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Type the following paraghraph in Open Office Writer

a. Save this document

b. Find the word 'India' in document and replace it with 'Bharat' .
c.Check the spelling and respective correction in the document
d.Find out synonyms of Heritage.

2.Create a document
a. Use Bullet and Numbering feature of writer
b.Set the font type as 'Bookman Old Style', size as 24 and apply the effect
for bold and underline
c. Apply different color to each software type.
d. Save the file as Softare _ types'.

3.Create a new style in OO. And apply them in a document with the title -
' A Visit to Nahan – Beautifull Himachal Pradesh'.
Style Name - My Style
Style specification -
a. Font type – Times New Roman , Size -14 pt , Regular
b. Font effect – Font color – Blue
c.Indent : 0.5 cm before text

Style Name : My Header

a. Font type – Times New Roman , Size -16 pt , Regular
b. Font effect – Font color – Yellow
c.Numbering : Numbering 1 style

4.Create a document in Writer on any 5 achievements of ISRO

. Insert relevent picture related to each form of the file .
5.Create a table on Crop Production as per the
format given below
Perform the following task
a. Headline should be Centre Aligned
b. State name should be inn frist row
c.Then add another row after frist row to indicate
d. Crop name should be Italic bold.
e. There should be colum after 2nd row to
accommodate Average Production
f. There should be the row of Maxium crop produce .
g. Crop name shoul be bold
h.Make a boader . Tabel should be centre aligned .

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