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Elocution Rubrics

Excellent Good Fair Poor

(5-4.5) (4-3.5) (3-2.5) (2-0)
Interpretation Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker commits ___/
of the theme demonstrates demonstrates barely shows complete 5
exemplary understanding understanding misunderstanding
understanding of the of the of the
of the piece piece but piece and piece that actions
through occasionally often uses and body
correct uses inappropriate movements being
gestures and inappropriate actions and employed
body gestures and body are inconsistent.
movements body movements
like facial movements that
expressions affecting affect the
and actions. the meaning of meaning of
the piece. the
Memory Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker commits ___/
demonstrates commits demonstrates frequent 5
exemplary occasional errors in the errors in the
mastery of errors in the delivery delivery
the delivery which affecting the affecting the
piece that are meaning mastery of the
clearly shows evident in the and mastery piece and the
complete complete of the piece. entire
understanding mastery and presentation .
of the piece. understanding
of the
Voice/Poise Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker does not ___/
presents an illustrates barely pay 5
exemplary loud and sustains attention to
loud and convincing the right pitch correct pitch and
convincing voice but and tone. tone with a soft
voice for falters He/ she often voice to
better occasionally in falters in sustain the
understanding the the delivery. attention of the
of delivery. But The speaker audience.
the piece. The occasionally barely Speaker does not
speaker also shows sustains meet the
demonstrates inconsistencies correct requirement of
exemplary of composure, correct
composure, actions and stance and posture and
stance and movements. self stance in the
self confidence. delivery of
confidence in speech.
the delivery

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