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Important Topics for PMS KP 2022 and CE-2023 by Shaukat Ali (Bathoor Khan), Assistant

Commissioner, Miranshah, NWTD

A. Regional & International Issues 8. Pak-India Relations

a. Kashmir Issue: Is there a peaceful solution
1. Climate Change possible?
a. Causes and Consequences b. Economic Ties: Challenges, Opportunities
b. Recent Efforts (Regional and International and Options
including UN, COP etc) c. Hydrological Wars between India and
c. Challenges Pakistan
d. Solutions
2. Hunger and Undernourishment C. Pakistan Specific Issues
a. Food Insecurity
9. Foreign Policy of Pakistan (important)
b. Global Efforts
a. Issues/Challenges
c. Causes and Solutions
b. Options & Way Forward
3. COVID-19
10. Education System of Pakistan
a. Impacts on the World
a. Issues/Challenges/Solutions
b. Future Pandemic Preparation and Response
b. SNC: Is it the only solution?
4. Gender Based Violence
11. Pakistan’s Economic Woes (Important)
a. Major Challenges and their solution
5. Major On-going Conflicts in the World (important
b. Dependency Syndrome vis-à-vis IMF
12. Streamlining NMDs after the 25th Amendment (imp)
a. Afghanistan (the most important one)
a. Major Challenges
i. The New Government and Internal
b. Options and Solution
Challenges esp. economy
13. Democracy in Pakistan (Important)
ii. The New Government and Human
a. Political Instability
Rights Violations Particularly
b. Dynastic Politics
Women and Children
c. Civil-Military Relations
iii. How will Afghanistan fit into the
d. Role of Judiciary
world – Challenges and Options
14. Climate Change and Disaster Management in
b. Russia-Ukrainian Crisis (important)
Pakistan (Important)
i. Major players
a. Vulnerability Assessment
ii. Causes, Consequences,
b. Pak’s Preparedness and Challenges
c. Adding Resilience to Disasters
c. Ethiopian Civil Conflict (less important)
15. CPEC
i. Major Players/Countries and other
16. Gender Sensitivity in Pakistan (Important)
a. Issues/Challenges/Challenges
ii. TPLF
b. Government efforts and relevant laws
d. Islamic Militancy in Africa (less important)
17. Pakistan’s Water and Food Insecurity
B. Relations (all important) 18. Media in Pakistan
a. Issues/Challenges
6. Pak-Afghan Ties b. Is Media responsible in Pakistan?
a. Pak ties in the new setup c. Is media free and media personnel safe in
b. Security Challenges (rise of IS-K and other Pakistan?
TTP Factors)
c. Options for Pakistan
7. Pak-US Relations Vis-à-vis Post Afghan Withdrawal
a. Challenges and Options

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