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This project report is submitted to

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University)

In partial fulfillment of the requirement

For the award of the degree


Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering


Utkarsh Dafe
Nandini Sakhare
Manu Varghese
Pranav Sawarkar
Under the guidance of
Prof. Yogesh Kale (Guide)
Prof. Devendra Shahare (Co-guide)


Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s


(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)

NAGPUR – 441 110



Certified that the project report entitled “DEPLOYING A SLIDING GATE BY UTILIZING
successfully completed by UTKARSH DAFE, NANDINI SAKHARE, MANU
recognition to the partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Yeshwantrao Chavan College of
Engineering (An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj
Nagpur University).

Signature Signature Signature

Prof. Y. S. Kale Prof. Devendra Shahare Dr. M. S. Narlawar
(Guide) (Co-guide) (HOD, ETC Dept.)

Signature of External Examiner:

Date of Examination:


We declare that

a. The work contained in this project has been done by me under the guidance of my
b. The work has not been submitted to any other Institute for any degree or diploma.
c. I have followed the guidelines provided by the Institute in preparing the project
d. I have confirmed the norms and guidelines given in the Ethical Code of Conduct of
the Institute.
e. Whenever I have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, figures, and text) from
other sources, I have given due credit to them by citing them in the text of the report
and giving their details in the references. Further, I have taken permission from the
copyright owners of the sources, whenever necessary.

Signature of Students

1) Utkarsh Dafe

2) Nandini Sakhare

3) Manu Varghese

4) Pranav Sawarkar


We avail this opportunity to extend my hearty indebtedness to my project guides

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, for their valuable guidance, constant
encouragement and kind help at different stages for the execution of this work, for his
ever encouraging and moral support.

We also express our sincere gratitude to Principal DR. U. P. WAGHE and DR. M. S.
NARLAWAR, Head of the Department, Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering, for providing valuable departmental facilities.

We would like to thank PROF. S. S. CHIWANDE (Project Coordinator) and all staff
members of the Electronics Department for extending the facilities without which the
project would not have been a success.

We sincerely thank all academic and non- teaching staff in YESHWANTRAO

Our sincere thanks to the author whose work I have consulted and quoted in this work.


Title Page i

Certificate of Approval ii
Declaration iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of Content v - vi

List of Figures vi
Abstract vii
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Overview
1.2 Literature Survey
1.3 Problem Statement
1.4 Thesis Objectives
1.5Thesis Organization

Chapter 2: Review of Literature 6

2.1 Review of Literature

Chapter 3: Work Done 10

3.1 Tool used
3.2 Processes followed
11 – 13
3.3 Material Used
13 – 16
3.4 Costing
Chapter 4: Results & Discussion
4.1 Result
Chapter 5: Summary & Conclusion
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion & Societal Relevance
5.3 Future Scope

Societal relevance
Co-Po Mapping Table
Appendix Publications
Related Patent search



Block Diagram 12

Schematic diagram 12
Aluminum pipe and Angle 13

Rack and Pinion gear 13

DC Geared motor 13
Relay 14
12V DC Adaptor 14

Pushbutton switch 14
Magnetic Reed switch and Neodymium magnet 14

Voltage Regulator 15
Capacitor,Resistor,Diode and Transistor 15

Node MCU 15
Raspberry Pi and Pi camera 16

Implemented system’s output 19

Interface of Blink Application for IoT 20

Initial face recognition Simulation result 20

GrayScale Conversion 21
Detected No. plate 21

Final Detected output 21

To maintain security, the majority of individuals use keys, security cards, a
password, or a pattern to unlock the door. The purpose of this research is to assist
persons in increasing the door security of key places through the use of face
detection. Face is a complicated multidimensional structure that necessitates the
use of powerful computational techniques. Face detection, popularly known as
facial recognition, is a computerized technique that uses Computer Vision (CV)
and Machine Learning (ML) (CV and ML are Artificial Intelligence (AI)
specializations) to recognize and validate human faces in collected photos. The
microcontroller is instructed in such a way that the door will automatically open
for the permitted individual. The alert, on the other hand, will sound as a warning
to the unidentified person. This is strictly for the sake of security. We created a
prototype to test our hypothesis and illustrated the team's basic method in this
study piece.


Presently, leveraging biometric features instead of chips, codes, or patterns for
computerized personal identification in authentication mechanisms has become
widespread. The entirety of fingerprints data must be retrieved using specialized
equipment such as a fingerprint scanner, palm print scanner, or Genomic analysis
software. Furthermore, during the purposeful sampling step, the objective entities should
come into proximity with the requisite electronics. The initiation step in the system for
facial recognition is face detection. The dependability of face detection impacts the
overall functionality of it. Face detection can distinguish only the visual component of a
photograph impartially of the picture's surroundings. This proposed system gives
complete electronics security with five options; it will reduce the dependency of the user
for redundantly opening or closing the sliding gate. Most of the people install Closed
Circuit Television (CCTV) for security purposes, but their purpose is not solved, the
reason is CCTV is only a vigilance system not security system. This proposed system
gives a complete security system at the main entrance gate of your premises and it gives
all opening and closing possibilities to the user so that the user can control the main
sliding gate on their fingertips. The major goal of this suggested system is to give the user
the ability to manage the main sliding gate internationally via their mobile phone while
also reducing the user's reliance.

The main contribution of this proposed system is to involve the next generation
technologies in the existing manual sliding main gate, it includes Internet of Things (IoT),
image processing and real time processing. These next generation technologies increase
the usage of the main sliding gate, the reason is the usage of all existing manual sliding
gate is not up to the mark, most of the time the complete gate is not open and usually the
user park their two-wheeler and four-wheeler outside of the main sliding gate. This
proposed vehicular entry structure helps to solve the parking problem of many lives.


Proposed method for face recognition

1)Face Detection

Face detection is one of the most widely used computer vision (CV) for security
applications. In the last decade, multiple face feature detection methods have been
introduced. In recent years, the accomplishment of machine learning and convolutional
neural networks (CNN) have freshly publicized prodigious outcomes in powering
highly-accurate face detection resolutions. Face detection is a computer technique that
controls the position and size of a humanoid face in digital images, although the
suggested approach focuses on the image itself rather than the location. P. Viola and M.
J. Jones used it as the first stage in face recognition is face detection which includes AI,
ML and CV.

The input picture is first converted to grayscale since data processing is much reduced
and it is much easier to operate in a single image plane than a three-dimensional colorful
image without losing vital information. The Viola-Jones (VJ) Algorithm is used to
identify faces. This procedure is quicker than previous methods and produces more
accurate findings.

2)Feature Extraction

For face recognition, N. Dileep Kumar and S. Shanthi utilized the HAAR cascade
methodology. The main reason for selecting this methodology in our system was its real
time face detection capability without any need of specific scale in image size, moreover
it can distinguish both front and side faces. It divides the picture into cells, with each cell
containing pixels that are converted to a binary lighting setup. It will divide the picture
into numerous cells and save them as binary standards.


❏ If a person wants to cross the gate he/she needs to first park the vehicle and then
slide it, which is rather time-consuming and requires human effort as well.

❏ Security is the most significant element we should have in our home, it gets
compromised whenever any unknown individual attempts to barge in.

❏ Dependency of a Security Guard for opening and closing the gate.

❏ Maintenance of the sliding gate.

❏ Risks of accidents by manual operation.


A facial recognition and license plate detection sliding gate for security reasons is
designed to improve the security of a limited area by validating the identities of persons
and vehicles attempting to enter.

The face recognition system analyzes facial traits to identify and authenticate individuals'
identities using modern algorithms. This helps to prevent unauthorized access by allowing
only authorized persons to enter.

The license plate detection system, on the other hand, recognises and scans the license
plates of cars approaching the gate before comparing them to a database of authorized

The sliding gate, by combining these two technologies, may effectively limit entry to a
confined area, ensuring that only authorized individuals and vehicles enter.


The following is how the thesis is structured:

Chapter 1 is the official introduction to the thesis, which provides our rationale
for commencing this thesis as well as our goals and objectives for it.

Chapter 2 is a survey of the literature, which includes current understanding and

work on this issue. It also contains all theoretical and methodological contributions
to this thesis.

Chapter 3 focuses on our suggested model for this thesis, as well as the workflow
that we followed throughout.

The final findings of our tests and data analysis are presented in Chapter 4.

Chapter 5 is the conclusion, and it offers a summary of our thesis, as well as

existing constraints, future plans, and further information.



[1] R. Chen, "Automatic License Plate Recognition via sliding-window darknet-YOLO deep
learning," Image Vision Computation, vol. 87, pp. 47-56, 2019.

In this paper, they use a You Only Look Once (YOLO)-darknet deep learning system to solve the
problem of automobile license plate detection. We employ YOLO's 7 convolutional layers to
recognise a single class in this research. A sliding-window approach is used for detection. The
goal is to identify Taiwanese license plates. They utilized an AOLP dataset with six-digit license
plate numbers.

[2] K. Bhosale, J. Jadav, S. Kalyankar, R. Bhambare, "Number Plate Recognition System for
Toll Collection," International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, vol.
4, (4), pp. 729-732, 2014.

In this article, they did a review of the most genuine ways of vehicle license plate detection and an
automatic gate control system that would boost convenience and security at the entry to all key
areas that require protection and security. The gate will operate automatically without the need for
human intervention, and the system will be able to recognise license plates from cars at the entry
gate and determine whether or not to allow vehicles within. The system comprises a Raspberry Pi
and a video camera that takes and analyzes video frames that include a picture of the vehicle
license plate. Python and optical character recognition (OCR) were used to create the suggested

[3] S. S. Farfade, M. J. Saberian and L. Li, "Multi-view face detection using deep convolutional
neural networks," in Proceedings of the 5th ACM on International Conference on Multimedia
Retrieval, 2015, pp. 643-650.

They present Deep Dense Face Detector in this research, a method that does not require landmark
annotation and can recognise faces in a variety of orientations using a single model based on deep
convolutional neural networks. The suggested technique is simple to implement; unlike other
current deep learning object recognition methods, it does not need segmentation, bounding-box
regression, or SVM classifiers. Furthermore, we examined the proposed face detector's scores for
faces in various orientations and discovered that 1) the proposed method can detect faces from
different angles and can handle occlusion to some extent, and 2) there appears to be a correlation
between the distribution of positive examples in the training set and the proposed face detector's

[4] P. Viola and M. J. Jones, "Robust real-time face detection," International Journal of
Computer Vision, vol. 57, (2), pp. 137-154, 2004.

This research offers a face detection framework that can analyze photos quickly while
obtaining excellent detection rates. The first is the introduction of a novel picture representation
known as the "Integral Image," which allows our detector's features to be calculated very rapidly.
The second is a straightforward and efficient classifier that uses the AdaBoost learning algorithm
to choose a small number of key visual characteristics from a huge pool of possible features. The
third contribution is a method for merging classifiers in a "cascade" that allows background areas
of an image to be swiftly eliminated while more computation is spent on potential face-like

[5] Hteik Htar Lwin, Aung Soe Khaing, Hla Myo Tun, “Automatic Door Access System Using
RESEARCH VOLUME 4, ISSUE 06, JUNE 2015 ISSN 2277-8616.

Hteik Htar Lwin, Aung Soe Khaing and Hla Myo Tun, suggested a method to implement
Automatic Door Access System by directing the flow of information generated by sensors and
cameras through a pc and running the facial recognition modal on MATLAB.

[6] K. Vikram and S. Padmavathi, "Facial parts detection using Viola Jones algorithm," 2017
4th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS),
2017, pp. 1-4, doi:10.1109/ICACCS.2017.8014636.

The main motive is to build a system which detects and.recognizes the textures of human parts of
the body in an image or a video. The estimation parameters of the parts in the human body are
tracked with the various parameters of facial features. This can be further applied to real world
applications of face recognition for online exams, identifying persons gender/age, and much more.

[7] Neetu Saini, zukhwinder Kaur, Hari Singh, A Review: Face Detection Methods and
Algorithms, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-
0181, 2 (6), June – 2013.

Locating and tracking human faces is a prerequisite for face recognition and/or facial expressions.
System needs to capture an image using a camera and frame grabber, process the image, search
the image for important features and then use these features to determine the location of the face.

[8] N. Dileep kumar and S. Shanthi, “Automatic Gate using Face Recognition Technique using
HAAR Cascade Algorithm”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
(IJEAT), vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 1302–1305, Feb. 2020, Doi: 10.35940/ijeat.C5195.029320.

Significant work has been carried out in the area of security systems. In this Automatic Sliding
Gate, facial information is recognized and stored in a database. The data processing has been done
by Raspberry Pi. In this, the haar cascade algorithm has been used. This would give more accurate
results compared to Fisher Face, Eigenface method. This will take multiple images in different
angles and check all those images at the time of face recognition.

[9] R. Baran, T. Rusc and P. Fornalski, "A smart camera for the surveillance of vehicles in
intelligent transportation systems," Multimedia Tools Appl, vol. 75, (17), pp. 10471-10493,

The study describes a smart camera that is intended for security and law enforcement applications
in intelligent transportation systems. The background is supplied in the form of a scholar literature
review initially. In the next sections, the smart camera components and their capabilities for
automatic detection and recognition of specified attributes of automobiles, as well as various
elements of system efficiency, are explained and explored in detail. The system's key advantages
include smart features such as make and model recognition (MMR), licence plate recognition
(LPR), and colour recognition (CR). Their implementations, flowcharts, and recognition rates are
extensively documented, debated, and reported.

[10] Oualla, Mohamed & Sadiq, Abdelalim & Mbarki, Samir. (2015). COMPARATIVE

The detection of an item is divided into three stages: the extraction of information that
characterises the object, the processing of this information, and the construction of the final
detector. They will concentrate on the initial stage. Various techniques, such as Haar-Like
characteristics, colour information, texture, edge orientation, and so on, have been used. While
several strategies for extracting information utilising the Haar-like characteristic have been
presented, we are not aware of any surveys on the subject. As a result, this paper presents a
comparative assessment of several studies on Haar-Like characteristics.

[11] H. J. Lee, I. Ullah, W. Wan, Y. Gao, Z. Fang, "Real-time vehicle make and model
recognition with the residual Squeeze Net architecture," Sensors, vol. 19, (5), pp. 982, 2019.

They investigate a few-shot learning issue with an application to vehicle make and model
recognition in traffic surveillance photos in this research. While image-based vehicle
identification systems may be regarded as a more robust alternative to ALPR-based vehicle model
recognition, they frequently fail when an unseen vehicle comes into the picture. Few-shot learning
approaches may provide a potential answer to this unknown class challenge for car model
identification. We compare two common few-shot learning techniques, weight imprinting and
closest class mean classifier, on a vehicle model identification challenge in this paper. The
suggested technique aims to produce strong classification performance on novel classes while
maintaining the high accuracy rate of the base (existing) classes.

[12] Z. Dahirou, M. Zheng and M. Yuxin, "Face Detection with Viola Jones Algorithm," 2020
7th International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE),
Changsha, China, 2020, pp. 602-606, doi: 10.1109/ICISCE50968.2020.00130.

Face detection is a computer technique that controls the position and size of a humanoid face in
digital images, although the suggested approach focuses on the image itself rather than the
location. P. Viola and M. J. Jones used it as the first stage in face recognition is face detection
which includes AI, ML and CV. The input picture is first converted to grayscale since data
processing is much reduced and it is much easier to operate in a single image plane than a three-
dimensional colorful image without losing vital information. The Viola-Jones (VJ) Algorithm is
used to identify faces. This procedure is quicker than previous methods and produces more
accurate findings.

[13] W. -y. LU and M. YANG, "Face Detection Based on Viola-Jones Algorithm Applying
Composite Features," 2019 International Conference on Robots & Intelligent System (ICRIS),
Haikou, China, 2019, pp. 82-85, doi: 10.1109/ICRIS.2019.00029.

In this study, they suggest using composite features based on the Viola-Jones algorithm to address
the aforementioned difficulties, and they demonstrate the practicality of this strategy through tests.



For the prototype gate:

Chop Saw, Drilling Machine, Drill Bits, Center Punch, Plier, Hammer, C Clamp, etc..

For the PCB:

Iron, PCB etching machine, FeCl3 Solution, PCB Drilling Machine, Soldering Iron,


Arduino IDE, easyEDA, Raspbian OS, Raspberry Pi Imager, VNC Viewer, etc..


To automate the sliding gate the main part is the controller, the controller is designed in such
a way that it is compatible with a sliding gate of any size and weight, and the gate will be
equipped with a rack and pinion mechanism according to the size of the gate and as per
torque requirement motor will be selected.

The process followed is :

1) Building of the Gate Model

Aluminum Square Pipes, Angles are used for constructing the frame. The Rolling wheels are
used for the frictionless sliding of the gate.

2)Installing Rack, Pinion, and Motor

The plastic Rack and Pinion are installed with a geared DC motor on the gate. This is the
main mechanism which drives the gate without human efforts.

3) Installing Sensor and Switches

To detect the status of the gate, Reed switches are installed with a magnet on the gate. Push
button switches are fixed for the user input

4)Designing of PCB

The pcb is designed using the easyEDA software tool.

Fig. 3.2.1 Block Diagram of The Controller

Fig. 3.2.2 Schematic Diagram

5) Programming the Microcontroller

The Microcontroller is programmed using the open source libraries like BLYNK, esp8266,

6) Face Detection System

The raspberry pi is interfaced with the pi camera module. Face detection system detect the
face and process it with the data set and commands the microcontroller


Fig. 3.3.1 Aluminum Pipe And Angles

The Aluminum is a light weight material which is

selected for the Gate prototype. Aluminium Angle
is used for the rail of the Gate. Square Pipes are
used for the frame. The thickness of the Angle is
2 mm and width is 15mm. The square pipe thickness is 0.3mm and it is

Fig. 3.3.2 Rack and Pinion Gear

The nylon Rack and pinion gear are used for building
the mechanical mechanism which will deploy the
sliding gate. It converts the circular motion from the
Motor to the Linear motion of the gate. The
dimensions of the rack are ½ X 12 inches and it is
super glued over the gate. The Pinion gear has 1 inch diameter and thickness of ¾

Fig. 3.3.3 DC Geared Motor

The Pinion Gear is connected to the motor which rides

the rack. Rack is Super Glued over the Gate. The gear
ratio of the Motor helps to reduce the speed of operation.
The gears help to increase the torque of the motor. The
operating voltage of the motor is 12VDC. The RPM of
the motor is 100.

Fig. 3.3.4 Relay

The Relay is a electromagnetic Switch, which is used for

operating higher voltage & current devices through a Small
voltage valued signal. In this project the relays are used for
turning the Motor Clockwise or counterclock . The 12V DC
Single pole Single Throw relays are used in pairs of 2. Each pair
is responsible for Opening and Closing of the gate. Relay Itself requires Relay Driver
Circuit which has components like transistors, diodes and resistors.

Fig. 3.3.5 12V DC Adapter

The 12V DC Adapter is a switch mode power supply which

converts the 230VAC into a 12Volt 2Amp DC power
source. The Power Supply power Up the 12V Motor. The
12V are also used for the rest of the electronics.

Fig. 3.3.6 Pushbutton Switches

The Pushbutton switches are used for the user’s input. The
push buttons are of NO (normally open) type and have a pullup
resistor to normally provide a HIGH signal. When the button is
pressed it provides a LOW output, which is read and processed
by the microcontroller.

Fig. 3.3.7 Magnetic Reed Switches & Neodymium Magnet

The Magnetic Reed switch is a switch that is turned on in the

presence of a magnetic field. It provides Contactless switching.In
this project there are two magnetic reed switches used as the gate
position sensor. The switches are fixed at the top and bottom
position of the fixed column. There are two Neodymium Magnets
mounted diagonally on the gate such that when the gate is
closed/opened the top magnet is engaged with the top/bottom
magnetic reed switch which provides.Whichever reed switch is
engaged with magnet provides a LOW signal as output which is read and processed
by the the microcontroller to determine the gate’s position.

Fig. 3.3.8 Voltage Regulator

The Voltage Regulator is a component which regulates the

power supply and avoids voltage drops. The 7805 voltage
regulator is used to convert 12V DC from the adapter to
provide 5V DC. The 5V DC output of the 7805 is
responsible for the operation of the microcontroller and other circuits sections.

Fig. 3.3.9 Capacitors, Resistors, Diodes and


The Electrolytic Capacitor is used as a filter and to store

12V from the Adapter and another capacitor used for
storing 5V from the regulator. The rating of the
capacitor is 1000uF 25V.

There are Pull Up, Pull Down Resistors of 10k ohm ¼

watt. There are current limiting resistors for LEDs and
for the base of transistors of 470 ohm ¼ watt.

The Bipolar Junction Transistor NPN of value BC547

is used for the switching of the relay.

The General Purpose diode 1N4007 is used for the reverse voltage protection from the
coil of relays.

Fig. 3.3.10 NodeMCU

The NodeMCU ESP8266 is a microcontroller used

as the brain of the project. It has built in wifi which
helps it to Support IoT. It operates on 3.3v and has a
built-in voltage regulator AMS1117. There are many
GPIOs among which 2 pins are used to read position
of the gate, 2 pins are used to receive OPEN CLOSE
input from the Pushbuttons. Two pins are used by the
relay driver to operate the Motor.

Fig. 3.3.11 Raspberry Pi and Pi Camera

Raspberry Pi is a compact, efficient,

economical, customizable, and
computer - based learning board that
was announced in 2012. It behaves
similarly to a regular computer,
needing a keyboard for command
entry, a display unit, and a source of
Specification of Raspberry PI:
CPU: Pi 3 A+: 1.4 GHz quad-core
A53 64-bit Pi 4 B: 1.5 GHz quad-core
A72 64-bit Zero W: 1 GHz ARM11
32-bit CM 3+: 1.2 GHz quad-core
A53 64-bit
Memory: Pi 3 A+: 512 MB LPDDR2 SDRAM Pi 4 B: 2GB LPDDR4-3200 SDRAM

The ML and CV processing is done in the Raspberry Pi and the GPIO pins of the
Raspberry pi provide the output to the relay driver to operate the gate.

Table 3.1: List of Components, their specifications and Estimated Costing

Sr Tentative Components Specifications Quantity Costing

No. (Approx.)

1) Raspberry Pi – 1 10000

2) Pi Camera – 1 350

3) Pi Case – 1 300

4) Node MCU esp8266 1 350

5) Reed Switch Module -- 2 100

6) Relay 12v 4 60

7) Transistor BC547 5 10

8) Resistor 470, 10k 10 10

9) Diode 1N4007 10 10

10) Adapter 12v 1A 1 100

11) Voltage regulator 7805 1 15

12) Capacitor 1000uF/25v 5 25

13) Copper Clad 12x12” 1 200




Object Detection:

Our first objective was to accurately detect humans and number plates within the field
of view of the gate's camera. We utilized a pre-trained ML model which uses Viola
Jones algorithm and OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to achieve this goal.

Object Recognition:

Once objects were detected, our next objective was to recognize them in real-time.
We utilized the AdaBoost algorithm for speeding up the face recognition process.

Finally, our goal was to utilize the object tracking information to control the sliding

In the proposed system, real time face detection and recognition is done where the
image is matched with the predefined database. If a match is foundthen it outputs
“True” which is interpreted by the microcontroller as to open the gate.
The license plate is detectedand the number is obtained in the form of a text input
which is further checked with the database and if a match is found, then the gate is

Another method is to use the BLYNK app, which is

based IoT based, to open the gate
The existing system allows only one or two of the
proposed methods or are quite expensive.

Our results demonstrate that utilizing computer

vision and machine learning techniques can be an
effective way to control a sliding gate. The
accuracy of object detection and tracking was
deemed sufficient for our project's goals.

Overall, our project demonstrates the potential of utilizing these technologies for other
applications, such as security systems.

Initial face recognition Simulation result

Interface of Blink Application for IOT

License Plate detection:

Step 1: GrayScale Conversion

Step 2. Detected no. plate

Final detected output



A facial recognition and licence plate detection system in a sliding door mechanism is a high-
tech security system that use computer vision algorithms to identify and verify people when
they enter a building or restricted area. A camera module in the system records real-time
video footage of individuals and vehicles approaching the sliding door. The camera data is
then analysed using deep learning algorithms, which allow the system to reliably detect and
recognise people's faces and car licence plates.

The device is designed to function in real time and deliver accurate findings even under
difficult lighting and weather circumstances. The sliding door mechanism is outfitted with
sensors that detect the presence of persons and vehicles, and the facial recognition and licence
plate detection system commences the authentication procedure automatically. To improve
the overall security of the building or restricted area, the system can be combined with other
security systems such as alarms and access control systems.

As a whole, the facial recognition and licence plate detection system in a sliding door
mechanism provides an effective and dependable security management solution, allowing for
rapid and precise identification of persons and vehicles while prohibiting unauthorised

We got to work on the project as a group. With more research, ideas, resources and financial
planning , there is much room for improvements and upgrading the system. For the future
scope , addition of number plate detection is definitely one. This way, the vehicle owner
never has to move out of their vehicles to gain access. The proposed system is versatile and
can be used in various types of places like housing society, apartments etc. reducing human
intervention. Apart from the security the system provides flexibility of time too as no one has
to be woken up to open up gates during night times.

● It can be implemented in various places like home, housing societies etc.

● The system can be installed in apartments to prevent unauthorized entries.
● This technique may be utilized to increase door security for strangers without the
requirement for security personnel or spending too much time.
Eventually, including a facial recognition and licence plate detection system into a sliding
door mechanism may significantly improve the security and convenience of building
entrances. The technology enables smooth and effective access management while also
adding an extra degree of protection by detecting unauthorised persons or vehicles. The
system can correctly and rapidly identify persons and cars by utilising innovative
technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. This improves overall safety
and efficiency. This technology, when integrated into sliding doors, may be used in a variety
of scenarios, including commercial buildings, residential complexes and parking garages.
Overall, this cutting-edge technology is a viable alternative for improving building security
and access control.

In the future, the sliding door mechanism's facial recognition and license plate
detection technology might be improved and connected with other technologies to
give a more smooth and efficient user experience.
The application of artificial intelligence (AI) to increase the accuracy and speed of
the facial recognition and license plate identification system is one possible area of
research. This might entail teaching the system to recognise a broader range of face
traits and license plate patterns, as well as adjust to changing lighting and climatic
Furthermore, the system might be linked to a home automation platform, allowing
users to remotely manage the door and monitor entry using a smartphone app or
other device.
Finally, the facial recognition and license plate detection system might be modified
to operate with doors and access points other than sliding doors. Automatic gates,
garage doors, and other sorts of access points that might benefit from better security
and access control capabilities could be included.


[1] R. Chen, "Automatic License Plate Recognition via sliding-window darknet-

YOLO deep learning," Image Vision Computation, vol. 87, pp. 47-56, 2019.

[2] K. Bhosale, J. Jadav, S. Kalyankar, R. Bhambare, "Number Plate Recognition

System for Toll Collection," International Journal of Emerging Technology and
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Face recognition and licence plate detection technologies integrated with sliding
door mechanisms can have various societal implications, including:

1) Enhanced Security:

The facial recognition and licence plate detection technology may be used to
prevent unauthorised access to restricted places including businesses, hospitals,
and schools. This will assist to strengthen security and lessen the danger of theft
or vandalism at these locations.

2) Contactless entry:

Following the COVID-19 epidemic, contactless entrance has become

mandatory. The incorporation of these devices into sliding door mechanisms
can assist minimise physical touch, hence minimising viral propagation.

3) Traffic Management:

Number plate recognition systems may be used to track the number of cars
entering and exiting a facility, which can help with traffic management and

4) Time and Attendance Management:

The facial recognition technology may be used to record employees' attendance,

which can aid in tracking their work hours and calculating their compensation.

5) Crime Prevention:

The licence plate detection system may be used to identify and monitor cars
involved in criminal activity. This helps to prevent and identify crimes like
robbery and auto theft.

Ultimately, incorporating facial recognition and licence plate detection systems

into sliding door mechanisms may assist increase security, decrease interaction,
improve traffic management, track time and attendance, and prevent crimes.




Sr. Authors Title of Paper Name of Place and date of

No. International Publication with
Journals / Citation Index

1) Yogesh Kale, Deploying a International Yet to be published

Nandini Sakhare, sliding gate by Conference on
Manu Varghese, utilizing Innovative Data Date of Conference:
Pranav Sawarkar, Computer Communication 14-16, March 2023
Utkarsh Dafe and Vision and Technologies
Copyright No.: 979-
Ashutosh Bagade Machine and Application
Learning (ICIDCA 2023)
8/23/$31.00 ©2023


Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering
Project Preliminary Investigation Report

Name of Department:
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Name of Project Guide:

Prof. Y. S. Kale

Students Details:
Roll No. Name of Student Email ID Mobile No.

70 Utkarsh Dafe 98904 99487

40 Nandini Sakhare 73500 47503

71 Manu Varghese 80070 51444

160 Pranav Sawarkar 77218 90093

Title of the Project:


Area of Project Work:

Computer Vision and Machine Learning - Sliding Gate (Hardware)

Problem Statement:
Designing a face recognition and license plate detection system for a sliding door
mechanism that ensures secure access control in a commercial or residential setting.

The sliding door mechanism is a common feature in many buildings, and it is essential to
ensure that only authorized individuals are granted access. The primary challenge is to
develop a system that can accurately recognize individuals and detect license plates in real-

The face recognition and license plate detection system must be able to handle different
lighting conditions, angles, and variations in appearance, such as facial hair, glasses, and
hats. It must also be able to detect fake faces and license plates that may be used to gain
unauthorized access.

Security is a major concern, and the system must be designed to prevent hacking or
unauthorized access to the system's data. The system must ensure that the data collected is
secure and protected from cyber attacks, as well as physical attacks.

To ensure the security of the system, it is essential to implement strict access control
policies, such as limiting access to only authorized personnel and ensuring that all access
attempts are logged and monitored. The system should also be designed to be tamper-proof
and resistant to physical attacks.

Overall, the development of a face recognition and license plate detection system for a
sliding door mechanism is crucial in ensuring the security and safety of individuals and
property. The system must be designed to be accurate, reliable, and secure, while also being
user-friendly and easy to operate.

Prior Art (Patent Search):
Patent Title of Patent Existing Solutions
Application No. (Abstract of Patent)
Computer vision and The present invention encompasses software
US9527115B2 machine learning that brings together computer vision and
software for grading machine learning algorithms that can
and sorting plants evaluate and sort plants into desired
categories. While one embodiment of the
present invention is directed toward
strawberry plants, the software engine
described is not specifically designed for
strawberry plants but can be used for many
different types of plants that require
sophisticated quality sorting. The present
invention is a sequence of software
operations that can be applied to various
crops (or other objects besides plants) in a
reusable fashion.

KR20160040037A The object The present invention relates to an object

authentication authentication device by short-range video
method and detection of a multi-structure and a method
apparatus by the thereof. The device comprises: a distance
short-range video sensor (712); a camera (711) for recognizing
detection of the face of a person who passes; a face
multiple structure processing unit (110); a fingerprint
recognizing sensor (713) for recognizing a
fingerprint of the person who passes; a
fingerprint processing unit (210); a speed
improving unit (211) for increasing a
matching speed; a fingerprint database
(612); a face database (611); a network
connecting unit (510) connectable to an
external terminal through a wired/wireless
network; and a control unit (610) for
controlling a lock device of a door to be
opened and closed through authentication.
Therefore, the device increases processing
speed and accuracy when an object is

US10438053B2 Biometric An exemplary embodiment of the present
identification invention provides a method of verifying an
systems and identity of a person-to-be-identified using
methods biometric signature data. The method
includes creating a face sample database
based on biometric signature data from a
plurality of individuals, calculating a feature
database by extracting selected features of
entries in the sample database, calculating
positive samples by calculating a feature
absolute value distance for a same position
of any two different images from one
person, calculating negative samples by
calculating a feature absolute value distance
for a same position of different people,
calculating a key bin feature using a learning
algorithm, calculating a classifier from the
key bin feature for use in identifying and
authenticating an acquired face image of a
person-to-be-identified and identifying and
authenticating the person-to-be-identified
using the classifier and the acquired face
image of the person-to-be-identified.

TW202213237A Security real-time A security real-time monitoring system

monitoring system includes at least one management device, a
plurality of lenses, a plurality of access
control devices, a plurality of lock devices
and a server. The management device is
used to input event data including time range
data, work time-consuming data and
personnel data. The lens is used to provide a
plurality of image data. The access control
device is used to input identification data.
The lock device can provide lock status data.
The server is connected to the management
device, the lens, the access control device
and the lock device. The default event data
is saved in the server, the personnel access
data can be obtained by the lens and the
access control device. The server compares
the personnel access data with the default
event data and issues a warning message if
they are not inconsistent.

US10930151B2 Roadside parking A roadside parking management method
management includes: receiving a monitoring area image
method, device, captured by a camera; dividing the
and system based monitoring area image to obtain a plurality
on multiple of tracking detection areas in the monitoring
cameras area image; monitoring at least one of a
vehicle and a license plate in the monitoring
area image; and determining parking event
information according to a tracking
detection area where the at least one of the
vehicle and the licence plate is located. The
method can improve the management
efficiency of parking events.

Literature Review:
Title of Paper Details of Literature Identified for
Publication with Project
Date and Year
“Automatic License Plate Vol. 87, pp. 47-56, 2019 Image Vision Computation
Recognition via sliding-
window darknet-YOLO deep

“Number Plate Recognition Vol. 4, (4), pp. 729-732, International Journal of Emerging
System for Toll Collection” 2014 Technology and Advanced

“Multi-view face detection 2015, pp. 643-650 5th ACM on International

using deep convolutional Conference on Multimedia
neural networks” Retrieval
“Robust real-time face Vol. 57, (2), pp. 137- International Journal of Computer
detection” 154, 2004 Vision


System Using Face JUNE 2015 ISSN 2277- OF SCIENTIFIC &

Current Limitations:
A facial recognition and licence plate detection system in a sliding door mechanism
currently has various limitations:

(1) Accuracy:

Lighting conditions, distance from the camera, facial expression, and angle of the face can
all impact the accuracy of face recognition and licence plate identification. As a result, the
system may not always correctly identify persons or licence plates, thereby posing a
security risk.

(2) Concerns about privacy:

The use of face recognition technology creates privacy concerns since it entails the
collection and storage of biometric data. People may be concerned about their faces being
scanned and saved, particularly if they are unaware that this is occurring.

(3) False positives and negatives:

The system can generate false positives when it mistakenly detects a person or licence
plate, and false negatives when it fails to recognise a person or licence plate. These
mistakes can cause annoyance, delays, and security breaches.

(4) Limited functionality:

Only facial recognition and licence plate detection are currently supported by current
technology. It cannot distinguish between authorised and unauthorised people or vehicles,
nor can it provide extra security features like biometric authentication or motion detection.

Proposed Solution:
The following components might be included in a suggested solution for a facial
recognition and licence plate detection system in a sliding door mechanism:

(1) Camera system:

The initial component of this approach is a camera system capable of capturing crisp
photos of faces and licence plates. The camera should be positioned such that it can see the
sliding door mechanism's entrance and exit.

(2) Face recognition software:

The second component of the system is facial recognition software, which can identify and
match the faces of people entering and departing the sliding door mechanism. Face
recognition software should be able to recognise faces even in low-light settings and from
various angles.

(3) Licence plate recognition software:

The third component of the solution is licence plate recognition software, which detects and
reads vehicle licence plates as they enter and depart the sliding door mechanism. Even if
the licence plate is dusty, broken, or partially concealed, our programme should be able to
recognize it.

(4) Control system:

The fourth component of the solution is a control system that manages the sliding door
mechanism's opening and shutting depending on the findings of the face and licence plate
recognition software. This system should be able to recognise authorised people and
vehicles and enable them to enter and depart the sliding door mechanism.

(5) Database: The solution's fifth component is a database that holds the authorised faces
and licence plate numbers. The facial and licence plate recognition software may utilise this
information to authenticate the identities of persons and vehicles entering and departing the
sliding door mechanism.

Objectives and Scope of Work:


A facial recognition and licence plate detection system in a sliding door mechanism may have
the following goals:

(1) Identify authorised persons:

The facial recognition system should identify and recognise authorised individuals, allowing
them to use the sliding door mechanism.

(2) Deny unauthorized access:

The facial recognition system should be able to detect unauthorised persons and prevent them
from using the sliding door mechanism.

(3) Record entry and exit:

The licence plate detection system should detect and record vehicle entry and exit via the
sliding door mechanism.

(4) Ensure security:

The facial recognition and licence plate detection system should improve the sliding door
mechanism's security by allowing only authorised persons and vehicles access.

(5) Improve efficiency:

The system should be built to recognise faces and licence plates swiftly and efficiently in
order to reduce wait times for authorised persons and vehicles.

(6) Integrate with existing systems:

Face recognition and licence plate detection systems should be able to interface with current
security systems, such as alarms and CCTV cameras.

(7) Maintain privacy:

The system should be built to safeguard people' privacy and personal information by adhering
to appropriate data protection standards.

(8) Provide accurate and reliable data:

To assist security and management decision-making, the system should offer precise and
trustworthy data on the entrance and leave of persons and vehicles.

Scope of Work:

 Face recognition and licence plate detection software is being developed.

 The software is integrated with the sliding door mechanism.
 System testing to guarantee compliance with requirements and standards.

 System user manuals and documentation are provided.

Feasibility Assessment:

I. Expected Outcomes of the Project:

(1) A facial recognition and licence plate detection system in a sliding door mechanism is
projected to result in a more secure and easy access control system for a building or facility.
(2) The system would be able to recognise authorised persons and let them to enter the facility
without the use of physical keys or access cards using face recognition technology. This would
make authorised persons' access to the building more efficient and easy, while simultaneously
boosting security by prohibiting unauthorised ones from getting access.
(3) Similarly, using licence plate recognition technology, the system could automatically identify
and authorise cars permitted entrance to the premises. This might be particularly beneficial for
parking garages or gated facilities, allowing for smooth entry and departure without the need for
drivers to roll down their windows or scan access cards.
(4) Overall, including facial recognition and licence plate detection technology into a sliding
door mechanism would result in a more efficient and secure access control system that would
allow authorised personnel and vehicles to enter and depart more quickly.

II. Innovation Potential:

(1) Enhanced security:
Building security might be considerably improved by incorporating facial recognition and licence
plate detection technology into sliding door systems. This would allow authorised workers to be
identified while prohibiting unauthorised persons from accessing the premises.

(2) Improved access control:

The facial recognition and licence plate detection system might be connected with an access
control system, giving authorized workers automatic and smooth admittance. This would
eliminate the need for manual entry systems like key cards or passwords, which are inconvenient
and vulnerable to security breaches.

(3) Enhanced surveillance:

The system might also include sophisticated surveillance capabilities, such as real-time tracking
and monitoring of anyone entering and departing the facility. This might aid in the detection of
possible security risks while also providing vital data for security officers to analyse.

(4) Improved efficiency:

By automating the entrance procedure, the facial recognition and licence plate detection system
has the potential to greatly enhance building access efficiency. This would cut employee wait
times and boost overall productivity.

(5) Customization:
The system may be tailored to each building's individual requirements, allowing for features such
as automatic visitor check-ins or automatic lockdown processes in the case of a security breach.
Overall, incorporating facial recognition and licence plate detection technologies into sliding door
systems has the potential to transform building security and access control. This innovation has
the potential to become a key component of modern building management due to its capacity to
increase security, efficiency, and give useful data for study.

III. Tasks Involved:

Some of the jobs involved in a facial recognition and licence plate detection system in a sliding
door mechanism are as follows:

(1) Image acquisition:

The system must be able to take photographs of both faces and licence plates. Installing
cameras or other imaging equipment in key locations to capture clear pictures is required.

(2) Image preprocessing:

Images must be treated to eliminate noise and distortion and improve their quality. This
process may include image scaling, cropping, and altering brightness and contrast.

(3) Face detection:

Using face detection methods such as Haar cascades or deep learning models, the system must
recognise faces in collected photos. The technology will be able to isolate the face from the
surroundings and focus on the facial characteristics as a result.

(4) Face recognition:

After detecting a face, the system must compare facial traits to a pre-existing database of faces
to decide if the individual is authorised to enter.

(5) Licence plate detection:

Using licence plate identification methods, the system must detect licence plates in collected
pictures. The technology will be able to separate the licence plate from the backdrop and focus
on the characters as a result.

(6) Licence plate recognition:

Once a licence plate has been spotted, the system must recognise the characters on the plate
using optical character recognition (OCR) methods. This allows the system to identify whether
or not the vehicle is authorised to enter.

(7) Decision making:

Based on the findings of facial recognition and licence plate recognition, the system must
decide whether or not to open the sliding door. If the individual and vehicle are authorised, the
system will open the entrance; otherwise, the door will remain closed.

(8) System integration:

Finally, the system must be coupled with the sliding door mechanism so that it may regulate
the door's opening and shutting depending on the findings of the face and licence plate
recognition. Installing extra hardware or software to permit communication between the
identification system and the door mechanism may be required.

IV. Expertise Required:

The following skills are necessary to create a facial recognition and licence plate detection
system in a sliding door mechanism:

(1) Computer Vision:

Computer vision expertise is required to design algorithms for facial recognition and licence
plate identification. The system should be capable of detecting and recognising faces and
licence plates in real time and with high accuracy.

(2) Machine Learning:

Understanding of machine learning is required for the development of models for facial
recognition and licence plate identification. To achieve high accuracy, the models should be
trained on a big dataset.

(3) Image Processing:

To preprocess the pictures acquired by the system's camera, image processing abilities are
required. Noise reduction, contrast enhancement, and picture normalisation are all techniques
that can assist increase the accuracy of face recognition and licence plate detection.

(4) Software Development:

Knowledge of software development is required to create the software that operates the system.
Writing code for picture capture, processing, and recognition is part of this, as is connecting the
system with the sliding door mechanism.

(5) Hardware Integration:

Knowledge of hardware integration is required to interface the software with the sliding door
mechanism. This includes choosing the right cameras and sensors, creating the cabling and
connections, and ensuring that the system's hardware and software perform in tandem.

(6) Security:
A thorough grasp of security is required to guarantee that the facial recognition and licence
plate detection system is safe and secure from hackers and unauthorised access.

(7) User Interface Design:

Because the system should be simple to use and engage with, user interface design skills are
essential to produce an intuitive and user-friendly interface.

(8) Testing and Evaluation:

Thorough testing and evaluation should be performed on the system to guarantee that it
functions accurately and reliably under all situations. Testing and evaluation expertise is thus
required to build appropriate test scenarios and assess the system's performance against preset

V. Facilities Required:

The following facilities may be required to integrate a facial recognition and licence plate
detection system into a sliding door mechanism:

(1) Camera:

High-quality cameras are required to capture good photos of faces and licence plates. To achieve
reliable identification, the camera should have a high resolution and strong low-light capability.

(2) Image processing software:

To analyse the images taken by the camera and extract the data required for facial recognition and
licence plate detection, specialised image processing software is required.

(3) Database:

A database is needed to hold the images and data gathered by the camera for comparison and
identification. The database should be capable of handling massive volumes of data and have
effective search engines.

(4) Connectivity:

To enable remote monitoring and control, the system should be linked to a network, such as the
internet or a local area network.

(5) Power supply:

The sliding door mechanism should be powered by a dependable power source capable of handling
the increased demand imposed by the facial recognition and licence plate detection systems.

(6) Security features:

Because this is a security system, it is critical that it has strong security measures in place to
prevent unauthorised access and data breaches.

(7) Integration with the sliding door mechanism:

The system should be built to function in sync with the motions of the sliding door mechanism.

(8) User interface:

To engage with the system and access its capabilities, such as monitoring and operating the door
and reviewing recorded data, users require an intuitive and user-friendly interface.

Milestones and Time Plan:
Task J A S O N D J F M A

2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2023 2023 2023 2023

Desig Conceptual ✔
n Design

Detailed ✔

Design ✔

Final Design ✔

Devel Procurement ✔ ✔
op (If any)

Prototyping ✔ ✔

Modification ✔

Deliv Testing and ✔

er Validation

Final ✔ ✔

IPR / patent ✔ ✔

Thesis and ✔ ✔

Signature of Project Guide Signature of HOD


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