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Advances in Water Resources 97 (2016) 279–298

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In-situ characterization of wettability and pore-scale displacements

during two- and three-phase flow in natural porous media
M. Khishvand, A.H. Alizadeh∗, M. Piri
Department of Petroleum Engineering, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071-2000, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We establish a unique approach to measure in-situ contact angle from micro-CT images acquired during
Received 2 March 2016 two- and three-phase miniature core-flooding experiments in order to overcome the uncertainties asso-
Revised 7 October 2016
ciated with conventional contact angle measurement techniques. The measurements are used to quantify
Accepted 7 October 2016
the wettability behavior of the rock and explain pore-level displacement events occurring in three-phase
Available online 8 October 2016
flow. Six two-phase experiments are performed on individual core samples with three pairs of fluids, i.e.,
Keywords: oil-brine, gas-oil, and gas-brine, and under two thermodynamic conditions: (a) binary-equilibrated, when
Pore-scale contact angle only the two respective phases are at equilibrium and (b) ternary-equilibrated, when all three phases are
Two-and three-phase flow equilibrated and only the two desired fluids are injected into the core. A three-phase experiment set is
Hysteresis also performed under ternary-equilibrated conditions, which includes gas injection, a waterflood, and an
Double displacement oilflood process. All experiments are performed on Berea miniature core samples using a nonspreading
Micro-CT imaging
brine-oil-gas fluid system.
We measure receding and advancing contact angles at arc menisci and main terminal menisci for the
two-phase binary-equilibrated experiments and characterize contact angle hysteresis for each fluid pair.
Contact angle hysteresis values are almost identical for all fluid pairs. The results of the two-phase binary-
and ternary-equilibrated experiments show similar contact angle distributions for each fluid pair. Contact
angle distributions during the three-phase flow experiment are analyzed to develop new insights into rel-
evant complex displacement mechanisms. The results indicate that, during gas injection, the majority of
displacements involving oil and water are oil-to-water events. It is observed that, during the waterflood,
both oil-to-gas and gas-to-oil displacement events take place. However, the relative frequency of the for-
mer is greater. For the oilflood, gas-water interfaces only slightly hinge in pore elements. Pore-scale fluid
occupancy maps and the Bartell–Osterhoff constraint verify the above-mentioned findings.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction property through some measurable parameters, such as contact an-

gle. Contact angle is the most universal and accepted measure of
Among all factors affecting multiphase flow in porous media, the wettability of a surface (Morrow, 1990) and is determined at
wettability undoubtedly plays a key role. It is a manifestation of the contact line where three phases (i.e., two fluids and the solid)
complex rock-fluid interactions and has a significant impact on meet. By convention, it is measured through the denser fluid.
the microscopic distribution of fluid phases and fluid-fluid inter- Although various techniques, such as sessile drop, captive bub-
face movement in the pore space. Wettability substantially influ- ble, and dynamic Wilhelmy plate (Buckley, 2001), have been pro-
ences multiphase flow properties, such as remaining oil satura- posed over the years to measure the contact angle, they all suf-
tion, relative permeability, and capillary pressure (Alizadeh and fer from some drawbacks. Perhaps, the main common drawback
Piri, 2014b; Anderson, 1986a; Hirasaki, 1991; Morrow, 1990; Mor- of these methods is the selection of the solid surface. This arises
row and Nguyen, 1982; Zhou and Blunt, 1998). The fact that wet- from the fact that all contact angle measurements, even at reser-
tability of oil reservoirs can fall into a broad wetting spectrum voir conditions and with reservoir fluids, are made on smooth,
ranging from strongly water-wet to strongly oil-wet (Cuiec, 1984; flat, and pure surfaces (Anderson, 1986b). While the selection of
Treiber et al., 1972) motivated researchers to quantify this surface the substrate is based on the predominant mineral component of
the reservoir rock, e.g., quartz as a representative of sandstones,
this approach may not consider the mineral heterogeneities ob-

Corresponding author. served in the pore space even in a single pore element. In other
E-mail address: (A.H. Alizadeh).
0309-1708/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
280 M. Khishvand et al. / Advances in Water Resources 97 (2016) 279–298

and capillary pressure characterization (Armstrong et al., 2012).

Nomenclature Wildenschild and Sheppard (2013) have provided more details re-
garding the applications of X-Ray microtomography. Micro-CT im-
Cso spreading coefficient of oil on water in the presence ages have recently also been used to measure contact angle at the
of gas pore level (Andrew et al., 2014; Khishvand et al., 2016). Andrew
FOV field of view et al. (2014) carried out a flow experiment on Kenton limestone us-
IFT interfacial tension ing a supercritical CO2 -brine fluid system and measured pore-scale
K permeability contact angles at the end of imbibition using X-ray microtomog-
SGI secondary gas injection raphy. The measured contact angles covered a range of values (a
SP saturation point distribution), which was ascribed to contact angle hysteresis and
surface heterogeneity. Optical thin section and SEM images were
Greek letters
used to examine surface roughness. No attempt was made to dis-
γ interfacial tension
cern the difference between hinging and advancing contact angles.
θ contact angle
Measurement uncertainties (particularly voxelation error) and con-
φ porosity
tact angle relaxation due to the cessation of flow prior to scanning
Subscripts could have influenced the results. During relaxation, as the system
abs absolute is allowed to come to rest, the advancing (or receding) angle may
a advancing approach toward an equilibrium value (Bartell and Merrill, 1932;
g gas Hassanizadeh and Gray, 1993). Khishvand et al. (2016) addressed
h hinging some of these uncertainties and improved wettability characteriza-
o oil tion techniques during their measurements on Gambier limestone
r receding and Bentheimer sandstone. To avoid contact angle (interface) relax-
w water (brine) ation, flow of fluids was not stopped while scanning. All the con-
tact angles were measured at steady state. They used a new seg-
Superscripts mentation approach (and adequate phase contrasts) instead of con-
AM arc meniscus ventional watershed segmentation to minimize the voxelation er-
eq equilibrium ror. It was also tried to distinguish between Main Terminal Menis-
i initial cus (MTM) and Arc Meniscus (AM) contact angles and characterize
MTM main terminal meniscus receding and advancing angles during drainage and imbibition pro-
cesses. The investigators employed their technique to measure in-
words, in mineralogically complex systems such as natural rocks, situ oil-brine contact angles and used the data to explain capillary
the minerals lining the pore walls and their distributions may vary de-saturation behavior of different rock samples. In the present
from one location to another, leading to different wetting proper- study, we used a similar technique to characterize contact angle
ties (Morrow, 1990). This, however, is overlooked in conventional distributions for three different pairs of fluids and then employed
laboratory measurements of contact angle. Additionally, the sub- the measurements to develop an improved insight into subtle com-
strates used for contact angle measurements have smooth sur- plexities of pore-scale displacement mechanisms during two- and
faces whereas the pore walls in natural rocks have microscopic three-phase flow processes that had only been proposed theoret-
roughness – one of the main reasons causing contact angle hys- ically and not been examined experimentally at the pore scale in
teresis (Israelachvili, 2011; Morrow, 1975; Oliver et al., 1980), the natural porous media.
difference between advancing contact angle (when the wetting We performed two- and three-phase flow experiments on Berea
phase displaces the non-wetting phase) and receding contact angle sandstone rock samples and imaged fluid configurations inside the
(when the non-wetting phase displaces the wetting phase). Fur- pore space to measure contact angles at arc menisci and main
thermore, the substrates used in these measurements have flat sur- terminal menisci. This study was aimed at establishing a supe-
faces, while pores are often formed with curved walls. Curvature of rior workflow, which could overcome some of the errors associated
the solid surface may significantly impact contact angle measure- with conventional contact angle measurement techniques, such as
ments. All the above-mentioned drawbacks imply that contact an- overlooking mineral heterogeneity and surface roughness. We pro-
gle measurements made through conventional techniques may not vided a perfect framework including a robust experimental pro-
precisely represent the wetting characteristics of natural rocks, un- cedure and a comprehensive image analysis approach to quantify
less made directly inside the pore space under relevant conditions. the wettability behavior of the rock during two- and three-phase
This goal, however, was unattainable for many years. flow experiments. We evaluated the effect of relaxation on the
The advent of imaging techniques, in particular X-ray com- interface movement and highlighted the importance of continu-
puted tomography, in the past few decades has created a turn- ous flow during in-situ contact angle measurement. For the first
ing point for fundamental studies in environmental engineering time, in-situ receding, hinging, and advancing contact angle dis-
and petroleum engineering. The use of X-ray computed tomogra- tributions were characterized for different pairs of fluids, i.e., oil-
phy (CT) to determine physical and chemical properties of porous brine, gas-oil, and gas-water, in a natural rock. These values are
media and their fluid contents with spatial resolutions on the sub- representative of the wettability behavior of Berea sandstone. We
millimeter (micron) level has created invaluable opportunities to also explained displacement mechanisms responsible for the ob-
develop insights into fundamentals of fluid flow through porous served contact angle trends. Moreover, a series of two-phase oil-
media. This novel technology enables us to visualize spatial dis- brine, gas-oil, and gas-brine experiments were performed under
tribution of fluids at the pore level by means of miniature core- different thermodynamic conditions to examine the effect of fluid
flooding setups and micro-CT scanners (Alizadeh et al., 2014). The equilibration on contact angle behavior. Finally, we conducted a
use of micro-CT imaging is increasingly becoming pervasive in var- three-phase flow experiment to determine contact angle distribu-
ious areas of reservoir engineering, such as pore-scale character- tions and use them, along with pore-scale images, to find domi-
izations (Arns et al., 2005), investigation of trapped non-wetting nant double displacement mechanisms occurring during the three-
phase clusters (Iglauer et al., 2010; Khishvand et al., 2016), vi- phase saturation path taken in the experiment.
sualization of fluid occupancy in fractures (Karpyn et al., 2007),
M. Khishvand et al. / Advances in Water Resources 97 (2016) 279–298 281

Table 1 Table 2
Geometrical and petrophysical properties of the core samples used in the ex- Physical properties of the fluids used in the experiments.
Densitya Viscosityb Interfacial Tensiona
Experiment Length Diameter φ X−ray Kliquid
Pore volume (kg/m3 ) (mPa.s) (mN/m)
(mm) (mm) (fraction) (mD) (cm3 )
Brine (200g/l NaI + 15g/l CaCl2 ) 1102 1.08 –
A 80 4.60 0.206 592.54 0.274 Oil (decalin + 5vol% idooctane) 843 2.5 –
B 78 4.80 0.207 558.38 0.293 Gas (N2 ) 25.9 0.019 –
C 79 4.85 0.212 551.58 0.312 Oil-Brine – – 45.16
D 77 4.45 0.211 590.03 0.253 Gas-Oil – – 26.61
E 81 4.61 0.220 561.76 0.297 Gas-Brine – – 66.73
F 80 4.82 0.204 541.23 0.296 a
Density and IFT values were measured at 5.52 MPa and ambient temperature
G 81 4.47 0.196 584.46 0.249
when all three fluids were equilibrated before using the desired fluids
was measured with oil for Samples B and E and with brine for the b
Measured at 0.1 MPa and ambient temperature.

equilibrium at experimental conditions, i.e., 5.52 MPa and 20 °C.

2. Experiments The values are reported in Table 2 and were used to calculate
the equilibrium spreading coefficient using the following equation
Six sets of two-phase and one set of three-phase flow exper- (Adamson, 1990):
iments were conducted on vertically oriented core samples using
a brine/oil/gas fluid system at ambient temperature and 5.52 MPa
Cso = γgw
− (γgo
+ γow
) (1)
where γgw , γgo , and γow are gas-water, gas-oil, and oil-water equi-
back pressure. Each experiment was performed on an individual eq eq eq

sample. A net overburden pressure of 0.69 MPa was applied dur- eq

librium IFT values, respectively, and Cso denotes the equilibrium
ing all experiments. The two-phase experiments were performed spreading coefficient. The equilibrium spreading coefficient cal-
with oil-brine, gas-oil, and gas-brine fluid pairs under two ther- culated using the measured interfacial tension values was -5.04
modynamic conditions: (a) binary-equilibrated, when only the two mN/m indicating that decalin was nonspreading in our fluid sys-
respective phases were at equilibrium (Experiments A, B, and C) tem. The nonspreading behavior implies that the oil phase forms
and (b) ternary-equilibrated, when all three phases were at equi- lenses with definite angle at the gas-water interface between brine
librium (Experiments D, E, and F). For the three-phase experiment in the corner(s) and gas in the center. It also means that oil will
(Experiment G), all three phases were equilibrated at the experi- have much less tendency to spread in the pore spaces.
mental conditions as well prior to the experiment. In the rock-fluid system selected, the aqueous, oil, and gas
phases were considered as the wetting, the intermediate-wetting,
2.1. Rock and fluid properties and the nonwetting phases, respectively.

Seven miniature core samples were cut from a block of Berea 2.2. Experimental apparatus
sandstone using tap water as a coolant, dried in an oven at 110 °C
for one day, and then stored in a desiccator. No cleaning with sol- The flow experiments were conducted using a state-of-the-art
vents was made before/after the experiments. The diameter and experimental apparatus, which included a reservoir-condition core-
the length of the cores (Samples A to G) varied from 4.45 to flooding setup integrated with a high-resolution micro-CT scanner.
4.85 mm and from 77 to 81 mm, respectively. Porosity distri- The apparatus was designed to study multiphase flow and relevant
bution determined using X-ray imaging along fields of view (i.e., displacement physics at the pore scale.
scanned sections of the core samples) were uniform indicating that The core-flooding setup was a closed-loop system composed
the mediums were homogeneous. Fig. S1 in Supplementary mate- of six dual-cylinder QuizixTM pumps, a miniature custom-built core
rial shows an example of the porosity distribution for Sample B. holder made out of carbon fiber, RosemountTM differential pressure
The porosity of the samples varied between 0.196 and 0.220. Ab- transducers, a three-phase separator, compensation accumulators,
solute permeability to the wetting phase was measured for each and a mechanical convection oven. Fig. S2 in Supplementary mate-
core sample at the outset of the experiment under 0.69 MPa pore rial shows a detailed schematic diagram of the setup. All parts of
pressure and 0.69 MPa net overburden pressure. Since the samples the apparatus exposed to fluids were made out of HastelloyTM or
had been cut from the same block, their absolute permeabilities other corrosion-resistant materials. To conduct flow experiments
fell within a narrow range (approximately from 541 to 593 mD). on small samples under confining pressure, we designed and built
Table 1 lists geometrical and petrophysical properties of all core miniature core holders with various dimensions. The pumps were
samples used in the experiments. used for fluid (e.g., oil, gas, and water) injection, back pressure
The aqueous phase was prepared by dissolving 200 g NaI and regulation, overburden pressure maintenance, and separator pres-
15 g CaCl2 in one liter of distilled water. The oil phase was com- sure regulation. The fluids were injected from the bottom of the
posed of decalin and 5 vol% iodooctane. The X-ray dopants, i.e., core samples at constant flow rates and received from the top
sodium iodide and iodooctane, were added to the liquids in or- at constant pressure. The injection pumps withdrew their respec-
der to better distinguish the phases. The concentrations selected tive fluids for reinjection into the core sample from the separa-
provided sufficient contrasts for the purpose of segmentation. All tor, whereas the back pressure regulation pump discharged its con-
chemicals were reagent grade and used as received. Brine was de- tents, i.e., the effluents received from the core, into the separator.
gassed for about 15 min before use. Commercial nitrogen was used All positive or negative mass accumulations in the separator (due
as the gas phase. The fluid and fluid-fluid properties were mea- to retraction/injection of fluids from/into the separator) were com-
sured at experimental conditions and are listed in Table 2. The pensated by a pressure regulation module, resulting in a very sta-
aqueous and oil phases are hereafter referred to as water and oil, ble separator pressure. Stability of the separator pressure insured
unless stated otherwise. that the thermodynamic equilibrium between the phases would
Interfacial tension (IFT) was measured for each pair of flu- be maintained in the course of an experiment. More details of the
ids using the Axisymmetric Drop Shape Analysis technique (Saraji core-flooding setup can be found elsewhere (Alizadeh et al., 2011;
et al., 2013), while all three phases had already been brought into Alizadeh and Piri, 2014a).
282 M. Khishvand et al. / Advances in Water Resources 97 (2016) 279–298

Table 3
Flow rates, saturation data, capillary numbers, and test duration for end points of the two-phase experiments and all stages of the three-
phase experiment performed in this study.

Experiment Step Brine Oil Gas Brine Oil Gas Capillary Test
flow rate flow rate flow rate saturation saturation saturation number duration
(cc/min) (cc/min) (cc/min) (fraction) (fraction) (fraction) (days)

A Drainage 0 0.015 0 0.36 0.64 0 1.29E−07 1

Imbibition 0.02 0 0 0.55 0.45 0 7.44E−08 3
B Drainage 0 0 1.2 0 0.35 0.65 1.22E−07 1
Imbibition 0 0.003 0 0 0.63 0.37 4.02E−08 3
C Drainage 0 0 0.3 0.36 0 0.64 1.19E−08 1
Imbibition 0.03 0 0 0.57 0 0.43 6.79E−08 3
D Drainage 0 0.015 0 0.36 0.64 0 1.38E−07 1
Imbibition 0.02 0 0 0.57 0.43 0 7.94E−08 3
E Drainage 0 0 1.2 0 0.36 0.64 1.33E−07 1
Imbibition 0 0.003 0 0 0.64 0.36 4.36E−08 3
F Drainage 0 0 0.3 0.34 0 0.66 1.21E−08 1
Imbibition 0.03 0 0 0.57 0 0.43 6.87E−08 3
G Oil drainage 0.01 0.009 0 0.53 0.47 0.00 8.20E−08 0.5
Gas injection 0.001 0.0 0 09 0.09 0.35 0.27 0.38 1.06E−08 1
Waterflood 0.001 0.0 0 03 0.03 0.47 0.20 0.33 3.94E−09 1
Oilflood 0.001 0.0 0 09 0.03 0.42 0.26 0.32 1.39E−08 1

The X-ray imaging system was a VERSA-XRM500 micro-CT configurations no longer changed at a given set of flow rates. This
scanner manufactured by Zeiss. The equipment had a stage on was identified by monitoring scans performed every two hours.
which the core holder was vertically mounted between the source The monitoring scans were usually started after injecting a large
and the detector and could scan various sample sizes with a range number of pore volumes. After the stability check, the main scan
of resolutions up to 700 nm. We endeavored to minimize undesir- was conducted at a resolution of 1.5 μm for contact angle mea-
able vibrations/torque on the core holder during the stage rotation surement. Injection of fluids was not stopped during scanning. In
(shift) by using high-pressure flexible tubing connecting the core some cases, we imaged the core samples at a resolution of 2.34 μm
holder to the flow system. The shift control played an important for the purpose of saturation determination (e.g., during the three-
role in reducing artifacts as well as improving the image quality. phase experiment). Table 4 lists microtomography parameters used
to image the samples during the experiments. Each set of parame-
2.3. Experimental procedure ters used to conduct a specific type of scan (for instance, monitor-
ing) was stored as a recipe and called when needed.
To start an experiment, the sample was placed in the core For the three-phase experiment (Experiment G), the water-
holder under confining pressure, and a reference dry scan was ob- saturated core sample was subjected to partial oil drainage fol-
tained. Subsequently, the core was flooded with gaseous CO2 to lowed by gas injection, a waterflood, and then an oilflood. All se-
remove air and then vacuum saturated with the wetting phase quences of this experiment were conducted using the steady-state
(water or oil). A monitoring scan (with a resolution of 4.36 μm) approach, and all phases were mobile in the course of each step
was conducted to insure that the core was fully saturated with the (see Table 3). The scanning procedure was the same as the two-
wetting phase. To establish initial wetting phase saturation during phase experiments.
the two-phase flow experiments, the nonwetting phase was in-
jected into the core by increasing its flow rate incrementally. Af- 3. Image analysis
ter establishing the desired initial wetting phase saturation, the
two-phase experiment was followed by an imbibition process un- Image acquisition for the contact angle scans was started after
der the capillary-dominated flow regime (i.e., the capillary num- the stability check during each flow stage. Once a recipe was exe-
ber (Khishvand et al., 2016) was in the order of 10−6 ). Unlike the cuted, the scanner took tomography projections, which were then
drainage steps, which were carried out only by injecting the non- reconstructed to create a txm (stacked slices) file for image anal-
wetting phase (the unsteady-state approach), both the wetting and ysis. Each image set (i.e., txm file) was then analyzed using Avi-
nonwetting phases were simultaneously injected during the im- zoFire software developed by FEI Visualization Sciences Group. A
bibition steps (the steady-state approach) in order to have a bet- customized DELLTM workstation with a 16 × 3.1 GHz processor and
ter control on the intermediate saturation points (before reaching a 16 × 16GB RAM was employed to accelerate the data processing
trapped nonwetting phase saturation) where some of the contact step.
angle measurements were intended to be made. The imbibition The structure of image analysis in our study had two princi-
process during each two-phase experiment was continued to es- pal steps: (a) segmentation of gray-scale wet (flooded) images (ob-
tablish residual nonwetting phase saturation. Table 3 summaries tained during drainage and imbibition) using dry reference images
flow rates, saturation data, capillary numbers, and test duration for and (b) quantification of the segmented images to determine con-
the end points of the two-phase experiments. tact angles. To start segmentation, all data sets were filtered using
Contact angle was determined in both drainage and imbibi- the Non-Local Means filter. This module removed random noises,
tion steps of the two-phase experiments. During drainage, contact increased the signal to noise ratio, and enhanced the contrast be-
angles were measured at one saturation point (SP) after partial tween different phases in the intensity histogram (as seen in Figs.
oil drainage (i.e., before reaching initial wetting phase saturation) S3(a) and S3(b) in Supplementary material). Fig. 1(a) shows a sec-
whereas, during imbibition, they were measured at three satura- tion of the filtered dry reference image of Sample 1 obtained with
tion points including two intermediate points where both phases a resolution of 1.5 μm. The segmentation process was followed
were mobile and one at residual nonwetting phase saturation. by extracting the pore space and the solid from the dry reference
To determine the values of contact angles, the center part of the image using the histogram-thresholding method (Sanei and Fertig,
core samples were scanned at stable conditions, that is, the fluid 2015). In this method, a lower and an upper limit was defined for
M. Khishvand et al. / Advances in Water Resources 97 (2016) 279–298 283

Table 4
X-ray microtomography parameters used in different imaging recipes during the experiments.

Recipe type Diameter of Length of Number of Resolution Acquisition

FOV (mm) FOV (mm) projections (x, y, z) (μm) time (hours)

Monitoring scan 4.36 3.93 1600 4.36, 4.36, 4.36 1.2

Contact angle scan 3.02 2.57 30 0 0 1.5, 1.5, 1.5 8
Saturation scan 4.68 3.98 3200 2.34, 2.34, 2.34 4

Fig. 1. Image processing workflow for a rectangular section (906 × 856.5 μm2 ) of wet and dry images taken during an imbibition process: (a) filtered dry reference image;
(b) bimodal intensity histogram of the filtered dry image with 1024 bins; (c) pore map obtained from the filtered dry image using binary histogram-thresholding; (d)
combined wet image, i.e., the wet image after registration, translation, and combination with the pore map. In this image, brine, gas, and the solid are light gray, dark gray,
and black, respectively; (e) segmented wet image obtained from segmentation of the combined wet image (brine:blue, gas:red, and grains:gray); (f) individual trapped gas
globule surrounded by brine and the solid; (g) fluid-solid-fluid contact lines passing throw triple contact points; (h) Plane X drawn perpendicular to the contact line at Point
A; and (i) contact angle determined at Point A in Plane X (resolution = 1.5 μm). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the web version of this article.)
284 M. Khishvand et al. / Advances in Water Resources 97 (2016) 279–298

each phase, and all voxels with attenuation values (intensities) be- the wetting and nonwetting phases, whereas Arc Meniscus (AM) is
tween the limits were assigned to that specific phase. The thresh- the interface between the two phases in a corner of a noncircular
old values for pores and the solid were obtained from intensity element (Mason and Morrow, 1987; 1991; Mason et al., 1988).
histograms such as the one shown in Fig. 1(b). The sharp bimodal Core-flooding experiments are usually performed under either
histogram clearly supports the accuracy of the segmentation and constant-flow-rate or constant-pressure mode. In either approach,
is an indication of sufficient phase contrasts. The outcome of this the inlet pressure is always higher than the outlet pressure al-
step, called pore map (Fig. 1(c)), was used for porosity analysis as lowing fluids to flow through the pore space. It has been argued
well as segmentation of the wet images. in the literature (Andrew et al., 2014; Bartell and Merrill, 1932;
Thereafter, we registered and aligned each set of the wet im- Hassanizadeh and Gray, 1993) that when flow is stopped (i.e., the
ages with its corresponding dry reference image and combined system is let come to rest), advancing (or receding) contact angle
the pore map with the wet image as observed in Fig. 1(d). The decreases (or increases) to reach an equilibrium value. In a core-
combined image contained only fluid phases with enough phase flooding experiment when all injection and back pressure pumps
contrast(s) to be distinguished. Figs. S3(c)–(f) confirms sufficient are ceased, pressure gradient along the sample gradually becomes
contrasts between the intensities of different fluid phases in the zero. As a result, phase pressures across the core sample readjust
combined wet images (fluid phase images). The process was then and local pressures of the fluids decreases and increases close to
continued by differentiating the fluid phases in the combined im- the inlet and outlet ends, respectively. Thus, for the case of dis-
age using the minimum points of the intensity histogram as the placing the nonwetting phase with the wetting phase for example,
threshold values, and producing a final segmented image for each when the flow of the wetting phase is stopped, the hinging con-
wet case; as an example, see Fig. 1(e). The segmented file in tact angles decrease close to the inlet and increase close to the
Fig. 1(e) was analyzed to measure contact angles. outlet. If an angle has already reached its advancing value, it de-
To measure contact angles, a sub-volume containing desired creases toward an equilibrium value when it is located close to the
fluid phases and the solid was first extracted. Fig. 1(f) exhibits inlet or maintains its advancing value when it is close to the out-
an exemplary sub-volume where an individual trapped gas glob- let while the fluid-fluid interface moves due to the increase in the
ule was surrounded by water at the end of an imbibition process. wetting-phase pressure. To examine the relaxation phenomenon
Subsequently, we visualized fluid-solid-fluid contact points to cre- and changes in fluid-fluid interfaces, the flow was stopped during
ate triple contact lines (Fig. 1(g)). To determine contact angle at a two-phase oil-displacing-water process. Images taken before and
a given point on a triple contact line, e.g., Point A in Fig. 1(h), a after cessation of the flow are shown in Fig. S4 in Supplementary
plane was plotted perpendicular to the triple contact line at that material . As observed, the images confirm the above-mentioned
point (Plain X in Fig. 1(h)). To plot the plane, we first determined discussion that when the flow is stopped, the fluid-fluid interface
a (unique) vector tangent to the triple contact line at Point A, may stay unchanged Figs. S4(a) and S4(b) in Supplementary ma-
which in fact is normal to Plane X at Point A. The normal vec- terial) or contact angle moves toward an equilibrium value Figs.
tor and the coordination of Point A defined the unique perpen- S4(c) and S4(d) in Supplementary material). In some cases, relax-
dicular plane (Plane X in this case). We then smoothed the sur- ation may also cause snap-off Figs. S4(e) and S4(f) in Supplemen-
face of the plane using a texture-interpolation method to remove tary material) as a result of interface movement.
edges of the pixels. The smoothing module implemented a filter The use of small core samples in micro-scale experiments en-
to change the scalar data, preserve strong edges, and enhance the ables us to capture high-resolution images and improve the signal
contrast of edges. Finally, we traced fluid-solid and fluid-fluid tan- to noise ratio for the analysis steps. However, it raises the question
gents and measured contact angle at the intersection of the tan- of whether a micro-scale sample can represent all properties of the
gents (Fig. 1(i)). rock being studied and exhibit the same flow behavior (such as
Image analysis, particularly segmentation, is a subjective pro- trapping history and capillary pressure characteristics) as a macro-
cess and its accuracy may dramatically affect the results of micro- scale sample. To answer this question, we evaluated variations of
CT based experiments. This is even more critical when identifying porosity and saturation (during drainage and imbibition) with the
fluid-fluid and rock-fluid interfaces to characterize contact angles. sample volume analyzed for a given specimen. This allowed us to
Therefore, before using any approach for image analysis, one needs determine Representative Elementary Volume (REV) for each of the
to check the accuracy and quantify possible uncertainties. To eval- variables. To this end, a small cubic sub-volume was selected and
uate the accuracy of our image analysis technique and quantify the the aforementioned variables were determined within this volume.
associated uncertainties, we compared contact angles measured on The sub-volume was then incrementally enlarged, and the values
an identical plane using gray-scale (i.e., raw data) and segmented were recalculated until we reached the inscribed cube in the field
images (Khishvand et al., 2016). The results showed consistent val- of view (FOV). Plotting the calculated porosity and oil saturation
ues with an absolute error value of about 1 ° that was considered values versus the cube volumes for Sample A in Fig. S5 in Supple-
negligible. The small error in this case testifies the accuracy of our mentary material, reveals that, for both porosity and oil saturation,
segmentation method and means that our technique succeeded to the FOV is large enough to be considered as an REV, and there-
appropriately determine fluid-fluid and rock-fluid interfaces. fore the micro-scale experimental results are representative of the
core-scale values.
4. Results and discussion

Contact angles were measured under two- and three-phase 4.1. Protocol for contact angle measurements
flow conditions. For two-phase flow, each pair of fluids was used
to conduct two experiments; one experiment when only the two We attempted to differentiate between AM and MTM contact
respective fluids were equilibrated prior to use and the other ex- angles during the measurements by visual inspection of the loca-
periment when all three fluids were equilibrated before using the tion of fluid-fluid interfaces spatially. If the interface was located
two desired fluids. For three-phase flow, all three fluids were at at a corner, for example Fig. 2(a), the measured value at the triple
equilibrium before use. In each experiment, contact angle measure- contact point (here Point A) was considered as an AM contact an-
ments were made for both types of interfaces: (a) Main Terminal gle; if the interface was at the center of a pore-throat junction,
Meniscus (MTM) and (b) Arc Meniscus (AM). Main Terminal Menis- the measured value represented an MTM contact angle (Point B in
cus is the invading interface at the pore-throat junction separating Fig. 2(c)).
M. Khishvand et al. / Advances in Water Resources 97 (2016) 279–298 285

Fig. 2. Contact angle measurements for both types of fluid-fluid interfaces during water imbibition in Sample A: (a) an AM interface in a corner of an element. Point A is
located on the triple contact line (yellow lines) where the two fluids and the solid meet; (b) the AM contact angle measured at Point A; (c) an MTM interface at the pore-
throat junction. Point B is located on the triple contact line; and (d) the MTM contact angle measured at Point B (resolution = 1.5 μm; brine:blue, oil:red, and grains:gray).
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

When the nonwetting phase displaces the wetting phase to imbibition, the contact point may be pinned to the solid re-
(drainage), all receding contact angles, including AM’s and MTM’s, sulting in hinging (increasing in) the contact angle and decreas-
must be identical if the solid surface is truly smooth and miner- ing the curvature of the fluid-fluid interface before the interface
alogically homogeneous. However, pore walls in naturally occur- moves. The contact angle hinges until it reaches the advancing
ring rocks are neither smooth nor mineralogically homogeneous; value where the fluid-fluid interface starts moving. Fig. 3 exem-
therefore, the receding contact angles show some scatter meaning plifies how the receding contact angle at the end of drainage (see
that we have a distribution of receding contact angles. This is also Point A) starts hinging during imbibition. Point B indicates the in-
true for advancing AM and MTM contact angles when the wetting terface movement after the angle has reached the advancing value.
phase displaces the nonwetting phase (imbibition). While moving, the fluid-fluid interface maintains its angle with the
If we assume that the wetting characteristics of the solid sur- solid surface, but its curvature may change due to changes in the
face are not altered during displacements, as assumed in this study pore space if interface velocity and surface characteristics remain
because we used pure fluids, receding and advancing contact an- the same.
gles may still exhibit some differences as a consequence of sur- Below, we first present the results of the two-phase flow ex-
face roughness. When the displacement is switched from drainage periments for all three pairs of fluids before and after equilibra-
286 M. Khishvand et al. / Advances in Water Resources 97 (2016) 279–298

values were considered to be unbiased and representative of the

rock-fluid system used.

4.2. Two-phase flow

4.2.1. Binary-equilibrated experiments

To perform Experiments A (oil-water), B (gas-oil), and C (gas-
(a) water), the two desired fluids were equilibrated in the separator
(in the absence of the third phase) at the experimental conditions
for one day. For the case of the oil-water system, it was practically
impossible to maintain the pressure of the equilibration cell while
Point A the water and oil pumps were retracting their respective fluids be-
cause both fluids were incompressible. Therefore, we depressurized
the cell very gradually after equilibration to atmospheric pressure,
filled up the water and oil pumps, and then re-pressurized wa-
ter and oil in the pumps to the experimental pressure in order to
Point B
conduct Experiment A. It was assumed that the depressurization
would not affect the equilibration between water and oil as they
were virtually immiscible. In the cases where gas was present in
the separator, compressibility of the gas allowed us to control pres-
sure variations in the separator occurring due to retraction from
(b) and/or injection into it.
After saturating the core sample with the wetting phase (for
example, oil in the case of gas-oil system), the nonwetting phase
(gas for the gas-oil system) was injected into the sample while
its flow rate was incrementally increased resulting in increases
Point A
in gas-oil capillary pressure. When the capillary pressure reaches
the threshold capillary pressure of a pore element, the nonwet-
ting phase staying at the entrance of the element invades that
element and displaces the wetting phase. The nonwetting phase
Point B advances through the pore space and invades the pore elements
one after the other based on their threshold capillary pressures
(the capillary-dominated regime). During this displacement, the in-
vading interface, which is an MTM, moves through the element
with a given contact angle (receding angle) while adjusting its
(c) curvature to compensate for variations in the pore geometry (Al-
Gharbi and Blunt, 2005). Due to a higher affinity of the wet-
ting phase for the solid surface, this phase, after displacement by
the nonwetting phase, remains as thin films on the pore walls
(Morrow, 1970; Novy et al., 1989) and as layers in the corners and
crevices. The wetting layers have nonnegligible hydraulic conduc-
tivity and can maintain phase continuity through each other as
well as small, fully wetting-phase-saturated elements. Upon fur-
ther increases in the nonwetting phase pressure (by increasing its
Fig. 3. Contact angles and fluid-fluid interfaces during drainage and imbibition pro- flow rate), the capillary pressure increases causing the fluid-fluid
cesses in Sample A (resolution = 1.5 μm; brine:blue, oil:red, and grains:gray). At the
end of drainage (image (a)), all contact angles are at their receding values. Point A
interfaces (AM’s), left behind in the corners of the element by the
in image (a) shows a triple contact point. During imbibition, the contact angles start invading MTM, to be pushed further toward the corners. Similar to
hinging before interfaces move. The contact angle at Point A has hinged in image the movement of an MTM described earlier, the AM interfaces ad-
(b). Point B in images (b) and (c) exhibits the movement of an interface after its just their curvatures to maintain their receding contact angles with
contact angle has reached the advancing value. (For interpretation of the references
the solid surface.
to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this
article.) Figs. 4(a)–(c) show the distributions of receding MTM and AM
contact angles determined during the drainage processes for oil-
water, gas-oil, and gas-water fluid systems, respectively. As ex-
tion with the third phase and then discuss the trends observed. pected, in each pair, the MTM and AM distributions exhibit similar
As mentioned in the experimental procedure for two-phase flow, trends since the values of receding contact angle are independent
receding MTM and AM contact angles were measured at one sat- of the type of the fluid-fluid interface (MTM or AM) in this study.
uration point (Saturation Point 1 during drainage), whereas hing- The insignificant difference between the MTM and AM distribu-
ing and advancing AM and MTM contact angles were measured tions, in each case, arises from the fact that measurements were
at three saturation points, two points (Saturation Points 1 and 2 not made at the same locations. In other words, surface rough-
during imbibition) when both phases were mobile and one point ness and mineralogy are not uniform through the pore space. How-
(Saturation Point 3 during imbibition) when the nonwetting phase ever, we believe that if we increased the number of measurements
was at residual saturation. For the three-phase flow experiment, for both MTM and AM contact angles, it would statistically de-
we examined the relation among the three contact angles when crease the difference between the contact angle distributions for
the three phases were mobile and in thermodynamic equilibrium. each fluid system. Due to the slight difference between the distri-
For each specific contact angle, several measurements were made butions, we combined MTM and AM contact angles and hereafter
at random sites and a distribution was generated. As a result, the report one receding contact angle distribution for each fluid pair
M. Khishvand et al. / Advances in Water Resources 97 (2016) 279–298 287

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Fig. 4. Distributions of receding MTM and AM contact angles during the drainage processes of (a) Experiment A (oil-water), (b) Experiment B (gas-oil), and (c) Experiment C
(gas-water). Due to the slight difference between the distributions in each fluid system, MTM and AM contact angles were combined to generate one single receding contact
angle distribution for each fluid pair of (d) oil-water, (e) gas-oil, and (f) gas-water.

shown in Figs. 4(d)–(f). The mean receding contact angles for the may cover a range of values (a distribution) due to surface rough-
oil-water, gas-oil, and gas-water systems were 47, 37, and 35 de- ness and/or mineralogical heterogeneities. Thus, an AM in an ele-
grees, respectively. It is believed that Berea sandstone is strongly ment may reach its advancing angle sooner and move toward the
water-wet (Ma et al., 1997; Zhou et al., 20 0 0) meaning that water, center of the element before the present MTM at the entrance of
oil, and gas are the most wetting, the intermediate-wetting, and the element does.
the most nonwetting phases, respectively, in this rock. Therefore, In the imbibition steps of each experiment (i.e., Experiments A,
it is expected that the (mean) receding contact angle to be the B, and C), we measured both hinging and advancing contact angles
highest in the oil-water fluid system and the lowest in the gas- at all three saturation points. For the sake of simplicity during the
water system. However, the difference between contact angles in measurements, we only determined hinging contact angles from
the gas-water and gas-oil fluid systems is marginal as both wa- AM interfaces and advancing contact angles from MTM interfaces.
ter and oil are the wetting phase in the presence of gas. Contact Hinging MTM and advancing AM contact angle distributions were
angle between two immiscible phases on a solid surface is deter- considered to be similar to the obtained hinging AM and advanc-
mined by the Young equation and depends on fluid-fluid interfacial ing MTM contact angle distributions, respectively. Hinging contact
and solid-fluid surface energies. Among these energy terms, solid- angles were measured before AM interfaces started moving; thus,
gas surface energies are identical but fluid-fluid values are differ- there might be some values among the measured hinging angles
ent for the gas-water and the gas-oil systems. If we assume that that were very close to the corresponding advancing angles. For
the contact angles are similar for both cases, there are still two advancing contact angles, we tried to measure the angle when the
parameters (i.e., solid-water and solid-oil surface energies for the MTM interface had passed the entrance of the pore elements, that
gas-water and gas-oil systems, respectively) that can vary in order is, the pore had been invaded by the wetting phase. This almost
to satisfy the Young equation for both systems. guaranteed that the measured MTM contact angles represented ad-
During imbibition where the pressure of the wetting phase in- vancing values.
creases (capillary pressure decreases), the direction of the move- Fig. 5 exhibits the three hinging (AM) contact angle distribu-
ment of AM interfaces is reversed. This may also happen for MTM tions measured at the three saturation points of the imbibition
interfaces. For an MTM present at the entrance of an element, if step for Experiments A, B, and C. As observed, in each fluid system,
there is contact angle hysteresis, reduction in capillary pressure the mean values of the distributions shifted from left (smaller an-
causes the MTM contact angle to increase from its receding value gles) to right (higher angles). This is because, at the beginning of
toward the advancing value. While the MTM contact angle hinges, the imbibition process, the contact angles have just started hing-
the AM angles in the corners of the element, if any, also hinge in ing so their values are low (closer to their receding values). How-
compliance with the local capillary pressure. When the MTM con- ever, when the imbibition process proceeds by further increases
tact angle reaches its advancing value, the interface invades the el- in the wetting phase pressure, the angles hinge more until they
ement and meets the AM interface(s) with a zero contact angle. As reach their advancing values. The minimum and maximum hing-
mentioned earlier, advancing contact angles in a porous medium ing AM contact angles are listed in Table 5. As seen for each fluid
288 M. Khishvand et al. / Advances in Water Resources 97 (2016) 279–298

(a) (a)

(b) (b)

(c) (c)

Fig. 5. Distributions of hinging AM contact angles measured at the three saturation

Fig. 6. Advancing and receding contact angle distributions of (a) Experiment A (oil-
points during the imbibition process of (a) Experiment A (oil-water), (b) Experiment
water), (b) Experiment B (gas-oil), and (c) Experiment C (gas-water). In each case,
B (gas-oil), and (c) Experiment C (gas-water).
the difference between the two distributions demonstrates contact angle hysteresis.

system, the minimum and the maximum values of the three dis-
tributions are similar and do not show any specific trends. This is
also observed in Fig. 5 as the minimum and maximum values of gas-water systems demonstrate almost the same trend (in regard
the three distributions are located almost at the same values, but to their minimum, mean, and maximum values) as both water and
the mean values gradually shifted toward right when moving from oil are the wetting phases compared to gas. These values, i.e., min-
the first saturation point to the second and then the third ones. As imum, mean, and maximum, however, are larger in the water-oil
expected, the hinging contact angle distributions in the gas-oil and system as oil is less nonwetting than gas with respect to water.
M. Khishvand et al. / Advances in Water Resources 97 (2016) 279–298 289

Table 5
Statistics of receding, hinging, and advancing contact angle values for the binary-equilibrated, two-phase ex-
periments (Experiments A, B, and C).

θrMT M & θrAM θhAM θhAM θhAM θaMT M

(1st SPa ) (2nd SP) (3rd SP) (all SP’s)

Oil-Water Minimum 37 38 39 39 44
Maximum 56 63 67 65 71
Mean 47 51 53 54 57
Standard deviation 5 6 6 6 5
Number of measurements 40 20 20 20 60
Gas-Oil Minimum 28 32 35 37 35
Maximum 48 53 54 55 58
Mean 37 41 44 46 47
Standard deviation 5 5 5 5 5
Number of measurements 40 20 20 20 60
Gas-Water Minimum 28 33 31 33 37
Maximum 44 50 54 57 56
Mean 35 42 43 45 46
Standard deviation 4 5 5 6 4
Number of measurements 40 20 20 20 60
Saturation point in the imbibition process where contact angle measurements were made.

Table 6
Statistics of receding, hinging, and advancing contact angle values for the ternary-equilibrated, two-phase
experiments (Experiments D, E, and F).

θrMT M & θrAM θhAM θhAM θhAM θaMT M

(1st SPa ) (2nd SP) (3rd SP) (all SP’s)

Oil-Water Minimum 38 41 35 40 45
Maximum 57 65 66 66 69
Mean 46 51 54 54 58
Standard deviation 5 7 8 6 5
Number of measurements 40 20 20 20 60
Gas-Oil Minimum 27 31 35 37 35
Maximum 50 53 57 56 62
Mean 37 42 45 45 47
Standard deviation 5 5 6 6 5
Number of measurements 40 20 20 20 60
Gas-Water Minimum 22 31 30 33 35
Maximum 45 55 54 56 59
Mean 34 42 43 45 46
Standard deviation 6 6 6 6 6
Number of measurements 40 20 20 20 60
Saturation point in the imbibition process where contact angle measurements were made.

Measurement of advancing MTM contact angles was made for 4.2.2. Ternary-equilibrated experiments
all three saturation points as well during the imbibition process of To investigate the effect of equilibration of all three phases on
each experiment. Because advancing contact angles are indepen- two-phase flow, Experiments D (oil-water), E (gas-oil), and F (gas-
dent of saturation points at which measurements were made, we water) were performed. An identical procedure as used for Ex-
combined all advancing values and generated one distribution for periments A, B, and C was followed with this difference that the
each fluid pair. The advancing contact angle distributions of Exper- desired phases in each fluid pair had been brought into equilib-
iments A, B, and C are plotted in Fig. 6 along with the correspond- rium with the third phase prior to the experiment. Fig. 7 and
ing receding contact angle distributions. In each case, the differ- Table 6 provide the results. Fig. 7 shows the distributions of ad-
ence between the two distributions demonstrates the contact angle vancing (MTM) and receding (MTM and AM combined) contact an-
hysteresis. Larger hysteresis may be observed in rock-fluid systems gles for the two-phase experiments under the binary-equilibrated
with higher surface roughness, more mineralogical heterogeneities, (Experiments A, B, and C) and ternary-equilibrated (Experiments
or greater wettability alteration. As seen in Table 5, the hystere- D, E, and F) conditions. As observed, the distributions of con-
sis values (the difference between the mean advancing and the tact angles for the binary-equilibrated and ternary-equilibrated
mean receding contact angles) are nearly identical (around 10 de- tests are similar in each case. Comparison of the values listed in
grees), regardless of the fluid system. The results relatively agreed Table 6 with those in Table 5 also reveals that the mean contact
with the values reported in the literature. For instance, advanc- angles (including receding, hinging, and advancing) have not sig-
ing oil-water contact angles measured on quartz surfaces using nificantly changed in any of the three fluid systems. This finding
conventional techniques were about 32 to 43 degrees (McCaffery, may be attributed to the fact that the oil phase, as showed earlier
1972), whereas our results showed advancing values ranging from in this study, was nonspreading. As mentioned in Section 2.1, the
44 to 71 degrees with an average of 57 degrees. The differences equilibrium spreading coefficient for the water-oil-nitrogen system
between the ex- and in-situ measurements may be attributed to used in this study was negative meaning that the oil phase would
the fact that in-situ measurements consider mineral heterogene- form lenses on the water surface in the presence of nitrogen. How-
ity and surface roughness, while the ex-situ ones overlook these ever, some oil layers were visible in the pore space. The stabil-
factors. ity of these layers, which collapse after reaching disjoining pres-
290 M. Khishvand et al. / Advances in Water Resources 97 (2016) 279–298

Receding-Binary-eq. Receding-Binary-eq. Receding-Binary-eq.

Receding-Ternary-eq. Receding-Ternary-eq. Receding-Ternary-eq.
Average receding-Binary-eq. Average receding-Binary-eq. Average receding-Binary-eq.
Average receding-Ternary-eq. Average receding-Ternary-eq. Average receding-Ternary-eq.

(a) (b) (c)

Advancing-Binary-eq. Advancing-Binary-eq. Advancing-Binary-eq.

Advancing-Ternary-eq. Advancing-Ternary-eq. Advancing-Ternary-eq.
Average advancing-Binary-eq. Average advancing-Binary-eq. Average advancing-Binary-eq.
Average advancing-Ternary-eq. Average advancing-Ternary-eq. Average advancing-Ternary-eq.

(d) (e) (f)

Fig. 7. Advancing (MTM) and receding (MTM and AM combined) contact angle distributions of the two-phase experiments under the ternary- and binary-equilibrated
conditions for: (a) and (d) oil-water (Experiments A and D), (b) and (e) gas-oil (Experiments B and E), and (c) and (f) gas-water (Experiments C and F).

sure, is controlled by interfacial tension, pore geometry, wettabil- double and multiple displacement chains. A double displacement
ity, and one of the other two capillary pressures (Keller et al., mechanism is defined as a process in which the movement of in-
1997; Piri and Blunt, 2004). Although experimental data on the terface(s) between Phase i and Phase j, e.g., gas and oil, is always
relation between the initial (Cso i ) and equilibrium (C eq ) spreading associated with the movement of interface(s) between Phase j and
coefficients for a given system is virtually unavailable, theoretical Phase k, e.g., oil and water (Øren and Pinczewski, 1995). The same
work (Fenwick, 1997) has shown that the difference between the definition can be extended to multiple displacement chains, such
initial and equilibrium coefficients becomes smaller as the fluid as gas-to-oil-to-gas-to-water (van Dijke and Sorbie, 2002). When,
system moves from spreading to nonspreading. Generally speaking, for example, gas is injected into a medium filled with water and
the more negative the initial spreading coefficient is, the less the oil, it can displace water and/or oil through gas-to-water and gas-
difference between Cso i and C eq will be. to-oil displacements. In addition to these displacements, water and
The balance of forces in a porous medium is affected by rock oil may displace each other in the pore space through oil-to-water
properties and by an interplay of physical and chemical phenom- and water-to-oil displacements. Whether the latter two displace-
ena taking place at fluid-fluid and rock-fluid interfaces. These in- ment events occur with equal frequency or one is dominant over
teractions are usually manifested through interfacial tension and another is an open question for a given porous medium and satu-
contact angle. Since we used similar core samples from a single ration history.
homogenous block, it is plausible to assume that the effects of pore In this work, we show how one can use in-situ contact angles
geometry, pore-size distribution, and surface roughness are similar to shed light on pore-scale displacement subtleties. The subject
in both groups of experiments. We therefore believe that interfa- of double displacement has been frequently discussed by scien-
cial tensions in this nonspreading system, no matter the two fluids tists in the literature, particularly for secondary gas injection and
were in equilibrium with the third phase or not, would practically tertiary waterflood processes. It has been observed in micromod-
stay unchanged leading to similar contact angle patterns. This ar- els that, during secondary gas injection, gas-to-oil-to-water is the
gument may support our observation that equilibration of all three dominant double displacement mechanism (Øren and Pinczewski,
phases did not influence the contact angles, and the results of Ex- 1995). The occurrence of such displacement process when all three
periments D, E, and F were similar to those of Experiments A, B, phases are mobile has not been examined at the pore scale in
and C, respectively. However, these findings may not apply to more natural porous media. The network modeling results obtained for
complicated systems in which equilibration of fluids may signifi- tertiary waterfloods during water-alternating-gas injection process
cantly alter interfacial tensions. (van Dijke and Sorbie, 2003) have suggested a series of double and
multiple displacement chains including a large number of water-
4.3. Three-phase flow displacing-oil-displacing-gas and water-displacing-gas-displacing-
oil events. Although a number of studies (van Dijke and Sorbie,
The behavior of three-phase flow in porous media is signifi- 20 02; 20 03; Øren et al., 1992; Øren and Pinczewski, 1994; 1995;
cantly more complicated than that of two-phase flow due to in- Piri and Blunt, 2005a,b) have been conducted using micromodels
volvement of additional pore-scale displacement physics, such as and network modeling techniques to examine double and multiple
M. Khishvand et al. / Advances in Water Resources 97 (2016) 279–298 291

Oil-water contact angle-SGI
Receding oil-water contact angle-
Advancing oil-water contact angle-
Average oil-water contact angle-SGI

Average receding oil-water contact

Average advancing oil-water
contact angle-Ternary equilibrated

Point A

Sw So
Gas-oil contact angle-SGI
Receding gas-oil contact angle-
Fig. 8. Three-phase saturation path taken in Experiment G. The core sample, ini-
tially saturated with water, was subjected to partial primary oil drainage (1) fol- Average gas-oil contact angle-SGI
lowed by gas injection (2), a waterflood (3), and then an oilflood (4). All displace- Average receding gas-oil contact angle-
ments were performed using the steady-state approach.

displacement chains, to date, no micro-scale experimental research

has been conducted in natural porous media focused on the nature (b)
of three-phase displacement physics. This has consequently kept
the current understanding of the displacements at a limited level.
For instance, authors have often restricted double displacements to
scenarios in which the middle fluid is hydraulically disconnected
(van Dijke and Sorbie, 2003; Fenwick, 1997). In this work, how-
ever, we showed that double displacement events could take place
even when all three phases were mobile. It was observed that,
unlike the conventional definition, the displacement events might
not occur at exactly the same time when the middle phase was
not trapped, but they did take place during the same saturation Gas-water contact angle-SGI
Receding gas-water contact angle-
change steps resulting from fluid injection. In-situ contact angle Ternary-equilibrated
Average gas-water contact angle-SGI
distributions clearly indicated that certain groups of displacements Average receding gas-water contact
could be paired up, which was a consequence of the pressure fields angle-Ternary-equilibrated

that developed. We used direct contact angle measurements in the

pore space to provide better insights into displacement events and
investigate the likelihood of the occurrence of each displacement
event. (c)
To this end, we designed and performed a series of floods un-
der three-phase flow conditions. The core initially saturated with
water was subjected to partial primary oil drainage followed by
gas injection, a waterflood, and then an oilflood. All displacements
were performed using the steady-state approach and under the
capillary-dominated flow regime. The displacement sequences re-
sulted in a three-phase saturation path shown in Fig. 8. The core
sample was scanned after each flood when no changes were ob-
served in fluid configurations. The images were then analyzed to
determine contact angle distributions for oil-water, gas-oil, and Fig. 9. Contact angle distributions for (a) oil-water, (b) gas-oil, and (c) gas-water
gas-water pairs under three-phase flow conditions. Contact angles after the secondary gas injection (SGI) stage of the three-phase flow experiment
(Experiment G).
were measured only for MTM interfaces. Gas-water contact angles
were measured where no oil layers existed between water and
gas to eliminate the potential differences caused by the layers. The
measured contact angles were not specified as receding or advanc- were present and the fluid occupancy had changed compared to
ing at first because the exact type of each displacement was not previous step. In each section, contact angle distributions as well
known a priori. as mean values, measured for each fluid pair, are compared with
The results of each flood are presented below. As in the other the corresponding receding and/or advancing contact angle dis-
parts of this study, the individual contact angle measurements tributions and the mean values of the ternary-equilibrated, two-
were made at completely random sites. We first selected random phase experiments. The results are then supported by pore-scale
sub-volumes from each segmented image and then, in each sub- images and quantified displacement statistics. The displacement
volume, attempted to find pore sites in which all three phases statistics were not determined for the secondary gas injection be-
292 M. Khishvand et al. / Advances in Water Resources 97 (2016) 279–298

Fig. 10. Two-dimensional cross-sectional views of the fluid configuration before ((a) and (c)) and after ((b) and (d)) the secondary gas injection stage of the three-phase
flow experiment (resolution = 2.34 μm for (a) and (c) and 1.5 μm for (b) and (d); brine:blue, oil:red, gas:yellow, and grains:gray; image size = 0.244 mm × 0.244 mm). (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

cause the image resolution for this process (i.e., 1.5 μm) was not Table 7
Statistics of oil-water, gas-oil, and gas-water contact angle values for the three-
the same as the one used for partial oil drainage (i.e., 2.34 μm).
phase flow experiment (Experiment G).
The objective for scanning the core after partial oil drainage was
only to ensure that we had sufficient water in the system before Secondary gas Waterflood Oilflood
initiating gas injection. All analyses and the results are based on
the configurations at the end of the flooding stages. Oil-Water Minimum 39 47 36
Maximum 59 65 59
Mean 48 56 47
4.3.1. Secondary gas injection Standard deviation 5 5 6
The initial two-phase saturation condition prior to gas injec- Number of measurements 20 20 20
tion was established by partially oilflooding a water-saturated core Gas-Oil Minimum 28 33 38
sample. Afterward, the gas phase was injected into the sample Maximum 52 53 61
Mean 37 44 47
while the oil/water fractional flow was kept the same as the value
Standard deviation 6 5 5
at the end of oil drainage. Number of measurements 20 20 20
Statistics and distributions of contact angle measurements for
Gas-Water Minimum 26 36 36
oil-water, gas-oil, and gas-water are given in Table 7 and Fig. 9, Maximum 47 56 53
respectively. Also shown in Fig. 9 are the results of the ternary- Mean 35 47 44
equilibrated, two-phase flow experiments. As observed in Figs. 9(b) Standard deviation 5 5 5
Number of measurements 20 20 20
and (c), the gas-oil and gas-water contact angle distributions and
average values of the three-phase experiment are similar to those
of the two-phase experiments. This is in line with our expectation
that gas, as the most non-wetting phase, displaces water and oil, as For the case of oil-water (Fig. 9(a)), the contact angle histogram
the wetting phases, through drainage processes. It was also found is similar to the receding one of the two-phase oil-water experi-
that the presence of a third phase in the pore space in this study ment, implying that the majority of displacements were drainage
did not affect the gas-oil and gas-water contact angle distributions. (i.e., oil-displacing-water). The fluctuation in Point A, close to two-
M. Khishvand et al. / Advances in Water Resources 97 (2016) 279–298 293

phase advancing oil-water contact angles, could be associated with

a few water-displacing-oil events during the secondary gas injec- Oil-water contact angle-Waterflood
Advancing oil-water contact angle-
tion process. Ternary-equilibrated
Average oil-water contact angle-
Direct observation of the fluid occupancy using micro-CT im- Waterflood
ages provided further evidence to support the above-mentioned Average advancing oil-water contact
findings. Fig. 10 displays two-dimensional cross-sectional views
of the fluid configurations at specific locations before and af-
ter secondary gas injection in the three-phase flow experiment.
Figs. 10(a) and (c) show the initial conditions after primary oil (a)
drainage where oil resided mainly in relatively large pore elements.
Fig. 10(b) indicates that the oil in the large elements was dis-
placed during the gas injection process. This is attributed to the
fact that the gas-to-oil displacements in those elements had the
lowest threshold capillary pressures. Upon invasion of gas into the
oil-filled elements, some oil layers might form between the gas
and brine phases such as the one observed in the rectangular area
in Fig. 10(b). As seen in the encircled areas in Figs. 10(a) and (b),
oil displaced to neighboring elements may displace water, i.e., oil- Gas-oil contact angle-
displacing-water. One should note that this displacement involves Waterflood
Receding gas-oil contact
well-connected oil clusters, in contrary to the perceived notion in angle-Ternary-equilibrated
Advancing gas-oil contact
the literature that gas-displacing-oil-displacing-water occurs only angle-Ternary-equilibrated
Average gas-oil contact angle-
when oil is trapped. The continuous flow of oil during the sec- Waterflood
ondary gas injection guaranteed connectivity of the majority of oil Average receding gas-oil contact
clusters. Additionally, water displaced by the other two phases may Average advancing gas-oil
contact angle-Ternary-
also move oil from smaller pore elements, i.e., water-displacing-oil,
as seen in the square in Fig. 10(a). Visual observation along the (b)
FOV revealed that oil-to-water displacements were more frequent
and favorable than water-to-oil events during the secondary gas
injection process. Proposed displacement statistics of gas injection
components of consecutive WAG processes (van Dijke and Sorbie,
2003) agree well with our results for gas injection. Micromodel
studies of both secondary gas injection and water-alternating-gas
injection (van Dijke and Sorbie, 2003; Øren and Pinczewski, 1995)
have suggested that, for water-wet media, a series of double dis-
placements, mainly gas-to-oil-to-water, takes place.
Gas-water contact angle-Waterflood
Advancing gas-water contact angle-
4.3.2. Waterflood Average gas-water contact angle-
The gas injection process was followed by a waterflood through Waterflood
Average advancing gas-water contact
decreasing the oil and gas flow rates by threefold. This led to re- angle-Ternary-equilibrated

duction in the capillary number of the system. The increase in

water-to-gas and water-to-oil fractional flows increases water pres-
sure in the pore space, which in turn decreases gas-water and oil-
water capillary pressures compared to the previous step, i.e., gas
injection. As a consequence, water displaces oil and gas from pore
elements according to their oil-water and gas-water threshold cap-
illary pressures, respectively, through direct imbibition processes.
Water layers present in the corners also swell and ultimately trap
some oil and gas clusters through the snap-off displacement mech-
anism. In addition to these displacements, oil-to-gas and gas-to-oil
events are also possible under this flow process (van Dijke and Sor-
bie, 2003). More detailed description of the waterflood process has
been provided by van Dijke and Sorbie (2003) and Sohrabi et al.
(2004). We attempted to achieve a better understanding of dom- Fig. 11. Contact angle distributions for (a) oil-water, (b) gas-oil, and (c) gas-water
after the waterflood stage of the three-phase flow experiment (Experiment G).
inant displacement mechanisms during a waterflood after gas in-
jection by means of contact angle distributions and pore-scale oc-
cupancy maps.
Fig. 11 exhibits contact angle distributions for oil-water, gas- either of these fluid pairs. Histogram of the gas-oil contact angles,
oil, and gas-water interfaces after the waterflood. As observed, oil- however, showed a bimodal distribution, which fell between the
water (Fig. 11(a)) and gas-water (Fig. 11(c)) contact angle distri- receding and the advancing contact angle distributions obtained
butions were nearly identical to their respective advancing contact in the two-phase gas-oil experiment. This implies that both oil-
angle distributions with similar mean values obtained in the two- to-gas (imbibition) and gas-to-oil (drainage) displacement events
phase experiments. These observations indicated that the oil-water could take place; nonetheless, the relative frequency of oil-to-gas
and gas-water MTM interfaces were advancing in compliance with was greater as observed in Fig. 11(b). We measured the volume of
the local decrease in respective capillary pressures. The observed the defending fluids displaced during each event and listed the re-
patterns also showed that the presence of a third phase in the pore sults for the waterflood in Table 8. The values indicate that water-
space in this study did not affect the contact angle distributions of to-oil and oil-to-gas were the most dominant displacement events
294 M. Khishvand et al. / Advances in Water Resources 97 (2016) 279–298

Fig. 12. Two-dimensional cross-sectional views of the fluid configuration before ((a) and (c)) and after ((b) and (d)) the waterflood stage of the three-phase flow experiment
(resolution = 1.5 μm; brine:blue, oil:red, gas:yellow, and grains:gray; image size = 0.387 mm × 0.387 mm). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Table 8 which leads to low gas-water imbibition threshold capillary pres-

Statistics indirectly representing frequency of different displacement events
sures making it extremely difficult for water to invade those ele-
taking place during the waterflood and oilflood in the thee-phase flow exper-
iment (Experiment G). ments. Figs. 12(c) and (d) reveal that the oil displaced from neigh-
boring elements may invade gas-filled elements, move gas-oil in-
Waterflood Oilflood
terfaces toward the center of the elements, and in some cases
Displacement Percentage of the Displacement Percentage of the trap the gas through snap-off (i.e., oil-displacing-gas). A three-
event pore volume event pore volume dimensional visualization of a trapped gas cluster surrounded by
water-to-gas 1.43 oil-to-gas 1.08
oil is presented in Fig. S6 in Supplementary material. Gas clusters
water-to-oil 10.77 oil-to-water 6.52
gas-to-oil 1.32 gas-to-water 1.02 displaced by the other two phases can also invade large oil-filled
oil-to-gas 4.69 water-to-gas 0.70 elements (i.e., gas-displacing-oil), as shown in Fig. 12(a) and (b).

4.3.3. Oilflood
during this flow process. One should note that the displaced vol- As mentioned earlier, the waterflood step of the three-phase ex-
ume during these events may not exactly reflect the observed rel- periment was followed by an oilflood. To this end, oil/water and
ative frequency of contact angles even though they are not totally oil/gas fractional flows (i.e., oil/water and oil/gas flow ratios) were
independent. The displaced volume depends on both the relative increased by threefold. Based on the capillary pressure concept, it
frequency of the event and the size of the pore elements in which is expected that the oil starts invading medium-sized water-filled
the event occurs. elements. Gas-oil interfaces may also move due to the decrease in
Fig. 12 shows two-dimensional cross-sectional views of the fluid the gas-oil capillary pressure.
configuration before ((a) and (c)) and after ((b) and (d)) the wa- Statistical analysis and distributions of contact angles are given
terflood. The figure exhibits direct water-to-oil displacements tak- in Table 7 and Fig. 13, respectively. They reveal that oil-water
ing place widely in medium-sized pore elements, whereas direct (Fig. 13(a)) and gas-oil (Fig. 13(b)) contact angle distributions fol-
water-to-gas displacements occurred only in the form of slight in- low the same patterns as those of the receding and advancing
terface movements (rectangular areas). This could be explained by distributions obtained in the two-phase experiments (Table 6 and
higher interfacial tension of gas-water compared to oil-water as Figs. 7(a) and (b)). This means that the processes were drainage
well as tendency of the gas phase to reside in large elements, and imbibition, respectively. The gas-water contact angle distribu-
M. Khishvand et al. / Advances in Water Resources 97 (2016) 279–298 295

Table 9
Oil-water contact angle-Oilflood Comparison between the predicted (using the Bartell–Osterhoff constraint) and in-
Receding oil-water contact angle-
situ measured contact angles during secondary gas injection, waterflood, and oil-
Average oil-water contact angle- flood.
Average receding oil-water contact Oil-water angle Gas-oil angle Gas-water angle
(secondary gas injection) (waterflood) (oilflood)

Measured Predicted Measured Predicted Measured Predicted

48 42 44 40 44 43


Analysis of the displacement events by examining two-

dimensional cross-sectional views of the fluid configurations be-
fore and after the oilflood supported our argument regarding oil-
to-water and oil-to-gas displacements (circles and triangles, re-
spectively, in Figs. 14(a) and (b)). However, the number of oil-
displacing-gas events were not significant as gas was already partly
trapped in the previous waterflood step. Very few water-to-gas and
gas-to-water displacements were also observed in the micro-CT
images, but they did not result in major interface movements in
Gas-oil contact angle-Oilflood
Advancing gas-oil contact angle- pore elements (squared areas in Figs. 14(c) and (d)). Gas either was
Average gas-oil contact angle-
trapped and/or resided in large elements after the waterflood and
Oilflood could hardly be displaced by water. These observations are sup-
Average advancing gas-oil contact
angle-Ternary-equilibrated ported by the statistics in Table 8 as well.
The interfacial movements can be explained by the balance
of the rock-fluid and fluid-fluid interfacial forces in the pore
space, which provides constraints for the shape of fluid interfaces
and contact angles during each displacement event (Blunt, 2001).
The force balance can be further investigated using the Bartell–
Osterhoff constraint, as presented in the next section.

4.3.4. Bartell–Osterhoff constraint

The horizontal force balance of rock-fluid and fluid-fluid inter-
facial tensions for a given pair of fluids residing on a solid sur-
face is determined by the Young equation. In the context of three-
phase flow, the Young equation can be written for three two-
phase systems, i.e., oil-water-solid, gas-oil-solid, and gas-water-
solid, and then the resulting equations can be manipulated and
Gas-water contact angle-
simplified to derive the following constraint, known as the Bartell–
Receding gas-water contact Osterhoff equation, that relates contact angles and interfacial ten-
Advancing gas-water contact sions (Bartell and Osterhoff, 1927; Blunt, 2001; Johnson and Dettre,
Average gas-water contact 1993; Zhou and Blunt, 1997):
Average receding gas-water
contact angle-Ternary-
cos θgw = γgo
cos θgo + γow
cos θow (2)
where θ gw , θ go , and θ ow denote gas-water, gas-oil, and oil-water
Average advancing gas-water
contact angle-Ternary- contact angles, respectively. This equation implies that, in a three-
(c) equilibrated
phase system under thermodynamic equilibrium with known in-
terfacial tensions, only two of the contact angles need to be known
and the third one can be calculated. The Bartell–Osterhoff con-
straint has been used to estimate dependent contact angles (ad-
vancing or receding) in pore-network modeling (Piri and Blunt,
2005a) and to explain the possible wetting orders in three-phase
flow (Sorbie and van Dijke, 2004).
We used the Bartell–Osterhoff equation to estimate oil-water,
gas-oil, and gas-water contact angles during the secondary gas in-
Fig. 13. Contact angle distributions for (a) oil-water, (b) gas-oil, and (c) gas-water jection, waterflood, and oilflood processes, respectively, and then
after the oilflood stage of the three-phase flow experiment (Experiment G). compared the estimated values with the measured counterparts
obtained from the pore-scale images of the present study (Table 9).
The input IFT and contact angle values for Eq. (2) in each case
tion (Fig. 13(c)) was similar to the respective two-phase advanc- were obtained from Tables 2 and 7, respectively. The results given
ing contact angle distribution with a slight shift toward the two- in Table 9 show good agreements between the measured and cal-
phase, gas-water receding distribution. We believe that this shift culated values with some negligible differences, which can be at-
might have happened due to gas-water interface adjustment. In tributed to heterogeneity of the pore space as well as using average
other words, although the gas/water fractional flow was kept con- contact angles instead of pore-by-pore investigation of the Bartell–
stant, gas-water capillary pressure in some pore elements where Osterhoff equation. Based on the above-mentioned agreement, we
gas was trapped increased, and therefore gas-water contact angles believe if one measures pore-scale contact angles in a given ho-
in those elements slightly hinged toward receding values. mogeneous pore element, the values will be consistent with the
296 M. Khishvand et al. / Advances in Water Resources 97 (2016) 279–298

Fig. 14. Two-dimensional cross-sectional views of the fluid configuration before ((a) and (c)) and after ((b) and (d)) the oilflood stage of the three-phase flow experiment
(resolution = 1.5 μm; brine:blue, oil:red, gas:yellow, and grains:gray; image size = 0.372 mm × 0.372 mm). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

values predicted by the Bartell–Osterhoff equation in that specific displacement mechanisms during each flow stage. Based on the
element. analysis of the experimental data, the following remarks are made:

5. Summary and final remarks • For the binary-equilibrated two-phase experiments, the distri-
butions of receding AM and MTM contact angles exhibited sim-
In the present study, we used a custom-built miniature core- ilar trends for each fluid pair. The mean receding contact angles
flooding setup integrated with a high-resolution micro-CT scanner for the oil-water, gas-oil, and gas-water systems were 47, 37,
to map fluid configurations in the pore space of Berea sandstone and 35 degrees, respectively.
and to determine in-situ Arc Meniscus (AM) and Main Terminal • The average hinging contact angles measured during the imbi-
Meniscus (MTM) contact angles directly from micro-CT images. The bition steps of the binary-equilibrated two-phase experiments
contact angle measurements were employed to characterize wet- increased due to increases in the wetting-phase pressure.
tability of the rock. We performed six sets of two-phase and one • Average advancing oil-water, gas-oil, and gas-water contact an-
set of three-phase flow experiments on miniature core samples us- gles for the binary-equilibrated two-phase experiments were
ing a brine/oil/nitrogen fluid system. We purposely selected an oil 57, 47, and 46 degrees, respectively. Differences between the re-
phase that was nonspreading in the presence of brine and nitro- ceding and advancing distributions demonstrated contact angle
gen. For the two-phase flow experiments, each pair of fluids (i.e., hysteresis of approximately 10 degrees.
oil-water, gas-oil, and gas-water) was used to conduct two cycles • The results of the binary- and ternary-equilibrated two-phase
of drainage-imbibition experiments; one cycle when only the two experiments were similar for each fluid pair. This indicates that,
respective fluids were equilibrated prior to use (binary-equilibrated for a nonspreading system with low mutual phase solubility,
test) and the other cycle when all three fluids were equilibrated equilibration with the third phase in the fluid system does not
before using the two desired fluids (ternary-equilibrated test). For impact the wetting characteristics of each fluid pair.
the three-phase experiment set, the water-saturated core sample • During gas injection in the three-phase experiment set, the
was subjected to partial oil drainage followed by gas injection, a oil-water contact angle histogram was similar to the reced-
waterflood, and then an oilflood. In this experiment, the contact ing one of the two-phase oil-water experiment, implying that
angle distributions and pore-scale observations were used to study the majority of displacements involving oil and water were
M. Khishvand et al. / Advances in Water Resources 97 (2016) 279–298 297

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