees have in doing excellent work? In wanting to do more than the
minimum required? You bet they do.

On the other hand, an environment of support, regular feedback,

appreciation, ongoing communication, and encouragement for contribution can
be created with little cost and huge payback for your business.

Networks: Our customers, partners, web relations, the ‘6-degree’ circle of

associates we all possess. What we know, who we know and how well we share
our knowledge, contacts and tips create an environment of value. Possessing a
mentality of abundance (a willingness to share, knowing that by giving you get
in return, believing that others’ success can be your success) creates a reputation
for you of great value. A mentality of scarcity (believing that there’s not enough
to go around, that shortage creates value that fear is a great motivator) is far less
likely to reap you the true rewards of networking: being let into the enormous
webs of valuable connections represented by all those business cards exchanged
at monthly business meetings, luncheons and seminars.

Physical: The things with which we surround ourselves. Yes, as pointed out
above we don’t work well in the cold or dark and who can concentrate over a
grumbling tummy? Many of us use art, plants or favorite toys to liven up a
workspace. Just ask yourself this question: where are you when you’re doing
your best work? If it’s your working space you’re lucky. Wherever it is what’s
in that space that’s so supportive of our business activity? Colors you enjoy?
Music that pleases you? Photos that evoke your personal life, hobbies or
passions? Comfortable furniture? Access to others? Solitude?

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Organization Culture

If we know the things we have in your working space support our

business activity, offered the same opportunity to the employees? If we do our
best work when out of the office, how can we bring to your office those touches
that embrace our work habits?

Your self: Health, personal gifts, values, energy, the attitude with which we
face the world. We know that when we don’t feel well, physically, we simply
are less likely to produce our best work. We’re easily defeated by a cold,
summer or otherwise. The same can happen if we’re doing work that doesn’t
take advantage of our personal skill set. A person love to write and interact with
people in business conversation; if that person had a job that doesn’t allow him
to do either he’d express far less passion for the work than if he could express
myself through those activities he most enjoy. Or think how difficult it can be to
produce quality work if we’re in an environment that contradicts our values. If
we (or our employees) have to check our sense of integrity at the door each
morning, you’re coming to work with an important component missing.

Take a look at your employees; is it possible they’re simply not engaged

in the best tasks they could be doing for us. Do you know what their true
strengths are and are those gifts engaged in service to the business? Do you
know specifically why your employees work for you and whether you can
enhance that reward for them with the right environment?

Bottom line: Does your place of business provide an environment in which

employees are supported to do their best work for you? Are they encouraged to
learn, read, and maintain professional affiliations that will increase their
effectiveness for your business?

Creating an environment that supports your business may be trickier than just
providing the necessary physical tools and working space but it doesn’t have to

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Organization Culture

be costly. It calls for taking a look at the messages your employees get from all
the environments in which they operate on your behalf and ensuring those
messages say ‘your work is valued and vital to the health of this business; how
can we support you toward that goal?’

When is the ideal time to create environments that will support all the
work you do to create a business that thrives? NOW, Because businesses that
thrive create their own kind of ‘green’ – and you can take that to the bank.

Social glue that hold an organization together

Organization culture also deals with the term ‘Industrial Relations’ which
comprises of two terms: ‘Industry’ and ‘Relations’. “Industry” refers to “any
productive activity in which an individual (or a group of individuals) is (are)
engaged”. By “relations” we mean “the relationships that exist within the
industry between the employer and his workmen.”

The term industrial relations explain the relationship between employees

and management which stem directly or indirectly from union-employer
relationship. Due to the growing need for the raw material, customer’s
expectations are increasing which is a tedious task for the companies to reach.
Therefore the staff has become a much more important resource for companies
where contact with customers is the key. In order to greet the customers in a
positive and friendly way, the employees must be happy with their tasks,
colleagues and workplace and at the same time feel motivated to work in line
with the company’s goals and values.

Provides appropriate standards for what employees should say or do

regarding their work Boundary is needed to be defining. Conveys a sense of
identity for organization members facilitates commitment to something larger

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Organization Culture

than one’s individual self-interest. Enhances social system stability, serves as a

“sense-making” and control mechanism – Guides and shapes the attitudes and
behavior of employees.

Changing Organizational Culture:

a) Organizations Culture at Individually organizations:

Corporate cultures provide identifying characteristics and values for

organizational members to appreciate and learn. Cultures are distinguished by
artifacts, values, and basic assumptions. The socialization process is the entry
stage in an organization that provides clues about its culture. Cultures are

difficult to change, yet change is necessary in some instances for survival.

Organizations need an adaptive culture in order to respond effectively to the
changing environment.

Organizational culture is the workplace environment formulated from the

interaction of the employees in the workplace. Organizational culture is defined
by all of the life experiences, strengths, weaknesses, education, upbringing, and
so forth of the employees. While executive leaders play a large role in defining
organizational culture by their actions and leadership, all employees contribute
to the organizational culture.

Environment for People at Work: People in every workplace talk about

organization culture, the mysterious word that characterizes a work
environment. One of the key questions when employers hire an employee
explores whether the candidate is a good “cultural fit”. Culture is difficult to
define, but you generally know when you have found an employee who appears
to fit your organizational culture. Learn more about organizational culture.

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Organization Culture

How to understand our Current Culture: Are you ready to take a look at the
culture that exists in your organization? Your assessment of your culture may
make you happy; your assessment may make you sad. Whatever your culture
assessment teaches you about your culture, though, your culture is what it is. To
change your culture, to enhance your culture, to benefit from your culture, you
need to see and understand your culture. Take the first step.

b) Organizational Culture in global scenario:

Organizations need to periodically reassess their cultures as

environmental changes occur due to globalization, workforce diversity, and
advances in technology. Mergers and acquisitions require the blending of two
organizational cultures, often a difficult process. Two basic approaches to
changing culture are

1. Helping current organizational members buy into a new set of values.

2. Adding newcomers and socializing them into the organization, and removing
current members as appropriate.

Developing a Global Organizational Culture: Developing a global

organizational culture requires that the values that drive an organization’s
culture support a global view of the company and its efforts. Conflicting
pressures of centralization and decentralization add to the difficulty of creating
such a culture.

Developing an Ethical Organizational Culture: An organization’s culture can

profoundly affect the ethical behavior of its employees. Managers must behave
in an ethical manner themselves; encourage ethical behavior from heir
employees, and present ethical behavior as good business. Trust plays an
important role in any effort to develop an ethical organizational culture.

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Organization Culture

Developing a Culture of Empowerment and Quality: Empowerment requires

trust between managers and supervisors and between supervisors and
employees. In an environment of trust, empowerment releases the creative
energy of employees and leads to increased productivity and higher quality
products and services. However, in order to develop a culture of empowerment,
managers must be willing to let go of traditional hierarchical notions of power.

Organizational culture has four functions:

1. Giving members a sense of identity and increasing their commitment

2. Serving as a sense-making device for members

3. Reinforcing organizational values

4. Serving as a control mechanism for shaping behavior.

Leaders shape and reinforce culture by what they pay attention to, how
they react to crises, how they behave, how they allocate rewards, and how they
hire and fire individuals. Organizational socialization is the process by which
newcomers become participating, effective members of the organization. Its
three stages are anticipatory socialization, encounter, and change and
acquisition. Each stage plays a unique role in communicating organizational
culture. The Organizational Culture Inventory and Kilmann-Saxton Culture-Gap
Survey are two quantitative instruments for assessing organizational culture.
Triangulation, using multiple methods for assessing culture, is an effective
measurement strategy.

Actors of the Organization culture are:

Four main parties are directly involved in industrial relations:

1. Employers

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Organization Culture

2. Employees

3. Government

The scope of organization culture is:

Organization culture is having a wider scope and may have different

interpretation in different countries depending upon the socio-economic
conditions, political outlook and social philosophy.

1. To enrich better quality of work life.

2. To improve the efficiency of work.
3. To enrich industrial relations and industrial peace.
4. To raise physical standards of the work force.
5. To enhance the purchasing and serving capacity of the Labor.

Characteristics of Organizational Culture: Organization culture is an essential

element which even includes industrial relations system which in turn consisting
of the whole range of scope for relationships between employees and employees
and employers which are managed by the means of conflict and cooperation.
Innovation and risk-taking: The degree to which employees are encouraged to
be innovative and take risks.
Attention to detail: The degree to which employees are expected to exhibit
precision, analysis, and attention to detail.
Outcome orientation: The degree to which management focuses on results or
outcomes rather than on technique and process.

People orientation: The degree to which management decisions take into

consideration the effect of outcomes on people within the organization.
Team orientation: The degree to which work activities are organized around
teams rather than individuals.
Aggressiveness: The degree to which people are aggressive and competitive
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Organization Culture

rather than easygoing.

Stability: The degree to which organizational activities emphasize maintaining
the status quo in contrast to growth.

What can we do to develop Culture?

1. Human Resource Departments need to begin to collect and use the

absenteeism and other health statistics in a strategic way. This means being
proactive in their organizations to begin to educate their own managers.

2. Train managers to manage for performance as well as managing for health. If

they see a performance change in an employee who is considered a good
performer, managers need to be given the language to enter into the appropriate
conversation with their employee to discern the problem. The manger is not
being asked to be a doctor or psychiatrist. She is being asked to point the
employee in the right direction, i.e. going to EAP or whatever is the most
appropriate course of action to restore the employee to fully productivity.

3. Educate your employees. This can be done using lunch and learns. Use your
own internal health statistics to determine the priority for the programs.

4. Ensure that your absenteeism policies are not encouraging sick employees to
come to work.

5. View employee productivity from a systems perspective. Employee health is

inexorably linked to productivity. Therefore all managers should be held
accountable for both their own business performance measures as well as for
their unit’s absenteeism. In other words the health of their employees is now
their responsibility and not the responsibility of their health department. We
worked with a client where this was instituted. The health of the employees in

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Organization Culture

their department was discussed along with business issues at the weekly
departmental meetings. Absenteeism decreased and productivity increased.

6. Assess your company drug plan. Does it support a healthy workplace or is it

acting as a disincentive. You may be surprised what you find. Make sure that in
your assessment you consider the whole system. Look at the cost side and also
look at what is gained by supporting, for example, employees who may be
suffering from allergies and with the correct medication are able to be fully

7. Introduce health promotion programs. There is a litany of programs and you

have to choose the most appropriate for your organization. For example, EAP,
flu shots, blood pressure testing, exercising, smoke cessation, weight loss and
stress management programs.

8. But before you lunge into any of these programs make sure you understand
root causes of the disabilities in your organization. For example, how much are
organizational practices and leadership behaviors contributing to stress, chronic
back pain and depression. Although health promotion programs can be
effective, their effectiveness is dramatically reduced if organizational causes are
not addressed first. The use of a leading edge diagnostic, such as the Entec’s
Employee Engagement Survey, that measures both organizational factors and
employee health factors can be an invaluable first step to identify causes of
employee ill-health and to create a framework for improving health and

Better management of employee health can lead to improved productivity

and this in turn can create a competitive advantage. With scare resources you
may discover that reallocating funds towards health from training dollars will
achieve greater productivity gains.

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Organization Culture

Cultural expressions through The Onion diagram:

- Hofstede

There are many ways in which culture is defined in them Hofstede Onion
theory is one. According to Hofstede, cultural phenomena can be summarized
basing on the following 4 dimensions, symbols, heroes, rituals and values.

Symbols: Symbols are a collected term for words, gestures, images or objects
connected to a special meaning for the members of a certain culture that may
vary among the members of that organization. Culture is important for a
company for its day-t- day work to proceed without any hurdles. It is important
to make the employees aware of what to do and how to do. Companies with

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Organization Culture

strong culture know how to communicate with people of different kinds of

behaviors and perspectives.

Heroes: Heroes are the people, who may be alive, dead or may even be made
up, but their qualities have a strong significance within the culture and are made
ironic. The heroes are the central figures of a strong culture. To further
strengthen organization values, raising the motivation of the employees is a
crucial function of heroes.

Rituals: Rituals are activities performed collectively that lack a specific goal but
are seen to socially important within the culture. Even rituals with an expressed
purpose, such as a business meeting, are principally performed because of the
ritual aspect which can allow both leaders and employees to be heard.

Values: Values lie in the core of the onion, values play a major role in letting
the person know what is right and what is wrong, good or bad or so on. Positive
and negative feelings lea the foundation for values. T hey help us to survive and
be able to adopt our environment, which in turn helps the individual to gain his
experience quickly.




Table No: 1

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Organization Culture

No. of Percentage of
S. No Age(year)
Respondents Respondents (%)

1 20-25 16 16

2 26-35 38 38

3 36-45 26 26

4 Above 46 20 20

Total 100 100

Data Analysis:

From the above table, the total sample surveyed i.e., 100 people, the age
group 20-26 years consists of 16 percentage of respondents, 26-35 years
consists of 38 percentage of respondents, 26-35 years consists of 26 percentage
of respondents and above 46 years consists of 20 percentage of respondents.


From the above analysis, the age above 26 years consists of high
percentage of respondents followed by the age group between 26-35 years and
above 46 years respectively.

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Organization Culture

Graph No: 1



Table No: 2

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Organization Culture

No. of Percentage of
S. No Designation
Respondents Respondents (%)

1 Sales force 65 65

2 Distributers 20 20

3 Managers 15 15

Total 100 100

Data Analysis:

From the above table we classified the respondents basing on their

designation i.e. among 100 respondents there is 65 percent of sales force, 20
percent of distributers and about 15 percentage of managers who are able to
give their views on their culture.


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Organization Culture

From the above analysis, a majority employee who are able to fill the
questioner are sales force next the distributers and later the managers level
employees have participate.

Graph No: 2

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Organization Culture



Table No: 3

Employee No of Percentage of
S. No
response Respondents Respondents (%)

1 Yes 93 93

2 No 7 7

Total 100 100

Data Analysis:

From the above table we classified the respondents basing on their

opinion about effective work culture in bringing improvement in work culture
in that out of 100 respondents 93 respondents opinion is yes and 7 percent of
respondents selected no.

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Organization Culture


From the above analysis we can know that most of the employees feel
that effective work culture is very much helpful for effective work performance,
since the essence of the work can be shown by the help of the culture.

Graph No: 3

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Organization Culture



Table No: 4

Employee No of Percentage of
S. No
response Respondendents Respondents (%)

1 Yes 77 77

2 No 13 13

3 Not at all 10 10

total 100 100

Data Analysis:

From the above table we can classify the respondents basing on their
opinions on cultural adaptation for any organization regarding that 77
respondents selected yes, 13 respondents selected no and out of 100 remaining
selected not at all..

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Organization Culture

Interpretation :

The analysis makes it evident that cultural adaptation for any organization
is very much important for its development.

Graph No: 4

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Organization Culture



Table No: 5

No. of Percentage of
S. No Respondents
Respondents Respondents %)

1 Yes 75 75

2 No 25 25

Total 100 100

Data Analysis:

From the above table we classified the respondents basing on their

opinion on globalization playing major role in cultural aspects of an
organization, in that out of 100 respondents 75 respondents opinion is with yes,
25 percent respondents is with no.

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Organization Culture


From the above analysis, A majority of the employee feels that the role of
globalization is very much in the cultural aspects of any organization. It shows
that the employees are able to be aware about the environment outside.

Graph No: 5

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Organization Culture



Table No: 6

No. of Percentage of
S. No Respondents
Respondents Respondents (%)

1 Yes 44 44

2 No 56 56

Total 100 100

Data Analysis:

From the above table the total sample surveyed i.e., 100 people, 44 of
them accepted that organization culture works as a liability. Remaining
members i.e., agreed that organization culture does not work as a liability to the

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Organization Culture


From the above analysis we know most of the people agreed to accept
that organization culture is not a liability to the organization. Out of them a
percentage of 44 accepted that culture works as a liability to the organization.

Graph No: 6

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Table No: 7

Employee No of Percentage of
S. No
response Respondents Respondents (%)

1 Yes 72 72

2 No 28 28

Total 100 100

Data Analysis:

From the above table we classified the respondents basing on their

opinions about help done by organization culture to an organization in that out
of 100 respondents 72 respondents’ opinion is yes and 28 members opted no.

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Organization Culture


From the above analysis, a majority employee feels that the cultural
change helps the organization for its wellbeing and for its long lasting life span.

Graph No: 7

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Organization Culture



Table No: 8

Employee No of Percentage of
S. No
response Respondents Respondents (%)

1 with performance 35 35

2 with appraisals 25 25

3 with team work 40 40

Total 100 100

Data Analysis:

From the above table we classified the respondents basing on their

opinions about How they relate culture with performance of people and
performance of organization in that out of 100 respondents 35 respondents
opinion is with performance, 25 percent respondents is with appraisals and 40
respondents opinion is team work.
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Organization Culture


From the above analysis, a majority of the employee feels that they relate
culture with performance of people and performance of organization with team
work and other criteria goes to the performance and the rest opted appraisals.

Graph No: 8

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Organization Culture



Table No: 10

No of Percentage of
S. No Employee response
Respondents Respondents (%)

1 convinced 20 20

2 fully convinced 55 55

3 partially convinced 25 25

Total 100 100

Data Analysis:

From the above table we classified the respondents basing on their

opinions about Organization culture encourages ethical behavior in that out of
100 respondents 20 respondents opinion is with convinced,525 percent
respondents is with fully convinced and 25 respondents opinion is partially
Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,
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Organization Culture


From the above analysis, a majority of the employee feels that they are
fully convinced with Organization culture encourages ethical behavior few of
the respondents felt that they are partially convinced and the rest selected

Graph No: 9

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Organization Culture



Table No: 10

Employee No of Percentage of
S. No
response Respondents Respondents (%)

1 Fully satisfied 92 92

2 Satisfied 8 8

3 Cant say 0 0

Total 100 100

Data Analysis:

From the above table we classified the respondents basing on their

opinions regarding customer satisfaction, from being considering 100
respondents 92 respondents opinion is fully satisfied, opinion of 8 respondents
is satisfied.
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Organization Culture


From the above analysis, maximum number of respondents selected that

the customer satisfaction is the main motive of the organization. Where as 8 of
them selected satisfied. So considering all these elements the organization and
the employees are giving more priority to customer satisfaction.

Graph No: 10

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Organization Culture



Table No: 11

No of Percentage of
S. No Employee response
Respondents Respondents (%)

1 Accepting 55 55

2 fully accepting 20 20

3 partially accepting 10 10

4 not at all accepting 5 5

5 can’t say 10 10

Total 100 100

Data Analysis:

From the above table we classified the respondents basing on their

opinions regarding Uniform, ergonomics, idcards, grooming standards of the
organization in that 55 percent of respondents are accepting, 20 percent of
respondent s are fully accepting, 10 percent of people partially accepting, 5

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Organization Culture

percent of people are not accepting and cant say is the reply from 10 percent of


From the above analysis, it is evident from the above analysis that
majority employees are accepting that the grooming activities are necessary for
organizations welfare.

Graph No: 11

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Organization Culture



Table No: 12

Employee No of Percentage of
S. No
response Respondents Respondents (%)

1 Excellent 25 25

2 Good 30 30

3 Poor 15 15

4 Satisfactory 30 30

total 100 100

Data Analysis:

From the above table we classified the respondents basing on their

opinion on training facilities in that out of 100 respondents 25 selected
excellent, 30 selected good, 15 selected poor and 30 selected satisfactory. So by

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Organization Culture

this we can clearly know that the feedback fro the employees is considered


From the above analysis, the main object of training is to help employee
acquire new skills and thus helps employees scale new career heights. At
Reliance telecom employees feel that training facilities are good and

Graph No: 12

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Organization Culture



Table No: 13

Employee No of Percentage of
S. No
response Respondents Respondents (%)

1 Satisfactory 45 45

2 Good 30 30

3 Not Satisfactory 20 20

4 Bad 5 5

Total 100 100

Data Analysis:

From the above table we classified the respondents basing on their

opinion on organizational climate. In that out of 100 respondents 45 members

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Organization Culture

felt satisfactory, 30 felt good, 20 respondents felt not satisfactory and 5

members felt climate in the organization is bad.

Data Interpretation:

From the above analysis it is evident from the above analysis that
majority employees are satisfied with the climate in their organization.

Graph No: 13

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Organization Culture



Table No: 14

Employee No of Percentage of
S. No
response Respondents Respondents (%)

1 does not considers 5 5

2 partially considers 20 20

3 strictly considers 75 75

Total 100 100

Data Analysis:

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Organization Culture

From the above table, we classified the respondents basing on their

opinion on organization considering elements like gender, social class, religion
etc in that majority of employees selected strictly considers it is 75 percent, 20
percent says it considers partially and 5 percent says does not consider.

Data Interpretation:

From the above analysis, it is evident from the above analysis that any
organization considers the social elements. At Reliance Telecom., employees
feel that elements like gender, social class, religion etc are strictly considered.

Graph No: 14

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 83
Organization Culture



Table No: 15

Employee No of Percentage of
S. No
response Respondents Respondents (%)

1 Fully agreed 20 20

2 Agreed 35 35

3 Disagreed 15 15

4 Fully disagreed 30 30

5 Cant say 0 0

Total 100 100

Data Analysis:

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 84
Organization Culture

From the above table the respondents are classified basing on their
opinion on, whether recreation helps the organizations for their upliftment or
not, out of 100 members, 35 members just agreed, 20 members fully agreed, 15
members disagreed and 30 members fully disagreed.


From the above analysis, the main objective of this question is to know
the requirement of recreation for the employees. This showed that recreation is
just partially important for better performance.

Graph No: 15

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 85
Organization Culture



Table No: 16

Employee No of Percentage of
S. No
response Respondents Respondents (%)

1 hypertension 30 50

2 obesity 20 20

3 diabetes 5 5

4 Non 45 45

5 others 0 0

Total 100 100

Data Analysis:

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 86
Organization Culture

From the above table the respondents are classified basing on their health.
From the sample of 100 respondents, 45 respondents selected none, 30 are
suffering with hypertension, 20 of the employees are suffering with obesity and
5 of them with diabetes.


From the above analysis, the main objective of this question is to know
the work life of the employees at Reliance telecom, about how they are able to
come out of their physical problems.

Graph No: 16

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 87
Organization Culture



Table No: 17

Employee No of Percentage of
S. No
response Respondents Respondents (%)

1 Never 5 5

2 Rarely 65 65

3 Sometimes 20 20

4 Often 10 10

Total 100 100

Data Analysis:

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 88
Organization Culture

From the above table we classified the respondents basing on their

opinion on work pressure in Reliance Telecom Ltd. in that out of 100
respondents 5 says never, 65 says rarely, 20 says sometimes and10 says often.

Interpretation :

From the above analysis, it can be known that whether the employees are
feeling the work pressure or not, from that it is easily understood that most of
the employees are having work pressure.

Graph No: 17

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 89
Organization Culture



Table No: 18

Employee No of Percentage of
S. No
response Respondents Respondents (%)

1 Yes 93 93

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 90
Organization Culture

2 No 5 5

3 not at all 2 2

total 100 100

Data Analysis:

From the above table we classified the respondents basing on their

opinion on welfare amenities provided, at Reliance Telecom Ltd. in that out of
100 respondents 93 members selected yes, 5 members says no and 2 members
selected not at all.


From the above analysis it is clear that the welfare amenities at Reliance
Telecom Ltd. are considerably good.

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 91
Organization Culture

Graph No: 18



Table No: 19

No of Percentage of
.S. No Employee response
Respondents Respondents (%)

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 92
Organization Culture

1 performance management 5 5

2 best work culture 10 10

3 team work 75 75

4 employee satisfaction 10 10

Total 100 100

Data Analysis:

From the above table we classified the respondents basing on their view
and knowledge, in that out of 100 respondent’s 5 selected performance
management, 10 members selected best work culture, 75 members selected
team work and 10 selected employee satisfaction, as their company’s culture.


From the above analysis, it can be understood that the employees are
differentiating their culture from other organizations basing on team work in
their organization.

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 93
Organization Culture

Graph No: 19



Table No: 20

S. No Employee No of Percentage of

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

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Organization Culture

response Respondents Respondents (%)

1 Yes 100 100

2 No 0 0

Total 100 100

Data Analysis:

From the above table we classified the respondents basing on their

opinion about customer service provided by the organization in that out of 100
respondents 100 members have chosen yes.


From the above an analysis that asked about customer service provided
by the organization the employees are totally convinced and voted yes which is
really a good sign for the future of the organization.

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 95
Organization Culture

Graph No: 20



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Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 96
Organization Culture

Table No: 21

Employee No of Percentage of
S. No
response Respondents Respondents (%)

1 Yes 60 60

2 No 30 30

3 Not at all 10 10

Total 100 100

Data Analysis:

From the above table we classified the respondents basing on their

opinion about their satisfactory levels as an employee in Reliance telecom in
that out of 100 respondents 60 members have selected yes, 30 members have
selected no, 10 members are not at all satisfied.


From the above analysis we know that, even though some of the
respondents have chosen no and not at all satisfactory, there are about 60
respondents who selected yes comfortably. Keeping that in mind the
Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,
Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 97
Organization Culture

organization need to take necessary measures in order to increase the percentage

yes for its sustaining future.

Graph No: 21



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Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 98
Organization Culture

Table No: 22

No of Percentage of
S. No Employee response
Respondents Respondents (%)

1 Recruitment policy 10 10

2 Work culture 70 70

3 Infrastructure 20 20

Total 100 100

Data Analysis:

From the above table we classified the respondents basing on their

opinion the changes which they are wishing to in their organization. Out of 100
member’s majority of the employees are wishing for the change in their work
culture, 10 percentage is shared by recruitment policies and remaining 20
percentage have selected infrastructure.


Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 99
Organization Culture

From the above analysis, even though some of the respondents have
given priority to recruitment policies and infrastructure, majority of them gave
priority to the work culture in the organization.

Graph No: 22


Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,
Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 100
Organization Culture

The present study is carried out in Reliance Telecom, Hyderabad, a profit

making wing of reliance communications which in turn is a wing of Anil
Dhirubhai Ambani (ADA) groups. Reliance is well known for its brand image.
Dhirubhai is widely regarded as the father of India’s capital markets. In 1977,
when Reliance Textile Industries Limited first went public, the Indian stock
market was a place patronized by a small club of elite investors which dabbled
in a handful of stocks. In this study efforts have been made to evaluate the
various elements which come under the cultural aspects in Reliance Telecom.

I have selected this topic because it was very challengeable topic to go

through in-depth about all activities which are involved in culture of an
organization. The study comprises on data analysis and interpretation, where
data has been analyzed with the help of tables and presented in bar charts.

This is also includes findings from the data analysis and suggestions are
made for further improvement of the organization.

Organization culture is a composition of sharing culture, Culture helps

members of the organization to solve their and organizational problems.
Culture can be taught to newcomers, senior employs need to make them
comfortable. Culture strongly influences once behavioral aspects.

Culture is needed by all organizations which are required to be dynamic

and growth oriented. Even an organization that has reached its limit in terms of
growth needs to adapt to the changing cultural environment. No organization is
immune to the need for processes that help acquire and increase its capabilities
for stability and renewal.


Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 101
Organization Culture

1. It was found that majority of employees are agreeing that work culture is
necessary for work performance.

2. A majority of employees are welcoming to acceptance for cultural


3. Even though some of the employees are not showing interest towards
globalization most of them are in its favors.

4. The employees at Reliance Telecom are feeling that Organization culture

is a liability to the Organization.

5. Majority of employees are feeling that organization culture is not a


6. Majority of the employees felt that the performance measures are based on
skills, qualification, and seniority.

7. It is found that organization culture encourages ethical behavior which the

employees are strongly feeling.

8. The majority of employees have chosen that they want the work culture of
their organization is to be changed.

9. Good co-operation and co-ordination is found between the employees and

the management and vice-versa during their training period. 10

10.Feedbacks are considered always and necessary actions are taken in the

11.There is proper knowledge for the employees regarding organizations

culture and on the culture which their organization is following.

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 102
Organization Culture

12.Welfare activities conducted by Reliance Telecom Ltd, different aspects

like saving schemes, general topics, job related programs according to
their requirement and all those will be beneficial to the employees.

13.Employees are encouraged and motivated to follow the culture in their

organization to improve the individual and organizations goals.

14.Even though there is more work load employees are able to cope up with
their work so the ratios for recreation are not showing more variations.

15.About 77 percent of members agreed that cultural adaptation is important

for any organization to be successful.

16.Due to the work burden some of the employees are facing some
occupational diseases.

17.Performance Appraisal system of the organization is good.

18.A majority of employees are accepting that the differentiate their

organization with neighboring organization on the basis of their team work.

19.All the employees unanimously accepted that their organization mainly

cares for customer service and satisfaction.

20.A 60 percent of employees are agreeing themselves as a satisfied employee.

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 103
Organization Culture


1. There is a necessity for the organization to maintain its cultural norms

which in turn benefit both employee and employer.
2. Communication has to be improved for their inter-personal relationships.

3. Hard work, commitment, communication skills of the employees should be

assessed properly in order to attain organizational goals.

4. The organizations have to provide welfare schemes in a better manner for

the employees benefit such as leave travel concession.

5. The organization has to consider that training facilities have to be improved

according to the technology.

6. The company is having canteen facility, which they have to provide quality

food and also have to maintain cleanness in the canteen and at reasonable


7. First aid facilities should be available at every department for immediate

approach during emergency.

8. Medical facilities should be improved with enough no. of doctors, medicine

fully equipped ambulance should be maintained.

9. Employee’s children who have done apprenticeship in the organization

should be given preference during recruitment process.

Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 104
Organization Culture


The project work a study on Organization Culture with reference to

Reliance Telecom, Hyderabad has helped me to learn the organization culture

and techniques followed in Reliance Telecom in order to maintain it.

From the project work it is understand that the employees of the Reliance

Telecom Ltd, Hyderabad, has positive view towards its culture and management

of Reliance Telecom, Ltd. and have partial negative opinion on the welfare

activities due to mismanagement of the infrastructure provided by the

management. The management of Reliance Telecom is not interested to

implement any new welfare activities. Though Reliance Telecom is not able to

providing welfare measures, the employees are not feeling that as a de-

motivating factor which disturbs the growth and development of the


Dr. K.V.SUBBAREDDY College of engeneering for women JNT University Anantapur,

Dupadu (V), N.H-7, KURNOOL-518218, Ph No-08518-287619. [Type text] Page 105

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