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2024 年高考英语听力纯原创好题训练题集(3)

【第 1 篇主题:节日文化】听下面一段独白,掌握其重要信息并填空完成下列表格。
Location Christmas Celebration
Winter Climate Christmas is celebrated traditionally with .
Santa Claus Santa Claus sends during the winter season.
Warm Climate Areas People in warm climates celebrate Christmas differently.
California (Santa Cruz) Santa Claus delivers gifts on a surfboard, wearing .
Many young people go to the beach, , and enjoy cold beer. Bondi Beach
is a popular gathering spot.
Christmas Day at Bondi Beach Bondi Beach attracts up to visitors on Christmas Day.
Cooler Areas In cooler areas, young people often use Christmas as an opportunity to


We celebrate Christmas in winter. We have known that Santa Claus sends gifts. But do you know
how people celebrate their Christmas when their year-round climate is warm? They have no
winters. For instance, in California, it is warm all the year round. The Christmas traditions there

Location Christmas Celebration

Winter Climate Christmas is celebrated traditionally with cold weather.
Santa Claus Santa Claus sends gifts during the winter season.
Warm Climate Areas People in warm climates celebrate Christmas differently.
California (Santa Cruz) Santa Claus delivers gifts on a surfboard, wearing a red diving suit.
Australia Many young people go to the beach, have a beach barbecue, and enjoy cold
beer. Bondi Beach is a popular gathering spot.
Christmas Day at Bondi Beach Bondi Beach attracts up to 40,000 visitors on Christmas Day.
Cooler Areas In cooler areas, young people often use Christmas as an opportunity to celebrate
with friends, escaping immediate family.

may seem unusual to those used to more traditional images. In Santa Cruz, California, Santa Claus
takes his gifts on a surfboard, wearing a red diving suit. As long as he comes carrying presents,
Surfing Santa would probably be popular anywhere. In Australia, many young people would go to
the beach, enjoying the warm weather with a beach barbecue and cold beer. In recent years, Bondi
Beach has become a very popular place for visitors from foreign countries to gather and celebrate.
It’s not uncommon for numbers to reach 40,000 on Christmas Day.
While in cooler areas, many young people simply see Christmas as a time to escape their
immediate families and celebrate with friends.

【第 2 篇主题:体育运动文化】听下面一段独白,掌握其重要信息并填空完成下列表格。

Attribute Details
Construction Time Over

Attribute Details
Capacity people
Number of Floors 5 above ground, 2 underground
Design Environmentally friendly with materials that can in the future
Material Made from wood sourced from trees across
Theme Forest stadium concept, nature
Greenery Approximately 50,000 plants planted around the stadium for
Cooling System Relies on natural ventilation; main space does not have
Olympic Schedule Originally planned for , but delayed due to the coronavirus
Location , Japan
Significance First summer Olympic event in Asia since the in 2008 and the Seoul
Olympics in 1988

Attribute Details
Construction Time Over 3 years
Capacity 60,000 people
Number of Floors 5 above ground, 2 underground
Design Environmentally friendly with materials that can be dismantled and rebuilt in the future
Material Made from wood sourced from trees across Japan
Theme Forest stadium concept, incorporating nature
Greenery Approximately 50,000 plants planted around the stadium for a natural appearance
Cooling System Relies on natural ventilation; main space does not have air conditioners
Olympic Schedule Originally planned for July 2020, but delayed due to the coronavirus
Location Tokyo, Japan
Significance First summer Olympic event in Asia since the Beijing Olympics in 2008 and the Seoul
Olympics in 1988

Japan has built a new stadium for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games which took over 3 years to
make. The stadium is big enough to hold 60,000 people and has 5 floors above ground and 2
underground floors. It has a great design which is environmentally friendly, meaning it will not
cause damage to the surrounding area and its materials can be taken apart and rebuilt in the future.
The idea is to make the stadium be like a forest stadium, because it is made out of wood from trees
from all over Japan. It will also become greener in the summer, not because of the color it has
been painted, but because about 50,000 plants have been planted around the stadium to make it
look more natural. The stadium’s main space does not have any air conditioners but instead lets

the wind cool the stadium down, which saves money on electricity. The 2020 Tokyo Olympics
were supposed to start in July 2020, but the delay was announced due to the coronavirus. It will be
the first summer Olympic event held in Asia since the Beijing Olympics in 2008 and the Seoul
Olympics back in 1988.

【第 3 篇主题:教育改革】听下面一段独白,掌握其重要信息并填空完成下列表格。
Topic Details
Number of American
Public Agricultural Colleges About 100 four-year schools started as and continue to
teach . These are known as land grant colleges or
Land Grant Colleges/Universities Institutions supported by federal land grants, and the concept
was developed over 100 years ago by Justin Smith Morrill
of Vermont.
Federal Support Federal land grants contributed to of major state
universities in the United States.
Year of Land Grant College - Congressman Morrill wrote bills to create a land grant
Concept college in each state.
International Students at Penn Almost 200 international students are studying in the College of
State at Penn State.
Student Distribution All but five of the international students are graduate students.
International Students' Origin Most international students in the College of Agricultural
Sciences are from .
Fields of Study International students are studying disciplines such as ,
economics, and food science.

Topic Details
Number of American Over 2,400
Public Agricultural Colleges About 100 four-year schools started as public agricultural
colleges and continue to teach agriculture. These are known as
land grant colleges or universities.
Land Grant Colleges/Universities Institutions supported by federal land grants, and the concept
was developed over 100 years ago by Congressman Justin Smith
Morrill of Vermont.
Federal Support Federal land grants contributed to the construction of major state
universities in the United States.

Topic Details
Year of Land Grant College 1862 - Congressman Morrill wrote bills to create a land grant
Concept college in each state.
International Students at Penn Almost 200 international students are studying in the College of
State Agricultural Sciences at Penn State.
Student Distribution All but five of the international students are graduate students.
International Students' Origin Most international students in the College of Agricultural
Sciences are from Africa, Asia, and Europe.
Fields of Study International students are studying disciplines such as animal
science, plant science, economics, and food science.

The United States Department of Education says there are more than 2,400 American colleges and
universities. About one hundred of these four-year schools began as public agricultural colleges,
and continue to teach agriculture. They are called land grant colleges or universities. Federal land
grants supported the building of most of the major state universities in the United States. The idea
of the land grant college was developed more than 100 years ago by Congressman Justin Smith
Morrill of Vermont. In 1862, he wrote bills to create such a college in each state. Almost 200
international students are studying this year in the College of Agricultural Sciences at Penn State.
All but five are graduate students. University officials say most international students in the
College of Agricultural Sciences are from Africa, Asia and Europe. They are studying animal
science, plant science, economics, and food science.

【第 4 篇主题:社会现象】听下面一段独白,掌握其重要信息并填空完成下列表格。

Aspect Details
Study Conducted By Washington University School of
Study Participants More than
Study Period Between 2001 and 2016
Key Findings - Overall, the amount of time Americans spend sitting increased from .
- Teenagers' daily sitting time increased from about 7 hours to 8 hours by the
end of the study.
- Adults' daily sitting time increased from hours to hours.
Screen Time - Most participants spent at least 2 hours a day sitting and .

Aspect Details
Age Group Statistics - Elderly people had (84%) of TV watchers.
- Approximately 62% of children under 12 spent at least 2 hours a day
watching shows.
Health Implications - Prolonged sitting is associated with health problems such as .
Recommendation advises Americans to increase physical activity and reduce the time
spent sitting, despite the observed trend of increased sitting time.

Aspect Details
Study Conducted By Washington University School of Medicine
Study Participants More than 50,000 people
Study Period Between 2001 and 2016
Key Findings - Overall, the amount of time Americans spend sitting increased from 2001 to
- Teenagers' daily sitting time increased from about 7 hours to 8 hours by the
end of the study.
- Adults' daily sitting time increased from 5.5 hours to 6.5 hours.
Screen Time - Most participants spent at least 2 hours a day sitting and watching TV or
Age Group Statistics - Elderly people had the highest percentage (84%) of TV watchers.
- Approximately 62% of children under 12 spent at least 2 hours a day
watching shows.
Health Implications - Prolonged sitting is associated with health problems such as obesity and
heart issues.
Recommendation The US Department of Health advises Americans to increase physical activity
and reduce the time spent sitting, despite the observed trend of increased
sitting time.

Even though they know it’s bad for their health, most Americans still sit for long periods of time.
The US Department of Health says that Americans should move around more. A group at the
Washington University School of Medicine just finished a study of more than 50,000 people on
this topic. The results are not very good. Between 2001 and 2016, the amount of time most people
sit down every day increased. Teenagers spent about 7 hours per day sitting, but it went up an hour
by the end of the study in 2016. Adults went from 5.5 hours to 6.5 hours, Researchers also found
that most of the people in the study spent at least 2 hours a day sitting and watching TV or videos.
Elderly people had the highest number of TV watchers, at 84 percent. Even 62 percent of children
under 12 spent that much time watching shows each day. Sitting too much time is related to health
problems like being very fat and having heart problems.


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