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Journal Article Review Assignment

Project Monitoring with Decision Support System for the University
Infrastructure Development Office
(Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development)
Authors: Juan Dizon, Rolaida L. Sonza

Submitted by:
Daniel Takele
ID.No. 009/15
School of Postgraduate Studies
Department of Management
Course Title: Project Analysis and Evaluation
Course number: MGMT7050

Submitted to:
Dr. Dinkisa Keno

Date of Submission:
January, 2024
Woliso, Ethiopia
Main Purpose of the Article..................................................................................1

Central Argument of the Article..............................................................................1

Addressing Specific Project Issues in the Article....................................................2

Major Ideas and Core Issues Discussed...................................................................3

Theories or Approaches Addressed in the Specific Project Management Topic....4

Research Methodology............................................................................................4

Strengths of the Article............................................................................................5

Weaknesses of the Article.......................................................................................5

Lessons Learned in Writing Scientific Articles.......................................................6

Main Purpose of the Article
The main purpose of the article is to propose and evaluate an Online Project

Monitoring System for the University Infrastructure Development Office, which

aims to improve project tracking, reviewing, and regulation in order to meet

performance objectives.

Central Argument of the Article

The central argument of the article is that the implementation of an Online Project

Monitoring System can greatly improve the management of running projects

across the university and enhance decision-making in the Infrastructure

Development Office. The system aims to provide a more organized and secure

way of tracking, reviewing, and regulating project progress, ensuring that each

project is within scope, budget, and specified timeframe. The article highlights the

use of Agile Software Development Methodology in developing the system and

the evaluation of the system's functional suitability, performance efficiency,

compatibility, usability, reliability, security, maintainability, and portability using

ISO/IEC 25010 criteria. The assessment and evaluation results indicate that the

Project Monitoring Decision Support System (PMDSS) meets the standard

software quality requirements and fulfills the expectations and objectives of end-


Addressing Specific Project Issues in the Article
The article addresses the specific project issue of manual record-keeping and the

associated risks in the University Infrastructure Development Office.

It highlights the vulnerability of printed copy records to risks such as fire, flood,

and insects, which can result in the loss of important project files.

The article proposes the implementation of an Online Project Monitoring System

to address this issue and provide a more organized and secure way of tracking and

storing project records.

The system aims to digitize the printed records of projects in the university and

store them securely in a database system, eliminating the risks associated with

physical copies.

By adopting the Agile Software Development Methodology, the article suggests

that the system can improve project monitoring, decision-making, and overall

productivity in the Infrastructure Development Office.

The evaluation of the system using ISO/IEC 25010 criteria confirms that it meets

the standard software quality requirements and fulfills the expectations and

objectives of end-users.

Major Ideas and Core Issues Discussed
The major ideas and core issues discussed regarding the specific project issues

under review include:

The traditional method of manual record-keeping using printed copies is

vulnerable to risks such as fire, flood, and insects, which can result in

the loss of important project files.

The need for a more organized and secure way of tracking, reviewing,

and regulating project progress in the University Infrastructure

Development Office.

The proposal to develop an Online Project Monitoring System to digitize

and securely store project records in a database system, eliminating the

risks associated with physical copies.

The use of Agile Software Development Methodology in developing the

system, which can improve project monitoring, decision-making, and

overall productivity.

The evaluation of the system using ISO/IEC 25010 criteria, confirming

that it meets the standard software quality requirements and fulfills the

expectations and objectives of end-users.

Theories or Approaches Addressed in the Specific Project Management Topic
The Agile Software Development Methodology is employed in developing the

Online Project Monitoring System, indicating the adoption of an iterative and

collaborative approach to project management.

The ISO/IEC 25010 criteria are used as an evaluation tool to assess the system's

functional suitability, performance efficiency, compatibility, usability, reliability,

security, maintainability, and portability.

Note that, the provided sources do not explicitly mention any other theories or

approaches related to the specific project management topic under review.

Research Methodology
The research project employed the Agile Software Development Methodology to

develop an Online Project Monitoring System for the University Infrastructure

Development Office.

The researcher adapted the ISO/IEC 25010 criteria as an evaluation tool to assess

the system's functional suitability, performance efficiency, compatibility,

usability, reliability, security, maintainability, and portability.

In this paper the provided sources do not provide further details on the specific

research methodology used in the project.

Strengths of the Article
The article addresses the need for project monitoring in the University

Infrastructure Development Office and highlights the limitations of the

traditional manual record-keeping system.

The research project employs the Agile Software Development

Methodology, which is a widely recognized and effective approach for

software development.

The article mentions the use of the ISO/IEC 25010 criteria as an

evaluation tool, indicating a systematic and rigorous approach to assessing

the system's quality and performance.

Weaknesses of the Article

The article does not provide detailed information about the specific

research methodology used in the project, limiting the understanding of

the research process.

The article does not discuss any potential limitations or challenges faced

during the development and implementation of the Online Project

Monitoring System.

Note that, the strengths mentioned are based on the information provided in the

abstract of the research paper.

Lessons Learned in Writing Scientific Articles
Clearly define the research objective and problem statement to provide a

clear focus for the article.

Use a systematic and rigorous research methodology to ensure the validity

and reliability of the findings.

Provide a comprehensive literature review to establish the context and

significance of the research.

Clearly present the research findings and their implications, supported by

relevant data and analysis.

Use a structured and logical format for the article, including sections such

as introduction, methodology, results, and conclusion.

Ensure that the article is well-organized, coherent, and easy to follow for

the readers.

Adhere to the guidelines and standards of scientific writing, including

proper citation and referencing of sources.


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