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“Cool runnings“ (1993)

1) Who was your favorite character in the movie?

2) Who was the most courageous person shown in the movie? Why?

3) What do you think about the fight in the bar with the East Germans? Was it the right thing to do?

4) Who was seeking redemption in this movie?

5) If someone has cheated once in a sporting event, can he ever be trusted again? Give your opinion.

6) Which character would be your role model?

7) What do you think about cheating? Do you play by the rules or get away with as much as you can?

8) Were the Americans right to be angry at the coach over his cheating years before?

“Cool runnings“ (1993)

1) Who was your favorite character in the movie?

2) Who was the most courageous person shown in the movie? Why?

3) What do you think about the fight in the bar with the East Germans? Was it the right thing to do?

4) Who was seeking redemption in this movie?

5) If someone has cheated once in a sporting event, can he ever be trusted again? Give your opinion.

6) Which character would be your role model?

7) What do you think about cheating? Do you play by the rules or get away with as much as you can?

8) Were the Americans right to be angry at the coach over his cheating years before?

“Cool runnings“ (1993)

1) Who was your favorite character in the movie?

2) Who was the most courageous person shown in the movie? Why?

3) What do you think about the fight in the bar with the East Germans? Was it the right thing to do?

4) Who was seeking redemption in this movie?

5) If someone has cheated once in a sporting event, can he ever be trusted again? Give your opinion.

6) Which character would be your role model?

7) What do you think about cheating? Do you play by the rules or get away with as much as you can?

8) Were the Americans right to be angry at the coach over his cheating years before?
2)Who was the most courageous person shown in the movie? Why?

Eeither Derice or Irv. Derice because he would not quit until he competed in the Olympics and Irv because he
returned to face the former friends that he had hurt in a situation in which he had disgraced himself.

3)What do you think about the fight in the bar with the East Germans? Was it the right thing to do?

No. Fighting is very seldom the right thing to do. Participants in a fight can get seriously hurt, they can seriously hurt
someone else (this frequently feels worse than losing), and they can get arrested. In addition, participants in a fight
will often get kicked out of sports competitions and kicked off of sports teams. There are always better ways to settle
your differences. The Jamaicans wanted to prove they were real men, even if they weren’t contenders for a medal.
However, really mature men would have walked away from the fight and proved themselves by doing well in the

4)Who was seeking redemption in this movie?

Who was seeking redemption in this movie?

Irv, the coach. (An act of redemption is making up for a mistake or for doing something that was wrong by taking
some extraordinary action that compensates for the wrong and, to some extent, restores the ethical status, honor,
and reputation of the wrongdoer.)
5) If someone has cheated once in a sporting event, can he ever be trusted again?
There is no one correct answer. TWM suggests that if a person has apologized, returned all of the ill-gotten gains,
tried as much as possible to make up for any injury caused, and has acted ethically since the infraction, he or she
could then be trusted. This is especially true if the person has done something extraordinary to redeem him or
herself. The coach, in this case, was trying to redeem himself by coaching the Jamaicans.
6) If there is a male role model in this film, which character is it? Name the attributes of this character that
make you believe he is a male role model.
Derice is a good candidate for a male role model. He never gives up. He works hard. He will make extraordinary
efforts to attain his dream. He is a good leader of his team.

7) What do you think about cheating? Do you play by the rules or get away with as much as you can?
(1) Cheating is dishonest. Who would want to associate with someone who cannot be relied upon to tell the truth
when it counts?
(2) Cheating involves taking the easy way out when things get tough. Would you want to be friends with someone
you can’t rely on when there’s trouble?
(3) In sports, cheating means that the cheater cannot win. Even if everyone else believes that the cheater is the
winner, the cheater knows that he or she didn’t win because the cheater had an unfair advantage over other
contestants. What kind of victory is that?
(4) In school, cheating means that eventually the cheater will do poorly or just have to do the work later. For
example, most subjects in school build one skill upon another. If the cheater avoids learning the level he or she is on,
the cheater will not do well on the levels that follow. For a while, cheaters might be able to get away with this, but
eventually, it will catch up to them and they’ll either do poorly or have to learn the stuff anyway.
(5) There are severe penalties for getting caught. For a more complete description of how to make an ethical
decision, see Principled Decision Making — How to Get the Results We Really Want, Maximize our Strength and
Power, and be Proud of our Actions.
8) Were the Americans right to be angry at the coach over his cheating years before?
Yes, they had the right to be angry but it was not fair to take it out on the team.

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