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Chatbots are rapidly transforming

into digital agents that have
The top trends for the capability to do more
companies with fewer CX leaders interviewed are transforming their

than 250 employees chatbots into digital agents – AI-powered

chatbots that blend brand traits with top human
agent practices, ensuring dynamic interactions
As part of CX Trends 2024
throughout the customer journey.
research, Zendesk surveyed
1,100 CX leaders, including
These advanced chatbots are especially
business leaders who oversee CX
advantageous to businesses with fewer than 250
responsibilities, in organisations
employees, because it enables them to offer 24/7
with fewer than 250 employees
tailored support without the need to hire additional
across 20 countries.
support staff. That helps keep staffing costs in check.

These leaders were asked about

Currently, only 10% of CX leaders interviewed
which trends presented the best
consider their chatbots to have reached the level of
opportunities to turn customers’
digital agents, with 52% expecting their chatbots to
experiences into meaningful,
reach that level within the year. To do
interactive and personalised
so, small to mid-size businesses
experiences – while remaining
should ensure the chatbots
cost-efficient. Discover what
they choose are pre-trained
these trends are and how they
to handle more than basic
can impact your business.
questions. Choosing chatbots with generative AI into meaningful ones, ultimately enhancing Zendesk identifies two ways businesses
capabilities is also becoming increasingly popular customer satisfaction. can deliver that experience.
because they can analyse customer intent and Conversational commerce – where
generate the appropriate responses, thus creating However, only 20% indicate that their organisations customers can make a seamless
more conversational experiences. are able to automatically identify customer intent, purchase via chat or messaging –
and another 55% of CX leaders feel they’re lagging and live commerce (livestreaming).
behind in providing the instant experiences These channels are particularly important for
DATA AND TRUSTWORTHY EXPERIENCES consumers expect. To catch up, organisations with small to mid-sized businesses, because they help
fewer than 250 employees must improve their foster meaningful relationships by reaching and
Businesses heavily focused ability to collect, analyse and leverage customer interacting with customers in ways they prefer.
on being able to instantly data to predict customer intent and tailor their
modify user experiences are experiences accordingly. Currently, only 19% of CX leaders interviewed
putting increased emphasis on have implemented conversational commerce,
leveraging data in real time with 59% planning to explore and implement
NEXT GEN AND IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCES it within the next year. To do so successfully,
Customers are expecting organisations with fewer
it will be important to train staff for live/
than 250 employees to deliver personalised, instant Live and immersive experiences conversational commerce and prioritise
service experiences and to anticipate their needs, are now heavily influencing the immediate Q&A sessions to foster authentic
putting pressure on businesses to meet these future of online shopping relationships and build trust with customers.
While online shopping is here to stay, customers are
Collecting data enables these now looking for ways to make their online shopping
organisations to convert that a more engaging, interactive and personalised
data into revenue-generating experience.
opportunities, such as by
turning one-time interactions
Planned change in investment
level over the next year: CX Trends 2024:
Unlock the power
of intelligent CX
Greatly increase

Advanced AI-powered Learn more about how Zendesk

chatbots that act as digital 33% 16%
can help you unlock the future of
intelligent CX by exploring the full
global report with the top ten trends,
Technology that leverages
data to enable instant, 34% 17% best practice guides, virtual and in-
personalised experiences person events, and much more.

Conversational commerce
Check it all out at
(allowing for customers to
34% 19%
make purchases directly
within chat interactions)

Whilst these three trends represent significant opportunities for

organisations with under 250 employees, there are more trends these
organisations can get behind to deliver quality customer experiences.

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