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Aquino, Ranz Rogelyn I.

December 13, 2023

BSIT 2H Ma’am Sudavee Evangelista

The Role of Critical Thinking in Information Technology Education

Did you know that in 2020 and 2021, around 47 thousand students in the Philippines
chose to study information technology? But why this course though? Actually, good job
opportunities are part of the answer, but there's more to it. Information technology isn't
just about technical skills; it is also a great place to improve critical thinking. In the IT
world, solving problems is more than just fixing a code mistake. It's about thinking
strategically and analytically to tackle challenges.

As Amala Akkineni famously stated, "Critical thinking and curiosity are the keys to
creativity." This inspires us to push ourselves while trying to solve a challenge. As
someone who's not into mathematics, taking this course is very frustrating to me.
However, every time I figure out the correct solution, I'm intrigued by finding out more.

Information technology is like solving a thousand pieces of puzzle. The code is difficult
to read at first, but after you start fitting the pieces together, it becomes much easier.
The excitement makes you eager to see how the puzzle turns out. Likewise, studying
information technology might not be as easy as we think it is because it involves a lot of
computations and mathematical formulas. But the moment you are curious, it makes
you think hard and eventually, it leads to critical thinking. Critical thinking is necessary
for solving a puzzle, just as it is for information technology education.

On a final note, while it is true that IT opens doors to many job opportunities, it's also a
training ground for strength, patience, and problem-solving skills. Just like a puzzle,
challenges would be along the way in this journey of education. But always remember
that this path we're taking will eventually lead us all to a greater personal and intellectual

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