Calculations For A Level Physics Lowe T. L Rounce J. F 2002 Che 1

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Text © Trevor Lowe, John Rounce 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002

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Preface iv Section G
How to use this book Vv Electricity and magnetism
20 Direct current circuits 169
Section A 21 Electrostatics 183
Basic ideas 22 Capacitors 189
23 Magnetic forces 197
1 How to approach a calculation i 24 Electromagnetic induction 203
2. Essential mathematics 6
25 Magnetic field calculations 209
3 Units and dimensions IS
26 Alternating currents Pia

Section B
Section H
4 Statics 20 Atomic and nuclear physics
5 Velocity, acceleration and force a2
27 ~Photoelectric emission and atomic
6 Energy, work and power 45
structure hip
7 Linear momentum 54
28 Radioactivity and X rays 226
8 Circular motion 62
29 Nuclear reactions 234
9 Gravitation 69

Section C
Matter Section |
Calculations involving graphs
10 Elasticity 78
30 Graphs and oscilloscope traces Koo>)CO

Section D
Oscillations and waves
Section J
11 Simple harmonic motion 87 Special topics
12 Waves and interference 96
13 Diffraction and the diffraction grating 112 31 Astronomy 250
32 Medical and health physics 262
Section E 33 Rotational dynamics 216,
Geometrical optics
14 Refraction iS)
Section K
15 Thin lenses and the eye 128
16 Optical instruments 137
Further revision questions
34 Miscellaneous questions 280
Section F
Hints for exam questions Zo
17 Thermal properties of matter 141 Answers 302
18 The Ideal gas laws and kinetic theory 153 Appendix 319
19 Ideal gases and thermodynamics 161 Index 320

As a result of the continuing popularity of this The authors are grateful to the Awarding Bodies
book the fourth edition has all the main features that have allowed their questions to be used and
of the earlier editions. Some changes have been extend their thanks to the following:
made to match alterations to the A-level
Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA)
specifications of the national Awarding Bodies,
Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum
and up-to-date examination questions have
Examinations and Assessment (CCEA)
replaced the older ones.
University of London Examinations (Edexcel)
As in the past, A-level students will find Oxford, Cambridge and RSA _ Examinations
Calculations for A-level Physics a valuable aid to (OCR)
their studies. It is designed to help both those Welsh Joint Education Committee (WJEC)
students who are already achieving success in
The abbreviations shown alongside the Awarding
their physics calculations work and those who
Bodies are those used with the questions in this
have less experience or little confidence.
book to indicate their origin. Other terms used
Relevant theory is described for each topic and are ‘part’ to indicate that only part of the
this is accompanied by worked examples. These question has been used, ‘Spec’ for questions from
are followed by practice exercises for that topic. Special level papers and ‘Nuff refers to the
At the end of each chapter is a series of Nuffield examinations of OCR.
examination exercises for which hints and
The answers given and the associated working
answers are provided. These are designed to
and hints are solely the responsibility of the
widen the experience and improve — the
authors, and the Awarding Bodies are in no way
confidence of all students.
responsible for these.
Explanation of the techniques needed for
T L Lowe
handling physics calculations continues to be an
J F Rounce
important part of the book. Chapter 1 shows how
calculation questions are approached and the
mathematics needed for A-level physics is
described in Chapter 2. These two chapters in
particular will help those students who find it
difficult to approach calculations work.
Astronomy, Medical Physics and Rotational
Dynamics are topics which may be offered as
options, by certain Awarding Bodies, and
chapters are devoted to these because of their
special calculations.
An important feature of this book is the inclusion
of recent examination questions. These questions
come from the papers of a whole range of A-
level Awarding Bodies and, together with similar
questions, form the final exercise for each topic
covered. The final chapter comprises
examination questions on topics throughout the
book and especially includes long questions that
involve more than one topic.
For many students it is the calculations of A-level yourself, for example, if you need to study
physics that make the subject difficult. You may optional topics such as Astronomy, Medical
be asking yourself one or more of the following Physics or Rotational Dynamics. If you do,
questions: certain chapters have been allocated specifically
What mathematical skills do I require? for these popular options.
Why do I get stuck so often? Have a look at the list of contents and note the
What are the rules for presenting the calculation? Miscellaneous Questions chapter, which contains
How can I practise calculations with help a mixture of past A-level examination questions
available whenever I need it? that will serve well for your revision when you
have succeeded with other exercises. Turn also to
A good teacher can help with these difficulties but
Tables I and II (page 319) to see what useful
the benefit of Calculations for A-level Physics is
information is given there and don’t forget the
that you can refer to it whenever you need help.
index at the back of the book. This will be
This book contains a vast number of calculations valuable when you need to find the meaning of a
exercises. Even if you are already coping well word or an explanation of a concept.
with calculations you will find plenty of
interesting and informative problems to work on.
In each chapter there are exercises for practice
followed by examination questions, most of
which have featured in recent GCE A-level
The chapters and exercises may be worked
through in order but many students will not want
to use the book in this way. The authors suggest
that you first read the introductory chapters (1 to
3) before exercises are attempted. The exercises
may be attempted in any order but you should
remember that any question may assume
knowledge from earlier chapters. Answers to all
questions are given towards the end of the book
for you to check your work. Obtaining correct
answers is rewarding and builds confidence,
which is important for any future calculation
work. Hints are provided for examination
questions (page 291 on) to help you if you get
stuck. Always try hard for a few minutes to solve
a problem before resorting to hints.
The topics covered here should satisfy almost all
of the calculations needs for an A-level student.
What is important for you is to decide which
topics are not required for the examination that
you intend to sit. These topics can be omitted
and, in particular, you need to get a copy of the
relevant specification for your examination. Ask
Section A
Basic ideas

The resistance R, is chosen so that the bulb is run under

the conditions for which it was designed, i.e. at a power
of 3.0 W.
(a) the current that flows through the bulb under the
design conditions
(b) the resistance of the bulb under these conditions
(c) the total resistance of the circuit
In this chapter a question of the kind found in A- (d) the value of the resistance R,.
level physics examination papers is answered. The Answer
question concerns an electric circuit calculation
(a) Power P=VxI
and, although the physics for such calculations is SOS 6.0567
not discussed until Chapter 20 is reached, you can
learn a lot from the question and its answer. The Hh=§ 3-0
ae 0.50A
answer shows how you can present a calculation ‘ A AOD ow
(b) Resistance R = 7 050 IP
so that it is easily understood by an examiner or
by other people. The comments which follow the . EME
(c) Total resistance ap ah 240
calculation will prepare you for answering all the
(d) Resistance R, = total resistance — bulb resistance
other kinds of calculations you can meet.
— internal resistance
= 2412 =)
Example 1 — an A-level question
A 6.0 V, 3.0 W light bulb is connected in series with a
resistor and a battery as in Fig. 1.1. The battery’s EMF Reading the question
is 12 V and its internal resistance is 8.0 2.
internal resistance = 8.0 02
Don’t be surprised if you have to read a question a
few times to understand it. At first you discover
EMF= 12V
which branch of physics is concerned, perhaps
electricity or mechanics. You ask yourself
whether you have met a similar question before.
resistance Rs
‘Do I recall one or more formulae likely to fit the
light bulb
6.0 V, 3.0 W question?’ “What have I got to work out?’
Fig. 1.1 Circuit diagram for worked example 1 Read the question until it makes sense

The question in our worked example should make e.g. m, and mp for two masses. R, was used for the
you think of a light bulb that would normally be series resistance in our worked example (1). In
used with 6.0 volts across it and would produce Example 3 of Chapter 4 abbreviations 114 and Hz
3.0 joules of heat and light energy per second, i.e. are used for two horizontal forces, similarly V4
its power output is 3.0 watts. The formulae that and Vz for two vertical forces.
might come into your mind are P=V x1, For some quantities many different symbols are
P =V’/R and P =I°R, where P is the power of used. You will find d, s,x, r and other letters used
the bulb, V the voltage across it, J the current
for distances.
through it and R its resistance.
Whatever letters you decide upon you must state
what they are being used for.
Diagrams State what your symbols stand for

You have much less choice with units. The

A diagram contains information that can be seen international agreement known by the name of
at a glance and it can be easier to work from than ‘Systeme International’ (SI) fixes the units you
the lengthy wording of a question. If a diagram is
MUST use and the accepted abbreviations for
not provided with a question or asked for, a them. Examples are the ampere for current and
quick sketch may be worthwhile. Note that the
its abbreviation A, the metre (m) for measuring
question in our example would have been
distances (lengths) and kilogram (kg) for a mass.
complete without the diagram.
A list of the SI units you will meet is given in
Diagrams can be very helpful Table I on page 319. Note that the SI unit for
resistance measurements is the ohm and its
For diagrams you will need to be familiar with
abbreviation is (2 (the Greek letter omega). We
some symbols such as those for the battery, light
have already had an example: 8.00 for the
bulb and resistors that are shown in Fig. 1.1. The
internal resistance of the battery.
lines drawn with arrows on them to represent
forces are another example. It is customary to write units in the singular. So we
see 3 metre rather than 3 metres. You should
Symbols for electric circuits are listed on page
adopt this practice in your calculations. Otherwise
‘metres’ might be mistaken for ‘metre 9s’
(interpreted as ‘metre second’). However, in text,
the plural is acceptable because it makes more
Symbols for quantities comfortable reading. For example ‘3 joules of
and units heat’ was mentioned above. When abbreviations
are used 3 joule is written as 3J and we certainly
do not put an s after the J here. The J s (joule
You will find in this and other physics books that second) applies to quite a different quantity.
there is a well-established set of abbreviations for
most physics quantities. F for force and R for Write units in the singular in all calculations
resistance are examples. You soon become 3 volt or 3 V, not 3 volts
familiar with them. V is used for potential All the formulae you learn should work with SI
difference (or voltage) and / is used for electric units and all formulae used in this book work
current (‘Intensité de courant’ in French). Greek with SI units.
symbols are often used; the symbol 2 (pronounced
lambda) for wavelength is an example. Formulae work with SI units

Using upper case and lower case letters can Multiples of SI units such as the kilometre (km, a
distinguish between two similar quantities, thousand times a metre) and megawatt (a million
times a watt) may be used when stating the size of
e.g. masses M and m in the formula F = GMm =) a large quantity. Submultiples of the SI units such
in which M could be the mass of the earth and m as the milliampere (a thousandth of an ampere)
the mass of a satellite pulled towards the earth or a centimetre (one hundredth of a metre) may
with a force F. Subscripts serve the same purpose, be convenient for describing small quantities.

1 kilovolt = 1000 x 1 volt = 1000 volt, our example the diagram is already there so we
or LkV = 1000V move on to choosing an equation for part (a) of
and the answer.
1 milliampere = 1 ampere/1000
pig enrol Equations you might think of that relate the
or 1000 ampere, or 1mA= 1000 A
current (J) we want to calculate to the voltage
A list of the multiples and submultiples that you (V), power (P) and resistance (R) are R=V/I
can use is shown in Table H on page 319. and P= VI, and you may know P=V7’/R and
ja EN
A symbol placed before a unit to make it into a
multiple or submultiple is a ‘prefix’ and it is fitted Consider relevant formulae
to the front of the unit with no gap. A gap must Note that we usually leave out multiplying signs
be used when a unit is made up of other units. and write P = VI instead of P=V x TJ as long as
Thus a newton metre is written as Nm. A gap no confusion results. When values are inserted
between the m and s in ‘m s’ causes the unit to for V and J the x must be used. Otherwise a
read as ‘metre second’ whereas ‘ms’ denotes product like 240 x 2 would become 2402 instead
‘millisecond’, the ‘m’ for milli being a prefix. of 480.
2ms means 2 millisecond, but 2ms means
Multiplying signs between symbols can be left out
2 metre second
Regarding the formula R=V/I, you can
If the values you put into a formula are
Tearranee sit (On cetay = kot 7) is
measurements in SI units the answer you will get
rearranging is called ‘transposition’ and the rules
is in SI units. In the worked example the figures
for this are explained in Chapter 2. Similarly we
given (the data) are all for measurements in
can get J = P/V as a second formula for J. You
whole SI units, namely volts, watts and ohms.
might wonder which of these formulae for
Otherwise it is advisable to convert a value given
current is suitable for our part (a) answer. The
as a multiple or submultiple into a value in whole
one to choose is:] = P/V on Pi where ius
SI units, as explained in Chapter 3.
the current through the bulb, P is the power of
You may decide to do a calculation using a the bulb and Vis the voltage across the bulb.
multiple or submultiple of a unit but you have to
So the answer is J = 3.0 = (050A,
be very sure of what you are doing and of what 6.0
units will apply to the answer you get for your Select an appropriate formula
calculation. It is safer to work in whole SI units.
The formula / = V/R would be suitable if V were
Whatever units are used you must show the units the voltage across the bulb and R its resistance,
in your working. For every item you work out but we don’t know the value of this resistance.
you must show the unit. So in our worked There could be a temptation to put into this
example, at the end of the calculation for part (a) formula whatever resistance value is available,
of our answer we see the symbol A for ampere. It namely the 8.0 internal resistance of the
can be very cumbersome to insert the unit for battery and this would be quite wrong.
every quantity every time it is used. So in part (d)
of the calculation you see ‘= 24 — 12 — 8’ without For any formula remember the conditions under
any 2 signs, but the unit is shown with the final which it works
resistance of 49). 50 for patt(a)weuse Pi 7 ore Py:
Show the unit with each quantity calculated Rearranging the P = VI formula for P to get the
formula J = P/V is very easy and quick to do.
Getting an answer Formulae needed in some questions can be more
tedious to transpose and, if the values that are to
be put into the equation are not too complicated,
When you have read the question, or even as you it is best to start by entering the data in the
are reading it, your aim should be to rewrite the formula you remember. Transposition is delayed
question’s information, perhaps first as a labelled until the calculation has achieved some
diagram and then as one or more equations. In simplification. In our worked example the

equations are simple, as are the values to go into

them, so there is little to choose between
entering data first or rearranging equations first.
When an equation is complicated consider
Fig. 1.2 Acalculation displayed on a VPAM calculator
entering values before rearranging the equation

Write your answer as a series of equations. These selecting the ‘scientific mode’ and clearing the
may be linked by words of explanation and the screen for another calculation are described in
symbol ‘.*.’ which stands for ‘therefore’ or ‘it Chapter 2.
follows that’ is particularly useful. It was used in From the answer displayed as 1.200"' you get the
part (a) of our answer. In place of several expected answer of 12 by multiplying the 1.200 by
equations one equation can often be continued 10. If the two small figures were 02 you would
through a number of steps, as in part (b), where multiply by 10 a second time, 03 a third time to
we see R = V /I = 6.0/0.50 = 120) instead of give 1200. When the small figures are 11, for
R=V/I example, multiplying by 10 eleven times would be
R = 6.0/0.5 inconvenient and this is one reason for keeping
R=129. the 1.200 and, as explained in Chapter 2, we then
write 1.200 x 10! instead of 1.200".
Write a calculation as a series of equations

Using your calculator ‘I’m stuck’

How often do you hear these despairing words

It is assumed that you have an _ electronic
when a calculation question is tried? Even when
calculator which has keys for sin, cos and tan (for
you have a good knowledge of physics and the
use with angles) and for the log of a number.
appropriate maths you can get stuck.
These keys and others on such a ‘scientific’
calculator are essential for A-level physics You might then read the question again and ask
calculations. Some calculators conform to the yourself:
“VPAM’ specifications and display not just the
e Does the question fit what I have been trying
last number you have entered or an answer but
to do?
show all the values and the operations (such as
e Is there a diagram I could draw?
adding and multiplying) that you have keyed in.
e Have I pictured the situation described by the
The answer is then displayed as well when you
question or have I had in my mind a circuit
press the equals key.
without a battery or other voltage supply?
So to work out 6.0/0.50 in part (b) of the worked e Have I missed an equation that is needed?
example, you remember that 6.0/0.50 is the same Perhaps it is in the list provided with the
as 6.0 + 0.50 and key in 6.0 +0.50 = and the exam paper.
calculator display is exactly as shown in Fig. 1.2 e Are there words in the question that I have
or is the same except that the 1.200 "' answer is disregarded, perhaps ‘in series’ in our
replaced by 12. or by 12.0000 and the number of example? If a diagram had not been provided
noughts (zeros) may be _ different. The it would have been essential to appreciate
differences are the result of the calculator having that ‘in series’ meant that the circuit
a number of different ‘modes, i.e. ways of components formed a single loop.
working. The mode we want to use is the
‘scientific mode’ and it is this mode that gives the
A word like ‘series’ can make a lot of difference to
display shown in Fig. 1.2. a calculation. It is a key word. Similar key words
often met are ‘smooth’, ‘slowly’ and ‘steady’. In
Advice given in this book for calculator use will mechanics questions a ‘smooth surface’ is one
apply to the Casio fx-83WA calculator. The that is so smooth that it cannot provide any force
procedure for switching on this calculator, parallel to its surface. So a smooth floor can push
upwards and prevent a person falling but cannot

provide a force to stop sliding. An object ‘raised

slowly’ means it rises so slowly that it has no Good luck
kinetic energy and gains only gravitational
potential energy. A ‘steady speed’ means no We all make silly mistakes sometimes, so never
change in speed. get too disappointed. Rough checks are
If at first you don’t succeed... mentioned in Chapter 2 and these will minimise
errors. Hurrying encourages errors, of course.
Leaving a question and returning to it can waste
time but may give you a fresh view of a problem
and lead to a successful answer. So take care and
good luck with your calculations!
Essential mathematics

Expressions and write 1+2 or 1/2 or 2 Half is part of a whole

seams ai
one, soitisa fraction.

3 divided by 6 also equals a half, so that := 17

An expression is a combination of numbers and This illustrates that multiplying or dividing the
symbols. Simple examples are the sum 3 + 2, the
top (the numerator) AND the bottom (the
difference 3 — 2 and the product 3 x 2. denominator) of a fraction by the same number
In any expression the order of multiplication or
does not change its value, e.g. A = !: ;= >.
adding is not important,
eg. 3X2=3xX2 and2+7=7 +2. A number multiplying a fraction multiplies just
The order of subtraction DOES matter, e.g. 3 — 2 the numerator, and a number dividing a fraction
is not the same as 2 — 3. multiplies the denominator, e.g.

Alphabetical symbols are used to represent 1

numbers either for convenience or because the |=
N POIs |
number is not yet known.
An equation shows that two expressions have Note that a fraction ‘of a number means the
equal size or value, e.g.3 +2 =4+1orx =7. fraction ‘times’ the number, e.g. ‘a quarter of 3’

A quantity is a number or a measurement. A means F < 3 which is 3.

measurement is a number times a unit, e.g. 3
‘of’ means ‘times’
times a metre or 3 metre. (Note that units used
in calculations are written in the singular.) To multiply a fraction by a fraction the
numerators are multiplied and the denominators
Abbreviations are used for units, e.g. m for metre.
are multiplied, e.g.
The ‘Systeme International’ (SI) specifies the
symbols to be used for units. Units are discussed
in Chapter 3.
A formula is an equation which shows how a
10* 37 30= (49)
quantity on the left may be calculated by Simplifying an expression means to rewrite it with
inserting values of quantities on the right, e.g. smaller numbers or fewer numbers, e.g. S above
area = length x width orA =L x w.
Note that a x sign is usually omitted if no was simplified to < and also equals 3
confusion will result, e.g. A= Lw, and
Reducing two numbers in an expression, as in the
3a means 3 Xa.
18/30 fraction above, is called ‘cancelling’. So too
is the removal of two numbers, as in 99K S
Fractions Ete ae)
eee 93a : She
hich simplifies to a
which 97x which equals —
A half is obtained by sharing one (equally) Cancelling in equations is discussed later.
between two or dividing 1 by 2. For a half we Cancelling units features in Chapter 3.

Simplifying may be useful when a fraction has (8 + 4x)

been divided by a fraction, e.g. is the same as which equals 4 + 2x. But
4 2
x nine :
8+ > equals 8 + 2x.

PE Oo 18 1 3 When two bracketed expressions multiply the rule

The reciprocal of a fraction is obtained by turning
the faction upside down. So the reciprocal of 2/3 is (a+b)(c +d) =ac+ad
+be + bd (2.3)
3/2. The reciprocal of a simple number e.g. of 7
You can test this rule with simple numbers.
(which can be written as 7/1) is 1/7.
The reciprocal of 2/3 is 3/2 and of 7 is 1/7
Working with + and —
If multiplying brackets contain differences we
‘per’ means ‘for each’ and ‘cent’ denotes 100, so 50 need rules concerning the effect of a — sign
percent (written as 50%) means 50 for each 100 or before a number, i.e. a negative number. The
50 out of each hundred, i.e. a fraction 50/100 or a rule is that two negative numbers give a positive
half. So p% means a fraction, fone of ymeans product (— times — gives+), — times + gives —,
and + times + gives +. (Note here that a number
2S Oe
100 x y, and a fraction 5 100° so that with no + or — before it is regarded as +.) So
using equation 2.3 (3—2)(7—3) could be
written as 21 —-9—14+6.
p= rae 100 (2.1)
A similar rule applies to sums and differences.
For example, the heat in joules required to warm
These facts are best recalled by remembering that
a kilogram of water from temperature 7,” to 10°
1 50
50% means 2)or 700° is 4200(10 — 7,) and for 7, = 9° equals 4200, but
if T; = —9° we have 4200(10 — —9) and the ——
must give + to give a 19° temperature rise.

Using brackets The rules are

—— gives +) —-t Or + olves rt elves +

ax(b+c) or a(b+c) can be rewritten as
ab +ac. So 3(5 + 2), for example, means 3 times
the sum of 5+ 2. The multiplication or other Your calculator
action applied to a bracketed expression applies
to everything within the brackets. So 3(5 +2) For A-level physics calculations you need an
(yiichmeismo accor cli 35> pluss3 <:2 “Or electronic calculator, and it should be a scientific
i>. 6: one so that it will handle, for example, the
powers, logarithms, sines and cosines explained
a(b +c) =ab +ac (2.2) later in this chapter. This book describes the use
of the Casio fx-83WA calculator. Other
Numbers that are multiplying are called factors calculators are similar.
and in the expression ab + ac the a is a factor of
both ab and ac. It is ‘common’ to both. Taking Your fx-83WA is switched on by pressing the AC/
out a common factor is the reverse of the process ON key.
described above. ab + ac becomes a(b + c). The calculator has a number of different ways of
working, i.e. different modes, and pressing the
In a fraction such as cae the dividing line shows MODE key (near top right of the keypad) three
that 2 divides both the 8 and the 4x and the effect times will show you the choice of modes.

Now use the MODE key again and press | when number, then the equation will remain true if the
‘Comp’ is displayed to select that, then 1 when same is done to the other side.
‘Deg’ is displayed to select degrees for angles
Examples are
(discussed later), and finally 2 when ‘Sci’ is
displayed to get scientific mode (soon to be e x+2=5 gives x=5-—2 by subtracting 2
explained). In response to your selecting scientific from each side, i.e.x =3
mode you are asked to enter a number; you e 4x = 8 givesx = 2 when each side is divided by
should enter 4. As a result the four-figure answer 4
of 4.000 is obtained in the following calculation. e 6 =4 orx = 4/6 can be written as 3x = 2 or
Now you can test the calculator by pressing the AC/
ON key to clear the screen, then entering, for e <= 7 becomes x = 14 by multiplying both
example, 8 x 0.5 = . Your 8 x 0.5 to be calculated sides by 2.
is shown on the screen and the answer is displayed
on the right as 4.000, a four-figure answer.
Example 1
Now try 7x 3=. Your answer is 2.100. You
Calculate the time for which an electric heater must be
expected 21 or 21.00? Well, you are using
run to produce 7200 joules of heat if the potential
scientific mode, which will be very useful. Just
difference across the heater is 12 volts and the current
multiply the 2.100 by 10, i.e. move the decimal
flowing is 2.5 amperes.
point one place to the right. Do this only once as
the | in the small 01 on the right indicates. You Answer
now have 21.00. (2.100°" would indicate The formula usually learnt is ‘heat produced in
2:100°X% 10 x 10:) joules = Vir where V is the potential difference in
volts, / is the current in amperes and ¢ is the time in
Dividing, adding and subtracting are achieved in
the same way but using the +, + and — keys.
200 ae ear
Some care is needed with dividing.
7200 =30 Xt
9.1 On
Consider This is the same as Dividing both sides by 30 (or moving the 30 to the left-
POAT” as:
DIVIDED by 4.7, as explained above. So the EMO
hand side where it will divide) we get 0S t which
calculator entry should be 9.1 + 3.5 = 4.7.
can be rewritten as ¢= 2200.
An example of another difficulty is
211 + 3.79’ t = 240 second or 4 minute
where you could unintentionally get the answer
(The .. symbol denotes the word ‘therefore’ or ‘it
9.34 follows that.’)
for + 3.79. The simplest procedure is to use
the calculator for 2.11+ 3.79 to get 5.90, clear
the calculator, then use 9.34 + 5.90 to get 1.583.
Alternatively, if you know how to use it, the Cancelling in an equation
calculator’s memory can help.
Brackets are handled by the calculator just as you Simplifying or removing a pair of numbers in an
would expect. For example, entering 6(2 + 3) = equation is called cancelling. In the equation
gives the answer 3.000"! meaning 30.00 or 30. 3(2x + 3) = 3(x + 5) the threes cancel when both
sides of the equation are divided by 3. If Example
1 above had been 7200=12x2xt and you
Simple rules for handling noticed that 12 divides nicely into 72 you might
have divided both sides of the equation by 12 (it
equations would still be true). You would get 600 = 2r so
that ¢= 300s.
If the whole of one side of an equation is Simplifying 3.14.+5=44+45 to 31x=44 is
multiplied, divided, added to or reduced by any also an example of cancelling.

Solving an equation with If doubling x halves y, or vice versa, we have

‘inverse proportionality’ and x = k/y or x « k/y or
two unknowns x x 1/y. Consequently

Solving means discovering the value of a quantity. if x« 1/y then “1 = 32 6, XY =X2)2

J x2
Suppose a rectangular block of material measures (2.6)
2.0m by 3.0m by 1.0m and has a mass of 15 000 kg
and we want to calculate its density. The term ‘ratio’ refers to a comparison of two
quantities and is usually expressed as a fraction,
The formula for density is p = mass M
,»SO cP ete allow Ol ago iieites lengtite tO s(i-e.
volume V ‘compared with’) a 2 metre length is 3 to 2, or 3:2
that p =
15 000
V or 3/2. Two quantities that are proportional are

This equation contains two unknown quantities, in constant ratio. For j y = kx the ratio ae
s k.
namely p and V, and as it stands cannot give a
value for p. Further information is needed,
another equation. Exponents
We have the formula for V which is V = length x
width x depth. a’ means a X a, a means a x a X a, etc., so that

Va 0 3:.0'< 1.0 = 6.0 cubic metre

10*=100 and 10° = 1000, etc. The small
superscript numbers are called exponents or
This value for V can be substituted in the formula indices or powers. The number below an index is
for p. the base and the base and exponent together can
_ 15000 be called a power.
6.0 When two numbers with exponents are multiplied
p = 2500 kilogram per cubic metre their exponents add. So 107 x 10° (= 10 x 10 x
LO e101 0m
An equation with two unknowns has been solved
for d by having a second equation that provides a When two numbers divide their exponents subtract
value for V to be substituted in the first so that 10°/107 = 10°~* = 10! or simply 10.
a’ x ao =al?t? (2.7)

Proportionality aia =a" © (2.8)

Note that 10° = 1, e.g. 107/10° = 10?~* or 10° but
Two quantities, say x and y, are proportional if clearly equals 1.
doubling x causes y to double and tripling x
triples y, etc. We then write xy and the The reciprocal of a number with an exponent is
equation x = ky must be obeyed, the k being a obtained by putting a — sign before the exponent.
constant (unaffected by the values of x and y). For example, the reciprocal of 107 (= 1/10°
Also of course y x x. = 10°/10* = 10°-7) = 10°.

If x « y then x = ky (2.4)
a®=landa '!=

Ifx changes from x; tox) causing y to change from

Another useful fact is
y, to yp then, ifx and y are proportional,
(ay =a’ (2.9)
For example, (10°)? = 10°.

A root of a number when multiplied by itself,

perhaps more than once, gives the number Hitegts
concerned,e.g. the fourth root of 16 (ton as
16) is 2 because 2x2x2x2 or 2*=16, or
/16 x 7/16 x VW16 x 716= 16.

A second root is called a square root and a third

root is called a cube root. The 2 at the front of a
square root is usually omitted.
For example,
Righ 2s Exponential graphs involving e
V9 =3 and V3 =
e can be very useful as the base for logarithms, as
p 0.5 0.5
When you consider that x"? x x" =x or x and
explained later in this chapter.
also \/x x ./x =x you can see the rule that
Powers of ten and
2 = Je
standard form
Similarly ¢/x= x'/", e.g. W/16 = 16!" = 16", and
your calculator (see below)will tell you that this A large number like 1000000000 is more
equals 2. conveniently written as 10’, ie. as a power of 10.
Similarly 0.00001 (= 1/100000) = 10°°0.007 =
Note that
7 x 10° and 70000 = 7 x 10°.
= v/a x /b (2.10) Writing a number with a power of 10 overcomes a
difficulty. For example 70000 implies a number
so that /4 x 9 = V4 x /9 =2 x 3 = 6 and, even known to be exactly 70000, not even 70001. Very
more usefully, few physics measurements would be so precise.
There would be some experimental error so that
perhaps only the 7 and first two zeros are reliably
V4 x 10° = 4x V106
=2 x 10°
known. We can then write 7.00 x 10*. This
number is said to be in ‘standard form’ because it
is written with one digit only (the 7) in front of
The exponential function the decimal point and shows the appropriate
number of digits after the decimal point as well
as the correct power of 10.
This is a number close to 2.718, which is always
In standard form write 3456 as 3.456 x 10°
denoted by e and which has the property that a
graph of y =e’ has, at any point on it, a slope The scientific mode on your calculator gives
equal to the value of y for that point. This is answers in standard form. An answer displayed
illustrated in Fig. 2.1a. as 2.100°', as mentioned earlier, is of course
using the small figures to show the power of 10
This property is also possessed by y = e * and by
and should be read as 2.100 x 10'. Similarly
y=e “© except that the slope is negative (see
Fig. 2.1b) so y = —slope. This last equation can
1.234'* means 1.234 x 10”.
be written as

ye xe ory=yer
whereyo is the value of ywhen x = 0.
If 10° =x then L is called the logarithm of x or,
This relationship applies, for example, to more exactly, the logarithm to the base 10 of x.
radioactive decay in Chapter 28.
Exponential graphs are discussed in Chapter 30.

For example 10° = 1000 so that log (to the base below the length. This means that a measurement
10) of 1000 is 3. of say 23.3 centimetre may be too high or too
We write log,, 1000 = 3. low (i.e. inaccurate) by an amount (e.g. 0.05 cm)
If the base is not specified then we assume it to be
corresponding to half the spacing of the markings.
So the uncertainty is + or —0.05 cm (absolute
10, so that log 2 is taken to mean logy, 2.
uncertainty) and we record 23.3 + 0.05 cm.
The exponential function e is quite often used as
the base for logarithms and log, is described as We can also express the uncertainty as a
the natural logarithm and is denoted by In. So percentage of the measurement. The 0.05 as a %
log. 7.388 or In 7.388 is 2 because e? = 7.388.
Since x =10'8* and e’? =10 we have of 233 is 2:95 x 100% or 0.2146%, but 0.2 is
a (ean: = e3 log x 23.3
, which means that near enough for indicating error, so we have
2 oeSee. 7G
Inx = 2.3 logx (a very useful rule) (2.11)
The uncertainty in a measurement may also be
Other useful rules for handling logarithms are indicated by simply limiting the number of digits
used for the recorded value. 53.3 will be regarded
logab = loga + logb (2.12) as having a + possible error that would take
ie loga — logb the right hand 3 digit halfway up towards 4 or
down towards 2. This is the same as £0.05 in our
and_ loga’ = bloga (2.13) The 53.3 is described as comprising three
‘significant figures,’ the 5, 3 and 3.
so log (1000 x 100) = log 1000 + log 100
=3.-2=5 A 0 in front of 53.3 would serve no purpose, the 0 at
and log 100° = 3 x log 100 =3 x 2=6. the front of 0.4 serves to emphasize the presence of
the decimal point and the 00 in the number 0.004
Powers and logs on your acts aS a spacer to show that the 4 means 4
thousandths, these zeros all being examples of
calculator figures that are NOT significant. Thus 0.00453
has three significant figures, 0.004 530 has four.
To obtain the square root of a number on your fx- When it was recommended that you set your
83WA calculator you use the V key. Entering calculator to scientific mode (Sci) and follow this
AC V 4= produces the answer 2. If you had an by keying in a number 4 you were choosing
answer of 4 displayed after some calculation (or press answers to be limited to four significant figures
4 and =) you could then press the V_ key and get 2. (sig figs).
For 5° or 5° enter the 5 first, press the = key and
In your calculations you must not give an answer
then use x’ or x’.
that suggests a very inappropriate accuracy. For
The x key allows a number like 2.1° to be a simple rule never let an answer have more sig
calculated using the keys 2.1 x’ 5 =, which gives figs than any value used in the calculation. This
4.084" or 40.84. usually means that you will shorten your final
A most important key is the one marked EXP. Its answers to two sig figs. During your calculation
effect is ‘x 10 to the power of,’ so that4 EXP 2 = shorten any longer numbers to four sig figs and
gives ‘an answer of 4 x 10° or 400, and 4.000” is limit your calculator to four sig fig answers.
Note that a number like 2.371 is reduced to two
sig figs as 2.4 rather than 2.3, because 2.4 is
Uncertainties closer to the 2.371. We have ‘rounded’ up. For a
number like 3.65, which is half way between 3.6
When a length is measured with a metre rule the and 3.7, the practice is to round up, i.e. write 3.7
reading is taken of the nearest marking above or for the two sig fig value.


will of course be infinitely small too but dx/6¢ will

Calculus notation tell us the velocity at exactly time ¢. The value of
ox/St when o¢ is infinitely small (approaching
An increase in a quantity e.g. in time f, can be zero) is written as dx/dt dt + 0 or more briefly as
denoted by Ar (pronounced ‘delta 7?) and, in the dx/dt (‘deex by deer’).
branch of mathematics called calculus, a very For most purposes a physics student need not
small increase in t is denoted by or (also ‘delta 7’). (but should) distinguish between 6x/dt and dx/d¢.
The change or, may be associated with a change in So dy/dt denotes rate of change ofx with change
a quantity e.g. displacement x and this change ox of t. If it so happens that dx/df = constant (a
will necessarily be very small because of the velocity for example might be constant) then
smallness of dt. dx divided by or, Le. dx/dt, then dx/dt = any distanée/time taken.
tells us the velocity (the rate of change of
(To specify a velocity at a precise time f and not an Some rules of geometry
average value at around the time ¢ we need to
have ox for a time of with or infinitely small. dx
Angles may be measured either in degrees (one
180° or az rad
revolution is 360 degrees (360°)) or in radians
(rad), whose size is such that 2zrad equals one
revolution. Some useful facts about angles are
shown in Fig. 2.2.
1 rad or approximately 57

Pythagoras’ theorem
In a right-angled triangle (Fig. 2.3) the longest
side (the hypotenuse) has a length c related to
Lo? Opposite angles
a are equal the lengths a and b by
90° or 2 rad

(o\ a |
g b
; Pg lines

Corresponding angles are equal

ae 5cm 4cm 5
Parallel lines

3cm 12

Fig.2.3 Right-angled triangles

Alternate angles are equal

Well-known examples of right-angled triangles

are the 3, 4, 5 and 5, 12, 13 triangles shown in
Fig 23:

a+B+y= 180° Isosceles and equilateral triangles

+ B’ +c’ = 360°
p= a + y (exterior angle = sum of opposite interior angles) The isosceles triangle has two sides of equal
length and so two of the angles are equal
Fig. 2.2 Useful information concerning angles
(Fig 2.4a).


An equilateral triangle has three sides of equal Longest side is hypotenuse Length of side opposite to @
length and each angle equals 60° (Fig. 2.4b).

(a) Isosceles triangle (b) Equilateral triangle

Lo b sin 0 = a/c
cos 6 = b/c
Length of adjacent side tan 6 = a/b

Fig.2.6 Trigonometrical ratios

The most useful ratios are


sine 0 (or sin@) =a/c (2.16)

Fig. 2.4 Isosceles and equilateral triangles
cosine @ (or cos 0) = b/c (2.17)
tangent 0 (or tan () =a/b (2.18)
Some properties of circles, discs
and spheres For a given @ (in degrees or radians) we can get
sin@, cos@, etc. using suitable electronic
The circumference of a circle is 2xr (where r is its
calculators or tables and similarly can deduce @
radius) or z times the diameter. The value of z is
from any given trigonometrical ratio.
3.142 or 22/7. A disc’s area is mr*. For spheres
volume = 4zr°/3 and surface area = 4nr°.
Small angles
As shown in Fig. 2.5a, an angle of 1 radian For a small angle (@ about 5° or less),
subtends, at any radius r, an arc equal to a tan@0=sin=@ in radians and cos@=1, to better
fraction 1/2x of the circumference, Le. it than 1%. (‘= denotes ‘approximtely equals’.)
subtends an arc of length r.
Large angles
(a) Arc = radius for (b) Angle @ = arc/radius
1 radian For .6= 90° sin? = Ie cosi? = 0 and) tan bi— co,
For 0 > 90°, we can still use sin 6, cos 0, etc. 1f we
apply suitable rules as illustrated in Fig. 2.7a.

Radius r

Fig.2.5 Using radians

The size of any angle in radians equals the arc it

subtends divided by the radius (Fig. 2.5b).

arc (2.15)

Trigonometrical ratios
The size of any angle 6 can be specified by imagining
it to be part of a right-angled triangle and then
describing the resulting shape of the triangle as
shown in Fig. 2.6. For example when @ = 60°, the
ratio of the adjacent side to the hypotenuse is 3. So
b/c, which we call cosine 6, is 0.5. Fig. 2.7 Trigonometrical ratios for large angles


This shows that a negative sign must be given to

an opposite side that is below the horizontal axis
Quadratic equations
and to an adjacent side if it is to the left, e.g.
=) = (58 (same as tan30). The An equation having the form Ax’ +Bx+C=0is
fan) —
ye called a quadratic equation, the A, B and C being
relationship between sin@ and @ is shown as a fixed numbers. Examples are 3x° + 9x + 5 = 0, or
graph in Fig. 2.7b. (with A = 1, B =0,C = —4),x° —4=0.
Any quadratic equation can be solved for the
Trig ratios on your unknown using the formula

r= ae (2.21)

Your fx-83WA calculator has keys for sin, cos and

tan. These are used in the way described earlier so that for 3x°+%+5=0 we get
for the V_ key. ~9+ /92-—4x3x5
which simplifies to
The SHIFT key (top left of the keypad) allows you 2x3
to obtain a function indicated above the key. The pate! = V21 1.5 £0.7638.
sin key has sin | marked above it and so it is this )

key to use when, for example, you want to find the So there are two possible answers, namely
angle whose sine is 0.5. Apart from having to use —1.5 + 0.7638 and —1.5 — 0.7638, i.e = —0.7362
the SHIFT key the procedure is as for obtaining a and —2.2638.
trig ratio. So AC SHIFT sin '0.5= or AC re te } e
In the case ofx” — 4 = 0, which meansx° = 4, the

0.5 = SHIFTsin | = will give the answer 30°. above formula is not needed. x = 2 or —2.
The cosine rule Note that multiplying brackets in the way
This rule is an extension of the rule (or theorem) explained earlier, if applied to an expression like
of Pythagoras and applies to a triangle of any (x +2)(x+3) will give x*°+5x+6, which is a
shape. It relates the lengths a, b and c of the quadratic equation.
triangle’s sides (see Fig. 2.8).
An important relationship is

(x+a)(x—a)=x*-a’ (22)

Rough checks
c* =a’ +b* —2abcos 0

Fig.2.8 Thecosine rule It is easy to make a mistake in a calculation, by

pressing the wrong key on a calculator for
example. If you wanted to add 3.132 to 0.8401
but accidentally pressed the + key instead of the
+ key you would get 3.728. But you can see at a
glance that the answer should be more than 3.9.
If you have a rough idea of the answer you
Fig.2.9 Thesinerule expect you can eliminate mistakes.
For the expression J978
The sine rule you would
2.202 x 1.461
This rule states that expect an answer not much different from
6 6a e
Seve pS which is 2, When your calculator
sin A sinB sin C 22) gives you 1.841 you believe it. If it gives you 3.930
you've made a mistake (you’ve used a x sign
(see Pigs 2.9); instead of a second +).

Measuring a quantity (force in the example used here): “So! the
dimensions of a quantity are the base quantities
from which it is made up in the same way that
When a length is measured as 7 feet it means 7 the dimensions of a box would be length, width
times the length of a foot. What is measured (i.e. and depth of the box.
the quantity) consists of a number (7) multiplied
Square brackets are used to indicate ‘the
by the chosen unit (foot, metre, etc.).
dimensions of and the symbols M, L and T are
used to denote mass, length and time when we
Fundamental and derived are dealing with dimensions. Thus the dimensions
of a force are M, L and T° and we can write
quantities [Fl=MLT
(An identity sign = may be used in place of the
Several quantities, like mass, length, time, temper-
equals sign here because the equality is true under
ature, are called fundamental or base quantities
all circumstances, not just for particular values of
while others are derived from these. One example
the quantities concerned.)
of a derived quantity is a velocity which is a
length divided by a time. To decide the dimensions of a quantity a definition
or formula for it is usually required. As an
example for a pressure P the formula P = force/
SI units area could be used. It is advisable to be familiar
with the dimensions of force (MLT~*) and then
[Pl=MLT VL = Mier
The SI system was mentioned in Chapter 1.
Some quantities are dimensionless, i.e. their
The system uses seven base units including the dimensions are zero. They are simply numbers,
kilogram (kg), metre (m), and second (s), and all perhaps ratios of similar quantities. An angle is an
other SI units are derived from these: e.g. metre example (an angle in radians equalling an arc
per second for velocity. divided by radius, i.e. a length divided by a length
giving L”). The symbols Q, I, 0 may be used for the
dimensions of charge, current and temperature.

Regardless of the units employed a velocity is Important properties of

always a length divided by a time and a force is
always a mass multiplied by a length and divided
by time squared as seen from F = ma (Equation
5.5, Chapter 5) or F =mv’/r (Equation 8.4, ‘Three pints plus two pints equals five pints’ is
Chapter 8). We write always true but ‘three pints plus two kilograms
equals ...’ is meaningless in an equation since all
[Force] = mass x length/time* or of the terms in an equation must have the same
mass x length x time~
dimensions, i.e. each must be the same kind of
The multiplying quantities (mass, length and time quantity. This fact can be useful for checking
here) are the ‘dimensions’ of the derived quantity equations.


The dimensions of a unit must be the same as Answer C is also a force divided by an area by definition
those of the quantity to which it applies. So in of pressure.
place of Now for D we look for a definition of formula
concerning potential energy.
[F] =MLT~’
PE =mgh or PE =work done in lifting = weight x
we can write height may be useful.
[newton] = [kilogram] [metre] [second] ~ mgh has dimensions M(LT *)L and, more easily,
weight x height has dimensions (MLT ~)L. Dividing
or [N] = [kg] [m] [s]° either expression by volume (L*) we get ML~ ie
and kgms ~ is a suitable unit for any force.
So for D the dimensions are also ML~'T~° and the
(In fact the definition of the newton means that different answer must be E (where torque = force x
one newton corresponds to ONE kilogram and distance, see Chapter 33, page 274, and has dimensions
iis -sal Nl Kons)
(MLT *)L or ML°T~ confirming our answer).
Example 1
What are the dimensions of (a) force, (b) moment,
(c) work, (d) pressure?
Example 3
Which of the following units could be used for
We need to relate each of these quantities to quantities capacitance?
whose dimensions are known.
A kem*sGC B kemas©
(a) Force = Mass x Acceleration C ken te D) ker gsc,
BE ke ms GC
[F] = x fs or MLT
(b) Moment = Force x Perpendicular distance
Some relationships that might be useful are
~. [Moment] =MLT*xL or ML?T~?*
capacitance C = Q/V
(c) [Work] = [Force x Distance] = MLT * x L
IE and icy? =work done (or energy stored): see
Chapter 22.
(d) Pressure — Farce
Neither of these formulae gives an immediate answer
p=“ oe because the volt for V does not appear in the answers
work done =_ force x distance
eM re (byiMLeT N =
(c) ML?T~ (dui bele el charge moved charge
and a suitable unit for V (using C for coulomb now) is
Example 2 kgms~ eee
a or kg tS co
Which one of the following has different dimensions
from the others? For capacitance we get C/kgm’s’C! or
Oks me <
A stress x strain B_ stress/strain
C pressure D potential energy per unit volume Answer
E torque [O & C 94]

Answer A mentions stress which is defined as force per

unit area while strain has no dimensions because it is the Checking equations and
ratio of increase in length to original length. So A has the
dimensions of stress (F/A or MLT-*/L? or ML*!T~ }. units
Answer B clearly has the same dimensions so we are
looking for an answer whose dimensions are not All terms in an equation must have the same
Mai; dimensions, i.e. it is homogeneous. This can be


useful for checking the correctness of an 2 The force of attraction F between two particles of
equation. For example the lens equation masses m, and my situated a distance d apart is
given by F=Gmjm/d*. Show that the
ie sk
dimensions of Gare M 'L°T~°.
Teg ee f
(see Chapter 15) might, by mistake, be written as 3 The minimum velocity needed for a body to
escape from the earth is given by v = \/(2GM/R)
v eave where M is the mass of the earth and R is its
; +-1l= i
radius. Show that the equation is dimensionally
instead of correct. The dimensions of G are M'L°T ’.

v ey
u ie iy
Conversion of units
The mistake is obvious if dimensions are
considered because v/u and 1 are dimensionless
but 1/f has the dimension L'. Students usually remember conversion factors,
e.g. 1000 for changing metres to millimetres; but
As regards checking units, an example of a unit
it is not always obvious whether to divide or
which is difficult to remember is that for thermal
multiply by a factor. Common sense should be
conductivity, k; see Chapter 17. We need an
used. ‘Am I changing to smaller units? Will I
equation containing k. Now k is given by therefore get more of them?’ 1 metre changed to
smaller millimetre units will become 1000 units.
Heat flow (F) = ce = kA(@, — 0,)/l
A density of 1 gcm™~ (1g per cm? of substance)
will give many more (100° times more) when
whence k = Fl/A (62 — 0,) and the units are
volume is 1m*, ie. 1gcem~ is equivalent to
W x m/(m? x K) or Wm! K71. 10°gm~~. Changing to kg the answer will
become smaller by 1000, i.e. 10° kgm.

Exercise 3.1
Exercise 3.3
1. What are the dimensions of:
(a) density, (b) area, (c) cubic feet per minute, 1 Convert
(d) power? (a) 30kmh ‘toms! (b) 0.01 m° to mm?
2 What are the dimensions of: (c) 400nm to pm (d) 1220000 min! tos!
(a) distance/velocity, (b) force x time, (c) angle 2 The conductance o of a conductor is 0.01071.
moved through per second? Convert this to mQ™!.
3 What are the dimensions of magnetic flux density?
(Chapter 24 gives = BA, PD = Bly, PD = d@/dt
and Chapter 20 gives PD = W/Q.) Equations where
4 The equation relating current / through a
semiconductor diode to the applied potential
conversion factors cancel
difference V at temperature T is
Teil? Consider the Boyle’s law equation
where e is the electron charge and k is the Dilae Pee
Boltzmann constant. What are the dimensions of k?
where p, and V, are initial pressurre and volume of
5 Thesurface tension of a liquid is measured in Nm~ =
a gas and p» and V are new values. Perhaps
What are the dimensions of surface tension?
V, = 3.0m’, withp,= 1.0 atmosphere (1 bar) and
then the pressure is changed to 2.0 atmosphere
Exercise 3.2 (i.e. 2 bar). We are asked to calculate Vp.

All our equations work with SI units. Now

1 Evaluate « and f in the equation E = Cm’v’, 1 bar = 10° SI units of pressure (Nm ° or Pa).
where E is kinetic energy, m is mass, v is velocity
and C is a dimensionless constant. 1.0 x 10° x 3.0 =2.0x 10° x V;


concerned, e.g. 1 mole of ~°U atoms has a mass

» O25 = Bien
But the 10° on each side cancels, so that we get
V, = 1.5m°*, whether p; and p> are in Pa or bar. close to 235 grams. (Note the unfortunate
All that is necessary here is that p; and p> have emphasis on grams not kilograms!)
the same units. 1 mole has a mass ofA grams
A useful example of conversion factors cancelling or the mass per mole (the molar mass) = A gram
is in Chapter 28, Example 1. per mole (g mol _').

An unusual unit-—the mole Weight

Avogadro’s number (Na) is the number of normal ‘Weight’ is a forcévxand the term should be used to
carbon atoms ('C atoms) that together have a describe the force on a body caused by gravity. A
mass of 12 grams. (This is very close to the body’s weight is related to its mass (7m) by the
number of normal hydrogen atoms ('H) having a formula W = mg where g is the acceleration due
mass of | gram.) to gravity (gravitational field strength) of the
Earth. The units for W, m and g will normally be
The mole is one of the base units of the SI system. newton, kilogram and ms ~ (see Equation 5.5)
It is an amount of substance defined not by any and g can be taken as 10ms ~ (see ‘Motion
property of the substance but by the number of under gravity’ in Chapter 5).
particles it contains. This number equals
Avogadro’s number. The term ‘kilogram force’ can be used for the
weight of a 1 kg mass but ‘kg force’ is not an SI unit.
1 mole contains Avogadro’s number of particles.

The particles must be named, e.g. atoms of

oxygen or molecules of oxygen. Exercise 3.4:
Examination questions
The unified atomic mass
1 (a) State what is meant by ‘an equation is
unit homogeneous with respect to its units’.
(b) Show that the equation x=ut+4ar is
homogeneous with respect to its units.
This unit of mass is denoted by the symbol ‘uw’ and
is used for the masses of very small particles such (c) Explain why an equation may be homo-
as atoms. lu is one twelfth of the mass of a geneous with respect to its units but still be
normal carbon atom and is very close to the mass incorrect. [Edexcel 2000]
of a normal hydrogen atom. 2 When a body is moving through a resisting medium
such as air it experiences a drag factor D which
So 1 mole of normal carbon atoms (Na atoms) has opposes the motion. D is given by the expression
amass ofNa x 12u, but Ny of these atoms have a
mass of 12 grams, so Nag x 12u = 12 gram,
meaning that Where p is the density of the resisting medium, A
is the effective cross-sectional area of the body,
i.e. that area perpendicular to its velocity v. C is
lu= | gram
Na called the drag coefficient.
Show that C has no dimensions.
For | mole of substance whose particles each have [WJEC 2000, part]
a mass of A atomic mass units the mass equals
3 Coulomb’s law for the force F between two
Na x A atomic mass units which is Na x A x 1 charges q; and q2, separated by a distance r, may
written as
grams or simplyA grams.
. Na

pe eae
For most purposesA may be taken as equal to the
mass number (see Chapter 28) of the particles where k is a constant.


(a) For the case when force, charge and distance (ii) The value of g is 8.85 x 10°! Fm“.
are expressed in the SI units newton N, Hence obtain the numerical value and
coulomb C and metre m respectively, deduce unit (in terms of farad F and metre m)
a unit for & in terms of N, C and m. of k. [CCEA 2000]
(b) (i) Write down an equation expressing the
relationship between the constant k and
the permittivity of free space é.

Section B


Example 1
Representation of a force
A force is a vector quantity — that is, has
magnitude and direction. We can thus represent
a force by a line in the appropriate direction and
of length proportional to the magnitude of the
force (see Fig. 4.1).

Scale: 1 cm =1N A force of 5.0 N

acting at 30°
to the horizontal

Fig. 4.3 Information for Example 1

-------@~------1----------------- Horizontal
Fig. 4.3 shows two forces acting at a point O. Find the
Fig. 4.1. Representation of a force magnitude and direction of the resultant force.


Addition of forces

Vector quantities such as forces are added using

the parallelogram rule (see Fig. 4.2) — the
resultant is the appropriate diagonal of the
(b) The triangle

Resultant R

(a) Scale drawing

Fig. 4.2 Addition of vectors (e.g. forces) Fig. 4.4 Solution to Example 1


Referring to Fig. 4.4a, we could find the resultant R and Referring to Fig. 4.6 then, in diagram (b):
angle 0 by scale drawing and this is often sufficient.
F* = 10° + 30° = 1000
There are also two ways of accurately calculating the
values required: le — Ae

(i) by use of the sine and cosine rule (see Chapter 2)

as Outlined below
(ii) by calculating the components at right angles of
or () = ile
forces A and B and combining these components
using Pythagoras (see Resolution of forces Answer
section, see page 22).
F is of magnitude 31.6N at an angle of 18.4° to the
Referring to Fig. 4.4b (see Chapter 2) we see that resultant force as shown.
a’ =b? +c’ —2becosA
We have a = R,b = 8.0,c = 5.0 andA = 60°. So Exercise 4.1
R?=8 +57 -2x8x5
x cos60° = 49

To find 0, we know (see Chapter 2)

Ee eet 2
snA sinC
15N 50 N
Wetwve7— 10) A — Oc —5.0iand © — 650

ii = 5 Fig. 4.7 Information for Question 1

sin60° sing
Gi5 oe Find the resultant of the forces in (a) Fig. 4.7a,
(b) Fig. 4.7b.
Answer Note that for 6 > 90°, cos @ = — cos (180 — @).
The resultant is of magnitude 7.0 N at an angle of 38° to 2
the 8.0 N force, as shown in Fig. 4.4a.

Example 2

Fig.4.8 Information for Question 2

Refer to Fig. 4.8. Forces of 60.0N and F newtons

act at a point O. Find the magnitude and
Fig.4.5 Information for Example 2
direction of F if the resultant force is of
magnitude 30.0 N along OX.
Refer to Fig. 4.5, Two forces of magnitude 10.0 N and F
newtons produce a resultant of magnitude 30.0 N in the 3
direction OA. Find the magnitude and direction of F.

Fig. 4.9 Information for Question 3

Fig. 4.6 Solution to Example 2 Refer to Fig. 4.9 and repeat Question 2.


In diagram (a) we can see:

Resolution of forces Vertical component of A along OY,
Vx) sinl60? —=4:33iN
A single force can be formed by combining two Horizontal component of A along OX,
(or more) forces so it follows that a single force ea OCOS 0 at DIN
can be replaced by, or resolved into, two In diagram (b) we can see:
components. This is usually done at right angles
Vertical component of B along OY,
(see Fig. 4.10) because the separate components
Vg = 10sin 45° = 7.07N
V and H have no effect on each other — i.e. V has Horizontal component of B along OX,
no effect in the direction ofH. Hz = —10cos45° = —7.07N
Note the minus Sign, since Hg is in the opposite
V = Vertical component
direction to OX.

=Fsin@ The total component forces along OX and OY can be

found by adding the separate components along OX
H = Horizontal component
and OY. Therefore
Resultant component along OX = Ha, + Hg
= —4.57N
Fig. 4.10 Components of a force Resultant component along OY = V4 + Vp
Example 3 For part (c) we combine OX and OY as shown in
Two coplanar forces A and B act at a point O, as shown Fig 4.13.
in Fig. 4.11. Calculate the component of the resultant
(a) along OX

(b) along OY
Use your answers for OX and OY to calculate
(-)4.57 1° X
(c) the magnitude and direction of the resultant force
due to the addition of forces A and B.
Fig. 4.13 Information for part (c)
The magnitude of the resultant R is found using
R? = OX’ + OY? = 4.57 + 11.4?
= 150.8
Wa N Wlppe)

Fig. 4.11 Information for Example 3

Also tan @ = 11.4/4.57 = 2.49
= 6327
Method Answer

Refer to Figs 4.12 and compare with Fig. 4.10. (a) —4.6N
(b) 11N
(c) 12N at an angle of 68° as shown.
Note that (a) is negative since the resultant component
(Hx + Hg) is in the opposite direction to OX.

Equilibrium of a body
(a) Components of A (b) Components of B
When forces act on a body then it will be in
Fig.4.12 Solution to Example 3 equilibrium provided that:


(i) no net forces act on the body and Method

(ii) no net turning effect exists (that is the sum of
clockwise moments and anticlockwise
moments cancel out — see Principle of
Moments, p. 24).

Example 4
Support Support

Weight mg = 1.5 x 10=15N

(a) Forces acting on the body (b) Components of weight mg

20 kg = 200N Fig. 4.16 Solution to Example 5

The body exerts a downward force mg on the plane, as

shown in Fig. 4.16, so the plane must exert an equal
Fig. 4.14 Information for Example 4
and opposite (upwards) force if the body is to remain
at rest. It is convenient to resolve mg into a component
A mass of 20.0 kg is hung from the midpoint P of a wire, P, perpendicular to the plane, and a component A,
as shown in Fig. 4.14. Calculate the tension in the wire. along the plane, as shown in Fig. 4.16b. Now
Assume g = 10ms ~.
Pe meg cos 30 — 150 0,00 laN
A mesin30 = 155 0500 =a N
So, as shown in Fig. 4.16a, the plane must provide a
normal reaction R equal to 13 N and a force F, due to
friction, equal to 7.5N. When R and F are added
FalicOose0 ipon
vectorially, they provide a vertically upwards force
T = tension in wire
equal to mg.

200N ‘ Ee Tsin70 Answer


Fig. 4.15 Solution to Example 4

Exercise 4.2
Fig. 4.15 shows the forces acting at the point P. The
vertical component of tension T is Tcos 70° in each (Assume g = 10ms ”.)
case, so for equilibrium in a vertical direction
1 YA
DI cos (07 = 200


Note that the horizontal component of tension is

T sin 70° in each case, but these forces are in opposite
directions and so cancel each other. This ensures
equilibrium in the horizontal direction.

Fig. 4.17 Information for Question 1

Three forces are applied to the point O as shown

Example 5 in Fig. 4.17. Calculate
A body of mass 1.5kg is placed on a plane surface
(a) the component in directions OX and OY
inclined at 30° to the horizontal. Calculate the friction
and normal reaction forces which the plane must exert
if the body is to remain at rest. Assume g = 10m te (b) the resultant force acting at O.


2 Refer to Fig. 4.18 and calculate (a) the tension in Fd, — Fd + F3d3
the string, (b) the value of m.
Note also that, in equilibrium, the net force on the
Friction-free pulleys body must be zero. Thus, upwards reaction force
R at pivot point P is given by:
Light string
R=F,+ fF) + F

Example 6
A hinged trapdoor of mass 15 kg and length 1.0m is to
be opened by applying a force F at an angle of 45° as
shown in Fig. 4.20. Calculate:
(a) the value of F and

Fig. 4.18 Information for Question 2

(b) the horizontal force on the hinge.

3. A body of mass 3.0kg is placed on a smooth (ie. Assume g = 10ms-

frictionless) plane inclined at 20° to the horizontal.
A force of (a) 5.0 N, (b) 20 .N is applied to the body
parallel to the line of greatest slope of the plane
and in a direction up the plane. Calculate the net
force acting on the body in each case.

Turning effect of forces

A force can produce a turning effect, or moment,
Fig. 4.20 Information for Example 6
about a pivot. This can be a clockwise or
anticlockwise turning effect. Method
A V =F sin 45°
Moment of a force (Nm) =
Force (N) x perpendicular distance (m) +———_— >
of line of action of the force 0.5m
from the pivot.
Referring to Fig. 4.19, force F; produces a H = F cos 45°
clockwise moment Fd, about pivot P and forces
Fy and F3 produce anticlockwise moments Fd, mg = 150 N
and F 3d; respectively about P. Fig. 4.21 Solution to Example 6

Fig. 4.21 is a simplified diagram showing the forces

acting in which F has been resolved into its horizontal
(7) and vertical (V) components. Weight of trapdoor
mg = 150N.
(a) At equilibrium, taking moments about hinge
F, F, Fe
(pivot) P:
clockwise moments = anticlockwise moments
Fig.4.19 Turning effect of forces about pivot P
mex 0.3 —=V a0
mgx05=F x sm45 x 1.0
The Principle of Moments states that for a body to (BY) << OLS =/F OF 32 110
be in equilibrium then: F=106N

Sum of clockwise moments = sum of anticlock- (b) Horizontal component

wise moments. H = F cos 45° = 1060-707 = 75.0
So, referring to Fig. 4.19, in equilibrium (i.e. no
turning): (a) O.LI1KN, (b) 75N.


Example 7 Note that the force F has no moment about the

This example is about body mechanics. joint J since its line of action passes through J.

Fig. 4.22 shows the forearm extended horizontally and (b) In equilibrium:
holding an object of mass M = 2.0kg. The forearm total upwards force = total downwards force
pivots about the elbow joint J and the mass of the 162 =F + 14+ 20
forearm m = 1.4kg which acts effectively at a distance P25
0.18m from the elbow joint. The forearm and object
This (downwards) force F is effectively provided
are supported by an upwards force T provided by the through the long bone connecting the elbow joint
biceps muscle and which acts 60mm from the joint. and the shoulder.
(a) the magnitude of T Answer

(b) the force acting at the elbow (pivot) joint J. (a) 0.16KN (b) 0.13 KN.

Assume g = 10ms ”.

Stability and toppling

When a body is in contact with a surface it will be
in stable equilibrium provided that the vertical
line passing through its centre of gravity lies
within the base of contact with the surface.

Example 8
A uniform block of height 50cm and of square cross
section 40cm x 40cm is placed on a rough plane
surface as shown in Fig. 4.24 and the inclination of the
plane is gradually increased. Calculate the angle of
inclination of the plane at which the block topples
m=1.4kg over. You may assume that friction forces are
sufficient to prevent the block from sliding down the
Fig. 4.22 Information for Example 7
X is centre of gravity
: T
Uniform block
0.060 m —>'


= 14N Mg
= 20N
Ras Rough plane
Fig. 4.23 Solution to Example 7
Level surface
Fig. 4.23 is a schematic diagram showing the forces
acting on the forearm. Force F acts at the elbow joint J mg

(pivot). For the forearm, mg = 14N and for the object Fig. 4.24 Information for Example 8
Mg = 20N.
(a) At equilibrium, taking moments about the elbow Method
joint (pivot) We assume that one edge of the block is perpendicular
clockwise moments = anticlockwise moments to the line of inclination of the plane. Suppose the
plane is gradually tilted (anticlockwise) so that
(14 x 0.18) + (20 x 0.36) = T x 0.06 eventually the block will topple about a line through
i —aOeAN the point A.


X is centre of gravity
Exercise 4.3

1 0.60 m



(a) Clockwise moment about A due to weight mg.

ia B.= 0.20 KN W = 1.0 KN


Fig. 4.26 Information for Question 1

Fig. 4.26 shows a man attempting to lift a piece of

machinery of weight W = 1.0kN using a uniform
iron bar of weight B = 0.20 kN. He uses a pivot P
placed as shown. Calculate:
(a) the magnitude of the force F which he must
apply downwards if he is to lift the machinery
(b) Anticlockwise moment about A — block topples.
(b) the reaction force provided by the pivot.

2 In Fig. 4.27 an object M of mass 20 kg is supported

by a hinged weightless rod and string as shown.
(a) the tension 7 in the string and
(b) the horizontal force acting on the hinge.
If the maximum tension which the string can
withstand is 500N calculate
(c) the maximum additional mass which may be
(c) Block about to topple.
added to mass M prior to the string breaking.
Fig. 4.25 (a), (b) and (c) Solution to Example 8 2
Assume g = 10ms ~.
In Fig. 4.25a the weight mg of the block produces a 4
clockwise moment about point A which tends to keep
the block in contact with the plane. The block is in
equilibrium since the clockwise moment is balanced by
an anticlockwise moment caused by the reaction forces
from the plane.
In Fig. 4.25b the weight of the block produces an
Weightless rod
anticlockwise moment about point A which causes the
block to topple over. The block is not in equilibrium
since a net turning effect acts on it. Hinge

In Fig. 4.25c the plane has been tilted through an angle M = 20 kg

@ such that the vertical line passing through its centre
of gravity passes through point A. The block is (just) in
equilibrium but for angles of tilt greater than ¢ the
block will topple.
Fig. 4.27 Information for Question 2
tan @ = 20/25 = 0.80
GD = Boe 3 Fig. 4.28a shows the arm extended horizontally
Answer and supporting an object of mass M = 6.0kg at a
distance 0.80m from the shoulder joint J. The
39 deltoid muscle, which acts in tension, provides the


necessary force T at an angle of 20° to the its base as shown in Fig. 4.29. Calculate the angle
horizontal and at 0.15m from J, as shown in through which its base may be tilted before it
Fig 4.28b. topples. (Hint — see Example 8.)
10.15 m Deltoi
Itoid muscle

0.80 m Exercise 4.4:

Examination questions
(Assume g = 10ms ~.)
joints M = 6.0kg Pulley

(a) Arm supporting mass




Fig. 4.30 Diagram for Question 1

Arm M = 6.0 kg A weight of 100N and a system of pulleys is used

m = 4.0 kg to apply a force in leg traction as shown in
(b) Schematic diagram of forces acting Fig 4.30. The magnitude of the force can be
changed by changing the angle 0. Determine the
Fig. 4.28 Information for Question 3
value of the traction force applied to the leg if
The arm is of mass m = 4.0 kg acting at a distance (i) 6 = 60°
of 0.35 m from the shoulder joint. Calculate: (ii) 6 = 30°
(a) the magnitude of the force T provided by the What is, theoretically, the maximum value of the
deltoid muscle traction force using W = 100 N?
b) the
th magnitude
gnitude o of 2 ‘Fig. 4.31 illustrates a crane.
(i) the horizontal force and
(ii) the vertical force
acting at the shoulder joint.
Assume g = 10ms

Centre of gravity

Circular base Fig. 4.31

For the purposes of this question, assume that the

Fig. 4.29 Information for Question 4 jib AC has negligible weight. AB is a cable which
makes an angle of 30° with the jib, which is
A reading lamp has a round base of diameter horizontal. The jib carries a load of 2000 N. The
30.0cm and its centre of gravity is 12.0cm above load is in equilibrium.


(i) Calculate the tension in the cable AB. 5 Two campers have to carry a heavy container of
(ii) Calculate the compression force in the jib AC. water between them. One way to make this easier
[CCEA 2001, part] is to pass a pole through the handle as shown.

3 A skier unfortunately breaks a bone in the lower

part of the leg whilst attempting a jump. While
the bone is healing, a steady force is applied to
the leg. This is called traction. Unless this is done
the muscles would pull the fractured parts
together so tightly that the leg, when healed,
would be shorter than it was before the injury.
(a) The container weighs 400N and the weight of
Figure 4.32 shows one arrangement for providing
the pole may be neglected. What force must
the traction. The pulley system is in equilibrium
in the position shown.
each persan apply?
An alternative method is for each person to hold a
Stirrup Board rope tied to the handle as shown below.
attached to

Fig. 4.32
(b) Draw a free-body force diagram ‘for the
(a) State fully the conditions that must be container when held by the ropes.
satisfied for a system to be in translational
(c) The weight of the container is 400N and the
and rotational equilibrium.
two ropes are at 40° to the horizontal. Show
(b) In Fig. 4.32 all the pulleys are frictionless so that that the force each rope applies to the
the tension in the rope is the same everywhere. container is about 300N.
(1) Determine the magnitude of the total
horizontal force exerted on the leg by (d) Suggest two reasons why the first method of
the system carrying the container is easier.
(ii) Determine the magnitude of the total (c) Two campers using the rope method find that
upward force exerted on the leg by the the container keeps bumping on the ground.
system. A bystander suggests that they move further
(iii) Explain briefly why the force calculated apart so that the ropes are more nearly
in (1) does not move the patient towards horizontal. Explain why this would not be a
the bottom of the bed. [AEB 1999] sensible solution to the problem.
4 The rectangular objects, A, B, C and D are each [Edexcel 2001]
2cm long and | cm high. Which one of the bodies
A uniform plank of weight 60.N is 2000 mm long
is in equilibrium?
4N and rests on a support that is 600mm from
end E.
4N——> At what distance from E must a 160N weight be
placed in order to balance the plank?

- 600 mm —|
6N E
10N A B 2N
« 2000 mm |
45N 5.7N 5.7N
A 150mm _ B 225mm C 375mm D 450mm
[OCR 2001]
Fig. 4.33a shows a side view of a kitchen wall
] in cupboard. Its lower edge rests against the wall at
A. It is fastened by screws at a height h vertically
Cc D above A. The mass of the cupboard is 10kg and
[AQA 2000] its centre of gravity is 0.15 m from the wall.


Fig. 4.33b is a free-body force diagram for the (1) Show and label the forces acting on the
cupboard. bridge.
(ii) By taking moments about point P,
calculate the tension in string A.
(ili) Calculate the tension in string B.
[AQA 2001]

9 Fig. 4.35 is a drawing of a mobile crane which is

supported on wheels at A and B. The weight of
the base of the crane is 28 x 10° N.

(a) (b)
Fig. 4.33

(a) State the magnitude of force Y.

(b) Explain why forces X and P must have equal
crane base
(c) Calculate the moment of the weight of the
cupboard about point A.
(d) Calculate the value of force X when
i= 060m:
(e) In principle the fixing screws could be
positioned anywhere between point A and
the top of the cupboard. Sketch a graph to Fig. 4.35
show how the size of force X would depend
on hf for values of h from zero up to 0.60 m. G is the centre of mass of the base. The jib has a
weight of 3 x 10°N uniformly distributed along
(f) Explain why in practice the screws are usually
its length. fF is the total upwards force from the
situated as high in the cupboard as possible.
ground on the wheels at A when the crane is
[Edexcel 2000]
lifting a load of 15 x 10°N.
(a) Define the moment of a force about a point.
(a) (i) Write down expressions for:
(b) Figure 4.34 shows a model bridge consisting of 1. the total of all clockwise moments
a uniform plank of wood. The plank is 1.0m about B;
long and weighs 10N. A toy car of weight 5 N 2. the total of ali anti-clockwise moments
is placed on it. The bridge is suspended from about B.
a rigid support by two strings and is in (ii) Calculate the value of F4.
equilibrium. The plank does not touch the
shaded blocks. (b) State how you would calculate the maximum
load which the crane could support in this
configuration without toppling.
The jib in Fig. 4.35 is inclined at 60° to the
horizontal. Suggest how the angle of the jib
could be changed in order to support the
greatest possible load from near ground level
without causing the crane to topple.
[OCR 2001]
State the two conditions required for an object
to be in equilibrium under the action of a
system of forces.


(b) A person stands upright on one foot with the Fig. 4.37a shows some muscles and bones in the
ball of the foot in contact with the floor and the arm. Fig. 4.37b shows the appropriate distances,
heel raised just clear of the floor. The foot is in where C is the centre of gravity of the lower arm
equilibrium under the action of three vertical including the hand, and F is the fulcrum at the
forces, P, Q and R, as shown in Fig. 4.36. elbow joint.

Q (i) On Fig. 4.37b draw labelled arrows to represent

the directions of the forces exerted by the
biceps muscle (E), the weight of the lower arm
(C) and the 15 N weight in the hand (W).
(ii) If the weight of the lower arm including the
hand is 20N, show that the force exerted by
the biceps muscle, to maintain the arm in
this position,isapproximately 0.2 KN.
(iii) Use your answer to calculate the reaction
force at the fulcrum and draw its direction
on Fig. 4.37b.

12 (a) State the Principle of Moments.

Fig. 4.36
(b) Some tests are carried out on the stability of a
P = force exerted on foot by bone in lower leg table-lamp.
Q = force produced by Achilles tendon (i) A string is attached to the lamp, as
R = reaction force of ground shown, and pulled with a_ steadily
increasing force, F. When F .reaches
(i) The reaction force R of the ground on the 7.2N the lamp is about to tilt, pivoting
foot is 625 N and the horizontal distances about the point P.
between the vertical forces are as shown.
Calculate the magnitudes of the forces P
and Q.
(ii — When the person lifts the heel further
from the floor, the lines of action of the string
three forces remain in the same positions
relative to the foot. Explain whether the
centre of
magnitudes of P, Q and R will change gravity
when the heel is raised. [OCR 2001]


(1) Calculate the moment (torque) of F

about P when F = 7.2N.
(II) By considering when the lamp is about
to tilt, calculate its weight. Its centre of
gravity is shown on the diagram.

E Cc Ww

hel en << aa
0 '4
4.0cm 11cm 21cm

Fig. 4.37 Information for Question 11


(ii (b) Define the term couple as used in mechanics.

(c) (i) A wheel of radius 0.50m rests on a level
road at point C and makes contact with
the edge E of a kerb of height 0.20m, as
centre of
gravity shown in Fig. 4.38

The lamp is now tilted, as shown, and

released. Explain, in terms of moments,
whether it will fall over or return to the
upright. Feel free to add to the diagram. A horizontal force of 240N, applied
(iii) State two ways in which the lamp could through the axle of the wheel at X, is
be redesigned to make it more stable. required just to move the wheel over the
[WJEC 2001] ee
Show that the weight of the wheel is
13 (a) If an object is to be in equilibrium under the 180N. [CCEA 2001]
action of a number of coplanar forces, two
conditions must apply. State these conditions.

acceleration and
g faa]

LY, wz

ie = oT? 7
“a & 4 |4 & “>
Bt ) ms Y ‘
ga f GS Gw

hy s

Velocity and speed (c) The speed at A and B is 2.57ms', but velocities
are different. Taking velocity to the ‘right’ (east)
as positive, then
Velocity is a vector and speed is a scalar. Velocity at A, ya = 42.00
Sometimes this difference is not properly Velocity at Baw —— 2.08
recognised, so we must remember it. Change in velocity = vg — va = —5.0nms~
Note: the negative sign indicates the change is to the left.
Example 1
(a) 2.5xms_!,(b)5.0ms | north, (c) 5.07ms | to the
VE +-—————_.
Example 2
A ship travels due east at 3.0ms_'. If it now heads due
north at the same speed, calculate the change in velocity.
400 m Method*

Initial velocity Ww =3ms_! east

Final velocity ” =3ms_! north
The change in velocity is
Y= =v (Hn)
Fig. 5.1 Information for Example 1
We have v =3ms north and —v =3ms! west.
Fig 5.2 shows that vector addition of v’ and —W is a
A car takes 80s to travel at constant speed in a
vector of magnitude 18 = 4.2 in direction north-west.
semicircle from A to B as shown in Fig 5.1. Calculate
(a) its speed, (b) its average velocity, (c) the change in . Resultant = Velocity change
velocity from A to B. =V18ms 'NW

a) Speed = ————
\ P Time
_ Length of semicircular arc

—u=3ms 'W
Fig. 5.2 Solution to Example 2
Total displacement
(b) Average velocity = Answer
— 400 Velocity change = 4.2ms ' north-west.
80 *To denote the vector nature of velocity we sometimes put an arrow
=5.0ms ! north above it.


Components of velocity Exercise 5.1

Since velocity is a vector quantity it can be resolved 1
B 4.0 m —>e<— 4.0m A
into two components at right angles, in the same
way as force (see Chapter 4). Fig 5.3 shows the
relationship between total velocity R and _ its
horizontal component H and vertical component

V = Vertical component
Fig.5.5 Diagram for Question 1

=Rsing An object moves along a semicircular path AB

H = Horizontal component of radius 4.0m as shown in Fig 5.5, at a
constant speed of 4.0ms'. Calculate (a) the
time taken, (b) the average velocity, (c) the
change in velocity.
Fig. 5.3 Components of velocity 2
1:5 mis=
Example 3
A shell is fired at 400ms | at an angle of 30° to the
horizontal. If the shell stays in the air for 40s, calculate
how far it lands from its original position. Assume that
the ground is horizontal and that air resistance may be
Refer to Fig 5.4. We require the range S. The horizontal 1.5ms |——»>
component of the initial velocity is
H = 400cos 30° = 347ms_! Fig. 5.6 Diagram for Question 2

The horizontal component H remains unchanged if air Water enters and leaves a pipe, as shown in Fig 5.6,
resistance is negligible. So range S is given by at a steady speed of 1.5ms_'. Find the change in
S =H x Time of flight
= 347 x 40 = 13880m 3 Ashell is fired at 500ms ' at an angle of 0 degrees
to the horizontal. The shell stays in the air for 80s
(b) Original components of velocity and has a range of 24km. Assuming that the
ground is horizontal and that air resistance may be
neglected, calculate (a) the horizontal component
of the velocity, (b) the value of 0.


Uniform acceleration means a constant rate of

change of velocity — for example 4ms_' per
second (4ms_~).
lS —————-
(a) Trajectory of shell Example 4
Fig.5.4 Solution to Example 3 A car moving with velocity 5.0ms_', in some direction,
accelerates uniformly at 2.0ms * for 10s. Calculate
Answer (a) the final velocity, (b) the distance travelled during
The shell lands 14 km from its original position. the acceleration.


Method Method
(a) Increase in velocity =2x 10=20m ae We have u = 10, a = 2.0 ands = 200. We require v, so
Original velocity u—=5.0ms
Equation 5.3 is used

Final velocity v=5+20=25m i v? =u’

+ 2as = 10° +2 x 2 x 200
Alternatively, to find v, use = 900
yv=urtat (5.1)
Note that since ¢ is unknown it would be more difficult
where acceleration a = +2.0, time t=10s and to use Equations 5.1 and 5.2.
initial velocity u = 5.0. So
5-2 x 10 Answer ay

=25ms_! Velocity acquired = 30ms |.

(b) Distance travelled s = Average velocity x Time, or
Example 6
s= F(uty) xt (5.2)
How far does a body travel in the fourth second if it
starts from rest with a uniform acceleration of
(5 +25) x 10=1.5 x 10?m
PAO ea?
(a) 25ms ' (b) 1.5 x 107
We have u = 0, a = 2.0 and require distance travelled
between ¢t; = 3.0s and t, =4.0s. Let s; and s. be
Exercise 5.2 distances travelled in 3s and 4s respectively. From
equation 5.4

1. A body starts from rest (uw = 0) and accelerates at S$) =ut, + tat,’ =0x3+4x2 35
3.0ms ~ for 4.0s. Calculate (a) its final velocity, = 9.0m
(b) the distance travelled.
S$. = Ut + tat, =0x4+3x Dae
2 Calculate the quantities indicated:
= 16.0m
(ea) 2s Sg pero), eh
Distance travelled sy — s; = 7.0m.
(Datel Oa 22 dO i
(ce) tele) eee 5 Answer

The body travels 7.0m in the fourth second.

Equations of motion
These are: Exercise 5.3
=u+tat (3.1) 1 It is required to uniformly accelerate a body from
vy =u? + 2as (5.3) rest to a velocity of 12ms_' in a distance of
0.20 m. Calculate the acceleration.
s=ut+ tar (5.4)
2 Calculate the quantities indicated (assume that all
The meaning of the symbols was given earlier. quantities are in SI units):
These equations are obtained by combining (a) if; (0), as 4
Equations 5.1 and 5.2, and are recommended
a= —1.5, i 6, s=
because they are more convenient to use. (b) u = {I5),

(c) w=20, a=-2.0, s=84, t=

Example 5
3 In an electron gun, an electron is accelerated
A car moving with velocity 10ms' accelerates uniformly from rest to a_ velocity of
uniformly at 2.0ms~. Calculate its velocity after 4.0 x 10’ms_! in a distance of 0.10m. Calculate
travelling 200 m. the acceleration.


Motion under gravity — (b) On its return to earth, after time ¢, we have s = 0.
So, using Equation 5.4
vertical motion s =ut+tat?
Gravitational attraction produces a force which, p= 40S
on earth, causes a free-fall acceleration g of
(Note that ¢ = 0 is also, obviously, a solution when
approximately 9.8ms°. For simplicity we take
Se ())5)
g = 10ms ~ here. The force is called the ‘weight’ Alternatively find the time to reach its maximum
of the object concerned. height, (when its velocity is zero) which is 2.0s,
‘Free’ vertical motion is simply uniformly and double it.
accelerated motion, assuming negligible Answer
opposing forces, in which a=g=+10ms~”
(a) 20m, (b) 4.0s.
depending on the direction chosen as positive.

Example 7
Exercise 5.4
An object is dropped from a height of 45m. Calculate
(a) the time taken to reach the ground, (b) its
maximum velocity. Neglect air resistance. (Assume (Assume g = 10ms ~.)
g=10ms ”.)
1. A ball is dropped from a cliff top and takes 3.0 to
Method reach the beach below. Calculate (a) the height of
the cliff, (b) the velocity acquired by the ball.
We have u = 0, s = +45 anda =g=+410ms” if we
take downwards as the positive direction. We require f 2 With what velocity must a ball be thrown upwards
and v. to reach a height of 15 m?

(a) To find ¢, rearrange Equation 5.4 3 Aman stands on the edge of a cliff and throws a
stone vertically upwards at 15ms_'. After what
pa 28 2x4 time will the stone hit the ground 20m below?
a 10

(b) To find v, use Equation 5.1 Motion under gravity —

v=ut+at=0+4+10x3 projectile motion
v= 30m s”

Answer This includes objects which have horizontal as

(a) 3.0s,(b) 30ms|. well as vertical motion, e.g. shells and bullets. We
resolve any initial velocity into its horizontal and
Example 8 vertical components, which are then treated
A cricket ball is thrown vertically upwards with a separately. The vertical component determines the
velocity of 20ms_'. Calculate (a) the maximum height time of flight (and any vertical distances) and the
reached, (b) the time taken to return to earth. Neglect horizontal component determines the range.
air resistance.
Example 9
A stone is projected horizontally with velocity 3.0ms_!
We now take upwards as positive. So from the top of a vertical cliff 200m high. Calculate (a)
“u=+20, a=—2g=—10. how long it takes to reach the ground, (b) its distance
(a) At the maximum height, distance s from ground from the foot of the cliff, (c) its vertical and horizontal
level, the velocity v is zero. components of velocity when it hits the ground.
From Equation 5.3 Neglect air resistance.

vy? =u? +2as Method

0? = 20° + 2 x (—10) xs As in Fig 5.3 resolve initial velocity into its components
y= AN) (Fig. 5.7b):


(b) Components of |
final velocity R

(a) Trajectory of stone


Or ie

Fig.5.8 Diagram for Question 2

200 m
Water emerges horizontally from a hose pipe with
velocity of 4.0ms | as shown in Fig 5.8. The pipe
is pointed at,P on a vertical surface 2.0m from
the pipe. If the water strikes at S, calculate PS.
3 A shell is fired from a gun with a velocity of
600ms | at an angle of 40° to the ground which
+—— Range S — is horizontal. Calculate (a) the time of flight, (b)
the range, (c) the maximum height reached
Fig. 5.7 Solution to Example 9 (not to scale) (g=10ms ”).

initial vertical component = 0

initial horizontal component = 3.0ms_ l Force, mass and
(a) The vertical motion decides the time of flight. acceleration
Taking downwards as positive we have u = 0,
s = 200,a =g=+10ms ~. To find ¢ use
A net force F (N) applied to a mass m (kg)
s=ut+tar produces an acceleration a (m s *) given by
t= /40 = 63s F=ma 3 (5.5)

(b) The horizontal component of velocity is

By net force we mean the resultant force arising
unchanged (see Example 3). So
from applied forces, friction, gravitational forces
Range S = Horizontal velocity x Time and so on.
= 3.0 x /40 = 19m
(c) The vertical component of velocity when the stone
Example 10
hits the ground is required. From part (a) A car of mass 900kg is on a horizontal and slippery
=a 4 2as road. The wheels slip when the total push of the
wheels on the road exceeds SOON. Calculate the
= (7 +2 x 10 x 200
maximum acceleration of the car.
p | 4000 = 63ms!
The horizontal component remains at 3.0ms |.
It is the push of the road on the car wheels which is
Note that to find the resultant velocity R of the
responsible for acceleration. This is equal in
stone on hitting the ground we must add the
magnitude, but opposite in direction, to the push of
components vectorially, as shown in Fig 5.7b.
the wheels on the road. We have m = 900 and F = 500
Answer so, from Equation 5.5
(a) 6.3s,(b) 19m, (c) 63ms ',3.0ms/. ey pe lh =)
a ms OI 0.556ms

Exercise 5.5 : + - 5 =)
The maximum acceleration is 0.556ms ~.

(Neglect air resistance.) Example 11

1 Repeat Example 9 for a stone having a horizontal A car of mass 1000 kg tows a caravan of mass 800 kg and
velocity of 4.0ms~' and a cliff which is 100m high. the two have an acceleration of 2.0ms~°. If the only


external force acting is that between the driving wheels The negative sign indicates that the force is in the
and the road, calculate (a) the value of this force and opposite direction to the original velocity.
(b) the tension in the coupling between the car and the
caravan. Answer

Retarding force is 81 x 10* N on average.

(a) For car and caravan combined we have
m = 1000 + 800 = 1800 Exercise 5.6
and a=2.0. From Equation 5.5 the force F
required is 1. Calculate the quantities indicated (assume that all
quantities are in SI units):
F =ma = 1800 x 2 = 3600N
(GQ) a 2) Oe
(b) Fe = 15) n= 30 i

(ORG = 5 ee

2 A force of 24N acts on a mass of 6.0 kg initially at

rest. Calculate (a) the acceleration, (b) the
distance travelled prior to achieving a velocity of
Fig.5.9 Solution to Example 11 20.0 msi.

(b) Refer to Fig 5.9. T is the tension in the coupling 3. A lorry of mass 3.0 x 10° kg pulls two trailers
and is the force accelerating the caravan. So for each of mass 2.0x 10°kg along a horizontal
the caravan alone we have m= 800kg and road. If the lorry is accelerating at 0.80ms°,
AN), calculate (a) the net force acting on the whole
So combination, (b) the tension in the coupling
between lorry and first trailer, (c) the tension
ia Oour< 2 1o00.N in the coupling between first and second
INOtem that the, net force “on! the car) alone) is trailers.
F — T = 3600 — 1600 = 2000N. This gives the car an 4 A metal ball of mass 0.50kg is dropped from the
acceleration of 2.0ms ~. top of a vertical cliff of height 90m. When it hits
the beach below it penetrates to a depth of
6.0cm. Calculate (a) the velocity acquired by the
(a) 3.6KN, (b) 1.6KN. ball just as it hits the sand, (b) the (average)
retarding force
of the sand. Neglect air resistance;
Example 12
5 What net force must be applied to an object of
An aircraft of mass 20 x 10° kg lands on an aircraft- mass 5.0kg, initially at rest, for it to acquire a
carrier deck with a horizontal velocity of 90ms_'. If it velocity of 12ms_' over a distance of 0.10 m?
is brought to rest in a distance of 100m, calculate the
(average) retarding force acting on the plane.

Method Non-uniform acceleration

We must first find the (negative) acceleration a of the
plane. We have w=90, v=0, s=100 and from So far we have assumed constant acceleration,
Equation 5.3 that is, the change in velocity with time is
ee Se iG, constant. For non-uniform acceleration the
0? = 90° +2 xa x 100 change of velocity with time is not constant
throughout the motion. The slope of the velocity
G=_A0 Sins — versus time graph at a given time is the
The negative sign indicates the plane is slowing down. instantaneous acceleration.
ForceF required, since m = 20 x 10°, is given by
Often a movement can be considered to be made
F =ma = 20 x 10° x (—40.5) up of two or more stages, in each of which
= —81 x 10°N acceleration is constant (see below).


In each case the area enclosed by the velocity—

time graph is equal to the distance travelled. This
Terminal velocity
is explained in more detail in Chapter 30.
Liquids and gases can exert a viscous drag force
Example 13 which opposes the motion of objects which pass
A car accelerates from rest for 30s, then travels at through them. As shown in Fig 5.11, for a sphere
constant velocity for 20s before decelerating for 20s of radius r (m) moving with velocity v (m s*)
and coming back to rest. The velocity-time graph for through a medium of viscosity 1) (Pas) the resistive
its motion is shown in Fig 5.10. force F (N) opposing its motion is, assuming
(a) Use the graph to calculate the car’s acceleration at laminar flow conditions, given by Stokes’ law:
the following times: “

(i) 10s (ii) 25s (ai) 40s (iv) 60s F=6anrv * (5.6)
(b) Estimate the total displacement after
(i) 30s (1) 50s (iti) 70s
This means that a sphere falling under gravity will
eventually reach a terminal velocity at which time
Velocity/ the gravitational force is balanced by the viscous
ms |
drag force (we neglect any upthrust due to
buoyancy effects from the liquid).
drag F
= = = — Fluid, viscosity
velocity = = =
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Vv
Fig. 5.10 Information for Example 13

Weight mg
(a) The acceleration a at any time is the gradient of
the velocity-time graph at that moment. Fig.5.11 Viscous drag on a falling sphere
(i) At time 10s, gradient of AB=5/20
= 0.25ms~”
(iil) At time 25s, gradient of BC= 10/10 Example 14
— ional
A spherical dust particle of diameter 20 wm falls, from
(ii) At time 40s, gradient of CD = 0Oms -
rest, under gravity and in air until it attains a steady
(iv) At time 60s, gradient of DE = —15/20 =
—0.75ms ~
(a) Calculate the value of this terminal velocity.
Note that the slope of DE is negative, thus indicating a
negative acceleration, or deceleration. (b) Sketch a graph of the particle’s velocity versus
time, indicating the regions of maximum and
(b) The total distance travelled at any time is the area
minimum acceleration.
under the velocity—time graph.
(i) Area up to time of 30s is: Assume the following values:
area under AB + area under BC = 50+ 100
= 150m viscosity of air 7 = 1.8 x 10° kgm! s7!
(ii) Area up to time of 50s is: density of dust p = 2.0 x 10°kgm *
area under AB-+ area under BC+ area acceleration due to gravity g= 10ms 7
under CD = 50 + 100 + 300 = 450m
Neglect the effect of the upthrust due to buoyancy
(ui) Area up to time of 70s is:
effects of the air on the particle.
area under AB+area under BC+ area
under CD + area under DE Method
= 50+ 100 + 300 + 150 = 600m
(a) If the dust particle has mass m then, when it has
Answer reached the terminal velocity, its weight mg is
(a) (i) 0.25ms~ (ii) 1.0ms 7 (il) O balanced by the viscous drag force due to the air.
(iv) —0.75ms~” Thus:
(b) (1) 150m (ii) 450m_ (iii) 600m Weight mg = Viscous drag force 6nnrv


Since the dust particle is spherical, then Velocity/

4 x mrp, where r is the radius ms,
of the
particle = 10 x 10° m and p its density.
Thus, substituting for m:
=X 1X rpg = 6nnwv

v=2r ps/9n (5.7)

Inserting the values for r, p, g and 77 gives

terminal velocity v = 2.47 x 10°? ms"!
Fig 5.13 Information for Question 1
It is worth noting that the terminal velocity as
stated in equation (5.7) is proportional to the 2 When a spherical drop of oil of density
square of the radius of the particle, so that larger 9.0 x 10° kgm > is allowed to fall through a gas
particles attain a higher terminal velocity. In this of viscosity 1.2x10°kgm 's' it reaches a
case streamline flow may break down and the terminal velocity of 0.25ms'. Calculate the
expression F = 6z77rv no longer applies. radius of the drop. Assume g = 10ms~ and that
the upthrust from the gas due to buoyancy effects
(b) The velocity-time graph is drawn in Fig 5.12. Note is negligible
that the acceleration will be a maximum at
commencement of the motion, where it will have a
value equal to g (if the upthrust of the surrounding Thinking, braking and
air can be neglected). Once terminal velocity is
attained, the (minimum) acceleration will be zero. stopping distances
These two facts can be seen from the gradient of
the velocity—time graph as shown in Fig 5.12.
When a motorist has to brake his stopping
Velocity/ distance is determined by the initial speed, his
1Omaimisa Aa
reaction time (the interval between receiving a
3.0 SRGRESESRGSERR gradient = 0 z
stimulus and acting on it) and the deceleration
- Terminal velocity _ (minimum acceleration) — due to the brakes.

2.0 Example 15
A car is travelling at a speed of 20ms | and the driver
has a personal reaction time of 0.80s. If the maximum
deceleration which the brakes can apply to the car is
5.0ms ” calculate:
(a) the distance travelled prior to the driver applying
Fig.5.12 Solution to Example 14 the brakes (the thinking distance)

Answer (b) the distance travelled during the braking and prior
to stopping (the braking distance)
@)25 x10 ms”
(c) the total stopping distance
Exercise 5.7 (a) Prior to braking the car travels at a constant speed
of 20ms' for 0.80s. Thus thinking distance
1 Fig 5.13 is a velocity-time graph for a moving = speed x time = 20 x 0.80'= 16m
body. (b) We have u = 20, a=—5.0 (note the negative
(a) Calculate the value of the acceleration at each acceleration) and v = 0. We require the braking
of the stages AB, BC and CD of its motion. distance s. Rearranging Equation (5.3).

(b) Calculate the distance travelled in each stage (’—u’) (0? —20°)
and the total distance covered. eee es kee


(c) Stopping distance = thinking distance 4 Acar accelerates uniformly from rest for a period
+ braking distance of 8.0s in which time it travels a distance of 48 m.
= 16+ 40=56m Calculate the acceleration.

Answer 5 (a) (i) ‘Dividing distance travelled by time taken

(a) 16m, (b) 40m, (c) 56m.
gives a body’s speed.’ Comment on this
statement, and write an improved
version. Use a bus journey as an example.
Exercise 5.8 (ii) A body, starting from rest, travels in a
straight line with a constant acceleration,
a, for a time f¢.
1 A motorist with a personal reaction time of 0.60s (1) Sketch a velocity-time graph for the
is driving along a straight road at a speed of bady:
12ms ' when he sees a pedestrian walk out in (II) Deduce, from the graph, that the
front of his car at a distance of 20m away. If the distance, s, travelled by the body in
car and driver have a total mass of 900 kg and the time ¢ is given by
average braking force is 5.4kN, determine
(a) the thinking distance,
(b) On a building site, bags of cement, each of
(b) the braking distance, mass 50 kg, are placed on a sloping ramp and
(c) his stopping distance.
allowed to slide down it. The diagram shows
the three main forces acting on a bag.
2 A motorist has a personal reaction time of 1.0s. If he
is travelling at 30ms |, at what rate must he be able Cc
to decelerate if he is to stop in a distance of 120 m?

Exercise 5.9:
Examination Questions
(Assume g = 10ms 7 except where stated.)
(i) Give the name of each of the three forces
1 A shot putter throws a shot forward with a
velocity of 10ms | with respect to his hand, in
(11) (1) Calculate W, given that the mass of a
a direction 50° to the horizontal. At the same
bag is SO kg.
time the shot-putter is moving forward
(11) Calculate the component of W which
horizontally with a velocity of 3.0ms|.
acts down the slope.
Calculate the magnitude and direction of the
(Ill) The acceleration of a bag down the
resultant velocity of the shot.
slope is 2.0ms°. Calculate the
2 (a) Physical quantities can be classified as scalar value of F. Explain your reasoning.
quantities or vector quantities. Explain the (IV) By considering the direction at right
difference, giving an example of each angles to the slope, calculate the
(b) A light aircraft flies at a constant airspeed of
value of C. Explain your reasoning.
45ms_' on a journey towards a destination
(ili) Calculate the time it takes for a bag to
due north of its starting point. A wind is travel 36m, as measured along the
blowing at a constant speed of 20ms ! from sloping surface. The bags start from rest.
the west. Find, by drawing or by calculation: [WJEC 2001]
(i) the direction in which the aircraft should
6 A stone is dropped from the top of a tower of
height 40m. The stone falls from rest and air
(ii) the speed of the aircraft over the ground.
resistance is negligible.
[OCR 2001]
How long does it take for the stone to fall the last
3 A car, originally travelling at a speed of 30ms_|,
10m to the ground?
decelerates uniformly to rest in a time of 20s. —9
(Uses =10 mis)
Calculate the distance travelled by the car in the
first 10s. A 0.38s-B 14s C25s D 28s)(/OGR 2001


7 An aircraft is travelling horizontally at 250ms_!

when a part of the fuselage falls off. If the
aircraft is travelling at a height of 4.5km,

(a) the time it takes for the fuselage portion to fall

to the ground (neglect air resistance) Fig. 5.14
The ground is level and the fence is 2.2m high. The
(b) the horizontal distance it will have travelled in
ball is kicked from ground level with an initial
this time
velocity of 8.0ms ' at an angle « to the horizontal.
(c) its velocity just prior to impact with the Air resistance is to be neglected.
ground. (i) Show that, if the ball just clears the fence, the
angle of projection « must be 55°.
In this question, all effects of air resistance can be (ii) Find the horizontal velocity of the ball as it
neglected. passes over the fence.
(iii) Calculate the total time for which the ball is
An athlete in the javelin event runs along a in the air from the instant it is kicked until it
horizontal track and launches the javelin at an reaches the ground.
angle of 40.0° to the horizontal. The javelin rises Assume g = 9.8ms °. [CCEA 2000]
to a maximum height and then falls to ground
level. It hits the ground 4.00s after launching, at a 10 A railway locomotive of mass of 80000 kg exerts a
point a horizontal distance of 75.2m from the tractive force of 400kN at the rails. The
launch point. locomotive hauls 8 coaches, each of mass
80.000 kg, as well as itself.
(a) (i) Show that the horizontal component of The total force of friction on the train is 1SOKN.
the launch velocity is 18.8ms_!. Which one of A to D is the acceleration of the
(ii) Calculate the magnitude of the launch train measured in ms 7?
A035" B 0.78) °C (80) DE3.40
(b) The length of the track from the start of the [OCR Nuff 2001]
athlete’s run to the launch point is 33.5 m.

For this run, the athlete starts from rest and
accelerates uniformly at 1.50ms~ over the
complete length of the track. The diagram above shows a Concorde preparing
(i) Calculate the speed of the athlete when for take-off. Its engines are turning but its brakes
she reaches the launch point. are still on, and it is not yet moving.
(ii) Comment on any difference between your
(a) Mark on the diagram, using arrows and
answer to (b)(i) and the value quoted in
letters, the directions in which the following
(a)(i). forces act on the aircraft:
In the calculations in parts (c) and (d), treat the (i) its weight, labelled ‘W’,
javelin as a point mass. (ii) the force caused by the engines, labelled

(c) The javelin leaves the athlete’s hand at a (iii) the total force exerted by the runway,
height of 1.80m above the ground. Calculate labelled ‘F’.
the maximum height above the ground
Describe the sum of these three forces.
reached by the javelin.
Here is some data about the Concorde during
(d) For the javelin striking the ground at the end take-off.
of its flight, calculate Total mass 185 000 kg
(i) the vertical component of the velocity Average thrust per engine 170kN
(ii) the magnitude of the velocity. (Make use Number of engines 4
of information in (a)(i).) Take-off speed (12mis 3
[CCEA 2001]
(b) Calculate its acceleration.
A ball is to be kicked so that, at the highest (c) Calculate the time it takes to achieve take-off
point of its path, it just clears a fence a few speed from rest.
metres away. The trajectory of the ball is shown (d) Show that the distance it travels from rest to
in Fig 5.14 the take-off point is about 1700 m.


Give one assumption you have made in doing 14 Acar is taken for a short test-drive along a straight
these calculations. road. A velocity vs. time graph for the first 40
seconds of the drive is given below.
Suggest one reason why runways used by
Concordes are always much longer than 1700 m. 20
{Edexcel S-H 2000] Velocity/

12 (a) Force and acceleration are’ both vector

(i) State what is meant by a vector quantity. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

(ii) Name one other vector quantity. Time/s

(i) Calculate,the acceleration of the car during

(b) Two men are trying to drag a concrete
the first 20 seconds.
block by pulling on ropes tied to a metal
(ii) Calculate the car’s displacement after
ring which is attached to the block. One
(1) 20 seconds
man exerts a pull of 260N to the East and
(11) 40 seconds.
the other exerts a pull of I50N to the
(iii) At 40 seconds from the start of the drive the
South, as shown.
car starts to slow down at a uniform rate.
During the deceleration it travels a further
(View from above
90m before coming to rest. Complete the
i.e. looking down velocity vs. time graph above to show this
on block and
260 N
final stage of the drive. —[WJEC 2001, part]

15 (a) A vehicle on a straight road starts from rest

and accelerates at 1.5ms * for 20s. It then
travels for 200s at constant velocity, and
finally decelerates uniformly, coming to rest
(i) Calculate the magnitude (size) and after a further 30s.
direction of the resultant of the forces (i) Sketch a velocity-time graph for the
applied by the men. Explain how you whole 250s period. Label the velocity
arrive at your answer. and time axes with appropriate values.
(ii) Instead of the block moving, the ring (ii) Find the total distance travelled in the
suddenly breaks away from the block. 250s period. Hence calculate the
Calculate the initial acceleration of the average speed for the whole journey.
ring if its mass is 6.0 kg. (iii) Sketch a displacement—time graph for the
[WJEC 2001] whole 250s period. Label the time axis
with appropriate values:
13 The diagram shows three trucks which are part of In the following parts ((b) and (c)) of this question
a train. The mass of each truck is 84000 kg. take the acceleration of free fall g as 10ms 7 and
ignore air resistance.
(b) A stone is projected with a vertical component
of velocity of 30ms | from the edge of the top
of a tower 200 m high. It follows the trajectory
shown in Fig 5.15

The train accelerates uniformly in the direction

shown from rest to 16ms! in a time of 4.0
minutes. Calculate the resultant force on each

The force exerted by truck B on truck C is

11200N. Draw a free-body force diagram for
truck B, showing the magnitudes of all the
forces. Neglect any frictional forces on the
trucks. [Edexcel 2001, part] Fig. 5.15


Calculate Velocity
(i) the time after projection at which the
stone reaches its maximum height,
(ii) the maximum height reached above the
(iii) the total flight time until the stone
reaches the ground.

(c) Another stone is projected into the air from Time

ground level at a velocity of 25ms' at an
angle of 35° to the horizontal (Fig 5.16). (f) Explain how the terminal velocity would be
different for a larger raindrop.
25 ms! [Edexcel S-H 2001]
17 A student uses a deodorant spray which spreads
many small droplets into the air. The diagram
below shows one of these droplets falling with
Fig. 5.16
terminal velocity.
(a) On a copy of the diagram, draw labelled
(i) the horizontal range, arrows to represent the forces acting. Assume
(ii) the magnitude and direction of the that the upthrust of the air is negligible.
velocity 0.60s after projection.
(d — It is possible to project the stone in (c) with the
same speed of 25 ms ', but at a different angle
to the horizontal, so that it has exactly the
same horizontal range as in (c)(i). Copy Fig.
5.16 into your answer booklet, and on the What is the relationship between the forces
same diagram draw a labelled sketch of the when the droplet is falling with terminal
trajectory obtained with this alternative angle velocity?
of projection. (No calculation is required.)
State, with a reason, whether the time of flight (b) After reaching terminal velocity the droplet
with this second trajectory is less than, the falls 25mm in 6.0s. Calculate the terminal
same as, or greater than the time of flight velocity.
when the stone is projected with a velocity of Hence estimate the time for this droplet to
25ms ' at 35° to the horizontal, as in (c). (No reach the floor.
calculation is required.) [CCEA 2001]
(c) Write down an expression for the weight of
the droplet in terms of radius r and density p.
16 Some people think that all raindrops fall at the
same speed; others think that their speed (d) The viscous drag F acting on a droplet of
depends on their size. radius r falling with terminal velocity v
through a medium of viscosity 7, is given by
(a) Calculate the speed of a raindrop after it has the expression
fallen freely from rest for 0.2s.
F = 6nnrv
(b) The raindrop falls for longer than 0.2s.
Show that the radius of the droplet is given by
Explain why its acceleration does not remain
uniform for the whole of its fall. Fey alle
(c) Show that the mass of a 0.5mm diameter 2g
spherical raindrop is less than 1 x 10-’kg. Hence calculate the radius of the falling
1.0m? of water has a mass of 1.0 x 10° kg. droplet.
(d —
Calculate the raindrop’s terminal velocity. n=18x10°Nsm~
Assume that the upthrust from the air is p =920kgm °
negligible. Explain your working clearly.
In the calculations above, the upthrust of the
Viscosity of air = 1.8 x LOS kom cesa air is assumed to be negligible. Explain why
this is a reasonable assumption.
(e) Sketch a graph to show how the raindrop’s
velocity increases from rest to terminal Density of air = 1.2kgm ~~.
velocity. Add a scale to the velocity axis. [Edexcel S-H 2000]


18 A van driver, making an emergency stop from a The ‘thinking distance’ is the distance the car
speed of 18ms ', requires a thinking distance of moves while the driver is reacting before the
12m and a braking distance of 22m. brakes are applied.
(a) Showing your calculations, determine: (a) Calculate the thinking time for a speed of 20
(i) the reaction time of the driver; miles per hour.
(ii) the average deceleration of the van during Explain why the thinking distance varies with
(b) The same van, with the same driver, is
following a car on a motorway. Both vehicles
(b ) The ‘braking distance’ is the distance the car
travels while decelerating once the brakes
are travelling at 30ms', and the distance
have been applied.
between the front of the van and the rear of
(i) Show thatthe deceleration is about
the car is 15m. Determine, using a suitable
7ms ~ while braking from a speed of 50
calculation, whether or not the van will
miles per hour.
collide with the car if the car driver makes an
(ii) Calculate the braking force which
emergency stop. Assume that the
produces this deceleration for a car of
decelerations of the car and the van under
mass 900 kg.
braking are equal. [OCR 2001]
— Brakes depend for their operation on the
19 The following table gives data taken from the friction between brake pads and a steel disc
Highway Code for ‘Typical Stopping Distances’ of connected to the wheel. A text book states
a car when braking.
that the magnitude of this friction does not
depend on how fast the car is going, provided
Speed/ Speed/ Thinking Braking Stopping Deceleration/
miles ms | distance/ distance/ distance/ ms
the wheels do not lock.
per m m m Use the data in the table to discuss whether
the results are consistent with this statement.
20 8.9 6 6 12 6.6
—— With extra passengers the mass of the car is
30 13.4 9 14 23 6.4
much greater. If the braking force remains
SO 22.4 15 38 a!
70 Sth} 21 75 96 6.5
the same, explain how this would affect
braking distances. [Edexcel S-H 2000]

Energy Using Equation 5.3
vo =u + 2as
12> 0 2x3xs
Mechanical energy exists in two basic forms:
(1) Kinetic energy (KE) is energy due to motion.
(b) From Equation 6.1
KE = 4mv~ (mm is the mass, v the velocity of
the body.) Work done = F x s = 15 x 24 = 360J

(2) Potential energy (PE) is energy stored — e.g. in (c) KE=4my? =1x5x 12?
a compressed spring or due to the position of a = 60 aie
body in a force field. Gravitational PE = mgh The answers to (b) and (c) are the same. This is
(m is mass, g is acceleration due to gravity, h because, in the absence of friction forces and on a
is height above a datum), and is energy stored horizontal surface all the work done by the force
in a gravitational field (see Chapter 9) due to becomes KE of the moving body.
the elevated position of the body. Answer

(a) 24m, (b) 3.6 x 10°J, (c) 3.6 x 107J.

Work and energy Example 2

Work is done when energy is transferred from

Smooth frictionless plane
one system to another. It involves a force acting
over a distance. We define h = 5.0 sin 30° = 2.5m

Datum for PE
Work done (J) = Force (N) X Distance (m) Mass 3.0 kg

(6.1) Fig. 6.1 Information for Example 2

Also Work done = Energy transferred (J) Refer to Fig. 6.1. A block of mass 3.0 kg is pulled 5.0m
up a smooth plane, inclined at 30° to the horizontal, by
Example 1 a force of 25N parallel to the plane. Find the velocity
of the block when it reaches the top of the plane.
A body of mass 5.0 kg is initially at rest on a horizontal
frictionless surface. A force of 15N acts on it and Method
accelerates it to a final velocity of 12ms_'. Calculate Work done on the body becomes KE and PE. So, if final
(a) the distance travelled, (b) the work done by the velocity of block is v, then
force, (c) the final KE of the body.
Work done = (KE + PE) gained by block, or
Compare (b) and (c) and comment.
F xs =1mv’? +mgh
Wer haves #25 as).0.e 773.04. 2-= 10 and
(a) We have m =5.0, u=0, F = 15 and v=12. To nS ero O
find distance s we must find acceleration a. From
UNG = Eat ave +3 x 10) 6 25
Equation 5.5
y= Mo=58ms!
Ge3.0m ee


Note that in the above we do not subtract from the 25 N (b) All the PE has been converted to KE just prior to
force the component of weight acting ‘down’ the plane striking the ground. So
(mg sin 30°, from Chapter 4) since gravitational effects
Final KE = 225J
have been accounted for in the PE term.
(c) Let final velocity be v. Since KE = dmv? then


Exercise 6.1 Note that the final velocity does not depend on the
mass because it cancels out (since }mv~ = mgh,
y* = 2gh).
(Assume g = 10 ms |
Note that, as im Example 7, Chapter 5, we could
1. Calculate the kinetic energy of the following: have solved this using the equations of motion
with acceleration a=g=10ms~°. This is
(a) acar: mass 900kg, velocity 20ms7';
because air resistance is negligible.
(b) an aeroplane mass 20 x 10° kg, velocity
200ms _'; Answer
(c) an electron; mass 9.0 x 10 sd 8 velocity (a) 2.3 x 107J, (b) 2.3 x 107J, (c) 30ms'.
20 x 10°ms7!.
2 A force of 15 N is applied to a body of mass 3.0 kg,
initially at rest on a smooth horizontal surface, for Example 4
a time of 3.0s. Calculate (a) the final velocity, A
(b) the distance travelled, (c) the work done, Frictionless track
(d) the final KE of the body.
3 A block of mass 10kg is pulled 20m up a smooth
plane inclined at 45° to the horizontal. The block
is initially at rest and reaches a velocity of
2.0ms ' at the top of the plane. Calculate the
magnitude of the force required, assuming it acts
parallel to the plane.
4 A body of mass 5.0 kg is pulled 4.0m up a rough Fig. 6.2 Information for Example 4
plane, inclined at 30° to the horizontal, by a force
of 50N parallel to the plane. Find the velocity of Refer to Fig. 6.2. A truck of mass 150 kg is released
the block when it reaches the top of the plane if from rest at A and moves along the frictionless track.
the frictional force is of magnitude 12N. Calculate (a) its maximum KE, (b) its maximum
velocity, (c) its velocity at C. (Assume g= 10ms ”.)

Energy interchange Explain what happens when it reaches D.

The principle of conservation of energy states that
(a) Maximum KE is when PE is a minimum. This
the total amount of energy in an isolated system occurs at B. We have
remains constant.
Gain in KE = Loss in PE (mgh)
If dissipative effects, e.g. friction, are ignored then
we have simply KE and PE interchange. Sitice 77 = 1S e = 10 = oth

Loss in PE = 150 x 10 x 60 = 90000J

Example 3
KE gain = 90kJ
A ball of mass 0.50kg falls from a height of 45m.
Calculate (a) its initial PE, (b) its final KE, (c) its final (b) Maximum velocity v occurs for maximum KE.
velocity. Neglect air resistance. (Assume g = 10ms 7.) tmv* =4x 150 x v? = 90000
v = 71200 = 34.6ms!
(a) We have m = 0.50, h = 45, g = 10. So
(c) At C, the drop in height 4; is 40m below A. So if
PE =mgh =05 * 10 «x 45 = 225) velocity at C is v, then


Gain in KE (4my,*) = Loss in PE (mghy)

+ x 150 x v7 = 150 x 10 x 40
‘Lost’ energy
v; = V800 = 28.3ms7!
If dissipative forces, e.g. friction and air
Note, once again, that v,; does not depend on the resistance, cannot be neglected, then some
mass of the truck. energy will be ‘lost’ in the sense that it is
The truck arrives at D with zero KE, hence zero converted to other forms (e.g. heat).
velocity, since its PE at D equals its PE at A. It
then starts to roll back to C, B and A.
Example 5
A ball of mass 0.20 kg is thrown vertically upwards with
(a) 90kJ, (b) 35ms“‘, (c) 28ms_. a velocity of 15ms_'. If it reaches a height of 10m,
calculate the percentage loss in energy caused by air
resistance. (Assume g= 10ms ”.)
Exercise 6.2 Method
The final PE is less than the initial KE due to transfer of
(Assume g = 10ms *.) energy to the surrounding air. We have m = 0.20,
1. An object of mass 0.30kg is thrown vertically uU— lon 10 andg— 10) so
upwards and reaches a height of 8.0m. Calculate Initial KE = 4mu? =1x 0.2 x 15’ = 22.5]
(a) its final PE, (b) the velocity with which it must
be thrown, neglecting air resistance. Final PE = mgh = 0.2 x 10 x 10

2 A cricket of mass 2.5¢ has a vertical velocity of 20,05

2.0ms ' when it jumps. Calculate (a) its
Energy transfer = 22.5 — 20.0 = 2.5J
maximum KE and (b) the maximum vertical
height it could reach. Energy transfer
Percentage loss = initial KE 100
3 A ball of mass 0.20 kg drops from a height of 10m
and rebounds to a height of 7.0m. Calculate the DS bse
=a 5 * 100= 11.
energy lost on impact with the floor. Neglect air
4 Asimple pendulum oscillates with an amplitude of
11% of the initial KE is transferred to the surrounding
30°. If the length of the string is 1.0m, calculate the
velocity of the pendulum bob at its lowest point.

Example 6
A block of mass 6.0kg is projected with a velocity of
12ms_' up a rough plane inclined at 45° to the
horizontal. If it travels 5.0m up the plane, calculate (a)
the energy dissipated via frictional forces, (b) the
magnitude of the (average) friction force. (Assume

(a) vax

Cc Displacement/cm Rough plane

Fig. 6.3 Information for Question 5
h =5cos 45° = 3.5m
Fig. 6.3 shows the PE versus displacement graph
F = friction force
for a body, of mass 0.10kg, oscillating about the
point C. If the body has total energy 0.16J,
calculate its velocity at (a) A and A’, (b) B and
B’, (c) C. Neglect friction, air resistance, etc. Fig.6.4 Solution to Example 6


Refer to Fig. 6.4. Initial KE becomes PE and energy output will be less than the energy input
energy dissipated via work done (F xs) against due to energy ‘lost’, e.g. in work done against
friction force F. So friction. We define
imu” =mgh+F xs
Efficiency (%)
We have m = 6.0, u = 12, g = 10 andh =3:55,
_ Useful energy (power) output (x100) (6.2)
Energy (power) input
1% 6x12? =6x10x35+FXs
Exes 222) Power is the rate of transfer of energy — 1.e. the
work done in unit time. The SI unit for power is
the watt (LW = 1Js_').

Answer Example 7
(a) 0.22kJ, (b) 44N. A 1.0kW motor drives a pump which raises water
through a height of 15m. Calculate the mass of water
lifted per second, assuming the system is (a) 100%
Exercise 6.3 efficient, (b) 75% efficient. (Assume g = 10m Sana)

g = 10 ms ~.) (a) Each second the motor supplies 1000J of energy,
which we assume is all converted to gravitational
1. An object of mass 1.5kg is thrown vertically PE of the water. We have h =15 and require
upwards with a velocity of 25ms '. If 10% of its mass m. So
initial energy is dissipated against air resistance
on its upward flight, calculate (a) its maximum 1000 = neh = mix NOS
PE, (b) the height to which it will rise.
i = 0.7 ke
2 A cricket ball of mass 0.20 kg is thrown vertically (b) Only 75% of 1000J, that is 750J,becomes available
upwards with a velocity of 20ms_' and returns to to lift water. So, if the new mass is ™,
earth at 15Sms '. Find the work done against air
resistance during the flight. (Ui Gitin—vien 6 UE NS
m, =5.0kg
3 : Mass

4.0m (a) 6.7kes, (b) 50kes,

bar 1.5m Example 8

20 x 10° kg of water moving at 2.2ms ' is incident ona
Pp water wheel each second. Calculate the maximum
power output from the mill, assuming 40% efficiency.
Fig.6.5 Diagram for Question 3
Fig. 6.5 shows a mass of 2.5 kg initially at rest on a Energy input is KE of the water. In one second we have
rough inclined plane. The mass is now released m=20* 10 andy =2.2ms 90
and acquires a velocity of 4.0ms~' at P, the base
of the incline. Find (a) the work done against KE input = 4my* = 4 x 20 x 10° x 2.2”
friction, (b) the (average) friction force. = 48.4x 10°J
Of this energy 40% becomes useful energy output. So
rearranging equation (6.2):
Machines -— efficiency and
power Useful energy output ee!) x 48.4 x 10°
A machine is a device that serves to transfer
energy from one system to another. The useful Maximum power output=19kW.


Example 9 (b) The engine must apply an additional force of

A boat travels at a constant velocity of 8.0ms-!. If the 1.0 x 10°N in excess of that in part (a). So the
engine develops a useful power output of 20kW, engine must apply a constant force of 6.0 x 10° N.
calculate the push exerted by the propellor on the water. From equation 6.3
Why is the boat not accelerating? after 5s, P=Fxv=6~x 10? x 2.5=15
x 10°
Method after 8s, P=Fxv=6x 10° x 4.0=24x 10°
When a motive force drives an object, such as the boat, Answer
then the useful power output, or motive power, is
given by: (a) 12.5kW, 20kW (b) 15kW, 24kW.

Motive Power P = Rate of doing work

Example 11
= Driving force X distance/time A car of mass 1.2 x 10° kg moves up an incline at a
steady velocity of 15ms_! against a frictional force of
= Driving force F xX velocity v
0.6kN. The incline is such that it rises 1.0m for every
(6.3) 10m along the incline. Calculate the output power of
the car engine. (Assume g = 10ms ~.)
We have P = 20 x 10°, v = 8.0, and require F. So Method
20x 10°? =F x 8 The car engine does work against friction forces and in
F225<10°N raising the PE of the car as it moves up the incline. So,
referring to energy transfer per second gives
The boat is not accelerating because the resistance to
motion of the boat as it passes through water is equal Pore ee ( Rate of doing ) ( Rate of )
to 2.5kN. The net force on the boat is thus zero, so it work against friction gain of PE
does not accelerate. =F xv+mgeh
Answer where F (frictional force) = 0.60 x 10°
2.5 kN. v (velocity) 215
m (mass of car) =12x10°
Example 10 g = 1
A train of mass 10 x 10° kg, initially at rest, accelerates
h (gain in height per second) = 15 x + =—lles)
uniformly at 0.50ms*. Calculate the power required
at time 5.0s and 8.0s, assuming (a) no resistive forces, P= (0:6 x 10° x 15) 4(1.2 x 10° x 10 « 15)
(b) resistive forces of 1.0 KN act. = 27x 10°W
Method Answer
Equation 6.3 tells us we require force F and velocity v at Output power = 27kW.
a given time in order to calculate the instantaneous
power P.
(a) To find F use Equation 5.5, with a = 0.50 and Exercise 6.4
ie 10 rail. So
F=ma=05x10x10°=5x10°N (Assumeg = 10ms ~.)
To find v after t= 5.0s and t = 8.0s use Equation 1. Calculate the power rating of a pump if it is to lift
5.1 with u = 0 and a = 0.50. Thus 180kg of water per minute through a height of
5.0m, assuming
afters, v=0+05x5=2.5ms
(a) 100%, (b) 50%, (c) 70% efficiency.
after 8s, v=0+05x8=40ms'
2 200kg of air moving at 15ms_' is incident each
From Equation 6.3 we have second on the vanes of a windmill. Estimate the
alter 3S.) = Fy= 3x 10° x 2.5 maximum output power of the mill. Why is this
not achieved in practice?
= 12.5 x 10°
3 A hydroelectric power station is driven by water
alter. SS P=F xv=35 x 10° x 4 falling on to a system of wheels from a height of
= 20x 10° 100m. If the output power of the station is


LOMW (10 x 10° W), calculate the rate at which (c) The same average power is maintained when
water must impinge on the wheels, assuming pulling the sledge uphill. Explain in terms of
(a) 100%, (b) 50% efficiency. energy transformations why it would take
longer than 5.0 hours to cover 8.0km uphill.
A car of mass 900 kg, initially at rest, accelerates [AQA, 2001]
uniformly and reaches 20ms~' after 10 seconds.
Calculate the power developed by the engine after 3 Part of a bobsled run is shown in Fig 6.6
(a) 5.0s, (b) 10s, (c) a distance of50 m from the start
position. Assume that resistive forces are negligible.
Repeat Question 4 with a constant resistive force
of 0.SOKN acting.
A car pulls a caravan of mass 800 kg up an incline of
8% (8 up for 100 along the incline) at a steady
velocity of 10ms_'. Calculate the tension in the tow
bar, assuming (a) resistive forces are negligible, (b) Fig. 6.6
a resistive force of 0.40 KN acts on the caravan.
A car has a maximum output power of 20 kW and The point A on the track is at a height of 85 m above
a mass of 1500 kg. At what maximum velocity can point B. From B onwards, the run is horizontal. The
it ascend an incline of 10%, assuming (a) no bobsled, of mass 250 kg, starts from rest at A. It then
dissipative forces, (b) a constant resistance of slides down the slope to B and beyond.
1.0KN opposing its motion. (a) Assuming that no energy is lost as the bobsled
slides down the slope, calculate the speed with
which the sled is travelling as it passes point B.
Exercise 6.5:
(b) At B the brakes on the bobsled are applied to
Examination Questions give a constant retarding force. The sled
comes to rest having travelled 120m along
the horizontal part of the run. Calculate the
(Assume g = 10ms * except where stated.) magnitude of the deceleration produced by
1 A force of 0.35 KN is needed to move a vehicle of the brakes.
mass 1.5 x 10° kg at constant speed along a (c) Calculate the work done in stopping the
horizontal road. Calculate the work done, against bobsled.
frictional forces, in travelling a distance of
0.30 km along the road. (d) As the bobsled passes point B, it possesses
kinetic energy. When it stops further along
A heavy sledge is pulled across snowfields. The the run, its kinetic energy is zero. Account for
diagram shows the direction of the force F exerted this loss of kinetic energy in terms of the
on the sledge. Once the sledge is moving, the principle of conservation of energy.
average horizontal force needed to keep it moving
[CCEA 2000]
at a steady speed over level ground is 300 N.
The diagram shows part of a roller coaster ride. In
practice, friction and air resistance will have a
significant effect on the motion of the vehicle, but
you should ignore them throughout this question.
(a) Calculate the force F needed to produce a
horizontal component of 300N on the sledge.
(b) (i) Explain why the work done in pulling the
sledge cannot be _ calculated by
multiplying F by the distance the sledge
is pulled. +
(ii) Calculate the work done in pulling the The vehicle starts from rest at A and is hauled up
sledge a distance of 8.0km over level to B by a motor. It takes 15.0s to reach B, at
ground. which point its speed is negligible. Complete the
(iii) Calculate the average power used to pull box in the diagram below, which expresses the
the sledge 8.0km in 5.0 hours. conservation of energy for the journey from A to B.


7 A sledge of mass 0.20 x 10° kg starts from rest at

Useful work done the top of a hill and slides down the hill without
by motor any driving force being applied. By the time it has
fallen through a vertical height of 50m it has
acquired a speed of 20ms _'. Calculate the energy
(a) The mass of the vehicle and the passengers is dissipated by frictional forces in this time.
3400 kg. Calculate
Twin engine aircraft use less fuel than those with
(i) the useful work done by the motor.
four engines. Recent improvements in engine
(ii) the power output of the motor.
reliability mean that they are now considered safe
At point B the motor is switched off and the for long commercial flights over water. An
vehicle moves under gravity for the rest of aircraft powered by two Rolls-Royce Trent
the ride. engines demonstrated its endurance by flying
Describe the overall energy conversion which non-stop round the world. During this flight it
used 1.7 x 10° litres of aviation fuel.
occurs as it travels from B to C.
Each litre of fuel releases 38 MJ when combined
with oxygen in the air.
(a) Calculate the total amount of energy released
during the flight.
(b) The flight lasted 47 hours. Calculate the
(b) Calculate the speed of the vehicle at point C. average input power to the engines.
(c) On another occasion there are fewer (c) The distance covered by the aircraft was
passengers in the vehicle; hence its total mass 41000km. Calculate the aircraft’s average
is less than before. Its speed is again speed.
negligible at B. State with a reason how, if at
all, you would expect the speed at C to differ (d) The maximum thrust of each engine is 700KN.
from your previous answer. — [Edexcel 2001] Multiply the total maximum thrust by the
average speed and comment on your answer.
[Edexcel 2000]
9 (a) The movement of sea-water through turbines
in a narrow harbour entrance is to be used to
generate electricity. The harbour has vertical
sides and encloses a _ surface area of
6.0 x 10° m?. During a 3-hour period around
low tide, sluice gates are opened and the
water level in the harbour falls by 5.0m.
(i) Calculate, for the 3-hour period, the
gravitational potential energy lost by the
Fig.6.7 Diagram for Question 5 water leaving the harbour. The density of
sea-water is 1050kgm ~.
Fig. 6.7 shows two blocks A and B connected by a (ii) The generating system converts this
light inextensible cord passing over a frictionless potential energy to electrical energy with
pulley. Block A starts from rest and moves up the an efficiency of 40%. Calculate the mean
smooth plane which is inclined at 30° to the electrical power generated.
horizontal. Calculate, at the moment that A has (b) A small tidal power scheme and a large
moved 4.0m along the plane: complex of coastal wind turbines can be built
(a) the total kinetic energy of the system; for approximately the same cost. The
maximum electrical power output of each
(b) the speed of the blocks A and B. would be similar. Explain two advantages of
choosing the tidal scheme option.
A ball of mass 0.2 kg is projected horizontally from
[OCR 2001]
the top of a wall 5.0m above ground level at a
speed of 6.0ms '. Just before it hits the ground it 10 (a) A wind turbine has blades of total effective
has a speed of 10ms~'. Calculate how much area 55m° and is used in a head-on wind of
energy has been dissipated as it fell through the speed 10ms'. The density of air is
air. 1.2kgm-?.


(i) Calculate the volume of air striking the (ii) It takes 6.0s for the object to go from A to
blades every second, and hence show B. Calculate the power which must be
that about 650 kg of air strikes the blades delivered by the motor. [CCEA, 2001]
every second. 13 A cyclist is cycling with a constant velocity along a
(ii) Calculate the total kinetic energy of the horizontal road as shown in the diagram below. The
air arriving at the blades every second. cyclist and bicycle should be regarded as a single
(iii) The wind turbine can convert only 40% object of total mass 70 kg throughout this question.
of this kinetic energy into electrical
energy. Calculate the electrical power
output of the wind turbine. —_—_—>R

(b) A town with an electrical power requirement of

100 MW needs a new electricity generating
station. The choice is between one oil-fired
station or a collection of wind turbines. The
power output from a small oil-fired generating
station is about 100 MW; the useful power
output of a single turbine is 20 kW.
The arrow, labelled R, represents the direction of
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the resistive forces acting on the cyclist and
these types of power supply. [AQA 2001] bicycle. Draw labelled arrows, on the diagram
above, to indicate the magnitude and directions
11 A hiker of mass 80 kg completes a 2.5 hour uphill
trek involving a change of height of 900m. of the other three forces acting on this object.
(a) The cyclist is cycling along this horizontal road
(a) Calculate the average rate at which the hiker’s
body must produce the energy required for with a constant velocity of 3.6ms | producing
the change in height. Assume that the body a forward force of 4.0N. Calculate the work
has an overall efficiency of 20%. done against the resistive forces each second.
(b) An advertisement in a newspaper suggests that
(b) In addition, walking causes the hiker to use
an electric power unit (which is easy to fit) will
energy at an average rate of 230 W.
make sure that cycling can always be fun —
Estimate the total energy requirement for the
whole expedition. [OCR 2001] even uphill. The unit is labelled 120W. The
advertisement claims that a cyclist can achieve
12a) (1) (1) Define the term work as used in a steady velocity of 3.6ms | up a hill of 1 in 12
Physics. with half the energy being provided by the
(2) Give the unit of work in terms of the unit. A hill of | in 12 means that for every 12m
SI base units kg, m and s. along the road, the hill rises vertically 1.0 m.
(ii) (1) Define power. Use suitable calculations to decide whether
(2) Give the unit of power in terms of the this claim is valid.
SI base units kg, m and s.
(c) It is preferable for the airflow past the cyclist
(b) An object of mass 1.5kg is pulled up a to be laminar. Explain the meaning of the
frictionless slope at a steady speed by an word laminar and state why this is preferable.
electric motor. The slope makes an angle of [Edexcel S-H 2001]
25° with the horizontal, as shown in Fig 6.8.
14 Ss

Fig.6.9 Diagram for Question 14

A lorry of mass of mass 2.4 x 10* kg climbs a hill
Fig. 6.8 of incline 1 in#10, as shown in Fig 6.9, at a
constant speed of 8.0ms_'. If the power of the
The distance along the slope between the lorry’s engine is 24 x 10* W, calculate
points A and B is 5.0m.
(i) Calculate the work done in moving the (a) the driving force exerted by the engine
object from A to B. (b) the frictional resistance to the lorry’s motion.


15 The diagram shows a car travelling at a constant (b) In a hydroelectric scheme, water is conveyed
velocity along a horizontal road. through a long pipeline from the reservoir to
the generator. In passing through — the
pipeline, the water descends a vertical height
of 80m. The generator produces 12MW of
power. The overall efficiency of the scheme is
(i) Explain what is meant by overall
(a) (i) Draw and label arrows on the diagram
representing the forces acting on the car.
(ii) Show that the mass of water reaching the
(li) Referring to Newton’s Laws of motion,
generator in one second is 2.55 x 10’ kg
explain why the car is travelling at
(iii) If the efficiency of the generator alone is
constant velocity.
84%, calculate
(b) The car has an effective power output of (1) the power of the water reaching the
18kW and is travelling at a constant velocity generator,
of 10ms_'. Show that the total resistive force (Il) the speed with which the water
acting is 1800 N. reaches the generator.
(iv) Assuming the water is initially at rest, and
(c) The total resistive force consists of two
there is no change in the level of the
components. One of these is a constant
frictional force of 250N and the other is the
(1) calculate the power loss in the pipe.
force of air resistance, which is proportional
(11) Hence estimate a value for the
to the square of the car’s speed.
average force with which the pipe
Calculate resists the flow of water. Explain
(i) the force of air resistance when the car is your reasoning.
travelling at 10ms |,
(c) (i) What is the efficiency of the pipe in
(ii) the force of air resistance when the car is
conveying the energy from the reservoir
travelling at 20ms |,
to the generator?
(ili) the effective output power of the car
(ii) Show how the efficiency of the pipeline
required to maintain a constant speed of
and that of the generator are consistent
20ms! ona horizontal road.
with an overall efficiency of 60%.
[AOA 2001]
[WJEC 2000]
16 (Assume g = 9.8ms * for this question)
(a) State the Principle of Conservation of Energy.


tee: cables

pipeline generator

Linear momentum

of A, (b) the momentum of B, (c) the total

Momentum momentum ofA and B.

The (linear) momentum of a body is defined by

Conservation of
Momentum = Mass X Velocity (7.1) momentum

Example 1 Velocity Velocity Velocity Velocity

u Uy Vy Vo
A body A of mass 5 kg moves to the right with a velocity
m 1 m q z
of 4ms |. A body of mass 3kg moves to the left with a mf ‘ms2
velocity of 8ms ' Calculate (a) the momentum of A,
Before collision After collision
(b) the momentum of B, (c) the total momentum of A
and B. Collision

Fig. 7.1 Conservation of linear momentum
We use Equation 7.1
(a) Momentum of A = Mass x Velocity
= ele +20kgms_!
Provided that no external forces (such as friction)
are acting, then, when bodies collide, the total
(b) Velocity, and hence momentum, are vector momentum before collision is the same as that
quantities. We assumed in part (a) that motion to after collision. With reference to Fig. 7.1, this means
the right is positive in sign. So motion to the left
is negative.
MU, + mMzu2 =m Vv; +mM2yV2 (Fr2)
Momentum of B = Mass x Velocity = 3 x —8
= —2kgms
(c) Goes ead a ae) Example 2
of A and B of A
A 2.0kg object moving with a velocity of 8.0ms_!
collides with a 4.0kg object moving with a velocity of
of B
5.0ms ' along the same line. If the two objects join
= 20-—24=-—4kems* together on impact, calculate their common velocity
Answer when they are initially moving (a) in the same
(a) 20kgms_! (b) —24kgms', (c) —4kgms! direction, (b) in opposite directions.

Exercise 7.1 (a) Fig. 7.2a shows the situation before and after
impact. Since v; = v7 = v, Equation 7.2 gives
1. A body has a mass of 2.5kg. Calculate (a) its my,u, + N22 = N,V + NV
momentum when it has a velocity of 3.0ms_‘, (b) its =(m, +my)v
velocity when it has a momentum of 10.0kgms _’. So
2 An object A has mass 2 kg and moves to the left at 2xX%8+4 x5 = 6v
Sms '. An object B has mass 4kg and moves to
the right at 2.5ms ' Calculate (a) the momentum
y= 2 =6.0ms"


Collisions and energy

6 |
Ei ms a: ms!

Momentum is conserved in a collision. Total

Ee =3x4x52 | ¢/ KE=!x6xv2 energy is also conserved but kinetic energy might
=64J =50J 2 not be. In general some kinetic energy will be
oO converted to other forms (e.g. sound, work done
during plastic deformation).
(a) Objects moving in same direction
An inelastic collision is one in which kinetic
Common energy is not conserved.
5ms-1 velocity
Pox An elastic collision is one in which kinetic
Bled 1 energy is conserved.
A completely inelastic collision is one in
which the objects stick together on impact.
KE = 64J KE = 50J KE = i

Collision Example 3
Calculate the KE converted to other forms during the
(b) Objects moving in opposite directions
collisions in (a) and (b) of Example 2.
Fig. 7.2 Diagram for Examples 2 and 3
(b) Fig. 7.2b illustrates the situation. As in Example 1, Refer to Figs 7.2a and b which show the kinetic energy
the 4kg mass now has a negative velocity, so of the various objects before and after collision.
uy = —5. Hence, if v’ is the common velocity,
(a) Before collision, total KE = 64 + 50 = 114J
Deg SG! After collision, since v = 6,
Wee -2- a 6p mes. Total KE=tx6x 6 = 108)
KE converted = 114103 == 6)
(b) Before collision, total KE = 114J
(a) 6.0ms~ = (b) —0.67ms .
After collision, since v’ = —0.67,
Note: The negative value of v’ means that the combined
masses move to the left after collision. This is because Total KE 6 (0.67) lsd
the momentum of the 4kg mass is larger than that of KE converted = 114—1.3 =112.7J
the 2kg mass. Since the objects join together and their
two momenta are about the same, there is a small Answer
common velocity after impact. During this collision a @ eel) oh
large fraction of the initial kinetic energy is converted
to other forms of energy.
Example 4
A 2.0kg object moving with velocity 6.0ms | collides
Exercise 7.2 with a stationary object of mass 1.0 kg. Assuming that
the collision is perfectly elastic, calculate the velocity of
each object after the collision.
1 A truck of mass 1.0 tonne moving at 4.0ms'
catches up and collides with a truck of mass 2.0 Method
tonne moving at 3.0ms_' in the same direction.
Elastic spring v,=? Va
The trucks become coupled together. Calculate =
their common velocity.

(1 tonne = 1000 kg)
Repeat Question 1 but assume the trucks are
moving in the same line and in opposite directions.
Lem RS Coe] Lee Stationary

3 A pile-driver of mass 380 kg moving at 20m s | hits

a stationary stake of mass 20kg. If the two move
off together, calculate their common velocity. Fig. 7.3 An elastic collision (for Example 4)


Fig. 7.3 shows the situation before and after collision.

We must find vy, and vo, the final velocities of the 2kg Explosions
and | kg objects respectively. This means we need two
When an object explodes it does so as a result of
Since momentum is conserved, Equation 7.2 gives some internal force. Thus the total momentum of
MU, + M zu = MV, + MV2
the separate parts will be the same as that of the
original body. This is often zero.
ie. 2X6+1x0=2¥,4+1

or vz = 12—2), (7.3)
Example 5
Compressed spring

8 / A
Kinetic energy is also conserved. So Ay a

1 eae abled | ater 2

=2 my ae auee
2 2U2 = >myyy
2 1¥1 + >My
2 2V2

x2x +h xix Patxaxvetixixy? Fig. 7.4 Information for Example 5

Fig. 7.4 shows two trolleys A and B initially at rest,

+02" + a (7.4) separated by a compressed spring. The spring is now
released and the 3.0 kg trolley moves with a velocity of
1.0ms | to the right. Calculate (a) the velocity of the
Note that we have two simultaneous equations (see 2.0 kg trolley, (b) the total KE of the trolleys.
Chapter 2), so we can substitute for v2 from
Equation 7.3. into Equation 7.4. This _ gives Neglect the mass of the spring and any friction forces.
vy; =2.0ms 'andhencev, = 8.0ms_! (see Chapter 2).
: velocities
7 (a) Both trolleys are initially at rest so. their
The are 2.0ms © and 8.0ms © lL:in the original
momentum is zero. So
direction. Note the following values of KE:
Before collision: m, has 36J, my has 0J 0 = Mav, +Mpvp

After collision: my, has 4J, my has 32J WIGTE 7705 0010), Ae —al e Orta mec Clay ams
So the total KE remains unchanged at 36J before and required. So
after collision.
(= 3VA oF 2vz
Energy interchange is via the elastic spring which
Olen Vin =15ms~
stores energy on compression during impact. This
potential energy is converted to KE when the The negative sign indicates that trolley B moves to
objects separate. the left.

(b) Total KE is the sum of the separate KE of each

trolley. So
Exercise 7.3 Total KE = Lmav,y* +4mpvp’
=1£x3 x14 bx (E05)
1 Calculate the KE converted to other forms during
the collision in Question | Exercise 7.2. = Safa

2 Calculate the KE converted to other forms during Note that the KE is of course positive in each case.
the collision in Question 2 Exercise 7.2. The initial KE is zero, and the final KE comes
from the potential energy stored in the
3 A 2.0kg object moving with a velocity of 8.0ms_!
compressed spring.
collides with a 3.0kg object moving with a velocity
of 6.0ms' along the same direction. If the
collision is completely inelastic, calculate the
decrease in KE during collision. (a) 1.5ms| to the left, (b) 3.8J.


Note that the unit Ns is the same as kgms |

Exercise 7.4
(b) Change of momentum = mv — mu
We have m = 0.020, u = 0 and require v.
1 A shell of mass 1.6kg is fired from a gun with a
velocity of 250ms_'. Assuming that the gun is 2.00 = 0.020 x v —0
free to move, calculate its recoil velocity if it has a v=100ms!
mass of 1000 kg.
2 A space satellite has total mass 500kg. A portion
of mass 20kg is ejected at a velocity of 10ms'. (a) 2.00kgms',
e (b) 100ms_'.
Calculate the recoil velocity of the remaining
portion. Neglect the initial velocity of the satellite. Example 7
3 A radioactive nucleus of mass 235 units travelling
at 400kms' disintegrates into a nucleus of mass
95 units and a nucleus of mass 140 units. If the
nucleus of mass 95 units travels backwards at
200kms~', what is the velocity of the nucleus of
mass 140 units? Force/N

Impulse and force 0 1 L L

0 1 2 3 4 >
If a force F(N) acts on a body of mass m (kg) fora Fig. 7.5 Diagram for Example 7
time f(s) so that the velocity of the body changes
from u(ms') to v (ms_‘), then provided SI Fig. 7.5 shows how the force acting on a body varies
units are used: with time. The increase in momentum of the body,
measured in Ns, as a result of this force acting for
four seconds is:
po oe of ee _ (mv —mu) A 48 B 24 (WP D 6.0 E 3.0
of momentum t
From equation (7.6):
Rearranging Equation 7.5 gives Change of momentum = Impulse = F x ¢
In this case since force F is changing with time then
FXt=mv-mu (7.6) F Xt corresponds to the area under the graph F
versus ¢. Since F versus ¢ is a straight line passing
through the origin then:
The product F xt is called the impulse of the
area = + base x height = 5 x 4 x 12
force. It equals the change of momentum of the
body. = 24
Example 6
A stationary golf ball is hit with a club which exerts an
average force of 80N over a time of 0.025. Calculate Example 8
(a) the change in momentum, (b) the velocity acquired
by the ball if it has a mass of 0.020 kg. The outboard motor of a small boat has a propellor
which sends back a column of water of cross-sectional
Method area 0.030m? at a speed of 8.0ms'. Assuming the
(a) Change of momentum = Impulse boat is held at rest calculate:

a ge i) (a) the rate (in kgs') at which water is propelled

b) the rate of change
g of momentum of the water
= 2.00.NS (assuming it was originally at rest)


(c) the force exerted by the motor on the boat.

Assume the density of water = 1.0 x 10° kgm™.
(a) Volume of water sent back per second = area of
cross-section x speed

= ().03 x 8.0
0 2 4 6
= (24 mr sh Time/s

Fig. 7.6 Graph for Question 3

Mass of water sent back per second = volume
per second x density
Fig. 7.6 shows how the force acting on a body
= 24561.0
5% 10° changes with time. Calculate the change in
momentum of the body.
= 0.24 x 10° kgs"!
ce Using equation (7.5) and assuming that the water
was originally at rest:

Rate of change of momentum = rau =)

Exercise 7.6:
Examination questions
= 0.24 x 10° x 8.0
= 1920kgms?
1 A bullet of mass 15g is fired horizontally from a gun
since m/t = 0.24 x 10°, v = 8.0 andu =0. with a velocity of 250ms|. It hits, and becomes
embedded in, a block of wood of mass 3000g,
(c) From equation (7.5): which is freely suspended by long strings, as shown
in Fig. 7.7. Air resistance is to be neglected.
Force = rate of change of momentum

l| 1920N

The force exerted by the motor, via the propellor,

on the boat arises as a reaction to the force
needed to change the momentum of the water.

(a) 0.24 x 10° kgs’, (b) 1.9 x 10°kgms7’, 250ms"1
0— Tw ee ae
(©) SIN:

Note that the units kgms ~ and N are effectively the mee 7/70
(i) Calculate the magnitude of the
momentum of the bullet as it leaves the
Exercise 7.5 (11) Calculate the magnitude of the initial
velocity of the wooden block and bullet
after impact.
1 A squash ball of mass 0.024 kg is hit with a racket
(iii) Use your answer to (ii) to calculate the
and acquires a velocity of 10ms'. Its initial
velocity is zero. If the time of contact with the kinetic energy of the wooden block and
racket head is 0.040s, calculate the average force
embedded bullet immediately after the
exerted on the ball.
(iv) Hence calculate the maximum height
2 <A machine gun fires bullets at a rate of 360 per above the equilibrium position to which
minute. The bullets have a mass of 20g and a the wooden block, with the embedded
speed of 500ms_'. Calculate the average force bullet, rises after impact.
exerted by the gun on the person holding it. [CCEA 2000, part]


24 kg ms“! 10 kg ms“! A 20 B30 C 40 D 60

(b) Which one of the statements, A to D, about
the total kinetic energy of the two trolleys
immediately after the collision is correct.
A The total kinetic energy is zero.
Fig. 7.8 Diagram for Question 2 B The total kinetic energy is greater than zero
Two trucks, A and B, are about to collide head on; but less than 20 J.
their values of linear momentum are as shown in C The total kinetic energy is exactly 20 J.
Fig. 7.8. After the collision the two trucks separate D The total kinetic energy is greater than 20J.
and move away from each other, at which time [OCR Nuff 2001]
truck A has a linear momentum of 8.0kgms_'. (a) State the principle of conservation of momentum
Calculate: and the principle of conservation of energy. Give
one example of the use of each principle.
(a) the original combined momentum of the trucks
(b) A moving ball of mass M and speed v collides
(b) the momentum of truck B after collision and
head-on with a stationary ball of different mass.
state its direction of travel.
(1) After the collision, the first ball is stationary
and 10% of the kinetic energy is lost. Show
that the mass of the second ball is 10 M/9.
(ii) In another collision between the two balls
from the same starting conditions, no
kinetic energy is lost. Determine the final
velocities of the balls.

(c) A rubber ball is dropped on to flat ground

from a height of 2.0m. Calculate how long it
takes for the ball to first hit the ground. The
Fig. 7.9 Diagram for Question 3 ball loses 10% of its kinetic energy at each
bounce. Calculate the time taken for the ball
Two particles, S of mass 30g and T of mass 40g,
to come to rest. Ignore air resistance.
both travel at a speed of 35ms_! in directions at
wey see = 1/(1—x)]
right angles as shown in Fig. 7.9. The two particles
[OCR Spec 2000]
collide and stick together. Calculate their speed
after impact. (a) (i) State the principle of conservation of
A train of mass 5.0 x 10° kg accelerates uniformly (ii) Explain briefly how an elastic collision is
from rest on a straight horizontal track to a speed
different from an inelastic collision.
of 20ms~!
in 45s
(b) Describe and explain what happens when a
(a) Calculate the force causing this acceleration.
moving particle collides elastically with a
(b) During a subsequent shunting operation, the stationary particle of equal mass.
train, travelling at 0.50ms_', collides with a
stationary train of mass 2.0x 10°kg. (c) Figure 7.10 shows an astronaut undertaking a
Immediately after the collision, the two trains space-walk. The astronaut is tethered by a
move together as a single unit. Forces, other rope to a spacecraft of mass 4.0 x 10° kg. The
than those generated by the impact, can be spacecraft is moving at constant velocity.
neglected. Calculate:
(i) the speed of the combined trains after the
(ii) the kinetic energy lost in the collision.
[OCR 2000]
A supermarket trolley of mass 10kg travels at
2ms ' towards a stationary trolley of mass 20kg.
The two trolleys collide, link and move off together.
(a) Which one of A to D below is the total
momentum of the two trolleys, in kgms'',
after they have linked? Fig. 7.10


The astronaut and spacesuit have a total mass The graph of Fig. 7.11 shows the variation of force
of 130kg. The change in velocity of the F acting on a body over a time ¢.
astronaut after pushing off is 1.80ms |. Calculate the change in momentum of the body
(i) Determine the velocity change of the
spacecraft. (a) after 2s (b) after 4s
(ii) The astronaut pushes for 0.60s in 12 A tennis ball, moving horizontally at a high speed,
achieving this speed. Calculate the strikes a vertical wall and rebounds from it.
average power developed by _ the
astronaut. Neglect the change in motion (a) Describe the energy transfers which occur
of the spacecraft. during the impact of the ball with the wall.
(iii) The rope eventually becomes taut. (b) The graph shows how the horizontal push of the
Suggest what would happen next. wall on the tennis ball varies during the impact.
[AQA 2000]
A stationary Uranium nucleus of mass 238 units 800
decays into a Thorium nucleus of mass 234 units F/N
and an alpha particle of mass 4 units with speed 600
14x 10°ms '. Calculate the recoil speed of the
Thorium nucleus.
A stationary atomic nucleus disintegrates into an
a-particle of mass 4 units and a daughter nucleus
of mass 234 units. Calculate the ratio

KE of «-particle
KE of daughter nucleus 0 2 4 6 8 10: Lacete
10 (a) Collisions can be described as elastic or
(1) What is represented by the area under
inelastic. State what is meant by an inelastic
the graph?
(ii) Estimate the value of this area and hence
(b) A ball of mass 0.12kg strikes a_ stationary deduce the change of velocity of a tennis
cricket bat with a speed of 18ms_'. The ball is ball of mass 57.5 g which makes such an
in contact with the bat for 0.14s and returns impact.
along its original path with a speed of Sms |. (i) If the kinetic energy of the tennis ball is
unchanged by this impact, with what
speed did it strike the wall?
(i) the momentum of the ball before the [Edexcel 2001]
13 (a) (i) What is the relationship between force
(ii) the momentum of the ball after the
and momentum as expressed by Newton’s
second law?
(ui) the total change of momentum of the ball,
(11) State Newton’s third law.
(iv) the average force acting on the ball
during contact with the bat, (b) An astronaut uses a gas-gun to move around
(v) the kinetic energy lost by the ball as a in space. The gun fires gas from a nozzle of
result of the collision. [AQA 2001] area 150mm*° at a speed of 210ms!. The
11 FINA density of the gas is 0.850kgm~~ and the
mass of the astronaut and _ associated
equipment is 160kg.

(i) the mass of the gas leaving the gun in one

(ii) the initjal acceleration of the astronaut,
i.e. when starting from rest.
[WJEC 2000]
0 14 (a) A bullet of mass 5.0g takes 2.0ms to
0 1 2 3 4 ‘tls
accelerate uniformly from rest along the
Fig. 7.11 Graph for Question 11 0.60m length of a rifle barrel.


(i) Calculate the speed with which the bullet

leaves the barrel.
(ii) The rifle recoils against the shoulder of
the person firing it. Calculate the _- Axis of rotation
magnitude of the recoil force.
(b) A jet of water is directed at a vertical, rigid
wall with a horizontal velocity of 15ms_!.
The cross-sectional area of the jet is 600 mm’.
After the jet strikes the wall, the motion of
the water is parallel to the wall. Calculate the
magnitude of the force on the wall due to the Ze _— Supporting
ict 15ms—1

Assume density of water = 1000kgm°. FIQe eae

[CCEA 2001]
The axis points directly into a wind which is
15 A ship is powered by a water jet propulsion unit, blowing at 15ms'. Assume that the air
driven by a diesel engine. When the ship is emerges from the rotor at a mean axial speed
stationary and the engine is running at full power of 13ms!. Take the density of air to be
the unit takes in water and expels it as a jet of ikem
cross-sectional area 0.30 m* at a speed v.
Show that:
Take the density of water to be 1050kgm~.
(i) the mass of air incident in one second on
(a) Write down an expression for the mass of the circle swept by the rotor is
water flowing in the jet in one second. 1.83 x 10° kg;
(b) The kinetic energy given to the jet in one (ii) the kinetic energy lost by this air is
second is 1.5 x 10°J. Calculate: ae 10.0
(i) the magnitude of v;
(c) Calculate the horizontal force exerted by the
(ii) the momentum gained by the water in air on the rotor in a direction parallel to its
the jet in one second. axis of rotation.
(iii) State the magnitude of the thrust exerted
by the jet on the ship. (d SS Suggest why the supporting tower for the wind
turbine must be very rigid.
(c) State two reasons why the output power of the
diesel engine must be greater than (e) The turbine converts the kinetic energy lost by
1.5 x 10° W. [OCR 2001] the air into electrical energy with an efficiency
of 40%. Calculate how many such turbines
16 (a) Express the SI unit of power in terms of the would be needed to provide the output of a
base units kg, m and s. conventional 500 MW power station.
(b) The diameter of the rotor of a wind turbine is [OCR 2001]
36m. The rotor rotates about a horizontal
axis, as Shown in Fig. 7.12

Example 1
A pulley wheel rotates at 300 rev min- ' Calculate (a)
its angular velocity in rad s |, (b) the linear speed of a
point on the rim if the pulley has a radius of 150mm,
Linear speed v
(c) the time for one revolution.
Object, mass m Method

« = Angular velocity of rotating radius (a) 300 rev min | = ot rev s-! = 5.00 rev s ‘(or Hz)

Vertical axis at 0 The frequencyf of rotation is thus 5.00 Hz. Now in

one revolution the radius rotates through 27 rad.
Thus the angular velocity w of the rotating radius
is given by

Fig. 8.1. Object moving in uniform circular motion w = nf =2nx5=10n rads!

Fig. 8.1 shows a body moving with uniform speed (b) Use Equation 8.1, in which m=102 and
at a fixed distance from a fixed axis. It is in r = 150mm = 0.150 m. Thus
uniform circular motion.
Wi yatoop— OUD) Se IMObee
The body has a constant angular velocity w
=1.502 ms!
defined by:
angular displacement (radians) (c) Since f =5.00Hz then each revolution takes
time taken (s) ae 9
590 = 0.2005.

Linear and angular T= 0)200 5:

motion Note we could have used Equation 8.2.

In Fig. 8.1 an object moves with uniform speed v (a) 31.4rads, (b) 4.71 ms“, (c) 0.200,
(ms ') around the circumference of a circle,
centre O. The rotating radius, of length r (m),
has angular velocity w (rad s_') such that
Exercise 8.1
p=ro (8.1)
1 The turntable on a record player rotates at
If 7 is the time for one revolution then, since time 45 rev min'. Calculate (a) its angular velocity
= distance + speed: in rads ', (b) the linear speed of a point
14cm from the centre, (c) the time for one
2 A car moves round a circular track of radius
1.0km at a constant speed of 120kmh/.
since vy = ra. Calculate its angular velocity in rad s_'.


Centripetal acceleration Method

Use Equation 8.4 with m = 4.0, v =5.0 and r = 2.0.
and force Thus the centripetal force F is given by

The object in Fig. 8.1 has uniform speed, but its

velocity is constantly changing, since its direction Thus a net inward force of 50N must act on the body
is changing. It is constantly accelerating towards during its rotation. In Fig. 8.2a the body is at the
the centre O, with magnitude a (ms *) given by bottom of the vertical circle. So

i ne=
a=row = v= — (8.3)
T, =50+mg
= 50+ 40 = 90N

A net inward force is needed to provide this This is the maximum tension in the string.
acceleration. For a body of mass m_ the
magnitude of the ‘centripetal’ force F is given by

F= mre =m = (8.4) Tension T,

This force can be provided, for example, by the

tension in a string, by gravitational or electrostatic
mg =4x10=40N
attraction, or by friction.
(a) Body at bottom of circle

Example 2
An object of mass 0.30kg is attached to the end of a
string and is supported on a smooth horizontal surface.
The object moves in a horizontal circle of radius 0.50 m Tension T,

with a constant speed of 2.0ms'. Calculate (a) the

centripetal acceleration, (b) the tension in the string.
(b) Body at top of circle
(a) Use Equation 8.3 with v = 2.0 and r= 0.50. The
Fig. 8.2 Forces acting on a body moving in a vertical
centripetal acceleration a is given by circle
ES =95—80ms
es ee ie -2
At the top of the vertical circle, in Fig. 8.2b,

(b) Use Equation 8.4 with m=0.30, v=2.0 and pe mig—o0

r = 0.50. So
1 pe — 9) 40).
ep 1 oe OSOPE2 EAN
ies 0.5 = 10.N

This force is provided by the tension in the string. This is the minimum tension in the string.

Answer Answer
(a) 8.0ms’, (b)2.4N. Maximum tension = 90N,
Minimum tension = 10N.

Example 3
Example 4
An object of mass 4.0 kg is whirled round in a vertical
circle of radius 2.0m with a speed of 5.0ms"'. A car travels over a humpback bridge of radius of
Calculate the maximum and minimum tension in the curvature 45m. Calculate the maximum speed of the
string connecting the object to the centre of the circle. car if its road wheels are to stay in contact with the
Assume acceleration due to gravity g = 10m ae bridge. Assume g= 10ms ”.


Method in ms/, and state where the object will be when

4 R = Reaction from ground the string breaks.
Assume g = 10ms ©.

Car, mass m ———-+ Linear speed v

3. Acar travels over a humpback bridge at a speed of
30ms'. Calculate the minimum radius of the
bridge if the car road wheels are to remain in
contact with the bridge. What happens if the
radius is less than the limiting value? Assume
g=10m ee

mg = Gravitational attraction

The conical pendulum

Radius r of bridge

@ = Angle of inclination to vertical

Fig. 8.3. Forces acting on acar

Fig. 8.3 shows the forces acting on the car when its
wheels are in contact with the bridge. A net inward
force equal to my"/r must always exist. So
mg —-R=m—Ps

As v increases, so R must decrease, since mg is constant.

In the limiting case, when the wheels are just about to
leave the ground, R = 0, so
Bob, mass m
mg =m— =

The mass m cancels out and is not required. So Horizontal circle

maximum speed y is given by radius r, centre O ng)

Fig. 8.4 The conical pendulum

We have r = 45 andg = 10, so Fig. 8.4 shows the forces acting on a conical
pendulum in which the bob sweeps out a
V= sre = 1/450 = 212
horizontal circle, centre O and radius r, with
Answer linear speed vy. Resolving forces on the mass m
The maximum speed is 21 ms |.

(vertically) T cos 0=mg (8.5)

Exercise 8.2
(horizontally) T sin Cat (8.6)
1 Acar of mass 1.0 x 10° kg is moving at 30ms|
around a bend of radius 0.60km on a horizontal
track. What centripetal force is required to keep
the car moving around the bend, and where does Example 5
this force come from?
A conical pendulum consists of a small bob of mass
2 An object of mass 6.0kg is whirled round in a ).20kg attached to an inextensible string of length
vertical circle of radius 2.0m with a speed of 0.80m. The bob rotates in a horizontal circle of
8.0ms ‘. Calculate the maximum and minimum radius 0.40m, of which the centre is vertically below
tension in the string connecting the object to the the point of suspension. Calculate (a) the linear
centre of the circle. speed of the bob in ms ', (b) the period of rotation
If the string breaks when the tension in it exceeds of the bob, (c) the tension in the string. Assume
360.N, calculate the maximum speed of rotation, g=10nisa¢


Exercise 8.4:
Examination questions
(Assume g = 10ms ~ except where stated.)

0.80 m
1 The Earth rotates about a vertical axis every
8.6 x 10*s. For a body on the equator calculate:
(a) its angular velocity
(b) its linear speed
(c) its acceleration due to the rotation of the
earth’s axis.
<—— 0:40 n——>
Assume the Earth has radius 6.4 x 10° m.
Fig.8.5 Diagram for Example 5
(a) A body is attached to a piece of string and
We are given m = 0.20, r = 0.40, g = 10. Also we are
whirled in a horizontal circle of radius r at a
given @ since, from Fig. 8.5,
constant angular velocity o.
3 4 Oe (i) 1. Define angular velocity.
Sin) Gg) — 0307 0.50
2. State the SI unit of angular velocity.
(ii) Write down the equation relating the
C— 30. linear speed v of the body and its angular
(a) To find v divide Equation 8.6 by 8.5 to give
(b) A fan turns at 900 revolutions per minute.
fang =e (i) Find the angular velocity at any point on
one of the fan blades. Give your answer
vy? =rg tan 30° = 0.4 x 10 x 0.577 in terms of the SI unit you quoted in
(a) (i) 2.
yv=152ms! (ii) The distance from the axis of rotation of
the fan to the tip of one of the blades is
Circumference of circle 20cm. Find the linear speed of the tip.
(b) Periodic time T =
Linear speed [CCEA 2000]
i de A Sella Sx OA!
ye 52 An aircraft flies with its wings tilted as shown in
Fig. 8.6 in order to fly in a horizontal circle of
radius r. The aircraft has mass 4.00 x 10*kg and
(c) Rearranging Equation 8.5 gives has a constant speed of 250ms |.

Bees Sh O20
cos 6 cos: 30"

2 UN
e centre of circle s
(abomss 5(b).7s,.(c)2.3 N. of flight path :

Exercise 8.3
W = 3.92 x 105N
1 A conical pendulum consists of a bob of mass Fig. 8.6
0.50 kg attached to a string of length 1.0m. The
bob rotates in a horizontal circle such that the With the aircraft flying in this way, two forces
angle the string makes with the vertical is 30°. acting on the aircraft in the vertical plane are the
Calculate (a) the period of the motion, (b) the force P acting at an angle of 35° to the vertical
tension in the string. Assume g = 10m si) and the weight W.


(a) State the vertical component of P for a constant angular velocity. The magnitude of
horizontal flight. the angular velocity is such that the string
just remains taut when the mass is vertically
(b) Calculate P.
above the centre of rotation.
(c) Calculate the horizontal component of P. (i) Calculate the angular velocity of the mass.
(ii) Find the tension in the string when the
(d) Use Newton’s second law to determine the
mass is vertically below the centre of
acceleration of the aircraft towards the centre [CCEA 2001}
of the circle.

(e) Calculate the radius r of the path of the 7 A metal sphere of mass M is attached to one end
aircraft’s flight. [OCR 2000] of a light inextensible string.
(a) The spherg is\whirled in a circle in a vertical
plane at constant angular velocity. The radius
of the circle is 400mm. The arrangement is
illustrated in Fig. 8.8.
Bes =< eae

0.50 kg P
Fig. 8.8
Fig. 8.7 Diagram for Question 4
During the rotation of the sphere, the tension
The diagram shows a simple pendulum with a T in the string varies with time ¢ as shown in
length of 1.5m and a bob of mass 0.50 kg. When Fig. 8.9.
it passes through the lowest point P it has a speed
of 2.0ms '. Calculate the tension in the string as TIN &
the bob passes through point P.

A simple pendulum is of length 0.5m and the bob

has mass 0.25kg. Find the greatest value for the
tension in the string when the pendulum is set in
oscillation by drawing the bob to one side
through an angle of 5.0° and releasing from rest.
Explain where in the cycle the tension is greatest.
[WJEC spec 2000] Fig. 8.9

6 (a) A girl of mass 30kg sits at the edge of a On Fig. 8.9 A, B C and D are instants of time
roundabout (merry-go-round) of radius 2.0m. corresponding to certain points on the graph
A boy turns the roundabout by gripping its edge of T against t.
and running round so that a point on the edge (i) On Fig. 8.8, mark the positions of the
moves with a steady speed of 2.5ms_'. sphere corresponding to each of the
(1) Calculate the angular velocity of the instants A, B C and D. Label these
roundabout. points a, b, c and d respectively.
(ii — Calculate the magnitude of the minimum (ii) Use the data above and information from
force required to prevent the girl from Fig. 8.9 to show that the mass of the
sliding off the roundabout. sphere is 0.30kg. Take g = 10ms7.
(iii) The maximum centripetal force that the (iii) Calculate the linear speed of the sphere
girl can provide is 180 N. Trying to make as it moves round the circular path.
the girl slide off, the boy runs faster. At (iv) Calculate the angular velocity of the
what speed must he make a point on the string.
edge of the roundabout move in order to
make the girl slide off? (b) The sphere is now whirled in a circle in a
horizontal plane. The length L of the string is
(b — A mass of 2.0kg, attached to a string, is gradually increased, but the linear speed of
whirled in a vertical circle of radius 0.40m at the sphere is kept constant. On a copy of


Fig. 8.10, sketch a graph to show the variation bridge, just without losing contact with the
of the tension 7 in the string with its length L. road.
T (i) Calculate the radius of curvature of the
(ii) If the car were travelling with a speed
slightly greater than 60 kilometres per
hour, describe and explain qualitatively
what would happen to the car as it
crosses the bridge.

(d) A three-bladed fan rotates at a constant

angular speed. One of the blades of the fan
has a distinguishing mark. The fan is
0 x illuminated using a stroboscope, which gives
short pulses of bright light at regular
Bore. [CCEA 2000] intervals. The flashing frequency can be
varied. The flashing frequency is reduced
8 (a) A rally car crosses a straight hump-backed from a high value to a value at which the fan
bridge of vertical radius of curvature 60m. appears stationary for the first time, and the
Calculate the maximum speed of the car if mark on the blade is visible. This occurs at a
the car is to remain in contact with the road flashing frequency of 50 flashes per second.
while it is crossing the bridge. The radius of each blade of the fan is 150mm.
(b) Later, the car travels along a banked curve on
(i) the rate of rotation of the fan in
a horizontal road.
Explain, without calculation: revolutions per minute,
(i) why banking the road helps the car to (ii) the angular speed of a fan blade in
travel round the curve; radians per second,
(ii) why there is a certain speed at which the (iii) the instantaneous speed of the tip of a
car experiences no sideways frictional fan blade in metres per second.
force in a plane parallel to the road (E — A metal sphere M of mass 1.35kg is
surface. [OCR 2000] suspended from a rigid support by a light
9 Acar of mass 1000 kg travels over a humpback string of length 1.50m. The sphere is made to
bridge of radius of curvature 50m at a constant move with uniform speed in a_ horizontal
speed of 15ms '. Calculate the magnitude and circle of radius 0.90 m, as shown in Fig. 8.11.
direction of the force exerted by the car on the
Vertical axis
road when it is at the top of the bridge. Assume i)

10 (a) What is a centripetal force? String
Describe and explain one example where such (length 1.50 m)
a force exists.

(b) A motor car travels with uniform speed along

“sy Path of M
a straight, level road. The diameter of each
Sphere M i1 (horizontal circle,
wheel of the car is 560mm, and the angular (mass 1.35 kg) |* - radius 0.90 m)
velocity of the wheel about the axle is
(i) What is the angular velocity of a point on
the wheel midway between the axle and Weight W
the outer edge of the tyre?
Fig. 8.11
(ii) Show that the speed of the car is about 60
kilometres per hour.
The tension in the string is 7 and the weight of
(c) As the car in (b) proceeds at its constant the sphere is W. The angle between the string
speed of 60 kilometres per hour, it passes and the vertical is 0.
over a hump-backed bridge. The bridge may (i) Write down expressions for the vertical
be considered to be the arc of a circle in a and horizontal components of the
vertical plane. The car travels over the tension.


(ii) One of the components in (i) effectively

supports the weight of the sphere, and
the other provides the centripetal force
to move it in a horizontal circle. Identify
the component — responsible for
supporting the weight of the sphere.
Hence find the magnitude of the tension
in the string.
(iui) Calculate the linear speed of the sphere
as it moves in the horizontal plane.
(iv) Calculate the time required for the
sphere to make one complete revolution
of its horizontal motion. | [CCEA 2001] For safety, the angle @ of the chains with the
vertical must not go above 60°.
11 One of the rides at a theme park has a number of
chairs each suspended from a pair of chains from The diagram above shows a chair swung outwards
the edge of a framework. The framework revolves as the canopy revolves at the maximum safe rate.
so that the chairs swing outwards as they move On the diagram draw the forces acting on the
round in circles (see diagram in next column). chair. Hence find a value for the maximum rate
of rotation (angular velocity) of the framework.
The framework has radius 4.0m. The chains are Show your reasoning clearly. [Edexcel S-H 2000]
5.0m long.

Gravitational force particle if it is placed 0.050m from the 0.30kg mass
and (b) where along the line it should be placed for no
gravitational force to be exerted on it.
Bodies attract each other solely as a result of the Method
matter they contain. The gravitational force F (N) M, = 0.20 kg m = 0.050 kg M, = 0.30 kg
between two particles m, (kg) and m) (kg) placed e e e
distance r (m) apart is given by

\¢ bi < >
Te_ oa
Gmm, (9.1) d, =0.10m d, = 0.05 m


where G is the universal gravitational constant Fig.9.1 Solution to Example 2

and has value 6.7 x 10°'' Nm’ kg~?.
Reter todig.o.1
Example 1 (a) Both masses M, and Mj attract m. Using Equation
Calculate the gravitational attraction force between 9.1, we have for mass M, an attractive force F;
bodies of mass 3.0kg and 2.0kg placed with their (towards M,) given by
centres 50cm apart.
r= GM\m _ 6.7 x 10° x 0.2 ~.0.05
Method 2 (0.1)
We assume that the bodies are uniform spheres so they 675100 iN
act, for this purpose, as if they are point masses
For mass M) an attractive force F, (towards M>)
(particles) located at their centres. We have
exists given by
G=67x10", m,=3.0, m. =2.0 and r=0.50.
From equation 9.1 p, — GMym _ 6.7% 107" x 0.3 x 0.05
2 ie
pa Cmim, _ 6.7 x10" x3 x2 (0.05)
e (Oy =402 2100 N
= 116x107N Thus the net force F (towards M>) is given by
This is a very small force. To get an appreciable force F =F, —F, =335x10"'N
one or both of the objects must be very large. Our
weight* is the result of the gravitational attraction (b) Suppose mass m is x from M, and thus (0.15 —x)
from M),. Then
force from the Earth.
Answer Pe ee and ie Cine
x* (0.15 =x)°
For no gravitational force to act on mass m,
Example 2 Fy = F>, Thus

Two ‘particles’ of mass 0.20 kg and 0.30kg are placed GM,m _ GM,m
0.15 m apart. A third particle of mass 0.050 kg is placed x? (0.15 —x)? 2
between them on the line joining the first two particles.
Calculate (a) the gravitational force acting on the third
Note that G and m cancel out, so that d is
*We neglect effects due to the Earth’s rotation which make a difference
independent of m. Substituting M, =0.2 and
of about 0.3%. M> = 0.3 into Equation 9.2 gives


oy es = Method
of (0452)
(a) We assume that the Earth can be replaced by a
Taking square roots and cross multiplying gives
point mass acting at its centre. Then in Equation
V2 x (0.15 —x) = V3 xx 9.1,F =gifm, = 1. If M is the mass of the planet,

This gives x = 0.067 m.

2 Gi. (9.3)
(a) 34x 10 ''N, (b) 0.067m from M, (0.20kg). This is a general expression.
We have G=6.7x 10", M=6.0 x 10” and
r = 6.4 x 10”.
Exercise 9.1 Substituting in Equation 9.3 gives g = 9.8N kee
Note: this equals the acceleration due to gravity
(Assume G = 6.7 x 10°!!! Nm? kg.) at the Earth’s surface.

1 Calculate the gravitational attraction force (b) We now have distance r; = 1.5r. Equation 9.3 tells
between two ‘particles’, each of mass 20kg, uS g x 1/(distance)*. If g; is the new value, then
placed 1.0m apart.
oe Se
2 Consider the Earth as a uniform sphere of radius 9 him allot
6.4.x 10°m and mass 6.0 x 10“%kg. Find the g, = 0.444g = 4.36Nkg |
gravitational force on a mass of 5.0kg placed on
the surface of the Earth. (Assume the Earth can Answer
be replaced by a point mass acting at its centre.) (a) 9.8Nkg!, (b) 4.4Nkg1.
Compare this with the weight of a 5.0kg mass on
Example 4
3 Two small spheres of mass 4.0kg and M kg are
The acceleration due to gravity at the Earth’s surface is
placed 80cm apart. If the gravitational force is
9.8ms ~. Calculate the acceleration due to gravity on a
zero at a point 20cm from the 4kg mass along
planet which has (a) the same mass and twice the
the line between the two masses, calculate the
density, (b) the same density and twice the radius.
value of M.
4 The mass of the Earth is 6.0 x 10° kg and that of
the moon is 7.4 x 10” kg. If the distance between Acceleration due to gravity equals the gravitational
their centres is 3.8 x 10°m, calculate at what field strength g. Equation 9.3 tells us that gdepends on
point on the line joining their centres is no mass M and radius r of the planet.
gravitational force. Neglect the effect of other
(a) In this case the radius 7, of the planet differs from
planets and the sun.
Earth radius r. Let the density of Earth be p and of
the planet be 2p. Since both have the same

Gravitational field mass M,

M=4nr’p = for} Ny
for Earth for planet

The gravitational field strength g (Nkg') is or r 3 =2r, eegiving r

defined as the gravitational force acting on unit
mass placed at the point in question. It equals From Equation 9.3 we see that g x I/r* for two
the acceleration due to gravity g (ms ~) at this planets of the same mass. So, if g; is the
point. gravitational field strength on the planet,

fr? 2/3d
Example 3 SS
= D
Assuming that the Earth is a uniform sphere of radius since r = (2)'/*7. As g= 9.8,
6.4x10°m and mass 6.0 10“%kg, find the
gravitational field strength g at a point (a) on the
g, = (2)? x 9.8 = 15.6
surface, (b) at height 0.50 times its radius above the (b) The new planet has radius 2r. Let its mass be M).
Earth’s surface. It has density p, therefore


M) = 4n(2r)"p = 8M The negative sign indicates that work must be

since = tarp. From Equation 9.3 we see that done to take a mass from P to infinity (where the
ga Mir’. If g is the gravitational field strength potential is zero). U is the work done per kg.
on the planet,

§2 = M> fea M a5)

Example 5
Sere ery Assuming that the Earth is a uniform sphere of radius
6.4 x 10°m and mass 6.0 x 10“ kg, calculate (a) the
since M, = 8M. Thus gy = 2g = 19.6. gravitational potential at (i) the Earth’s surface and (11) a
Answer point 6.0 x 10° m above the Earth’s surface, (b) the work
done in taking a 5.0 kg mass from the Earth’s surface to a
(aeioomiss-, (b)19,6msa-, point 6.0 x 10° m above it, (c) the work done in taking a
5.0kg mass from the Earth’s surface to a point where
the Earth’s gravitational effect is negligible.
Exercise 9.2

(Assume G = 6.7 x 10°'' Nm’ kg *.) (a) We use Equation 9.4 in which G = 6.7 x 107"!
and M = 6.0 x 10”.
1. The gravitational field strength on the surface of (i) We have r =r; = 6.4 x 10°. So, if U; is the
the moon is 1.7Nkg'. Assuming that the moon potential here,
is a uniform sphere of radius 1.7 x 10°m,
calculate (a) the mass of the moon, (b) the Ui =
=GM )=69 ~10 60.107
gravitational field strength 1.0 x 10°m above its
ia 6.4 x 10°
surface. —6.28 x 10’ Ike"!
2 The acceleration due to gravity at the Earth’s (ii) We have r = ry = (6.4 + 0.6) x 10° m. If Up is
surface is 9.8ms ~. Calculate the acceleration due the potential at 7, Equation 9.4 gives
to gravity on a planet which has (a) the same Uy = —5.74 x 10’ Jkg”’.
mass and twice the radius, (b) the same radius
(b) The work required W, per kg, is the difference in
and twice the density, (c) half the radius and
gravitational potential, so
twice the density.
W =U, —-U, =0.54 x 10’J
3 If the Earth has radius r and the acceleration due
to gravity at its surface is 9.8ms*, calculate the Note: we subtract U; from U> since there is an
acceleration due to gravity at a point that is increase in gravitational potential as we move away
distance r above the surface of a planet with half from the Earth. For a 5.0kg mass we require
the radius and the same density as the Earth. 5.0 x 0.54 x 10’ = 2.7 x 10’ J. (We cannot use the
simple form mgh to calculate work required, since
g changes appreciably between the two points.)
Gravitational potential (c) The work required W’, per kg, is given by
and escape speed W’ = Potential at co — Potential at Earth’s
Body, mass M = 0 — (—6.28 x 10”)
Point mass m = 6.28 105
. To ~
For a 5.0 kg mass the work required is
5506.28 10° = 30410" J
+H#$ sr
Fig. 9.2 Gravitational potential at P
(a) )- 6.310 Vkeso and (ii) —5.7 10 kot,
Refer to Fig. 9.2. The gravitational potential U at (D2 Ze lO ne (cele 1075:
point P due to the gravitational attractive force
of mass M is given by Example 6
Calculate the minimum speed which a body must have
U=- ou (9.4) to escape from the moon’s gravitational field, given that
the moon has mass 7.7 x 10” kg and radius 1.7 x 10° m.


Method Speed v

As the body moves away from the moon’s surface, its Satellite, mass mM
kinetic energy decreases because its gravitational
potential increases. Referring to Fig. 9.2 we see that
the work required to take a body of mass m from P to
Object, mass M
infinity is GMm/r. Suppose the body has speed v at
point P, then it will have just enough kinetic energy to Fig. 9.3 A satellite in orbit
escape, provided that
2 GMm The centripetal acceleration and force (see
= —
: Chapter 8) is provided by — gravitational
Or attraction. Fig. 9.3 shows a satellite of mass mm in
circular orbit of ‘radius r around an object of
— /20M (9.5) mass M. Suppose v is the speed of rotation and T
is the period of rotation. The centripetal force F
required is:
We have G=6.7x10", M=7.7x10" and
r= 0
Substituting into Equation 9.5 gives
Fa mv (8.4)
v = 2.46 x 10°ms'.
This force is provided by gravitational attraction,
Answer and
Escape speed = 2.5 x 10° ms"!
es GMm
F 72 (9.1)

Exercise 9.3
Also, in circular motion, we have

(Assume G = 6.7 x 10°" Nm’ kg~”.)

1 The gravitational potential difference between two | il (8.2)
points is 3.0 x 10° Jkg'. Calculate the work done
in moving a mass of 4.0 kg between the two points.
These three equations are used to solve problems
2 The moon has mass 7.7 x 10° kg and radius on satellites in orbit.
1.7x10°m. Calculate (a) the gravitational
potential at its surface and (b) the work needed Equating (8.4) and (9.1) gives
to completely remove a 1.5 x 10°kg space craft
mv- _GMm
2 5c|

from its surface into outer space. Neglect the

effect of the Earth, planets, sun, etc. r r?
3. A planet has radius 5.0 x 10° m and mean density
3.0 x 10°kgm ~~. Calculate the escape speed of
bodies on its surface. vy =GMIr (9.6)
4 A neutron star has radius 10km and mass
Substituting v* = 4n7r?/T? from Equation (8.2)
2.5 x 10° kg. A meteorite is drawn into its
gravitational field. Calculate the speed with which
it will strike the surface of the star. Neglect the
initial speed of the meteorite. 4n’r?
T? = —__
GM (9.7)

Satellites and orbits Since G and M are constant then T* x r? — this is

Kepler’s 3rd law and can be applied to any
satellite in orbit around a massive body.
Satellites are objects which are in orbit around a
larger mass as a direct result of gravitational In a Geostationary orbit a satellite orbits a planet
attraction. Our planets are satellites of the sun and stays directly above the same point on the
and the moon is a satellite of the Earth. planet (see Example 7).


Example 7
Exercise 9.4
Satellites which orbit the Earth with a time period of 24
hours are used for communication purposes since they
appear stationary above a given point on Earth. Assume G = 6.7 x 10-''Nm’kg * and the Earth has
Calculate the height of such a satellite above the mass M = 6.0 x 10° kg and radius r = 6.4 x 10° m.
Earth’s surface.
1 Given G, M and r calculate:
Assume mass — of Earth M =6.0 x 10% kg,
. . Dy.

(a) the period of a satellite orbiting close to the

G ; =6.7 x 10 fn Nm‘ Di kg ©o—2 and the radius
; of the Earth
Earth’s surface
R=6.4 x 10° m.
(b) the height above the Earth’s surface of a
weather satellite which orbits the Earth every
We use Equation 9.7 in which T = 24 hrs = 24 x 3600 2.0 hours.
= 8.64. 10"s, G=6.7x 10" and M =6.0 x 10”.
2 Use Kepler’s 3rd Law to calculate R (in m) and T
Let the radius of the ‘synchronous’ orbit ber.
(in Earth years) for the following planets as they
Rearranging Equation 9.7 gives
orbit the Sun:
rap EHD i i Earth Venus Saturn
4? (Average) radius 15 11 R
6.7 x 107"! x 6.0 x 10% x (8.64)? x 10° of orbit/10'° m
G2 i An? Time of orbit/ 1.0 iP 29
3 _ 3.00 x 10% Earth years
r=42.4x 10°m Exercise 9.5: Examination
Since the Earth has a radius of 6.4 « 10°m then the
height above the Earth’s surface is (42.4 — 6.4) x 10° m.
(Assume G = 6.7 x 10°'' Nm* kg? unless stated.)
36 x 10° m.
1 Write a word equation which states Newton’s law
of gravitation.
Example 8
Mars may be assumed to be a spherical planet with
Use the following data to calculate the time, in Earth the following properties:
years, for Mars to orbit the sun. Mass my of Mars = 6.42 x 10% kg
(Average) radius of Earth’s orbit R 15 x 10!°m Radius ry of Mars = 3.40 x 10°m
(Average) radius of Mars’ orbit r 23 x 10!°m Calculate the force exerted on a body of mass
1.00kg on the surface of Mars. Take
Method G = 6.67 x 10°" Nm’ kg” [Edexcel 2001]
From Equation 9.7, since G and M are constant, then 2 m 4m
@ ------------- @--------------------------- e
T* xr’. Lett = time, in Earth years, for Mars to orbit x Z Y
the sun. Since the orbit time of the Earth is 1, then
Fig.9.4 Diagram for Question 2
(is (23 0010")"
X and Y are the centres of two small spheres of
2 RF (45 x 101)? masses m and 4m respectively. The gravitational
t? = (23/15) = 3.60 field strengths due to the two spheres at a point
Z, lying on the line between X and Y (see
f= 1,9 Fig. 9.4), are equal in magnitude. Show that
Answer LX ALLS.
1.9 Earth years. 3 On the ground, the gravitational force on a
satellite is W.
What is the gravitational force on the satellite
when at a height R/50, where R is the radius of
the Earth?
A 1.04W B1.02W C0.98W D 0.96W
[OCR 2001]


4 Outside a uniform sphere of mass M, the (b) Originally, the smaller sphere was 6.0cm
gravitational field strength is the same as that of a further away from the larger sphere.
point mass M at the centre of the sphere. Calculate by how much the potential energy
The Earth may be taken to be a uniform sphere of of the smaller sphere has changed during its
radius r. The gravitational field strength at its movement from its original position.
surface is g.
A binary star consists of two stars of masses
What is the gravitational field strength at a height 24 x 10°’ kg and 6.0 x 10°’ kg, their centres being
h above the ground? 3.0 x 10’m apart. The graph shows how the net
Paes gr gravitational potential varies with distance from
(r+hy (r +h) the centre of the more massive star along the line
joining their centres.
este) pee [OCR 2000]
‘3 a ‘Potential “TAC?
(J kg 1) x 1010
iz : Distance from centre (m) = 109
Questions 5 and 6
These questions are about the gravitational field and
potential near the planets Mars and Earth.

5 Mars has a radius of approximately 0.5 of that of

the Earth and has a mass of approximately 0.1 of
the Earth. The gravitational field strength at the
surface of the Earth is approximately 1ONkg '.
Which one of A to D below is the best estimate, in
Nkg', of the gravitational field strength at the
surface of Mars? 140

A 2 B 4 C 8 D 20
[OCR Nuff 2001] 160

The gravitational potential at the surface of the

Earth is —6.3 x 10’ Jkg™!. 180

Which one of A to D below is the gravitational

potential, in Jkg ', at a point one Earth radius 200
above the surface of the Earth?
A -1.6 x 10’ B —3.1 x 10’ 220
C -13 x 10° D —2.5 x 10°
[OCR Nuff 2001]
(a)* Use the graph to determine where, along the
Fig. 9.5 shows the final equilibrium position of two line of centres, the gravitational field strength
of the spheres in an experiment to determine the (intensity) is zero. Explain your reasoning.
universal gravitational constant, G. (b) Verify your answer to part (a) by an
independent calculation. [WJEC 2000]
12cm :
Calculate the speed with which a body must be
projected from the Earth’s surface so as to
completely escape from the Earth’s gravitational
effect (the escape speed).
Assume the Earth has mass M = 6.0 x 10° kg and
m = 2.5 x 10°-2kg radius r = 6.4 x 10° m.

M = 8.0kg 10 The escape speed v from the surface of a planet

can be calculated from v = ,\/2gr, where g is the
Fig.9.5 Diagram for Question 7
acceleration of free fall at the planet’s surface and
r is the planet’s radius.
(a) Calculate the magnitude of the gravitational
force which is exerted by the larger sphere on For Earth the escape speed v = 11kms|.
the smaller sphere. Is this an attractive or a
*(Author's hint: the gravitational field strength equals (—) the slope of
repulsive force? the gravitational potential versus distance graph.)


(a) Calculate the escape speed for a planet of the (b) In SI units the value of G is 6.7 x 10 |". State
same mass as the Earth but twice its radius. an SI unit for G.

(b) The escape speed is independent of the mass (c) Fig. 9.7 shows two of the moons, P and Q, of
of the object being launched. Explain why it Jupiter. The moons move in circular orbits
is nevertheless desirable to keep the mass of around the planet. The inner moon P is
a space probe as small as possible. 1.3 x 10° m from the centre of the planet and
[Edexcel 2000] the outer moon Q is 2.4 x 10'°m from the
centre. The speed of Q is 2.3 x 10°ms_‘.
11 (a) Define:
(i) gravitational potential (at a point);
(ii) velocity of escape.
(b) Use the data below to show that the radius of
the orbit of a geostationary satellite is about
A210" m.
mass of Earth = 6.0 x 10* kg
gravitational constant = 6.7 x 10°'' Nm?kg *
(c) Fig. 9.6 shows how the gravitational potential Ci ra Pee NOT TO SCALE
VG in the Earth’s field varies with distance r
from the Earth’s centre for regions close to RIG oer,
the orbit of a geostationary satellite.
With the aid of Fig. 9.6, determine: (i) Determine the mass M, of Jupiter.
(i) the work required to lift a rocket of mass (ii) Calculate the orbital speed v of P.
200 kg from r=40x10’m to (iii) Calculate the ratio
r=44x 10'm; gravitational field strength of Jupiter at P
(ii) the velocity of escape from a satellite orbit gravitational field strength of Jupiter at Q-
atr= 42 10! m: [OCR 2001]
r/107m 13 This question is about the potential dangers of
4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6
‘space junk’, such as disused satellites and rocket
parts left orbiting the Earth.


Fig. 9.8

V,/108 J kg! (a) (i) Draw an arrow on Fig. 9.8 to represent

the resultant force acting on the satellite
Fig. 9.6 [OCR 2001] in circular orbit around the Earth.
(ii) Show that for a circular orbit of radius r,
12 (a) Show that the speed v of a particle in a around a planet of mass M, a satellite
circular orbit of radius r around a planet of must have an orbital speed v, given by
mass M is given by the expression

= GM.
r where G is the universal gravitational
where G is the gravitational constant. constant.


(b) The lowest Earth-orbiting satellites have an be placed? Show clearly how you obtain
orbital period of about 90 minutes. your answer.
(i) Show that the radius at which they orbit (ii) Calculate the acceleration of free fall on
the Earth is about 6.7 x 10° m; the surface of Mars.
G =6.7x 10''Nm’kg~” —(o>) —
Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos,
mass of Earth = 6.0 x 10° kg which move in circular orbits about the
(ii) Show that the orbital speed is about planet. The radii of these orbits are
7.8 x10? ms; 9.38 x 10°km and 23.5 x 10° km respectively.
(iii) Show that the kinetic energy of a 1000 kg The orbital period of Phobos is 0.319 days.
satellite in this orbit is about 3.0 x 10'”J. Calculate the orbital period of Deimos. Take
G =6.67x107!'Nm*kg* [CCEA 2001]
(c) 1 tonne of the explosive TNT yields
4.1 x 10’J. By comparing this value to the 17 (a) (i) Defines
kinetic energy of a satellite in Earth orbit 1. electric field strength,
suggest why ‘space junk’ presents a significant 2. electric potential.
risk to future space missions. (ii) State how electric field strength at a point
[OCR Nuff 2001] may be determined from a graph of the
variation of electric potential with
14 A space station is in a stable circular orbit at a distance from the point.
distance of 20000km from the Earth’s centre.
(b) The moon Charon (discovered in 1978) orbits
The radius of the orbit of geostationary satellites
the planet Pluto. Fig. 9.9 shows the variation
is 42000 km.
of the gravitational potential # with distance
(a) (i) Use this information and Kepler’s third d above the surface of Pluto along’ a line
law to show that the orbital period of the joining the centres of Pluto and Charon.
space station is approximately 8 hours. 29.5
(ii) Use the value 8 hours from (i) to estimate
the gravitational field strength at the
space station. State your result with an
appropriate SI unit.
(b) In its stable circular orbit, the space station is
subject to a gravitational force. State and
explain whether work is done by this force. UMJ
kg —29.8
[OCR 2000]
15 Landsat is a satellite which orbits at a height of
9.18 x 10° m above the Earth’s surface.
Calculate the period of Landsat using the —30.0 6
following data. Hence determine the number of 4 8 12 (dou eo eo
orbits it makes per day.
Useful data:
surface of surface of
(Radius of orbit)? « (period of orbit)° Pluto Charon
Radius of the Earth = 6.37 « 10°m Fig. 9.9
At 3.59 x 10’m above the Earth’s surface, a
The gravitational potential is taken as being
satellite would be in a geostationary orbit.
zero at infinity.
{Edexcel 2001]
(i) Suggest why all values of gravitational
potential are negative.
16 —jee) — Satellites used for telecommunications are
(ii) By reference to your answer to (a)(ii),
frequently placed in a geostationary orbit.
suggest why the gradient at a point on the
State three features of the motion of a
satellite in a geostationary orbit. graph of Fig. 9.9 gives the magnitude of
the acceleration of free fall at that point.
(b) The planet Mars has radius 3.39 x 10°m and (ili) Use Fig. 9.9 to determine, giving an
mass 6.50 x 10° kg. The length of a day on explanation of your working,
Mars is 8.86 x 10° s (24.6 hours). 1. the distance from the surface of Pluto at
(i) A satellite is to be placed in geostationary which the acceleration of free fall is zero,
orbit about Mars. At what height above tO. the acceleration of free fall on the
the surface of Mars should the satellite surface of Charon.


(c) A lump of rock of mass 2.5 kg is ejected from (ii) Suggest why, if the rock travels from Pluto
the surface of Charon such that it travels to Charon, the minimum speed on
towards Pluto. reaching Charon is different from that
(i) Using data from Fig. 9.9, determine the calculated in (i). [OCR 2001]
minimum speed with which the rock hits
the surface of Pluto.

Section C

10 My


P = proportional limit
Hooke’s law Force Force &

Specimens in which extension e (m)_ is

proportional to the applied force F (N) are said
to obey Hooke’s law. In this case

F =ke (10.1)

where k is the force constant or stiffness constant

Extension e Extension e
(Nm_') of the specimen and depends upon the
dimensions of the specimen. (a) spring (b) metal specimen

Hooke’s law is often obeyed by springs and Work done = area SS under the
F versus e graph
specimens of metals in tension (and compression).
In this proportional region we also define Young’s Fig. 10.1 Force extension graphs
modulus E (Nm ~) — see below — which is the where F(N) is the force required to produce an
same for all specimens of the same material, extension e(m). The work done becomes
irrespective of their dimensions. Specimens may potential energy, termed strain energy, stored
be stretched beyond their proportional limit, in within the specimen. Up to the elastic limit this
which case Hooke’s law is no longer obeyed. energy is recoverable.

Work done in stretching a Example 1

specimen A spring is stretched by applying a force to it. Table 10.1
is a table of values of extension e against stretching force
F for the spring.
Fig. 10.1 shows typical force extension graphs for
(a) a spring and (b) a metal specimen. Work is Table 10.1
done on the specimen when it is extended (or
compressed). The work done is equal to the area Force F (N) i) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80
under the force-extension (or compression) graph. Extension (mm) 0 Se 10 (DS) 20
Within the proportional limit:
(a) Draw a graph of extension (x axis) versus stretching
Work done = + F Xe (10.2) force (y axis) and calculate the force constant of the


(b) Calculate the work required to stretch the spring force of 1.2N (in this case effectively 0.60N each).
(i) initially by 5mm and (ii) from an_ initial Thus, since the force constant of the double spring
extension of 10mm to a final extension of 15 mm. is now 80Nm‘‘, the extension e for an applied
If the spring is now replaced by two identical springs force of 1.2N is given by rearranging Equation
placed side by side and next to each other, calculate: (10.1):

(c) the extension of the double spring if a stretching é =F/k = 1.20/80 = 0.015 m, or 15 mm.
force of 1.2 N is applied to the combination. Note that we could have obtained this answer by
Method assuming each spring takes half of the stretching
0.80 ppp yy Uo idee camoaeaoenoe Note that ifthe springs had been in series, instead of
in parallel, the springs would have each taken the
total force and the extension would have been the
sum of the separate extensions.

a |Gradient aK Example 2

AES ey Force/N
OVA) SSeS Ses Seel Proportional limit
XX 0) 5 ssOOO OO
200 alla if : :

0.20 F}-; (aa |


AW |
ENS Fay) aN ttt cl 0)El Fla sy a
i i >
Fig. 10.2 Solution to Example 1 04 05 06
Extension/10~3 m
(a) The graph is shown in Fig. 10.2. Since this is a
Fig. 10.3 Information for Example 2
straight line passing through the origin, the spring
obeys Hooke’s Law. The force constant k of the Fig. 10.3 shows a force-extension graph for a metal
spring can be found by rearranging Equation specimen.
(10.1) and is the gradient of the straight line:
k = F/e = 0.80/(20 x 10°) = 40Nm'
(a) the force constant of the specimen
(b) (i) The work required is the area OAB under the (b) the work done in stretching the specimen up to:
graph up to the 5.0mm point. Since the graph (i) the proportional limit (ii) fracture.
is a straight line and F=0.20N when
e = 5.0 x 10° then, using Equation (10.2):
(a) The force constant k is found by rearranging
Work done = area under graph
Equation 10.1 and is the gradient of the straight
= 1/2 x 0.20 x 5.0 x 10° line portion:
=) 90 mJ k = F/e = 200/0.3 x 10°
(ii) The work required is the area CDEF under the = 667 x 10°Nm
graph. This is given by:
(b) Work done = Area under force—extension graph,
Work done = area CDEF where force is in newtons and extension in metres.
(i) Area under linear portion of graph
= 1/2 (CD --EP) x DE
= + Height x Base
= 1/2 x (0.40 + 0.60) x 5.0 x 10°
=41x 200x 0.3 x 10°
= 2.9 mJ
(c) In this case the double spring has a force constant of
twice the single spring, since each of the springs (in Note: we could have used Equation 10.2, with
parallel) effectively takes half of the stretching F =200N ande = 0.3 x 10° m.


(ii) We must add to (a) the area under the graph

beyond the proportional limit and up to Exercise 10.1
fracture. This is found by ‘counting squares’
on the graph paper and is approximately A spring, which obeys Hooke’s Law, is stretched
equal to by applying a gradually increasing force.
66x 107 I =6.6 x 1077, (a) A force of 4.0N is needed to increase its
So, total work done up to fracture equals length by 16cm. Calculate the force constant
of this spring.
6.6 x 10°? + 3.0 x 10°? = 9.6 x 10°7J
(b) The spring, which is initially unstretched, is
Answer stretched by 2.0cm. The applied force is then
increased ,yntil the spring is stretched by
(a) 6.7x10°Nm!
(b) (i) 3.0 x 10°7J, (ii) 9.6 x 10°7J. 5.0cm. Calculate the work done in increasing
the extension from 2.0cm to 5.0cm.
2. The following tensile test data were obtained using
Example 3
a metal specimen:
A mass of 3.5 kg is gradually applied to the lower end
of a vertical wire and produces an extension of Load/10° N 0 20 “4,007 4 Sao
0.80 mm.
Extension/mm (0 0.10 0.20 0.24 0.30 0.40
Calculate (a) the energy stored in the wire and (b) the
loss in gravitational potential energy of the mass Plot the load—extension graph and calculate the
during loading. Account for the difference between the work done in stretching the specimen up to (a)
two answers. Assume that the proportional limit is not the proportional limit (load = 4.0 x 10°N), (b)
exceeded and g = 10ms ~ fracture (load = 5.5 x 10° N).
Method 3 A metal column shortens by 0.25mm when a load
of 120KN is placed upon it. Calculate (a) the
(a) We have energy stored in the column and (b) the loss in
Ji Bh9) <4 — SENN gravitational PE of the load. Explain why the
values in (a) and (b) differ. Assume that the
and proportional limit is not exceeded
e = 0.80 x 10°? m
Equation 10.2 gives Stress and strain
Work done = i Fe =+ x 35 x 0.8 x 10°?
=14 100 J F

This is stored as elastic ‘strain’ energy. <+—_——_

(b Nt Loss in PE = mgh. We have m = 3.5, g = 10 and AreaA

= SU 10a. |

loss in PE = 3.5 x 10 x 0.8 x 107° Fig. 10.4 A solid specimen under tension

=28x107J Refer to Fig. 10.4 in which a specimen of original

length / (m) and cross-sectional area A (m°) is
The energy stored is only half the loss in
gravitational PE because the wire needs a
subjected to a tensile force F (N), so that its
gradually increasing load, from zero to 35N, to extension is e (m). We define
extend it. The remaining gravitational PE is
given to the loading system (e.g. the hand as it Tensile stress g as F
= 7 (Nm ee
~* or Pa) *

gradually attaches the load to the wire). Note

that if the load is suddenly applied the initial ' (10.3)
extension would be 1.6mm; that is, twice the
equilibrium extension.
Tensile strain € = ; (no units) (10.4)

(a) 14x 10°°J, (b) 28 x 10°7J. *1 Nm~ = 1 Pa (pascal).


Example 4 under the = stress—strain graph. Within the

A metal bar is of length 2.0m and has a square cross- proportional limit:
section of side 40 mm. When a tensile force of 80 kN is
applied, it extends by 0.046mm. Calculate (a) the work done per unit volume
stress, (b) the strain in the specimen.
= area under stress-strain graph
We have 1=2.0, A=(40~x 10°) = 16x 107.
F = 80 x 10° and e = 0.046 x 10°°. So Equations 10.3
and 10.4 give where a is the stress (Nm ”) required to produce
strain e.
(a) g =F =
10 50 x 10’Nm~

(b) = = BOON = 9.3 x 10 Example 5
A steel bar is of length 0.50m and has a rectangular
Answer cross-section 15mm by 30mm. If a tensile force of
36kKN produces an extension of 0.20mm, calculate
(ayn5.0>C10'Nm~, (b) 2.3°x 10°.
Young’s modulus for steel. Assume that the limit of
proportionality is not exceeded.
Exercise 10.2
1 A metal bar has circular cross-section of diameter From Equations 10.5, 10.3 and 10.4
20mm. If the maximum permissible tensile stress
is 80MNm~ (80x 10°Nm”°), calculate the _ Stress _ (Force + Area)
maximum force which the bar can withstand. Strain (Extension + Original length)
2 A metal specimen has length 0.50m. If the (10.7)
maximum permissible strain is not to exceed 0.10%
(1.0 x 10-*), calculate its maximum extension. We have
3 A metal bar of length 50mm and square cross- Force = 36 x 10°N
section of side 20mm is extended by 0.015mm
under a tensile load of 30kN. Calculate (a) the
Area = 15 x 30 = 450mm? = 450 x 10°° m?
stress, (b) the strain in the specimen. Extension = 0.20mm = 0.20 x 107° m
Original length = 0.50m
Young’s modulus So Equation 10.7 gives

Up to a certain load, called the limit of pro- pa 36% 10°) = (450 x 102)
portionality,* extension is proportional to applied SO a10- e205
force, so that strain is proportional to stress. The =20x 10" Nm

slope of the stress-strain graph in the linear

region is called Young’s modulus E. So we define Answer

Young’s modulus for steel = 2.0 x 10'’ Nm°.

ES 2 (N m7?) (10.5)

Example 6
Work done per unit An aluminium alloy strut in the landing gear of an
aircraft has a cross-sectional area of 60mm” and a
volume length of 0.45m. During landing the strut is
subjected to a compressive force of 3.6 KN. Calculate
by how much the strut will shorten under this force.
The work done per unit volume (sometimes Assume that Young’s modulus for the alloy is
termed the energy density) is equal to the area 90GNm~’ and the proportional limit is not
*Sometimes no distinction is made between this and the elastic limit. exceeded.


Method From Equation 10.6

Equation 10.7 gives work done per unit volume = 4¢ x «

E= F+A 1, xeA)2.0 , 105 = 1.01 x 10¢Jm 3

e+l 2 Tt

In this case the strut is compressed. Since materials in Answer

general have the same value for the elastic modulus in .
(a) 025mm, (b), 1.0% 10° im.
tension as in compression, it is necessary only to
replace extension e in the above equation by
compression c. Exercise 10.3
We have A=60mm*=60x10°m’, /=0.45,
F=3.6x10°, E=90x10’, and require the ay

(Assume that the proportional limit is not exceeded.)

compression c. So
(3.6 x 10°) + (60 x 10~°) 1 A vertical copper wire is 1.0m long and has radius
90 x 10’ = 1.0mm. A load of 180N is attached to the bottom
(c + 0.45)
end and produces an extension of 0.45 mm.
Rearranging gives c = 0.30 « 10°-* Calculate (a) the tensile stress, (b) the tensile
strain, (c) the value of Young’s modulus for
Answer copper.
The strut shortens by 0.30 mm. 2 A steel strut has a cross-sectional area of
25x 10°mm? and is 2.0m long. Calculate the
magnitude of the compressive force which will
Example 7 cause it to shorten by 0.30mm. Assume that £ for
A vertical steel wire of length 0.80m and radius steel is 200GNm ~”.
1.0mm has a mass of 20 kg applied to its lower end. 3 A bronze wire of length 1.5 m and radius 1.0mm is
Assuming that the proportional limit is not
joined end-to-end to a steel wire of identical size
exceeded, calculate (a) the extension, (b) the energy
to form a wire 3.0m long. Calculate (a) the
stored per unit volume in the wire. Take the Young
resultant extension if a force of 200N is applied,
modulus for steel as 2.0x10''Nm~ and g as
(b) the force required to produce an extension of
0.30mm. Assume that E for bronze is
1.0 x 10'' Nm’; for steel 2.0 x 10''Nm”.
Hint: (a) total force acts on each wire, extension
(a) Rearranging Equation 10.7 gives equals the sum of extensions, (b) e« 1/E for
each wire, or use e x F.
,uftA_ 4 A load of 0.12 KN is gradually applied to a copper
E=+l EA
wire of length 1.5m and area of cross-section
Wehave F = 20 xg=200N,
8.0mm*. Calculate (a) the extension, (b) the
A= * (radius) == 766 (IO 10) energy stored per unit volume in the wire. Take
the Young modulus for copper as
1125610 Names,
/ = 0.80
5 A steel bar has a rectangular cross-section 50 mm
and he 20x 107 by 40mm and is 2.0m long. Calculate the work
Fl 200 x 0.80 done in extending it by 6.0mm. Take E for steel
Soe = = as 2.0 x 10''Nm~.
BAY 20510 Sa 10]
= 0.255 x 10 °m
(b) We have Temperature effects
ss f = 200/(x x 10-%) = 22 x 10? Nm +

When the temperature of a rod changes then its

and ¢=o/E =200/(x x 10° x 2.0 x 10!) length will, if unrestrained, change such that:

a Al= alAT (10.8)


where A/ is the change in length, in metres, « the 2 A section of railway track consists of a steel bar of
linear expansivity (unit=°C~' or K~'), | the length 15m and cross-sectional area 80cm’. It is
original length in metres and AT the rise in rigidly clamped at its ends on a day when the
temperature, in °C or K. temperature is 20°C. If the temperature falls to
0°C, calculate (a) the force the clamps must exert
If, during a temperature change, the rod is to be to stop the bar contracting and (b) the strain
prevented from changing in length, large forces energy stored in the bar.
are often required.

Example 8
A solid copper rod is of cross-sectional area 15 mm?” and Exercise 10.5:
length 2.0m. Calculate (a) its change in length when its
temperature rises by 30°C, (b) the force needed to Examination questions
prevent it from expanding by the amount in (a). Take
the linear expansivity « for copper as 20 x 10°° K! and
(Assume g = 10ms °.)
the Young modulus E for copper as 1.2 x 10!'Nm°?.
Assume that the proportional limit is not exceeded. 1 A certain spring, which obeys Hooke’s law, has a
force constant k of 60Nm_'.
(a) You are to draw a graph of stretching force F
(a) We have /=2.0, AT =+30°C (4 sign for against extension x for this spring, for a range
temperature rise) and «= 20x 10°. Equation of x from 0 to 25mm.
10.7 gives (i) Use the space below to make any
Al = alAT
= 20 x 10°
x 2 x 30 calculations to help you draw this graph.
1266107"m (ii) On a copy of Fig. 10.5, label the axes
appropriately, and draw the graph.
(b) A compressive force F (N) must be supplied which
is sufficient to decrease the length by
Al =12x10*m
Rearranging Equation 10.7 gives

ee EeA

We have E=1.2x 10", e=Al=12~x 10%,

A = 15mm? = 15 x 107° m’ and/ = 2.0.
He: EeA
12610 12 «10 & 15107
pa 0
— 1080N

(a) 1.2mm, (b) 1.1KN.

Fig. 10.5
Exercise 10.4
(b) (i) Use your graph in (a) (ii) to determine
the work required to stretch the spring
(For steel, take « = 12 x 10°°K7' and E = 2.0 x 10" from an initial extension of 5mm to a
Nm”. Assume that the proportional limit is not final extension of 25mm. Show clearly
exceeded.) how you obtain your result.
1. Calculate the force required to extend a steel rod (ii) State the principle of the method you
of cross-sectional area 4.0mm* by the same used for your calculation in (i), and
amount as would occur due to a temperature rise explain how you used it in obtaining your
of 60K. Hint: let length = /; this cancels out. answer. [CCEA 2001]


2 A load of 4.0N is suspended from a parallel two- 5 (a) Fig. 10.7 shows a vertical nylon filament with a
spring system as shown in the diagram. weight suspended from its lower end.

Ye“MMtV@ iii)tltl
VLLLL hhh hth tit

i nylon filament


Fig. 10.7
Jaan The cross-sectional area of the filament is
8.0 x 107’ m?.
Fig. 10.6 Diagram for Question 2 The Young modulus of nylon is 2.0 x 10° Pa.
Tr . .
The spring constant of each spring is 20Nm
. . l
~. The ultimate tensile stress of nylon is
The elastic energy, in J, stored in the system is 9.0 x 10’ Pa.
A0Ol BO2 C04 DO8 [AQA 2000] Calculate:
(i) the maximum weight W’ the filament can
Many specialist words are used to describe the
support without breaking;
properties of materials. Some of these words are
(ii) the weight W’ which will extend the
listed below:
filament by 0.50% of its original length.
Brittle, ductile, elastic, hard, malleable, plastic, stiff
(b) The information in (a) gives the Young
It is important for engineers to know how different modulus of nylon for small stresses. By
materials behave. One common test which could reference to the molecular structure and
be performed is to measure the extension of a tensile properties of nylon, suggest why this
sample when an increasing force is applied. A value is inappropriate for large stresses.
force-extension graph for copper wire is shown [OCR 2001]
An object of mass 0.5 kg is suspended by a length
of copper wire from a rigid support. The object is
raised to a point adjacent to the support, and at
I B= breaking
the same level, and released from rest. Find the
point minimum cross-sectional area of the wire if it is
not to break. Assume that Hooke’s law applies

The Young modulus for copper is 1.1 x 10'' Pa

0 4 8 12 16 20
and its tensile strength (i.e. the maximum stress
that can be applied without breaking) is
From the list above, choose Mvo words which can 3.0 x 10° Pa. [WJEC spec 2000]
explain the behaviour of copper. Explain the
(a) (i) State Hooke’s law.
meaning of each word with reference to the
(ii) Explain why wires used as guitar strings
copper wire graph.
must have elastic properties.
(a) Calculate the stiffness of the copper wire.
(b) The data below are for a thin steel wire
(b) Estimate the energy required to break this suitable for use as a guitar string.
sample of copper wire. — [Edexcel S-H 2000]
ultimate tensile stress: 1.8 x 10° Pa
Two steel wires A and B of the same length are Young modulus: 2.2 x 10" Pa
each put under the same tension. Wire A has cross-sectional area: 20x 107 om
twice the radius of wire B. The ratio of the stored
energy of A to the stored energy of B is In a tensile test, a specimen of the wire, of
original length 1.5m, is stretched until it
A 4:] Bvel ei Dates VEE4: breaks.


Assuming the wire obeys Hooke’s law (iv) an approximate value for the work done
throughout, calculate: to stretch the copper wire to its breaking
(i) the extension of the specimen immediately point. [OCR 2000]
before breaking;
10 (a) A metal wire of original length L and cross-
(ii) the elastic strain energy released as the
sectional area A is stretched by a force F,
wire breaks. [OCR 2001]
causing an extension e.
8 A wire of length 3.0m is hung vertically from a (1) Write down expressions for the strain of
rigid support, and a mass of 0.15 kg is attached to the wire and the stress in it.
its lower end. Fig. 10.8 shows the arrangement. (ii) Assuming that the extension is such that
The wire obeys Hooke’s law for all extensions in Hooke’s law is obeyed, obtain an
this question. expression for the Young modulus EF of
the metal of the wire in terms of A, e, F
Ue and L.
(ii) Find the relation between the force
constant k of the wire (the constant of
proportionality in the Hooke’s law
equation) and the Young modulus F of
the metal of the wire.
0.15 kg
(iv) Explain why one refers to the Young
modulus of the metal of the wire, but to
Fig. 10.8 the force constant of the wire itself.
(a) The Young modulus of the material of the wire (b ae Describe, in detail, an experiment to
is 2.0 x 10'' Pa. The diameter of the wire is determine the Young modulus of copper.
0.30mm. Calculate the extension produced in Your answer should include a clearly labelled
the wire. diagram, an outline of the method, headings
for a table of results that would be taken, and
(b) Calculate the elastic strain energy stored in
the method of analysis of the results to obtain
the wire. [CCEA 2001, part]
the value of the Young modulus. Mention
9 Aspecimen fibre of glass has the same dimensions two safety precautions which should be taken.
as a specimen of copper wire.
(c) A uniform rod of length 0.80m and weight
The length of each specimen is 1.60m and the ISON is suspended from a horizontal beam
radius of each is 0.18mm. Force—extension by two vertical wires, as sketched in Fig. 10.10.
graphs for both specimens are shown in
Fig. 10.9.


[US : breaking p int

10K + 5 a +H

force/N 8
Fig. 10.10
The wire at the left-hand end of the rod is
copper, of original length 2.00m and area of
cross-section 0.25mm*. That at the right-
hand end is steel, of the same original length
0 2 4 6 6 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 but of area of cross-section 0.090mm*. The
extension/mm Young modulus of copper is 1.3 x 10'' Pa
Fig. 10.9 and that of steel is 2.1 x 10’! Pa.
(i) Find the extension in each wire, assuming
(a) (i) State which of the two materials is brittle. that the wires remain vertical and that
(ii) Explain which feature of Fig. 10.9 leads Hooke’s law is obeyed.
you to your answer in (i). (ii) Because the wires extend by different
(b) Using the graphs and the data given, determine amounts, the suspended rod is not exactly
(i) the area of cross-section of each specimen, horizontal. It is required to return the rod
(ii) the Young modulus of the glass, to the horizontal position by attaching an
(iii) the ultimate tensile stress for copper, additional load to it. Find the minimum


additional load required to do this, and Fig. 10.11 shows a graph of tensile stress
state the point on the rod where this against tensile strain for a glass fibre
additional load should be attached. Use Fig. 10.11 to calculate
(iii) Strain energy is stored in each of the (i) the Young modulus for glass;
supporting wires. For the situation where (ii) the strain energy per unit volume just
the suspended rod has been made before the fibre breaks, i.e. where the
horizontal by attaching the additional graph line ends. State your answer with
load in (ii), decide whether this energy is a suitable SI unit.
the same for each of the wires, or whether (iii) the extension just before a fibre of
the greater amount of energy is stored in unstretched length 0.50m breaks.
the copper wire or the steel wire. Explain [OCR 2000]
your reasoning. [CCEA 2000, part]
13 This question ¥& about the plastic deformation of
11 The graph shows part of the stress-strain aluminium.
relationship for steel. No values are given on the
stress axis. Aluminium expands when its temperature rises.
To a good approximation, the increase A/ in the
Stress/Pa length / of an aluminium rod is given by
N= aiAT
where AT is the rise in temperature. The constant
x is called the /inear expansivity of aluminium. Its
numerical value is given at the end of the question.
When aluminium cools, it contracts by the same
1 at J amount.
0 OS 1.0 1S

Strain/ x 10~$ (a) To confirm that you understand the process,

Calculate the energy density for steel when subject verify that an aluminium rod which is 5.0m
to a strain of 1.3 x 10 ~. The Young modulus for long at 40°C increases its length by about
steel is 2.2 x 10'' Pa. 7mm when heated to 100°C. Numerical data
are given at the end of the question.
Nylon and steel have similar values for their
ultimate tensile stress. (b — (1) An aluminium rod 0.50m long is heated
so that its length increases by 0.20%.
Why are steel cables preferred to Nylon ones in
How big was the rise in temperature?
the manufacture of the supporting cables for a
(ii) The rod is now clamped at its ends, so
suspension bridge? [Edexcel 2001, part]
that it cannot contract as it cools.
12 (a) Glass is described as a brittle material with an Calculate the stress in the rod when it
amorphous structure. Explain the two terms has cooled to its original temperature.
in italics. (iui) The rod has a cross-sectional area of
(i) brittle (11) amorphous. 2.0mm‘°. Calculate the tension in the rod.
(b) (c)

Fig. 10.12
Fig. 10.12 shows an aluminium frying pan. The
aluminium undergoes plastic deformation for
strains in excess of 0.2%
Explain why pouring cold water into the hot
frying pan, causes its base to become
20 permanently curved.
Numerical data
linear expansivity of aluminium = 23 x 10°-° K7!
0 5 10 ney
strain/10~4 Young modulus of aluminium = 71 x 10° Pa
Fig. 10.11 [OCR Nuff spec 2000]

Section D
Oscillations and waves

Definition of SHM Fig. 11.1 shows a mass on the end of a spring. When
displaced vertically it will perform simple harmonic
motion because a restoring force acts which is
proportional to the displacement of the mass from
he its equilibrium position O. Thus its acceleration is
always directed towards the point O and _ is
proportional to the displacement from that point.
Sy Spring
ers Fig. 11.2 illustrates some characteristics of the
es motion. Fig. 11.2c is the displacement-time
graph of the vertical SHM shown in Fig. 11.2a.
Fig. 11.2b shows the rotating radius or ‘phasor’
Equilibrium position O —» a]
representation of SHM — the point R moves in
uniform circular motion with angular velocity o.
Mass It can be shown that the motion of R projected
on to the vertical diameter XY is the same as the
Fig. 11.1 Vertical oscillations
SHM shown in Fig. 11.2a and c. Note that the
amplitude of SHM is the radius OR, and the
‘phase angle’ 0 = at.

@ = Angular velocity of rotating radius OR

r(= OR) = Amplitude

T = Periodic time
® Displacement
t A CJpartile 8 £“” | ®ee--------
r '

ae <+<>

position O 1

6 = Phase angle
8 = at

(b) The rotating radius (c) Displacement-Time graph

(a) Particle in ‘vertical’ SHM
Fig. 11.2 SHM and phasor representation


From the definition of SHM, the acceleration a of Example 2

the particle is related to its displacement y from A horizontal platform vibrates vertically in SHM with a
the equilibrium position by period of 0.20s and with slowly increasing amplitude.
What is the maximum value of the amplitude which
a = —Constant x y
will allow a mass, resting on the platform, to remain in
where the negative sign indicates that the contact with the platform?
Assume acceleration due to
acceleration is in the opposite direction to the gravity g= l0ms ©.
displacement. Also, it can be shown that Method
When the platform moves downwards the mass will
a=-Wy (11.1) remain in contact with it only so long as the platform
accelerates downwards with value less than or equal to
where ~ is the angular velocity of the rotating g. The maximum downwards acceleration of the
platform is at the top of its motion. If the amplitude is
radius in Fig. 11.2b and may be called the
r, then, using Equation 11.1,
angular frequency of the simple harmonic
motion. 2 2
a=-O@ y=-oT

at the top of the motion. Now = 22/T where T, the

Example1 period of the motion, equals 0.20.
A body oscillates vertically in SHM with an amplitude When the mass is on the point of leaving the platform
of 30mm and a frequency of 5.0Hz. Calculate the a = —g (negative indicates downwards), so
acceleration of the particle (a) at the extremities of the
motion, (b) at the centre of the motion, (c) at a
position midway between the centre and the extremity. (11.2)
We have frequency f =5.0Hz. Thus the angular We have g = 10, T = 0.2 and require r.
velocity w of the rotating radius in Fig. 11.2b is, from
Rearranging Equation 11.2 gives
Chapter 8, given by

w = 2nf = 10nrads_'

We use Equation 11.1 to find the acceleration a.

ra e(Bj 10% (82) a

= 0.010m
(a) At the top of the motion we ascribe y a positive
value, so y = +0.030m. Thus
Maximum amplitude = 10mm.
a = —@*y = —100n” x 0.03
= —3z° ms

Note that acceleration a is negative (downwards)

Exercise 11.1
when displacementy is positive (upwards).
Similarly at the bottom of the oscillation 1. A body oscillates in SHM with an amplitude of
y = —0.030m, soa = +327ms * 2.0cm and a periodic time of 0.25s. Calculate
(a) its frequency, (b) the acceleration at the
Note: @ is positive (upwards) when y is negative
extremities and at the centre of the oscillation,
(c) the acceleration when it is displaced 0.5cm
(b) We have y = 0, soa = —w’y = 0. above the centre of the oscillation. Note: f= 1/T.

(c) Ata position halfway upwards y = +0.015 m. So 2 The piston in a particular car engine moves in
approximately SHM with an amplitude of 8.0cm.
a = —w’y = —100x” x 0.015 The mass of the piston is 0.80kg and the piston
= —1.52’ms” makes 100 oscillations per second. Calculate
At a position halfway downwards y = —0.015m and (a) the maximum value of the acceleration of the
a=+1.5n°>ms ~ piston, (b) the force needed to produce this
3 A body of mass 0.40kg has a maximum force of
(a) +3.0n7ms~’, (b) 0, (c) 41.522 ms. 1.2N acting on it when it moves in SHM with an


amplitude of 30mm. Calculate (a) the frequency,

(c) From Equation 11.4
(b) the periodic time of the motion.
4 Asmall mass rests on a horizontal platform which @)ee ap

vibrates vertically in SHM with a constant

amplitude of 30mm and with a slowly increasing For the maximum acceleration we use Equation
frequency. Find the maximum value of the 11.1, with displacementy at its maximum value of
frequency which will allow the mass to remain in 2.0 x 10°*m.
contact with the platform. Assume g = 10ms ”.
oo —w’y = —200 x 2.0 x 10°* = -4.0ms”

Mass ona spring The negative sign indicates direction.

Note an alternative way to find a. At maximum

displacement, the net force acting on the mass is
When a mass m (kg) is attached to the end of a
spring of force constant k (Nm‘'), the periodic F =k x Displacement = 40 x 2.0 x 107
time T (s) of oscillations is given by = 0.80N

Thus the maximum acceleration a is given by

T=oe 2a /m: (11.3)
_ ores Oxt0) a ;, =
7=Mass 0.20 peu:
Since 7 = 27/q@ we have

=a ke (11.4) (a) 40Nm“!, (b) 0.448, (c) 4.0ms~”.

Example 3 The simple pendulum

A mass of 0.2 kg is attached to the lower end of a light
helical spring and produces an extension of 5.0cm.
The periodic time TJ (s) of ‘small angle’
Calculate (a) the force constant of the-spring.
oscillations of a simple pendulum of length /(m)
The mass is now pulled down a further distance of is given by
2.0cm and released. Calculate (b) the time period of
subsequent oscillations, (c) the maximum value of the
acceleration during the motion. Assume g = 10ms
~. T=2m/t (11.6)
(a) We assume that the spring obeys Hooke’s law. where g is the acceleration due to gravity.
From Chapter 10, Equation 10.1, an applied force
F(N) produces a change in length e (m) given by Example 4
Calculate the frequency of oscillation of a simple
F =ke (11.5) pendulum of length 80cm. Assume g = 10 ms ~.

where k (Nm_’) is the force constant of the spring. Method

We use Equation 11.6 with / = 0.80 andg = 10.
We have F = mg where m = 0.2kg and g = 10.
Since e = 5.0 x 10-* m, Equation 11.5 gives
me _ 0.80
= 2m,
[2= 2n 980
025010 =< 5.0 X 107
= Ii)
(b) We use Equation 11.3 with m = 0.2 and k = 40.
Now frequencyf = aL emllee 0.56 Hz
T= 2n,|B = Qn G2 — 044s Ned

Note that JT is independent of the initial
displacement (2.0 cm in this case). 0.56 Hz.


Example 5 Stretched springs

Two simple pendulums of length 0.40 m and 0.60 m are

set off oscillating in step. Calculate (a) after what
further time the two pendulums will once again be in 0.30 kg
step, (b) the number of oscillations made by each
pendulum during this time. (Assume g = 10ms a
Smooth floor
Method Fig. 11.3 Diagram for Question 2
(a) The two pendulums become out of step since they
have different periodic times. Let 7, be the Refer to Fig. 11.3, in which the 0.30kg mass is
periodic time of the pendulum of length tethered by two identical springs of force constant
/; = 0.40m and 7, that of the pendulum of length 2.5Nm|. If the mass is now displaced by 20mm
1, = 0.60m. Using Equation 11.6 to the left of its equilibrium position and
released, calculate (a) the time period and
Te te/]
] on @ “\
10 TsE S
frequency of subsequent oscillations, (b) the
acceleration at the centre and extremities of the
Tee Ore on |Os 1.5308 Note: effective force constant is twice that for one
During the required time interval the shorter
3 Calculate the length of a simple pendulum of
pendulum will complete one more oscillation
periodic time (a) 1.0s, (b) 0.58. If the two are set
than the longer pendulum. Let ¢ be the time
off oscillating in step, calculate (c) the number of
interval between the pendulums falling in step. If
times they will be in step over a 60s period.
n equals the number of oscillations of the shorter
pendulum, (”—1) equals the number of 4 Two simple pendulums, of slightly different
oscillations of the longer pendulum. Thus length, are set off oscillating in step. The next
time they are in step is after a time of 20s has
t=nly = (n—1)T5
elapsed, during which time the longer pendulum
SO. SCes iyi —tiee Sanco oo Ss has completed exactly 10 oscillations. Find the
length of each pendulum.
Mole) (ee de

(see ee
i 0.282 == Sete)
Displacement, velocity
But t = nT), so and acceleration
ines Dsl) e627 oy)/ Motos
variation with time
(b) The shorter pendulum makes n = 5.5 oscillations
and the longer pendulum (n—1)= 4.5
Refer to Fig. 11.2. The following relationships
apply in SHM:
Answer (1) The displacementy is related to time ¢ by
(a) 6.9s, (b) 5.5 and 4.5 oscillations.
y=rsin0=rsin ot (11.7)
Exercise 11.2 This assures y= 0 when ¢= 0. The maximum
displacement equals the amplitude r.
10 m g*)
(Assume g=
(2) The instantaneous velocity v is given by
1. A mass of 0.60 kg is hung on the end of a vertical v=racosw@t so that v is related to the
light spring of force constant 30Nm_’. Calculate displacementy by
(a) the extension produced, (b) the time period of
any subsequent oscillations, (c) the number of
oscillations in 1 minute. v= @/(r? —y?) (11.8)


Note that v=O at the extremities of the or 0, = 0.412 rad

oscillation, when y = r. Also v has maximum
Since 6 = wt, then
value +wr when y = 0, at the centre of the
oscillation. ty = 0;/m = 0.412/0.52 = 0.262.
(3) The instantaneous acceleration a is given by
a=—q'rsinat. Since y=rsin wt then: yo =rsin 6,
5010 = 5010 sing,
a=-q@y (11.1) This gives 0, = 0.5zrad and t) = 1.0s.
(Note this time of 1.0s corresponds to the time it
This agrees with the original definition. takes to travel 1/4 of a period, from zero
displacement to its first maximum.)
Example 6
Hence, time taken:
A body vibrates in SHM in a vertical direction with an
tf —t, = 1.0 — 0.262 = 0.738s.
amplitude of 50mm and a periodic time of 4.0s.
(a) Calculate the displacement after (i) 2.5, (ii) 5.0s, Answer
assuming that the displacement is zero at time
(a) (4) —35mm, (ii) 50mm. (b) 0.74s.
(b) Calculate the time it takes the body to move to its
maximum upwards displacement from a position Example 7
30 mm below it. A body moves in SHM with an amplitude of 30mm and
Method a frequency of 2.0Hz. Calculate the values of
(a) acceleration at the centre and extremities of the
(a) The angular velocity m of the motion is given by oscillation, (b) velocity at these positions, (c) velocity
@ =2n/T where T=4.0s. So o=0.5nrads'. and acceleration at a point midway between the centre
We use Equation 11.7 with r=5010°m to and extremity of the oscillation.
find displacement.
(i) We have t = 2.5,.so Method
y =rsin wt = 50 x 10° sin (0.57 x 2.5) We have w = 2nf andf = 2.0. So w = 4.0nrads_'.
= OU x 10™ sin 125%
(a) We use Equation 11.1. At the centre y=0 so
Nowannadi— IlS02esonle2a— 225 4,4and
y = 50 x 1073 sin 225° = —35 x 10 °m
At the extremities the displacement equals
Note: we assumed that the body was initially
moving in a positive direction. The negative 30 x 10°* m. So
sign indicates a displacement in the opposite a = —w’y = —(4n) x 30 x 107
direction to this.
= —0.4827 ms
(ii) We have t = 5.0s, so
When y is positive a is negative and vice versa.
y =rsinat = 50 x 10 °sin(0.5z x 5)
= 50 x 10° sin 450° (b) We use Equation 11.8. At the centre y= 0 and
We subtract multiples of 360°, which means v=+mr, depending on whether the body is
that previous whole oscillations are ignored. moving upwards (+) or downwards (—) at that
Subtracting 360° from 450°, we have instant.
y =50 x 10° sin 90° Since r = 30 x 10° and w = 4.02,
= 50x 10°m ne +0.12x7ms!

(b) The body moves from an upwards displacement of At the extremities v = 0.

20mm to 50mm. Referring to Fig. 11.2 we have (c) At the midway point y= 15 x 10 °m. Since
y, = 20 x 10-°m and y; = 50 x 10 *m. We use r = 30 x 10 *, Equation 11.8 gives
Equation 11.7 to find 6, and 6, and the
corresponding times ft, and f) for the rotating v=or(r? —y’) = 4230" — 15”) x 1077
radius of Fig. 11.2(b). Thus: =0.33ms!
y, =rsind, This can be positive or negative depending on
20 x 107? = 50 x 107° sin 0; which way the body is moving.


Equation 11.1 gives Example 8

= —w"y = —(1677) «15x 107 A body of mass 0.10kg oscillates in SHM with an
= —0.24n*ms~ amplitude of 5.0cm and with a frequency of 0.50 Hz.
Calculate (a) the maximum value and (b) the minimum
When y is positive a is negative and vice versa. value of its kinetic energy. State where these occur.
Answer Method
(a) 0, +0.4827 ms’, (b) +0.12xms',0 (a) The maximum KE is at the centre of the motion.
(c) +0.33ms | +0.24n7 ms é We use Equation 11.9 in which m= 0.10kg,
w@ = 2nf = 2x x 0.50 = mrads ' and amplitude
Exercise 11.3
KE = tm *r?
1x01 xn? x (5.0 x 10-7)?
1. A body is vibrating in SHM in a vertical direction
with an amplitude of 40mm and a frequency of
0.50 Hz. Assume at ¢ = 0 the displacement is zero (b) The minimum value of KE is at the extremities of
and it is moving upwards. the motion. Since velocity v is zero here KE is zero.

(a) Calculate the values of displacement, velocity Answer

and acceleration at each of the following
(a) 12x 10*J, atcentre, (b) zero, at extremities.
times (in seconds): 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00,
1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00. Sketch the graphs of
displacement, velocity and acceleration
against time. Exercise 11.4
(b) cee Calculate the time it takes to travel from an
upwards displacement of 20mm to one of 1 A mass of O0.50kg vibrates in SHM with a
30mm in the same cycle. Compare this value maximum KE of 3.0 mJ. If its amplitude is 20mm,
of time with that taken from readings on the calculate the frequency of the motion.
displacement-time graph.
2 A mass oscillates in SHM on the end of a spring of
2 A body vibrates in SHM with an amplitude of force constant 40Nm_'. If the amplitude of the
30mm and frequency of 0.50Hz. Calculate (a) motion is 30mm, calculate the maximum KE of
the maximum acceleration, (b) the maximum the mass. (Hint: 7 = k/m.)
velocity, (c) the magnitude of acceleration and
3 A body oscillates in SHM with a total energy of
velocity when the body is displaced 10mm from
2.0mJ. Calculate the total energy if (separately)
its equilibrium position.
(a) the amplitude is doubled (frequency being
State the value of the constants r (in metres) and
. l . . . . constant);
jw (in rads ) in the equation y =rsinwt which
describes the motion of the body. (b) the frequency is halved (amplitude being
(c) the amplitude
Energy in SHM doubled.
and frequency are both

There is a continuous interchange between

kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy (PE)
Exercise 11.5:
during vibration. Assuming no energy losses, the Examination questions
total energy is constant. At the centre of the
oscillation we take PE as zero, so all the energy
here is KE. Thus at the centre of the oscillation Assume g= 10ms7 (1ONkg
; 1 A motorist notices that when driving along a level
Total energy = KE = 1my~*
road at 95kmh | the steering wheel vibrates with
Now v = (+)or at the centre, so an amplitude of 6.0mm. If she speeds up or slows
down, the amplitude of the vibrations becomes
Total energy = KE = tme@’r? (11.9) smaller.
Explain why this is an example of resonance.


Calculate the maximum acceleration of the > The mass of an empty car is 800 kg. It is supported
steering wheel given that its frequency of on four identical springs. An evenly distributed
vibration is 2.4 Hz. [Edexcel 2001] load of mass 400kg causes the car to compress
A mass of 1.6kg is suspended from a light vertical each spring by a distance of 0.070m. Each spring
spring and oscillates with a period of 1.5s. provides an upwards force F, given by F=&kx,
Calculate the force constant of the spring. where x is the compression of the spring and k is
the spring constant.
A 0.60kg mass is suspended from a light helical
spring which is attached to a peg, vibrating in (a) Calculate the value of the spring constant k
simple harmonic motion, whose frequency of for one spring.
vibration can be varied as shown in Fig. 11.4(a).
(b) The loaded car is pushed downwards and then
The variation in amplitude of vertical vibrations
released. Calculate the period of oscillation of
of the mass, as the frequency of vibration of the
the car on its springs. Neglect the effects of
peg is varied, is shown in Fig 11.4(b).
Estimate the resonant frequency of the spring-
mass system using Fig 11.4(b). Use this value to (c) Predict one disadvantage of a car designed
calculate the spring constant of the spring. with:
(a) Variable (1) a very long period of oscillation;
frequency (ii) a very short period of oscillation.
generator [OCR 2001]

Se (a) A light helical spring is suspended vertically.

Vibrating peg
The unstretched length of the spring is
200mm. When a mass of 500g is attached to
the lower end, the total length becomes
240 mm.
Calculate the period of small vertical
oscillations of the mass.
(b) With a mass M attached to the spring, the
0.60 kg frequency of vertical oscillations is f.
Scale Calculate the new frequency of vibrations, as
a multiple of the original frequency, if the
mass were increased to 4M.
This question is about oscillations of a tethered
a trolley.
me A trolley is tethered by two elastic cords on a
—£ horizontal runway. Fig. 11.5 shows _ the
qs) arrangement.

° 0.5 1.0 19
— -
Fig 11.4 Information for Question 3 Fig. 11.5
A fly of mass 0.25 g is trapped in a spider’s web of The two identical elastic cords obey Hooke’s law
negligible mass. When the fly struggles, it is noted for trolley displacements up to and including
that the web vibrates with a frequency of 16 Hz. 0.10m. When released from an __ initial
The system of fly and web may be assumed to displacement of 0.10m, the trolley executes
behave in the same way as a loaded helical spring. simple harmenic motion. Fig. 11.6 shows the
(a) Calculate the effective force constant k of the variation of overall restoring force, F, with trolley
web. displacement, x.

(b) Find the frequency of vibration if a bluebottle (a) (i) How can you tell from the graph that
of mass 1.0g were trapped at the same point Hooke’s law is obeyed?
in the same web, instead of the fly. (ii) Give a physical reason to explain why the
[CCEA 2000, part] gradient of the graph is negative.


that on Earth, what would the new time period

be? Give your answer in terms of T.

11 Two simple pendulums of slightly different lengths

are set off oscillating in phase. The time periods
are 1.00s and 0.98s. Calculate the number of
oscillations made by the shorter pendulum during
the time interval it takes for the two pendulums
to be once again moving in phase.

12 A body is oscillating in simple harmonic motion as

described by the following expression:

y =3sin (2071)

Calculate the (minimum) time it takes the body to

move from its mean position to its position of
maximum displacement.
Fig. 11.6
13 A helical spring has a spring constant (force
(b) (i) Use the graph to find a value for the force constant) 50Nm_'. The spring is hung vertically
constant of the system. Make your and a body of mass 0.40kg is attached to the
reasoning clear. lower end.
(ii) The trolley has a mass of 0.80kg.
(a) Calculate the extension of the -spring.
Calculate the period of oscillation when
(Hooke’s law is obeyed.)
the initial amplitude is 0.10 m.
(b) The body is then pulled down 20 mm from the
What would be the period of oscillation of
equilibrium position and released. It oscillates
a trolley of mass 0.40 kg when tethered in
in simple harmonic motion.
the same way? Explain your answer.
The magnitude of the acceleration of a body
What will be the period of oscillation of
moving in simple harmonic motion is «x,
the 0.80 kg trolley when its amplitude is
where x is the displacement from the
reduced to 0.05 m? Explain your answer.
equilibrium position.
(d) When the trolley displacement exceeds 0.10 m,
one cord becomes slack. The other cord (i) the period and frequency of the
continues to obey Hooke’s law as before.
subsequent oscillations,
(i) On Fig. 11.6, continue the force/
displacement graph at both ends to show
(11) the magnitude of the initial acceleration
of the body when it is released,
this behaviour. Draw these extensions as
(iii)the speed of the body when it is 5.0mm
accurately as you can.
below the equilibrium position,
Does the trolley execute simple harmonic
motion when displaced by 0.15m?
(iv) the time taken for the body to move to
the equilibrium position from a point
Explain your answer. [OCR Nuff 2001]
5.0mm below it. [CCEA 2000]
A mass of 8.0 kg is suspended from a light vertical
14 The movement of the tides may be assumed to be
spring of force constant 2.0 x 10°Nm'. The
simple harmonic with a period approximately
mass is displaced downwards by 9.0mm and then
equal to 12 hours. The diagram overleaf shows a
released. Calculate
vertical wooden pole fixed firmly to the sea bed.
(a) the period of the resulting oscillations A ring is attached to the pole at point R.
(a) What is the amplitude of this tide?
(b) the maximum acceleration of the mass.
(b) High tide on a particular day is at 9 a.m. State
If the period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is the times of the next mid-tide and the next
doubled when the length of the pendulum is low tide. t
increased by 1.8m, calculate the original length of (1) Next mid-tide:
the pendulum in metres. (1i) Next low-tide:
10 A simple pendulum has a time period T at the (c) Calculate the time at which the falling water
surface of the Earth. If taken to another planet level reaches the ring R.
where the acceleration due to gravity is one half [Edexcel 2000, part]


(c) Plot the points representing maxima and

High water mark minima of kinetic energy on the graph grid
below and sketch the graph of kinetic energy
vs. time.

Water level at mid-tide kinetic

0 time/s

Low water mark

[WJEC 2000, part]
Sea bed 16
Vi, Support Support

Y Motion
15 A metal sphere of mass 0.25kg hangs from a <__e—_»

spring. The top end of the spring is clamped. The

sphere is raised 0.080m above its equilibrium
position and released.
10004 es OOO
A displacement vs. time graph for the motion is
given below. Smooth table

Fig. 11.7 Diagram for Question 16

Fig. 11.7 shows a mass of 0.50kg which is in

contact with a smooth horizontal table. It is
attached by two light springs to two fixed
supports as shown. If the mass moves in linear
simple harmonic motion with a period of 2.0s
(a) Write down the periodic time of the motion.
and an amplitude of 4.0cm, calculate the energy
(b) Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of the associated with this motion.

Wave relationships Factors affecting speed
A progressive wave transfers energy from its The speed c of (longitudinal) sound waves in a
source with speed c (ms_'). If the wave has solid is given by
wavelength / (m) and frequencyf (Hz), then
c= VE/p (12.3)
c=fr (12.1)
where E is the Young’s modulus (Nm ~”) of the
The periodic time 7 (s) of the wave motion is material and p is the density (kg an
related to frequencyf by
The speed of propagation of transverse waves
along a string or wire is given by

c==z aed
Equations 12.1 and 12.2 apply to longitudinal and
transverse waves.
where 7 is the tension in the string, in newtons, 71
the mass per unit length of the string, in kgm '.
Example 1
A progressive wave travels a distance of 18cm in 1.5s. If Example 2
the distance between successive crests is 60mm,
calculate (a) the frequency, (b) the periodic time of the (a) Calculate the speed of propagation of longitudinal
wave motion. waves in a_ solid of Young’s modulus
2.0 x 10''Nm* and density 7.8 x 10°kgm°.
(b) SY, Calculate the time it takes the wave in the solid to
The speed c is given by travel 1.0km and compare this with the time it
Distance travelled (m) 18 x 10°? takes sound to travel 1.0km in air. Assume the
speed of sound in air is 3.3 x 10?ms1}.
(= : — =
Time taken (s) 1.5

Now wavelength 4 = 60mm = 0.060m. Rearranging

(a) We use Equation 12.3, in which E = 2.0 x 10"!
Equation 12.1 gives
and p = 7.8 x 10°. Thus
6 =V/E/p = /210 10 7se
ee 0.12
=F Ws be = 5.06 x 10°’ ms?
et 10.06
Rearranging Equation 12.2 gives (b) The time taken f(s) is given by

t = distance travelled (m)/speed c

where distance travelled = 1.0 x 10° m.
Answer For the wave in the solid
(ayaa tb 00's teotiq = 1.0 x 10°/5.06 x 10° = 0.1985


For the wave in air

fe) 01013 3 10° = 3.03's Exercise 12.1
The wave in the solid takes much less time to
travel 1.0km since its speed is much greater. 1 The speed of electromagnetic waves in air is
Answer 3.0 x 10°ms~'. Calculate (a) the frequency of
yellow light of wavelength 0.60 x 10°°m, (b) the
(a) 5.1x10?ms! (b) 0.20s;3.0s wavelength of radio waves of frequency
20510 Han
Example 3
2 Calculate the Young’s modulus of aluminium,
A horizontal stretched elastic string has length 3.0m given that the speed of propagation of
and mass 12g. It is subject to a tension of 1.6N.
longitudinal waves is 5.0x10°ms' and_ its
Transverse waves of frequency 40 Hz are propagated density is 2.7 x 10°kgm™.
down the string. Calculate the distance between
successive crests of this wave motion. 3 The speed of propagation of sound waves in steel
is 5.1 x 10°ms|. Calculate the speed of sound in
a solid with the same density but with half the
We use Equation 12.4, with mass per unit length of Young’s modulus.
stringm = (12 x 10°) + 3.0 = 4.0 x 10°? kgm™?.
Sincen/a—s ONE 4 The speed of transverse waves along a stretched
wire is 50ms'. What is the speed when the
eh aes 1.6 tension in the wire is doubled?
m 4.0 x 10-3
5 A horizontal stretched elastic string is subject to a
tension of 2.5N. Transverse waves of frequency
The distance between successive crests is the 50 Hz and wavelength 2.0m are propagated down
wavelength 2. We have frequency f = 40 Hz. the string. Calculate (a) the speed of the waves,
Rearranging Equation 12.1 gives (b) the mass per unit length of the string.

dah = 7 = 050m Fig. 12.1 shows the displacementy at all points on a

sine wave, at a fixed time, over a single wavelength.
It shows how displacement” y varies with distance
Answer x. The particle at P lags behind the particle at O by
0.50 m. phase angle ¢ (in radians) given by

Phase angle >

r = amplitude



(a) Phase angle 6

<—— Wavelength 4 ———____»

Il So)

Qne----- ~g

(b) Displacement versus distance

*Displacement variation with time, at a given point on a sine wave, ts

dealt with in Chapter 11 on simple harmonic motion — see Fig 11.2
Fig. 12.1 Displacement at a fixed time and Equation 11.7.


where Ad is the phase difference in radians

(12.5) between two points spaced Ax (m) apart on the
wave. We have Ax = 0.30 and A = 2.0, so

Ag =2" x Ax = |22x03 =0.30


The relation betweeny andx in Fig 12.1b is:
Note that this agrees with part (b), since two
points at 0.5m and 0.8m have phase angles 0.57
Z and 0.87.
y =rsin b=rsin—"x =r sin kx (12.6)


(a) 0.40 m, —0.38 nis (b) 0.5 rad, 0.87 rad;

where k = 27/7 is called the wave number. (c) 0.372 rad.

Example 4
A progressive wave has amplitude 0.40m_ and Exercise 12.2
wavelength 2.0m. At a given time the displacement
y = 0 atx = 0. Calculate
1 A wave ona stretched string has amplitude 5.0 cm
(a) the displacement at x= 0.50m and 1.4m; and wavelength 30cm. At a given time the
displacement y=0 at x =0. Calculate (a) the
(b) the phase angles at x = 0.50m and 0.80 m; wave displacements at x = 10cm and x = 50cm,
(b) the phase angles at x = 10cm and x = 50cm.
(c) the phase difference between any two points which
are 0.30m apart on the wave. 2 A progressive wave has wavelength 20cm.
Calculate the minimum distance between two
Method points which differ in phase by 60° (7/3 rad).

We have amplitude r = 0.40 and wavelength 2 = 2.0. 3 A transverse wave travels along a_ horizontal
stretched string. In front of the string is a screen
(a) Using Equation 12.6, with with two slots in it so that all an observer can see
fe | is the motion of two points on the string placed
Ie 2h = 2/2 = a ee,
3.0m apart. The observer notes that the two
we have: points perform SHM with a period of 2.0s, and
that one point lags in phase by 90° compared with
lioyenr = (OS). the other. Calculate (a) the frequency of the
y =rsinkx = 0.4sin (x x 0.5) wave, (b) two possible values for the wavelength
= ().4 sin 90° = 0.40m of the wave.

(Note here that y= r, since x = +/.)

gelge aan at Interference
y =rsinkx = 0.4sin (x x 1.4)
= 0.4sin 252° = —0.38m
This phenomenon occurs for all types of waves —
Note the negative sign which indicates a for example sound, water waves and electro-
downwards displacement, assuming upwards is magnetic waves (light, microwaves and so on).
positive. To simplify the situation our initial treatment
(b) Using Equation 12.5: considers continuous waves, like sound or water
‘> aor waves.
forx=0.5, 6=*"%=052
Interference occurs due to superposition of waves
5 -

forx=0.8, 6=2*=0.8x — the resultant displacement being the sum of the

separate displacements of the individual wave
(c) We can replace Equation 12.5 by motions. Fig. 12.2 shows two sources S; and S,
ape which emit waves of the same frequency and
(SG) ee SS ANE
A wavelength 4 and of approximately the same


Separate waves Resultant displacement, at Q

If constructive
interference at Q

S; 36\--/--}\--F-+\--F-+-+--F+------------------S

If destructive
interference at Q


Fig. 12.2 Interference at Q between waves from two sources

amplitude. Regions of constructive and amplitude of the sound at Q is twice that due to
destructive interference exist. At a given point Q each source acting individually.
in the interference pattern = 6.0m >

S,Q —S8,Q =n for constructive 4 * A

S.0 —S;0 = (n+4)A for destructive
where n = 0, 1, 2, 3 ... This assumes the waves
from S, and S, set off in phase.
io pvt a ee Eula
a oes 4Q
When waves from two sources arrive at a point in
phase there is constructive interference. If the
waves arrive out of phase there is destructive

Example 5
Fig. 12.3 shows two sources X and Y which emit sound
of wavelength 2.0m. The two sources emit in phase, Y
and emit waves of equal amplitude. What does an
Fig. 12.3 Information for Example 5
observer hear (a) at Q, (b) at R.
(b) We must find the path difference XR — YR.
Refer to Fig. 12.4. Using Pythagoras’ theorem, we
(a) Q is equidistant from X and Y, so XQ= YQ. see that
XR? = 4.57 + 6.0? = 56.25
KO On)
XR =7.5m
There is constructive interference at Q, since the
two sets of waves arrive in phase. The resultant Also YR? = 2.5” + 6.07 = 42.25


X < 6.0 m —> Yeo)

YAR — dP = (Oia

(a) For constructive interference YP —XP=nd2.

Thus wavelength 4 is given by nA = 2.0m

45m eee ere ene


For n=0, 14=0o which is not practical. For

el A= 2.0mm.

> For n=2, A=1.0m. Clearly other (smaller)
values of / are alsé suitable.
(b) For destructive interference YP — XP = (n 4 4)A.
Thus wavelength 4 is given by (n + )A = 2.0.
jEer eo ee
Fig. 12.4 Solution to Example 5 (ar 5)

For n = 0, 4 = 4.0m. For n = 1, 4 = 4/3 m. Other

Y= G5 m
(smaller) values of A are also suitable.
So XR-YR=1.0m=4A

since wavelength 4 = 2.0m. There is destructive Answer

interference at R because the two sets of waves (a) 2.0m, 1.0m, (b) 4.0m, $m.
arrive with a path difference of 4/, ie. 180° out
of phase. The resultant amplitude at R will be
zero,” so that an observer will hear nothing at R.
Exercise 12.3
(a) A-sound of double amplitude, (b) nothing.

Example 6 1. Referring to Fig. 12.3, suppose that source X is

180° out of phase with source Y. What does an
< 4.0 mn > observer hear (a) at Q, (b) at R?
a * *



Fig. 12.5 Information for Example 6

Fig. 12.5 shows two sources X and Y which are identical <= S30) (6) ) $$$
—<$ >

and emit in phase. Calculate two possible values of

wavelength for which (a) constructive interference, Fig. 12.6 Information for Question 2
(b) destructive interference would occur at point P.
Method Fig. 12.6 shows two identical microwave sources X
and Y which emit in phase. There is constructive
We must calculate the path difference YP — XP. Using interference at C} which is on the perpendicular
Pythagoras’ theorem, bisector of the line XY and 30cm from P, the
YP? = 372 95 midpoint of XY. A detector moved from C
towards N locates the first minimum at D. If
*This ignores any difference in amplitude of the waves which may CD=7.0cm calculate the wavelength of the
occur because R is further from X than Y. microwaves emitted by X and Y.


3 xX +-50m—
>y the sources S; and S, are coherent (i.e. phase-
isiG aH * linked and of the same frequency) they must
receive light from the same point on the source —
this is ensured by diffraction of light at the single
slit S.
The fringe separationy, in metres, is given by

Uaea (12.7)

where 4 is the wavelength of source, in metres, D

Fig. 12.7 Diagram for Question 3 the distance, in metres, from slits to fringes and a
the slit separation, in metres.
X and Y in Fig. 12.7 are two identical sources of
sound which emit in phase. Calculate the largest
Example 7
two values of wavelength (excluding 2 = oo) for
which (a) constructive, (b) destructive In a Young’s double-slit experiment, mercury green
interference will occur at Q. If the velocity of light of wavelength 0.54
um (0.54 x 10°° m) was used
sound in air is 340ms |, calculate the frequencies with a pair of parallel slits of separation 0.60mm. The
to which these wavelengths correspond. fringes were observed at a distance of 40cm from the
slits. Calculate the fringe separation.
4 x Q ¥
*<+—_—_——1.8m >|\< 1.2m PK Method
Fig. 12.8 Diagram for Question 4 We have A=0.54~x 10°, a=0.60x10-° and
D = 0.40. Using Equation 12.7
X and Y in Fig. 12.8 are two identical sources of
sound which emit in phase. Calculate the lowest DADS 0545C108 2040
possible value of frequency of the sources for a 0.60 x 10-3
there to be (a) constructive, (b) destructive = 0.36 x 10° m
interference at Q. (Velocity of sound = 340ms_'.)

Fringe separation = 0.36 mm.

Young's double-slit
Example 8
In a Young’s double-slit arrangement green
monochromatic light of wavelength 0.50 44m was used.
Monochromatic source of wavelength A Dark fringe Five fringes were found to occupy a distance of 4.0mm
on the screen. Calculate the fringe separation if
(independently) (a) red light of wavelength 0.65 um
was used, (b) the slit separation was doubled, (c) the
slits-screen distance was doubled.
Five fringes occupy 4.0mm. So the fringe separation 1s
4.0/5 = 0.80 mm.
(a) We see from Equation 12.7 that, for fixed D and a
Bright fringe value, yc“ Ii 7 increases’ by a factor of
Single slitS
(0.65 x 10%°).= (0.50 x 10°) = 1.3, then y will
increase by a factor of 1.3. Thus y becomes
Fig. 12.9 Young’s double-slit arrangement
1.3 x 0.80 = 1.04mm

Fig. 12.9 shows the set-up. The dark and bright (b) For given A and D values, y x I/a. So if a is
fringes arise due to the interference of light doubled, y becomes halved. Thus y becomes
emerging from two slits S; and S. In order that 0.50 x 0.80 = 0.40mm


(c) For given / anda values y x D. So if D is doubled, nodes and of adjacent antinodes is 4/2, where / is
y is doubled. Thus y becomes 1.6 mm. the wavelength of the progressive waves from
which the stationary wave is formed.

(a) 1.0mm, (b) 0.40mm, (c) 1.6mm. Two sources of progressive waves (e.g. loudspeaker or
microwave transmitter) of wavelength A and amplitude r

Exercise 12.4

1 Ina Young’s double-slit experiment, sodium light

of wavelength 0.5910 °m was used to
illuminate a double slit with separation 0.36mm.
If the fringes are observed at a distance of 30cm
from the double slits, calculate the fringe =
> <a

separation. oe

2 In an experiment using Young’s slits, six fringes* N = node

were found to occupy 3.0mm when viewed at a A/N = antinode
distance of 36cm from the double slits. If the
wavelength of the light used is 0.59 um, calculate Fig. 12.10 Formation of a stationary (standing) wave in
the region between two sources of progressive waves
the separation of the double slits.
3 When red monochromatic light of wavelength
0.704m is used in a Young’s_ double-slit Example 9
arrangement, fringes with separation 0.60 mm are Two loudspeakers which are connected to the same
observed. The slit separation is 0.40 mm. Find the oscillator face each other and are separated by a
fringe spacing if (independently) distance of about 3m. A small microphone, placed
(a) yellow light of wavelength 0.60
wm is used; approximately midway along the line between the
two loudspeakers, records positions of minimum
(b) the slit separation becomes 0.30 mm;
intensity, which are separated by 4.2cm. If the
(c) the slit separation is 0.30mm and the slits— oscillator is set at a frequency 4.0kHz, calculate the
fringe distance is doubled. speed of sound in air.

Formation of stationary The loudspeaker separation of about 3m happens to be
(standing) waves a convenient distance, but is irrelevant in so far as
calculation of the speed of sound is concerned. The
microphone is moved around the midway position,
Stationary (standing) waves occur as a result of since here the amplitude of the two waves arriving
interference between progressive waves of the from the two sources will be about the same, so the
same frequency and wavelength travelling along nodes can be more accurately located.
the same line. They may be formed due to
The nodes are 4.2cm apart. So 4/2 = 4.2cm, hence
interference between waves from two separate
wavelength 1 = 8.4cm = 8.4 x 10 *m. Also we know
sources, as shown in Fig. 12.10, or alternatively, frequency f =4.0 x 10°Hz. To find the speed of
due to interference between incident and sound c we use Equation 12.1, i.e.
reflected waves (see Example 10).
C=fl S40 R10 x 84x10
If the two progressive waves which form the
= 30s
stationary wave have equal amplitude r, then the
nodes, which are positions of permanent
destructive interference, have zero amplitude. +

The antinodes, which are positions of maximum Speed of sound = 0.34kms /.

constructive interference, have amplitude 2r. As Note that the wavelength 4 and speed c relate to the
shown in Fig. 12.10, the separation of adjacent progressive waves which make up the stationary
*One fringe means one fringe separation.


Example 10 (a) Calculate the separation of adjacent nodes

A microwave transmitter is aimed at a metal plate, as along the line joining the two loudspeakers.
shown in Fig. 12.11. (b) A small microphone, moved at constant speed
along this line, records a signal which varies
periodically at 5.0 Hz. Calculate the speed at
which the microphone moves.
Assume that the speed of sound is 340ms_!.
2 A source S of microwaves faces a detector D. A
Transmitter metal reflecting screen is now placed beyond D
Microwave detector
with its plane perpendicular to the line from S to
D. As the screen is moved slowly away from D,
Metal plate the detector registers a series of maximum and
Fig. 12.11 Information for Example 10 minimum readings, the screen being displaced a
distance of 5.6cm between the first and fifth
(a) A small detector, moved along the line XY, travels
minimum. Calculate the wavelength and
14cm in moving from the first to the eleventh
frequency of the microwaves. Assume
consecutive nodal position. Calculate the
frequency of the microwaves emitted.
a3. 40 ins
(b) The detector is now fixed in position and the metal
plate is moved to the right, along the direction XY Stationary waves in
at a speed of 28cms '. Explain what the detector
observes. strings and wires
Assume that the speed of electromagnetic waves is
3.0 x 10° ms. When a string or wire which is fixed at both ends
Method is plucked, progressive transverse waves travel
(a) Between the first and eleventh nodes there are ten along the string or wire and are reflected at its
half-wavelengths. Thus 10x //2=14cm, so ends. This results in the formation of stationary
wavelength 4 =2.8cm=2.8x 10m. We are waves with certain allowed wavelengths and
given speed c = 3.0 x 10°; to find the frequencyf frequencies. Fig. 12.12 shows the fundamental,
we rearrange Equation 12.1: which has the largest wavelength and hence the
pee 3 x 10° smallest frequency, and the first two overtones.
kk 3.8 10 \¢ i —>'
= 07.10" Hz
ee (a) Fundamental: 2 = [b
(b) As the metal plate moves to the right, the (1st harmonic)
stationary wave pattern moves also — and at the
same speed, since there must always be a node*
at the metal plate (it is a ‘perfect’ reflector). In
lsecond a 28cm ‘length’ of stationary wave will
pass the detector, which will thus observe
(b) 1st overtone: Xa =L
(28 + 1.4) = 20 nodes and 20 antinodes. (2nd harmonic)


(a) 1.1 x 10’ Hz, (b) the detector observes 20

successive maxima, followed by minima, each second.

(c) 2nd overtone: ve =L

Exercise 12.5
\ (3rd harmonic)


1. Two loudspeakers face each other and are Fig. 12.12 Stationary waves in a string or wire fixed at
separated by a distance of about 20m. They are both ends
connected to the same oscillator, which gives a
signal frequency of 800 Hz. Now the speed of transverse waves along a
*Electric field node. stretched string or wire is given by Equation 12.4


The second overtone has wavelength

= yi(b 12.4 == = 0.533
x x Oeil
Its frequency f; is given by
where TJ is the tension and m the mass per unit
length. Thus the wavelengths and frequencies of
the stationary waves in Fig. 12.12 are as follows:
Alternatively we could use f; = 3f; (see Table
Table 12.1
Mode Wavelength Frequency (c) If the string is held lightly at the centre, then only
even harmonics are possible, i.e. those with the
Fundamental ‘reed & i= fie = EB following waveleggths and frequencies:
Ae m
2ndharmonic A,;=L=0.80m
Ist overtone i= 1 f=£= ds [T
Ag OL \Vm

2nd overtone Ag = $1 fp=t= and 4th harmonic A, =

Ae Se im

Note that f; = 2f;, so the first overtone is the second

harmonic, andf; = 3f;, so the second overtone is the
6th harmonic 6 = ‘ = Oi
third harmonic. If the string or wire is held at the
centre, only even harmonics (2nd, 4th and so on) can fs = 6f; = 474Hz
and so on.

Example 11
(a) 126ms’.
A horizontal string is stretched between two points a (b) Wavelengths: 1.6m, 0.80m, 0.53 m.
distance 0.80m apart. The tension in the string is 90 N Frequencies: 79Hz, 0.16kHz, 0.24kHz.
and its mass is 45g. Calculate (a) the speed of (c) Even harmonics only, as detailed above.
transverse waves along the string and (b) the
wavelengths and frequencies of the three lowest
frequency modes of vibration of the string. (c) Explain Example 12
how your answer to (b) would differ if the string is held The fundamental frequency of vibration of a stretched
lightly at its centre position. wire is 120Hz. Calculate the new fundamental
Method frequency if (a) the tension in the wire is doubled, the
length remaining constant, (b) the length of the wire is
(a) To find the speed c we use Equation 12.4, with doubled, the tension remaining constant, (c) the
i —O0rand = (4.5 lO = 0,80: tension is doubled and the length of the wire is doubled.
is fot Sy 90
Vm \) (4.5 x 10-3) + 0.80 Method

= 126ms"! In Table 12.1 we see that the fundamental frequencyf;

is given by
(b) The fundamental has wavelength 7; = 2L = 1.6m.
Its frequency f; is given by
: c 126 Si eee (12.8)
fi = = ——
16 = 78.88 Hz

The first overtone has wavelength

For a particular wire the mass per unit length m is
Ay = L =0.80m constant.
Its frequency f, is given by (a) For a constant length L and for a constant m we
f, a Ue 126 see from Equation 12.8 that f, x /T. Since the
=158 Hz tension doubles, the new fundamental frequency
ne nS
f'; is V2 times the original. Thus
Alternatively, we could use fs = 2f; (see Table
Pak}: f'; = V2 x 120 = 170 Hz


(b) For a constant tension T and for a constant m we i¢ L >|

see from Equation 12.8 that f,; x 1/L. Since the
length doubles, the new fundamental frequency (a) Fundamental: 4s) =L
f", is half the original, i.e. 60 Hz. (1st harmonic) 4

(c) For a constant m Equation 12.8 tells us that Ne

f, x VTIL. If the tension doubles and the length '¢—
: 4
doubles, then the new fundamental frequency f”” 1
is \/(2)/2 times the original. Thus
(b) 1st overtone: Bhs =k
(3rd harmonic) 4
i « = Fe
Za x 120)— 84
9 Hz
Ao do

(a) 170Hz, (b) 60.0Hz, (c) 84.9 Hz.

(c) 2nd overtone: a =L
(5th harmonic)

Exercise 12.6 '¢_—}, +> 3

Note that a node exists at the closed end and an antinode at the
1. A horizontal wire of fixed length 0.90m and mass open end
per metre 4.5 x 10 °kgm_' is subject to a fixed
tension of 50N. Find the wavelengths and Fig. 12.13 Stationary waves in a ‘closed’ pipe
frequencies of the three lowest frequency modes
of vibration when the wire is (a) free to vibrate at waves in air at the particular temperature. The
its midpoint, (b) lightly held at its midpoint. wavelengths and frequencies of the stationary
waves in Fig. 12.13 are as follows (Table 12.2):
2 A wire of cross-sectional area 0.20mm* and made
of steel of density 8.0 x 10° kgm ° is subject to a Table 12.2 Closed pipe
tension of 60N. Calculate (a) the mass per unit
length of the wire, (b) the speed of transverse Mode Wavelength Frequency
waves propagated down the wire, (c) the
wavelength of waves with frequency 120 Hz, Fundamental Ay = 4L jaa
Ay 4b
(d) the length of wire which, when fixed at its
ends, gives a fundamental frequency of 120 Hz. pels f=L£= 3c
Ist overtone
Note: Mass = Length x Area x Density. ae a pea

3 The fundamental frequency of vibration of a 2nd overtone i f= ces Oe:

stretched wire is 150Hz. Calculate the new es? ~ Ag AL
fundamental frequency if (a) the tension in the
Note thatf, = 3f;, so that the first overtone is the third
wire is tripled, the length remaining constant,
harmonic, and f; = 5f;, so that the second overtone is
(b) the length of wire is halved, the tension
the fifth harmonic.
remaining constant, (c) the tension is tripled and
the length of wire is halved.
Example 13
Stationary waves in pipes A closed organ pipe is of length 0.680 m. Calculate the
wavelengths and frequencies of the three lowest
frequency modes of vibration. Take the speed of sound
When an air column is made to vibrate at one end, to be 340ms|.
a progressive longitudinal (sound) wave travels Method
along the air column and is reflected at its end so
The pipe has length L = 0.680m, and the speed of
that a stationary longitudinal (sound) wave is
sound c = 340ms_'.
According to Table 12.2 the fundamental has
Fig. 12.13 shows a ‘closed’ or ‘stopped’ pipe, wavelength 4, = 4L = 2.72 m. Its frequency f, is given
which means it is closed at one end. The by
fundamental and the first two overtones are a GIO 340 28
i= qh = aT ae D5 law
shown. Let c be the speed of progressive sound


Similarly the first overtone has wavelength

Exercise 12.8:
Az = 4L/3 = 0.907m
Examination questions
and frequencyf> given by

i= c _ 340 = 375 Hz.

1 A wave has a wavelength of 6.0m and a frequency
do 0.907 of 2.5 Hz. Calculate the wave-velocity.
2 Water waves moving across the surface of a pond
Alternatively we could usef; = 3f; (see Table 12.2).
travel a distance of 14cm in 0.70s. The horizontal
The second overtone has wavelength distance between a crest and a neighbouring trough
is 2.0mm. Calculate the frequency of the waves.
23 = 4L/5 = 0.544m 3 (a) Describe the behaviour of the particles in a
* y a . .

stretched cord during the passage of a

and frequencyf; given by
transverse wave.
foe eee
- = 625 (b) A large explosion at the Earth’s surface
FasL Wee creates two waves, a compressional wave (P)
with a speed of 6.0kms | and a shear wave
Alternatively we could usef3 = 5f; (see Table 12.2).
(S) with a speed of 3.5km s '. Both waves
Answer travel along the surface of the Earth to a
seismological station; where the waves arrive
The wavelengths are 2.72 m, 0.907 m and 0.544 m with
with a 30s interval between them.
frequencies 125 Hz, 375 Hz and 625 Hz respectively.
Calculate the distance, measured along the
Earth’s surface, between the seismological
station and the site of the explosion. .
Exercise 12.7 [OCR 2001]
4 The speed of sound in steel is 5.1 x 10°ms’. If
(Assume that the speed of sound is 340ms_') steel has a density of 7.8 x 10°kgm°, calculate
1 Calculate the length of a closed pipe with a its Young’s modulus.
fundamental frequency of 250 Hz. 5 In old Hollywood Western films the outlaws would
2 A tall vertical cylinder is filled with water and a sometimes be shown with their ears on the railway
tuning fork of frequency 512 Hz is held over its track listening for an approaching train.
open end. The water is slowly run out. Calculate (a) Calculate the speed of sound in the metal
the position of the water level below the open railway track.
end when (a) first resonance and (b) second (Young modulus of steel = 2.0 x 10''Nm”;
resonance are heard. density of steel = 8000kgm °.)
3 An organ pipe, of length 0.500m, is closed at one (b) If the train produced a sudden noise on the
end. Calculate the values of the two lowest railway track, the listeners would hear two
resonant frequencies of the pipe. noises. Explain why they would hear two noises.
4 Loudspeaker The noise was produced 2.0km from the

outlaws. Calculate the time interval between
the two noises heard. The speed of sound in
air is 330ms '. [Edexcel S-H 2000]
6 (a) (1) State how the variation of amplitude with
Fig 12.14 Diagram for Question 4 distance from the source differs for a
progressive wave and a stationary wave.
A small loudspeaker is mounted at one end of a (i) State how the energy flow differs for a
tube as shown in Fig. 12.14, the other end of progressive wave and a stationary wave.
which is closed. The loudspeaker is connected to
a signal generator of variable frequency and the b
( ) wave x-direction
frequency is gradually increased. The lowest source >
frequency which will cause the air in the tube to
resonate is 200Hz. Calculate the values of the A transverse progressive wave is travelling in
next two resonant frequencies. the x-direction. Graphs of displacement, y,


against time are given below for two points in (ii) The information obtained from the
the path of the wave. monitoring station is limited to the
y distance of the source from the station.
However, similar information from a
x = 0.00m0
number of stations may be combined to
2 ao imels locate the source of the earthquake
accurately. What is the minimum number
of stations required? Explain your answer
x with the aid of a diagram. [CCEA 2000]
x= 010m 0 > 8 (a) A transverse wave is passing through a
0 1.0 time/s medium. Fig. 12.16 is a graph showing the
variation of displacement x with time f for a
(i) Deduce from the graphs particle of the medium.
(I) the frequency of the waves,
(II) two possible values for the wavelength,
explaining your reasoning.
(ii) Use one of your wavelength values from
part (i) (II) above to calculate a possible
wave speed. [WJEC 2001]

7 (a) A transverse wave passes through a medium.

The speed of propagation of the wave is
5.0ms. Fig. 12.15 is a graph of the
displacement s of a particle of the medium as
a function of time f.
Fig. 12.17
(i) On Fig. 12.16, indicate
1. the amplitude A,
2. the period T
of the wave.
(ii) On Fig. 12.17, sketch a graph to show the
Fig. 12.15 variation of the displacement x with time
t for a wave of equal amplitude and the
(1) Using information from Fig. 12.15 deduce
same period as that in Fig. 12.16, but
Pe Tat eyooo seoop Lhe with a phase difference of 180°. The x-
_frequency of the wave. eae
st and f¢-scales in Fig. 12.17 are the same as
(ii) Calculate the wavelength of the wave. bigs e
in Fig. 12.16.
(b) In a simplified description of an earthquake,
shock waves travel radially , outwards as (b) Two different sinusoidal waves of the same
type are propagated in a medium under
though from a point source. The waves are of
different conditions, so that their velocities
two types, P-waves and S-waves. P-waves
1 are not the same. A point P in the medium is
travel with a constant speed of 8.4kms “, and ae
m isturbed in turn by each wave.
S-waves with a constant speed of 5.6kms
Following a particular earthquake, a Table 12.3, which is incomplete, gives some
monitoring station receives P-wave and S-wave details about the waves.
signals separated by a time interval of 65s. Make appropriate calculations and deductions
(i) Calculate the distance of the source of the to complete the blanks in Table 12.3.
earthquake from the monitoring station. [CCEA 2000]

Table 12.3. Information for Question 8(b)

wave velocity wavelength frequency period phase at P phase at P

pims | A/m f/Hz t/s at time ¢ /degrees 0.001 s after¢
Pu +o.on/Aegrees
1 330 132, 0
Z 3.40 0 36.0


9 A progressive transverse wave has a frequency of (iii) For the fringe pattern observed, write
0.50 kHz. If the least distance between two points down the equation relating — the
which have a phase difference of 7/3 is 0.050m, wavelength A of the light to the
calculate the speed of the wave. quantities d and a. Identify any other
symbol(s) used.
10 In Fig. 12.18 X and Y are two generators of water (iv) The separation a of the slits is 0.80mm
waves of wavelength 0.50m. Each of the and the distance d between slits and
generators, when operating on its own, produces screen is 3.6m. The slits are illuminated
waves of amplitude 60mm at P, which is 2.00m with light of wavelength 4.4 x 10°":
from X. (1) Calculate the fringe separation.
5 OE (2) A point C on the screen is 9.9mm
away from the central bright
fringe at O. Show that a bright
fringe is formed at C. Explain
your working.
(3) How far beyond C would the next
2.00 mi dark fringe be? [CCEA 2001]
ye Light of wavelength 600 nm falls on a pair of slits,
forming fringes 3.0mm apart on a screen.
What is the fringe spacing when light of
wavelength 300 nm is used and the slit separation
is halved? '
Fig. 12.18 Diagram for Question 10 A 0.75mm BlSmm C 3.0mm D 6.0mm
[OCR 2001]
Find the amplitude of the resulting disturbance at 13 Fig. 12.20 shows an arrangement for observing
P when the generators X and Y are operating interference fringes from two narrow slits.
(a) in phase, (b) 180° out of phase.
incident parailel light
11 (a) State the principle of superposition of waves. wavelength 450 nm

(b) Monochromatic light from a source passes

through a single slit S, and then through two Epa ,
eal tN sc |fosemm Sadek sods ee range!
narrow, parallel slits S; and S;, separated by
eh B
a distance a. The light falls on a screen a
distance d from the slits. A fringe pattern is
formed on the screen. Fig. 12.19 shows the
arrangement, which is perfectly symmetrical
about the line SO. Fig. 12.20 (not to scale)

The incident parallel light is a monochromatic

beam of wavelength 450nm. The two slits A and
B have their centres a distance 0.30mm_ apart.
The screen is situated a distance 2.0m from the

(a) Make a sketch of the interference pattern

which you would expect to observe on the
Fig. 12.19 screen. Explain why the pattern has bright
and dark regions.
(1) The light from slits S; and S; is said to be
(b) Calculate the spacing between fringes
coherent. What is meant by coherent in
observed on the screen.
this context?
(11) In Fig. 12.19, A is a point on the screen (c) How would you expect the pattern to change
where constructive interference occurs when, separately:
between waves coming from S,; and Sb). (i) the light source is changed to one of
Bis a point where destructive wavelength 600 nm,
interference occurs. State what would be (ii) the slit spacing is increased to 0.50mm,
observed on the screen at these points. (iii) the slits A and B are each made wider?


(d) (i)* Calculate the wavelength in glass of size of approximately 100 atoms. Plucking the
refractive index 1.50 of light which has a tiny strings would produce a high-pitched sound
wavelength 450 nm in air. at the inaudible frequency of approximately
(ii) A thin wedge of the glass is now introduced 10 MHz. The guitar was made by researchers at
so that it gradually covers slit A, but not slit Cornell University with a single silicon crystal;
B. The arrangement is shown in Fig. 12.21. this tiny guitar is a_ playful example of
Suggest how you expect the pattern to nanotechnology.
change as the wedge is introduced. How
many fringes will have passed the centre (a) (i) Explain briefly why a vibrating string
line, and in which direction, when a creates a sound wave.
thickness of 0.050mm of glass has been (ii) Comment on the phrase “the inaudible
inserted over slit A? frequency of approximately 10 MHz”.

(b) (i) When the string of this guitar vibrates at

its fundamental frequency (10 MHz),
what is the wavelength of the waves on
the string? State one assumption your
are making.

(ii) What is the speed of the waves along the

Fig. 12.21 [OCR spec 2001]
(iil) The string has a mass per unit length of
14 Figure 12.22 shows a standing wave set up on a A107" 2kgm '. Calculate the tension
wire of length 0.87m. The wire is vibrated at a in the string. [Edexcel S-H 2000]
frequency of 120 Hz.
17 Stationary waves may be formed with light. A
narrow beam of monochromatic light is incident
normally on a mirror, and is reflected back along
the same path. Superposition of the waves in the
0.87 m incident and reflected beams may set up a
+S HY oo
stationary wave, with a node at the surface of the
Fig. 12.22 mirror, as shown in Fig. 12.23.
(a) Calculate the speed of transverse waves along
the wire.
incident and
reflected rays
(b) Show that the fundamental frequency of the
wire is 40 Hz. [AQA 2001]

15 The frequency of the fundamental note emitted by

a plucked wire of length 1.00m is 256 Hz. If the
wire is shortened by 0.60m, whilst kept at the stationary
same tension, calculate the new fundamental

16 The diagram shows an electron-microscope image

of the world’s smallest guitar.

Fig. 12.23 (not to scale)

(a) For light of wavelength 450nm, what is the

distance x between adjacent antinodes of the
stationary wave pattern (Fig. 12.23)?
Its strings have a length of 10 millionths
(10 x 10°°) of a metre. They have a width of (b) It is possible to demonstrate the formation of
about 50 billionths (50 x 10~°) of a metre — the the antinodes by placing a thin, transparent,
photographic film at a very small angle @ to
*Authors’ hint: yny = A ay,see Chapter 14.
Ce the surface of the mirror, as shown in


Fig. 12.24. When an antinode occurs at the (a) (i) How does the student detect when the air
film, there is blackening when the film is in the tube is resonating?
processed. There is no photographic action at (ii) Using the above data, obtain a value for
the nodes. Thus, when the film is processed, the speed of sound in the air in the tube.
a pattern of parallel dark lines is obtained on (b) The student then turns the dial of the signal
the film, as in Fig. 12.25. generator to a higher frequency range, and
detects another resonant frequency at a
light reading of 900 Hz.
(i) Show that the wavelength in air of a
sound wave of this frequency is 0.37 m.
(ii) Fig. 12.27 is a sketch of the tube used in
te this experiment.

i Be
ies 0.46 m
Fig. 12.24 (not to scale) Fig. 12.27
On Fig. 12.27, mark the positions of the
nodes and antinodes of the vibrations of
the air particles in the tube when the air
column is resonating at the frequency of
900 Hz. Indicate nodes with the letter N,
and antinodes with the letter A.
[CCEA 2001]
Fig. 12.25 (not to scale) 19 (a) (i) State the difference between a
progressive wave and a stationary wave.
In such an experiment, the wavelength of the (ii) State two of the conditions which must
light used is 450nm. The film is set an angle apply if a stationary wave is to be formed
0 of 4.3 x 10° degrees to the mirror. from two progressive waves.
(i) Calculate the distance d between adjacent
dark lines on the processed film (Fig. (b) A vibrating tuning fork is held over the open
Is). end of a pipe, as shown in Fig. 12.28.
(ii) Describe what would happen to the
pattern of lines if the angle between the ae a
film and the mirror were increased. tuning fork
[CCEA 2001, part]
18 A student carries out the following experiment to
determine the speed of sound in air.
A tube 0.46m long, closed at one end, is set up
with a small loudspeaker facing the open end.
The loudspeaker is connected to a_ signal
generator. The arrangement is shown in Fig. 12.26.

=i(4 |

Fig. 12.26
Fig. 12.28
The student gradually increases the frequency of
the signal from the generator, from a very low The lower end of the pipe is immersed in water
value, until the column of air in the tube first in a vertical cylinder. The pipe and tuning fork
resonates. This occurs at a reading on the signal are slowly raised until a stationary wave is
generator of 180 Hz. obtained at the first position of resonance.

(i) On Fig. 12.28, sketch the wave pattern air column which will give the first
for the first position of resonance. position of resonance.
Indicate the positions of any nodes and (iii) The tuning fork is replaced with one of
antinodes by the letters N and A frequency 480 Hz. How far, and in what
respectively. direction, will the pipe need to be moved
(ii) The frequency of the tuning fork is to obtain the first position of resonance
160 Hz. Taking the speed of sound in air for this pipe? [CCEA 2000]
as 340ms_', calculate the length of the

tion and the diffraction


Diffraction grating (only 4 slits shown)


When waves pass through an aperture or meet an

obstacle, the waves spread to some extent into a
region of geometrical shadow. This effect is
called diffraction. Calculations are usually
restricted to:
(i) the transmission grating
(ii) the limit of resolution for optical instruments


The optical diffraction

forn =2


A transmission grating consists of many parallel
equidistant slits of width and spacing of the order
of the wavelength of light. If plane waves
Incident plane waves Transmitted wavefront
(parallel light) are incident on it, then, by forn=1
superposition of the secondary wavelets from
Fig. 13.1 Action of the diffraction grating: formation of
each slit, it can be shown that a transmitted transmitted wavefronts
wavefront is formed only along a few specified
If the incident parallel beam is at normal For constructive
incidence (see Figs. 13.1 and 13.2), then between beams from
emergent parallel beams are seen only in adjacent slits, path
difference must be nd
directions such that
So: dsin8 = nar

dsin@ =nA (13.1)

where d is the spacing ofthe slits,n( = 0, 1, 2, ...)

the order of diffracted beam, / the wavelength of
d sin 8 = path difference

incident light and 6 the angle of diffracted beam to Y between X and Y
the normal.
The following examples involve use of Equation Fig. 13.2 Action of the diffraction grating showing
13.1 dsind=na


Example 1 Answer
Monochromatic light of wavelength 600 nm is incident (a) The angular positions are
normally on an optical transmission grating of spacing
al Oy = 17/5
2.00 um. Calculate (a) the angular positions of the
maxima; (b) the number of diffracted beams which can iD) Gx 36.9"
be observed; (c) the maximum order possible. is 03 = 64.2

Method Note the trivial case of 0 = 0 forn = 0.

We are given (b) There are seven diffracted beams.

A= 600 x 107 m (c) The maximum order is n = 3.

d= 2.00 <10:° m Example 2
(a) We substitute into Equation 13.1 as follows:
(i) stor 7 <1 Light consisting of wavelengths 420nm and 650 nm is
incident normally on a transmission grating of
2.00 x 10~° x sin, = 1 x 600 x 10°? 6.00 x 10° linesm~'. Calculate the angular separation
This gives sin Gy = 0.3 or ¢) = 17:5" of the wavelengths in the second-order spectrum.
(ii) forn = 2
2.00 x 10~° x sin 0) = 2 x 600 x 107°
There are 6.00 x 10° lines per metre of grating, So the
Thus gives sin 0, = 0.6, or 0) = 36.9° grating spacing d is given by
(in) 72 = 3 gives sin@; = 0:9, or 03 = 64.2
= 1 = —6
(iv) n =4 gives sin 04 = 1.2, which is impossible d = S00
x105 LS S< MO tam
(see Chapter 2). Thus the fourth order is not
observed. Using Equation 13.1, for the second-order spectrum
(n = 2) we have
(b) Fig. 13.3 is a schematic diagram showing the
positions of the various maxima. Note that for (a) for A = 420 x 10°’ m
w—U' (the zeroth order) @=0. Thus seven 1.666 x 10°° x sin@, = 2 x 420 x 10°
diffracted maxima are observed.
This gives sin @; = 0.504 and 0; = 30.3”.
n = 3 (third order)
(b) for 1’ = 650 x 107”
n = 2 (second order) 1.666 x10"° x sin'6, = 2 « 650% 10-
This gives sin 0, = 0.780 and 0, = 51.3°.
n = 1 (first order)

Oe 2
n = 0 (zero order)
incident beam
n = 1 (first order)

n = 2 (second order)

n = 3 (third order) A. and i’ incident

Fig. 13.3 Angular distribution of diffracted beams

(c) This has been covered in part (a), which shows
that since n=4 is impossible, the maximum
order is 3. A quicker way to do this is as follows:
sind<1 Fig. 13.4 Angular separation as in Example 2
From Equation 13.1, sin@ = n4/d. So
A schematic diagram of the situation is given in
na Fig. 13.4. The angular separation
0, = §, = 51.3 —30.3° =21.0°
d_ = 2.005407 =.3:33
nS Gooxi0 Answer

i abe) The angular separation in the second-order spectrum is

Since n must be an integer its maximum value is 3. ZO


Example 3
Exercise 13.1
White light which has been passed through a certain
filter has a range of wavelengths from 450nm to
700 nm. It is incident normally on a diffraction grating. 1 What is the wavelength of light which gives a
Show that if there are second- and third-order spectra, first-order maximum at an angle of 22°30)
they will overlap. when incident normally on a grating with
600 lines mm |?
2 Light of wavelength 600nm is incident normally
For any particular grating the angle of diffraction, for a on a diffraction grating of width 20.0mm, on
given order, is greater for the longer wavelengths. This which 10.0 x 10° lines have been ruled. Calculate
is seen by rearranging Equation 13.1: the angular pggitions of the various orders.

na 3 Asource emits spectral lines of wavelength 589 nm

sini 0 = 7 (13.2)
and 615nm. This light is incident normally on a
diffraction grating having 600 lines per mm.
Thus, for a given d and n value sin@ x /. Calculate the angular separation between the
We must therefore show that the second-order red first-order diffracted waves. Find the maximum
(700 nm) has a higher @ value than the third-order blue order for each of the wavelengths.
(450 nm). For the given grating the d value is constant,
so Equation 13.2 becomes When a certain grating is illuminated normally by
monochromatic light of wavelength 600 nm, the
sin @ = Constant x n/
first-order maximum is observed at an angle of
For A; = 700 nm in the second order (n = 2) 21.1°. If the same grating is now illuminated with
light with wavelength from 500nm to 700nm,
sin 0, = Constant x 2 x 700 x 107”
find the angular spread of the first-order
= Constant x 1.40 x 10° spectrum.
For 2, = 450 nm in the third order (n = 3)

sin0)= Constant x 3 x 450 x 10°”

= Constant x 1.35 x 10~°
Diffraction at a single slit
Since sin 0; > sin @5,then@, > 05.So0 the second orderat
the red end overlaps with the third order at the blue end. The diffraction of waves when they are restricted
by an aperture, such as a single slit, leads to a
= 3)
pattern consisting of alternate bright and dark
fringes as shown diagrammatically in Fig. 13.6.
The angular positions 6 of the minima in this
diffraction pattern are given by:

sin 0, = Se (13.3)
y» nm = 0 white light
White light

7 “Uff, n=4
where / = wavelength of light used, w = width of
r=red Siitand 7771 Da es
Grating b=blue —— Uae
Example 4
Fig. 13.5 Appearance of diffraction spectra using white
Laser light of wavelength 650 nm is incident on a single
light (upper half only is shown)
rectangular slit of width 0.130mm. The resulting
Fig. 13.5 is a schematic diagram of the white light diffraction pattern istviewed on a screen placed 3.00m
diffraction spectra using a typical grating. The angular from the slit. Calculate:
spread in a given order, and the maximum order,
(a) the distance between the centre of the central
depend upon the grating spacing. However, the
maximum and the first minimum
second- and third- and higher-order spectra (if present)
will always overlap with each other as discussed above. (b) the width of the central maximum.


el <= vale

Rectangular =
slit, width s Intensity
Fig. 13.6 Diffraction at a single slit

Method Thus, distance d between centre of central

maximum and first minimum is given by:
(a) Referring to Fig. 13.7 we have:
r = LO, = 3.00 x 5.00 x 107°
wavelength 2 = 650 x 10°’ m
=15.0x 10° m
width of slit w = 0.130 x 10°°>m where L = distance from slit to screen (= 3.00 m)
and en (b) The width R of the central maximum is the distance
From Equation 13.3 (= 2r) between the two first minima (m = 1) on
; either side of the central maximum. Thus
Sin p= Ix iA 650 x 10
a0 =
10k = 5.00 x 1077 Raps ORS
0.00 105m
Since sin@, is very small (see Chapter 2) then
6, = sin 0,. Thus Answer
6, = 5.00 x 10°? rad(= 0.286°) (a) 15.0mm, (b) 300mm.

slit, width W --=--=|{(¢—_—_ First minimum

_ SSGG ‘ Central


--===-=1(<———__ First minimum

< L= 3.00 m ————

Fig. 13.7 Diagram for Example 4


Fig. 13.9 shows the situation in which we require to find

Limit of Resolution the minimum value of 0, and hence the maximum value
of L, for which the two sources separated by a distance
r=12x10%m can just be distinguished. We use
Equation 13.5, in which we assume @ is small. Since
2 = 0.60 x 10 °mand W = 4.0 x 10 ~ mwe have:

6 = 1/W =0.60 x 10°°/4.0 x 10°

= 0.15 x 107 rad
For small values of 0 then
: com So
ian :
L=r/@=12x 10°/0.15 x 10° = 80m
Aperture, size W

Fig. 13.8 Limit of resolution 80 m (approximately)

Fig. 13.8 shows light from two separate point

sources S,; and S> entering an optical instrument Exercise 13.2
in directions separated by an angle @. Diffraction
at the entrance to the instrument — which has an
aperture of size (i.e. diameter) W — means that 1 Calculate the angular width of the central
the images of the sources are broadened. maximum if yellow light of wavelength 0.60 4m is
incident on a single slit of width
According to the Rayleigh criterion the optical
(a) 0.10mm (b) 0.010 mm
instrument cannot distinguish (i.e. resolve)
between images of S; and S> which are less than 2 A parallel beam of blue monochromatic light of
an angular distance @ apart, given by: wavelength (0.46jm is incident normally on a
rectangular slit of width 0.20mm_ and _ the
sin 0 ~ A/W* (13.4) resulting diffraction pattern is viewed on a screen
4.0m beyond the slit and normal to the incident
light. Calculate the distance from the centre of
where / = wavelength of the light emitted by the
the diffraction pattern to the first minimum.
3 Calculate the value of 0 for a human eye with a
Since @ is usually small we have (see Chapter 2): pupil diameter of 5.0mm using light of wavelength
0.45 um.
sin 0 =0=A/W (13.5)
4 An observer can just distinguish between two point
where @ is in radians (see Equation 2.15). sources of light at a distance of 1.0km. If the
observer can just distinguish between rays of light
Example 5 with an angular separation of 2.0 x 10-4 radian,
calculate the separation of the two point sources.
Two point sources of light are placed 12 mm apart and
emit light of wavelength 0.60,m. Calculate the 5 The Mount Palomar telescope has a resolving
maximum distance at which the two sources can just be power such that 6 = 0.10 mrad. Assuming this
distinguished by an observer with an eye pupil relates to light received from a source of
diameter of 4.0mm. wavelength 0.40 um, estimate the diameter of the
receiving dish of the telescope. (Hint: the receiving
Method dish acts as the aperture for diffraction.)

Pupil, diameter 4.0 mm

Exercise 13.3:
Examination questions
\¢ L >| 1 A diffraction grating has a spacing of 1.6 x 10° m.
A beam of light is incident normally on the
Fig. 13.9 Solution to Example 5 grating. The first order maximum makes an angle
Strictly, for a circular aperture, sin @ = 1.227/W. of 20° with the undeviated beam.


What is the wavelength of the incident light? Blue light of wavelength 480nm_ is_ incident
A 210nm B 270nm C 420nm OD 550nm normally on a diffraction grating and is split into
a number of beams as shown in Fig. 13.11.
[OCR 2000]

2 In the spectrum of the element strontium there is If the angular separation of the second order
a red line, wavelength 600 nm. beams is 44.6°, calculate the number of lines per
millimetre of the grating.
When light from a strontium source is passed
A diffraction grating is used to analyse the visible
through a diffraction grating with 5.0 x 10° lines/
light emitted by a discharge lamp containing
metre which one of A to D below is the angle, in
atomic hydrogen. Fig. 13.12 illustrates the
degrees, at which the second order red line is
principle of the experiment.
A 0.60 B17 C 37 D 53 Red

[OCR Nuff 2001] Blue

3 Light from two different monochromatic sources qo See Scie se Normal

inci :
is incident on a diffraction grating at normal ncident light Blue

incidence. One source has wavelength of 534nm

and gives a second order maximum at an angle of
32.3°. If light from the second source gives a
second order maximum at an angle of 27.5’, Fig. 13.12
calculate the wavelength of the second source.
A narrow beam of light is incident normally on the
4 A laser emits a narrow beam of red light towards a grating. The first-order spectrum of the diffracted
diffraction grating, beyond which is a curved white light includes red and blue rays. These emerge
screen as shown in Fig. 13.10. symmetrically about the normal to the grating.
The angle between the two red rays is 38.3°, and
that between the two blue rays is 25.1°. The
screen grating has 500 lines per millimetre.
(a) Show that the wavelength of the red light is
656 nm, and that of the blue light is 435 nm.
(b) For each colour of light, determine how many
orders of diffraction are theoretically
observable. [CCEA 2000, part]
A light source emits two distinct wavelengths, one
of which is 450nm. When light from the source is
incident normally on a diffraction grating, it is
observed that the fourth order image formed by
Fig. 13.10 (not to scale) the light of wavelength 450nm lies at the same
(a) A line of spots is observed on the screen. angle of diffraction as the third order image for
Explain why there is more than one spot. the other wavelength. If the angle of diffraction
for each image is 46°, calculate (a) the second
(b) Use the data below to calculate the number of wavelength emitted by the source, (b) the number
spots on the screen. of lines per metre of the grating.
Wavelength of red light = 633 nm The emission spectrum of a certain element
Number of lines per mm on grating = 380 mm — contains just two wavelengths, a red and a violet.
[OCR 2001] When the light is examined with a diffraction
grating having 250 lines per millimetre, it is found
Second order
that a line at 19.88° contains both red and violet
First order light.
Zero order (a) At what other angles, if any, would lines
First order containing both colours be found?
Second order (b) Identify the line that occurs at the greatest
Grating diffraction angle, i.e. find its colour, order
and the angle at which it occurs.
Fig. 13.11 Information for Question 5


[It may be helpful to know that the approximate (a) Explain why the second order interference
values of the two wavelengths are maxima are missing. Support your answer
Area Soe 10-* m, and Ajo: 4 X 10 7m
[WJEC spec 2000] (b) If the grating has 700 slits per millimetre
(7x 10°m''), there are no third order
A beam of ultrasound of wavelength 0.14 mm is maxima either. Explain why this is so. Support
incident normally on a slit of width 3.0mm as your answer with appropriate calculations.
shown in Fig. 13.13
(Cc) Explain what has happened to the ‘missing’
D - detector energy; that is, the energy which we might
have expected to be in the missing maxima.
centre line

(d) The wavelength is now. reduced to

4.0 x 10°-’m. Explain what changes, if any,
will take place to the interference patterns.
Fig. 13.13 Information for Question 9 [OCR spec Nuff 2001]
(a) Show that the diffraction angle @ for the first 12 A parallel beam of monochromatic light of
diffraction minimum is about 0.05 radian. wavelength 500nm is incident normally on a long
single slit of width 0.250mm. At what distance
(b) A small detector is used to study the
from the slit should a screen be placed in order
diffraction pattern and detects the first
that the first dark fringes on either side of the
diffraction minimum at point D as shown.
central maximum be separated by 6.00 mm?
Calculate the distance r of the detector from
the centre line. 13 A person standing on the deck of an°aircraft
carrier can just distinguish between two lights on
10 This question is about the diffraction of light by
the wings of an aircraft at a distance of 10 km. If
the person has a resolving power of 2.0 x iki
A diffraction grating is made by _ securing radians, calculate the distance between the lights.
extremely fine wire onto a frame (Fig. 13.14). The
14 (a) Define resolving power as applied to the
wire is 0.1m thick and the gap between the
human eye.
wires is 2.0 um.
(b) Under certain lighting conditions, the diameter
Wire of the pupil of another student’s eye is 6.0 mm.

(1) Two small light sources are placed

Frame 4.0mm apart at one end of a large
assembly hall. They emit light of
wavelength 640nm. Find the maximum
distance from which the student can just
resolve the images of the two sources.
Fig. 13.14
(ii) The sources are then replaced by another
(a) Calculate the angle for the second order pair of sources, separated by the same
maximum of the interference pattern when distance, but emitting light of wavelength
light of wavelength 600nm is incident on the appreciably less than 640nm. In which
grating. direction should the student move so
(b) A similar grating is made with wire of 1.05 um that she can again just resolve the
diameter and the width of the gap is also images of the two sources?
1.05 yum. Explain why the second order [CCEA 2000, part]
maximum is missing with this grating.* 15 The Arecibo radio telescope in Central America
[OCR Nuff 2000] has a reflecting dish of diameter 300m. When
11 This question is about a diffraction grating. detecting radio signals of wavelength 21cm the
telescope is just able to resolve two radio sources
A diffraction grating has regularly-spaced slits, both at a distance of 1.0 x 10°? m from the Earth.
each having the same width as the opaque strips
between the slits. It is illuminated — by Which one of A to D below is the approximate
monochromatic light of wavelength 5.0 x 107’ m. separation, in m, of the two sources?

(*Author’s hint: calculate the angular position of the first minimum for A 10” B 107! C0" D 10"”
the single slit diffraction pattern.)
[OCR Nuff 2000]

Section E
Geometrical optics

Refractive index index when

medium 2.
wave passes from medium 1 to

Light, and other kinds of waves, can change

direction when they pass from one medium to
another. This is called refraction and occurs
because of a change in the speed of propagation Water yFlint glass

of wave energy.

Less dense More dense

medium 1 medium 2

Normal Angle of refraction r

Angle of Fig. 14.2 Diagram for Example 1
incidence i Zeb
As shown in Fig. 14.2, a beam of light travelling through
Refractive index n; Refractive index no water (absolute refractive index 1.3) is incident on a
flint glass surface at an angle of 30° and is refracted at
Wave speed c; Wave speed co
an angle of 24°. Calculate:
(a) the absolute refractive index of flint glass

Fig. 14.1 Refraction (b) the angle of incidence for an angle of refraction of
Referring to Fig. 14.1 then: (c) the refractive index for light passing from water to
flint glass
n, Sini=n, sinr (14.1)
(d) the refractive index for light passing from flint glass
to water.

(14.2) Method
(a) We have m, = 1.3, 1 = 30°, r = 24° and require np.
Rearranging Equation 14.1:
where n, = absolute refractive index of medium 1
(wave passes from air to medium 1), _., Sing — sin 30° 0.65
ny = absolute refractive index of medium 2 (wave ee eA: 407
passes from air to medium 2) and ,, = refractive G0


(b) We have n, = 1.3, np = 1.6, r = 30° and require 1. Fig. 14.3a illustrates the quantities required and Fig.
Rearranging Equation 14.1: 14.3b is useful when calculating these quantities. We
must calculate 7; and > if we are to find i, the angle of
ae) fig 1.6 ac 0.80
sin i = — sinr = —— x sin 30° = emergence, and d, the angle of deviation.
ny 1.3 [es
(a) At X we have i, = 40.0°, nm; = 1.00,.n. = 1.52 and
which gives i = 38°. require r;. From Equation 14.1:
(c) Water is medium | and flint glass is medium 2 and n, sini, = Sin ry
the refractive index required is jm. From
Or Sine i cin'y,
Equation 14.2
< 1.52e ata 40 es
os five Ge. 1.23 nes."
ny iss
We require r hich is found by noting
(d) Since light now passes from glass to water we
require 97, which is found from: ey (14.3)
pees. Rooke 1S
Hence r, =A —r, = 60.0 — 25.0
i eS < 1.6
=) Ou
To find 7, on refraction at Y it is convenient to use
Note that jn. = — Equation 14.1 in the form
21) Ny, SiN 17 = Np Sin 1p
Withi777——l OOM — Ino 275) — 55) dence
ai ten, (eyy Sts ((ehy RA (eel) (ew.

angle of emergence i, = 60.7°

Example 2
(b) Deviation angle d is found from:
A ray of light travelling through air (mn = 1.00) is
incident at an angle of 40.0° on to the first face of a d= (hy —1) + (= 13)
crown glass prism (7 = 1.52) of angle 60.0°. Calculate = (40.0 — 25.0) + (60.7 — 35.0)
(a) the angle of emergence of the ray at the second face
and Answer
(b) the angle of deviation of the ray on passing through (a) 60.7°, (b) 40.7°.
the prism.

Method Exercise 14.1

Angle of prism A = 60.0°

(Assume refractive index of air = 1.00.)

Angle of 1 A ray of light travelling through a liquid of
absolute refractive index 1.4 is incident on the
plane surface of a perspex block at an angle of
Angle of 55°. Calculate the angle of refraction in the
perspex if it has an absolute refractive index of 1.5.
(a) Information for Example 2 Assume flat
2 Air Liquid Glass
n= 1.35 parallel layers
Air, n; = 1.00 Air, n; = 1.00

Glass, n2 = 1.52

(b) Solution to Example 2

Fig. 14.3 Diagrams for Example 2 Fig. 14.4 Diagram for Question 2


In Fig. 14.4 a ray of light travelling through air is (b) In this case bone is medium 1, with i = 27.4° and
incident at A at an angle of 50.0° on to a glass soft tisue is medium 2 with r = 10.0°. Thus, from
surface which is coated with a layer of liquid. Use Equation 14.4:
the information given below to find the angles x
and y: fee sing _ sin 27.4" __ 0.460
~~ snr simtoo? 0.174
absolute refractive index of liquid = 1.35
absolute refractive index of glass = 1.52 = DSS

3 A ray of light travelling through air is incident at Answer

an angle of 30.0° on to the first face of a perspex (a) 4.08kms“', (b) 2.65.
prism of angle 45.0°. If the perspex has refractive
index 1.49, calculate the angle of emergence at
the second face.
Example 4
The speed of light in air is 3.00 x 10°ms ' and the
Refractive index, speed speed of light in a certain type of glass is

and wavelength 1.96x10°ms'. Assuming that yellow light of

wavelength 589 nm in air is used, calculate:
(a) the refractive index when yellow light passes from
Refractive index is equal to the wave speed ratio. air into the glass
Referring to Fig. 14.1, when waves pass from (b) the angle of refraction in glass when yellow light is
medium | to medium 2 then: incident at an angle of 50.0° in air
(c) the wavelength of yellow light in the glass.

where c; = speed of waves in medium | and c; = (a) We have c, =3.00 x 10°, c,=1.96 x 10° and
require ;72. From Equation 14.4:
speed of waves in medium 2.
Pes oie 3:00 10°
Note that the frequency f of the waves as they pass
te eo 1 L960
from medium 1| to medium 2 does not alter. Now:
= 1.53
c=fxr (12.1) (b)) We phavew? 2503 77 oS and tequiticss
Rearranging Equation 14.4:
Thus the wavelength of the waves must change
on, ST Sin XO" _
from /, to a new value /, as the wave passes from Sit — ee A 0.500
medium | to medium 2.
Example 3 (c) Equation 12.1, or c =f/, holds for both medium 1
During ultrasonic imaging, ultrasound is incident at an and medium 2. Since f does not change, then
angle of 10.0°, in soft tissue, on to a plane soft tissue — (i =f Ay and C2 =f Ao:
bone boundary. If the angle of refraction in the bone is
27.4°, calculate: Dividing the two equations gives:

(a) the speed of ultrasound in bone given that it is

1.54kms_' in soft tissue ok ae (14.5)
C2 A,
(b) the refractive index when ultrasound travels from
bone to soft tissue.
Rearranging Equation 14.5 gives:
Cy _ 589 x 1.96 x 10°
(a) We have i = 10.0°, r = 27.4°, cy =1.54 x 10° and Oe 3010
require c7. Rearranging Equation 14.4:
= 385nm
Sian 4a a0 3 X 0.460

= 408. 10° (a) 1.53 (b) 30.0° (c) 385nm


Exercise 14.2

1. Table 14.1 Velocity of ultrasound in various media

Medium Velocity of sound (km Sr)

Air 0.330
Soft tissue 1.54
Bone 4.08

Table 14.1 gives the velocity of ultrasound for

various media. Calculate the angle of refraction (a) ‘Refraction with ny > ne
when ultrasound is incident at 12.0° on to the
following boundaries:
(a) soft tissue to bone

(b) air to soft tissue.

2 When ultrasound passes from water to muscle it

has an increase of 7.0% in its speed of
propagation. If the angle of incidence at the
interface between water and muscle is 15.0",
calculate the angle of refraction. (Hint: represent
the speeds by c and 1.07c).

3 A ray of monochromatic light is incident, in air, at (b) Critical angle

an angle of 45.0° on to a plane air—water interface.
The speed of light in air is 3.00 x 10°ms | and
the speed of light in water is 2.25 x 10°*ms"'.
(a) the refractive index of light when passing from
air into water
(b) the angle of refraction in water
(c) the wavelength of the light in air, assuming it
has wavelength 405 nm in water.

Critical angle (c) Total internal reflection

Fig. 14.5 Critical angle and total internal reflection

When light passes from a more (optically) dense Example 5

medium to a less (optically) dense medium
Calculate the critical angle for light passing from flint
there is a maximum angle of incidence beyond
glass (n; = 1.65) to
which light will be totally internally reflected.
This maximum angle is called the critical angle (a) water (n. = 1.33) and
i,, aS Shown in Fig. 14.5, in which n, is greater (b) air (n2 = 1.00).
than n>. Method

In Fig. 14.5b, i =i, and r = 90°. From Equation (a) We use Equation 14.6 in which n, = 1.65,
14.2 nz = 1.33 and we require i,:

or eS


(b) We have n; = 1.65 and n2 = 1.00. Equation 14.6 AIR


rae POOR eOO

SIN [¢ th 165 0.606

or le=O).3".

Answer (3)

(ayisoo.7 , (BD) 7.3 Fig. 14.7 Information for Example 6

(a) Calculate the critical angle at the core—cladding

Fibre Optics interface.
(b) Calculate the angle which these rays make at the
core—cladding interface.
(c) What is the maximum angle at which light can enter
the end face of the fibre and still be retained within
(d) If the fibre is of length 2.00m, calculate the
minimum and maximum distances that a light ray
can travel in moving from one end of the fibre to
(a) Light which just escapes
from the optic fibre the other.
(i, = critical angle)


(b) Light totally internally reflected zig-zags

along optic fibre (/> critical angle) Fig. 14.8 Critical angle at the core—cladding interface

Fig. 14.6 Fibre optic action

(a) Let the critical angle at the core—cladding interface
be /., as shown in Fig. 14.8. We use Equation 14.6
Fig. 14.6(a) and (b) show the action of an optic in which n; = 1.50, m2 = 1.40 and we require /,:
fibre in which we assume that the core has a
hy ee ANS
higher refractive index (m,) than the cladding SOs = a 0.933
(nz). Light for which 7 is (just) greater than the
Cl, =O)
critical angle i, is totally internally reflected and
can be retained within the fibre by repeated (b) (1) In the case of ray 1, it continues parallel to the
internal reflections as shown in Fig 14.6(b). Thus axis of the fibre and never meets the cladding,
light is guided along the fibre. assuming the fibre is straight.
—tw a For ray 2, this is refracted at the air—core
A fibre with a sharp change of refractive index interface as shown in Fig. 14.7. We use
between the fibre (core) and the cladding, as Equation 14.1 in which n, =n,i, = 1.00,
described here, is known as a step index fibre. he =Nexe = 150, angle of incidence for ray Z
is 2=1,— 20.0" “and “require “angle "ot
refraction r = r7. Thus
Example 6
Mc Si AV” = Beye SU 7)
A step index fibre has a core of refractive index 1.50 and
a cladding of refractive index 1.40. The fibre end face is Rearranging gives
perpendicular to the fibre axis. Rays of : sin 20.0
(monochromatic) light, initially in air of refractive Sin = iso 0.228
index 1.00, are incident on the end face of the fibre at
angles of (1) 0°, (2) 20.0° and (3) 40.0°, as shown in Fig
14.7. oe


The angle /5 at the interface is given by As shown in Fig. 14.9, the minimum distance that
light can travel corresponds to the axial direction
Ih =-— n= 90)
(axial mode) which is equal to the length of the fibre,
Hence that is, 2.0m. The maximum distance that light can
travel corresponds to repeated internal reflections at
(just above) the critical angle. Fig. 14.9 shows that:
Since /> is greater than the critical angle, this maximum distance L _ 1
ray will be totally internally reflected and minimum distance Lsin/, © sin J,
hence retained within the fibre — see also Fig. or
14.6(b). : ; minimum distance
maximum distance = ;
—(oe)ae For ray 3, this is refracted as shown in Fig. 14.7. sin [,
We use Equation 14.1 with ny =n, = 1.00, Since
Nz = Neore = 1.50, angle of incidence for ray 3
minimum distance = 2.00m and J, = 69.0°
is i=i;=40.0° and require angle of
refraction r =r3. Thus: then
: 3 2.00
Nair SIN 40.0° = Acore SIN 73
maximum distance = ——— = _2.14m
sin 69.0
Rearranging gives This difference in distance can lead to distortion in
signals transmitted along step index fibres, since
Sop oe NA LOO 0.429 : k ee :
le eames
7) eae Bs the signals arrive at different times at the output
end of the fibre.
r3 = 25.4
(a) 69.0
The angle /; at the interface is given by (b) (1)-; (2) 76.9°; (3) 64.6°
Felina (Chace
a1 t= (d) 2.00m (min); 2.14m (max)
I, = 646° Exercise 14.3
Since /; is less than the critical angle, this ray
will not be totally internally reflected and 4 The critical angle at an interface between crown
hence will escape from the core of the fibre, glass and air is 7. = 49°. Calculate the refractive
via the cladding, into the surrounding air. index of crown glass, assuming 7,;, = 1.0.
(c) The maximum angle 7 occurs when light is incident 2 Calculate the angle of incidence of a ray of light on
on the core—cladding interface at (an angle just one face of a glass prism of angle 60.0° and made
greater than) the critical angle 7, = 69.0° which is of a material of refractive index 1.50, if the ray is
shown in Fig. 14.8. Since J,.+r=90°, then just totally internally reflected at the second face.
r = 21.0°. We use Equation 14.1 to find 7:
3 Calculate the critical angle for a boundary
HSitl £ — tears Sitar between a glass fibre, for which the refractive
index is 1.60, and cladding, for which the
refractive index is 1.50.
1.00 sin 7 = 1.50 sin 21.0° A

Oe | Ge Sve
: i4— L sin], —>
Cladding 1
Fig. 14.10 Information for Question 4
Fig. 14.10 shows light incident on one end of an
optical fibre and being refracted so that it is
Axial mode incident on the boundary with the cladding at
(just greater than) the critical angle. The core is
Cladding ; made of glass with refractive index 1.47 and the
cladding is of refractive index 1.45. Calculate:
(a) the critical angle
Fig. 14.9 Solution to Example 6
(b) angle 7.


5 Light travels through a glass optical fibre 30m (i) Calculate the angle of refraction for the
long. The refractive index of the glass is 1.50 and light passing into the water.
that of its cladding is 1.30. Calculate: (ii) Calculate the angle of refraction for the
(a) the speed of light in the glass of the fibre light passing into the air from the water
and comment on your answer.
(b) the minimum and maximum distances light
(iii) Continue the ray in the diagram, showing
travels when trapped in the fibre
its path through the water and into the
(c) the minimum and maximum times taken for air. [WJEC 2001]
light to traverse the fibre.
Assume speed of light in air = 3.00 x 10°ms_! 2 The speed of light in air is slightly less than in a
Calculate the time taken to travel through a 40.0m vacuum. This causes light entering the Earth’s
length of fibre by red light and by blue light, for atmosphere from space to undergo refraction.
which the fibre has refractive indices of 1.45 (red)
Rotation of Earth
and 1.47 (blue). Take the velocity of light in air to
be 3.00 x 10°ms_! and the refractive index of air
to be 1.00. Consider the axial mode only. (Hint:
see Equation 14.4.)
Note: the difference in travel times can lead to
distortion in signals transmitted along fibres. Light from a star

Exercise 14.4:
Examination questions Atmosphere

An observer at X is looking for the star to appear

Assume refractive index of air = 1.00
over his horizon as the Earth rotates. Because of
speed of light in air = 3.00 x 10° ms ~! unless stated.
this refraction he sees it appear slightly earlier
1 (a) Explain what is meant by refraction. than it would do if there was no atmosphere (see
(b) A block of glass of refractive index 1.52 is diagram above, which is NOT to scale). Assume
surrounded by air. In an experiment, a beam that the atmosphere has a uniform density and a
of light is projected through the glass and definite boundary.
strikes one of the faces (internally) at an Normal
angle of incidence of 30° (see diagram).

Air (n = 1.00)
Glass (n = 1.52) 1 Original path of light
Light from star
' Boundary
: Atmosphere of
(i) Calculate the angle of refraction.
(ii) Show the refracted ray on the diagram,
marking the angle of refraction.
The second diagram (greatly exaggerated) shows
(c) The experiment is repeated with a film of the path of the light as it enters the atmosphere.
water on the face of the block (see diagram).
(a) Calculate 0, the angle of refraction shown in
Air (n = 1.00) i the diagram. (The refractive index of the
Water (n = 1.33) atmosphere is 1.0003.)
(b) Calculate ¢, the deviation of the light as it
enters the atmosphere.
(c) Show that this angle of deviation causes the
star to appear above the horizon about 2
minutes early. [Edexcel S-H 2000]


3 The speed of light in a vacuum is 3.0 x 10°ms_'. The diagrams below show the path of light
The speed of light in a sample of glass is through a diamond and through an identically
2.0 x 10°ms'. shaped jewel made of paste.
Which one of A to D below is the refractive index
of the sample of glass?
A 0.67 B 0.44 € 15 D23
[OCR Nuff 2001]
The speed of sound in water is 1.50 x 10° ms
and the speed of sound in air is 330ms'.
Diamond ee Paste
(a) the refractive index of sound passing from air
into water
(b) the critical angle at an air—water interface. (a) Calculate the angle ¢ for the ray of light
passing through the paste jewel. (Refractive
In which direction must sound pass to be totally index of paste = 1.5.)
internally reflected at an air-water boundary?
(b) The speed of light in the diamond is
The diagram shows a cross-section of one wall and 1.24x10°ms!. Calculate the refractive
part of the base of an empty fish tank, viewed from index for diamond.
the side. It is made from glass of refractive index
1.5. A ray of light travelling in air is incident on (c) Show that the ray of light in the diamond will
the base at an angle of 35° as shown. be totally internally reflected at X.
[Edexcel S-H 2000]

7 A beam of light in air is incident on a short length

of glass fibre as shown in Fig. 14.11.
Inside the tank Wall

Glass tank

Fig. 14.11
(a) State the change, if any, in each of the
following quantities as the light enters the
speed of propagation ......
MEGUENCY. . 3.5.
(a) Calculate the angle 0. wavelength ......
(b) (i) Calculate the critical angle for the glass— (b) The refractive index from air to glass is 1.50.
air interface. (i) Calculate the angle of refraction at the
(i) Hence, draw on the diagram the surface XY.
continuation of the path of the ray (ii) Sketch on Fig. 14.11 the path of the beam
through the glass wall and out into the as it passes through and emerges from the
air. Mark in the values of all angles of fibre.
incidence, refraction and reflection.
(c) State one advantage of using an optical fibre for
[AQA 2001]
information transfer rather than electrically
Diamonds are highly valued as gems because of insulated wires (a cable). [OCR 2000]
their brilliance. Most of the light incident on a
well-cut diamond will be totally internally (a) The diagram shows a ‘step index’ optical fibre.
reflected due to their very high refractive index. A ray of monochromatic light, in the plane of
Fake diamonds made of paste (flint glass) reflect the paper, is incident in air on the end face of
a much smaller proportion of the incident light. the optical fibre as shown in the diagram.


eae (a) Calculate the critical angle for the core-

Cladding cladding boundary.
(b) Fig. 14.12 shows a section of the fibre
Core seks : ;
containing the axis of the fibre.


Incident ray


Fig. 14.12 (not to scale)

(i) Draw on the diagram the complete path
followed by the ray until it emerges at
A beam of light enters the fibre at an angle of
the far end.
incidence of 15°.
(ii) Name the process which occurs as the ray
enters the end of the optical fibre. (1) Calculate the anglesA and B in Fig. 14.12.
(ii) The core has a refractive index of 1.50, (2) State whether this beam will be totally
clad in a material of refractive index internally reflected at the core/cladding
1.45. Calculate the critical angle of interface, or whether it will escape into
incidence at the core-cladding interface. the cladding. Indicate your answer by
(b) (i) Give one reason why a cladding material A Ds US IR Se
is used in an optical fibre. The beam is totally internally reflected a
(11) In part (a) (iii), the cladding material has The beam ecapes into the cladding ea
a refractive index of 1.45. Explain why it
would be advantageous to use cladding (c) The optical fibre is 15 km long. Assuming that
material of refractive index less than 1.45. the fibre is straight, calculate the shortest and
: the longest time for pulses of light, entering
(c) State one use of optical fibres. [AQA 2001] the fibre in different directions, to pass from
9 A step-index optical fibre has a core made of glass one end of the fibre to the other.
of refractive index 1.52. The cladding is made of [CCEA 2001, part]
material of refractive index 1.47.

i J

min ens es and the eye

Example 1
Single lenses
An object is placed (a) 25.0cm, (b) 10.0cm from a
converging lens of focal length 15.0cm. Calculate the
As shown in Fig. 15.1, a lens acts to produce an image distance and lateral magnification produced in
image I from an object O. The lens formula is each case, and state the type of image produced.
(15.1) We have a converging lens so the focal length f= +15.
(a) This is a real object, so u=+25. We arrange
where, as shown in Fig. 15.1, uw is the object Equation 15.1 to find v:
distance, v the image distance, and f the focal
length of the lens.

ett > <4

Since v is positive the image is real. The situation

is similar to that shown in Fig. 15.1a.
F | The lateral magnification m is defined by
Real image
_ Height of image
= 15.2
Height of object ( )
Converging lens F = Principal focus
(a) Real image
It can be shown that

_ Image distance _ y
~ Object distance — u (3)
We have v = +37.5 and u = +25. Thus

u Ds)

= 1.510)

The image is 1.50 times as long as the object.

(b) We have a real object so u = +10. Rearranging
Equation 15.1 to find v:
Converging lens
(b) Virtual image
Le oa a Ls Sere |
Fig. 15.1 Formation of images by a converging lens yo Vf aries 30
v = —30.0 cm
We shall use the real is positive, virtual is negative
sign convention. This means that the focal length Note that v is negative, so that the image is virtual.
of a converging lens is positive and that of a The situation is similar to that shown in Fig. 15.1b.
diverging lens (see Fig. 15.2) is negative. The lens acts as a simple magnifying glass. To find
the lateral magnification m we use Equation 15.3
Correct signs must be used in the lens formula. with v = —30 and u = +10:


be i) eee!) Example 3
ee = 10
A camera has a lens of focal length 50.0 mm. If it can
= —3.00 form images of objects from infinity down to 1.50m
The image is 3.00 times as long as the object. The from the lens, calculate the distance through which it
significance of the negative sign is that the image must be possible to move the lens.
is virtual. Method
(a) Object at infinity (note: v, = f)
(a) 37.5cm, 1.50 times, real, (b) 30.0cm, 3.00 times,

Example 2 Parallel rays from

object at infinity
When a real object is placed in front of a diverging lens
of focal length 20.0cm, an image is formed 12.0cm
from the lens. Calculate (a) the object distance, (b) the
lateral magnification produced. Draw a sketch to show
the arrangement.
(b) Object closer to lens
'¢—>: Lens movement = A
Method Film

We have a diverging lens, so the focal length f= —20.A

real object always produces a virtual image when using
a diverging lens, so that v = —12.
(a) Rearrange Equation 15.1 to find wu:
(eee Pe Ay
uf v —20 (-12) 60
u = 30.0cm Ze
< =o 0 ——$$— 0
(b) To find the lateral magnification m we use
Equation 15.3, with vy= —12 and u = 30: Fig. 15.3 Formation of images using a camera lens

The lens in the camera forms real images on the film, as

Nae a shown in Fig. 15.3. The compound lens in the camera is
u 30
thought of as a single thin, converging lens of focal
= —(0).40 length f =
The image is 0.40 times as long as the object. The As shown in Fig. 15.3a, when the object is at infinity, the
negative sign shows the virtual nature of the lens must be at a distance
image. A sketch of the arrangement is given in
Fig. 15.2. A diverging lens always produces a Vif 15,00'em
virtual, erect diminished image when viewing a from the lens. When the (real) object is at a distance
real object.
uw = +1.50m = +150cm
from the lens, the image distance v2, as shown in Fig.
15.3b, is given by rearranging Equation 15.1:

ipes ee Tek ae gee

150 150
VS aleicim

The required movement A of the lens is, as shown in

Diverging lens Fig. 15.3, given by

Fig. 15.2 Solution to Example 2 A=Vvz—Vvy = 9.17 —5.00 = 0.17 cm

Answer Answer

(a), (b) (—)0.40 times. The lens must move by 0.17 cm


Example 4
Exercise 15.1 A converging lens of focal length 30cm is placed in
contact with a diverging lens of focal length 20cm.
1. An object placed 20cm from a converging lens Calculate the focal length of the combination.
results in a real image formed 30cm from the
lens. Calculate the focal length of the lens. Method

2 When an object is placed 10cm from a converging We use Equation 15.4 in which for the converging lens
lens, an erect image which is three times as long as f; = +30, and for the diverging lensf;= —20. Thus
the object is obtained. Calculate (a) the image leages Tue a nik
distance, (b) the focal length of the lens. pe a Se 60
3 An erect image, twice as long as the object, is f = —60cm
obtained when using a simple magnifying glass of
The equivalent lens is diverging and has focal length
focal length 10cm. Calculate (a) the object
60cm. Note that the combined lens must be diverging,
distance, (b) the image distance. Hint: v/u = —2.
since the single diverging lens is more powerful (i.e.,
4 When a real object is placed 12cm in front of a has a shorter focal length) than the converging lens.
diverging lens, a virtual image is formed 8.0cm
from the lens. Find the focal length of the lens. Answer
5 The focal length of a camera lens is 100mm. The combination is a diverging lens of focal length
Calculate how far from the film the lens must be set 60cm.
in order to photograph an object which is (a),
(b) 500cm from the lens. Hence calculate (c) the Power of a lens .
movement of the lens between these two positions.
The power F ofa lens, in dioptres (D), is defined by

Lens combinations (15.5)

When two lenses are used, the image produced by
the first lens acts as an object for the second lens. wheref is the focal length of the lens, in metres.
This means that, in certain circumstances, we can For two lenses in contact as in Fig. 15.4, Equation
have a virtual object for the second lens. 15.4 shows that we must add the powers of the
Lens combinations — lenses in contact lenses. Thus the combined lens system can be
replaced by a single lens of power F given by
In this particular case the combined lens system can
be replaced by a single lens of focal lengthfgiven by

(15.4) where F, and F) are the individual powers of the

separate lenses.

where, as shown in Fig. 15.4, f,; and fo are the Example 5

individual focal lengths of the separate lenses.
(a) Calculate the power of a converging lens of focal
The thickness of the lenses is neglected.
length 250mm.
Equivalent focal length
(b) Calculate the combined power of a converging
lens of focal length 200mm in contact with a
diverging lens of focal length 50mm.

We shall work in metres throughout this, and

subsequent, calculations of this type.
(a) We have f= +0.25m. Equation 15.5 gives

Focal length f, Focal length f,
Note the positive sign, since we have a converging
Fig. 15.4 Lenses in contact lens.


(b) We havef, = 0.20m, Example 6

i = 9.0)D
SO ——— The cornea and lens of a normal, unaccommodated eye
fi has a power of +50D. Find (a) the lens to retina
distance for this eye, (b) the power of the lens system
andf; = —0.050m,
required to clearly focus on objects at a point 25cm
1 from the eye.
so F, == = —20 D.
i: Method
Equation 15.6 gives the combined power
F =F, + Fo = 5.0 — 20.0 = —15.0 D.
Note that the combined lens has a negative power Image
and focal length since the diverging lens has a
higher power (has a shorter focal length) than the
converging lens.
Answer hf
(a) +4.0D, (b) —15.0D. Fig. 15.5 Formation of an image of a distant object
by the eye

(a) The combined cornea and eye lens system will

form images of distant objects at the focus of the
Exercise 15.2 combined lens, as shown in Fig. 15.5. Thus the
lens to retina distance is equal to the focal length
f of the lens. Now
1. A converging achromatic doublet consists of a
il Geel
converging (crown glass) lens of focal length ifi F = —_50 = 0.020
Dp m
20cm and a diverging lens (made of flint
glass). If the focal length of the doublet is The lens to retina distance is 0.020 m.
80cm, calculate the focal length of the
(b) The eye lens must now accommodate (change its
diverging lens.
focal length) in order to clearly focus on objects
2 (a) Calculate the focal length of a lens of power close to the eye. This still results in images
—2.0D. formed on the retina at a distance from the lens
(b) A lens of power —2.0D is placed in contact of 0.020 m.
with a converging lens of focal length 20cm.
Suppose that the new focal length of the combined
Find the power of the combined lens system.
lens is f’. For this lens, the (real) object distance w
is 0.25 m and the (real) image distance v is 0.020m
(see Fig. 15.1a). Using Equation 15.1

Correction of defective esl me

7 0020
025 a.
vision From Equation 15.5 we see that 1/f’ is the power
of the lens.

The eye and accommodation The combined lens needs a power of 54D.

The eye has the ability to form clear images on Answer

the retina of objects at differing distances from (a) 0.020 m, (b) 54D.
the eye. In order to do this the focal length of
the eye lens must be able to be changed — this is Eye defects
done by the action of the ciliary muscles. This
A ‘normal’ eye has a far point of infinity and a
effect is called accommodation. When the eye is
near point of 25 cm.
focused on a distant object it is said to be
‘unaccommodated’. In order to focus on objects In myopia (near sightedness), the far point is
close to the eye the focal length of the eye must closer than infinity and the near point may be
be decreased — that is, its power must be closer than that for the normal eye. This may be
increased. due to the eyeball being too long, or the cornea


too curved. A diverging lens is used to correct this Method

defect as shown in Fig. 15.6. (a) A diverging lens is used. The power of the lens is
Far point of such that it produces a virtual image at the far
Blurred image ‘uncorrected’ eye point of the eye (in this case 2.50m), using an
object at an infinite distance from the lens (see
Fig. 15.6b). Thus we have u = oo, v= —2.50m.
We require the power F of the correcting lens.
Using the lens formula (Equation 15.1) and
(a) Myopia (b) Correction of myopia noting F = 1/f then
using a diverging lens

Fig. 15.6 Myopia and its correction Fotis y : u Ae u)

In hypermetropia (long sightedness), the far point
is at infinity but the near point will be more than Mite hls Di
25cm from the eye. A converging lens is used to ~ =250¥ a
correct this defect as shown in Fig. 15.7. = —0.40+ 0
Object at normal Blurred
near point image Hence power F=—0.40D. (Focal length

f = —2.50m) Note that this is a diverging lens.

(b) eer When an object is placed at the person’s

‘corrected’ near point it produces a virtual image
(a) Hypermetropia
at the original, ‘uncorrected’, near point. Thus we
have, for the correction lens
Near point of u = ‘corrected’ near point distance
‘uncorrected’ eye Normal near point
v = original, ‘uncorrected’, near point distance
= —0.15m
F = power of correction lens = —0.40 D
Using Equation 15.7 gives
(b) Correction of hypermetropia
using a converging lens 1 one
Fig. 15.7 Hypermetropia and its correction =) Mls ctve OO
iinaeere ke.
In presbyopia (old sight) the eye lens has become a 0.40 016 > 6.267

hard with age and is thus unable to change its

Hence u = 0.160 m.
shape and so accommodate over a sufficiently
wide range. The situation may arise in which the (c) The range of distinct (corrected) vision is from
near point is further away from the eye than 0.16m to infinity.
25cm and the far point is closer to the eye than Answer
infinity. The elderly person may thus require two
sets of spectacles to aid close and long distance (a) —0.40D, (b) 0.16 m, (c) 0.16 m to infinity.
work separately. The spectacles may take the
form of bifocal lenses. Example 8
An elderly person with presbyopia has a near point of
Example 7 0.400 m and a far point of 4.00 m. Calculate:
A person with short sight has a far point of 250cm anda (a) the range of power which this person’s eye lens
near point of 15cm. has;
(a) Calculate the power of the spectacle lens required (b) the power of the spectacle lens required to enable
to enable distant objects to be seen. objects at the normal near point to be seen;
(b) Calculate the near point for the person when using (c) the range of distinct vision when using the
this spectacle lens. spectacle lens in (b);

(c) State the range of distinct vision when wearing the (d) the power of the spectacle lens required to enable
spectacles. objects at infinity to be seen.


Method real object placed as far as possible from the lens

will produce a virtual image at 4.00m away. Thus
(a) The person can focus objects from 0.400m up to
we have
4.00m from the eye. In each case the image is
focused on the retina and the image distance is u = far point using correction lens
thus fixed (the length of the eyeball) — let this v = —4.00m (virtual image at far point of the
distance be v. uncorrected eye)
F = +1.50
Referring to Fig. 15.1, suppose that the eye
focuses on an object 0.400m from it. We have Equation 15.7 gives
Object distance = 0.400 m 1 \lgeae
Image distance = v (length of eyeball) SW) vise
If we let the power of the cornea and eye lens be On =O 7m:
F,, then using Equation 15.7
The far point using the correction lens is 0.571m
from the eye. The range of distinct (corrected)
vision is 0.25 m to 0.57 m.
Similarly, when the eye focuses on an object
4.00m from it we have (d) In this case a diverging lens must be used whose
power is such that it produces a virtual image at
Object distance = 4.00m the far point of the uncorrected eye — in this case
Image distance = v (length of eyeball) 4.00m — using an object at an infinite distance
from the lens. Working in a similar manner to
If the power of the cornea and eye lens is now F}
Example 7a we have u =oo, v=—4.00m and
then Equation 15.7 gives
require the power F of the correcting lens.
1 1 Equation 15.7 gives
4.008= a I
F =o eS)
By combining the two equations above we obtain = Zi 0 cs
The power of the correcting lens required is
ee ecw) aa) —0.25 D.
ad 0.400
a 4.00
ee 4.00 Answers

(b), Sb15.Ds (cc) 60.25ims fo. 80.5 in,

== 25)

The range of power of the person’s eye lens is thus

229). This is ‘called the amplitude of
accommodation. For a young person the amplitude
of accommodation is typically 11 D.
Exercise 15.3
(b) A converging lens is used such that when the
(real) object is placed at the normal near point The combined lens of a normal, unaccommodated
we get a virtual image at the near point of the eye has a power of 56D.
uncorrected eye (see Fig. 15.7b). Thus we have (a) Calculate the lens to retina distance.
u = +0.25 m (normal near point) (b) If the eye clearly focuses on an object 25cm
v = —0.400m (virtual image at near point of away, find the change in power required.
uncorrected eye)
A short sighted person has a far point of 150cm
and require the power of the correction lens. and a near point of 20cm.
Using Equation 15.7
(a) Calculate the power of the spectacle lens
1 1 needed to clearly view an object at the
==9.400 * 0.25 normal far point.
= —2.54 4.0 = +1.50 (b) Find the range of distinct vision when wearing
Hence power required = +1.50D. the lens.

The range of distinct (corrected) vision using the 3 An elderly person, with presbyopia, has a near
correction lens in (b) is obtained by noting that point without spectacles of 0.50m and an
the far point of the uncorrected eye is 4.00m. A amplitude of accommodation of 1.5 D.


Calculate: (ii) The object now commences to move

towards the lens at a constant speed of
(a) the far point without spectacles;
(b) the power of the spectacle lens needed to enable
(1) Find the position of the image 2.0s
(1) distant objects to be seen,
after the object starts to move.
(ii) objects at the normal near point to be seen.
(2) Calculate the average speed of the
image during this time interval.
Exercise 15.4: (3) State the direction of movement of
the image. [CCEA 2000]
Examination questions 4 (a) Explain what is meant by the terms
(i) a diverging lens,
1 An illuminated object is placed 48.0cm from a (ii) the principal focus of a diverging lens,
screen. A lens is to be placed between the object (iii) the focal length of a diverging lens.
and screen in order to produce a real image on (b) (i) The linear magnification of an image
the screen. formed by a converging lens is given by the
(a) If the image is to be the same size as the height of the image divided by the height
object, what kind* of lens and what focal of the object. State another expression for
length would be needed? the linear magnification. Identify any
symbols appearing in your expression.
(b) If the image is to be twice the size of the
(ii) Describe an experiment to verify the
object, what kind* of lens and what focal
expression you have given in your answer
length would be needed?
to (b) (i). Assume that an illuminated
2 An object of height 6.0 mm is placed at a distance object is available. Your account should
of 8.0 cm from a converging lens of focal length include a labelled sketch of the apparatus,
12 cm. Calculate: an outline of the procedure, headings for a
(a) the distance of the image from the lens (in table of results which would be taken, and
cm) and details of how the results would be
processed to verify the expression.
(b) the height of the image (in mm).
(c) Draw a labelled ray diagram to show how an
(c) Is the image real or virtual?
image is formed using a diverging lens. In
3 (a) Explain what is meant by the principal focus your diagram, clearly identify the object, the
and the focal length of a diverging lens. image, the principal focus, and the position of
(b) Fig. 15.8 shows a diverging lens with principal the eye to view the image.
foci F and F’ and an object OB placed (d — A converging lens and a diverging lens each
perpendicular to the principal axis. have a focal length of magnitude 150mm.
When a linear object of height 20.0mm is
placed 600mm from the diverging lens, the
image is of height D. The same object is used
with the converging lens to produce an
image, also of height D.
(i) the height D of the image,
(ii) the exact location of the image for each
lens (iii) the nature of the image for each lens.
Fig. 15.8
—Q wa A slide of dimensions 35.0mm x 24.0mm is
On Fig. 15.8 draw suitable construction rays to placed in a desk-top projector. The lens
locate the image of OB. Label this image IM. Show system in the projector may be assumed to be
a suitable position of the eye for viewing the image. a single thin lens, which forms a real image of
(c) A diverging lens has focal length 200mm. An
the slide. ‘The image has dimensions
object is placed 400 mm from the lens. 280mm x 192mm. The distance between the
(i) Find the position of the image and its slide in the projector and its image is
linear magnification. 567mm. Calculate the focal length of the
projector lens, and identify its type.
‘Converging or diverging.
[CCEA 2001]


5 At the theatre, people in the audience sometimes to that used in some sunglasses. Explain an
use theatre glasses. These are special binoculars advantage gained from the use of this filter.
which help them to see the actors. [OCR 2000]
For each eye, the lenses in the theatre glasses are 7 (a) The lens in a camera has focal length 80 mm.
arranged as shown below. The lens can be moved to provide accurate
-4— 59.0 mm —>..
(i) Draw a labelled sketch to show the
formation of a diminished, real image by
the lens. Label the object and image, and
Actor on stage the principal focus of the lens.
(ii) A dog 0.40m tall stands 1.6m away from
the camera. The lens is adjusted to give a
clear image of the dog. Calculate the
distance from the lens to the film, the
Converging Diverging linear magnification and the image height.
objective lens eyepiece
(b) Gi wa”An object is placed at a principal focus of a
An actor is standing on a stage 30m from a diverging lens. Draw a ray diagram to
member of the audience who is using the glasses. illustrate the formation of the image.
The objective lens forms an image of the actor Label the object and image, and the
80mm behind this lens at A. principal focus of the lens. Show where
the eye should be placed to view the image.
(a) (i) Explain why the focal length of the
(ii) A diverging lens has focal length 200mm.
objective lens is 80mm.
An object 10.0mm high is placed on the
(ii) Calculate the power of the objective lens.
principal axis. The image produced is
(b) The eyepiece is a diverging lens of focal length 4.0mm high.
20.0mm. The image at A formed by the Calculate
objective lens acts as the object for the (1) the linear magnification,
eyepiece. (2) the distance of the image from the lens,
(3) the distance of the object from the
The final position of the image formed by the
lens. [CCEA 2001, part]
eyepiece can be calculated using
8 A camera has a lens of focal length 50.0mm and
le std produces a sharp image on its film of an object
ae Oa 200 mm from the lens. Calculate:
(i) Suggest why the object distance is
(a) the power of the lens
‘ negative.
(ii) Calculate the final position of the image (b) the distance from the lens to the film in the
formed by the eyepiece. camera.
(iii) Is this image real or virtual? Explain your
9 The focusing system of a person’s eye has a total
answer. power of 57.0D when viewing a distant object.
(c) How would you adjust the glasses to move the Assuming that the focusing system of the eye may
final image further away from the eye? Give be treated as a single lens placed at the front of
your reasoning. [Edexcel S-H 2000] the eye, calculate:

6 (a) Thelens ofacamera has a focal length of 35 mm. (a) the distance from this lens to the retina
The lens can be moved with respect to the film to (b) the focal length of the focusing system when
produce clear images of near or distant objects. viewing an object 40.0cm in front of the eye.
The camera is first used to photograph an
object at 400 mm from the lens. It is then used 10 (a) (i) State what is meant by accommodation of
to photograph an object at infinity. the eye.
(i) State the direction through which the lens is (ii) Explain how the eye achieves this.
moved between taking these photographs. (b) The lens system of the eye of a young child is
(ii) Calculate the distance through which the situated 1.7cm from the retina. The power of
lens is moved. the lens can be varied from 54D to 60D.
(b) Many camera lenses can be fitted with a (i) Determine the location of the child’s
polarizing filter. The filter material is similar near point.


(ii) Explain whether the child can focus on (i) Calculate the power of this new lens
an object at infinity. combination.
(iii) State from what defect of vision the child (ii) Explain whether the student’s sight when
suffers. [OCR 2000] not wearing glasses has improved or
worsened. {Edexcel S-H 2001]
11 A short-sighted person is prescribed a lens of
power —1.25D so that an object at infinity may 13 (a) A bundle of light rays from a point on an
be seen. object enters a _ person’s eye. Which
(a) Calculate the image distance for this lens component of the eye provides the greatest
alone when the object is at infinity. converging effect on these rays?
(b neat Explain why, when using this prescribed lens
(b) Accommodation is the ability of the eye to
in spectacles, the image in (a) is formed at
produce clear images of objects over a wide
the person’s far point.
range of distance from the eye.
12 (a) A student is unable to focus on objects that are (i) Which components of the eye enable the
more than 2.0m away unless he is wearing his process of accommodation?
glasses. His glasses enable him to see a distant (ii) Describe the mechanism of this process.
object clearly by forming a virtual image of this
(c) When viewing objects, a person is said to have
object at 2.0m from his eyes.
a near point and a far point. Explain what is
(i) Explain whether — the lenses are
meant by
converging or diverging
(i) near point,
(ii) State the focal length of the lenses in his
(ii) far point.
(iii) Hence, calculate the power of these (d — A person has a near point distance of 12.0cm
lenses. and a far point distance of
(iv) Draw a ray diagram of one of these (i) Calculate the power of spectacle lens
lenses forming an image of an object needed to change the person’s far point
that is 4.0m away from the lens. Label to the normal far point position.
the image. (ii) Calculate the person’s near point distance
when wearing the spectacles in (1).
[CCEA 2001]
A short-sighted person can only see objects clearly
when they lie between his far point and a point
200mm from his eye. In order to allow him to see
distant objects clearly he is prescribed a diverging
(b ae During his next sight test, the optician finds lens of focal length 300mm.
that the student’s sight has changed. (a) What is the person’s far point without
The student sees clearly when an additional spectacles?
lens of power +0.20D is combined with his (b) Calculate the change in position of the
existing lenses. person’s near point when spectacles are used.

Angular magnification The magnifying glass
(simple microscope)
When an object is viewed, the apparent size of the
object is determined by the length L of the image
formed on the retina. As shown in Fig. 16.1, L is Using the unaided eye, the maximum apparent
determined by the visual angle 0 which the object size of the object occurs when it is placed at the
subtends at the eye. Throughout this chapter we least distance of distinct vision D (typically
assume 0@ to be small, in which case L is directly 250mm for adults) from the eye, as shown in
proportional to 0. Pig G2
h = height of object O

Image on retina

<4 D >
Fig. 16.2 Visual angle @ of an object at the least
distance of distinct vision D
Note: L = a0
where L = length of image on retina (metres)
The angle subtended «, in radians (see Chapter
a = length of eyeball (metres) 2), is given by
8 = visual angle (radians); assumed small

Fig. 16.1 Visual angle (16.2)

where h is the height of the object O.

The purpose of an optical instrument is to
increase the size of the visual angle. In doing so h' = height of image
Br ese h = height of object
the final image, when viewed through the
instrument, appears to be larger than when the
object is viewed using the unaided or ‘naked’
eye. We define the angular magnification (or
magnifying power) M of an optical instrument

<4 v (=D) >

M= E (16.1)
a Fig. 16.3 Visual angle f using a simple microscope

where f is the angle subtended at the eye by the Fig. 16.3 shows the formation of an image I when
image when using the instrument, and « is the the object O is placed distance u from the
angle subtended using the unaided eye by the magnifying glass. Since u is less than D, f is
object when at the appropriate distance. greater than «. Thus


value and to omit the sign. M does not depend on

(16.3) the height of the object, since h cancels in the
derivation of Equation 16.4. To check our answer
for M using Equation 16.4, we have D = 250 and
Combining Equations 16.1, 16.2 and 16.3 gives u = 250/6, so
a h/D

Moe (16.4)
(a) 8.00 x 10 *rad, (b) 48.0 x 10° rad,
(c) 6.00 times.
This is a general expression and is true for whatever
value of v (and w) we have. Note that in normal Example 2
adjustment the image distance v equals D. It is
convenient to use Equation 16.4, but you should A man wishes to study a photograph in fine detail by
using a lens as a simple magnifying glass in such a way
also be able to work from first principles (see below).
that he sees an image magnified ten times and at a
distance of 250mm from the lens. What focal length
Example 1 lens should he use, and how far from the photograph
An object of height 2.00mm is to be viewed using a should it be held?
simple magnifying glass of focal length 50.0 mm. If the Method
final image is formed at the least distance of distinct
vision (250mm) from the eye, calculate the visual We have M= 10.0. Reter to. Figs 6s. Using
angle subtended (a) using the unaided eye, (b) using millimetres we have v = —250 and we have to assume
the magnifying glass. Hence calculate (c) the angular that D = —250. We require u andf.
magnification achieved. Check your answer to part (c) Rearranging Equation 16.4 gives us (without signs)
using the appropriate formula.
Method u 2 2925 Onan
M 10
Using millimetres we have h = 2.00 and D = 250. The photograph is held 25mm from the lens. From
(a) From Equation 16.2 Equation 15.1

(b) Referring to Fig. 16.3 we have image distance

equal to 250 and since the image is virtual,
v=-—250. To find B we require the object
distance u. We can rearrange Equation 15.1, A converging !ens of focal length 27.8 mm is needed at
putting the focal length of the lens as f = 50: 25.0mm from the photograph.
= i — ON

Exercise 16.1

From Equation 16.3 1. A man whose least distance of distinct vision is

250mm views a stamp using a converging lens of
Ne ke 6 focal length 30 mm. If the final image is located at
re oS the least distance of distinct vision, calculate
= 48.0 x 10~* rad (a) the distance of the stamp from the lens,
(c) From Equation 16.1 (b) the angular magnification he achieves.
Assume that the eye is close to the lens.
_B_ 48x 10°5 6.0
of 8 x 10-3 é 2 Repeat Question 1, but assume that the image is
to be observed at infinity.
Note that the image is virtual, so we should,
strictly speaking, write M = —6.00. It is common 3 Repeat Question 1 for a man whose least distance
practice, however, to write only the numerical of distinct vision is 180mm.


The astronomical Equation 16.7 is a general expression and can be

used at whatever distance the final virtual image
telescope is formed from the eye. In normal adjustment, in
which the final image is formed at infinity, we
Rays from top of object
note two special characteristics:
(aij sOunataiaay sy
(2) The objective and eyepiece lenses are
separated by a distance (fo + fz).

Example 3
An astronomical telescope has an objective lens of focal
length 100cm and an eyepiece lens of focal length
5.00cm. Calculate the angular magnification and the
Ray from separation of the lenses when the telescope is in
bottom of
object normal adjustment,
Referring to Fig. 16.4 we have f,=+100 and
Objective lens Eyepiece lens fe 5.00:
focal length f, focal length f,
In normal adjustment u=f, =+5.00. Thus from
Fig. 16.4 Visual angle in the astronomical telescope Equation 16.7

Fig. 16.4 shows how an astronomical telescope, uf fa 100

used to observe a distant object such as a star,
increases the visual angle. The object would = 20.0
subtend an angle « when viewed with the The separation S of the lenses is given by
unaided eye. Use of the telescope leads to the
formation of a final image which subtends an +fe) = 100 +5
S=(fo +u) = (fo
angle f at the eye (assuming that the eye is close = 105cm
to the eyepiece lens). From Fig. 16.4, in which Answer
the intermediate image Ij, is of height 4 and is
M = 20.0, lens separation is 105 cm.
formed at distance u from the eyepiece lens,

Example 4
An astronomical telescope consists of two thin
converging lenses. When it is in normal adjustment the
and lenses are 650mm apart and the angular magnification
is 12.0. Calculate the focal length of the objective lens
oon and the eyepiece lens.
B= a (16.6)
We have M = 12 and lens separation S = 650mm.
where « and f, in radians, are small angles.
Now, in normal adjustment (see Example 3)
Combining Equations 16.1, 16.5 and 16.6 gives
the angular magnification (or magnifying power) M _ fo
i fo = 12fe (i)
and S$ =fy + fe fo +fe = 650 (il)
_ lee
eee Rif We have two simultaneous equations (see Chapter 2) so
we substitute forf, from (i) to (ii):

12,2 ++ fe — 090
M= So (16.7) fe = 50mm
Uu ay
a2) 5— 000 mim.


Answer (a) A photograph is taken of a distant object

using a camera with a lens of focal length
The objective has focal length 600mm, the eyepiece
7.5cm. If the negative is viewed at a distance
of 25cm using the naked eye, calculate the
overall magnification achieved.
Exercise 16.2 (b) In order to view the slide in more detail a
simple magnifying glass is used in such a way
that the image of the slide is at the least
An astronomical telescope which is in normal distance of distinct vision (25cm in this case)
adjustment consists of two thin converging lenses from the lens/eye. If the overall magnification
of focal length 60.0cm and 3.00cm. It is focused now achieved is 1.0, calculate the required
on a distant object which subtends an angle of focal length of the magnifying glass.
2.00 x 10 rad when viewed directly. Calculate An astronomical telescope has an objective of
(a) the angular magnification achieved, (b) the focal length 900mm and an eyepiece of focal
separation of the lenses, (c) the angle subtended length 18mm. Assuming the instrument is in
by the final image. normal adjustment, calculate:
An astronomical telescope has an objective of focal (a) the separation of the lenses and
length 90cm and an eyepiece of focal length
5.0cm. When, in normal adjustment, it is used to (b) the magnifying power achieved.
view a full moon, the final image subtends an The angular magnification of an astronomical
angle of 0.10 radian at the eye lens. Calculate (a) telescope in normal adjustment is 4.00. If the
the angular magnification, (b) the angle distance between the lenses is 625mm, calculate
subtended by the moon when viewed directly. the focal length of:
Given that the distance between the moon and the (a) the eyepiece lens
Earth is 3.8 x 10° km, calculate (c) the diameter of
the moon. (b) the objective lens.
An astronomical telescope in normal adjustment

Exercise 16.3: has an objective lens of focal length 20cm and

the separation of the lenses is 25cm. The
Examination questions telescope views a distant object which subtends an
angle of 5.0 10?rad at the objective lens.
Calculate the angle, in rad, subtended by the final
A student with a least distance of distinct vision of image at the eyepiece lens.
12.0cm uses a 6.00cm focal length converging lens
An astronomical telescope in normal adjustment
as a magnifying glass in order to examine fine
has an objective of focal length 0.90m and the
detail on a biological slide. Assuming that the
lenses are separated by a distance of 1.00m.
lens is held close to the eye and that the image is
When used to view the full moon the image
viewed at the student’s least distance of distinct
subtends an angle of 51 x 10 *rad at the eye
vision, calculate:
lens. If the distance between the Earth and the
(a) the distance x of the slide from the lens moon is 3.8 x 10° km, calculate the diameter of
the moon.
(b) the angular magnification produced.

Section F

Heating matter across the heater wire and / is the current

through it. This results in the transfer of thermal
energy into the surrounding material at a rate
In this section we deal with the change in internal often described as the ‘power dissipated’.
energy of a body due to the transfer of energy ona
microscopic scale. Thermal energy is transferred Power =V XI (17-2)
from an area of higher temperature to an area of
lower temperature. Heat supplied, for example If the resistance of the heater wire is R (see
by electrical means, results in a change of Chapter 20) we may use the relation V = /R to
temperature and/or a change of state. obtain

Enereye transfer Q “needed *to raise the y2

temperature of a mass m of a substance by Ad Power P=I’R or ant (17.3)
(in Kelvin) is given by:
In time ¢ seconds the energy Q transferred by the
Q=mcA0 (17.1) heater is

where c is the specific heat capacity of the Q=Vit or P’Rt or (V7/R)t (17.4)
Similarly, the total heat capacity of an object is Example 1
the energy needed to raise the temperature of
A solid copper block of mass 5.0kg is heated for 7
an object of mass m by 1K. Total heat minutes exactly by an electric heater embedded in the
capacity = mc. block. A potential difference of 25V is applied across
We shall apply the law of conservation of energy the heater, and the current is recorded as 2.0A. If the
temperature of the block rises by 10K, calculate the
throughout our calculations on thermal energy
specific heat capacity of copper, assuming that no heat
escapes from the apparatus and that the heat capacity
of the heater itself is negligible (see Fig. 17.1).

Electrical heating Method

The energy Q supplied by the heater is

As pointed out in Chapter 20, the heat supplied QO =Vit =25 x 2.00x 7x 60=21 x 1077
per second by an electrical heater is give by VI, This is absorbed by the copper block, of mass
where V is the potential difference (voltage) m = 5.0kg, and causes a temperature rise A? = 10K.


Voltage supply Ao = (22 — 12) = 10K is, assuming it has specific

heat capacity cy,
O;,, = mc, =50* 10" x ¢, ¥10=05¢,
Energy Q, absorbed by calorimeter (mass 0.10 kg,
specific heat capacity 420J kg-'K"' and
temperature rise also 10K) is
O01 6420 § 10 = 425
Equating the terms Q = Q,, + Q¢, we get

2520 = 0.5cy + 420

Cy, = 4208/05 = 4200

Lagging Liquid in 4.2kIkg' K7™.

encloses copper can
calorimeter calorimeter or
to minimise
escape of
solid copper
block with holes
for thermometer
Rate of rise of temperature
heat into
surrounding and heater

all Wire heater coil

Consider a mass m of substance with specific
Fig. 17.1. Apparatus for simple electrical calorimetry heat capacity c. If the net power supplied is P
(not to scale) watts (= power supplied by heater minus heat
lost per second to the surroundings) then
P = net energy supplied per second |
OF TiG NG ae en)
=m xc x temperature rise per second
where c is the specific heat capacity of the copper. We
and if calculus notation is used (see Chapter 2)
can equate the two terms since no significant amount
P = dé
of the heat supplied stays in the heater or escapes from i Gh an

the copper block. Thus: where 0 denotes temperature, f time and a is the
Jia seen rate of change of temperature with time. If power
ore cathe © Hr supplied is constant and heat loss to the
surroundings is negligible then temperature rises
in proportion to time, the temperature versus
0.42kI kg! K™. time graph is linear (i.e. straight) and the slope
of the graph equals a
Example 2
50g of water at 12 °C is placed in a copper calorimeter Example 3
which weighs 0.10kg. An electric heater coil of
negligible thermal capacity is immersed in the water. Energy is supplied at a rate of 20 W to 40g of water in a
With 7.0V across the heater producing a steady plastic cup. The specific heat capacity of water is
current of 1.0A for exactly 6 minutes, a final 4.2kJkg 'K~'. Calculate the initial rate of rise of
temperature of 22°C was obtained. If the heat loss to temperature.
the surroundings is negligible, what is the value of the Method
specific heat capacity for water? (See Fig. 17.1.)
(SHC copper = 420Jkg 'K'.) We have P = 20,m = 40 x 10-3 andc = 4.2 x 10°
Method Ea dé so that
The energy supplied by the heater is es doa.
20 = 0.040 x 4200 x “ay elving
O=1i = 7.0 Ae 26.0560 25 207
cre_ 20 =_ (0 5 he
If we assume no energy losses to the surroundings then:
Energy Q, absorbed by the water of mass
WE SU 10° kg in raising its temperature by Ci2Kes


from which an accurate value of c can be

The continuous-flow calculated.
Example 4
Fig. 17.2 shows a continuous-flow calorimeter In a continuous-flow calorimeter the readings were:
suitable for use with a liquid such as water. GOVE 20A, 0, =17.0°C, @=22.0°C, 35emin~
followed by 4.0V, 1.4A, 6; =17.0°C, 62 = 22.0°C,
When the temperature 0, is steady we know that 1Sgmin’.
the glassware has reached steady temperatures
throughout. Obtain a value for the specific heat capacity of the
liquid and the rate of loss of heat to the surroundings.
oN Liquid supplied from constant level Method

Using VI = mc(02 — 0,) + q, we have, working in grams

and seconds,

= ee x 5.0) +4
0, Glass tube in lagging
or vacuum jacket
and, using V'I’ = m'c(02 — 0;) +, we have
40x14 (2 x x 5.0) +q
Subtracting these equations (see Chapter 2) gives
9D) (==—= 26 mee
126 60 <¢ x90

so that

Substituting this value for c in the first equation gives

Fig. 17.2 Acontinuous-flow calorimeter
1G = (= x 4.2 x 5.0) 12,
The energy supplied per second is VJ and equals
mc(@3 — 0,) where m is the mass of liquid per from which

second flowing through the apparatus and GQ=12.6 12.25 = 0.35W

collected in the beaker. The specific heat
capacity c can be calculated directly from this
equation if heat loss to the surroundings is 420o> K 0.35 W.
neglected. The rate of heat loss, say g watt, which
is usually quite small, can be allowed for as
follows. The current is changed to a new value I’,
Mixing hot with cold
using a new voltage V’, and the liquid flow is
adjusted to m’ to make up for this so that 02 is If hot solid or liquid is introduced into cold liquid,
the same as before. the heat lost by the hot material cooling down is
equal to the heat gained by the cold liquid and
VI =mc(0, -0,) +q (17.5a) calorimeter plus any heat loss to _ the

and V'I' =m'c(0,—-0) +4 (17.5b) Example 5

21.0 g of liquid at 60.0 °C is mixed into 100g of water at
The heat loss per second is the same for both 12.5 °C which is already in a metal calorimeter of mass
situations because all parts of the apparatus have 70.0g and specific heat capacity 400Jg"'K~'. If heat
the same temperatures as before. escape to the surroundings may be neglected, calculate
the expected new temperature of the water, given that
Subtracting these equations we get
the specific heat capacity is 4200Jkg 'K~' for water
V'l' — VI =c(02 — 0;)(m' —m) and 4000Jkg~' K~! for the liquid.


Method 4 Calculate the final temperature when 200g of

water at 50°C is mixed with 80g of water at
The liquid cools from 60°C to the final temperature
10°C. Heat losses to the calorimeter and
which can be called x C. The calorimeter and water
surroundings may be neglected.
Start at 12.5 °C and rise tox °C.

(i) The thermal energy given out by the hot liquid is

Specific latent heats
21 x 4000» (60 — x)
1000 at
The thermal energy required to melt unit mass of
(ii) The thermal energy absorbed by the cold substance at its melting point is called its specific
liquid + calorimeter is: latent heat of fusion. It is usually measured in
LOO,pe 4200
Cerrarx (xcs 70 re ee Jkg '. Similarly for’ evaporation at the boiling
T000 — 12.5) 4+ 7000 *< 400 x (x — 12.5)
point we have the specific latent heat of
vaporisation. The same latent heats are given out
Since (i) and (11) are equal:
when solidifications or condensations occur. For
21 x 4 x (60 —x) = 420 x & 2.5)+ all latent heats
ihe:a x (x—aoe

5040 — 84x = 420% — 5250 + 28% — 350

j=2m or Q=ml (17.6)
5040 + 5250 + 350
where / = specific latent heat, Q is heat concerned
420 + 28 + 84
(in joules) and ™ is the mass of substance. °
— 20) ‘ZS

Measurement of specific latent
heat of vaporisation

A suitable apparatus is illustrated in Fig. 17.3.

Exercise 17.1 Vapour jacket

1 Acoil of wire of heat capacity 12J K~' has a PD of

5.0 V applied between its ends, so that a current of Glass
0.20A_ flows. Calculate the temperature rise
produced in | minute. Assume the coil to be
thermally insulated.
Water out «——
2 Using a continuous-flow calorimeter — for
measuring the specific heat capacity of a liquid, __— Condenser
a PD of 5.0V was applied to the heating coil.
The rate of flow of liquid was then doubled
and, by adjusting the applied PD, the same inlet
+— Cold water in
and outlet temperatures were obtained.
Assuming heat losses to be negligible, calculate
the new value of the applied PD. (It is
necessary to assume that the resistance of the
heater wire remains constant.)

3 380g of a liquid at 12°C in a copper calorimeter

weighing 90g is heated at a rate of 20 watt for
exactly 3 minutes to produce a temperature of Fig. 17.3 Apparatus for measuring the specific latent
17°C. If the specific heat capacity of copper is heat of vaporisation
400Jkg-'K~', the thermal capacity of the The energy equation is
heater is negligible, and there is negligible heat
loss to the surroundings, obtain a value for the
specific heat capacity of the liquid.


where V, is the PD across the heater and /, the (c) We can use Equation 17.7 or 17.8. Referring to
current through it. m, is the mass of substance Experiment | and Equation 17.7 we have power
evaporated in time 1, / the specific latent heat and Py =Vity = 74 x 2.6 =19.2W
H the heat loss in time ¢ to the surroundings.
ge ie = 1.93 10 kese
Using a different heater voltage > we get a current t 300
I, and a mass m) is evaporated in time f. Thus
We require power P at which m/t = 1.5¢g per
minute or 2.50x10°kgs'. Rearranging
Equation 17.9 gives

Eliminating H from the above equations we get ran (Em

= 19.2+ (2.5 — 1.93) x 10° x 914 x 10°
Vi Ait ml = Vi ht ae ml (17.9)
We have assumed H to be the same for both rates Alternatively, we write V3l3t=m3l/+H. For
of heating. This should be true enough since the t = 300s (5 min), H = 471J, m3 =5x 1.5 x 107,
liquid is at its boiling point each time and H is 1 = 914 x 10° and we calculate V3/3.
already small due to the vapour jacket reducing Answer
heat loss.
(a) 914kJ kg~!, (b) 1.57 W, (c) 24.4 W.
Example 6
In an experiment to determine the specific latent heat Exercise 17.2
of vaporisation of an alcohol using a self-jacketing
vaporiser the following results were taken:
1 Assuming that heat losses can be neglected,
Experiment 1: calculate the power of a heater required to boil
V, =740V, I, =2.60A, mass m, = 5.80 x 10 °kg off water at a rate of 10.0g per minute. Assume /
collected in 300s. for water = 2.26 MJ kg'

Experiment 2: 2 An experiment was performed to determine the

V.=10.0V, I, =3.60A, mass m, = 11.3 x 10° °kg specific latent heat of vaporisation of a liquid at
collected in 300s. its boiling point. The following table summarises
the results:
Calculate (a) the specific latent heat of vaporisation of
the alcohol, (b) the average rate of heat loss to the Voltage (V) Current (A) Mass (g)
surroundings, (c) the power of the heater required to evaporated in 400s
produce a rate of evaporation of 1.50 g per minute.
10.0 2.00 14.6
Method 15.0 2.50 30.6
(a) We arrange Equation 17.9 with ¢ = 300: Calculate (a) the specific latent heat of
ee (Valo — Vili)t vaporisation of the liquid, (b) the energy loss to
(mz —m,) the surroundings in 400s, (c) the rate of
evaporation of the liquid when a 30.0W rate of
ORS Oe 2.6) x 300 heating is used.
' (11.3 — 5.8) x 10-7

= 914 x 10° Jkg™’

(b) To find H we rearrange Equation 17.7 and use the
above value for /. So
lal = Vi ht == mil

= (7.4 x 2.6 x 300) — (5.8 x 107° x 914 x 10°)

The average rate of heat loss is
A/t = 471/300 = 1.57W


Heat Transfer Thermal conductors in

The three common processes by which thermal
energy is transferred are conduction, convection
and radiation. In this section we shall deal with
conduction. Radiation is dealt with in Chapter 31.

Thermal conductivity AQ

Conductor 2
The thermal conductivity k of a material describes Conductor 1
how easy it is for thermal energy to pass through it
Fig 17.5 Conductors in series
from a hotter place (temperature @,) to a cooler
place (temperature 0) separated by a distance /.
In Fig. 17.5, with no loss from the sides,
It is defined by the equation for the rate of
AQ/At = k,A(6; — 63)/l, and here, we emphasise,
transfer of thermal energy AQ/At in which:
AQ/At is the same for conductor 2. Therefore
AQ/At = kyA (63 — 02 )lld.
AQ = kA(0, — 0)/L (17.10)
Most problems can be solved by using these two
where, as shown in Fig. 17.4,A is the area of cross
From the two equations for AQ/Ar, if we eliminate
section perpendicular to the direction of thermal
63, we can get AQ/At= (6; — 02)/R. R is the
energy transfer. AQ/At has units joule per
thermal resistance given by R = R, + Ry for the
second, 1.e. watt (W).
two conductors in series where R, =/,/k,A and
l Ry = |b/koA.
Pee Thermal conduction in buildings
A wall of a building may consist of (say) glass for
part of its area and brick elsewhere. In this case
6, — 8
AreaA ae = kA at the total rate of thermal energy transfer through
the wall is the sum of that through the glass and
Fig 17.4 Transfer of thermal energy by conduction
that through the brick.
Thermal conductivity A is analogous to electrical If the wall, or floor, or ceiling comprises two
conductivity (see Chapter 20), kA/I is layers then we have two conductors in series and
conductance, //kA is resistance, AQ/Af is the calculation is different. This is shown in
analogous to electrical current and 6; — 6) is Example 7.
analogous to electrical potential difference.
(0;—02)/1 may be called the temperature Example 7
gradient and is constant if A, k and AQ/At are
constant (negligible heat loss from the sides). One room in a house has a floor made entirely of
concrete which is 200mm thick. The lower surface
The unit for temperature gradient is Km’ and
of the concrete, in contact with the ground, has a
the unit fork is Wm 'K"'.
temperature of 10.0°C and the upper surface, in
contact with the living area, has a temperature of
15.0°C. The floor is square and of sides
10m x 10m. '
(a) Calculate the rate at which thermal energy is
conducted through the concrete. Assume the
thermal conductivity of concrete is
0.750Wm' Kt.


The house owner decides to cover the concrete (c) We can use 63 = 12.58 °C with either of the above
with carpet of thickness 15.0 mm. Calculate: expressions, for carpet or concrete, to find AQ/Ar.
For the carpet:
(b) the temperature at the carpet/concrete interface
AQ/At = 400(15.0 — 12.58)
(c) the rate at which thermal energy is conducted
through the two layers. = 968 W or 0.968kW
Assume that the carpet has thermal conductivity Note that even though the thickness of the carpet is
=0.060Wm'K'. Assume also that — the small compared with the concrete, there is a marked
temperature of the upper surface of the carpet is reduction (about 50%) in energy transfer as a result
15.0°C and that the temperature of the lower of covering the floor with carpet. This is a result of
surface of the concrete remains at 10.0 °C. the decrease in temperature gradient across the
concrete, since the temperature drop across the
concrete reduces from 5.0 K to only 2.6 K.
(a) Almost without exception a thermal conductivity
question requires the use of
(a) 1.88kW, (b) 12.6°C, (c) 0.968kW
AQ _ kA(@; — 02)
[Nie l
Using this formula, AQ/At is the energy per
second that must be calculated for part (a) of the
U-value of a sheet
question, k = 0.750Wm~'K~' for the concrete
floor, A is 10x 10=100m’, 7 is 200mm Heat-insulating materials can be bought as sheets
(= 0.200 m), 6, — 62 = 15.0 — 10.0 = 5.0K. of various thicknesses and the value of k// for a
So AG _ 0.75 x 100 x 5.0 sheet is called its U-value.
== LovoW = 1-875 kW
At 0.200
Since all data used in the calculation were given to
kA(6, — 9,)
3 significant figures the answer for AQ/At is So AQ/At=
1.88 kW l
= UA X temperature difference
(b) The rate of conduction of thermal energy AQ/At (17.11)
through the carpet and then through the concrete
floor is the same since the two conductors are in The SI unit for U is wattm - K~!.
series. Now 0, = 15.0 °C is the temperature of the
upper surface of the carpet and 0, = 10.0°C that
of the lower surface of the concrete. Let 03 be the
temperature of the carpet/concrete interface. Exercises 17.3
Area A = 10 x 10 = 100m’.
For the carpet, for which k, = 0.060 Wm ' K™!: Calculate the rate of energy transfer through a
layer of cork of 2.0mm thickness and 24cm” area
AQ/At = k, A(0, — 63)/,
when the temperature difference between its
= 0.060 x 100 x (15.0 — @3)/0.0150 surfaces is 60 K.
(k for cork = 0.050 Wm! K“'.)
= 400(15.0 — 03)
A sheet of insulating material is of thickness
For the concrete, for which k, = 0.750 Wm! K'!: 1.5mm and the temperature drop across the
sheet is 50K. If the rate at which thermal energy
AQ/At = ky A(O3 — 92)/l
is conducted through the sheet is 8.0kW ie
= 0.750 x 100 x (@3 — 10.0)/0.200 calculate the thermal conductivity of the material.
= 375(63 — 10.0) (Hint: assume a cross-sectional area of 1.0 m”.)

Equating the two expressions for AQ/At gives A 10cm long brass bar is joined end-on to a
copper bar of equal length and diameter, so as to
400(15.0 — 63) = 375(03 — 10.0) form a compound bar with a cross-section area of
6.0cm*. The join has negligible thermal resistance
Rearranging gives
and the bar is well lagged. The free end of the
G5 = 9750/7715 12.68" C brass bar is maintained at 100°C and the far end


of the compound bar is kept at 20°C. Calculate (i) Calculate the final temperature of the
the rate of energy transfer along the bar and also block.
the temperature of the junction. (ii) What is the purpose of having the block
completely lagged?
Assume k for copper = 400Wm'K™ and for
brass = 100Wm'K™. (d) The lagging around the block in (c) is removed
and the block is placed in thermal contact with
The base of the loft in a house consists of wooden an identical block which is at a temperature of
board which is 15 mm thick and of area 200m’. 120°C. Heat (thermal energy) is transferred
The thermal conductivity of the board is from the block at the higher temperature to
0.15Wm 'K~'. The temperature of the interior the one at the lower temperature.
of the house is maintained at 20°C, whilst that of (i) Name the principal method of heat
the loft is 0°C. Calculate: transfer 1h this situation.
(a) the rate of thermal energy transfer into the (ii) Describe the mechanism by which energy
loft through the board. is transferred in this method.
[CCEA 2001]
If the owner now decides to insulate the loft space
by covering the board with a layer of insulating 2 The following data refer to a dishwasher.
material of thickness 10cm = and_ thermal power of heating element 2.5kW
conductivity 30 mW m_ | K“', calculate: time to heat water 360s
mass of water used 3.0 kg
(b) the temperature of the board/insulating
initial temperature of water 20°C
material interface and
final temperature of water 60°C
(c) the new rate of thermal energy transfer into
(a) Taking the specific heat capacity of water to
the loft.
Assume that the board and insulating material are
be 4200J kg 'K~', calculate
(i) the energy provided by the heating element,
in good contact. Comment on your answers.
(ii) the energy required to heat the water.
(a) State two factors which affect the U value of a
(b) Give two reasons why your answers in part (a)
differ from each other. [AQA 2001]
(b) A suit made for use in cool climates has a U
value of 0.80Wm~?K!. It has a_ total A teacher is demonstrating the power used by
exposed area of 2.0m° and the skin different devices. She drills a hole in the wall for
temperature is 34°C. Calculate the air 30s with an electric drill connected to the 230V
temperature at which the heat loss from the mains supply. The average current is 0.90 A.
suit is 48 W. Assume that the suit is tight
When she puts the drill down, the tip of the steel
fitting and that losses other than conduction
drill bit melts a hole in a plastic tray.
can be ignored.
(Hint: use Equation 17.11) Assume that all the electrical energy supplied to
the drill is transferred to the bit where it
produces heating. Calculate the temperature of
Exercise 17.4: the bit at the end of the drilling.

Examination questions Mass of the drill bit = 13g

Specific heat capacity of steel = 510Jkg '°C!
Room temperature = 20°C
1 (a) Define the specific heat capacity of a material. Discuss whether this is likely to be the actual
temperature of the tip of the drill bit.
(b) It is required to determine the specific heat
capacity of copper, using an_ electrical [Edexcel S-H 2000]
method. Draw a labelled diagram of the (a) Define the specific heat capacity of a
circuit you would use. substance.
(c) A block of material, of mass 1.75 kg, is heated (b) The energy of foodstuffs may be determined
by a 120W heater for 5.00 minutes. The by measuring the thermal energy produced
block is completely lagged. The _ initial when the substance burns. In such a
temperature of the block is 18.0°C. The determination, a sample of food, of mass
specific heat capacity of the material of the 15g, is placed in an atmosphere of oxygen in
block is 435J kg"! °C!. a sealed, thermally-insulated stainless steel


vessel of mass 5.1 kg. The initial equilibrium 6 A piece of aluminium of mass 0.20kg and
temperature of the system of food sample specific heat capacity 1.2kJkg 'K~' is heated
and vessel is 14.0°C. The food is then ignited to a steady temperature ¢ and is then quickly
electrically, and the equilibrium temperature but carefully placed in 0.22kg of water
is found to rise to 43.5°C. No heat energy is contained in a copper calorimeter of water
lost to the surroundings. equivalent 0.020kg. The temperature of the
(i) Calculate the heat energy supplied to the water rises from 16°C to 21°C. Calculate the
stainless steel vessel by burning the food. temperature f, given that the specific heat
[Specific heat capacity of stainless steel capacity of water is 4.2 kJ kg! Kae
—AAx lO Ike C1] An energy conservation leaflet states that using a
(ii) On packets of food, the energy content of shower rather than a bath saves energy.
the foodstuff is often expressed in kJ per
A student takes some measurements to test this.
100 g portion.
Neglecting the energy supplied by the
electrical ignition system, the energy The student’s shower uses an electrical heater to
contained in the 15g sample of food is heat cold water.
equal to the heat energy supplied to the The heater is rated at 11 kW.
stainless steel vessel when the sample is Time for shower to deliver 1 litre (0.001 m*) of
burnt. Use your answer to (i) to water = 12s.
calculate the energy content of the Density of water = 1000kgm~° (1kg litre ').
foodstuff. Give your answer in kJ per (a) (i) Show that the mass of water delivered by
100g portion. the shower in one second is about 0.08 kg.
(iii) In (ii), you were told to neglect energy (ii) The shower lasts for 8 minutes. Calculate
contributed by the electrical ignition the total energy used by the heater to
system. heat the water.
In fact, the food is burnt by supplying a
current of 0.80A to a filament of The student’s bath uses a mixture of hot water
resistance 3.09 for 12.0 minutes. from a tank heated with an immersion heater and
Calculate the true value of the energy cold water from the main supply.
content of the foodstuff. The bath is run using 30 litres from the cold tap
and 42 litres from the hot tap:
(c) When the specific heat capacity of a gas is
Temperature of cold water = 15°C
measured, the value obtained is less when the
Temperature of water from hot tap = 55°C
gas is kept at a constant volume than when it
Specific heat capacity of water
is allowed to expand against atmospheric
pressure. Making reference to the First Law =40 10) ook.
of Thermodynamics, suggest an explanation. (b) (1) Show that this mixture of hot and cold
[CCEA 2000] water reaches a final temperature of
about 38°C for the bath. State one
> (a) Define assumption you are making.
(i) specific latent heat of vaporization; (ii) Calculate the energy supplied by the
(ii) specific heat capacity. immersion heater for this bath.

(b) The electric heating element of an instant hot In this project, the student assumes that the
water shower has a power of 5.0kW. The immersion heater heating her bath water is 100%
volume flow rate of water through the heater efficient. Explain whether or not this is a
is 3.6 x 10°? m’ min’. 1
reasonable assumption.
(i) Determine the mass flow rate in kgs”
Discuss the accuracy of the statement that ‘using a
given that the density of water is shower rather tian a bath saves energy’.
1.0 x 10°kgm™. [Edexcel S-H 2000]
(ii) Calculate the increase in temperature of
the water as it flows through the heater. A kettle rated at 2.00kW takes 200s to raise the
Assume that the specific heat capacity of temperature of 800g of water by 80.0°C. If the
water is 4.2 x 10°Jkg 'K_' and that the specific heat capacity of water is 4.20kI kg 'K',
heat lost to the surroundings is negligible. calculate the mean rate at which energy is lost to
[OCR 2001] the surroundings.


A block of ice at a temperature of 0°C and of The graph below shows how the temperature of
mass 0.75kg absorbs thermal energy from its the water in the first beaker increases with time.
surroundings at a steady rate of 60 W. Calculate Temperature of
the minimum time it will take to melt, given that water/°C
the specific latent heat of fusion of water is 20 bev
3.2 x 10° Jkgt.
10 In an experiment to determine the specific latent
heat of vaporisation of a liquid, an electrical
heater boils the liquid in a well insulated
container. The resistance of the heater is 3.002
and the potential difference across the heater is
8.00V. In a time of 500s, the mass of liquid Oy 10) 15) £20) 9°26 99 30s 235
decreases by 0.110 kg. Calculate:
(a) (i) Use the graph to find the initial rate of
(a) the energy transferred to the liquid
rise of water temperature. Give your
(b) the specific latent heat of vaporisation of the answer in Ks |.
(ii) The specific heat capacity of water is
11 In a heating experiment, energy is supplied at a 4200Jkg 'K~'. Use your value for the
constant rate to a liquid in a beaker of negligible rate of rise of temperature to estimate
heat capacity. The temperature of the liquid rises the initial rate at which this beaker of
at 4.0K per minute just before it begins to boil. water is taking in heat from the
After 40 minutes all the liquid has boiled away. surroundings.
For this liquid, what is the ratio The graph below shows the temperature of the
specific heat capacity a water in the second beaker from the moment it is
specific latent heat of vaporisation ~ placed on the table.

pi ae Ogeemre eck ge ha Temperature of

water/°C Ji) )) 114
: Tie p 40 8 . 160 “ y anes 20 Betstetesh slat

[OCR 2000]
<P: An electric kettle with a rating of 3.0kW contains
water that has been brought to the boil. The
automatic cutout fails to operate and_ the
electrical supply continues to be maintained. 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Assuming that all the energy supplied goes to Time/minutes
converting the water to steam and that the kettle
(b) (i) How do you explain the delay of twenty-
initially contains 1.20kg of water, how long will it
seven minutes before the ice-water
take before half of the water is boiled off?
mixture starts to warm up?
The specific latent heat of vaporisation of water is
(ii) The specific latent heat (enthalpy) of ice
2.3 x 10°S kg’.
is 3.36 x 10° Jkg'. Estimate the mass of
13 A thin beaker is filled with 400g of water at 0°C ice initially present in the ice-water
and placed on a table in a warm room. A second mixture. [Edexcel 2000]
identical beaker, filled with 400g of an ice-water 14 Ice is commonly used to cool drinks. If an ice cube,
mixture, is placed on the same table at the same at a temperature of 0°C and of mass 0.015 kg is
time. The contents of both beakers are stirred dropped into a beaker containing 0.15kg of water
continuously. with an initial temperature of 18°C, calculate the
final temperature of the resulting water. Assume
that no heat is exchanged with the surroundings.
Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2kJ kg! K!
Specific latent heat of ice = 3.4 x 10° Jkg"!
15 (a) Define the terms specific latent heat of melting
and specific heat capacity. State briefly how
each of these quantities can be measured for
a substance such as water.


(b) A well-insulated picnic hamper has placed in 19 A greenhouse, which may be assumed to be made
it twelve 330ml cans of lemonade, initially at entirely of glass, needs a 3.00kW heater to
20°C, together with 2.0kg of ice at 0°C. Use maintain it at a steady temperature. The glass is
the data below to calculate the final 3,00 mm thick and has a total area of 5.00m°, and
temperature of the lemonade. State your the thermal conductivity of glass is
assumptions. 1.20Wm'K!. Calculate the temperature
[Specific heat of water (or lemonade) difference across the glass.
=4200 Ike" K™.
Specific latent heat of ice = 3.3 x 10° Jkg !; Assume that all other forms of heat loss, other
density of water = 1000 kgm ~*; 1ml = 10° °m’] than conduction through the glass, are
(c) In fact the picnic hamper gains heat from its
surroundings by thermal conduction through
the insulating polystyrene. The energy gain is 20 The diagram shows the only two external walls of
proportional to the temperature difference one dwelling in a multi-storey building in a hot
AT between the outside and inside of the country. The average outside temperature is
hamper. The rate of energy gain for this 33°C. The building is air conditioned and the
hamper is found to equal 0.25AT Js! , where inside temperature is 22 °C.
AT is measured in °C.
(1) Show that, when all the ice has melted,
the temperature difference AT decays
exponentially with time.
(ii) Hence or otherwise estimate the time (in
hours) taken for the hamper’s internal
temperature to rise from 6°C to 18°C,
when it is kept in the boot of a car at a
constant temperature of 30°C.
[OCR spec 2001]
16 Ona very cold day, the air temperature is —5.0°C. In which direction does energy flow through the
A pond has a layer of ice of thickness 50mm and walls? Explain your answer.
the temperature of the water in the pond is
uniform at 0 °C. Calculate: (a) (i) State, in terms of energy flow, what an air
conditioner has to do to keep the inside
(a) the magnitude of the temperature gradient at 22. Cx
across the ice layer (ii) The walls have an average U-value of
(b) the rate of transfer of thermal energy per m° 0.60Wm °K~!. Calculate the average
through the ice layer. power flow through the walls.
(iii) The walls incorporate a layer of
Thermal conductivity of ice = 2.3Wm 'K ! insulation. Without this the U-value
Assume that a steady state has been achieved. would be 1.8Wm *K_'. How may times
17 A hot-water tank is lagged with a material which larger or smaller would the power flow
allows thermal energy to escape at a rate of be without this layer?
100W. The owner is dissatisfied with this and
(b) The walls and floors are made of concrete. They
replaces the lagging with another material of half
have a total mass of 11 tonnes, (1 tonne
the thermal conductivity of the original and twice
= 1000kg.) The specific heat capacity of the
the thickness. Calculate the rate of thermal
concrete is 920Jkg 'K~'. Calculate the
energy transfer through the new lagging.
average power flow from the concrete to
18 A domestic refrigerator can be thought of as a reduce its temperature from 33°C to an
rectangular box of dimensions 0.90m x 0.50m x average temperature of 25°C in the first hour
0.50m and is lined throughout with a layer of of switching on. [Edexcel 2000]
insulation which is 4.0mm thick and of thermal
conductivity 0.040Wm'K!. If the room
21 (a) Describe the principal process of thermal
temperature is 24°C and the temperature inside
at 4°C, calculate
conduction in
the refrigerator is maintained
(i) a non-metallic solid;
the rate at which heat flows into the refrigerator
(ji) a metal.
from the room.


(b) Fig. 17.6 shows a cross-sectional view of the thermal conductivity of steel = 50Wm_! K !
casing of a domestic freezer. This freezer is thermal conductivity of insulating material
operating under steady state conditions. = 0.040 Wm! K!
(i) If AO, = temperature drop across the
Insulating outer steel casing and Ad, = temperature
drop across the insulating material, show
that the ratio au even (eae
Outer ve eG.
steel case

xX Yi
(ii) The effective area of each of the surfaces
X and Y of the freezer casing is 2.5m’.
Fig. 17.6 Calculate the rate P at which thermal
energy’ will be conducted into the freezer
thickness of insulating material = 30 mm when the temperatures of X and Y are
thickness of outer steel case = 0.50 mm —15°C and 7°C respectively.
[OCR 2001]

The gas laws volume of air, at atmospheric pressure, which escapes
from the cylinder when it is opened to the atmosphere.
The laws obeyed by a perfect or ideal gas are as
follows (for a fixed mass of gas): (a) If temperature is constant then 7, = 7>, and
Equation 18.2 reduces to the equation for Boyle’s
pV = Constant, at constant T (Boyle’s law) law and becomes

e = Constant, at constant p (Charles’ law) PY = p22 (18.3)

P7 We have ;
Constant, at constant V (Pressure law) pi —2.0 «10°77 = 0.04075 = 1.0 10°
and require Vp.
wherep is the pressure, V the volume and T the
Rearranging Equation 18.3 gives
absolute temperature (K) of the gas.
py aS PO? AON
ao 1 x 105
The ideal gas equation = 0.80 m?
(b wa” Air escapes from the cylinder until it contains
The three laws above are incorporated in the ideal 0.04 m* of air at atmospheric pressure. It is then
gas equation: ‘empty’, so that a volume AV will escape where
AV = 0.80 — 0.04 = 0.76 m°?
ae = Constant (18.1) Note that AV is the volume of air, at atmospheric
pressure, which would have to be pumped into
the ‘empty’ cylinder to raise its pressure to
An alternative way of writing this is
2.0 MPa.

piv ee P2V2 (18.2)

T; T, (a) 0.80m°*, (b) 0.76m°.

where p;, V;, T; refer to the initial state and p2, V, Example 2
T, to the final state. Note that pressure and
volume may be expressed in any suitable units A flask containing air is corked when the atmospheric
pressure is 750mmHg and the temperature is 17°C.
(see Chapter 3) that we choose, but temperature
The temperature of the flask is now raised gradually.
must be in kelvin. The cork blows out when the pressure in the flask
exceeds atmospheric pressure by 150inmHg. Calculate
Example 1 the temperature of the flask when this happens.
A gas cylinder has a volume of 0.040 m? and contains air Method
at a pressure of 2.0 MPa. Assuming that temperature
remains constant calculate (a) the equivalent volume Note that we have to assume that corking the flask did
of air at atmospheric pressure (1.0 x 10° Pa), (b) the not change the original pressure of the air inside it,


that the atmospheric pressure remains unchanged and (b) The density of oxygen is 1.4kgm *. To find the
that the volume of the flask does not change mass of gas:
appreciably during the change of temperature. Mass = Volume x Density
If the volume is constant then V,; = V, and Equation = 94.8 x 10°? x 1.4 = 0.133kg
18.2 reduces to the equation for the Pressure law and
Note that since the density is quoted at STP we
must use the volume of gas at STP.

Pi _ Pa
T; | 18.4

(a) 95 x 10° *m’*, (b) 0.13kg.

We have
Pp, = 750mmHg Exercise 18.1
T= 213-7 = 290K
p2 = Atmospheric pressure + Excess pressure 1. Change the following Celsius temperatures into
= 750 + 150 = 900 mmHg degrees absolute:
(ay 7" Cas (b) 7 10ee (c) —80°C,
To find 7 we rearrange Equation 18.4. This gives (d) —199°C
7, 22 XTi _ 900 x 290 2 A fixed mass of gas is held at 27°C. To what
‘ Pi 750 temperature must it be heated so that its volume
= 348K= 75°C doubles if its pressure remains constant?
See 3
Note again that the units can be mmHg for pressure 3 <A car tyre has a volume of 18x 10~°m and
provided that both p, and p2 are in the same units. contains air at an excess pressure of
2.5x10?Nm~ above atmospheric — pressure
Answer (1.0 10°Nm-7’). Calculate the volume which
The cork blows out at 75° C. the air inside would occupy at atmospheric
pressure, assuming that its temperature remains
Example 3 4 Inside a sealed container is a fixed mass of gas at a
A gas cylinder of volume 4.0 litre (4.0 x 10-* m*) pressure of 1.5 x 10° Pa when the temperature is
contains oxygen at a temperature of 15°C and a 17°C. At what temperature will the pressure
pressure of 2.5MNm ~°. Calculate (a) the equivalent inside it be 2.5 x 10° Pa?
volume of oxygen at standard temperature and 5 A fixed mass of gas has a volume of 200cm?* at a
pressure (STP), (b) the mass of oxygen in the cylinder. temperature of 57°C and a pressure of 780mm
The density of oxygen is 1.4kgm ° at STP. mercury. Find its volume at STP (0°C and
Method 760mm mercury).

Standard temperature and pressure (STP) are 0 °C and 6 A _ gas cylinder has a volume of 20 litres
1.0 x 10° Nm ~ respectively. (20 x 10°* m®). It contains air at a temperature of
17°C and an excess pressure of 3.0 x 10°Nm~
(a) We use Equation 18.2 in which we have above atmospheric pressure (1.0 x 10° Nm °).
py =2.5 x 10°, VY; = 4.0 « 107° Calculate the mass of air in the cylinder, given
that the density of air at STP is 1.3kgm °.
T, = 273 + 15 = 288
Da — Ue 10°, V> = unknown,
T, = 273+0 =273
The equation of state
Rearranging Equation 18.2 gives
For a given amount of an ideal gas, the equation of
state is as follows: ,

25 *10° x4%10 x 273 pV =nRT (18.5)

288 x 1 x 105
where p is the pressure (Nm~ or Pa), V the
= 948x107? m volume (m*), 2 the number of moles of the gas


(mol), R the universal molar gas constant (value (d) We use Equation 18.8, in which M,, = 32 x 10 a
8.31Jmol'K~') and T the temperature (K). Na = 6.02 x 10°° and we require m. Thus
Note that one mole of a gas is the amount which 3

contains Avogadro’s number Na (= 6.02 x 10”) m= Mm _ 32x10

Na 6.02 x 102
of molecules.
= 5.32 x 10 “keg
Equation 18.5 can be rewritten to include the mass
M, (kg) of the gas involved. If M,, (kg) is the
molar mass (i.e. the mass of one mole), then the (a) 1.20, (by 7.22. % 107
number of moles 7 is given by (c) 38.4 x 10-*kg, (d) 532x107 ke.

_ Mass of gas _ M, (18.6) Example 5

~ Molar mass _ Man A cylinder contains 2.0 kg of nitrogen at a pressure of
3.0 x 10° Nm * and at a temperature of 17°C. What
Using Equation 18.6 to substitute for n in mass of nitrogen would a cylinder of the same volume
Equation 18.5 gives contain at STP (0°C and 1.0 x 10° Nm *)?
pV =M, ()
aves T (18.7) We use Equation 18.7, and note that V and M,, are
constants for a given volume of a particular gas. At
Pye .0 10 and eC 290K M2 0 aS0
Note that M,, depends on the particular gas. Also,
Equation 18.7 gives
if m is the mass of a molecule of the gas, then
3.0.x10° x V=2x (GF) x 290 (i)
m. = ( Avogadro’s x ( Mass of )
. number N, molecule m At STP we havep> = 1.0 x 10°, T) = 273K and require
(18.8) the mass M, in the cylinder. So

1.0 x 10° x v=m,(8 )x 273 (ii)

Example 4

Dividing (1) by (ii) to eliminate the constants gives

A cylinder of volume 2.00 x 10°? m? contains a gas at a
pressure of 1.50 MNm ~ and at a temperature of 300K. Bc Le e290
Calculate (a) the number of moles of the gas, (b) the 10x10° M, x 273
number of molecules of the gas, (c) the mass of gas if M,, = 7.08 x 10°* kg
its molar mass is 32.0 x 10°° kg, (d) the mass of one
molecule of the gas. Answer

Assume that the universal gas constant R_ is 7.1 x 10-* kg at STP.

8.31Jmol 'K~! and the Avogadro constant Na is
6.02 x 10” mol’. Example 6
Negligible volume
(a) We use Equation 18.5 in which p = 1.5 x 10°,
es R= 8 Bi and) rr =300.
Rearranging to find n gives us

Beeps e102 LO ny
Ome Rie. 8.31 x 300
(b) One mole contains 6.02 x 107° molecules, so that
1.20 mol contains 1.20 x 6.02 x 107? = 7.22 x 10”
molecules. Volume V Volume V

(ole We have M,, = 32 x 10-7, n = 1.2 and require the Fig. 18.1 Information for Example 6
mass of gas M,. Rearranging Equation 18.6 gives us
Two vessels A and B, of equal volume, are connected
M, =nMy = 1.2 x 32 x 10° by a tube of negligible volume, as shown in Fig. 18.1.
= 38.4 x 10 kg The vessels contain a total mass of 2.50 x 10 *kg of


air and initially both vessels are at 27°C when the

pressure is 1.01 x 10° Nm ~. Vessel A is now cooled Exercise 18.2
to 0°C and vessel B heated to 100°C. Calculate (a)
the mass of gas now in each vessel, (b) the pressure in
(Assume that the universal molar gas constant RF is
the vessels. 8.31Jmol 'K !' and Avogadro’s number Na, _ is
Method 6.02 x 10°.)
(a) Let the volume of each vessel be V (we assume 1. Calculate the volume occupied by one mole of gas
this does not change). Note that since the vessels at standard temperature (0°C) and standard
are connected, the pressure is equal in the two pressure (1.01 x 10° Nm“).
vessels; let the final pressure be p. We apply
2 The molar mass of carbon dioxide is
Equation 18.7 to each vessel separately:
44.0 x 10° kg. Calculate (a) the number of moles
Vessel A contains mass M,, of gas at temperature and (b) the number of molecules in 1.00kg of the
2) ak, 80 gas.
3 The molar mass of nitrogen is 28.0 x 10° >kg. A
pV =Mea (£.) x 273 (i) sample of the gas contains 6.02 x 10°° molecules.
Calculate (a) the number of moles of the gas,
Vessel B contains mass Myp of gas at 373 K, so
(b) the mass of the gas and (c) the volume
occupied by the gas at a _ pressure of
pV =Mg () x 373 (ii) 0.110 MN m * and a temperature of 290K.

Comparing (i) and (i1) we see that 4 An oxygen cylinder contains 0.50kg of gas at a
pressure of 0.50MNm ~~ and a temperature of
M,a X 273 = M,g x 373 (iil)
7°C. What mass of oxygen must be pumped into
Now the total mass of gas is 2.5 x 10 *kg, so the cylinder to raise its pressure to 3.0 MNm ~ ata
temperature of 27°C. If the molar mass of oxygen
Mya + M,p = 2.5 x 10°? (iv)
is 32 x 10 *kg calculate the volume of the cylinder.
Substituting M,4 = (373/273)M,p, from (iil) into 5 Two vessels, one having three times the volume of
(iv) we find the other, are connected by a narrow tube of
M,a = 1.44 x 10° kg and M,g = 1.06 x 10° kg. negligible volume. Initially the whole system is
filled with a gas at a pressure of 1.05 x 10° Pa and
(b) We apply Equation 18.7 to the original whole a temperature of 290K. The smaller vessel is now
system at temperature 273 + 27 = 300K, pressure cooled to 250K and the larger heated to 400K.
1.01 x 10° Nm’, volume 2V (since A and B each Find the final pressure in the system.
have volume V) and mass M, = 2.5 x 10 : kg.

Kinetic theory
1.01 x 10° x 2V =2.5 x 10-3(is )x 300

The pressure exerted by a gas arises as a result of

To find the final pressure p, we make use of (i), in
gas molecules bombarding the walls of the
which My, = 1.44 x 10°, so
container. There are very many molecules in a
: Si oie : typical sample of gas, and the molecules have a
PV x 10>
= 1.44
x (
iz) x 273
27 (1)
whole range of speeds. Fig. 18.2 shows the number
Dividing (1) by (v) gives of molecules having speed c at a given temperature.

p _ 1.44 x 10> x 273 The laws of Newtonian mechanics are used to show
LOTR 10 se 2S 1 that the pressure exerted by the gas is given by
or p = 1.06 x 10° Nm”.
pest 2
p=3p<c > (18.9)
Using (ii) should give the same answer for p. Try +
this as a check.
where p is the density of the gas and <c*> the
Answer mean square speed of the molecules of the gas
(a) 1.44 x 10> kg(A), 1.06 x 10 kg (B), (i.e. the average of all the values of speed
(b) 1.06 x 10°Nm~. squared). Now


==> Table 18.1
Number of particlesn 1 3 | i |

Speed c 2)() ees) 0 ee es) (eo!)

C A OS Se PS 5

We first square the speeds (see Table 18.1). The mean

square speed <c*> is the average of the squares of the
G “<e> Vv <c2> Speed Cc
speeds, as follows:
Key most probable speed <c?> =1{(1 x 4) +(3 x 9) + (1 x 16) + (1 x 25)
<c>: average or mean speed + (1 x 36)}
V<c2>: root mean square speed
=1(4+27+ 16 +25 + 36}
Fig. 18.2 Distribution of molecular speeds in a gas = 15.4m’*s”
Note: This is done by adding up the ‘speed squared’
_ Mass of gas M,
values for each particle and dividing by the number of
>) Volime™ ~ V particles.
Substituting p in Equation 18.9 gives To find the RMS speed we take the square root of
<c“>, hence
pV = 1M,<c’> =1Nm<c*> (18.10) RMS ‘speed con. = V<c2> = 15.4
= 30S
Since M,=Nm where N is the number of Note that the most probable speed ¢ is 3.0ms' since
molecules and m is the mass of a molecule. most (3) particles have this speed. The average speed
By comparing Equations 18.5 and 18.10, for one <c> is found from the average of the speeds, as follows:
mole of a gas, we can show that the mean <e> =1{(1x2)+(3x3)+(1x
4) +(1x5)+(1 x6)}
translational kinetic energy per molecule of a gas =3.7ms *
is given by

mean KE = i2 (18.11)

Example 8
where m is the mass of a molecule and R aS Calculate the RMS speed of air molecules in a
A container in which the pressure is 1.0 x 10° Pa and the
the Boltzmann constant. =2
density of air is 1.3kgm ~.
The square root of <c*> is called the root mean Method
square (RMS) speed (c,m,s,) and has theoretical
significance. Note from Equation 18.11 that, for We have p = 10° and p = 1.3. Rearranging Equation
18.9 to find V<c?> gives
a particular gas,
/3x 105
Crms. = V<C?> = > _ {3
Ca eV cts x VT (18.12) p
= 480ms |
Example 7 0.48kms7?.
At a certain time, the speeds of seven particles are as
follows: Example 9
Speed/m s_! 2.0), 9310 994.02 25:0)86.0 Calculate the temperature at which the RMS speed of
Number of particles [erent io che tl oxygen molecules is twice as great as their RMS speed
Calculate the root mean square speed of the particles. at GC

fi 7,

Method where p is the gas density and <c~> is the mean

squared speed of the molecules.
We use Equation 18.12. Thus, since 27 °C is 300 K,
Express p in terms of the number of molecules V,
Crms atT _ VT each of mass 7, in a volume I’.
Cena Bb a S00
It is assumed in kinetic theory that the mean
yee r kinetic energy of a molecule is proportional to
300 kelvin temperature 7. Use this assumption, and
Squaring both sides gives the equation above, to show that under certain
conditions p is proportional to 7.
P39 3 S00 = 1200 = 927-
State the conditions under which p is proportional
Answer TORE

O27 °C A bottle of gas has a pressure of 303kPa above
atmospheric pressure at a temperature of 0°C.
The bottle is left outside on a very sunny day and
Exercise 18.3 the temperature rises to 35°C. Given that
atmospheric pressure is 101 kPa, calculate the
new pressure of the gas inside the bottle.
1. Eight molecules have the following speeds: [Edexcel 2001]
300, 400, 400, 500, 600, 600, 700, 900ms—!.
Calculate their RMS speed. A flask of volume 9.0 x 10+ m°* contains air. A
vacuum pump reduces the pressure in the. flask to
2 The following table shows the distribution of
speed of 20 particles: 150 Pa at a temperature of 300K.

Speed/ms | 10 20 30 40 50 60 Avogadro constant = 6.0 x 10° mol”!

molar gas constant = 8.3J mol! K'
Number of particles 1 3 8 5 2 1
molar mass of air = 0.029kg mol |
Find (a) the most probable speed, (b) the average
speed, (c) the RMS speed. For the air remaining in the flask, calculate

3 The RMS speed of helium at STP is 1.30kms ae (a) its density;

| standard atmosphere is 1.01 x 10°Nm~” (b) the number of molecules present.
calculate the density of helium at STP. [OCR 2001]
4 The RMS speed of nitrogen molecules at 127 C is
600ms '. Calculate the RMS speed at 1127°C. Fig. 18.3 shows a balloon being prepared at
ground-level for a long-distance flight. The
5 If the density of nitrogen at STP (1.01 x 10° Pa envelope of the balloon is being filled with helium.
and 0 °C) is 1.25kgm ~, calculate the RMS speed
of nitrogen at 227°C.

Exercise 18.4:
Examination questions
(Assume Avogadro’s number Na = 6.02 x 107°, and
universal molar gas constant R= 8.31Jmol'K'
unless otherwise stated.)

1 A rigid gas-tight container holds 150cm* of air at a

temperature of 100°C and a pressure of
1.00 x 10° Pa. The temperature of the air is raised
to 150°C. Calculate the new pressure.
2 According to kinetic theory, the pressure p of an
ideal gas is given by the equation

p =4p<c*> Fig. 18.3


(a) The envelope is made of a thin plastic (b) The driver reduces the tyre pressure to the
material with a silvered outer surface. State recommended value by letting some air
and explain why the temperature variations of escape through the valve. The temperature of
the gas in the balloon will be less during a 24- the air in the tyre remains at 41°C. What
hour period than if the surface of the percentage of the mass of air originally in the
material were of a darker colour. tyre is released?
(b) The envelope, when fully inflated, has an (Hint:) the mass of ai in the tyres 1s
internal volume of 10000m°. For take-off, it proportional to the number of moles of air in
is partially inflated with 5000 m°* of helium at the tyre.) [CCEA 2000, part]
a pressure of 105kPa and a temperature of
293K. Both pressure and temperature change 7 A balloon has volume 5.50 x 10°? m’. It is filled
as the balloon rises into the cool upper with helium to a pressure of 1.10 x 10° Pa at a
atmosphere. The result of these changes is an temperature of 20°C. Calculate:
increase in volume of the helium. (a) the number of moles of helium inside the
(i) The envelope first becomes fully inflated balloon
when the temperature of the helium is
243K. What is the pressure of the (b) the number of helium atoms inside the
helium at this time? balloon
(ii) Suggest why it is necessary to release (c) the net force acting on one square centimetre
helium from the envelope as the balloon of the material of the balloon if atmospheric
continues to rise. pressure is 1.01 x 10° Pa.
(iii) The balloon reaches a height where the
fully-inflated envelope contains helium (a) State two quantities which increase when the
at a temperature of 217K and a pressure temperature of a given mass of gas is
of 7.5kPa. Calculate the percentage of increased at constant volume.
the number of moles of helium supplied
(b) A car tyre of volume 1.0 x 10° m? contains
at ground level now remaining in the
envelope. [OCR 2000]
air at a pressure of 300kPa and a
temperature of 290K. The mass of one mole
5 In the diagram the volume of bulb X is twice that of air is 2.9 x 10-7 kg.
of bulb Y. The system is filled with an ideal gas Assuming that the air behaves as an ideal gas,
and a steady state is established with the bulbs calculate
held at 200K and 400K. (i) n, the amount, in mol, of air,
(ii) the mass of the air,
(iii) the density of the air.
(c) Air contains oxygen and nitrogen molecules.
200 K 400 K State, with a reason, whether the following
are the same for oxygen and _ nitrogen
molecules in air at a given temperature.
(1) The average kinetic energy per molecule
There are x moles of gas in X. (ii) The r.m.s. speed [AQA 2001]
How many moles of gas are in Y?
9 (a) Give non-mathematical explanations, in terms
A BS Cc x D 2x of molecules, for the following:
[OCR 2000] (1) A gas exerts a pressure on the walls of its
The pressure in a car tyre is adjusted to the (ii) The gas pressure increases as_ the
manufacturer’s recommended value before setting temperature increases.
out on a journey. The temperature of the air in (b) A cylinder of volume 30 x 10°? m?* contains
the tyre is then 15°C. After driving some 0.20kg of oxygen gas at a temperature of
distance, it is found that the temperature of the 300 K. Calculate
air in the tyre is 41°C. Assume that the air in the (i) the number of molecules of gas in the
tyre behaves as an ideal gas, and that the volume container.
of the air within the tyre remains constant. [The mass of a mole of oxygen molecules
(a) By what percentage of the recommended is 0.032 kg.]
value has the pressure in the tyre increased? (ii) the pressure exerted by the gas.


(iil) the root-mean square speed of the (b) A volume of 71 200 cm® of a certain ideal gas
molecules. [WJEC 2000] contains 1.03 x 10° atoms. The gas has
density 0.800kgm°.
10 A small dust particle suspended in a gas is struck (i) Calculate the mass of one atom of the gas.
successively by five gas molecules whose speeds
(ii) The pressure exerted by this gas is
are 300ms |, 500ms ', 400ms', 600ms~' and
measured, and is found to be 80.0 kPa.
1. Calculate the root-mean-square speed
Calculate the root mean square speed of these five of the atoms of the gas.
molecules. 2. Calculate the temperature of the gas.
[CCEA 2000]
Kinetic theory leads to the equation
13 Two moles of argon have a mass of 0.036kg and
De 1Nm<c’>
occupy a rigid container of volume 4.0 x 10° m*
The ideal gas equation is written at a pressure of 1.0 x 10° Pa. Calculate:
jolly ok: (a) the root mean square speed of an argon atom
The second equation may be derived from the first (b) the temperature of the argon gas
equation with the aid of an additional assumption
(c) the total internal energy of the gas atoms.
which involves ideal gas temperature 7. State this
assumption in algebraic form. The safety valve in the container will open if the
pressure of the gas inside it exceeds 1.5 x 10° Pa.
Show how, with this assumption, the ideal gas
If the gas is now heated calculate:
equation may be derived from the kinetic theory
equation. [Edexcel 2000] (d) the temperature at which the safety valve will
11 (a) State an algebraic relation between the molar
mass M of an ideal gas and the mass m of 14 (a) Describe how the concept of the absolute zero
one of its molecules. Identify any other of temperature is explained in terms of
symbol used. (i) the ideal gas laws,
(11) the kinetic theory of gases.
(b) The Earth’s atmosphere at ground level
consists principally of oxygen (molar mass A flask of volume 2.0 x 10 *m*, containing
0.032 kg) and nitrogen (molar mass 0.028 kg), an ideal gas at room temperature (290 K) and
both gases being at the same temperature. atmospheric pressure (100 kPa), is sealed with
Calculate the ratio of the r.m.s. speeds of the a rubber stopper.
molecules of these gases.
The Avogadro constant is 6.0 x 10” mol'.
(c) (i) At ground level the mean density of The molar gas constant is 8.3J mol! K~'.
atmospheric gases at a temperature of
288 K and pressure 101 kPa is 1.22kgm °. Calculate the number of gas molecules in the
Calculate the mean density of the flask.
atmosphere at a height of 10.0km, where On heating the flask in (b) the rubber stopper
the temperature is 223 K and the pressure is forced out when the temperature exceeds
is 26.4kPa. Assume the composition of 400 K.
the atmosphere is the same at both levels. (i) The area of the lower surface of the
(11) Comment on the assumption in (i) in the stopper is 4.0 x 10 *m*. Calculate the
light of the existence of the greenhouse force exerted on this area at 400 K.
effect. [OCR 2001] (ii) Calculate, for ideal gas molecules, the
12 (a) Write down an equation relating the pressure ratio
p and volume V of an ideal gas and the r.m.s. speed at 400K
mean-square speed <c* > of the molecules r.m.s. speed at 290K
[OCR 2000]
of the gas. Define any other terms which
appear in the equation.

The first law of (a) Before expansion

thermodynamics Volume V,

Pressure p,

In mathematical terms the first law is written as

AQ = AU + AW (19.1)
Volume V,
where AQ is the thermal energy supplied to the
Pressure p,
system, AU the increase in internal energy of the
system and AW the work done by the system on
the surroundings. Fig. 19.1 A gas expanding in a cylinder

Thus if 5J (AQ) of energy was given to a sample

This mathematical operation needs to be carried
of gas by heating it, and if the gas then expanded
out if the pressure p of the gas changes as it
and did 3J (AW) of work (e.g. by pushing a
expands. If the pressure remains constant, so that
piston), Equation 19.1 tells us that 2J (AU) of
P: =P2 =p, then Equation 19.2 becomes
energy would remain inside the gas. For an ideal
gas this would correspond to a rise in kinetic
energy, only, of the molecules — so there would AW = p(V2 —V,) (19.3)
be an increase in RMS speed and temperature
(see Equation 18.11). Note that no change in where AW is in joules when p is in pascals and
potential energy is possible since the interatomic (V7 — V;) is in ie
forces are zero.
Example 1
Figure 19.2 shows a sample of gas enclosed in a cylinder

Work done by an by a frictionless piston of area 100cm?. The cylinder is

now heated, so that 250J of energy is transferred to
expanding gas the gas, which then expands against atmospheric
pressure (1.00 x 10°Nm~~’) and pushes the piston
15.0cm along the cylinder as shown. Calculate (a) the
Fig. 19.1 shows a gas enclosed in a cylinder by a external work done by the gas, (b) the increase in
frictionless piston. If the gas expands and moves internal energy of the gas.
the piston outwards, the gas does work against Method
the external force. The external work AW is
(a) Referring to Fig. 19.2, we see that the force F
given by exerted by the atmosphere on the piston is given by
x1x 10°
aw = |pav (19.2)


(a) Original Example 2

AQ = 250 J When 1.50 kg of water is converted to steam (at 100°C)
Piston at standard atmospheric pressure (1.01 x 10°Nm °),
3.39 MJ of heat are required. During the transformation
Atmospheric pressure from liquid to vapour state, the increase in volume of
H = 1.00 x 10°N m2
the water is 2.50m°. Calculate the work done against
the external pressure during the process of vaporisation.
Explain what happens to the rest of the energy.

(b) Afterexpansion AreaA = 100 cm? = 1.00 < 10-2 m2
When the liquid is converted into steam, the molecules
have to push back the atmosphere during the
accompanying increase in volume. We use Equation
19.3 withp = 1.01 x 10° and (Vz — V;) = 2.50. So,
AW = p(V2 —V;) = 1.01 x 10° x 2.50
= 1.253 x 10°J
‘450m =0.15m The external work done AW = 0.253 MJ.

Volume increase (V, — V,) = 0.15 x A The rest of the energy goes to an increase in internal
energy AU of the water molecules and is given by
Fig. 19.2 Information for Example 1
Equation 19.1:
Thus the work done AW during expansion is AU = RO BW = 339 > 0253

AW = Force F x Distance moved by piston = ela My

= lree0.15 This is needed to do work in separating the water

molecules during the liquid—vapour transition. It thus
=u becomes potential energy. No kinetic energy change
We could use Equation 19.3 to calculate AW to get occurs because there is no increase in temperature.
the same answer, as follows. The pressure p of the Answer
gas is equal to atmospheric pressure during the
External work done is 0.253 MJ.
expansion. Thus, since (V — V;) is 0.15 x A,

AW =p(V2 —V;)

S10 40 15 1 10 Exercise 19.1

= 150J
(b) We have AQ = 250 and AW = 150. Rearranging 1. A fixed mass of gas is cooled, so that its volume
Equation 19.1 gives decreases from 4.0 litres to 2.5 litres at a constant
pressure of 1.0 x 10° Pa. Calculate the external
AG =AO=— AW =250 — 150 work done by the gas. Note: 1 litre = 10-7 m*.
LO0J 2 Referring to Fig. 19.2a, suppose that the sample of
gas is cooled down so that 120J of heat is
Thus as heat is supplied to the gas the speed of the
extracted from it. If as a result the piston moves
molecules increases. This would increase the
inwards 5.0cm along the cylinder, calculate (a)
pressure in the container, if it were not for the fact
the external work done by the gas, (b) the
that the piston is pushed out. This decreases the
increase in internal energy of the gas.
density of the gas, and thus (see Equation 18.9) the
pressure of the gas can remain at atmospheric 3 The specific latent heat of vaporisation of steam is
pressure. The net effect is one of heat input being 2.26MJkg'. When 50cm? of water is boiled at
used to do work in pushing back the atmosphere, standard atmospheric pressure of 1.01 x 10° Pa,
and to increase the internal energy (and so increase 83 x 10° cm? of steam are formed. Calculate (a) the
molecular speeds and temperature) ofthe gas. mass of water boiled, (b) the heat input needed,
(c) the external work done during vaporisation,
(d) the increase in internal energy. (Density of
(a) 150J, (b) LOOJ. water = 1000kgm~*; 1cm* = 10-° m*.)


Isothermal and adiabatic Method

changes We
V5 —
have: pj = 700
and y— 14. Let Vy, =V, so

Rearranging Equation 19.4 gives

An isothermal change is one which takes place in
such a way that the temperature remains constant. a V\"*) 760) 2 760
Thus for an isothermal change, Equation 18.2 ae ae (2) ee Ga ~ 214 ~ 2.64
reduces to Equation 18.3:

Bis = pw, (18.3)

Final pressure is 288 mm mercury.

where p; and V, are the initial pressure and

volume and p> and V7 are pressure and volume Example 4
after the isothermal change.
The piston of a bicycle pump is slowly moved in until
An adiabatic change is one which takes place in the volume of air enclosed is one-fifth of the total
such a way that no heat can enter or leave the volume of the pump and is at room temperature
system during the process. This means that, from (290K). The outlet is then sealed and the piston
Equation 19.1, since AQ = 0, any external work suddenly drawn out to full extension. No air passes the
piston. Find the temperature of the air in the pump
done by the gas must lead to a corresponding
immediately after withdrawing the piston, assuming
decrease in internal energy (and hence a
that air is a perfect gas with y = 1.4. [WJEC, part]
temperature drop). Similarly an _ adiabatic
compression leads to an increase in internal Method
energy and hence a temperature rise. For an The pushing-in of the piston results in some air
adiabatic change it can be shown that (for a fixed remaining trapped in the body of the pump. Its initial
mass of gas) temperature is 7, = 290; let its initial volume V, = V.
The act of suddenly drawing out the piston indicates an
adiabatic expansion and, since no air passes the piston,
pila = p22” (19.4) a fixed mass of gas. The final volume V2 = 5V and we
require the final temperature 7>. Rearranging
where p; and V, refer to initial pressure and Equation 19.5 with y — 1 = 0.4:
volume, p2 and > to pressure and volume after V; (y-1) , V 0.4

the adiabatic change and y is a constant which ie n(Z)

7 = = Z 90(<,)
oe = 152K

depends upon the number of atoms per molecule

of the gas. Any suitable units may be used for Note that we could have used Equation 19.4 to find pz
pressure and volume. in terms of p; and then used Equation 18.2 to find 7}.
It is worth checking the answer using this method,
Note that for any change, Equations 18.2 and 18.5
which is equivalent to proving Equation 19.5.
can be used.
The final temperature is less than the initial value
By combining Equations 19.4 and 18.2 we can because the external work done by the gas, on
eliminate pressure to get, for an adiabatic change, expansion, results in a corresponding decrease in
internal energy, hence temperature.

TV) = EV (19.5) Answer

Final temperature is 152 K.

where 7, and 7> refer to initial and final
temperature respectively.
Example 5
A fixed mass of gas, initially at 7°C and a pressure of
Example 3 1.00 x 10° Nima is compressed isothermally to one-
A gas at an initial pressure of 760mm mercury is third of its original volume. It is then expanded
expanded adiabatically until its volume is doubled. adiabatically to its original volume. Calculate the final
Calculate the final pressure of the gas if is 1.40. temperature and pressure, assuming y = 1.40.


Heat engines
We must treat the two processes separately and in order.
For the isothermal change we have p; = 1 x 10°; let
V, =V and V, = V/3. We rearrange Equation 18.3 to
find p>:
_ Piles Tei XV Q,
. V3 V/3
=3410 Nm
For the adiabatic change our initial temperature is still
initial state: p> = 3.00 x 10°, V2 = V/3,
i9 = 213+ 7=250K
final state: p3=?, Kh =v; eh
Note that we have the initial state with suffix 2 and the Fig. 19.3 Operation of a heat engine
final state with suffix 3, so Equation 19.4 becomes
P2V>' = p3V3'. Rearranging to find p3: As shown in Fig. 19.3, a heat engine takes heat Q,
V2\’ 5(V/3\""_ 3x 10° from a source at a (high) temperature 7}, does
p= r(72) = ee ING (V7 ) Said useful work W and gives out heat Q) to its
surroundings, the sink, at a (low) temperature
= 0.644 x 10°Nm~
Tc. Note that: :
To find 73 we can use Equation 18.2 (or, alternatively,
Equation 19.5):
Q,=W+Q - 19.6)
_ p3V3T> _ 0.644 x 10° x V x 280
, ple. ) BxIAxV The efficiency E of the engine is defined by (see
= 180K also Equation 6.2):
Useful work done by engine (W)
Final temperature is 180K, _ final pressure is
E(%) = x 100
heat supplied by source (Q,)
0.644 x 10° Nm”.

Exercise 19.2 The maximum possible efficiency Ey, 1s that of

an ideal, or Carnot, engine. Theoretically this is
given by:
(Assume y = 1.40 for air.)
1 2.00 litre of -air initially at a pressure of
Fog = Vato)
Ta 5 100 (19.8)
1.01 x10°Nm~ and a temperature of 17°C is
compressed to volume of 0.30 litre (a) under
isothermal conditions, (b) under adiabatic
conditions. Calculate in each case the final Example 6
pressure and temperature.
(a) A heat engine operates between a source at 227°C
2 3.00 x 10 *m> of air at 7°C and a pressure of and a sink at 27°C. Calculate the (theoretical)
5.00 x 10° Nm~ is allowed to expand until the maximum efficiency of this engine.
pressure falls to 1.00 x 10°Nm~*. Calculate the
(b) In practice the engine accepts heat at a rate of
final volume and temperature in each case if the
9.0kW and does useful work at a rate of 2.5kW.
expansion takes place under (a) isothermal, (b)
adiabatic conditions.
(i) the actual efficiency of the engine;
3 A fixed mass of air at an initial pressure of 760 mm (ii) the rate at which ‘waste’ heat passes to the sink.
mercury and 0 °C is expanded adiabatically to 1.50
times its volume and _ then compressed
isothermally to 0.50 times its original volume. (a) We have Ty = 273 + 227 = 500K and Tc = 273+
Calculate its final temperature and pressure. 27 = 300K. From Equation 19.8 we have:


Gs = Thre 5 For a refrigerator:

es a tate) x 100 = 500 — 300 S
( Ty ( 500 )oe
= 40% CP = heat taken from cool box
work done W
(Note that if the source temperature Ty is (19.7)
increased relative to the sink temperature Tc then
the theoretical maximum efficiency will increase ie
but it can never reach 100%.) Wa (075 9))
(b) We have, in one second:
For a heat pump used to heat the inside of a
heat supplied by source Q; = 9.0kJ and building:
useful work done by engine W = 2.5 kJ
(i) From Equation 19.7: _ heat supplied to inside of building
cf work done W
Efficiency = 33 x 100 = 27.8%
(li) We require Q>. From Equation 19.6:
= Qi = Q
Q,=0, —-W =9.0-2.5 = 6.5kJ W. (0;-Q;)
(Note that use can be made of the ‘waste’ heat, for
example to give a supply of warm water.)
Example 7
Answer A heat pump in a refrigerator has a coefficient of
(a) 40%, performance of 4.0. If 60W of heat must be
(b) (i) 28%; (ii) 6.5kJ per second or 6.5kW. transferred from inside the refrigerator in order to
keep its contents cool, calculate:
(a) the rate at which the heat pump operates
(b) the rate at which heat is discharged into the area
Heat pumps surrounding the refrigerator.

(a) We have CP = 4.0, Q, = 60J (per second) and
require the rate W at which the heat pump
operates. From Equation 19.9:

=Sie le
ne 15 J(per second)

(b) We require Q;. From Equation 19.6:

QO, =W+Q, = 15 +60 =75J (per second)


(a) 15 W, (b) 75 W.
Fig. 19.4 Operation of a heat pump

A heat pump is a heat engine ‘in reverse’. Heat Q> Exercise 19.3
is taken from a source at (low) temperature T¢
and heat Q, is released into a ‘reservoir’ at (high)
1 A modified car engine uses a mixture of air and
temperature 7}. Energy W must be provided in natural gas as its energy source. The temperature
order to operate the heat pump as shown in Fig. of the spark ignited cylinder is 2.20 x 10°K and
19.4. Note that once again: the exhaust temperature is 920K. The difference
between the rate at which heat is supplied to the
Q,=W+Q, (19.6) engine and the work done by the engine is
5.0 MW. Calculate:
The coefficient of performance CP of a heat pump (a) the maximum (Carnot) efficiency of the
is a useful measure of its efficiency. engine


(b) the rate at which the engine does useful work Pressure
p/10°Nm 2 1 Cc D
if 8.0 MW is input via the engine source
(c) the actual efficiency of the engine.

2 A heat pump is used to transfer heat from the

outside of a building to the inside. If 1.5kW is
needed to operate the heat pump in order to heat
the interior at a rate of 7.5kW,. calculate the =

coefficient of performance of the heat pump. 0 4 8 ¢

Volume V/10- 2m

Fig. 19.6 Diagram for Example 8

Work done during a cycle where AB = (8 — 4) x LO m

and BC = (4 —2) <10™ Nim
Area ABCD = net
a. work done by gas area ABCD = 4x 10°? x 2x 10°
= Salty2)

ee 10

Example 9
Fig. 19.5 A pressure-volume cycle = 6.0

The work done by a gas during expansion at 2 5.0

constant pressure has been covered previously
(Example 1). In Fig. 19.5 a gas expands from
state A (volume V) to state B (volume V3) and
the pressure is not constant. In general the work
done is equal to the area ABXY under the curve. If
the gas is taken through a cycle of events ABCD
as shown in Fig. 19.5 then work (equal to area 0 10 2.0 3.0 4.0
Volume/10~ 4m
ABXY) is done by the gas as it expands from A
to B — and work (equal to area CDYX) is done Fig. 19.7 Diagram for Example 9
on the gas as it contracts from C to D. Fig. 19.7 shows a_ simplified indicator diagram
(pressure-volume cycle) for one cylinder of an engine.
The net work done by the gas during the cycle is
thus equal to the enclosed area ABCD.
(a) the work done by the gas on expansion from A to B
This underlies the principle by which energy is
transferred during the operation of an engine. (b) the work done by the gas on contraction from C
The air—fuel mixture is taken through a cycle of to D
events and work is done by the gaseous mixture (c) the net work done by the gas during one cycle
which results in energy transfer to moving parts. ABCD.
If the engine rotates at 50 cycles per second and it has
Example 8 four cylinders, calculate:

A fixed mass of gas is taken through the closed cycle (d) the power generated by the engine.
ABCD as shown in Fig. 19.6. Calculate the work done Method
by the gas during this cycle of events.
(a) Since the gas ‘expands it does work on _ its
Method surroundings. Thus:
The net work done by the gas is equal to the enclosed work done by the gas = area ABXY
area ABCD. Now: = +4(BD x AD) + (BX x XY)
area ABCD = AB x BC or + x (AY + BX) x XY


where GAY = 6.0102), BX =3.0<10" and

XY = (4.0 — 0.50) x 107*. Thus
area ABXY = 4.5.x 10"° «3.50 x 10° = 1575]
(b SS
Since the gas contracts then it has work done on it.
Thus: p/105Pa

work done = area CDYX

= 4 (DY + CX) x XY
where DY = 3.0 x 10°°, CX =2.0x10*° and
XY = 3.50 x 10-*. Thus
0 1 2 3 4 5
ake ODNXG 2 Soc 110° 3.50% 10 = 875) Volume/10~4 m?

Thus the work done by the gas = —875 J (note the Fig. 19.9 Diagram for Question 2
minus sign signifying that work is done on the gas).
Fig. 19.9 shows a simplified indicator diagram for
Work done by the gas during the cycle ABCD is
one cylinder of a high compression petrol engine.
equal to the enclosed area ABCD.
Area ABCD = area ABXY — area CDYX
(a) the net work done by the fuel-air mixture
= 1575 — 875 = 700) during one cycle
(d) In one second each cylinder is taken through 50 (b) the power generated by the engine if it has 4
cycles and there are 4 cylinders. Therefore the cylinders rotating at 3600 revolutions per
power generated is 50 x 4 = 200 times the work minute.
done by the gas in one cycle. Thus:
power generated = 200 x 700 = 140 x 10° W
The power generated is partly used to overcome
Exercise 19.5:
friction within the engine/car system and partly to
provide a driving force.
Examination questions
1 A fixed mass of gas is heated, so that its volume
(a) 1.6kJ, (b) —0.88kJ, (c) 0.70kJ, (d) 0.14MW. increases from 0.5m* to 0.8m*, at a constant
pressure of 1.0 x 10° Pa. Calculate the external
work done by the gas.
A fixed mass of an ideal gas is sealed in a container
Exercise 19.4 by a frictionless piston which is free to move. 400J
of heat is supplied to the gas which expands under a
constant pressure of 25kPa from a volume of
5.0x 107m? to a volume of 15x10? m’.
Calculate the change in internal energy of the gas.
(a) An electric kettle has a power of 2.4kW. It
contains boiling water at 100°C. Calculate
how long it takes to boil away 0.50kg of
water. (The specific latent heat of
vaporisation of water is 2.2MJkg '.)
(b) (i) 0.50kg of water contains 27.8mol of
water and occupies a volume of
0 0.20. 040 0.60 0.80 0.00050 m*. Show that the volume of the
Volume V/m?
water vapour it produces at 100°C is
Fig. 19.8 Diagram for Question 1 approximately 0.9 m°.
(Atmospheric pressure is 1.01 x 10° Pa.)
A fixed mass of gas is subjected to the cycle of
pressure and volume changes KLMN as shown in (ii) Calculate the work done by the water
Fig. 19.8. Calculate the work done by the gas pushing the atmosphere back as it turns
during this cycle. from liquid into vapour.


(c) The equation* AU = AQ + AW is applied to

the 0.50kg of water during the process of
converting it to vapour. What are the values
of each of the three terms?
(Assume R = 8.31J mol! K~')
{Edexcel 2001]
A fixed mass of an ideal gas at atmospheric pressure
is compressed adiabatically to one third of its
original volume, at which point it has a pressure of
5 times atmospheric. If the original temperature
was 27 C, calculate its final temperature.
A fixed mass of an ideal gas at a temperature of
27°C is adiabatically compressed to half of its
original volume and then cooled, at this volume, Fig. 19.11 Information for Question 9
until the pressure is restored to its original value.
Calculate the new temperature of the gas. 10 Fig. 19.12 shows an idealised indicator diagram for
a petrol engine.
A fixed mass of an ideal gas (with » = 1.67) at a
temperature of 280K, is subject to an adiabatic
expansion in which its volume is_ trebled.
Calculate its new temperature.
Calculate the theoretical maximum efficiency of a
steam engine which exhausts into the atmosphere,
at a temperature of 15°C, if the engine utilises
high pressure steam at a temperature of 170°C.
A fixed mass of gas is taken around a cycle of
changes ABCD as shown in Fig. 19.10.
Pressure @
/kPa B cC
500 }-------------

aed Cigte ee leAl 'D

Fig. 19.12
In one particular cycle, 380J of energy is supplied
when the fuel is burned and 180J is lost in the
exhaust gases.
‘ 1 '
0 4 6 ¢
By reference to Fig. 19.12,
Volume/(10~3 m3)
(a) identify that part of the cycle which represents
Fig. 19.10 Information for Question 8 the burning of the fuel,
Calculate the net work done by the gas during one (b) calculate
cycle. (i) the energy represented by the area of the
loop ABCD,
Fig. 19.11 shows the indicator diagram for one
(i) the efficiency of the engine.
cycle of an engine. Calculate the net work done
by the engine per cycle. [OCR 2000, part]

*Authors’ note: Use AQ = AU + AW for our purposes.)

Section G
Electricity and magnetism

Electric charge flow in a metal wire as a flow of electrons, i.e. the

current carriers (or charge carriers) are electrons.
All solids, liquids and gases are made of electrons, The unit for current is the ampere (A), defined in
protons and neutrons. Electrons repel each other Chapter 23. Current size / is related to charge g
and we explain this effect by saying that electrons moving through (entering and leaving) a wire in
possess an electric charge or are ‘charged’. time ¢ seconds by
Similarly protons repel each other so they are also
charged. But an electron and proton attract each I=4 and 1A=1Cs7! (20.1)
other, so the charge on a proton is not the same as
that on an electron; we describe the charges as Equation 20.1 defines the coulomb as 1 As.
positive (+) and negative (—) respectively.
The direction of current flow is taken to be that of
The charges on these particles are all equally positive charge flow, i.e. opposite to that of
strong, although + and — charges have opposite electron flow.
effects. Normally the number of electrons in an
object equals the number of protons so that the
object neither attracts nor repels any nearby
Carrier velocity
charge. A surplus of electrons in an object means
If carriers, e.g. electrons in a metal wire, are
that it is negatively charged (— sign) while a
moving with an average drift velocity along the
deficiency of electrons (a surplus of protons) is a
wire of v metre per second, then the current is
positive charge (+ sign).
Two well-charged objects having the same signs I = nAqv (20.2)
repel each other. Opposite signs attract. A
charged object may also show a weak attraction on where n is the carrier density (number per m*), A
an uncharged object. is the cross-section area of the wire (so that nA is
the carriers per metre length of wire) and q is the
The size of charge called a coulomb (abbreviation charge of each carrier.
C) is a surplus or deficiency of approximately 6
Drift velocity v
thousand million electrons.

Electric current Current /

A current is a flow of charge. In a metal wire many AreaA

electrons are free to move, so that a current can Fig. 20.1 /=nAqv


Example 1
Potential and potential
How many electrons are passing through a wire per
second if the current is 1.00 mA, given that the charge difference
carried by each electron is 1.6 x i emeeat a

Method The potential of a place may be thought of as its

I=10°, g=1.6x10-"C; let time t=1s and the attractiveness for electrons or unattractiveness
number of electrons be n. Using J = Q/t (Equation for positive charges. A place where there is a
20.1) we have high concentration of electrons or which has a lot
of electrons near it will have a low potential.
1.00 x 1073
on eb 1
“ l The difference of potential (PD) V between two
10° places is defined‘as the work done per coulomb
16-10" of charge moved from the one place to the
a= 6.25 x10"

V = 1h (20.3)
Kore q
Example 2 where W is the work done (e.g. if positive charge g
Calculate the mean velocity of electron flow (the drift moves from lower potential (—) to higher
velocity) in a wire where the free electron density is potential (+)) or energy obtainable from the
5.0 x 10°* m ® if the current is 1.0 A and the wire has a movement (e.g. if negative charge q goes from —
uniform cross-section area of 1.0mm°*. (Electron to place).
charge = —1.6 x 10°” C.)
The unit for PD is the volt (V).
The potential of a place measured in volts is
I =nqvA (Equation 20.2) and =A; the PD between the place concerned and
n=5x10%m?, g=16x10°°C and A= 10° m
some reference point, usually taken to be a
ate beer | place far away from any electric charges (i.e.
" ngA 5x 108x 1.6 x 10-" x 10-6 at infinity), or otherwise the Earth. In other
words, either of these places may be taken as
=4 x 1077 = 0.125 x 10? ms?
zero potential.
Answer Electric current flows spontaneously from a
1.2x10“*ms! (if we
assume an accuracy

of two
higher potential place (+) to a lower potential
significant figures). place (—) if the two places are joined by a
conducting path.

Exercise 20.1

1 In a certain semiconducting material the current

Ohm’s law
carriers each have a charge of 1.6 x 10°'’ C. How
many are entering the semiconductor per second This law states that the current / through a given
when the current is 2.0 uA?
conductor is proportional to the PD between its
2 How many free electrons are there per metre ends, provided that its temperature does not
length of wire if a current of 2.0A requires the change.
electron drift velocity to be 10 *ms_!?
(Electronic charge = 1.6 x 10°’ C.)
I«xV or e = Constant (20.4)
3 A uniform copper wire of circular cross-section
has its current trebled and its diameter doubled.
By what factor is the drift velocity of its free This law applies to metallic conductors and many
electrons multiplied as a result? others.


Resistance R of a Often a current is produced by use of a voltaic cell

or battery (two or more cells joined together).
conductor The cell creates and maintains a PD between its
terminals. A current is obtained if these two
terminals are joined by a conducting path, 1.e.
This is the opposition of the conductor to current
when a complete circuit is formed. (Fig. 20.2)
flow through it, and it is defined as the PD
needed across it (between its ends) per ampere The current obtained from a voltaic cell is direct
of current: current (DC) because its direction is constant.

R= (20.5)
Resistors in series
The unit for resistance is the ohm (Q).
When two resistances R, and R, ohm are
connected as shown in Fig. 20.3a they are in
Resistors series and the total resistance is R, where

R=R, +R; (20.6)

These are devices for providing resistance to the
flow of current. Some variable resistors are called
R, and R; carry the same current.
(a) In series
A thermistor is a temperature sensitive resistor.
iim LOR as) ja light dependent resistor
(photoconductor). PD V !
Current iW
R, R,
Electric circuits

(a) A complete circuit
+ —_— .
ps7 alle9 Thee cd
___— Symbol for a voltaic cell
(b) In parallel

Electron flow
Copper connecting wire
| v :
Current WM R i
of negligible resistance ' fl '

Symbol for resistance

(b) Some accepted electrical symbols


—|I —t----|-— aye silat


LS where Pe Wl Sle
Ee or R=— R,_FyRe
Battery of 2 cells Battery of several cells

ee Fig. 20.3 Resistors in series and parallel


Resistances in parallel
(c) Typical circuit diagram

Current / In this arrangement the resistance of the

combination is given by

1 Al NUS (20.7)
Connecting wires drawn as straight lines
Fig. 20.2


In a parallel combination the PD across one The 3.02 and 6.02 are in the ratio of 1: 2, so that the
resistor is the same as that across the other, but easier route for the current (3.0) will carry two parts
of the 0.60A while the 6.02 route will carry one part.
the total circuit current / in Fig. 20.3b is shared
The 6.0Q carries one-third of the 0.60 A, namely
between the resistors.
0.20 A; the 3.0 carries two-thirds, namely 0.40 A.
Example 3 Answer

Calculate the current through, and PD across, each of O.60/A. 4:8 V2 0:20:A, 1.2 V2 0.40 A012 Y-
the resistors in the circuit shown (Fig. 20.4).

Exercise 20.2
+ =

1 <A PD of 6.0V is maintained across a series
combination of two resistors A and B. A is 20Q
and B is 40 Q. Calculate
(a) the current that should flow and

(b) the expected PD across resistor A.

2 A PD of 3.0V is maintained across a parallel
Fig. 20.4 Circuit diagram for Example 3
combination of 2.0Q and 3.02. Calculate
(a) the current that the voltage supply must be
The resistance of3 Q in parallel with 6 Q is providing and
p— RR, _ 3.0 x 6.0 = YAU
(b) the current through the 2.0 resistor.
REER:. ~ 3.04266
3 Calculate the current through each resistor and
OP Ther See leeee = () 50? the PD across each in the circuit shown in
Ro hees0 60 Fig. 20:5,
1g AOA

We see that the circuit can be regarded as 8.0Q in series

with 2.00. Circuit resistance is
2000 £2
R=R, +R: =80+2.0=100
V 6.0
a ee UP Ve.
a a _
Note that we know only one PD, namely 6.0 V, and to
use 1 =V/R we must use V = 6.0 with the correct
resistance. It is the 102 across which the PD is 6.0 V. Fig. 20.5 Circuit for Question 3
The current through the 8.02 resistor is /, which is
0.60 A.
PD across the 8.0Q (using V = /R for this resistor now
that its current is known) is given by
Resistivity p of a material
The resistance R of a conductor is proportional to
To obtain answers for the 3.02 and 6.02 we can say its length /, inversely proportional to its area of
cross-section A, and dependent upon the nature
PD across the 3.02 and 6.02 is 6.0V —4.8V =1.2V. of the material, described by its resistivity p,
The current /; through the 3.02 is which is defined by the following equation:
I; = 1.2/3.0 =0.40A '

Ropea (20.8)
and for the 6.0 the current J, is 1.2/6.0 or 0.20A; or (in
view of the simple values of 3.0 and 6.0 for the parallel
resistors) We can say: The unit for p (which is given by p = RA/l) is
*4 common error is to forget that this is 1/R, not R. Qm.


The term ‘conductivity’ o of a material is used for Example 5

the reciprocal of p so that
A coil of wire has resistance 6.002 at 60°C and 5.251
at 15°C. What is its temperature coefficient of
(20.9) resistance?

R=R(1+«6) 6.00 = Ro(1 + ~60) and

Temperature coefficient 5 ie ee)

of resistance or resistivity 6.00 Ro(1 + 60x)

Cancelling the Ry factor and cross multiplying gives

This quantity is denoted by «. 325-3150 = 6:00. 90a

For many materials, e.g. a metal, a conductor’s 3150 — 90a — 6.0025

resistance increases steadily with increase of 4ELIE
= o> = ().0063K—
temperature in accordance with the equation Lc

R—R,y or R=Ry (1+ a8) (20.10) 0.0033 K |.

where R is the resistance at Celsius temperature 0, Exercise 20.3

Ro is the resistance at 0°C and « is the
temperature coefficient of resistance of the 1 The electrical resistivity of manganin is
material. 45x 10°Qm and is affected very little by
The unit for «is K~!. temperature change. Calculate the resistance of
2.0m of manganin wire of 1.0mm diameter.
We can also write
2 The resistivity of mild steel is 15 x 10 °Qm at
20°C and its temperature coefficient is
p = po(1 + a8)
50 x 10° *K~'. Calculate the resistivity at 60°C.
where p and pp are resistivities at temperature 6
3 A certain coil of wire has an electrical resistance of
and 0°C. 24() at 10°C and at 20°C the resistance increases
to 28Q. Calculate the temperature coefficient of
Example 4 resistance for the metal of which the coil is made.

Calculate the length of wire of 1.0mm diameter and

5.0 x 10 °Qm resistivity that would have a resistance
of 5.02.
Electrical heating ina

eee fe Aa Seria)A
ead iiss — n= ae 540), When current flows through a resistance there is a
PD V across the resistance and, for OQcoulombs
9=50x10°, d=10x 10° passing through, electrical potential energy is lost
(work W is done), this becoming internal energy
of the resisting material (its temperature has
Pie O76.
407! risen). Since V=W/Q and Q=I/t (Equation
20.3 and 20.1) we have
= RA aa 5.0x7.9x 1077 0.79
a, 5.0 x 10-6 ms W=VIt (20.11)

Answer i.e. the heat produced is V/t where ¢ is the time for
0.79m which current flows.


Using R = V/I (Equation 20.5), we can also write force. When the cell is producing no current, i.e.
it is on open circuit, the terminal PD V equals
w= i the EMF E:
V =E, on open circuit (20.15)
When a current is being produced, the PD falls
W=IRt (20.13) from the EMF value FE, the chemical action starts
again and the terminal PD V that is maintained
The work done per second or heat produced per is less than E by an amount called the ‘lost volts’.
second is the power P and This drop E—V is a consequence of internal
resistance r in ‘the cell that hinders the cell’s
p=r( or R or PR) (20.14) working. The lost volts equals J x r, so that

E-V=Ir (20.16)
The unit for power is watt (W). 1W=1Js'.
Either of the statements E = V when J = 0 or
The expression ‘power dissipated’ (in a
E —V =Ir may be used to define E, but a more
resistance) is often used. It means ‘heat
satisfactory definition is
produced (per second)’; but reminds us that the
heat normally spreads and escapes from the
place where it is produced. he (20.17)
The kilowatt—hour (product of kW and hour) is a
where P is the total power (J°R + I°r) dissipated
unit for energy and is the quantity of energy
in the circuit resistance R and the internal
converted in | hour when the power is one
resistance r. This means that
kilowatt. 1 kilowatt—hour = 1000 watt x 60 « 60
seconds = 3600 x 10° J= 3.6 MJ.
pat Rt linet
Exercise 20.4 E=V+HIr
which agrees with Equation 20.16 and gives
1 Calculate the heat produced in a 10 resistor B=) when fia)
when a current of 2.0A flows through it for 1
For calculations a cell or other voltage source can
minute exactly.
be regarded as a cell of zero internal resistance
2 Calculate the energy dissipated by a 100 watt lamp with a separate resistance r in series with it
working for | day. Give the answer (Fig. 20.6a).
(a) in killowatt-hours and
|E r E if
(b) in joules.

3 Calculate the heat produced in 5 minutes in a pair

of 10 resistors connected in parallel with a PD of Cell terminals i ©
2.0 V across the combination.
(a) The cell ea*

Electromotive force and (b) In the complete circuit

internal resistance Fig. 20.6 Cell with EMF E and internal resistance r

A cell represented in this way is seen in the circuit

The PD between the terminals of a cell is caused of Fig. 20.6b. This circuit agrees with E — V = Ir
by a chemical action which stops when the PD and E = P/I and it is also seen that
reaches a value characteristic of the type of cell,
called the EMF of the cell. EMF stands for Tae (20.18)
electromotive force, although it is a voltage not a


Example 6
A cell of EMF 1.5V and internal resistance 1.0 is
Maximum power
connected to a 5.0Q resistor to form a complete
circuit. Calculate the current expected, the terminal When a cell or other voltage source, having
PD and the power dissipated in the external circuit and
internal resistance r, is connected to a ‘load’
in the cell.
resistance (R in Fig. 20.6b), the current through
Method R is given by E/(R+r), the PD across it is
A suitable diagram is shown in Fig. 20.7.
ER/(R +r) and the power dissipated in it is equal
to the product of these. The current is at its
r=1.0 2 E=1.5V largest when R <r; the PD is large when R >r
and, it can be shown, the power is greatest when

Example 7
With reference to Fig. 20.7:
(a) What value would be needed for resistance R in
order that maximum power should be drawn from
Fig. 20.7 Circuit diagram for Example 6
the cell?
I i
R , with E = LD.
15/8 IR === 5.0
5: annals?a = 11.0). (b) Calculate the maximum power value.

fo IL-5) La
Se mee (a) For maximum power dissipation in resistance R
Usmpre — Y= Ir, this resistance must equal the internal resistance,
which is 1.02.
a ee ri 5 25 1 O15 VV
(b) The total resistance of the circuit will then be 2.0Q
The power in the 5.02 is /*R = 0.25? x 5.0 = 0.31 W. and the current will be EMF/2.0 or 1.5/2.0 or
Alternatively, this power equals 0.75 A.

EDmcross.k ~ Current = VI = 1:25 x 0.2 = 031 W ”, power in RisP= 1?R = 0.75 x 1.0 = 0.5625W
The power in the 1.0 internal resistance is Answer

for 025° 1.0) (a) 1.02 (b) 0.56W

= 0.0625 W
Alternatively, this power equals lost volts squared x Exercise 20.5
internal resistance. Also the total power /“R + /°r can
be equated to E x J.
1 A 3.0V battery having an internal resistance of
Answer 2.0Q is connected across a 4.02 resistor. Calculate
0.25 A, 1.2 V, 0.31 W, 0.062 W. the PD between the terminals of the battery.
2 A 3.0V battery is connected across a parallel
Cells in series and parallel combination of two resistors with resistance values
of 102 and 40. The total current provided by the
battery is measured as 0.25 A. Obtain a value for
When cells are joined in series, each cell adds its the internal resistance of the battery.
EMF to the total EMF if its + terminal connects 3 A certain large 6.0V battery is used to produce a
to the — terminal of the next cell. It subtracts if — current of 60A. (a) If this current is obtained
joins on to —. The internal resistances add. when the load resistance is 0.08Q, what is the
internal resistance of the battery? (b) What would
For identical cells (same E and r) connected in the maximum current be that could be drawn
parallel the EMF of the combination equals F, from the battery? (c) How much heat would be
while the internal resistance of the combination produced per second in the battery when this
is that of equal resistors in parallel (see maximum current is flowing, if the internal
Equation 20.7). resistance is assumed to remain constant?


From Equation 2,
Kirchhoff's circuit laws
hh 2.0
and from Equation 3,

Os aa
Substituting for /, and /; in Equation | gives
2.0 —1,
L+h=ih+h 5.0
=I,+ Lier
E, +E, =r, + DR, + GR. + Lfo ‘_ if both sides of the equation are multiplied by 5 we get
Fig. 20.8 Kirchhoff’s laws
2) peas), Olea 0
The two Kirchhoff laws are:

(1) At any point in a circuit where conductors ie as — 1.125 or 1.1

Ato 2sig figs
join, the total current towards the point Answer
equals the total current flowing away from it
The current through the 2.0V cell is 1.1 A in the
(Fig. 20.8a).
direction towards the right in the diagram.
—i) — For any path that forms a complete loop the
total of the EMFs equals the sum of the
For the top loop the 2.0V is trying to produce an
products of current and resistance, allowing anticlockwise current. So if the 2.0V is regarded as
for polarity: i.e. the algebraic sum of the EMFs positive the anticlockwise currents are positive and this
equals the algebraic sum of the /R products is seen in Equation 2. The 4.0V cell is opposing the
(“E = “JR, the & denoting “the sum of the 2.0 V cell.
values of’). This law is illustrated in Fig. 20.8b.
The lower loop which contains the 5.0 Q resistance gives
the equation
Example 8
4.0 = 5.01; + 0.51,
It does not provide any information additional to that
provided by the three equations used. Neither was it
needed to get the answer. It could have been used in
place of one of the equations used. However it is less
convenient than Equation 2 or 3 because it contains
two unknown currents, neither of which is the current
to be calculated.


Fig. 20.9 Diagram for Example 8 Exercise 20.6

Calculate the current passing through the 2.0V cell in
Fig. 20.9.
For the currents at A,

I, =1,+1, Equation 1

For the top loop, the sum of the EMFs is 2.0 — 4.0, so

—2.0 = 1.01, — 0.50/, Equation 2

For the outer loop containing the 1.09 and 5.02 Fig. 20.10 Diagram for Exercise 20.6
resistors the single EMF is 2.0 V, so
Calculate the current flowing in the diagonal path in
2.0 = 1.07, + 5.04, Equation 3 Fig. 20.10.


The moving-coil meter We know that the meter has resistance 5.092 and has
10mA through it. Therefore the PD across it is
5.0 x 10/1000 volt, i.e. 50m¥V. Because this is also the
The commonest type of meter is the ‘moving-coil’ PD across R and we know the current through R, we
design. Its action is explained in detail in Chapter can deduce R from R = V/I.
23. This kind of meter can be very sensitive and J 50 x 10°
is made so that the pointer deflection is R(= al ~ 1990 x 10-3
proportional to the current. St
~ 1990
A galvanometer is a sensitive instrument that is
suitable for detecting the presence of a current. = 0025 125 or 0.025 9


Conversion of a sensitive 0.025 9 or 25 x 10°72.

current-measuring meter
to measure large currents Meter resistance

This range multiplication is common practice The resistance of a current-measuring meter

with sensitive moving-coil meters. A resistance should be so small that the current to be
of suitable value is fitted in parallel with the measured is not changed when the meter is fitted
sensitive meter. This resistance is called a into the circuit. A shunted milliammeter usually
‘shunt’. satisfies this requirement. In contrast a voltmeter
should have as high a resistance as possible.
Only a fraction of the current to be measured
passes through the sensitive meter. How the
shunt achieves the required conversion is best
explained by an example, as follows. Voltmeters

The common type of voltmeter is the moving-coil

Example 9 design.
Calculate the shunt resistance required to convert a
0-10mA moving-coil meter whose resistance is 5.02 The moving-coil voltmeter works on_ the
into a 0-2.0A meter, principle that a PD can be measured by
allowing it to produce a current, which is
Method measured. A larger PD gives a larger current.
For example, the 0-l0mA meter mentioned in
Fig. 20.11 shows the position of the shunt and illustrates
the situation when the current to be measured is at its
Example 9 could be used as a 0-SOmV meter
highest value, namely 2.0A (2000mA). The meter but it would be a very poor voltmeter because
must then give full scale deflection, ie. 10mA flows its resistance is only 52. When it is connected
through it. to a circuit, perhaps to measure the PD
between the ends of a certain’ resistor, the 3.97
Milliammeter 0 10 mA, 5.0 Q would be in parallel with the resistor and would
completely change the current through, and
therefore the PD across, the resistor before the
Ammeter 0 2.0 A measurement is made. A good voltmeter should
have a resistance ihat is high compared with the
1.990 A circuitry under test. Satisfactory voltmeters can
be obtained by having a high resistance fitted in
Fig. 20.11 Circuit diagram for Example 9 series with a sensitive moving-coil meter. This is
shown in Fig. 20.12.
The current through the shunt resistance R must be
2000 mA minus 10 mA, i.e. 1990 mA. The series resistor is often called a multiplier.


‘potential dividers’ although ‘potential difference

dividers’ would be better. ‘Voltage dividers’
avoids the difficulty.
PD to be
measured e.g. 20 V
AC =.
V;,1 or Mac Rik: XV supply.
PPly (20:19)

Series resistor, R

MC mA meter e.g. 0-10 mA meter, 5.0 2

(a) %
Fig. 20.12 Using an MC meter to make a voltmeter
es Vv
Example 10 ~ RY R:
Calculate the value required for the series resistor when
a 0-10 mA, 5.0Q moving-coil meter is converted into a
0-20V meter. Could be a variable resistance

Method as =
The diagram required is shown in Fig. 20.12. "AC —
We consider the situation where the meter reading is at its
maximum, i.e. 20 V is being measured, and the current is
then 10 mA. Using the fact that / = V/R we have

— = 20002
R= 1995Q


Exercise 20.7

ig Slide wire, e.g. a few ohms of

1. A microammeter gives full scale deflection (FSD)
constantan wire perhaps a metre long
with 100wA and it has a resistance of 100. + A.

Vac IS proportional to length AC

(a) What PD is needed across it for FSD?

(b) If a 1.00Q shunt were fitted across the meter, Fig. 20.13 Voltage dividers
what current would flow through the shunt
when the meter gives FSD?
2 How exactly could a 102, 10mA FSD moving-coil Effect of load on PD
meter be converted to read (a) 0 to 2.5 A, (b) 0 to
20 V? (c) If this meter were converted into a 0-
200mV meter by fitting a series resistor, what
would be the resistance of the voltmeter?
The load (see Fig. 20.14) is in parallel with part of
the voltage divider.
The voltage divider +

Fig. 20.13 shows circuits each of which provides a

PD Vc which is a fraction R;/(R; + R>) of the
supply voltage V. These circuits are often called


Example 11 2 A 12V battery of negligible internal resistance is

connected to a 5.02 and a 10 resistor in series.
What is the PD across the 5.0 resistor (a) when
measured by a high-resistance voltmeter, (b) when
apparatus with a resistance of 202) is connected in
parallel with the 5.0Q resistor?

Exercise 20.9:
20 © load connected to terminals AC of voltage divider
Examination questions
Fig. 20.14 Circuit for Example 11
1 The current / through a metal wire of cross-
Calculate the PD between A and C in the circuit of sectional areaA is given by the formula
Fig. 20.14.
I =nAve
where e is the electronic charge on the electron.
We have 20 in parallel with the 5.0. Using Define the symbols n and v.
R = R,R2/(R; + R2) (Equation 20.7) we get
Two pieces of copper wire, X and Y, are joined
2D) end-to-end and connected to a battery by wires
oq sg 0 which are shown as dotted lines in the
VSR diagram. The cross-sectional area of X_ is
a= 1 double that of Y.
Poe Rak,
(see Fig. 20.13) and in this equation R, = Rac,
) = t8V and Ry =5.002:
~ 18 x 4.0
Vac = 8.0 V

(This compares with 9.0 V when the load is a very high

resistance or open circuit, i.e. when Rac = 5.02.)
In the table below, nx and ny denote the values of
n in X and Y, and similarly for the other
8.0 V. quantities. Write in the table the value of each
ratio, and alongside it explain your answer.

Exercise 20.8 Ratio Value Explanation


8.0 Q

battery “=
= 6.0 V '

[Edexcel 2001]
2 An electric shower is connected to the mains
supply by a copper cable 20m long. The two
conductors inside the cable each have a cross-
sectional area of 4.0mm’. The resistivity of
Fig. 20.15
copper is 1.7 x 10-* Qm. Show that the resistance
1 With reference to Fig. 20.15 calculate the potential of each of the conductors is 0.085 Q.
difference between points X and Y (a) if the The operating current of the shower is 37A.
battery has a negligible internal resistance and Calculate the total voltage drop caused by the
(b) if the battery’s internal resistance is 2.02. cable supplying the shower. [Edexcel 2001, part]


3 Fig. 20.16 shows a network of nine identical 6 Four resistors are connected as shown.
resistors. Each resistor has resistance 692. The
maximum safe current in a single resistor is p 102 Q
0.3 A.

1 .
ss a R
Fig. 20.16
(a) Find the total resistance of the network
Between which two points is the resistance of the
between the terminals X and Y.
combination a maximum?
(b) Find the maximum safe current which can be
A PandQ B QandS
supplied to the network between X and Y.
C RandS D Sand P
[OCR 2000]

7 The graph shows how the resistance R of a

thermistor depends on temperature 0.

Fig. 20.17 Diagram for Question 4

Calculate the resistance between A and B in

Fig. 20.17 given that each of the three resistances
isp et DAG?

5 A coil of copper wire is heated slowly in an oil

bath. A constant potential difference of 2.0V is
In terms of the behaviour of the material of the
maintained across the coil. Readings of current
thermistor, explain qualitatively the variation
and temperature are taken and the graph plotted
shown on the graph.
as shown.
A student connects the thermistor in series with a
10 3309) resistor and applies a potential difference
of 2.0V. A high resistance voltmeter connected in
9 parallel with the resistor reads 0.80 V.
+ 2.0V >

330 ©

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
temperature / °C

(a) Explain, in terms of the motion of free

electrons, why the current decreases as the Calculate the resistance of the thermistor
temperature increases.
The student now increases the applied p.d. from
(b) (1) Find the resistance of the coil at 0°C and 2.0V to 20V. She expects the voltmeter reading
at LOO °C. to increase from 0.80V to 8.0V but is surprised
(ii) Calculate the temperature coefficient of to find that it is greater. Explain this.
resistance of copper. [WJEC 2000] [Edexcel S. H. 2000]


8 The emf of a battery is 3.0 V. Complete Fig. 20.20 by giving the electrical
(a) Explain, in energy terms, what this statement quantities for each of the components in the
means. circuit. You are advised to start by completing the
column for component A.
(b) When a resistor of 6.02 is connected across
the battery the potential difference across its
terminals is measured to be 2.4 V.
(1) Draw a diagram of the circuit. Include a
second resistor, suitably placed to
represent the internal resistance of the
battery. Include, also, a voltmeter to
measure the potential difference across
the battery terminals.
(ii) Calculate the current through the 6.02
resistor. Fig. 20.19
(iii)Calculate the internal resistance of the
battery. circuit component A B Cc whole circuit

(iv) Write down the potential difference you potential difference/V 12

would have found across the battery current/A SH0)
terminals before the 6.0 resistor was resistance/(? 4.0 5.0
(v) When the 6.02 resistor is replaced by Fig. 20.20 [OCR 2000]
one of smaller value the current 12
increases. Explain why the potential
difference across the battery terminals
now falls. [WJEC 2001]

9 A set of 40 lights for a Christmas tree consists of 5

rows of lights in parallel with 8 lights in each row.
Each bulb is rated at 0.5 watt at 1.5 V.

(a) What voltage is required to operate the set

with 1.5 V across each bulb?

(b) Calculate the current that will be drawn from

the supply.
10 Fig. 20.21 Diagram for Question 12

Calculate the current /; in Fig. 20.21.

13 A milliammeter has a resistance of 802 and gives
a full-scale deflection for a current of 2.00mA.
Fig. 20.22 is the symbol for the milliammeter.

6.0 V

Fig. 20.22
The milliammeter is to be converted to an
ammeter which can be used to measure currents
up to a maximum of 1.00A.
Make any necessary calculations to determine
Fig. 20.18 Diagram for Question 10 exactly what component(s) is/are required to
in the 2.00 make the conversion. On Fig. 20.22, show how
Calculate the power dissipated
the component(s) would be connected. Label the
resistance in Fig. 20.18.
terminals by which the ammeter is connected into
11 Fig. 20.19 shows an electrical circuit in which the a circuit in order to measure the current in the
internal resistance of the battery is negligible. circuit. [CCEA 2001, part]


14 A d.c. power supply of e.m.f. 6.0 V and negligible 15 A technician is asked to construct a potential
internal resistance is used with a potential divider divider circuit to deliver an output voltage of
to generate an output voltage of 4.4 V. The circuit 1.2V, using a battery of emf. 3.0V and
is Shown in Fig. 20.23. negligible internal resistance. To conserve the life
of the battery, it is desirable that the current
drawn from it should be about 10 WA.
(i) Draw a diagram of a suitable circuit in which
the current drawn from the battery is 10 A.
Calculate the values of any resistors used.
Show where connections would be made to
obtain the 1.2V output. Label the output
terminals, T+ and T— to indicate their
Fig. 20.23 (ii) A resistor of resistance 1.0 kQ is now connected
The resistor Q has resistance 2200. The output across the output terminals. Explain why the
voltage is obtained across Q. output voltage and the current drawn from the
battery are affected by making this connection.
(1) Calculate the resistance of resistor P.
Determine the new values of output voltage
(ii) A voltmeter of resistance 2000Q is now and current drawn. [CCEA 2001, part]
connected across resistor Q. What is the
reading on the voltmeter?
[CCEA 2001, part]

Electric charges Note the conversion from centimetres to SI units, i.e.

Charges have already been discussed in Chapter 90> 10"

20. Ee irae 6 (002
The SI unit for charge is the coulomb (C).

Force between charges = 0.89 uN

The force F between two small conducting Note too that it may be found helpful to collect together
spheres with charges Q, and Q; is given by the tens to various powers, as shown in the equation
The force is repulsive because both charges are
F= Q:Q,
(21.1) positive.
where r is the distance between the centres of the 0.89 uN. The force is repulsive.
spheres and « is the permittivity of the medium in
which the spheres lie. ¢ for vacuum is denoted by
é) and ¢ for air is so close to é9 that we take it as
equal to é). The SI unit for ¢ is farad per metre
(Fm ') (seep. 191).
Electric intensity
The above formula applies also to the forces
between any charged objects provided that their
sizes are small compared to the separation /, i.e. In the vicinity of any charge Q there is a region
they are ‘point charges’. The fact that F is within which other charges may be attracted or
proportional to 1/r° is called the inverse square repelled by it. This region is called the ‘field’ of
law of electrostatics. the charge Q. We can describe the field
strength at any point in an electric field by the
value of F/q, where q is the size of a small
Example 1 charge placed at the point concerned and F is
Calculate the force between two small metal spheres the force it experiences due to the presence of
with charges +1.0 x 10-’C and +9.0 x 10 °C whose Q. This ratio is called the electric intensity E of
centres are 30cm apart in air, for which the the field:
permittivity is 8.9 x 10 '’Fm_'. Is the force attractive
or repulsive?
E= (21.2)
The force is
The unit for E could be NC ' but volt per metre
OO, 2 0x10 <9 0 x 10" (see p. 185) is preferred.
4ner> dn x 8.9 x 10-12 x (0.3)?

Example 2
Intensity E due to an Point charges are located in air at points A and B as
isolated charged shown in Fig. 21.3. Calculate the magnitude of the
intensity at P and the direction of the intensity. (Take
conducting sphere 1/4né as 9.0 x 10? mF™.
816 < 10-9 C
4q-—————_ Distance) ———__
Point 3.0 cm

Medium of permittivity €
Charge Q Force on small charge q here would be eee |** ae
Vf N Epa,

Fig. 21.1 Intensity due to a charged sphere

E PB isa

In Fig. 21.1 4.0 cm

eS ; Or B _32x10-°C
q 7 ér
4 (21.3) Fig. 21.3 Diagram for Example 2
E=—2 Method
The intensity Ep, at P due to the charge at A is given by
The same formula applies if Q is a point charge.
Fe ee N_a s 9.0 x 10° x 3.6 x 107’
“PA Anegr? 0.032
Electric lines of force This gives
Epa = 36000V m~
(a) Due to a positive isolated conducting sphere
The intensity Epg at P due to the charge at B works out
by the same method to be 18000 Vm |.
RQ | ve Field strongest
close to sphere The directions of Ep, and Epg are shown by the
arrows in the diagram and the combined effect

oa a
(intensity &,) at P is found by vector addition
(parallelogram rule, see page 20). Since Ep, and
Epp are perpendicular this addition can be done by
use of Pythagoras’ equation.
E, = 36000" + 18000* = 1620 x 10°
(b) Between parallel positive and negative plates
Bo =A0.2e. 10; Via
To find the direction of E we have tang = fra 05:

This gives « = 26.6°.


40kV m |, 27° to direction AP, 63° to PB.

Uniform field |

Fig. 21.2 Electric lines of force

A relationship between
Intensity has direction. The direction is that of the
force experienced by a small positive charge.
intensity and potential
Lines of force are lines which show the directions
ofE in an electric field. Two examples are shown Consider first a small charge +q being moved
in Fig. 21.2. from close to the negative plate in Fig. 21.2b up


to the positive plate through distance d. Let the (Electron charge e = 1.6 x 10°'’C, electron mass
PD between the plates be V and the intensity EF. = O10 ke)
The work done is W = Fd (see p. 45) and equals
Fqd. Also, by definition of PD (see p. 170) Method
W =Vq (Equation 20.3). Hence Eqd =Vq or V 10 5 010 Vine
e/a. (a) d 7 200102
(b) Force F = Eq = Ee =5.0x 10° x 16x10”
V =8(0'x 107” N
E= o (21.4)
(c) Work done is Wz=eV (Equation 21.5)
This is an important result. It also justifies our = 16x 10°? x 10 = 1.6 x 10°'*J, and this equals
measuring FE in volt per metre. Example 3 the kinetic energy tn v> (see Chapter 6).
illustrates the use of this formula.

Fe DU Ose = 3.513 x 10”

Work done when a charge m 9.11 x 10-3!

moves and v = 1.87 x 10°ms_'.

An alternative way of calculating v is to get the
acceleration a from the equation F =ma
The work done (W) when a charge moves in any (Equation 5.5 in Chapter 5) and hence v from
electric field can be deduced from Equation 20.3 v’ =u’ + 2as (Equation 5.3).
in Chapter 20, which shows that W = qV, where
q is the charge moved in coulombs. This is a very
useful equation when you have an electron (a)5.0><10° Vm *(b) 80x10” (clo 10° mer
accelerated in the electric field between parallel
plates, starting at rest at the negative plate. The
same result would be obtained by using the
Potential at a distance R
W =F x d (Equation 6.1 in chapter 6)
from a sphere or point
with E= -(Equation 21.2)
It is common, in GCE work particularly, to take as
TANG) Walp = t (Equation 21.4). zero for potential measurements the potential at a
large distance away from any charge, i.e. at
Using e for the charge of an electron the work infinity.
done on the electron, and therefore the kinetic
energy it gains, Is: The potential difference between infinity (e.g. at
far right of Fig. 21.1) and position P can be
Work done = eV (21.5) shown to equal Q/4zéR, i.e.

Example 3 Potential at P is V = i Qg (21.6)

A uniform electric field is obtained between two

parallel plates by using a PD of 10V and a plate
separation of 20mm. Note the r (not r’).

An electron initially at rest close to the negative plate is

moved by the field to the positive plate. Example 4
Calculate: Point charges of —2.0 x 107'’ C and —3.0 x 107° Care
(a) the intensity of the field located in air at A and B which are 4.0cm apart.
(b) the force acting on the electron Calculate the electric intensity and potential midway
(c) the speed of the electron as it arrives at the between A and B. (1/4m@ may be taken as
positive plate. 9.0x 10’mF™.


Method two conductors would result in doubling of the

magnitude of the force on the 1.4nC charge?
We are interested in a point which is 2.0cm or
2.0 x 10°~m from A and from B. 2 (a) Calculate (i) the electric intensity and (1i) the
potential at a point midway between two
The intensity there caused by the —2.0 x 10°'’C is point charges of +10°’ C and —10~’ C which
given by EF = Q/4zeor° and so equals
are 20cm apart in air.
2.0 x 107" x 9.0 x 10" 0-45 x 103 Vm"! (b) To produce an equally large electric intensity
x 10-2) midway between two large-area, parallel
plates 2.0cm apart in air, what PD would be
The direction of this intensity, because of the negative
needed between the plates?
charge at A, is from B to A.
3 When a charge of 50 uC is moved between two
The intensity at the midpoint due to the —3.0 x 10'"C
points P and Q in a uniform electric field, 100 uJ
charge at B is similarly
of work is done. What is the potential difference
*9.0 z <10- or 6.75 x 10° Vm! between P and Q?
x 10-2)" 4 Calculate the potential at the surface of an
The direction of this intensity, because the charge at B isolated metal sphere carrying a negative charge
is negative, is towards B. of 2.0x 10 °C and surrounded by air, if the
sphere’s radius is 2.0 cm.
The total intensity at the midpoint caused by the two
charges is obtained by adding the two intensities How much work would be done in moving a
vectorially, i.e. with consideration of their directions. positive charge of 1.6 x 10°C from the sphere’s
surface to a point 3.0cm further from thé centre?
Total intensity is, in the direction towards B,
6.75 x 10° — 4.5 x 10 Viv or 225 X10 Vm". To 5 Calculate the electric potential and electric field
two significant figures we have 2.2kVm 1 strength (or intensity) at C in Fig. 21.4.

The potential at the midpoint due to the charge AB BC CAC Olum

Cc The medium is air
=f 0c 10- Cat. A as given by V = Q/4zeor and so

—2.0 x 107" x 9.0 x 10°

2.0 x 10-2 es
The potential due to the —3.0 x 10°" Cat B is Lo) +5.0 uC
lon, —5.0 uC
= 3 Hx10-” «9.0: 10°
or Jay
2.0 x 10-2 Fig. 21.4 Diagram for Question 5

Since potential is a scalar quantity (no direction) we 6 An electron is initially at rest in a uniform electric
add the two contributions to the potential algebraically field of intensity
0.50 x 10° Vm.
to get
This field causes the electron to have an acceleration
90 + —135 or —225 V a and to reach a speed v after it has travelled a
distance of 50mm. Obtain values for a and v.
To two significant figures this is —0.22 kV.
(Electron charge e = 1.6 x 10a: C, electron mass
=O10 ke)
22k Vine,
0.22 kV

Exercise 21.1 Exercise 21.2:

Examination questions
(Take ¢ for air to be 8.9 x 10°'* Fm! unless otherwise
t 5
stated.) Where necessary use the following values:
1 Calculate (a) the force between two charges of Permittivity of free space (e)) = 8.85 x 10° Fm!
+1.4nC and +1.6nC on point conductors 40cm Electronic charge (e) = 1.60 x 10°'°C
apart in air. (b) What size of charge on a third Electron mass (m) = 9.11 x 10°! kg
point conductor placed midway between the first m = 3.142 (value also obtainable from calculator).


This question is about the deflection of an electron 3 (a) An electric field may be produced in the
beam near a charged sphere in a vacuum. region between two charged parallel plates.
(a) The voltage between the anode and cathode Fig. 21.6 shows two such plates.
of an electron gun is 2500 V. Show that the
electrons are emitted from the gun at about
3210 ms *.
electronic charge,e =1.6 x10" C
mass of electron, m, = 9.1 x 10-7! kg
(b) A charged sphere is moved towards the Fig. 21.6
electron gun along a line perpendicular to the
direction in which electrons leave the gun On Fig. 21.6 sketch the pattern of field lines
(Fig. 21.5). When the centre of the sphere is between the plates.
about 0.34m from the gun, the path of the
beam is an arc of a circle. (b) An isolated point charge of magnitude Q is
situated in a vacuum. At a distance of
1.0x 10°'°m from this charge, the electric
potential is +14.35.C7'.
beam (i) Explain what is meant by electrical
2.5 x 10°-2m potential at a point in an electric field.
(ii) Electric potential may be a positive or a
negative quantity. Explain the
significance of the positive value of
potential in this case.
Bar sas SS SIS Sisia Selassie ais Electron (iii) Calculate the magnitude of Q.
‘ai gun
(iv) Complete Table 21.1, showing the electric
potential V at various distances r from the
0.34 m isolated point charge of magnitude Q.
Fig. 21.5

(i) State whether the sphere is positively or

negatively charged. Explain your
(ii) Explain why the speed of each electron
remains constant while it is following a
circular path. (v) An electron of charge —1.6 x 10°C is
(iii) Show that the centripetal force on each moved from a distance of 3.0 x 10°'°m
electron is about 2.4 x 10°"N. to a distance of 1.0 x 10°'°m from the
(iv) Hence calculate the strength of the isolated point charge of magnitude Q.
electric field 0.34m from the centre of Making use of your answer to (iv),
the sphere. determine the work done in moving the
(v) Hence calculate the charge on the electron.
& = 8.9 x 10°? Fim. Is this work performed against the field
[OCR 2001] of the point charge of magnitude Q, or
does the field do the work? Give a
reason for your answer. [CCEA 2000]
A beam of electrons is directed at a target. They
are accelerated from rest through 12cm in a 4 Asimple model of a hydrogen atom consists of an
uniform electric field of strength 7.5 x 10°NC™'. electron moving at constant speed in a circular
Calculate the potential difference through which path around a central nucleus (proton).
the electrons are accelerated. (a) Write down an expression for the electrostatic
Calculate the maximum kinetic energy in joules of force on the electron in its orbit.
one of these electrons. (b) If the speed of the electron is 1.1 x 10°ms',
Calculate the maximum speed of one of these calculate the radius of the electron’s orbit.
electrons. [Edexcel 2001, part] [WJEC 2000]


5 (a) Point charges of +2.0u~C and +4.0uC are Calculate the change in electric potential
fixed at the points W and X respectively, as energy of the +4.0 uC charge.
shown in Fig. 21.7. The distance between the (iv) With the +2.0uC charge still fixed at W,
charges is 2.0mm. the +4.0uC charge is now moved along
the arc of a circle of radius 5.0mm from
+2.0 uC +4.0 uC
o<________pe Y to point Z, as shown in Fig. 21.9. WZ
Ww 2.0 mm Xx is at right angles to WY.
Fig. 21.7 4+2.0
wetuC 5.0 mm x

(i) Explain why the +4.0yC_ charge

experiences a force.
(ii) Find the magnitude and direction of the
force on the +4.0 wC charge.
(iii) What is the force on the +2.0wC charge?

(b) (1) Define electric potential at a point in an

electric field. State the relationship
between the electric potential energy W
of a charge Q placed at a point in a
field and the electric potential V at that
(ii) For the arrangement of charges shown
in Fig. 21.7, calculate the electric +4.0 uC
potential energy possessed by the
Fig. 21.9
+4.0 wC charge.
(ili — With the +2.0uC charge still fixed at W,
Find the work done in this operation. Explain
the +4.0uC charge is now moved to
your answer. [CCEA 2001, part]
point Y, 3.0mm to the right of X, and is
fixed there (Fig. 21.8).

+2.0 uC +4.0 uC
a em
W 2.0 mm X 3.0 mm Nf

Fig. 21.8

Capacitance ratio of charge Q stored (on each plate) to the
potential difference across it.

(a) Circuit symbol for capacitor
7 (22.1)

The S.I unit for capacitance is the farad (F).

Capacitances are mostly met in microfarad (1F)
(b) Capacitor charging
and smaller sizes.
A capacitor continues to charge until the p.d.
between its plates equals the applied p.d., for
Electron | |etecron example, of a battery.

Energy stored ina

Capacitor will finally be charged with charges +Q and —Q
on the conductors and PD (V) will equal supply PD charged capacitor

(c) Capacitor discharging This equals +QV because, during charging, Q

coulombs of electrons have in effect been taken

a from one conductor of the capacitor to the other

through a PD which was initially zero, is finally
V, and has an average value of IV. Note that
ails |
x Voltage supply
OQ= CV we can also write OO

|is disconnected

Energy stored = QV (22.2)

Meter showing current

Example 1
Fig. 22.1 Capacitors
A capacitor is charged by a 20 V DC supply and when it
A capacitor consists of two conducting surfaces is discharged through a charge meter it is found to have
close together, two metal sheets for example, as carried a charge of 5.0 wC. What is its capacitance, and
in Fig. 22.1. The surfaces are often described as how much energy was stored in it?
‘plates’. When the capacitor is charged as in Method
Fig. 22.1b it has equal + and — charges on its
plates. The electrostatic attraction between the ae
ie V
opposite charges makes it easier to build up large
charges on the plates so that charges of useful a mes Oe ¥,
ae = 0.25 x 10°F
sizes are stored in the capacitor. This ‘ability to
= 0.25 uF
store charges’ is called the ‘capacitance’ C of the
capacitor and is defined as (or measured by) the Energy stored = QV


capacitor of capacitance C, is connected to give

capacitance C, + C) and the experiment is repeated.
Oe ted
This time the deflection is 15 divisions. Calculate the

Or, using the formula +Cl] ° the energy is ratio Cy/C>.

Ee 0.25.:10"9 320° Method
This equals 50 x 10°° or 5.0 x 10° J. The first charge measured Q, is 10 units compared with
Answer 15 units for the second charge Qo, the actual size of the
unit being unimportant.
0.25 pF, 5.0 x 10° J
oh ily 2A
Oe 15 3
Experimental But O, = C,V. and,Q3 = (Cy + Ch )V

measurements of Ce
Capacitance G2
C,+C, 3
XE, = Ne se AEs
Electric charge meters are now available so that it
is convenient to charge a capacitor using a known ae
PD V and then discharge it through the meter to Ge
measure the charge Q. Then C can be calculated eee
from (7 Answer

The repeated discharge method is illustrated in on

Pigs 22a
Example 3
Vibrating switch of frequency f
A capacitor repeatedly charged to 15 V and discharged
through a milliammeter by use of a reed switch working
at 120 cycles per second causes a meter reading of
3.6mA. Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor.
I =fCV
3.6 x 10°? = 120 x C x 15
Current measuring meter

C= 36%10- =— 3:6 Om
Fig. 22.2 Measurement of capacitance by the repeated (20. x 1s S00
discharge method
= 2.0 x 10° For 2.0 uF
In this method a switch, usually a reed switch Answer
operated by an alternating current of frequency
2.0 uF
f, causes the capacitor to be charged to a PD V,
and then the capacitor is connected to the
current meter through which it discharges its Formula for the
charge Q. This cycle is repeated f times per
second so that the charge per second (the capacitance of a parallel-
current /) through the meter is fQ or fCV.
plate capacitor
C= ph (22.3)
iV When the two conductors of a capacitor are parallel
as in a ‘parallel-plate’ capacitor or a waxed-paper
Example 2 capacitor the capacitance C is given by the formula

A capacitor of capacitance C; is connected to a 2V

supply and is discharged through a charge meter. A C= on (22.4)
deflection of 10 divisions is observed. A second


é is the permittivity of the medium, called the A second capacitor charged to the same PD gives
dielectric, separating the conductors (‘plates’) of a deflection of 9.5cm. What is its capacitance?
the capacitor, A is the area of the plates and d is
A third capacitor charged to 40V_ gives a
their separation, i.e. the dielectric thickness. deflection of 3.3cm. What is its capacitance?
3 A simple capacitor is constructed from a pair of
The SI unit for € metal plates separated by insulating spacers so as
to leave a 1.5mm air space between them. The
plates, each 20cm square, are placed to achieve
The SI unit for ¢ is farad per metre (Fm '). This maximum capacitance. The capacitance is then
is seen to be appropriate from the formula measured by repeatedly charging it to 100V and
€ = Cd/A (Equation 22.4). discharging it through a calibrated microammeter
200 times per second. The current recorded is
4.8 uA. Obtain a value for the capacitance of this
Dielectric constant capacitor and for the permittivity of air.
4 A 5.0uF capacitor is alternately connected to a
é denotes the permittivity of a medium, ¢ is the 20 V DC supply and then to a milliammeter by a
permittivity of air or vacuum. The relative vibrating switch working at a frequency of 80 Hz.
What reading is expected on the meter?
permittivity of a medium is the ratio of its
permittivity to é, 1.e. ¢/é9. When the medium is
being used as a dielectric, its relative permittivity Capacitors in series and
is often described as the dielectric constant.
Example 4
A 0.10 uF capacitor is to be constructed with metal foil Two capacitors C, and C3 can be joined together
and waxed paper (dielectric constant 2.0). The width of either in series or parallel, as shown in Figs 22.3a
the foil is to be 4.0cm, and the length no more than
and b, where the capacitance, charge and PD are
5.0m. What is the maximum thickness of the waxed
labelled for each capacitor and for the combined
paper? (9 = 8.9 x 10° Fm.)
capacitance C,
(a) In parallel
on d
0.1 x 10-6 = 2:0 x 8.9 x 107" x 0.04 x 5.0
d=20%89 < 0.04 < 5.0 x 10-
which gives 3.6 x 10° m or 0.036 mm.
0.036 mm. i:
Exercise 22.1 (b) In series

1 Calculate the capacitance of a pair of semicircular

brass discs, of 3.5cm radius, with their planes
parallel and 0.50mm apart in air (a) with the
maximum overlap of the plates, (b) when the area
of overlap is halved. (ai, = 8.9 x 10°"? Fm.) ae =e

2 A 2.0uF capacitor is charged using 0.40V from a

cell and voltage divider. It is then allowed to GG, Crone
discharge through a meter. The meter gives a ClO NW, V5
charge deflection of 6.4cm. What is the sensitivity
of the meter in mmC '? Fig. 22.3. Combinations of capacitors


For C; and C) in parallel Now we must realise that the charge on the final
6.0.F combined capacitor is still +Q on the left
C=C,+C, (22.5) and —Q on the right, i.e. 24uC. The charge on
the left in Fig. 22.4b is now shared by C; and C),
but it cannot escape from the left or be added to.
(decause ca Lit
+e = Cy+ C). Thus the PD V across the combined capacitor is

iy O Dex ie == ANI
For C; and C; in series
iiss C6010" =

C7 Ott, This is the PD across C; and

Fig. 22.4c, so that the new charge on C, is given by
across C) in

Charge =,C} x PD
oC = a (22.6)
Le, 2.050 10s 904.0 of 6.0 108s:

1 7
(The 8.0 uC on the 2.0 uF, and similarly the 16 uC
because = = — on the 4.0uF illustrate that, in a_ parallel
( G combination, the charge is shared in proportion
to the capacitances.)
Example 5 Answer
A 2.0 uF capacitor is charged to 12V. The voltage (a) 24 uC, (b) 8.0 nC.
supply is removed and then a 4.0F capacitor is fitted
in parallel with the 2.04F one. Calculate the charge
stored in the 2.0«F capacitor (a) initially, (b) finally.
Example 6
(a) Calculate the charge stored in a 3.0 uF capacitor
and a 6.0F capacitor joined in series and then
(a) (b)
connected across the terminals of an 18 V battery.
(b) What is the PD across each of these capacitors?
(a) A diagram should be sketched (see Fig. 22.3a).
The combined capacitance C is given by Equation

1 I
Ci i C2
C, = 2.0 uF ~|
(a ee
ne es oalou
So that C = 2.0 nF.
C, = 4.0 uF Therefore the charge stored Q is
QO=CV =2.0x 10° x 18

Fig. 22.4 Diagrams for Example 5 = 600) C
and, for capacitors in series, this is the same for
(a) In Fig. 22.4a Q is given by
both capacitors.
CV =20 10s ~ 12
(b) The PD across the 3.0 F is given by charge divided
= 2410 by capacitance and equals 36 x 10°°/3.0 x 10°° or
In Fig. 22.4b the battery has been removed and we 12V. For the 6.0uF, we have PD = 36 x 10~°/
have +Q on the left and —Q on the right. 6.0 x 10°° or 60V. (We note that the total PD,
18V_ here, is shared by capacitors in series in
oO In Fig. 22.4c the 4.0uF has been connected in
inverse proportion to the capacitances.)
parallel. The total capacitance is, from Equation

C=C,4+C, =2.04+ 4.0 = 6.0 uF (a) 36 uC, (b) 12.0V and 6.0V.


Example 7 VorQ
Initial PD is V,
(a) A 5.0uF capacitor is charged to 4.0V and is
removed from the voltage supply. How much
energy is stored? J as shown
(b) If the 5.0uF capacitor is connected in parallel with
a 3.0 uF capacitor, what is the new energy stored
in the capacitor combination, and how much RC Time (t)
energy was converted to heat by the movement of
charge through the wires between the two Fig. 22.5 Discharge of capacitor (V = Voe "”°)
The ‘time constant’ for the discharge is the time
Method for QO or V to fall to 1/e of the initial value and is
(a) From Equation 22.2 given by
Energy =+C,V’
Zz e IRE — J/e
=4%x5.0 x 10° x 4.0? = 40 x 10-°J.
(b) The new capacitance (C = C; + C2) is 5.0 + 3.0 uF Of eae Int
RC e
or 8.0 uF. We do not know the new PD, but we
know that the charge is the same as in (a). This or —t=-1xRC
charge is given by Q=C,V, so that it equals
5.0 x 10°° x 4.0C or 20uC. SO t= RG.

The energy now in the 8 yF is given by 4Q07/C as

Time constant = RC (22.7)
Ly |DOr= —
105): = SP «10° Jor 25 yl.
The time required for Q or V to fall to half the
The electrical potential energy has fallen from
initial value is the ‘half-life’ time and is given by
40pJ to 25 J, i.e. 15 uJ has become heat in the
connecting wires. e /RE = il

or —t/RC = In(1/2)
(aye 40 (bye 25 n); 13 iS.
Oa Goan

or t=0.693RC
Time constant
Half-life of capacitor
When a charged capacitor C is connected into a : (22.8)
discharge = RC X In2
circuit of resistance R, as in Fig. 22.5, the current
PVR. or smce C=O/V, [=QO/CR. This
means that the rate of reduction of the charge is The time constant and half-life values are not
proportional to the charge Q. Hence the affected by the initial Q or V value and so apply
discharge is exponential and Q = Que /*© (see starting at any stage of the discharge. The time
Chapter 2). Using Q =CV this last equation constant RC also affects the time taken for a
becomes V = Voe™/*“, capacitor to charge. This is seen in Fig. 22.6.

PD (V) or change (Q)

Maximum PD (V,,)
equals supply PD

] Cc See —-
Time (t) RC Time (t)
Charging current / RC

Fig. 22.6 Time taken for charging a capacitor


Example 8 Answer

(a) 1.0mA, (b) 0.37mA, (c) zero, (d) 1.0mA,

(e) 0.37mA, (f) zero.

Exercise 22.2
30 V

Fig. 22.7 Circuit diagram for Example 8

In the circuit in Fig. 22.7 the resistance R is 1OkQ, C isa 10 uF 20 WF

capacitance of 1000uF and the resistances of the Fig. 22.8 Circuit diagram for Question 1
battery and milliammeter are negligible.
In the circuit shown in Fig. 22.8, 10 uF and 20 uF
Calculate the milliammeter reading expected capacitors are connected in series with a 30 VDC
(a) immediately after the switch S,; is closed, (b) 10s supply. What is the charge on each capacitor?
later, (c) after several minutes A 0.30mC B 0.20mC CLO we
If after this time the switch S, is opened and the switch D 0.90mC E 4.5 uC
S> is closed instead, what is the expected milliammeter 2 A 2.0uF capacitor is charged by connecting it
reading (d) immediately after Sj is closed, (e) 10s across the terminals of a cell whose EMF is 1.5 V.
later, (f) after several minutes?
(a) What is the charge Q stored in this capacitor,
Method the energyF stored in it and the PD V across it?
(a) At the first instant of charging, the PD across C is (b) If the cell remains connected, and a second
zero, so that the current / is decided only by the 2.0uF capacitor is connected in parallel with
supply PD and, of course, the circuit resistance R. the first one, what are Q, E and V for the
10 second capacitor?
10 x 108 (c) The cell is removed without discharging the
=10°AorlmA capacitors, and a third 2.0uF capacitor is
fitted in parallel with the other two. What are
(b) The time constant = RC Q, E and V for this third capacitor?
= (10 x 10°) x (1000 x 107°) 3 Acapacitor A of capacitance 4.0 F is charged to a
= AKOs potential difference of 20V. An_ uncharged
The time elapsed is exactly equal to the time capacitor B of capacitance 2.0uF is then
constant so that the capacitor PD V is V,, — V,,/e,
connected in parallel with A. What is (a) the
i.e. 10 — 10/2.718, which equals 10 — 3.7 or 6.3 V. energy initially stored in A, (b) the potential
difference across A after B has been connected,
Consequently J = (10 —6.3)/R = 3.7/(10 x 10°),
which is 0.37 mA. (c) the energy finally stored in A and B?
4 A simple parallel-plate capacitor with a 2mm-
(c) After several minutes, i.e. many times RC, J will be thick air dielectric has a capacitance of
effectively zero because battery EMF and 5x 10°'"F. A uniform sheet of material whose
capacitor PD will then be equal and opposite. dielectric constant is 2 and thickness is 1mm is
(d) During the first instant of discharge the capacitor now inserted between the plates throughout the
PD is 10V, and this causes the current to be capacitor area, the plates remaining 2mm apart.
10/R, i.e. 10/(10 x 10°) or 10-7A. What will the new capacitance be?
(Hint: Treat as two capacitors in series.)
(e) After a time equal to CR the capacitor PD will have 5 A 30 uF capacitor is initially charged with 15 mC. It
fallen to Vo/e, i.e. to 10/2.718 or 3.7 V, which gives a
is then discharged through a 200 resistor. What
discharge current of 3.7/(10 x 10°), i.e. 0.37mA. is the maximum current during the discharge?
(f) For t > CR, the discharge current is effectively A25A B10yA C 2.5mA
zero because the capacitor PD is then zero. D 2.237102 34) E: 2.500100


6 A 2.0 uF capacitor initially charged to 20V is cars the light stays on for a short time after the
discharged through a 500kQ resistance. Calculate door is closed. The circuit shown below controls
the rate of fall of the capacitor PD (a) at the first the timing delay.
instant of discharge, (b) after 1 second. (e = ZI 18.)
Door Door
open closed

Exercise 22.3:
Examination questions
12V R

(Where necessary use &) = 8.85 x 10°'? Fm.)

1 (a) A parallel plate air capacitor is made of two
horizontal metal plates each having an area
To lighting circuit
of 4.0 x 10°? m* and separated by a distance
of 1.5mm. The potential difference between The circuit has a capacitor C which is connected to
the plates is SOO V. the car battery when the door is opened. When the
Calculate door is closed, the capacitor is disconnected from
(i) the capacitance of the capacitor, the battery, and connected across a resistor R.
(ii) the charge on a plate, On the axes below, sketch a graph to show how the
(iii) the energy stored in the capacitor. voltage across the capacitor varies with time.
(b) The plates are now disconnected from the Voltage across
supply and electrically isolated, the original capacitor

charges remaining on them. The upper plate

is then raised until the separation of the
plates is 6.0mm.
(i) Calculate the increase in energy stored in
the capacitor.
(ii) Explain how this extra energy is supplied. ——

Door Door Time

[WJEC 2000] opened closed

switch Calculate the time constant of the circuit if
C= 220 nF and Rk = 100k0.

In order for the light to be lit, there must be at

least 6 V across the capacitor. Calculate how long
Macroammeter the light will stay on after the door is shut.
Explain the effect on the light if the manufacturer
increases the value ofR. [Edexcel S.H. 2000]

(a) (i) Define the capacitance of a capacitor.

(ii) Define the farad, the unit of capacitance.
Fig. 22.9 Diagram for Question 2 (ili) State one function of a capacitor.
Fig. 22.9 shows the circuit for measuring a (b) Fig. 22.10 shows an arrangement of six identical
capacitance using a reed switch. capacitors. Each capacitor has capacitance
Calculate the capacitance that produces a 50 HA 22 uF. The maximum safe potential difference
across a single capacitor is 50 V.
current when the charging voltage is 80V and the

reed switch frequency is 200 Hz.
Using a different capacitor with the 80 V supply and
200Hz switch frequency a current of 40HA is
obtained. What current is expected if the
experiment is repeated for this capacitor, a voltage
supply of 100 V and a frequency of 240 Hz?

Most new cars have an interior light which comes

| area
on whenever one of the doors is opened. In some


(i) Find the total capacitance of the network (b) When a PD is applied between A and B,
between the terminals X and Y. which of the three capacitors will store the
(ii) Find the maximum = safe potential greatest charge?
difference that can be applied between (c) Which will have the greatest PD across it?
the terminals X and Y.
(c) (i) A capacitor of capacitance 22yF is (a) Two parallel-plate capacitors X and Y have
charged by a battery of e.m.f. 9.0V and equal plate areas. The capacitance of X is
negligible internal resistance (Fig. 22.11). three times the capacitance of Y. Suggest two
possible reasons for this difference.
(b) In the circuit of Fig. 22.14, switch S; is closed
and switch S» is open.

Fig. 22.11
Calculate the charge on the capacitor.
(ii) The charged capacitor is then Cc 10 iF R
disconnected from the battery, and
reconnected to an initially uncharged
capacitor Z (Fig. 22.12).
Fig. 22.14
(1) Calculate the combined capacitance of C,
and C).
(ii) The potential difference V across C) is
10 V. Explain, by reference: to relevant
formulae, how this value is obtained.
(c) Switch S; in the circuit of Fig. 22.14 is now
22 uF opened and switch S, closed so that C;
discharges through resistor R.
Fig. 22.12 (i) Fig. 22.15 is to show the variation of V,
After this reconnection, the potential the potential difference R, with time ¢ in
difference across the 22 uF capacitor falls ms. Two points have been plotted. Plot
TOD Ve two further points and draw the graph.
(1) What is then the charge on the 22 uF 10
(2) What is the potential difference
across capacitor Z?
(3) Calculate the capacitance’ of
capacitor Z. [CCEA 2001]

0 20 40 60 80 100
20 uF

Fig. 22.13 Diagram for Question 5

Fig. 22.15
(a) The three capacitors shown in Fig. 22.13 (ii) Suggest how the variation of V with ¢ may
behave as a single capacitance between A and be monitored experimentally.
B. Calculate this capacitance. [OCR 2001]
Force between parallel If both wires are very long, i.e. extend well away
from the place of interest, then the force per
wires Carrying currents metre is the same for both wires.
Note that if 7, and J, are in the same direction,

t |
= Wire 2 : then the force is an attraction, i.e. like currents
attract and opposite currents repel (quite
opposite to the rule for poles). The currents act
like two magnets attracting or repelling.
Since the currents act like magnets the same force
F on wire | can be obtained with wire 2 suitably
replaced by a magnet, as in Fig 23.1b.

(a) Force between parallel wires Example 1

Magnet provides flux density B Currents of 5.0A and 15A flow down two parallel
between poles straight wires. The wires are 10cm apart in air.
Calculate the magnitude (size) of the force per unit
Current flows | toB
length acting on each wire due to the currents and
Length L, Current / state the directions of these forces. (Take the magnetic
permeability for air as 4x x 10°’ Hm |.)

The size of the force per metre on each wire is given by

Equation 23.1 as
(b) Using a
magnet Fn Aral Soba
i 2nd Me XO
Horizontal wire, length /
Fig 23.1. Force on acurrent-carrying conductor
The forces are inwards, from one wire towards the other,
In Fig 23.1 A straight wire of length L, lies parallel because currents in the same direction attract.
to a very long straight wire 2. The wires carry
currents J; and J,. Experiments show that wire 1
experiences a force per unit length F/L given by (5107 Nimo.

Ly 2ad
(23.1) Force on a Straight wire
related to field applied to
where ju is a constant for the medium in which the
conductors lie. It is called the permeability of the it
medium. Its unit is Hm! (see p. 205).
For air or vacuum the permeability is denoted by The equation F/L = ul,I,/2nd can be written as
4 and the ampere is defined to make its value F=BUL, if B = pwl,/2nd. B is a characteristic of
4n x 10-7 Hm. the place where wire 1 lies. B is decided by the


current /, and the distance away d of the other

conductor 2, and by the permeability of the air
So, forgetting wire 1, there is a region around the
long wire in which all places have a noticeable B
value. This is the ‘magnetic field’ of the wire and
B is a measure of the field strength at the place
concerned. B is described as the ‘magnetic flux
density’ and is measured in tesla (T).

So for a long wire

ye (23.2)

where / is the current through the wire and d the Fig 23.3. The left-hand rule
distance from the wire to the place concerned.
thuMb when these fingers of the left hand are
As regards any wire responding to a field (such as held mutually at right angles.
our wire 1) the force on it is
If the flux density B in not perpendicular to / but is
F=BIL (23.3) at an angle 0 to it, then our formula for F needs the
component perpendicular to J, which is B sin @
The current / here being the current through this (Fig. 23.3b). The formula in then F = BIL sin 0.
wire and the length of this wire being L. (There
is no need to call it L; now.) Example 2
A horizontal rod having a mass of 0.010 kg has 20 mm of
its length in the horizontal magnetic field of 0.20 tesla
between the poles of a magnet. The rod is
lines of force perpendicular to this field.
drawn on
white card seit A current of 5.0A is made to flow through the rod and
then the current, again 5.0 A, is reversed in direction.
(a) Why is the downward force on the rod not the
lines of force same in both cases?
are circles
(b) Neglecting the force due to wires connected to the
Fig 23.2 Lines of force around a current rod, calculate the size of the larger of these two forces.
(Acceleration due to gravity or gravitational field
Fig. 23.2 shows how lines can be drawn, e.g., on a strength, g = 9.81ms *.)
piece of white card, to show the directions in Method
which a small compass needle will point when a
(a) According to the left-hand rule the BIL force is
current flows though a long straight wire. These
reversed when the current is reversed and so it
lines are called ‘lines of force’. They show the
will be upward in one case and downward in the
directions of the magnetic flux density B for other, opposing the rod’s weight and adding to it
places near the wire. The direction of the BIL respectively.
force, whether B is due to our long wire or to a
(b) The downward force
magnet, is related to the direction of the B by the
‘left-hand rule’ (see Fig. 23.3a). = weight + BIL force = mg + BIL
= (0.010 x 9.81) + (0.20 x 5.0 x 20 x 107°)
According to this the direction of the magnetic = 1.18 x10 ‘Nor0u2N
Field (flux density B) is indicated by the First
finger, Current by the seCond finger and the Answer
force F, or the Motion produced by it, by the (b) 0.12 N.


Example 3 this rule considers current direction, which for the

movement of negative particles such as electrons
will be opposite to that of the particle velocity).

Example 4
An electron is moving with a speed of 1.5 x 10’ms_!
perpendicular to a magnetic field having a uniform flux
density of 0.0012T.
(a) Calculate the force on the electron.
(b) Calculate the radius of the circular path followed by
Fig. 23.4 Diagram for Example 3 the electron. (Electron charge e = 1.6 x 10°'’C,
Fig. 23.4 shows two straight conductors AB and BC, electron mass m = 9.0 x 10-7! kg.)
joined at B, carrying a current of 2.0A and subjected Note: A ‘uniform’ field is a constant field, i.e., it
to a uniform magnetic field of flux density 0.01T has the same B value for all parts of the
whose direction lies in the plane ABC at 60° to AB. electron’s path. Such fields can be obtained with
Both AB and BC are 5.0cm long. The angle ABC is magnets, coils or solenoids (see Chapter 25).
60°. Calculate the forces on AB and BC. What Method
movement do the two forces together try to produce?
(a) F = Bqv or Bev when e is used to denote the
Method electron’s charge,
The component of B perpendicular to AB (namely = MOOI ome se 10)
B cos 30 or B sin 60) = 2.8 x 10°” newton
= 0.01 x cos30 = 0.01 x 0.866 = 0.0087T (b) The force Bev is providing the necessary inwards
force mv’/R for circular motion (see Chapter 8).
The force on AB is :
F = 0.0087 x 2.0 x 5 x 10°* = 0.00087N Bev = ——r
The force on BC is the same but, while the force on AB piven 0105 A500 10"
is upwards out of the diagram, the left-hand rule gives Be ¥ (0.0012 1.610
the force on BC to be downwards, These forces
= 7.0 x 10-* m or 7.0cm
therefore produce a couple about the line BD shown
in the diagram, and rotation about this line is expected. Answers

Answer (a) 2.8x10°°N (b) 7.0cm

8.7 x 10-*N, Rotation about BD.
Couple on a coil
Force on a charged Axle

particle moving through Coil of insulated

copper wire

a magnetic field
Force BIL

The formula for this is

F = Bqv (23.4)

Here q is the charge carried by the particle, v is

the particle’s velocity and B is the magnetic flux Force BIL v Current is /
density perpendicular to v.
We are assuming B to be perpendicular to v.
Fig. 23.5 Couple on acoil
Otherwise B must be replaced in the formula by
its component perpendicular to v, since only this In Fig. 23.5 a force BIL acts on each vertical wire.
component is effective. The direction of F is of If there are n turns of wire on the coil, the total
course given by the left-hand rule (and note that force is BILn on each side of the coil.


The torque due to this pair of forces (couple) is Example 5

C = 2BILnr. However, the coil area A equals A moving coil meter has a coil with 40 turns, each with
2rL, so that an area of 20cm”. It is suspended in a vertical plane
and its sides are perpendicular to a radial magnetic
C= BAIn (23.5) field of 0.30 T.
(a) Calculate the torque on the coil when a current of
If the magnetic field is radial (see Fig. 23.6a), then 100nA flows through it.
B is always parallel to the plane of the coil even
(b) If the coil has a resistance of 5.0Q and a sensitivity
when the coil is allowed to rotate, and C = BAJn
of 100uA full scale deflection, what series
still. If instead the field is uniform (see Fig. 23.6b
resistance is needed to convert the meter to a
and c), then the component of B which is 10mV FSD meter?
effective is B cos @ (see diagram), and the torque
is C.= BAIn cos @: Method
(a) Torque = BAIn = 0.30 x 20 x 107 4 x 100x
(a) Radial field (seen from above)
105 x40 2 A105" Nim:


(b) 10mV must produce 100 WA, so the resistance of

meter plus series resistance must be

10 x 1077
R(=Vi) = Too x 10-5 or 100 Q

Poles are induced in soft iron cylinder

and the series resistance = 100 — 5.0 = 95Q .

(b) Uniform field

(a) 2.4 x 10°° Nm, (b) 95.

The Earth’s magnetism
(c) Uniform field with large soft iron cylinder

In the United Kingdom the direction of the

magnetic flux density due to the Earth’s
magnetism makes an angle 0 (called the ‘angle of
dip’) of about 70° to the horizontal. The
horizontal component of this flux density B is
Soft iron By =Bcos@, and the vertical component is
Fig. 23.6 Radial and uniform magnetic fields By = Bsin 0.
Note also that
In an ordinary moving-coil meter the current to
be measured flows through the coil, the field is BCS Bing) eee
cos 0
radial, and the torque BA/n turns the coil. The
turning tightens a spring which therefore where 0 is the angle of dip as shown in Fig. 23.7.
produces an opposing torque of A newton metre
per unit angle of rotation.
The coil comes to rest when BA/n = k@, where the
angle of rotation of the coil @ is in degrees or

BAIn = k0 (23.6)

The torque BA/n is also used to produce rotation Earth’s surface

in simple electric motors. Fig. 23.7 The angle of dip


Example 6 coil of
n turns
Calculate the size and direction of the force per metre
length on a straight, horizontal wire lying with 2.0A
flowing through it in direction north to south. (Earth’s
horizontal field component = 1.6 x 10°T. Angle of
dip 70°.)
By = Botan =1.6 x 10> x tan70=44x10-°T
P=BywL=44x 10° x2.0*1=88x10°N axle

By the left-hand rule, with By downwards, F is east- Fig. 23.8 Diagram for Question 4

Answer 5 An electron moving at a steady speed of

0.50 x 10°ms_! passes between two flat, parallel
88 LN, eastwards. metal plates 2.0cm apart with a PD of 100V
between them. The electron is kept travelling in a
straight line perpendicular to the electric field
Exercise 23.1 between the plates by applying a magnetic field
perpendicular to the electron’s path and to the
electric field.
(Where necessary take i) to be 4x x 10°’ Hm. Calculate:

1. Two very long parallel wires 0.4 m apart in air each (a) the intensity of the electric field
carry a current of 5.0A. What is the force, in (b) the magnetic flux density needed.
newtons, on each metre length of wire?
(Hint: the electron charge is not needed. It
2 A horizontal wire of length 4.0cm is moving cancels.)
vertically downwards, with a current of 10A
flowing through it. If the plane in which the wire
moves is perpendicular to a magnetic flux density
of 0.1 T, calculate the force on the wire due to the
Exercise 23.2:
3 A moving coil meter has a 50-turn coil measuring Examination questions
1.0cm by 2.0cm. It is held in a radial magnetic
field of flux density 0.15T and its suspension has 1. Two long, straight, parallel wires in a vacuum are
a torsional constant of 3.0 x 10°°Nmrad’. 0.25 m apart.
What current is required to give a deflection of (i) The wires each carry a current of 2.40A in
0.5 rad? the same direction. Calculate the force
4 In Fig. 23.8 a flat, rectangular coil is fitted between the wires per metre of their length.
symmetrically on an axle and lies in a horizontal Draw a sketch showing clearly the direction
plane. The coil is made of 10 turns of insulated of the force on each wire.
wire and its dimensions are as shown in the (ii) The current in one of the wires is reduced to
figure. 0.64 A. Calculate the current needed in the
If a current of 2.0A flows round the coil second wire to maintain the same force
between the wires per metre of their length
(a) What size is the force on side BC caused by as in (i).
interaction between the current and the
Earth’s magnetic field? (Take the (Take py = 4x x 10°’ Hm")
horizontal component of this field to be [CCEA 2000, part]
16108 1) 2 (a) In Fig. 23.9, PORS is a rectangular coil
(b) Calculate the total moment about the axle due consisting of N turns of wire and carrying
to this force and to the similar force on side DA. current 7. The plane of PORS is parallel to
a uniform magnetic field of flux density B.
(c) Calculate the total moment that would be The length of PQ is L and the length of
experienced by the coil if its plane were at an OR is b.
angle of 20° to the horizontal.


B = 0.020 T

Fig. 23.10

Fig. 23.9 between the plates, as shown in Fig. 23.10. There

is a uniforms magnetic field of flux density
(1) Write down an expression for the force 0.020T, which is perpendicular to the beam and
experienced by the side PQ of the coil. parallel to the plates, acting in the direction
(ii) Show that the torque 7 experienced by shown. When a potential difference of 3500V is
PORS is. given by the expression applied to the plates the electron beam is
T = NBIA where A = Lb. undeviated.
(b —” The electric motor in a model railway engine (a) Calculate the speed of an electron, assuming
is powered by a 6.0V battery. Within this that the electric field between the plates is
motor, a coil of resistance 1.2 rotates in the uniform.
field of a permanent magnet. With the engine
pulling a moderate load, a back e.m.f. of (b) When the magnetic field is removed, the
5.6V is induced in the coil. electron beam is found to deflect downwards
(i) Calculate the current in the coil. (in relation to the diagram). What is the
(ii) Suggest and explain an undesirable potential of the upper plate? =[WJEC 2000]
consequence of allowing the engine to
4 The ampere is defined as that current which,
pull a heavy load for a long period of
flowing in two infinitely long, parallel straight
time. [OCR 2001]
wires 1.0m apart in vacuum, causes a force per
3 Two parallel metal sheets are separated by 25 mm metre length of 2.0 x 10-’Nm_' to act on each
in a vacuum, the lower plate being earthed. A wire. Use this definition to obtain a value for the
narrow beam of electrons enters symmetrically magnetic permeability of a vacuum.

Straight conductors E=BLy (24.1)

This is the induced EMF. If the ends of the wire

Induced EMF in a straight wire
were joined by conductors of resistance R to
Consider a straight wire of length L moving with a form a complete circuit of resistance R +7,
velocity v perpendicular to its length in a magnetic where r is the resistance of the straight wire itself
field of flux density B which is perpendicular to (Fig. 24.1b) then the current / resulting from the
both the wire’s length and the velocity (Fig. 24.1a). electromagnetic induction is
(a) Wire not part of the complete circuit
‘ Straight wire and the terminal potential difference between the
wire’s ends is

The direction in which the induced current flows

(Fig. 24.1b) can be deduced by use of Lenz’s law
together with the left-hand rule (Chapter 23) or,
alternatively, the right-hand rule may be used
with the first finger for the B direction, thumb for
movement direction and the second finger for
the induced current.

Magnetic flux ®
If an areaA lies perpendicular to a magnetic flux
density B then the product BA is called the
magnetic flux and is usually denoted by the
symbol @. The direction of the flux is the same
as the direction of the magnetic field.
The unit for @is the weber, and | tesla = 1 weber
per metre’.

Fig. 24.1 Electromagnetic induction in a straight wire @=BA (24.2)

The metal wire contains free electrons, so that
movement of the wire means movement of these
electrons at a velocity v. We can use the formula Induced EMF in a straight wire in
F = Bev (Chapter 23) and deduce that each free
terms of magnetic flux
electron is moved by this force along the wire In the formula E = BLy the product Lv is the area
until a PD is established between the two ends of cut through per second by the wire moving
the wire sufficient to stop any further movement perpendicular to B, so that B x Lv is B x the
of the electrons. This PD is produced almost area per second. Therefore FE = flux cut per
instantly and is given by second by the moving wire. Thus E =#/t where


is the flux cut in time f, and we are assuming that Calculate the flux through the wheel.
E is constant. If E is not constant then its value at Hence calculate the induced EMF in a spoke.
any instant is d@/dt. For calculus see page 12:
Show that this EMF can be calculated from the formula
E = BLv if v is the mean speed of rotation of the spoke
pee7P (24.3)
24.3 (half the speed of its outer end).


B not perpendicular to the area (a) The wheel has an area of tR° and the flux through
the wheel is its area x perpendicular flux density
If the direction of B is inclined to the area at an
— 1R* x 1.6 x 10> weber
angle 6, then the effective value of B is
Bcos(90 — 6) or Bsin@. (The same result is or 3.142 x'0.502 x 1.6 x 10-> Wb
obtained if we say that there is an area A sin the flux = 1.26 x 10°> Wb
perpendicular to B. Either way E = BLvsin 0.)
(b) The spoke cuts through this flux twice per second
Example 1 so that 1 revolution takes 0.50s and

An aeroplane is travelling at 100ms_' in a direction dO” “96510

which is horizontal and northwards. Calculate the BE aa Siem
EMF induced between the tips of its wings, which have 252% 10 volt on 2.5 x 10> V
a span of 20m. Take the Earth’s magnetic flux density
dd d(BA)_ Bx 2R
to be 5.0 x 10° T and the angle of dip 71° at the place (c) E= = B x 2nR*
concerned, dt “di + 050
but mean speed v of spoke =+4x circumference/
time for a revolution
Wing span L = 20m

and spoke length L = R so that

Velocity = 100 ms"!
2 = Bo Ry 2k i

(a) 1.3 x 10° Wb, (b) 25 nV

Exercise 24.1
From Fig. 24.2 the component of the flux density
perpendicular to the aeroplane wing’s movement is 1 Calculate the induced EMF in a straight wire
5.0 x 10° cos 19°. Using the formula E = BLyv: when it is moving at 5.0ms_' perpendicular to its
length in a magnetic field of flux density 0.10T if
E = (5.0 x 10° cos 19) x 20 x 100 the field direction is (a) perpendicular to the
= 107! x cos19 = 107! x 0.946 = 0.0946V plane of movement, (b) parallel to it, (c) at 60° to
it. The wire length is 1.0 cm.
or 95 mV to two significant figures.
2 (a) Calculate the EMF induced between the axle
and the rim of a spoked metal wheel if the
95 mV. wheel radius is 20cm and the uniform field in
Fig. 24.2 Suitable diagram for Example 1 which it lies is 0.020T perpendicular to the
plane of the wheel, the speed of rotation
Example 2 being 10 revolutions per second.
A wheel with metal spokes is turning through a steady 2 (b —” What is the expected current size through a
revolutions per second and it has a radius of 50cm. Its 10Q resistor connected between the axle
plane is perpendicular to the horizontal component of and the rim if the wheel’s resistance is
the Earth’s magnetic field which is 1.6 x 10> T. negligible?


3 Calculate the flux cut through in 1.0 ms bya straight

Note that, since both flux and flux linkage are
wire 3.0cm long moving at 2.0ms~' perpendicular
usually denoted by the same symbol @ and have
to its length and to a magnetic field of flux density
the same unit, it will sometimes be necessary to
distinguish between them, e.g. by writing ‘flux &
or ‘flux linkage &.
Frequently Equation 24.6 is written as

Induced EMF in a coil so that, using a suitable sign convention for d&/dr,
If a flat coil lies with its plane, of area A, the polarity of E is obtained. You are not
perpendicular to a magnetic field whose flux expected to know this convention.
density is B, then the flux & ‘passing through’* For a coil of 7 turns and area A, perpendicular to
the coil is B x A. a uniform flux density B the flux @ is BA (see
above) so the flux linkage is
Flux ®=Bx A (24.4)
@= BAn (24.7)
® can be changed - e.g. by changing B or by
rotating the coil so that less flux passes through A typical example of induced EMF in such a coil
it. Now the change of this flux @ through the coil is the steady reduction to zero in time ¢ of the
is also the flux cut through by the wires of the flux density B. The flux linkage change is
coil. So we can use the formula (Equation 24.3) BAn — 0 so that E = BAn/t.
obtained earlier for the induced EMF, namely
&=dPd. Example 3
However, for the coil it is appropriate to The flux passing through a coil of 80 turns is reduced
describe d@/dt as the rate of change of flux quickly but steadily from 2.0mT to 0.5 mT in a time of
through the coil. 4.0s. Calculate the induced EMF.

For a coil of nm turns the induced EMF is n times Method

dd ;
greater. ie are where @ is the flux linkage.
_ d(n®) — 80(2.0 — 0.50) x 10°
d® E
=n —a 24.5 Aral 4.0
E=n (24.5)

where @ is the flux through the coil. Answer

Alternatively we write

=.di 24.6
(24.6) If the current / in a coil changes, then the magnetic flux
density B within the coil changes (as well as the field
around the coil of course), and this causes
even though the coil has turns and ® now electromagnetic induction in the coil. The coil is an
represents the ‘effective flux’ through the coil, inductor and the induced EMF is
called the flux linkage, this quantity being the
product of flux through coil x number of turns. E=Laa (24.8)
Flux linkage = 71 x Flux
where L is called the self-inductance of the coil. The SI
The SI unit for flux linkage is also the weber unit for self-inductance is the henry (H). L is decided
(Wb). by the coil’s geometry and number of turns and also by
*Passing through’ as if flux were a flow of something through the coil,
theeit! presence of magnetic
material (permeability
I 5
along the! lines of
: forceisof the magnetic field. within or around the coil. Hence the unit for wis Hm ~.


= dl
SWS)0.5 Ss x=
Back EMF (LC) a

==, (IAS
dt ;
The self-induced EMF is often called a ‘back
EMF’ because it opposes the voltage that (c) I =0.020A
produced the current /. VW = IR = 0,020 1002.05
Similarly a rotating coil in a motor experiences an This means that the voltage due to self inductance
induced EMF due to its movement between the
is Zero, a is zero and the current is no longer
poles of its magnet and this voltage (back EMF)
opposes the voltage driving the motor. rising.

At the instant when a circuit is connected to a Answer "

voltage supply the current (/) is zero and the rate (a) 4.0As, (b) 2.0As—, (c) Zero.
of growth of current (d//dr) will be such that the
back EMF equals the supply — voltage.
Subsequently the induced EMF and the PD Exercise 24.2
(V = JR) across resistance in the circuit together
equal the supply PD. Finally JR = supply PD as / 1. A flat coil having an area of 8.0 cm? and 50 turns
becomes steady. lies perpendicular to a magnetic field of 0.20T. If
the flux density is steadily reduced to zero, taking
Mutual induction 0.50 second, what is (a) the initial flux through the
coil, (b) the initial flux linkage, (c) the induced
When two coils are close so that a change of EMF?
current /; in one of the coils causes a change in
2 Calculate the self-inductance of a coil that
the flux density inside the second coil, an EMF is
experiences an induced EMF of 20m¥V when the
induced in the second coil. current through it changes at.a rate of 2.0
As |.
This fact explains how a transformer works (see
page 218).
Rotating coils
Example 4
If a 2.0 V DC voltage supply is connected to an inductor
Induced EMF in a rotating coilina
of 0.50H inductance and 100 resistance what is the uniform field
rate of rise of current
When a coil rotates as in Fig. 24.3 the formula for
(a) at the instant when the connection is made the induced EMF can be obtained by applying the
(current = zero) equation FE = BLy to each of the vertical sides of
(b) when the current has risen to 0.010A the coil (see Fig. 24.3). The formula is

(c) when the current is 0.020 A?

E=27fBAn sin2zft or 27f BAn sin ow t
Method (24.9)
(a) f= o.and equals the supply voltage.

2.0=0.5 xf I and dt
= 4.0As7 Otherwise the formula E = = can be used. In

this formula @ is the flux linkage and equals

(b) When / = 0.010 A, the PD due to the resistance is
V =JR and equals 0.010 x 100 or 1.0V. But the BAn cos 0 where 0 is the angle between the coil
PD across the inductance and resistance (think of axis and B. Also 6 equals wt where t is the time
these as in series) must equal the supply PD, so which started wheh 0 was zero.
the further 1.0 V is the induced voltage due to the
Now if you look at the simple harmonic motion
formulae for displacement (y=rsinwt or
rsinwt) and velocity (v=racos@t) you
conclude that the rate of change of sin wt with t


(a) Coil rotating in a uniform field

is the angular frequency (27f) of the EMF or
Axle n turns the angular velocity of the rotating coil (Fig.
24.3b). In these equations f is zero when the
plane of the coil is perpendicular to B, and wt is
the angle between the coil axis (not rotation
axis) and B. The graph shape is sinusoidal.

Example 5
A coil of 200 turns and 12cm” area is rotating at 20
revolutions per second in a uniform magnetic field of
flux density 0.020 T. Calculate the induced EMF when
Rotation E volts
the coil’s plane is momentarily (1) parallel to B, (ii) at
207 10.8:
(b) The EMF produced

Ep = 2xfBAn (i) The induced EMF is EF = 22fBAn sin 2zft (Equation

a ee SS 24.9).
We have

f =20s ',B =0.020T,A = 12 x 10°* m*,n = 200

and sin 27ft = 1 when the coil’s plane is parallel to
E =2n x 20 x 0.020 x 12 x 10°* x 200 x 1
Fig. 24.3 Induced EMF in a rotating coil (a simple = 0.603V or 0.60V
(ii) The angle 2zft equals 90° when the coil’s plane is
equals w cos wt. Similarly comparison of the SHM parallel to B, and movement through 20° from
that position means that the angle 2zft = 70° (or
formulae for velocity (v=rq@cosmt) and
acceleration (a= —w’y =—o*rsinwt) shows
that the rate of change of cos wt with time equals E =2n x 20 x 0.02 x 12 x 10°* x 200 x sin 70
—o sin wt. = 0.603V x 0.94

d(sin wf)
ey Ay
—— =wcsat
di (24.10)
Ssi ee
Ob) = —wsinwt
(i) 0.60 V, (ii) 0.57 V.

_d@_ _— d(BAncos ot) Exercise 24.3

So f=
dt dt
= —BAn( — wsin ot) = 2nfBAn sin ot 1 A flat coil of area 4.5cm* having 200 turns of
resistance 20) lies with its area perpendicular to
in which f is the number of revolutions per second a field for which B = 0.60T. If the coil is turned
(i.e. the frequency of rotation),A is the coil area, through 90° in 0.50s what is the average induced
current if the external circuit resistance is zero?
n the number of turns of wire on the coil and ¢ is
the time. The magnetic flux density B is assumed 2 A coil is rotating in a uniform field of 0.01T
to be uniform (the same everywhere) and perpendicular to the axis of rotation (as in Fig.
perpendicular to the axis of rotation. 24.3). The coil area is 2.0cm’, the number of
turns is 50 and the steady speed of rotation is 20
As ¢ increases, sin2nft will reach a maximum revolutions per second. Calculate (a) the
value of unity (=1), so that the maximum, or maximum induced EMF, (b) the induced EMF at
peak, value of E is 2xfBAn and we can write the instant when the plane of the coil lies at 40°
E = Epsinwt where E, is the peak value and w to the field direction.


3 A flat circular coil of 120 turns, each of area

Exercise 24.4: 0.070 m”, is placed with its axis parallel to a uniform

Examination questions magnetic field. The flux density of the

changed steadily from 80mT to 20mT
field is
over a
period of 4.0s.
1 At the beginning of a horse-race, a horizontal What is the e.m.f. induced in the coil during this time?
straight wire of length 20m is raised vertically
through a height of 3.0m in 0.20s. A 0 B 130mV C 170mV D 500mV
[OCR 2000]

4 A metal framed window is 1.3m high and 0.7m

wide. It pivots about a vertical edge and faces due
Calculate the magnetic flux through the closed
(Horizontal component of the Earth’s magnetic
field = 20 uT. Vertical component = 50 nT)

The window is opened through an angle of 90° in a

time of 0.80s. Calculate the average e.m.f. induced.
The horizontal component of the Earth’s magnetic State and explain the effect on the induced e.m.f.
field strength perpendicular to the wire is of converting the window to a sliding mechanism
20. 105" T: for opening. [Edexcel 2001]
What is the average e.m.f. induced across the ends 5 Fig. 24.4 shows a series circuit containing a 2.0V
of the wire? cell, a switch S, a 0.25 resistor R, and an
A zero B 0.24mV C 1.2mV OD 6.0mV inductor L. The internal resistance of the cell and
[OCR 2001] the resistance of L are negligible.

+— Position at time t
Fig. 24.4

Initial position (a) After closing S, the current in the circuit rises,
(t = 0) eventually becoming steady. While the current
is increasing from zero to 0.20A, the rate of
(a) A flat, circular coil of wire of 30 turns, each of
change of current can be assumed to be
area 0.025 m’, is initially placed with its plane
constant at 40As/.
at right angles to a uniform magnetic field of
(i) Calculate, for the instant when the current
flux density 0.50T, as shown. Calculate the
is 0.20 A, the potential difference (p.d.)
flux linking the coil.
1 across R;
(b — The coil is now rotated steadily at 60 rads | 2 across L.
about a diameter which is perpendicular to (ii) Use your result from (a) (i) 2 in
the magnetic field. At time ¢ the coil is in the calculating the inductance of L.
position shown.
(b) The current in the circuit eventually becomes
(i) Give an expression for the flux linking the
steady. '
coil at time f.
(11) Hence show that the induced e.m-f. E at
(i) Calculate the magnitude of the steady
time f is given by
(ii) Explain why the inductor L plays no part
B22 SsiwoUg in determining the magnitude of this
[WJEC 2000] steady current. [OCR 2000]

Field due to currentina Neutral points in
long straight wire magnetic fields
As shown in Chapter 23 (p. 198) the field If a magnetic field results from more than one
strength,* called the magnetic flux density, is current-carrying conductor or magnet then at a
given by certain place in the field the flux densities may be
equal in magnitude and opposite in direction so that
their effects cancel, i.e., the resultant flux density is
52 al (25.1) zero. Such a place is called a ‘neutral point’.

Example 1
where / is the current through the straight wire A long, straight, vertical wire carries a downward
and B is the resulting flux density at a point current of 4.0A. The earth’s magnetic field in which
distance d from the wire. . equals permeability this wire is placed has a horizontal component of
1.6 x 10° T. Calculate:
of the medium. The lines of force of this field are
circles centred upon the wire (as stated in (a) the resultant horizontal magnetic flux density at a
Chapter 23), and this is shown in Fig. 23.2. The point 10cm to the west of the wire
directions of the lines of force are given by the (b) the distance from the wire of the neutral point.
‘corkscrew rule’ according to which these (Take p as 4 x 10°’ Hm 1.)
directions are clockwise when one looks along
the wire in the direction of the current.
(a) The flux density due to the wire at a distance d of
10cm (0.10 m) is given by
ul — 4x x 1077 x 4.0 = 0 anal

Lines of force are circles Dad 2 010
Due west of the wire this flux density is, according
to the corkscrew rule, directed northwards. It
therefore adds to the earth’s horizontal flux
density. So the resultant flux density is
16510 1-0 80510) oneal:
(b) At the neutral point the flux density due to the
wire is equal in magnitude to the 1.6 x 10>T of
the earth’s field.
Fig. 25.1 Field around a long straight wire ae el
sae 0 -5

4n x 1077
x 4.0 _On 2

d =
S105 yer heer
4 0 205e10 25 “mor >.0'cio

*Magnetic intensity H is a different quantity that is also used to
describe field strength.
(a) 24uT, (b) 5.0cm


uw=4nx1077, 1=0.50, n/L=10 per cm, Le.

Magnetic field at a point 1000 m-!.
within a toroid or well B=4n~x 107’ x 0.5 x 1000

inside a solenoid = In 107"

= 63x 10°T
6.3 x 10 *T
Lines of force

Exercise 25.1
ee'_— rere —

(The permeability of air may be taken as

4x x 10-’Hm"!.)
1. A vertical wire carries a downward current of
5.0A, and 12cm east of this there is another
Fig. 25.2 Field within a toroid vertical wire carrying an equal downward current.
The earth’s horizontal component is 1.6 x 10 °T.
Within a toroid (an endless coil, see Fig. 25.2) the What is the flux density at a distance 2.0cm from
magnetic flux density is given by the first wire and 10.0cm from the other?

B =u x number of turns per metre 2 Two long, parallel, straight wires are 10cm apart.
One wire carries a current of 2.0A and the other
carries 3.0 A. In the resulting magnetic field there
or B=plx L
© (25.2) is a neutral point. Calculate its distance from the
2.0 A wire
A solenoid is a long coil, ie. its length is
(a) when the currents are in the same direction
considerably greater than its diameter, as shown
in Fig. 25.3. (b) when the currents are in opposite directions.
3 A solenoid having 200 turns per metre and
S pole N pole carrying a current of 0.050A lies with its axis
east-west. Well inside the solenoid is a small
compass whose needle points 37° west of north.
Calculate the Earth’s horizontal magnetic field
component Bo.
Usually has far more turns
4 An air-cored toroid has 200 turns and a length of
Fig. 25.3 A solenoid 15cm. Around its centre is wound a coil of radius
3.0cm with 20 turns. If the current in the toroid is
A solenoid can be thought of as part of a large
initially 20mA and is reduced steadily to zero in a
toroid, and the turns of the remainder of the time of 0.10s, what EMF will be induced in the
toroid are too far from the middle of the 20-turn coil during this time. (Take permeability
solenoid to affect the flux density there. Hence ofair to be 4x x 10°’ Hm‘'.)
the same formula (25.2) applies to a solenoid.

Example 2 Exercise 25.2:

having 10
the flux density in the middle of a solenoid
turns per centimetre and carrying a current
Examination questions
of 0.50 A. The medium within the solenoid is air, for
which the permeability is 42 x 10°’ Hm’. 1 The magnetic flux density at a certain point P close
to a long, straight wire carrying a current J is
3.0mT. A line perpendicular to the wire and
The flux density is given by Equation 25.2: passing through P meets a point Q which is twice as
un far from the wire as P. What is the flux density at Q
L when the current in the wire is reduced to 0.5 I?


2 A slinky spring of 180 turns is stretched uniformly (i) Calculate the flux density Bc of the
along a horizontal bench-top. When a current of magnetic field at P due to the current in
1.20A is passed through the spring, it acts as a the cable. Take the permeability of air to
solenoid. be 1.3 x 10°°Hm".
(a) Calculate the magnetic flux density at the (ii) On Fig. 25.4, draw an arrow at P to show
centre of this solenoid when the tension in the direction of Bc.

the spring is such that its length is 2.00 m. 7

The flux density By, of the horizontal
component of the Earth’s magnetic field is
(b) The tension in the spring is reduced so that its
1.8x106°T. Assume that this acts in the
length becomes 1.50m. Find the new flux
direction of true North, and that there are no
density at the centre of the solenoid.
other magnetic fields apart from that of the
[CCEA 2000]
current in the cable.
Use the equations f= BIL, ‘B= and Calculate the resultant horizontal magnetic
flux density B at P, and state the direction in
1 La to show that henry per metre (Hm_') which the compass points, when the carriage
is an appropriate unit for yu. (The henry is the unit is oriented with its front:
for self-inductance L.) L in BIL denotes length. (i) towards the east;
(ii) towards the north. [OCR 2001]
4 (a) Fig. 25.4 shows a rear-view cross-section of
the body of a railway carriage and of an
electric cable under the floor of the
carriage. The cable carries a current of 80A
towards the front of the carriage. A
magnetic compass is held horizontally at P,
1.5m above the cable.


Fig. 25.4

A It+naniq

Variation of voltage with the maximum or peak value of the voltage. Note
that 2xf may he written as w, known as the
time angular frequency. If the voltage is produced by a
rotating-coil generator, then @ may be identified
PD (V)inVA with the angular frequency of the coil’s rotation
or current (/) inA
and w = 0/t, where @ is the angle through which
the coil rotates. The unit for @ is rads '

> V=V,sin@wt or V, sing (26.2)

Time (t)

10; However, regardless of the cause of the voltage,

the value of @ (=2z/t) is important for describing
Fig. 26.1 Sinusoidal variation of voltage and current the stage reached by the voltage variation and is
with time called the phase angle, as explained in Chapter Ia,
Fig. 26.1 shows a graph for an alternating voltage Fig. 26.2 shows how the variation of voltage is
or current that is sinusoidal. Mains AC supply is described by a rotating radius (see also Fig. 11.2,
like this. describing simple harmonic motion). It is a
Unless otherwise stated ‘alternating current’ or phasor because it has size and phase.
‘alternating voltage’ means sinusoidal current or
PD. As shown in Chapter 24 a uniform-field
generator produces a sinusoidal voltage. Size of current in a purely
The variation of voltage with time is described by resistive circuit
the formula

If the circuit concerned contains no significant

V =V, sin2aft (26.1) capacitance or inductance, only resistance R,
then at all times J = V/R so that
where f is the number of cycles (i.e. repeats) per
second and is the frequency, ¢ is the time _ V,sin 2nft
measured from an instant when V = 0, and Ve is

wo Ve

‘Hand of clock’ is a phasor V = V, sin wt

rotating f times per second

Fig. 26.2 Use ofa phasor for voltage or current (V = Vp sin wt)


Symbol for AC (sine wave) supply

Example 2
Calculate the value of a sinusoidal voltage having a
peak value of 30V at a time of one-tenth of a cycle
after a peak has been reached. What current will be
present at this instant if the total resistance of the
circuit is 9.0?
Fig. 26.3 A purely resistive circuit
V =V, sin @ (Equation 26.2).

One-tenth of a cycle is 360/10 degrees, 1e. 36°.

or [=1, sin2nft (26.3) Therefore we need V when @ is 36° greater than 90°,
i.e. @ = 126°. However, we should realise that V will
where I, = Va. have the same value at 36° less than 90°, namely
The current rises and falls in step with the voltage,
i.e. and V are in phase. J = J, when V = V,. = 30 -esinaforns0eesinI26

Hence IY = 30 < Ol = 24.3

Average and RMS values eA es

Current — ral hi 2.7A

The effects produced by alternating currents will
often depend on some kind of average of the
current. A simple average over a half-cycle is
known as the average (or mean) value of the
current or voltage. Heating by a current is
decided by the mean value of /°R or V7/R, and
the square root of mean /* or V° is the root This is the opposition of a circuit to the flow of
mean square (RMS) value. The sizes quoted for alternating current. It is denoted by Z and is
alternating voltages and currents, unless defined by
otherwise stated, are always RMS values.
For a sine wave variation the mean value equals Z= Vems
(2/) x peak value and the RMS value equals Tams
(1/2) x peak value.
where Vms is the RMS supply voltage and Jams
i.e. Tras = Ay and i= —2 1, (26.4) the resulting current. Clearly we could use peak
V2 values or mean values in place of RMS in the
above equation. Z is decided not only by the
In Fig. 26.1 for example the peak voltage is 10 V resistance R of the circuit but, as we shall soon
and for the sine wave Vams = 7.1V,V =6.3V. see, by the presence of inductance or capacitance
in the circuit also. In a purely resistive circuit Z
Example 1 equals R because Vems/I Rms = R.

A sinusoidal alternating voltage displayed on a cathode

ray oscilloscope is seen to have a peak value of 75 V.
What reading should be obtained with a voltmeter Inductive reactance
indicating RMS voltage?
Method Suppose that an alternating voltage is applied toa
V, = 75 V but Vams = Vp/V2. copper coil of appreciable inductance L (see
Chapter 24) but negligible resistance i.e. an
Therefore Vays = 75/1.414 = 53 V.
“inductor” (Fig. 26.4). The continual changes of
Answer current J cause induced voltages that oppose
53 V. every rise and fall of current. Consequently there


So we see that the impedance Z is equal to RK or


wL or 1/wC if the circuit contains only

resistance, only inductance or only capacitance
<——_)—> respectively.

: p (Resistance R = 0)
Example 3
Fig. 26.4 A purely inductive circuit A sinusoidal alternating voltage of 6.0V RMS and
is Opposition to the flow of the alternating frequency 1000Hz is applied to a coil of 05H
current. This opposition due to inductance is inductance and negligible resistance. What is the
called inductive reactance X_. expected value for the RMS current?

Method “
It is defined as the ratio ore Vaas anG 1Ss2OL
ty VMs
RMSE rs ety eenntl
course, measured in ohms. Its magnitude is given Tams

este 6.0
RMS 2nfL 2x x 1000 x 0.5
X, = @L (26.6)
= (00019 = 1.9 10 A
where « is the angular frequency (=2z/) of the
alternating current.

Capacitive reactance
Example 4
When an alternating voltage is applied to a
capacitor C, it repeatedly charges, discharges A 25V peak, 50 Hz sinusoidal voltage is applied to a
capacitor. If the peak current is 15.7mA, what is the
and recharges the capacitor with opposite
value of the capacitance?
polarity for each successive charging. Thus
alternating current is flowing in the circuit (see Method
Fig. 26.5).
V> _ Vrms
eee RMS Wr Re 1 |:
I, Troms . oC Pi |

ZS oh 1
7310 2 50506
fo HEU
i Cc DSS Seite DY)

Fig. 26.5 AC circuit containing capacitance but = 2.0 x 10°

°F or 2.0 pF
negligible inductance or resistance

The extent of each charging of the capacitor, and Answer

hence the size of the current obtained, is limited 2.0 pF.
by the PD that builds up across the capacitor.
The current is greater if C is large and the
process is rapid (i.e. the frequency is high). Series LCR circuits
The opposition to alternating current flow due to
the presence of capacitance is called ‘capacitive
eee 2 Ve Vers
reactance’ (X¢) defined as 2 or —CRMS |
p Tams
Its size is given by

Fig. 26.6 Theseries LCR circuit


(a) A ‘clock with three hands’ for Vip: Vap and Von

oe Veoh ed

SNS ean
2.2 a a
= ne
= Se (ae SSPE Wooo

Fig. 26.7 Use of rotating phasors with an LCR circuit (see Fig. 26.6)

An AC circuit may contain a combination of phasors Vey, Vip and Vp in Fig. 26.7b agree with
resistances, inductances and capacitances. We this requirement and their resultant, obtained by
will deal only with the case of these all being in applying the parallelogram rule (see Chapter 2)
series as shown in Fig. 26.6. Unfortunately the is V,, given by
values of resistance R, inductive reactance wl
and capacitive reactance 1/wC cannot simply be Wa a Varp ar (Vip _ Vep)”
added to find the impedance Z of the circuit.
It follows that, since Ie is the same throughout,
In fact Z is less than what would result from that
simple addition of these ohms because the
voltages V; and V¢ are not in phase. V;, reaches
its peak value (Vp) a quarter of a cycle before
Leisle es
Kh (on |a] (26.8)
the current peaks and Vc peaks a quarter cycle
after the current peaks.
Vr peaks when the current peaks, as you expect. Also we can see from the triangle containing « in
These facts can be illustrated using the rotating Fig. 26.7b that
phasor method, as in Fig. 26.7a.
Vip — Vi
In Fig. 26.7 V,, is shown greater than Vp, and Vc, fan
is smallest. As a result the total voltage V leads Vp,
and so leads the current / (by the phase angle «). If or, dividing top and bottom of the fraction by J,,
the capacitive reactance played a larger part in the
circuit, « would be negative, i.e. the current would
teach its peak before the total voltage (or supply
voltage. « should be remembered as the lag of (26.9)
current behind the supply PD.
At any instant the PDs Vp, V; and Vc must simply where « is the angle by which the current lags on
add algebraically. It can be shown that the the supply PD.


By Pythagoras Vems — 2(); Trus = 4() x 10 oo he =.5(); Re 300,

1 \?
G=16% 10
z? = R2 + (ox 1.)
pale 20 __§5099,
___ 20, vs »=2n .
x 50=314.2
¢ col oC
See . 2L —- ——Oa
fone wl qe Z-=3500 en=300"-
(si4.2e TOR——
S z)

Fig. 26.8 Combining R, wl and 1/wC in series (314.2L — 199)* = 500° — 300° = 160000
314.2L —199=400 and 599
The facts described by Equations 26.8 and 26.9
are summarised in Fig. 26.8. Answer
It is useful to note that L9H hy
aL] ; I
ee ee Vorms Example 7
Tams wC Troms Calculate the time interval by which the current lags on
R— Vers ~~ Vrms the 50 Hz supply voltage for a circuit in which a 10H,
Tams Troms 1000 Q coil only is connected to the supply. This supply
(26.10) has negligible internal resistance and reactance.
ol = Woe
Example 5 tana =
(Equation 26.9)

Calculate the current expected when a 0.30H coil and @ = 2nf,.f —=50, = 10) Kk = 1000, Voc =n);
having 55 resistance is connected to a 22V RMS,
Ke 30) S< 0)
70 Hz voltage supply. tabin — oO = 31
L000 is
Method C= 23
1/oC = 0 here because, where a capacitor might have But 360° is a whole cycle, i.e. one-fiftieth of a second.
been, we have a low resistance connecting wire instead.
Equation 26.8 becomes Therefore the lag is

Z* = R? + (wL)

hoya lA — Vems Tams; where Vrms and Tas are the

voltage supply and current. Answer
Also w = 2nf 4.0 x 1077s
iS rss QO = 2nf — Ra 70, R= 55) Vems ==).

Z? = 55° +(2x 2x 70 x 0.3)" = 20435

Heating by an alternating
Tams (=) RMS 2) — 22 143 = 0.154 A RMS current
0.15 A RMS. In a resistance R the heat produced per second
(i.e. the electrical energy per second or power
Example 6 converted into internal energy within the
A 16uF capacitor and an inductive coil of 3002 resistance) is the mean value of I°R, i.e. IygR.
resistance are connected in series across a 20 V, 50 Hz In a pure inductance or capacitance there is no
AC supply. The current obtained is 40 mA RMS. What production of heat. So the power dissipated in an
is the inductance of the coil?
LCR circuit is
P=17,,.R or Inc Zcos
Z? =R? + (ok - a) fb RMS TT nae
or Vems Iams COS@
; Vems
G=217 “and 4
Ts (R = Z cos a, as shown in Fig. 26.8.)


The product Veyslams is often called the

‘apparent power’ and cosa, called the power Resonance in an LCR
factor, tells us the ratio of true to apparent power.
series circuit
If cosa = 1, i.e. P = Vays Iams, then the circuit or
device (across which the PD is Vays) is acting as a
pure resistance (a series LCR circuit at resonance In the formula Z* = R* + (@L — 1/wC)’ it can be
for example (see this page)). seen that Z = Rif wl = 1/@C, but under all other
circumstances Z is greater. Thus for a given PD
Example 8 applied to an LCR series circuit the current is
exceptionally high when wL=1/wC. This
Calculate the true power and the apparent power in condition usually arises as a result of the supply’s
Example 6.
frequency being varied until w* =1/LC (or
Method OQ 1/5/LC) or

The true power is Lee R. Using Ipms = 40 x 10°A

and R = 300 we get (40 x 10-7)? x 300 which equals fo (26.12)
0.48 W. ~ 2m/(LC)
The apparent power is Vams < Iams. Using Vays = 20 V
This phenomenon is called resonance. It is the
and Ipms = 40 x 10° A we get 20 x 40 x 10-3, which
result of the applied frequency matching the
equals 0.80 W.
Answer circuit’s own (or natural) frequency of t 4/(eG).

0.48 W, 0.80 W. The high current occurs because V; becomes

equal to Vc, so that the would-be opposition to
current flow due to L is cancelled by that due to C.
Exercise 26.1

1. A sinusoidal alternating voltage supply has an

RMS value of 2.0V. Calculate (a) the peak
voltage, (b) the expected peak current if the
circuit’s resistance is 20.
2 What is the shortest time it takes for a 100 Hz
alternating current to change from zero to (a) its
peak value, (b) half of its peak value? at

3 A sinusoidal voltage supply having an angular Serle

frequency w of 200rads | and a peak voltage of 27 V(LC)
100V is connected to an inductor of 0.50H and
Fig. 26.9 Current in an LCR series circuit, showing
negligible resistance. Calculate (a) the inductive resonance
reactance of the inductor, (b) the peak current,
(c) the PD at a time of one-sixth of a cycle after At resonance
the PD was zero, (d) the current at this time.
fava «(= oL = te =i
4 Acoil having inductance 0.040H and resistance X
is connected in series to a 25{) resistor and a
sinusoidal voltage supply with a frequency of i.e. x is zero and / is in phase with the supply
50 Hz. If the RMS PD across the coil equals that PD V. Resonance is illustrated in Fig. 26.9.
across the resistor, calculate (a) the impedance of
the coil, (b) the value of X. Example 9
5 A 6.0V RMS alternating voltage supply with a (a) Calculate the resonant frequency for a series LCR
frequency of 700Hz and negligible impedance is circuit in which L =0.010H, C=1.0uF and
connected to a 35 resistor and a 3.5 uF i 20)
capacitor in series. Calculate (a) the impedance
(b) If the voltage supply is 12V RMS, what current
of the circuit, (b) the peak PD across the resistor.
flows at resonance?
6 A 25W, 100V heater is to be run from a 250V
50Hz sinusoidal AC supply. Calculate the (c) What is the RMS PD across L and across C at
inductance to be included in the circuit. resonance?


The transformer
(a) We use Equation 26.12:
f=Hl2nJ/(Le), L=0016 C=10%10""
A transformer consists of a primary coil to which
f= Qnal(0.01 x 1.0% 10-5)
an alternating voltage V, is applied, and a
secondary coil from which the required

oe ee ocr. alternating voltage V) is obtained as the result of

2n/10-8 2m mutual induction’ between the two coils. The
coils are often wound on a core of magnetic
Vems V, 12
(b) rms = = = 7 a 0.60 ARMS material such as iron.
In an ideal transformer the coil resistances are
(c) ViRMS _ mi negligible and eddy-current heating in the core is
negligible (so that there is no energy wastage as
Virus = 2nf x 0.01 x [pms heat). Also the flux ® passes through (‘links with’)
= 2x x 1591 x 0.01 x 0.6
all the turns of the coils. For this ideal transformer
Vand V; (RMS values) are related by
= 60 V RMS

Ra ig wa gives 60 V also for Verms Yn = mdDide me the turns ration

Tams W V; n,d/dt ny
(not surprisingly since, at resonance, Vc is equal (26.13)
and opposite in polarity to V;, at all times).
Answer where n> and nm, are the number of turns on the
secondary coil and the primary coil respectively.
1.6 kHz, 0.60 ARMS, 60 V, 60 V.
A step-up transformer produces a secondary
voltage greater than the primary voltage: the
Exercise 26.2 opposite is step-down. .
Assuming a small resistive load on the secondary
1 Calculate the resonant frequency for a 0.20H (Fig. 26:11), the currents’ Jy “and "io. are
inductor in series with a 2.0uF capacitor. approximately in phase with their respective
voltages so that the power dissipated in the primary
2 What size of capacitor is needed in series with a
is V\J; and the power dissipated in the load is V3/>.
2.0H, 100 coil in order to get the current in
phase with the 50 Hz, 240V supply voltage? Since we are assuming no losses these powers can
be equated, giving VJ; = V>/>, from which
What size of current will then flow?
3 A 1000 resistor, a 1.0 4F capacitor and a 0.20H hie A ee 26.14
inductor of negligible resistance are connected in i, V, nz n ( )
series with a supply of sinusoidal alternating EMF
of 20V RMS whose frequency f can be varied lron core
(see Fig. 26.10). Calculate (a) the resonant
frequency, (b) the value of the maximum RMS
current, (c) the RMS voltage across each of the
components at this frequency. Vans = V, Load R

100 1.0 uF 0.20H

Fig. 26.11 Principle of the transformer

If the load on the secondary is resistance R, then

V3/I, = R, and so

20 V (RMS) ii (=e)
aL = i4 0} (26.15)
Fig. 26.10 Circuit for Question 3


Transformers used for 30 0 orl, = 025A

high-voltage power (c) The input power is VijJ, = 240 x 0.25 = 60 W.

distribution The output power is Vzl, = 11.8 x 4.5 = 53.1 W.

Useful power output
Efficiency =
Power input
The product of RMS voltage and RMS current is
the power. (We will assume no phase difference.) = 231 = 0.88 or 88%
Consequently the same power is obtainable with
high voltage and low current or with lower
voltage and higher current. A generator in a (a) 4, (b) 0.25A, (c) 88%.
power station produces its power for the
consumer by means of a large current at low
voltage, but for transmission of this power it is
Exercise 26.3
more convenient and economical to use small
currents. Transformers are employed to step up 1. A transformer with a 100-turn primary winding
the voltage and subsequently to step down the and a 500-turn secondary winding is connected to
voltage again before it reaches the consumer. a 2.0V RMS supply. Calculate values for the
output voltage from the secondary, and the
Example 10 maximum secondary current if the primary
winding is to be limited to 0.10A. State the
(a) What turns ratio would be needed for an ideal assumptions made.
transformer to provide 12VRMS_ when
connected to 240 VRMS mains supply? 2 10kW of electrical power at 100 V RMS is to be
delivered by use of a 5.02 cable. What is the rate
(b) If the transformer were loaded with a non- of heat production in the cable?
inductive 12 V, 60W heater, what current would
flow in the mains supply lead? If, instead, the power were transmitted, again
through 5.02, but at 30kV stepped down to
(c) If the transformer in practice gives 11.8
V RMS 100V at the user-end of the cable, what would
and 4.5ARMS when the primary current is be the new heat dissipation in the cable?
0.25 ARMS, what is the efficiency of energy Assume the transformer to be ideal, ie. no
conversion by the transformer? energy loss occurs.
(a) According to Equation 26.13, Exercise 26.4:
=n Examination questions
Vo = 12, Vay = 240.
1. A simple generator has a 300-turn rectangular coil
12ea ly
of dimensions 20mm x 35mm. The coil rotates in
a uniform magnetic field of flux density 0.25 T.
(The primary has the greater number of turns.) How many revolutions must the coil make per
second in order to produce a peak output of 12 V?
(b) From Equation 26.14
[CCEA 2001, part]
HE 9p 2 A capacitor having a capacitance of 1.0
uF is
connected to a 1OVRMS, 700Hz_ sinusoidal
I, is known from the fact that, for a power of 60 W
voltage supply. Calculate the RMS value of the
using 12 V, the current must be 60W divided by
expected current. (Take z as 3.142.)
(2V, te: 5.0 Asn = sy
3 A source of sinusoidal alternating voltage is
LO) connected to a component which is concealed
I, Tq; inside a box. The graph of Fig. 26.12(a) shows the
ore variation of the voltage V across the component
es 1 120 with time ¢. The simultaneous current / in the
~ 20 component is shown in Fig. 26.12(b).



5.0 uF 0.20H

15 V (r.m.s.), f

I/A Fig. 26.13

An a.c.' soutce of 15V (r.m.s.) and variable

frequency f is used as shown in the above circuit.
(a) At a certain value of the frequency the p.d.
0.5 Taetis across the resistor is equal to that of the
source and the current then has its maximum
value. Calculate the value of this frequency.
—5.0+ (b) The frequency is now doubled.
Fig. 26.12
(i) the new value of the r.m.s. current,
(a) Identify the component, giving the reason for (ii) the power dissipated in the circuit.
your answer. [WJEC 2000]

(b) Using data from the graphs, calculate: A transformer, assumed to be 100% efficient, is
(i) the frequency of the voltage across the used with a supply voltage of 120 V. The primary
component; winding has 50 turns. The required output voltage
(ii) the root-mean-square value of this is 3000V. The output power is 200 W.
(a) Name this type of transformer.
(iii) the reactance of the component.
[OCR 2001] (b) Calculate the number of turns in the
secondary winding.
A coil has an inductance of 0.20 H and a resistance
of 1000. Find the peak voltage across the coil (c) Calculate the current supplied to the primary
when a 50Hz alternating current of 1.5A rms winding. [CCEA 2001, part]
flows through it. What is the phase difference
between voltage and current, and which leads?
[WJEC 2000, spec]

Section H
Atomic and nuclear physics

Photoelectric emission
hf [ois)= WFE + my’ (27.2)
from the surface of a solid
If an electrode is placed near the emitting surface
Electromagnetic radiation is made up of separate
and is made negative by Vvolts, then the photo-
(‘discrete’) quantities of energy which we may
electrons can be repelled back to the surface.
describe as light particles (photons). Each
Even the fastest electrons that aim directly at the
photon consists of energy hf joules, where f is the
negative electrode will be prevented from
frequency of the light and hf is the Planck
reaching it if the retarding PD V equals or
constant (or hc/A because f = velocity of light/
exceeds the value given by
wavelength =c//). For an electron to escape
from a solid by photo-electric emission it must
acquire the energy of an incident photon and use eV = 1my? which equals & — WFE
this energy to (1) ‘get to the solid’s surface’ and
(2) get through the surface (the energy needed is (27.3)
called the work function energy, WFE), leaving it
with (3) some kinetic energy 4mv*. Thus where eV (the work to be done in reaching the
electrode) is the electron charge x PD.
hf Energy Work function energy can be quoted in joules or
= | to get to | + WFE+ tmv* electron-volts. This dmv" is the highest kinetic
(or he/A) surface energy that an escaping electron can have
(27.1) (KEmax). The work function voltage is the PD
Needed 10 accelerate wclectronss 10 asuci an
where c is velocity of the light, 2 the wavelength, energy.
m mass of the electron, v velocity of the escaped
electron (photoelectron).
The electron-volt (eV)
If hf < WFE then no electron emission occurs.
This is a unit of energy which is particularly useful
Of all the electrons escaping the fastest will be in particle physics (e.g. atomic and nuclear
those which did not have to use energy to reach calculations). It is the energy acquired by an
the surface so that, for them, electron freely accelerated (i.e. in vacuum)


through a PD of 1 volt. Therefore, since work

W =qV,
De Broglie wavelength
for a particle of matter
leV =e joule (27.4)

where ¢ is the electronic charge (1.6 x 10-'” when Light and other electromagnetic radiations must
working in SI units). be regarded as waves but also as particles (quanta
of energy), ic. photons. Each photon then has a
leV =1.6 x 10°"J.
mass m =E/c* where E is the energy of the
photon and c is the velocity of light (see also
Example 1 Chapter 29). Using E = he// for the photon:
Electromagnetic radiation of frequency 0.88 x 10° Hz
he/A ie h
falls upon a surface whose work function is 2.5 V. == Ole WiC =
(Gi A
(a) Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of photo-
electrons released from the surface.
MMatnentunin . (27.5)
(b) If a nearby electrode is made negative with respect
to the first surface using a PD V, what value is
required for V if it is to be just sufficient to stop De Broglie proposed that any particle of matter,
any of the photoelectrons from reaching the e.g. an electron or proton, has, like a photon,
negative electrode? both wave and particle properties, so that it has a
(Planck constant h = 6.6 x 10 “Js, wavelength given by
electron charge e = —1.6 x 10°'’C.)
= h = h (27.6)
Method momentum my
(a) Using Equation 27.1 or 27.2,
where v is the particle’s velocity, m its mass.
bs NEE or see sparen Note that the electron wave’s velocityisnot equal
we have to the velocity of light c and so E = Medoes not
6.6 x 10-™ x 0.88 x 10° apply.
=2.45%1.6%107° +2
(2.5 is multiplied by 1.6 x 10°'” here in order to
Example 2
convert the 2.5 eV energy to joules.)
So Calculate the wavelength of electrons that have been
accelerated from rest through a PD of 100 V. What
Ewes 810 = 40s10
kind of electromagnetic radiation has wavelengths
1.5 10, 1) similar to this value?
In electron-volts, (Electron mass m = 9.1 x 10-7! kg,
1310 electron charge e = —1.6 x 10°C,
Emax = 1.6 x 10-9 le Va nO ramen)
Planck constant h = 6.6 x 10°“ Js.)
(b) Working in joules again (our equations are all Method
written for SI units) we have, from Equation 27.3
From Equation 27.6, wavelength = h/momentum.
y= tmy
To find the electron’s momentum:

ey = fia = Lex 10-3 imv* =eV (see Equation 21.5)

HLS S10e lS ae (mv) = 2meV
16810 © Ge eee Momentum =gnv = \/(2meV)
More simply, Ena =1.leV and retarding
so. A= h > h
Momentum —_\/(2meV)
h = 6.6 x 1074, m=91x10"', e=16x 107%,
CanoeWs aro) meelve y=i100)


6.6 x 107°4 Electrostatic force of attraction (Equation 21.1) is

V(2 x 9.1 x 10-3! x 1.6 x 10-19 x 100)
— Giga. Levee
=122x10°m Aneyr2
0 = Amegr?

In the electromagnetic spectrum this would be X- and this must equal mv7/r (see Chapter 8) where v
is the electron’s speed.

1.2 x 107° m, X-radiation. mv" a Ze*

(hon Awe,r* ot
Example 3
In addition it is found that the distance round the
A monochromatic source emits a narrow, parallel beam orbit 2mr, must equal a whole number n of
of light of wavelength 546 nm, the power in the beam
electron wavelengths, so that
being 0.080 W. How many photons leave the source
per second? If this beam falls on the cathode of a nh
Qtr =ni = —
photocell, what is the photocell current, assuming that mv
1.5% of the photons incident on the cathode liberate
electrons? (using the de Broglie relation, 27.6)

(Planck constant = 6.6 x 10 “Js,

2amvr =nh (27.8)
velocity of light in vacuum = 3.0 x 10° ms",
electronic charge = 1.6 x 10°!’ C.)
where n may be 1, 2, 3, ... The above two
Method equations can be solved to find r for each n value.
For each of these allowed orbits we can calculate
At 546nm, i.e. 546 x 10°’m wavelength the photon the electron’s energy E. These allowed energy
energy is hc// and equals
values are called energy levels.
Gono10. so 35c 10°
or 3.626x 10°"J The circular orbit closest to the nucleus hasn = 1,
546 x 10~-°
and the energy of an electron here is lower than
The number of photons per second for 7i=2,.3,..4 lheshydrogen: atom has; one
_ Joules per second _ 0.08 electron only and this will normally reside in this
Photon energy 3.626, 105) innermost orbit, i.e. this is its ground state. The
hydrogen atom is simple also because the
=22x 10"
energies for its elliptical orbits are near enough
The number of electrons liberated per second the same as for the circular ones.

BO 910! = 3.3, x 10° Atomic electrons may be classified in groups

~ 100 called shells. In the hydrogen atom all electrons
The current of the same shell have the same energy and same
n value.
= Electrons per second x electronic charge
Boe 106K 1057
B28 10 Aor 063mA Excitation

225 10"',.0.53 mA. An atomic electron if it acquires sufficient energy,

e.g. from a colliding particle or from incident
electromagnetic radiation (a photon), can move
within the atom to a higher energy level.
Circular orbits Typically it will stay at this ‘excited’ level for only
a minute fraction of a second and then ‘fall back’
For an electron (mass m, charge —e) in circular to its ground state or other lower energy level,
orbit, radius r, about a nucleus containing Z giving out energy as a photon of electromagnetic
protons (each of charge +e) we have radiation (often visible light).


(ii) For emission of H, radiation an electron must

E-E' =hf (27.9) be moved from ground state (£) to £3 so that
it can fall to E>.
where E is electron energy in the higher state and
E’ electron energy in the lower state; / is the BV (a2 0 a eee
Planck constant, f the frequency of radiation = 19.4x 10°”
emitted as a photon (energy /if). This process is
called excitation. y= 19.4x 10°” =12.1V
i 1.6 x 10-”

Example 4
The three lowest energy levels of the electron in the
(a) 66% 10° m. (6) @ 1236Ve dies
hydrogen atom have energies gua’

Ea 10a
E, = -5.45x 107J Exercise 27.1
E; = —2.43x 10 J
The energies are measured so that the electron would (Where necessary take
have zero energy if it were completely free of the atom velocity of light in vacuum c = 3.0 x 10°ms=,
and at rest. Planck constant h = 6.6 x 10-“Js.)
(a) What is the wavelength of the H, spectral line due 1 Calculate the frequency and the photon energy for
to transition between levels E, and E>? blue light of wavelength 4.0 x 10~’ m.
(b) Through what potential difference must an
electron be accelerated to enable it to
2 Through what potential difference must electrons
(i) ionise a normal hydrogen atom
be accelerated to be able to produce visible light
(ii) cause emission of the H, line.
of wavelength 6.0 x 10°’ m?
(Electron charge e = —1.6 x 10°'"’C.)
(Planck constant = 6.6 x 10 oP Das
speed of light in vacuum = 3.0 x 10° ms‘, 3 A metal surface is illuminated with monochromatic
electron charge = 1.6 x 10°'"C.) light and it becomes charged to a steady positive
potential of 1.0V relative to its surroundings. The
Method work function energy of the metal surface is
(a) (Note that the energy values given are negative 3.0eV, and the electron charge e is 1.6 x 10°C.
because of the zero chosen.) Calculate the frequency of the light.

For the £; to £ transition, using Equation 27.9: 4 A clean surface is irradiated with light of
wavelength 5.5 x 107m and electrons are just
46 10 Ne (5 5 0)
able to escape from the surface. When light of
wavelength 5.0 x 10’ m is used, electrons emerge
== f= He
A with energies of up to 3.6 x 107’J. Obtain a
value for the Planck constant h.
3.02 x 10-19 = 8:6 x 0s eee
5 The beam of light from a certain laser has a power
6.6 x 3
of 1.0mW and a wavelength of 633 nm. How many
photons are emitted per second by this laser?
6 Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of 300V
Accelerating PD needed: electrons.
(Mass of electron = 9.1 x 10-*' kg,
(b) (1) For ionisation of normal atom, transition is
electron charge = —1.6 x 10>" ©)
from ground state (£;) to outside of the atom
(our zero of energy).
7 The first excitation energy of the hydrogen atom is
eV (=4m’) = (0) — (—21.8 x 107”) 10.2eV. Calculate the speed of the slowest
electron that can excite a hydrogen atom.
oe OE o ilieee ea (Electron charge/mass ratio e/m
Le) Se SQ 13-0.¥ = 14 xd0 2G hems)


Exercise 27.2: —1.51


Examination questions —3.39 eV

Where necessary use

electronic charge (e) = 1.60 x 10°" C

electronic mass (m) = 9.11 x 10-*! ke
velocity of light in vacuum (c) = 3.00 x 10°ms_! —13.6 eV
Planck constant (h) = 6.63 x 10 “Js Fig. 27.2
1 electron-volt (eV) = 1.60 x 10°17J
Identify the transition which would result in the
1. An electron travelling at 8.0x10°ms! in a emission of light of wavelength 660 nm.
vacuum enters a region of uniform magnetic field [Edexcel 2000, part]
of flux density 30 mT, as shown in Fig. 27.1.
In a simple model of the hydrogen atom, an
x x x x electron of mass m, and charge —e is supposed to
move in a circular orbit of radius r about a proton
x x x of charge +e. The mass of the proton is very
Electron 5 Magnetic field much greater than that of the electron. The linear
into paper
speed of the electron in orbit is v.
x x x x
(i) Write down an expression for the electrical
force between the electron and the proton.
x x x x This electrical force provides the centripetal
Fig. 27.1 force required to make the electron move in
circular orbit. Hence obtain an expression for
(i) On Fig. 27.1, mark the direction of the force
v in terms of &), €, me and r.
on the electron when it enters the magnetic
(ii) In this model, only certain values 7, 72,...
field at P.
r,,... Of the orbital radius are allowed. The
(ii) Calculate the magnitude of the force on the
corresponding values of the orbital speed are
Vis Vasco. Vas koe relation) iixing the
(iii) Explain why, when the electron is moving in
values of r, and v,, is
the magnetic field, it follows part of a
circular path.
Medes = an WANS 7 SIL, 25 hones (27.10)
(iv) Calculate the radius of this circular path.
[CCEA 2000, part]
and /: is the Planck constant.
2 Ultraviolet light of wavelength 12.2nm is shone on
1. Use Equation 27.10 and your answer to (1)
to a metal surface. The work function of the metal
to show that
is 6.20eV. .
fr =An ;
Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of the
emitted photoelectrons. whereA is a constant. Obtain an expression
forA in terms of €, e, h and meg.
Show that the maximum speed of these
tO. Hence calculate the radius of the smallest
photoelectrons is approximately 6 x 10°ms |.
electron orbit.
Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of 3. Draw a sketch showing the proton, the
photoelectrons with this speed. smallest electron orbit, and the next three
Explain why these photoelectrons would be
4. According to the de Broglie theory, a moving
suitable for studying the crystal structure of a
particle has an associated wavelength. Use
molecular compound. [Edexcel 2001]
the de Broglie relation (A=h/p) and
3 The diagram (Fig. 27.2) shows some of the energy Equation 27.10 to show that the de Broglie
levels for atomic hydrogen. wavelength of the electron in the smallest
orbit is equal to the circumference of that
Add arrows to the diagram showing all the single orbit. Deduce how the de _ Broglie
transitions which could ionise the atom. wavelengths of the electron in the next three
Why is the level labelled —13.6eV called the orbits are related to the circumference of
ground state? these orbits. [CCEA 2000]

Radioactivity and X-rays

The nucleus Writing the last equation as Hen = —n shows

that we have a decay that is exponential, i.e. has
A . .

The nucleus of an atom consists of a number Z of the form

aes —y, So that y=yoe (see
protons and a number N of neutrons. Z is called dx a
the atomic number or proton number. The sum Chapter 2). Hence withx = —At,
of the proton number and the neutron number is
the total number of nuclear particles (or n=mer. (28.2a)
nucleons). It is usually denoted by A and is often
called the mass number. For example eae) Multiplying both sides of this equation by / gives
denotes a uranium atom for which Z = 92 and
Z+N = 238.
4 Aer (28.2b)

Radioactivity e is the exponential function (=2.718 on your


Some nuclei, because of the particular numbers of The decay graph relating n and ¢ is shown in
protons and neutrons they contain, are unstable Fig. 28.1. The use of a log-linear graph for
and may change (i.e. decay or disintegrate) at describing radioactive decay is explained in
any time. These decays usually cause emission of Chapter 30.
an « or f particle, often followed immediately by
emission of a photon of » radiation.
Slope =_ dn
A typical radioactive source consists of a large
an is halved because n is halved
number 7 of such nuclei, all of the same kind (i.e.
all the same nuclide), and the number of decays per
second, or (what is the same thing) the reduction in —>
the value of m occurring in a second is called the Se
Half-life T
‘activity’ of the source. The unit for activity is the
becquerel (Bq). It means | decay per second. Fig: 28.1. Graph for radioactive decay

In a small time or the reduction in n is —dn, so the The time 7 required for n to fall from ng to 419 is
activity isA = — oe called the half-life of the nuclide, and from
ot Equation 28.2a we can get
Now A is found to be proportional to n and we 05=¢ “orein7=— a
write A =/n and 2 is called the ‘radioactive
decay constant’. This / is characteristic of the
_ 0.693 (28.3)
particular nuclide concerned. Its SI unit is s'. A
This means that
An alternative and more obvious formula for n is

A=An and eon Aly (28.1) aL) oe eet:

ot LS Faye or n=no2T (28.4a)


and A=4,2-‘/? 3 Calculate the number of phosphorus-32 atoms

(28.4b) required to give an activity of 30kBq. (Decay
constant for P-32 is 5.6 x 10°’ ac)
where Y = t/T = the number of half-lives. Thus if
the time elapsed is T, then Y = 1 andn =n); if
21, then the answer is halved again to give Ing,
because Y = 2. Mass of nuclide related to
Example 1
(a) Calculate the decay constant in s' of a radioactive The mass of a nuclide needed to provide a certain
source that has a half-life of 23 days. activityA can be calculated as follows:
(b) If this source has an initial activity of 40kBq what
will its activity be 10 days later? Mass of sample
A=An=AX (28.5)
Mass of atom
The mass of the atom may be given in kg or in
In2 0.6931
A= = unified atomic mass units (u). Since the mass of a
nucleon is approximately lu, the mass of an
and T = 23 days = 23 x 24hours = 23 x 24 x 60 x 60s atom in u is approximately equal to its nucleon
= 1.987 x 10°s number (mass number).
pt U6931 ates
= 7987
x 10° > 3.488 x 10°'s Also, since the molar mass for hydrogen atoms is
one gram, the mass of one H atom (and so for
or3.5 X10" s*.
one nucleon approximately) is 1 gram/Avogadro
(b) A=Ay2‘/* number (see also Chapter 3).
= 40 x 103 x 2-3 = 40 x 2-038 x 103
= 40 x 0.7398 x 10° = 29.58 x 10° Bq Example 2
Answer Calculate the activity of 1g of pure *35U given that its
half-life is 4.5 x 10° year. (1u = 1.66 x 10*’kg.)
(a) 3.5 x 10°"s~*, (b) 30kBq
In part (b) ¢ was given in days and so it is was easier to Mass of sample
use the equation containing 7 for which we had a Mass of atom
value in days-rather than the A = Ane” equation in A = 1n2/T, T = 4.5 x 10° year, mass of atom = 238u,
which / involved seconds. mass of sample = 10“ kg
The value inserted for Ap in the calculation was 0.693 @ 1073
converted to SI units by introducing 10°, but Ae 238. 60m< 0a)
subsequently the answer was divided by 10° to get an
answer in kBgq. If this cancelling of the conversion
= 3.9 x 10" year"!
factor is foreseen, then Ay could have been left in kBq. 11
is 12 kBgq.
°F 365 :town el s_', which
Exercise 28.1 12 kBq.

1. The half-life of radium is 1620 years. How long

will it take for the initial activity of a radium Isotopes
compound to fall to a fifth of its original value?
(Remember loga’ = bloga.)
2 The activity of a radioactive source decreases by These are different nuclides of the same element.
seven-eighths of its initial value in 30 hours. For example *35U and *jU are isotopes. They
Calculate the half-life and the decay constant for differ only in the number of neutrons they
this source. (log.2 = 0.693.) contain.


Example 3 nucleon number falls by 4. For / -emission the

Calculate the atomic mass for natural uranium which
nucleus changes one of its neutrons into a proton
consists of 99.3% ~°U and 0.7% ~°U. The atomic plus a negative electron. This electron is emitted
masses of ~°U and ~°U are 238.051 u and 235.044 u. from the nucleus at extremely high speed as the
-particle. Thus the nucleon number does not
Method change, but the proton number increases by one.
The atomic mass required is the mean for all its atoms. B*-emission causes decrease of the proton
number by one, a.’ particle being a positive
Out of every 100 atoms we would have 99.3 weighing
238.05lu each and 0.7 weighing 235.044u each. electron.
Therefore the average mass is
(99.3 x 238.051) + (0.7 x 235.044) Example 4 —
100 3 a 5 , 0 Oh
A radioactive isotope of cobalt 5;Co decays by emission
and equals 238.03 u. of a beta particle followed by emission of one or more
gamma photons. Thus we may write
Note that we can say the relative atomic mass is 238.03
or 238.03 g per mole. 37Co +P +fh+y
Answer where P is the product nuclide, f is the beta particle and
238.03 u. ) represents one or more gamma photons. The atomic
number of P is
A 29 By A CI DYos 1,
Exercise 28.2 Method
Beta emission increases the atomic number (i.e. proton
1. The atomic mass of ordinary chlorine gas is 35.5 u, number) by 1, so that the atomic number of P is 27 + 1
while it is known that this gas is made up of two or 28. Note that / means f unless otherwise stated.
isotopes whose atomic masses are 35u and 37u.
Calculate the ratio of the number of the heavier Answer
atoms to the number of lighter ones. B.
2. ~The radioactive nuclide radium-221 has a half-life
of 30s.

(a) What approximately is its atomic mass Radioactive dating

(i) in unified atomic mass units (u) and
(11) in grams given that the mass of a normal
carbon-12 atom is 2.0 x 10°*° kg? A good example of this concerns the decay of the
(b) How many atoms are there in 0.10g of the
carbon C isotope which is a f-emitter and is
pure element? found in a small, known concentration in
atmospheric carbon dioxide. Plant or other
(c) Calculate the activity of 0.10g of the pure material contains carbon taken from the
atmosphere at the time of the material’s
(In 2 = 0.693)
formation. When the living material dies it will
3 Ina certain radioactive source 16% of the atoms subsequently contain a decreasing proportion of
are radioactive with a half-life of 3 days. What “SC to normal '7C atoms as the carbon-14 slowly
percentage of the atoms in the source 9 days later decays.
will be radioactive?

Example 5
Nuclear changes The half-life of '3C is 5570 years. (a) What is its
decay constant? (b) How many disintegrations per
second are obtained from 1g of carbon if 1 carbon
An alpha particle consists of 2 protons and 2 atom in 10” is of the radioactive “C type? (c)
neutrons holding together, like a helium nucleus, after what time will the activity per gram have
and travelling very fast. When an gemission fallen to 3 disintegrations per minute?
occurs, the proton number falls by 2 and the (1u = 1.66 x 10°?’ kg.)


assuming that each disintegration of the source
ae : produces one particle (i.e. one emergent y-
Qi oe (Equation 28.3) = eon year
photon from the y-source). Consequently a
sea 0.693 detector should give a count rate proportional to
557x0365 x 24 x 60 x 60> I/r*. For - and f-particles the flux per unit area
is also reduced by intervening air.
3,94 x10 5 *
Fig. 28.2 illustrates this law.
(b) For 1g carbon:
Unit area perpendicular
Number of carbon atoms = Mass Source, e.g. y source of activity A to radiation
Mass of atom
ie: 10° kg
12 x 1.66 x 10-27
<—\ Distance r —»
(assuming all atoms are carbon '2C — almost true)
= 0207s PALES ger TUNE Rapid fall due to inverse square law

number of carbon-14 atoms

Background radiation
= 5,02 x 10” x 10!2

=o 02% 10 Distance r

The (carbon-14) activity is Fig. 28.2 The inverse square law

Aon = 39410" x 5.02 x 10”

= 0.1985! Absorption
Note: This means 12 disintegrations per minute.
(c) Using A = A/2” (Equation 28.4) we get When y-photons pass into any medium their
number will begin to decrease because of the
sy 2 12 2
Ae 3k ionising of atoms and other processes. (A photon
is used up when an ionisation is produced.)
’. time of decay t = 2 x half-life, i.e. 2 x 5570 year
The half-thickness of a medium is that thickness
which halves the flux. We can denote it by 7. The
(a) 3.94 x 1075-1, (b) 0.19887", emergent flux F is given by
(c) 11.1 x 10° years.
F= 3Y (28.7)
Inverse square law
where Y =x//, x being: the thickness of the
For a small y-source in a low density medium, absorbing medium, T the half-thickness; Fp is the
e.g. air, there will be little loss of the emitted initial flux entering. We can also write
photons, but they spread as they travel so that
the number of particles per second (the
F=Fye! (28.8)
particle flux) received per unit area at distance
r is proportional to 1/r?. Hence the term
‘inverse square law’. This follows from the fact where p is the linear absorption coefficient
that, at distance r, the total flux F is spread (attenuation coefficient) for the medium. Also
over a spherical area 4nr* so that the flux per
unit area is _ In2
Foo Activity
area 4ar? eee) Note that Equations 28.7, 8 and 9 are analogous
to Equations 28.4, 2 and 3 for decay; this makes


learning the equations easier. The same formulae One half-thickness gives a reduction to 50% of the
happen to apply to absorption of /-radiation from initial flux; two half-thicknesses gives a_ further
radioactive sources. reduction to half of this, ie. 25% of the initial flux
would emerge; three gives 125% and four gives 6.25%.
Therefore 90% reduction, i.e. 10% emerging, requires
Example 6 a thickness between three and four times the half-
A y-emitting nuclide in a small source has a half-life of 60 thickness 3mm, i.e. between 9mm and 12mm. In fact
minutes. Its initial » count rate, recorded by a counter this argument does tell us that the only answer which
placed 1.0m from the source, is 320s'.The distance can be correct is C.
between the counter and the source is changed. After The alternative approach is to use Equation 28.7, as
2.0h the count rate recorded is 125s~'. What is the new follows:
distance between the counter and the source?
ig etiees : 85
Method ay and Y=a

Here the count rate changes due to both decay and the F is the flux surviving and is to be 10%, Fy is the original
change of distance. flux, i.e. 100%, half-thickness 7 = 3.0mm and x is the
As regards decay the expected count rate R, say, after thickness to be found.
1.0h can be deduced from Equation 28.6:
2 0
_ Ag
A=Fy loge 2 S108, 101
Since the count rate R is proportional to the activity we
can now write But log 2” = Y log2 so that

320 Y logo) ae

t 2.0h a(= Y) = 3.22

and -¥ =4
= 10h
fo = 2, Se SO ievan
R = 320 = 8057 =966mm or 10mm

The change from 80s ' to 125s'' must be due to

decreased distance, and since flux and therefore count Cc
rate are proportional to I/r~ (the inverse square law).
First count rate _ 2
Second count rater;
Exercise 28.3

1 A certain radioactive nucleus os decays by alpha

ry” = 0.64 andr, = 0.8m emission. What are the nucleon number and the
proton number of the daughter nucleus?

0.8m. 2 If the y-radiation flux per unit area is acceptably

low at a distance of 1.0m from a certain small
source, at what distance from the source will the
Example 7 same radiation level be obtained when the source
The half-thickness of a certain material for f-radiation, is enclosed in a container whose walls have a
from a particular source is 3.0mm. What thickness is thickness equal to 2 half-thicknesses?
needed to reduce the /-radiation flux by 90%?
3 A very old wooden tool is found to have a carbon-
A 15mm B 5.4mm C 10mm 14 activity of 0.07Bq per gram of total carbon
D 0.6mm E 0.15mm content. The half-life for carbon-14 is 5570 years
Method and the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere, from
which the wood’s carbon was obtained, gives 19
An approximate value for the thickness can be obtained disintegrations per minute per gram of carbon.
as follows: What is the age of the tool?


X-radiation In this process an accelerated electron removes

an inner electron of the atom at energy level E’.
Then an electron at higher energy level F can fall
X-radiation is, like gamma radiation, an electro- to level E’ and so emit X-radiation.
magnetic radiation but its wavelength is generally
Fig. 28.4 shows a typical X-radiation spectrum for
longer than that of gamma rays. However, the
such an X-ray tube.
main distinction between these radiations is the
method of production. White X-rays
spectrum /\
X-rays are usually produced by accelerating
X-ray power radiated
electrons to high speeds in an evacuated glass per unit wavelength
tube and letting them strike a target or anode
(Fig. 28.3). The X-radiation results from two

processes. One is the rapid slowing down of Wavelength, 4
the electrons as they enter the target’s Fig. 28.4 Typical X-ray spectrum
surface. The other is excitation of the target
atoms. Example 8
Electrons Vacuum Calculate the maximum frequency of X-rays emitted by
Heated filament cathode an X-ray tube using an accelerating voltage of 33.0kV.
(Planck constant = 6.6 x 10 “Js, charge e on an
electron = 1.6 x 10°C.)
We use Equation 28.10:

Accelerating J = CV “OF thin = cle

= PD , e.g. 50 kV 25

Fig. 28.3 An X-ray tube h=66x10-,.e€ =16x 10°", V =33 «10°.

ee Om aex cena 10:
The slowing process gives X-rays over a range of arse te 6:65e10=3
wavelengths, i.e. a continuous spectrum. This
radiation is called ‘white’. The shortest = 8.0 x 10° Hz
wavelength (Amin) obtained (highest photon The whole ofthe accelerated electron’s energy has been
energy) is due to incident electrons stopping used to produce a photon of this frequency. A higher
abruptly, so that all the electron’s kinetic frequency is not possible.
energy becomes one photon of X-radiation. Answer
8.0 x 10'* Hz.

eS =hfmax = imv* = eV (28.10) Example 9

Characteristic X-radiation is described as K,, if it is due
where Amin iS the shortest wavelength of X- to an electron transition to the m = 1 shell (K shell)
from the n = 2 (L shell). Kg radiation is due to n = 3
radiation produced, finax is its frequency, v is the
(M shell) to K shell transitions. For molybdenum the
velocity of the accelerated electrons.
K, wavelength is 0.071nm and Kg is 0.063nm.
V is the potential difference used for the Calculate the difference between (a) the K and L
acceleration. The excitation process gives X-rays energy levels and (b) the L and M energy levels.
at a few. definite wavelengths called (Planck constant h = 6.6 x 10-™* Js, velocity of electro-
‘characteristic X-rays’ and decided by the magnetic radiation in vacuum c = 3.0 x 10°ms_’.)
allowed transitions in the target atoms, according
to the equation below: Method
We use Equation 28.11.
=n ="
E-E' (28.11)
B-E ,_= he7


(a) For
K,, 4=0.071 x 10°°m;
x10 ms.
Exercise 28.5:
66x10 x3.0 x 10° Examination questions
ee a 0.071 x 10-9
= 2720210 Lore. = 102) (Note that In 2 = 0.6931.)
1 The half-life of protactinium is 73 seconds. A
(b) For Ky, 2 = 0.063 x 10°’ m; freshly-prepared sample has an activity of 30 kBq.
(i) Calculate the decay constant of protactinium.
= 66 x 10" x 3.0 x 10°
(ii) How many atoms of protactinium are initially
ad ee 0.063 x 10-9
present in the sample?
Ssidsnei0r (iii) What would be the activity of the sample 2.0
minutes after preparation?
and [CCEA 2000, part]
Ey aa Ey = (Ens = Ex) ae (ein = Ex) 2 (a) (i) The radioactive decay law may be written as
SAS 1b 976 OeclOn, A= Age”
Identify the following terms in_ this
= 35.4.%10°" 1orgs x07 I
relationship: A; Ao; 4.

Answer (ii) Define the half-life of a radioactive

(a). 2.8 10F Is (b) 3.540,
(b) A newly-prepared radioactive source contains
5.0ug of Strontium-90, which has a half-life
of 28 years.
Exercise 28.4 (i) Calculate the mass of Strontium-90
present in the source after it has been
used for 16 years.
Calculate the highest frequency of X-radiation (ii) How much longer will it take for the mass
that can be obtained from an X-ray tube operated of Strontium-90 in the source to be
with a PD of 17kV. If the target of such a tube is reduced to 1.0 wg? [CCEA 2000]
made of molybdenum, will the K, (0.071 nm) and
3 The graph shows the decay of a radioactive nuclide.
Ky, (0.063nm) characteristic radiations — be
obtained? Number of atoms 8
(Electron charge e=-—1.6x10"C; Planck
constant i = 6.6 x 10°“ Js; velocity of electro-
magnetic radiation in vacuum c = 3.0 x 10° ms.)

An X-ray tube has an electron beam current of

10mA, and the accelerating voltage is SOkV. The
efficiency (i.e. percentage of input power
converted into X-ray power) is 0.5%. Calculate
(a) the input power, (b) the power lost in the
tube as heat, (c) the minimum wavelength of X- 0 60 180
rays produced. t/s
(Electron charge e=—1.6x10°'°C; Planck Determine the half-life of this radionuclide.
constant h = 6.6 x 10-“*Js; velocity of electro-
magnetic radiation in vacuum c = 3.0 x 10° ms.) Use your value of half-life to calculate the decay
constant / of this radionuclide.
The K, and Ky characteristic X-radiations from a Use the graph to determine the rate of decay
copper target have wavelengths 0.154nm and dN/dt when N = 3.0 x 10”.
0.139nm, and are due to electron transitions to -

thew — 1 shell trom) thee 2 "andi 77.-—=Sashells Use your value of the rate of decay to calculate the
respectively. Calculate a value for the energy decay constant / of this radionuclide.
difference between (a) the n = 1 and n = 3 shells, Explain which method of determining the decay
(bythe v= and77— Sishells: constant you consider to be more reliable.
(h = 6.6 x 10 “Js: c =3.0 x 10°m ge) [Edexcel 2000]


4 Carbon-14, decays by f-emission, with a half-life (c) An identical sample of living wood is taken
of 5730 years. and found to have a mean activity of
0.25Bq after correction for background
A sample of wood found in a bog has a mean radiation. Find the age of the wood taken
activity of 0.20 Bq after correction for background from the bog. [OCR 2000]
A certain X-ray tube operates at 110kV. Calculate
(a) Define the term decay constant. the shortest wavelength of X-rays produced.

(b) Show that the sample contains 5.3 x 10!° (Electronic charge (e) = 1.60 x 10°C
carbon-14 atoms. velocity of light in vacuum (c) = 3.00 x 10°ms~ 1
Tyear = 3.2. < 10's. Planck constant (h) = 6.63 x 10 Js)
[CCEA 2000, part]

Nuclear reactions

The Einstein mass-energy where e denotes the electron which is the /~ particle, v
denotes a neutring and Q is the energy that becomes
relationship the kinetic energy of the particles produced.
The masses of the atoms concerned are 209.984110u
for the bismuth 210 and 209.982866 u for the polonium
The mass m of any body, defined by the equation 210.
F = ma (see Chapter 5), and the total energy E
of the body are related by the equation Calculate the value of Q (a) in joules and (b) in

E=mc* (29.1) Take lu=1.7x10’kg, the speed of light

c=3.0x10°ms! and the electron charge
e = 1.6 x 10-'’C. The rest mass ofthe neutrino is zero.
where c = velocity of light in vacuum.
For a body at rest m is the rest mass and the Method
corresponding energy EF (= mc’) is the rest mass (Using atomic masses rather than nuclear masses
energy. If the body were then to move, E would means that the masses of 83 electrons are included in
increase on account of the body’s acquiring the bismuth atom on the left of the equation.
kinetic energy and so m increases also. However the mass of the polonium atom includes 84
electrons, 83 of which will balance the 83 on the left
In nuclear reactions the energy changes are and the remaining one will allow the mass of the beta
sufficient for the mass changes to be significant. particle electron to be neglected. In A-level
If a nuclear change, i.e. reaction, occurs with no calculations you will assume that electron masses can
be overlooked. )
supply of energy from outside, then we have a
spontaneous reaction such as a radioactive decay. (a) The total rest mass on the left of the equation is
The potential energy of the nucleus must fall, 209.984 110u and on the right it is 209.982 866 u.
and so the rest mass must decrease. The energy The loss of rest mass which is the mass of the
lost escapes from the nucleus usually as the energy Q is
kinetic energy of an emitted particle or as a y-
photon, or both. 209.984 110 — 209.982 866 = 0.001 244u
In kilograms this is 0.001244 x 1.7 x 10°*’ kg or
The loss of rest mass or the energy released in a
2.1148 x 10°*" kg.
reaction is denoted by Q (the ‘Q value’ of the
reaction) and the loss of rest mass when a In joules it is, using E = mc’,
nucleus is formed from its component particles E=2.1148 x 10 x G0 810
can be called the ‘mass defect’ of the nucleus.
= 19.03 x 10°"J
If Q is negative then the reaction cannot occur (b) In electron-volts, using 1 eV = e joules, we get
without a supply of energy.
0 19.03. 0c
= 1.6 x,10-!9
Example 1
=11.90x 10°eV or 1.19MeV
Beta particle emission from *3Bi can be described by
the equation Answer
210; _ 210 aw :
33 Bi = “g,Po+_j;e+v+Q (a) 19x 10°J (b) 1.2MeV


Equations for nuclear Calculate the kinetic energy of each of the alpha
particles immediately following the reaction.
reactions (Speed of light in vacuum is 3.0 x 10°ms_'.)
As in the above example, the right-hand side of The total rest mass of the reacting particles is
the equation contains the reaction products. On
2.0141+ 6.0151 or 8.0292u
the left is the particle or particles at the start.
The equation can also include Q, the net loss of The total rest mass of the products is
rest mass energy or gain in other energy. 2x 4.0026 or 8.0052u
Note too that the sum of the mass numbers on left The loss of rest mass is
and right must be equal (there is no way in which 8.0292 — 8.0052 = 0.0240u
nucleons can be created or destroyed) and = 0.0240 x 1.66 x 10°77 = 4.0 x 10 *kg
similarly the proton numbers must add up to the
same total on each side because charge is and, using E = mc’,
conserved. E orQ=4.0 x 10-” 29 x (3.00 x 10°)
To conform with these rules we write the negative
Sei ly
electron, the positive electron and the neutron as The energy per a-particle is half of 3.6 x 10°'*J, ice.
) .
Te, ve and jn respectively. Ve al 0m al:
Example 2
(Mle eae
i<P decays by af emission to a nucleus }X. What are
the values of A and Z?
Method Nuclear binding energy
isP = 2X + 7e
Equating nucleon numbers gives 32 =A +0 so that Nucleons hold together in a nucleus only because
A = 32. Equating atomic numbers (proton numbers) of attractive nuclear forces. The potential energy
gives 15 = Z — 1 so thatZ = 106. of the nucleons is lower when they are in a
Answer nucleus close together than when they are
separated from each other. When this potential
Al = SO, 4 = Moy
energy decreases, the rest mass energy decreases
and energy Q is released in the form of j-
Induced nuclear reactions radiation or kinetic energy. Conversely, to break
up a nucleus into separate nucleons requires an
equal energy to be provided, and this is called
Some nuclei can be made to change as a result of the binding energy of the nucleus. The binding
their interacting with a bombarding particle, e.g. energy of a nucleus divided by its nucleon
by a proton or an alpha particle, and the incident number gives the ‘binding energy per nucleon’.
particle may have a useful amount of kinetic
energy. The reaction is an ‘induced reaction’.
Example 4
Example 3 The °*H isotope of hydrogen is known as tritium and the
mass of the }H atom is 3.0160u. Calculate the binding
The nuclear reaction between a deuteron and a lithium-
energy of this atom. (Neutron mass = 1.009 u, mass of
6 nucleus does not require the deuteron to have any
,H atom 1.008 u, 1 u = 931 MeV.)
kinetic energy and the reaction results in the
production of two alpha particles according to the Method
equation The el atom contains a proton and an orbiting electron
+H eh = 2;He+:O (i.e. a tH atom) and two neutrons. The total mass of
these particles is
The mass of the deuteron is 2.0141 u, of the lithium
nucleus 6.0151u and of each alpha particle 4.0026 u. 1.008 + (2 x 1.009) or 3.026u


The Q value (or energy released during formation) is Comment

the difference between the tritium mass and the mass
2 335.10
Fe ioe°° Ov 02.08 x 10° eV
of its constituents. In electron volts Q=
AO) eS :

O = 3.026 —3.016 or 0.010u or 208 MeV.

Converted to MeV we have 0.010 x 931 or 9.31 MeV. Values needed but not given in the question are given in
lists of data provided with exam questions.
The additions and subtraction can be done without the
9.3 MeV.
use of a calculator. If a calculator is used then it should
be made to give answers to 6 sig. figs. (see Use of
calculators in Chapter 2). Proton numbers do not
Nuclear fission balance in this,,equation because the fission is
accompanied by f-emitting decays.
The binding energy per nucleon is smaller
(potential energy is bigger) for nucleons in large Nuclear fusion
nuclei such as uranium nuclei and is greatest for
nucleons in medium sized nuclei. Consequently
splitting, or fission, can occur where a large This is the joining together of two small nuclei to
nucleus divides into two approximately equal-size produce a nucleus for which the binding energy
nuclei, and energy is released. per nucleon is larger. Energy is released as
kinetic energy of a product particle (if any), or
Example 5 otherwise as gamma radiation.
Fission of a ~°uranium nucleus can be induced
Example 6
according to the following equation
235gU + an =a_Mo
95 Calculate the energy in MeV released by fusing two
+ 139 l
3,La+2,n+O0 protons and two neutrons to form a helium nucleus.
The atomic masses of the nuclei concerned are: (This reaction is difficult to achieve.)

W235 923504277 0 The atomic masses of hydrogen G H) and helium (SHe)

Mo95 -94.90553 u are 1.007825u and 4.002604 u respectively. The mass
Lal39 138.905 34u of the neutron is 1.008 665 u. lu = 931 MeV.

and the mass of a neutron is 1.008 66 u. Method

Calculate the energy released in this reaction in joules. The reaction is
Any kinetic energy of the interacting particles can be
2H+2.n = jHe+O
The sum of the masses for the left-hand side is
(2 x 1.007 825) + (2 x 1.008 665)
For the left side of the equation the sum of the masses is
or 4.03298u
235.04277+ 1.00866 or 236.051u
(In addition to the protons, neutrons and helium
For the right side the sum is nucleus, two electrons are included in each side of the
94.905 53 + 138.905 34 + (2 x 1.008 66) equation, one in each hydrogen atom and two in the
helium atom. These electron masses cancel.)
or 235.828 u
Subtracting the mass on the right from that on the left
Q = 236.051 — 235.828 = 0.223 u gives Q.
But lu = 1.66 x 10°-*’ kg QO = 4.032 98 — 4.002 604 = 0.030376u
Q = 0.223 x 1.66 x 10-7’ kg or, usingE = mc’,
pe and converted to MeV,
Q = 0.223 x 1.66 x 1077” x (3.0 x 10°) QO = 0.030376 : 931 = 28.3 MeV
= 3.33 x 10°) per fusion.
Answer Answer
Sse es: 28.3 MeV.

Exercise 29.1 (b) Give the nuclear equation for the thallium-207
decay, including any other particles that are
produced. [OCR 2001, part]
1 A possible induced fission reaction is shown by the
following equation In one fusion reaction, two deuterium (;H) nuclei
combine to form a helium nucleus (5He). Write
"QU + yn = 3sBr + La + 3 qn an equation for this reaction, including nucleon
What number is represented by the x? and proton numbers.

Use the following data to show that the binding The masses involved are:
energy of U235 (ie. )~°Uranium) is mass/u
approximately 1.7 x 10° MeV.
7H nucleus 2.014 10
Mass of U235 atom = 390.295 x 10-7’ kg >He nucleus 3.016 03
Mass of neutron = 1.675 x 10°*”kg neutron 1.008 67

Mass of proton = 1.672 x 10°*’ kg lu = 1.66 x 10*’kg

Velocity of light (in vacuum) = 3.0 x 10° ms! (a) Calculate the energy released in this reaction.

fev =160% 10° "J (b) Hence calculate the energy released when
1.0kg of deuterium nuclei fuse to form 5He.
3 Calculate the energy in MeV released in the 1.0kg of deuterium contains 3.0 x 107°
fusion reaction deuterium nuclei. | [Edexcel S-H 2000, part]
2 2 3 1
Valse plal— Alsloe luk ge)
(a) A typical nuclear fission event is represented
The atomic masses by the equation
deuterium {H, 2.014102u gn +°5,U — Kr + 7Ba +3 5n
tritium iH, 3.016049 u
(i) Calculate the number of protons and the
hydrogen {H, 1.007825u number of neutrons in the 7Ba nucleus.
(Lu = 931 MeV.) (ii) Calculate the energy released in one of
these events from the following data.

Exercise 29.2: mass of jn = 1.67 x 10°” kg

mass of 733U = 390.19 x 10°’ kg
Examination questions mass of er = 152.57 x 10°*" kg
mass of 4Ba = 233.92 x 10°’ kg
Where necessary use (b) Estimate the useful power output of a nuclear
electronic charge (e) = 1.60 x 10°C power station which has an efficiency of 33%
unified atomic mass unit (uw) = 1.66 x 10 ~’kg and uses up aU at arate of 4.4 x 10 °kgs’.
velocity of light in vacuum (c) = 3.00 x 10°ms~ [WJEC 2000, part]
Avogadro’s number (N) = 6.02 x 10° mol!

(a) Part of a series of radioactive decay processes Explain what is meant by the binding energy of a
is shown below. nucleus.

o decay B decay ae
Use the data below to calculate the binding energy
Bi ———> “11 ———_>+ ,,Pb per nucleon for an alpha-particle. Give your
answer in MeV per nucleon.
half-life = 2 minutes half-life = 5 minutes
Proton mass m, = 1.0073 u;
Fig. 29.1 neutron mass m, = 1.0087 u;
In a particular sample, the number of thallium mass of “He**t = 4.0015 u.[CCEA 2000, part]
(TI) nuclei present remains constant. For this
sample, calculate the ratio:
number of Bi nuclei
number of TI nuclei

Section |
Calculations involving graphs
Graphs and oscilloscope traces

square. A voltage ranging from zero up to 10

Introduction volts, for example, could be plotted very easily on
the y axis if 2 large squares, i.e. 2cm, along the
The way in which the variation of one quantity scale used were allocated for each volt. Then
affects another can be expressed as a graph as an each of the ten small squares (0.2cm of the
alternative to an equation. One advantage of a paper) would represent 0.1 V. The plotted values
graph is the quickness with which its information would use most of the paper height.
can be grasped.
The quantities being plotted shouldbe marked
Unless other symbols are preferred, we use x to against their respective axes, together with the
denote the quantity plotted on the horizontal axis units being used, with the quantity divided by
(abscissa) andy for the other quantity (ordinate). unit.
The origin is the place where the axes meet. Along each axis the numbers of units, e.g. 1.0, 2.0,
etc for 1.0V, 2.0V, etc., should be marked at
intervals normally no closer than 5mm and no
greater than 2cm.
Plotting graphs
Example 1
If you are required to plot a graph using The data below describe the stretching of a spring. Plot
numerical data provided by the exam question a graph of the applied force as abscissa and the
you should use scales that give a graph that fills extension as ordinate.
the available space, that is convenient for easy
Force / N Extension /mm
plotting of points and that produces a graph not
more than twice as wide as it is high (or vice ZA 6
versa). 3.0 9
4.0 12
Unless you have good reason to do otherwise you
should start both axes at zero. () 16
6.0 19
For accurate graphs (as opposed to sketches) it is 7.0 t 20
assumed that proper graph paper is used. A
8.0 24
typical A4-size graph sheet has about 24 squares
9.0 28
upwards, each 1 cm by 1 cm, and about 16 across.
10 oH
Each of these is subdivided with fainter small
squares, 5 up and 5 across, inside each large 11 ff)


Method amperes. You are required to plot and so

As shown in Fig. 30.1, each 2mm of extension has discover the shape of the graph.
been represented by one large square along the y You consider simple values of one of the
axis, so that the results are accommodated within variables, e.g. the current, and calculate the
17 out of the available 24 squares. The force corresponding P values. So, if we choose 1.0A,
values have used 11 out of the 16 large squares Z0A, SUA 4 0A and 5.04, the P yalue for
along the x axis. The graph could have been I =2.0A is 2.0° x 5.0, which is 20 W, and the set
made wider by using, for example, 6 scale ofP values is as shown below.
divisions (6 times 2mm of paper) for each
newton so that 11 N would be 132mm of paper I/A 1.0 2.0) 3.0 4.0 5.0
along the x axis, i.e. more than 13 large squares.
P/W 5.0 20 45 80 IP)
This scale of 6 divisions per newton would make
plotting more difficult.
These are the values to plot. The shape of the
graph is as shown in Fig. 30.2d.
If only a quick sketch is required rather than an
accurate graph, the x and y scales can be drawn
reasonably straight on plain paper and a few
Extension |s--}o-/mmntos
MEM ey lect Nene
scale divisions marked at approximately equal
cy spacings.
Gy) Oe tate

30 od ee
28b- ben setae orca oan Exercise 30.1

1 Plot a graph of the following data, with PD (V) on

the x axis and current (/) on the y axis, and read
from the graph the the current expected at 4.7 V.

PD NE OTE Rae ne () ey EOL)

DAS SO Ooe OD am Omen tee Onna aL

2 Sketch the graph for the formula p = 4 where p

is a fixed density of 10 x 10° kgm*, M is the mass
@ i 2 & Ai By wy 7 3} ©) Goal in kg, and V is volume in m>. Put M on the y axis.

Fig 30.1 Plotting a graph (Large squares only shown.

Paper size 16cmx24 cm) Some common graphs
The best straight line has been drawn through the
plotted points with, as far as possible, equal If y «x, i.e. y = mx where m is a constant (not
numbers of points above and below all parts of affected by variation of x and y), then we get a
the line. straight line which passes through the point
ye yi UF hic 30.24). sOther, “common
examples are also shown in Fig. 30.2.
Plotting a graph froma The most important of these examples is
formula y=mxt+C (30.1)

Suppose the formula is P =/ *R, where R is a When y = mx + C the graph is a straight line and
constant resistance of 5.00hm, P denotes power lieCr-0s the sinespassessthrouch x= 0, y = 0.
in watts and J denotes electric current in Then y is proportional to x.


y = mx oFee 05eo Nee

A B Cc

Fig. 30.3 Graphs for Example 2


(i) C, (ii) A, (iii) B

Small changes
If symbols x andy are used to denote the values of
two related quantities, then it is usual to denote
small corresponding increases in x and y by ox
and dy (where 6 is pronounced ‘delta’). Small
decreases would be —dx and —oy.
If now x were made extremely small (too small to
measure it), i.e. dx — 0, we denote the value of
dy/dx when ox — 0 by dy/dx (pronounced ‘dee y
by dee x’). (See also page 12.)

y = Asin Bx
Slope of a graph
= A cosBx

The gradient or slope s of a graph at a chosen

point is

Fig. 30.2 Some common graphs oe Small change in y

Corresponding small change in x
Example 2 OY
alee (30.2)
Select from the three graphs labelled A, B and C in
Fig. 30.3 the graph that describes the relationship (1)
pressure versus volume of a fixed mass of perfect gas at For a straight line graphs is the same for all parts
a constant temperature (ii) acceleration versus applied of the graph, and so
force for a constant mass (111) power radiated versus
absolute temperature of a hot surface. uh Any change in y
SS ee
Method Corresponding change in x

(i) The equation relating pressure p to volume V is

= ©b in Fig. 30.4a (30.3)
bats See - constant pall :
pV =constant or p= V Or p x7 This
Note that for y« x, we can write
agrees with Fig. 30.2e, so the answer to select is C.
(ii EZ The relationship between acceleration a and force
s(orm) =»
fe = ora=— < F which agrees with Bs
mass M +

y =m and Fig. 30.2a, so the answer to select is A. and for any straight line y=mx-+C with the
(ii) The relation between power P radiated and gradient m. To measure s at a point on a curve it
absolute temperature T is P= cAT* and the P is not too difficult to draw a tangent to the curve
versus T graph is like y = Ax* and Fig. 30.2d, but and measure its slope, which equals the required
rises more steeply. The answer to select is B. slope (Fig. 30.4b).


Fig. 30.4 Slope of a graph

Note that for measuring the slope of a graph the

choice of origin is not important. Fig. 30.6 Graph for Example 3

The intercepts of a graph From the graph the slope is 3.3/100 or 0.033 K ' and
they sintercept wise 100 O29 S0™ kg 10:00), wand
Rox =0.033QK"', whence « (=0.033/Ro)
They intercept is the value of y when x = 0, and
= 0,0033 Ky
the x intercept is x when y = 0. Often we need to Answer
make use of only one of the two intercepts and Ro = 10.09, « = 0.0033 K!
we normally use the y intercept. The graph
Ven. Chas ay intercept C (Fig. 30:2b). Fora
straight line (i.e. linear) graph the x intercept and
y intercept are related by Advantage of a straight
Magnitude of y intercept line graph
Slope s (or m) =
Magnitude of x intercept
(30.4) If a graph is obtained with a straight line, we can
easily determine the mathematical relationship
(Gee Fig. 30.5) described by the graph. If the line passes through
point (0,0) then it agrees with y = mx and m is
obtained from the gradient. If it has an intercept,
then y = mx + C and m is the slope and C is the
x intercept intercept.

Fig. 30.5 Intercepts

Slope of a graphasa
Example 3
The following values of resistance R and corresponding
method of averaging
Celsius temperature @ conform to the equation
R=R (1 +6) where Rp and « are constants. Plot a In Fig. 30.7 the resistance of the conductor is
straight line graph from these results and hence R=Vjf.
determine Ro and «a.

0/°C 10 30 60 90

R/Q 10.3 11.0 IA) 13.0

The graph is plotted as shown in Fig. 30.6.
To find Ry we first note the resemblance between
R=R,(1+«6) and y=C-+mx. If we rewrite the R b I/mA
equation as R = Ry + Row, it is seen that Ro is the
intercept on the R axis and Roz is the slope. Fig. 30.7 Graph of V versus / for an ohmic conductor


No particular pair of results can be regarded as physical quantities and their numerical values are
the correct one for calculating R but the line always related by the same equation.
drawn is an average for the results. For any point
on the line such as P the x and y values (i.e. the
coordinates of P) can be regarded as average Example 4
values and R is calculated as R = a/b, which is Corresponding values of volume (V’) and pressure (p)
the slope of the graph. P does not need to be a are given below for a fixed mass of air at constant
plotted point. temperature. Given that p = AV", where A and n are
constants, deduce the values of 7 and A.

pikPa 100 200 300 400 500 600

Exercise 30.2
Vien 00" =50 es 25 20 16
1 Plot the graph of y= 2x° + 4, where y is in kg and
x is in cm and measure the slope at y = 12.0kg. Method

2 The following readings were taken of power P Plotting V versusp gives a graph like Fig. 30.2e and the
supplied to evaporate a liquid and the resulting power nm would not be determined. Now
mass per second of liquid evaporated m. logp =logA +nlogV and n is the slope of the logp
versus log V graph. So we need log values:
P/W 2.0 4.0) 6.0 8.0 10
log; n(pikPa) 2.05 235 925 Secon 2.8
mil0 kes 03 10 165 23 3.0
loz,o(Viem).. 1.95. 17nd j-~]
C3 ihe)
Plot a graph to check agreement of these results
with the equation P=mL+h, where hf is a The graph is plotted in Fig. 30.8.
constant rate of heat loss and L is constant.
Hence evaluate L and h. log, )(V/cm)

Plotting logy versus logx Fiabeaducdind

2.0 Pie


3.0 Fibeiist
Logarithms were explained in Chapter 2.
Equations 2.12 and 2.13 are used here.
2.0 bet 2.04.0!
If y= Ax” then

logioy = logy)A + logyyx” (30.5)

= log)A +n logi)x

The same is true if we use log. (i.e. Iny, etc.)

instead. 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
We can plot log,yy versus log,,x to obtain a
Fig. 30.8 Graph for Example 4
straight line graph whose slope equals the power
n. The intercept is log,,A from which A can be The slope is found to be —1.0, i.e. n = —1 (Boyle’s law
calculated. of course).
Logarithms are numbers (without units) but x, y They intercept is log,,A and equals 4.0, i.e.4 = 10°.
and A may have units, e.g. p=100kPa in
The unit forA is the same as for p/V", i.e. kilopascal/
Example 4. The units can be indicated by writing 3 33
cm” or kPacm~". Here n=-—1, s0 _ that
‘log p with p in kPa.’ However, units are more A = 10*kPacm’.
easily displayed if we plot logs of numerical
values, e.g. log (p/kPa), log (V/cm*). This practice Answer
does not affect the method or results because n=—1, A=1.0 x 10*kPacm?.


Plotting logy or Iny The graph obtained is shown in Fig. 30.9.

versus x In (0/°C)


If an equation is of the form y = Ab” where A, b

and c are constants then, taking logarithms with
base b of each side of the equation, using
22.5 min
Equations 2.12 and 2.13, and remembering that
Oe, — 1

log, y = log,A +cx (30.6) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 t/min

Fig. 30.9 Graph for Example 5

For example if N = Noe z)“ (Equation 28.2a) and
we take logs to the base e (or In) of each side of The slope is found to be —0.044min' so
the equation we get A = 0.044 min'.
When t = 0, 0 = @ and is equal to 60°C.
InN = InNy — At (30.7)
This equation has the form y =mx+C and so
A = 0.044 min“', 0) = 60°C.
plotting Iny versus x gives a straight line with a
slope of —A and an intercept on the InN (or y) Note that logarithms of numbers less than | are
axis of In No. negative. So do not be put off by suddenly getting
negative values to plot in log graphs.
Note that while natural logs (In) are preferred for
an equation involving e, other logs e.g. to base 10
(ordinary logs), may be used, for example Exercise 30.3
logigN = logy)A + logy) e- At 1. The following values were obtained for the electric
and log,)N = log,»4 + —Atlog,,e (30.8) current J and potential difference V for a certain
electronic device.
logy)N = logy)A — 2.303At
ViIV 1.0 2) 3.0 4.0 5.0
I/A eee) 20 55 112 196
Example 5
It is suggested that J = AV? where A and p are
For a hot object cooling in a draught the excess
constants. Plot a graph to show that this
temperatures 0 recorded at times ¢ were as follows:
suggestion is correct and evaluate A and p.
¢/min 0 5 LO Melon gr 20 2 e254 30 2 The activity A of a radioactive sample decreases
with time ¢ giving the following results:
OPC HUe eo) 40.57 Bio 25.8 220A" “16.5
t/day 0 20 40 60 80 100
Show that the results agree with
A/Bq 1000 830 665 545 446 368
a Spor pate
If A = Age “ where Ap and / are constants, plot a
and deduce the values of the constantsA and 6p. suitable straight line graph and from _ it
determine A.
A graph of In@ versus t should give a straight line
because In 0 = In 0) — At. Area under a graph
¢/min 0 5 Oman Sea 5a aeS0
In Fig. 30.10 velocity v is plotted against time f.
In(@°C) 4.09 3.91 3.70 3.45 3.25 3.00 2.80
The area under line A is 120 squares. Each


square represents (in a sense ‘measures’) Method

0.5ms | by 0.5s, ie. a quantity 0.5 x 0.5ms ' or The number of squares of the graph paper is counted
0.25m. So 120 squares represents 120 x 0.25m for the area under the graph between r = 0.15m and
or 30m. More directly the ‘area’ (by looking at ry = (0.6m or more. The answer is about 66. The area
the large rectangle below line A) is6ms |x Sm of each of these squares is 40Vm' by 0.02m, ice.
or 30m. 0.8 V.
Total area is 66 x 0.8 =53 V
The area under line B (area of triangle = half
base x height) is 05x6x4—=—12m. This 1s Answer
average value of velocity times time Le. gives 53 V approximately.
distance correctly.

The area under a graph always has the dimensions

of the PRODUCT of the x andy axis quantities. Exercise 30.4
The area under a current against PD graphs gives
1 An object travels in a straight line with its
average power for example.
velocity v related to time ¢ as shown in Fig.
vims~' 7 30.12. How far from its start is the object after
the 8 seconds?

Fig. 30.10 Graph of velocity versus time Fig. 30.12 Graph for Question 1

2 With reference to Example 1 in this chapter,

Example 6 calculate the work done in stretching the spring
Fig. 30.11 shows a graph of intensity versus distance to an extension of 24mm.
from a point charge. The area under this graph
equals the potential difference across the distance
concerned. Obtain a value for the potential 0.15m
from the charge.
The cathode ray oscillope
EN m-"!
The cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) can be
1000 regarded as a very special voltmeter. A PD V to
be measured is amplified and then applied to
metal plates above and below the electron beam
(Y-plates, Fig. 30.13).

The beam is deflected up or down depending

upon the polarity of V. The size of the deflection
is proportional to the size of V.
0 O31) 0:2" O3950:49405 2.06 When a voltage produced by the ‘time base’
Distance r/m
section of the CRO is correctly applied to the X-
Fig. 30.11 Graph for Example 6 plates, the beam moves steadily and repeatedly


Phosphor the total peak-to-peak height of the trace and how

Glass tube many complete cycles of the voltage will be displayed if
the trace is 4.0 cm wide?

If the RMS voltage is 5.0 V, then we find the peak value
Electron gun by multiplying this by 2 (see Chapter 26), and to
and focusing lens Y-plates X-plates Screen obtain the peak-to-peak value we multiply the peak
value by 2.
Beam of fast moving electrons (cathode rays)
Peak-to-peak voltage is 5.0 x /2 x 2=14.14V
Fig. 30.13 Acathode ray oscilloscope tube
Since 10 V is represented by, then 14.14 V will be
represented by 1.0 « 14.14/10, ie. 1.414cm. (1.4cm to
across the screen. If now an alternating voltage
two significant figures. )
is applied to the Y-plates, the trace seen on the
screen is a wave. It is in fact a voltage-time The time occupied by one cycle is one-fiftieth of a
graph. second or 20ms. At 10ms per cm time base velocity
one cycle occupies 2.0cm. Thus 4.0cm of screen width
will accommodate 2 cycles exactly.

Measurement of current Answer

using a CRO 1.4cm, 2.0 cycles.

The technique for this is to let the current flow

through a small resistance R and measure the Measuring phase
PD V across it with the CRO. Then / = V/R. difference

Frequency measurement To discover or display the extent to which two

periodic signals are in phase the Lissajous’
figures technique may be used. Alternatively
A cathode-ray oscilloscope is convenient for the signals may be fed to the two beams of a
measuring the frequency of an alternating double-beam oscilloscope using the Y, and Y>
voltage. You need to be familiar with the terminals. The time base is employed and it
following method. controls both beams to produce identical X
If the number of millimetres in the X-direction
occupied by one cycle of a trace is recorded from
the screen, then the period can usually be Example 8
deduced from the time base velocity (marked in What is the phase relationship between the two signals
seconds per centimetre on the time base selector shown in Fig. 30.14?
or control).
So if one of the waves seen in Fig. 30.14 has <==
20 squares ==
adjacent peaks separated by 20mm and the time
base is set at 1ms per mm, then the period of
the wave is 20ms or 0.020s and its frequency is
1/0.020 or 50 Hz.

Example 7
A 5.0V RMS, 50Hz voltage is obtained from a
transformer connected to the mains supply and is fed
to the Y-plates of a CRO. If the Y sensitivity is set at
10! and the time base at 10 ms cm ', what will be Fig. 30.14 Graph for Example 8


Each peak of trace Y> occurs 4 small squares after a
peak in Y, and this delay (‘lag’) can be compared with
the period of the traces which amounts to 20 small
squares. Thus the lag is 1/5 of a cycle or 60 degrees
(out of a cycle of 360 degrees).


Y> lags behind Y, by 60°.

Fig. 30.17 Diagram for Question 3

Exercise 30.5

Exercise 30.6:
Examination questions
1 The diagram, scale 1:1, shows some equipotentials
in the region of a positive point charge, ++q.

%@) %\
0 Oo
MO -
£ \
Qyde Ss \
Fig. 30.15 Graph for Question 1 +q ea \

The screen of a cathode ray oscilloscope displays

the trace shown in Fig. 30.15. The Y sensitivity is
set at 10mV/cm, and the time base is set at
0.20ms/cm. Obtain values for (a) the peak
voltage and (b) the frequency of the alternating
(a) Add two field lines to a copy of the diagram.
2 An oscilloscope is used to measure the time it (b) Plot a graph of electric potential against
takes to send a pulse of sound along a 70cm distance from the point charge.
length of metal rod and back again. Fig. 30.16
(c) Write down the expression for electric
shows the appearance of the oscilloscope screen.
potential in a radial field.
A indicates the original pulse and B the reflected
pulse. If the time base speed is 0.10mmys |, (d) Show that the plotted values are consistent
what is the speed of travel of the pulse through with this expression.
the rod?
(e) Calculate the magnitude of the point charge gq.
(Permittivity at vacuum (¢) = 8.85 x 10°'? Fm!
[Edexcel 2000]

2 An electric toaster is labelled 780 W

[0 230V ~ 50Hz!
Fig. 30.16 Oscilloscope trace for Question 2 (a) On a copy of the axes below sketch a graph to
show how the potential difference across the
3 By how many degrees are the signals out of phase toaster varies with time. Add a scale to both
in Fig. 30.17? axes.


State Einstein’s photoelectric equation and

hence determine from the graph a value for
the Planck constant. [WJEC 2000]

5 A lorry accelerates from rest.

The graph below shows how the momentum of
this lorry varies over the first minute.

Momentum/104 Ns

80 F-: bop 1 idesp :

(b) Calculate the peak current in the toaster.

[Edexcel 2001]

3 A sample of cobalt 60 is found to have an activity

of 8000 disintegrations per second. Make use of 40 b+
the graph grid to find the number of
disintegrations per second after a time of 8.0 20 F:
years. The half-life of cobalt 60 is 5.3 years.
» 8000 o Ete SUOGE geunsauner secctences cunsesener
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Dp 6000
ae Define momentum.
od 4000 State the physical quantity represented by the
Bie slope of this graph.
= 2000
5 Determine the magnitude of this quantity at
0 ere ar BH E—20s
0 ne 10 15
peneveats Explain the shape of this graph.
[WJEC 2000, part] [Edexcel S-H 2001]
4 (a) The circuit shown is to be used to investigate 6 The graph shows how the resistance R of a thin
the photoelectric effect. Monochromatic light film of platinum, connected to two terminals,
of known frequency is shone onto the varies with the Celsius temperature 0 in the range
emissive surface. Describe how you would 0°C — 100°C.
find the maximum kinetic energy, KEmax, of fyityp se
the emitted electrons.
vacuum — emissive micro- 130
photocell — surtface ate

(uA) 2.0V 120


(b) A graph of KE,x against frequencyf of light 100 SE jatar feast tens
shone onto the surface is given below: 0 60 80 ne 100

The relationship between R and @ in the range

0°C-100 °C is given by
°9 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 where Ro is the resistance of the platinum film at
frequency / 1014 Hz 0°C and k is a constant.


(a) (i) Calculate the value of k. 8 Which one of the graphs best represents the
(ii) Find the value of 0 at which R is zero. relationship between the energy W of a photon
Comment on this value. and the frequency f of the radiation?

(b) (i) Assuming that the relationship between R W W

and @ holds up to 500 °C, draw up a table

of values for R at 100°C intervals of 0
from 0 °C up to 500°C.
(ii) The measured values of the resistance R,,
of the platinum film at these values of @ % f
0 f
are A B

Ww Ww
a/°C 0 100 200 300 400 500
R,/Q 100 138 175.5 212 247 281

Show how R (assumed linear) differs

from R,, (measured experimentally) 0
% f 0 f
over the range 0 C-500°C by plotting a
Cc D
graph of the difference AR=R—R,
against 0. [AQA 2000]
(ill — Calculate values for AR as a percentage
of R, at values of 6 equal to 200°C, 9 The graph shows the charge stored in a capacitor
300°C and 400°C. Hence estimate the as the voltage across it is varied.
value of 0 above which this percentage is
greater than 1.0%. [Edexcel 2000, part] charge stored /uCA

7 (i) A battery has an e.m.f. of 12.0V and an 20 ea eee

internal resistance of 3.02. Calculate the p.d.
across the battery when it is delivering a
current of 3.0A.
(ii) The same battery is now connected to a
filament lamp. The graph shows how the p.d.
across the lamp would depend on the current
voltage applied / V
through it.

Use your answer to part (i) to help you draw, on the The energy stored, in wJ, when the potential
same axes, a line showing how the p.d. across the difference across the capcitor is 5 V, is
battery would depend on the current through it. A 25 B SO C 100 D 200
[AQA 2000]
10 A student assembles the circuit shown in which the
switch is initially open and the capacitor

220 kQ2

a (i)


He closes the switch and reads the microammeter

at regular intervals of time. The battery maintains
a steady p.d. of 9.0V throughout. The graph
What current will the battery drive through the shows how the current J varies with the time t
lamp? [Edexcel 2000, part] since the switch was closed.


50¢ (a) On the grid opposite*, plot a suitable graph to

pA be test the relationship suggested between 7),
40k and V. Record the results of any calculations
that you perform by adding to the table above.

30F (b) Discuss whether or not your graph confirms

the suggested relationship between 7, and V.
[Edexcel S-H 2001]
12 A cathode-ray oscilloscope has its amplifier
sensitivity control set at 10Vcm™'. (The
10: calibration of both amplifier sensitivity and
timebase controls on this c.r.o. is accurate.)
(i) An a.c. voltage of frequency 10 kHz is applied
0 50. 100 150 200. 250 300 to the input of the amplifier. Fig. 30.18 shows
the trace obtained on the screen.
Use the graph to estimate the total charge
delivered to the capacitor.
Estimate its capacitance. [Edexcel 2001]
11 It is suggested that the turn-on time, T,,, for a
liquid crystal display is given by the equation

Ton = sb

where 77 is the viscosity,

V the voltage applied,
d the thickness of crystal, and Fig. 30.18
k is a constant.
Data showing how the turn-on time 7,, depends (1) Calculate the amplitude of the input
on the voltage V is provided in the table below. signal.
(2) What is the setting of the timebase
Turn-on time 7,,,/ms Voltage V/V control? [CCEA 2001, part]
5 2.01
10 1.42
1S) 1.16
20 1.00
vy 0.86
*An A4 srap:
graph sheet was Ppprovided with this q question.

Section J
Special topics


Looking at stars from the ‘horizon’ line because the observer can only see
what is above it. The observer’s ‘zenith’ is a point
Earth that lies straight up above the observer’s head on
a line perpendicular to the Earth’s surface. A
line from the observer to a star being viewed
The Earth approximates to a sphere. It spins and makes an angle A with the horizon which is
the axis of spin meets the Earth’s surface at the called the star’s ‘altitude’. The angle z between a
north pole and the south pole. The equator of star’s direction from the observer and_ the
the Earth is an imaginary line on its surface, a observer’s zenith is oddly called ‘the ‘zenith
circle round the Earth’s middle whose plane is DISTANCE’.
perpendicular to the axis. Where a person is on
the Earth’s surface affects what stars may be The bright star known as ‘polaris’ lies on the
seen. How near this observer is to the north pole Earth’s axis line at a vast distance north of the
can be described by the angle called the latitude Earth and Fig. 31.2 shows a line from our
¢, as Shown in Fig. 31.1. observer directed towards Polaris.

A plane drawn tangential to the Earth’s surface at To Polaris

the observer’s position (a line in Fig. 31.1) is the

To star

_ Earth's axis
of spin Altitude of
Overhead Polaris equals
Observer —>

enit ) N pole latitude (A = #)

es : \4 _- Earth pense
Observer ——-> pane ee!
at 0
S Ea

&y < Earth’s


S pole Fig. 31.2 An observer in the northern hemisphere

The zenith distance for Polaris is vertically

Angles describing a star’s direction
Opposite an angle in the right-angled triangle
@ = latitude, z = zenith ‘distance’ shown, and so ¢=90-—z. But z and A are
A = altitude
adjacent and add to 90°, so A = 90—z also,
Fig. 31.1. An observer on the Earth which means thatA for Polaris = ¢.


Altitude of Polaris = latitude of observer The SHA of a star is the number of degrees it is
west of the FPA
If we measure the angle from the same reference
How far east or west an observer is from some but eastwards, and specify it as a time, then the
reference point is the ‘longitude’. The reference angle is called the ‘right ascension’ (RA). Since
point is Greenwich (near London in England) or, one revolution of the Earth takes 24 hours, each
you may say, a reference line drawn through hour corresponds to a rotation of 360/24 degrees,
Greenwich from N pole to S pole, the Greenwich Lew
‘meridian’. The longitude of a place is the number
An RA of 1 hour corresponds to 15
of degrees the place lies to the east or west of
this reference and can be up to 180°E or W of
Greenwich. Declination related to
The celestial sphere
Stars are at all sorts of large distances from the
Earth. Except for the Sun which is comparatively
close, the stars give the impression of being fixed Fig. 31.4 shows how the declination of a star is
in position on a spherical surface that you might related to the altitude seen by an observer. The
call the sky but is known as the ‘celestial sphere’. diagram applies when the star is passing over the
How far from the Earth you imagine this to be observer's meridian, i.e. when the © star
does not matter. The equator and poles of this ‘culminates’ (is seen at its highest position).
sphere are as shown in Fig. 31.3. Polaris Remember that, in spite of the impression given
coincides with the north celestial pole. by such diagrams, the Earth is of negligible size
compared with the celestial sphere. Allowing for
North pole of
celestial sphere this, the declination 6 = 6 +z = ¢+90-A.

Declination = latitude plus 90 minus altitude

Declination Celestial
of a star sphere

Star ia Celestial sphere
Earth’s equator

BA Earth’s Earth

Fig. 31.3 The celestial sphere (Oe

The position of a star is partly described by the Sie
angle (6) its direction makes with the celestial
equator. This angle is the star’s ‘declination’ and
is analogous to an observer’s latitude on the
Fig. 31.4 Declination related to altitude
Just as there is a longitude angle for an observer on
Earth, so for a star’s position on the celestial sphere Example 1
we measure an angle from a reference point which
The star Deneb (Alpha Cygni) has a declination of 45°.
is the ‘first point of Aries’. There is a choice here
What is its altitude when it culminates for an observer
between quoting this angle in degrees or, what can at Newcastle, which has a latitude of 55°?
be more useful, describing the angle by the time
that the Earth needs to turn to move through the Method
angle concerned. If the angle is measured in J=0--90—A
degrees westwards from the first point of Aries
45 =55+90-—A
(FPA) then we call the angle the ‘sidereal hour
angle’ (SHA) and this can be up to 360°. A =55 + 90 — 45 = 100°


(The fact that the altitude exceeds 90° by 10° means that ~ 9)
the star is seen 10° to the south of the observer’s


Circumpolar stars
In Fig. 31.5 an observer, perhaps in England, is
initially at position O;, but due to the spin of the
earth will be at O> at a later time.

Observer Fig. 31.6 Acircumpolar star

Observer O,
Example 2
Vega is a star in the constellation Lyra (The Lyre) and
has a declination of 38°45’ and an RA of 18 hours 36
(a) Show that this star is circumpolar for an observer at
latitude 55° north of the equator.
Earth’s axis (b) Calculate its sidereal hour angle (SHA).
of spin
Fig. 31.5 Circumpolar stars
(a) 6 =38°45, o= S55" andy for ther starto pe
The observer cannot see below his horizon, so a circumpolar 6 must equal or exceed 90 — #, which
star anywhere in the region marked by §; is not is 90 —55 or 35°. So the star is circumpolar for
seen from O, or from Os. It is never seen. A star C—O.
in the region marked by S, is seen from O, and (b) An RA of 18h 36min (or 18.6h) means that the
from QO. It is seen by the observer at all times star is at an angle of 18.6 x 15 or 279° east of the
unless daylight makes seeing stars difficult. Such FPA. It is therefore 360 — 279 or 81° west of the
stars are known as ‘circumpolar stars’. They are FPA. So its SHA is 81° west.
close to the north celestial pole on the celestial Answer
sphere and appear to rotate about the pole as the
(b) 81° west.
earth spins. A star in the region S5 is visible
sometimes for this observer.
In Fig. 31.6 a star is considered that is just
The Earth's orbit
circumpolar, being visible at position O, at
The Earth is moving in an orbit around the Sun.
altitude A and lying on the observer’s horizon
This path is elliptical (as suggested by Fig. 31.7)
when subsequently he is at position Op.
The two directions aiming at the (distant) star Earth moves
round sun
must be parallel. So angle A = 2q@ (alternate \ pees Earth’s axis
angles), and using the 0 = 6+ 90 —A equation
obtained earlier gives 6 = 90 — @. If a star has a
smaller 0 than this value (makingA larger), then
the star is not circumpolar.

For a circumpolar star 6 > 90— @

Fig. 31.7. The Earth’s orbit


but almost a circle. The Earth is spinning at the A local sidereal time (LST) applies to any place
same time as moving along the orbit, and the axis and starts when the FPA culminates at that
of spin is perpendicular to the path but tilts at an place. The time at which a particular star
angle of 67° to the plane of the orbit. culminates at this place is the time difference (or
The time taken for a complete orbit of the Sun isa angle measured in hours) between this star and
year and during this time the Earth spins 365 the FPA, i.e. the star’s RA.
times (more precisely 365.24), giving 365 nights
Example 3
and daytimes, i.e. 365 ‘solar days’.
The dog star, Sirius, has an RA of 6h 44min. At what
GST will it culminate for an observer (a) in Greenwich
(b) in Swansea, South Wales, at a longitude of4° west?
Sidereal and solar times Method
(a) The culmination occurs when the local sidereal
A solar day is the time from mid-day at a place time equals the RA. But this LST, in the special
(culmination of the Sun there) through a night to case of Greenwich, is also the GST, so the answer
next mid-day. There are therefore 365 of these is 6h 44min GST. In Fig. 31.8 the Earth must turn
days in a year. for 6h 44 min to take G round to S.

It is also convenient for some purposes to define a Lines of

day as the time for an observer to observe the
appearance of the stars in the sky, see this meridian
change (a result of the Earth’s turning) and (line of longtitude)

return to its original appearance. This is a ‘star’

day, i.e. a ‘sidereal day’. Celestrial_,
sphere S sirius
Now if the Earth were not spinning but its 6h 44 min
movement was only the orbiting around the Sun,
Earth ~¢<— First point
an observer, e.g. in London, would get a changing of Aries
view of the stars until after a complete orbit he L 6 min
would get his original view again. With the 365
cycles of change in the sky’s appearance due to G is Greenwich
SW is Swansea
the Earth’s spinning the total number of cycles is
365 + 1 or 366 sidereal days in a year. This means Fig. 31.8 Earth and celestial sphere seen from north at
that a sidereal day is slightly shorter than a solar time GST =0
day. Like the solar day we divide this sidereal day (b) 4° corresponds to = hours or 16 min and the Earth
into 24 hours and then into minutes, the will have to turn an extra 16 min to make Swansea’s
difference (known as the ‘equation of time’) being meridian coincide with the celestial meridian of
about 4 minutes (either solar minutes or sidereal). Sirius, as illustrated in Fig. 31.8.

One sidereal day = 23 h 56 min of solar time Answer

The equation of time is 4 min (a) 6h 44min, (b) 7h 00min.

The time indicated by our clocks, radios and TV
programmes is ‘Greenwich Mean Time’, which The Sun as a star on the
uses solar hours and counts from midnight at
Greenwich. The ‘mean’ in its title arises because celestial sphere
the angular velocity of the Earth’s movement
along its elliptical orbit is not constant. We have
As the Earth spins, an observer on the Earth sees
a ‘mean solar time’ and the sidereal day referred
the Sun move across the sky and therefore over
to above is really a mean sidereal day. the celestial sphere. So the Sun appears to orbit
Greenwich sidereal time (GST) uses sidereal the Earth, and its path on the celestial sphere is a
hours and starts at a time when the first point of circle, known as the ‘ecliptic’. Because the
Aries culminates for Greenwich. Earth’s equator is tilted at 23° to the Earth’s


4 )
orbit the ecliptic makes an angle of 23° with the : a Ve che
the formula ~~ + = = 1, but if a and b are equal
celestial equator. a- b?
the width and length of the ellipse become equal
As the Sun follows the ecliptic it crosses the so that the ellipse becomes a circle with
equator in two places. At these times, one in the 4=) =f, siving x’ +y’=r? which is the
Spring and one in the Autumn, night and day last equation for a circle.
12 hours each. The time in the Spring (the
‘Vernal equinox’) occurs (for the northern In the case of a circular orbit the inwards force
hemisphere) when the Sun is at the first point of required to keep a planet in orbit is mv/r as
Aries. Consequently the FPA is often called the explained in Chapter 8. This force is provided by
Vernal Equinox (see Fig. 31.9). the gravitational force F between the Sun and the
planet concerned. This force (see also Chapter 9)
can be calculated from
pole Earth
Summer solistice
_ GMm
Sun’s ecliptic F Se (31.4)
sphere 5
where G is the ‘universal gravitational constant’,
M the mass of the Sun and m the planet’s mass. r
is the distance between the centres of Sun and
equinox planet. So for a circular orbit
equator 2 y

S oun = oo (and cancelling is possible)

Fig. 31.9 The Sun’s ecliptic (31.5)

Example 4 For an elliptical orbit the planet’s movement

The vernal equinox in the year 2000 occurred on March satisfies some rules discovered by Kepler. One of
20. At GST of 00 hours on that day which of the these rules tells us that the Sun is at one of two
following times was the GMT approximately? special positions called the ‘foci’ of the ellipse, as
A 00 hours B OO hours 04 minutes
shown in Fig. 31.10.
C 12 hours D Some other value
ea Elliptical
Explain your answer. Speed orbit
At the vernal equinox the Sun and first point of Aries
coincide on the celestial sphere. At GST = 00 hours
the FPA is above the Greenwich meridian (i.e. the
FPA culminates for Greenwich ). However the Sun
+————_Length Ll—————_»
also culminates for Greenwich at the same moment, so
this is mid-day (12 hours GMT). Fig. 31.10 Foci of the earth’s orbit

Another of his rules says that for any elliptical
orbit (including the special case of a circle) the
square of the orbit period is proportional to the
cube of the ellipse length.
The planets and their
Tas, (31.6)
Planets are bodies that orbit a star and so the Example 5
Earth is a planet of the Sun. The orbits are The Sun’s mass is 2.0 x 10°’ kg. The distance between
generally elliptical, similar to an egg shape. The the centre of the Sun and that of the Earth is
graph having the shape of an ellipse must obey 1.5 x 10''m. Given that the gravitational constant G


equals 6.7 x 10°-'' Nm’kg *, obtain a value for the One method of measuring the distance of a star
speed of travel of the Earth along its orbit.
from the Earth is known as the ‘parallax’ method.
This method requires that the altitude of the star is
The force F on the Earth is given by F = a where accurately measured from the Earth, then
M is the Sun’s mass, m the Earth’s mass and r the measured again from the same place on the
distance of the Earth from the Sun. But this is the Earth six months later when the Earth has moved
force that keeps the Earth on its circular path, so a distance equal to the diameter of its orbit.
jee a where r is the radius of orbit and v the speed
to be determined.

GMm _ mv
Pee 610 20 x10"
r 1.5 x 10!

=9.0 x 10° ms?

v=3.0 x 10*ms™
3.0 x 10*ms7! orbit

Fig. 31.11 Diagram concerning the parallax method

Example 6
The angles p/2 in Fig. 31.11 are calculated and
Jupiter has a period of about 12 Earth years. If the radius
of the Earth’s orbit is 150 « 10°’ m what approximately is hence the parallax angle p. Then, bearing in
the length of the elliptical orbit of Jupiter? mind that p will be extremely small because of
the star’s great distance, p in radians equals the
2 3 distance E,E, divided by the star’s distance SC.
Using the Kepler law T? x L? or os = is we have The star’s distance from Earth will be close to
1° I the value SC at all times.
i je
Epo 12s 150. x 107 Exercise 31.1
= 144 x 3.375 x 10° x 10°’ = 4.86 x 10°
Given that the Earth’s orbit has a radius of
L, =7.9 x 10''m 150 x 10° km, at what distance from the Earth is a star
Answer for which the parallax angle is 2.5 x 10° rad?

7.9 x 10'! m
Temperatures of stars
Distances of stars and their spectra
It is often convenient to measure distances of When an object is so hot that it glows white hot, it
stars from the Earth in special units. For example is sending out a mixture of all the colours of the
rainbow. This ‘spectrum’ of colour will range
1 ‘astronomical unit’ (AU) equals the radius
from red through to blue and can be displayed as
of the Earth’s orbit
a visible spectrum looking like a rainbow by
1 ‘light-year’ equals the distance travelled in 1
using, for example, a diffraction grating.
year by light in vacuum
1 ‘parsec’ (pc) is the distance at which the Light is a wave with alternate crests and troughs.
Earth’s orbit subtends an angle of 1 second The number of crests per second is the frequency
of arc (i.e. zy of a degree angle) f and is equal to the frequency of the electron


movements in the surface emitting the light. The The spectrum of light from a star may show some
wavelength is the distance between one crest of wavelengths missing, so dark lines known as
the wave and the next. For a stationary observer ‘Fraunhofer lines’ are seen when the spectrum is
the wavelength decides the colour seen. looked at. Light with these wavelengths has been
stopped by absorption in the cooler layers of gas
Wavelengths below the blue are invisible
at the star’s surface.
ultraviolet light and wavelengths greater than red
are infrared (radiated heat). Example 7
How much of each colour is sent out (i.e. the The Wien constant is 2.90 x 10° mK and the Stefan
intensity of each colour) will depend upon the constant ¢ is 5.67 x 10 °Wm °K “. Given that the
nature and temperature of the emitting surface. Sun has a radius of approximately 7.0 x 10° m and its
A surface that is black when cold is the best surface temperatutie i$ 5800 K, calculate:
possible radiator, a ‘black-body radiator’, and we (a) the wavelength at which the Sun’s radiation peaks,
assume a star to be the same. The effect of the and
temperature is shown in Fig. 31.12.
(b) the energy emitted per second from the Sun’s
a Higher temperature Method
(a) The Wien law states A,a,x7 = Wien constant.

Intensity i at which peak Amax X 5800 = 2.90 x 1073

per unit occurs decreases
wavelength as temperature ,
x 107° Sl) se MO
“7 iam

(b) The energy per second is the power P, given

P =«cAT", where A is the area of the radiating
temperature surface and 7 the temperature.
P =5.67 x 10°® x 4n(7.0 x 10°)?:x 58004
Wavelength ——_» — 3.95 x 10°° watt

Fig. 31.12 Radiation from a hot object Answers

(a) 5.0x 10-’m (b) 4.0 x 107°W

The shape of the graph agrees with a formula
discovered by Planck. The temperature of the
object, e.g. a star, can be deduced from the graph Doppler effect, Hubble
shape and also from the Wien law, according to
which constant and red shift
A ae aes T = Wien constant (31.7) For a light wave with frequencyf one crest follows
the next after a time 7, the period, and this equals
where /max is the wavelength at which the peak of I/f seconds. The distance between adjacent crests
the graph occurs and TJ is the absolute is the wavelength A and is normally given by
temperature of the star. If the temperature is Af =c where c is the speed of light in the
greater, then the peak is farther to the left. medium between source and observer (vacuum
in the case of a star). So 2 = c/f. However, if the
It can also be deduced from the Planck equation
source (e.g. a star) is moving away from the
that the radiated power P for a black-body
observer at a speed v, the wavelength is different.
radiator is given by
One crest leaving the star is followed by another
ata time 7 later, but during this time the first
P=oAT* (31.8) crest has moved a distance c/f towards the
observer and also the star has moved a distance v
where o is the Stefan constant. A is the surface away from the observer, so that the second crest
area of the star and TJ is its absolute is emitted at a distance c/f plus vT behind the
temperature. first. The wavelength is now


A+0T or A+e Ore or 2(1 +4) Method

(a) The wavelength increase is 6/, given by “ = -
4. Cc

Wavelength (2') = 2(1 + ) ; oe enon

The percentage increase in 4 =x 100
or A. —A=Av/c, ie. SEO ye SO A 10!
See & O00 ae
(b) The equation needed is V = Hd, where H is the
:y (31.9) Hubble constant, v the speed and d the distance.

Gi One 10-8
a= HW 17x = 3530. 10°m
where / is the wavelength when the source is not
moving away from the observer. Answers
This change of wavelength due to movement is (a) 20%, (b) 3.5 x 10°m approximately
known as the ‘Doppler Effect’ and it affects the
colour of light seen, in the case of a spectrum
moving all wavelengths towards the red end.
Similar reasoning shows a wavelength decreased Exercise 31.2
to a{1—*) if the speed v is towards the
1 The Wien constant is 2.90 x 10°° mK. What is the
observer. Similar wavelength changes occur if the wavelength at which maximum radiation occurs
observer moves or both observer and source from a star whose surface temperature is 5500 K?
2 In the spectrum of a certain star some
The light from distant stars is moved to increased wavelengths produced by hydrogen atoms can
wavelengths on account of the stars moving away be distinguished. One of these wavelengths
from the Earth. This effect is known as ‘red would be 4861 x 10°'’m, but on account of the
star's moving away from the Earth the
shift’. The effect is greater for more distant stars
measured wavelength is greater by
because, according to the Hubble law the speed v
0.7 x 10°'’m. What is the star’s speed? (Speed
of a galaxy away from the Earth increases in of light in vacuum = 3.0 x 10°ms_'.)
proportion to the distance d from the Earth.

v=Hxd (31.10)
The inverse square law
where H is the Hubble constant.
Consider light or other radiation emitted equally
When a star is spinning, one side of it is moving
in all directions (i.e. uniformly) from the Sun, for
away and the opposite side is moving towards the
example. If we are interested in both the light
observer, and a line in the expected spectrum will
and invisible radiation, then the energy radiated
experience both an increase and a decrease due
per second (i.e. the power P) can be measured in
to Doppler effect: two lines will result. watts as usual.
At a distance r large compared to the size of the
Example 8 source the radiation becomes spread evenly over
A cluster nebula in the Hydra galaxy is receding at a an imaginary spherical surface having an area
speed of about 6 x 10’ms |. 4nr°. So the energy received per second by any
square metre of surface at distance r, as in Fig.
(a) What percentage increase in emission wavelengths
31.13, is given by
does this speed cause, and
(b) What is the approximate distance of this nebula?
L= (31.11)
(Speed of light in vacuum = 3.0 x 10°ms|, 4 ar?
Hubble constant = 1.7 x 107'*s~'.)


That is, / is proportional to |/r°, inversely Method

proportional to the square of the distance (the The intensity received is given by J = Anr? and is the
‘inverse square law’). Halving r, for example, 2
energy received per metre~ per second.
quadruples /.
7 4.0 x 10° 5

4 x 3.142 x (1.5 x 10!)

Spherical 26 5
as ANG) Sx 10 = 1.4 x 10°>Wm 2

The area of the Earth receiving this radiation, the Earth

appearing as a disc to this radiation, is 47rp~, which is
4x nx (6.4 x 10%), and equals 5.148 x 10'* m’.

Hence the total energy received per second is
area, 1 m?
1.4 x 10° x 5.14810" or 7.2x 10!’W

7.2 x 10'7W
Fig. 31.13 The inverse square law

The / stands for ‘intensity’. Magnitude of a star

For the same source (power P) the intensities /;
and /, at distances r; and r> are related by In astronomy we usually compare the intensities
and therefore the brightnesses of stars using a
scale of ‘magnitude’. This scale has magnitude 1
(31.12) corresponding to an intensity 100 times greater
than magnitude 6. For this range of 5, a
difference of 1 in magnitude means a factor of
If we are interested only in the light emitted and 100'°, which is 2.51, so that a magnitude 6 will
what the eye sees, it is usual for allowance to be be muluplied by 2:31 x 2.51 21 Zon ez ol
made for the fact that some colours affect the eye to change it to magnitude I.
more than others. The effective energy radiated
If the two intensities being compared are /, and /5
is then called the ‘luminous flux’ and is measured
in lumens. In this case the intensity / is properly
called the ‘luminous intensity’ as opposed to
‘radiant intensity’. Aip a sym—m op 4 = yg em—mi/s
If a source does not radiate uniformly, a small (31.13)
receiving surface normal to the arriving radiation
may have a small proportion of the total (For example, the magnitude difference will be 1
radiation coming in its direction, but halving its it Ji 2 le)
distance from the source will still quadruple the
This equation can also be written as
received intensity as long as it is not moved
around the source at all. So Equation 31.12 can
be applied to a non-uniform source. ty = 0.40 (m, fae’ m,) (31.14)

Example 9 Since we are dealing with a ratio of intensities,

this formula will apply to both radiant intensities
The total power radiated by the Sun is about 4.0 x 10°° and luminous intensities.
watt. Calculate the energy received per second by the
Earth from the Sun. Take the Earth’s radius as For any star it is usual to specify the intensity it
6.4 x 10° m and the distance of the Earth from the Sun gives at a distance away from it of 10 parsecs and
as 1.5 x 10'' m. to use the magnitude scale to compare this

intensity with the similar measurement of a 2 If the mean absolute magnitude m of a Cepheid
Standard star. We are then comparing their variable is given by
‘absolute magnitudes’.
m = —1.8 — log (T/day)
A star would look brighter if you could get nearer
what is the value of m when T = 8 days?
to it, because the received intensity is greater and
more light enters the eye from the star. At any 3 Segin and Shedir are stars in the constellation of
distance from a star other than 10 parsecs its Cassiopeia and have absolute magnitudes of —2.9
and —0.9 respectively.
magnitude is called its ‘apparent magnitude’. At
20 parsecs, for example, the intensity will be 4 (a) If the intensity produced by Segin at a
times smaller due to the inverse square law, i.e. distance of 10 parsec is /; and for Shedir is /)
more than 2.5 times smaller, so that the what is the ratio /, /12?
magnitude will rise by more than 1. (b = Segin is 160 parsec from the Earth and Shedir
is about 40 parsec from the Earth. Use the
Example 10 inverse square law to estimate the ratio of the
Given that the Sun has an apparent magnitude of intensities received at the Earth.
—26.6 and is at 1.0 astronomical unit (AU) from the (c) What would the ratio be at equal distances,
Earth, estimate the Sun’s absolute magnitude e.g. 20 parsec, from each star?
(1 parsec = 206265 AU).
Binary stars
At the greater distance of 10 parsec the intensity /5 will
be much smaller, the magnitude my, bigger.
A ‘binary star’, although perhaps appearing as a
Let /, be the intensity at distance d of 1.0 AU, which is
single star, consists of two stars rotating around
1/206 265 pc or 4.848 x 10° pe.
each other, i.e. around a common centre. A
log ; = 0.4(m, (m,—m,)
— an d
ite lie
i = 2 straight line drawn between the two stars passes
2 through this centre at all times ({f you like ‘the
= 10° = = 4.255 x 10” stars keep opposite each other’ (Fig. 31.14a).)
(4.848 x 10-6) If during each rotation one star S;, perhaps the
12.6289 smaller one, passes in front of the other star So,
so. log (?) = 12-0269 aid = asi!
4 as seen by an observer on Earth (Fig. 31.14b),

=m), —m, =m), — —26.6 = m2 + 26.6 S,

ipo fh OV — 4.97
Seen from observer’s
Answer direction
® Centre g
Absolute magnitude = 5.0 of

i (b)
Cepheid variables
Certain stars, because of processes within them,
show regular rises and falls in their radiated
powers. The log of the period of the fluctuation
rises in proportion to the mean absolute
magnitude of the star.

Exercise 31.3 intensity

Time —»
1 The star Altair has an absolute magnitude of +2.4.
What is its apparent magnitude at 30 parsecs? Fig. 31.14 Brightness of a binary star


then the brightness of the binary star system seen Sof -AG/2n
00 ==
by the observer is reduced. Another reduction a 2AB
occurs half a revolution later when S, passes Ta p
where p is density.
(c) (i) Mass m =
behind S>.
4 x 3.142 x (2.0 x 10!°/40)* x 1.5 x 10°
In Fig. 31.14c, at A the star S, is about to cross S> N=
as in Fig. 31.14b, at B all of it is in front of So, at
C overlap begins to reduce and at D there is no
= 7.854 x 10” kg
overlap. At E we have S, beginning to pass (ii) The period can be found if speed v is first
behind S5. At I the sequence starts again. obtained from the equations
_ GmM SO ely mv"
In a binary system one star is moving away from
the observer when its companion star is moving distance” i
where F is the force on either star.
towards the observer, and the Doppler effect will
create two spectral lines in place of each Here M =m. This case is unlike that of the Earth
expected line, as explained earlier for a single orbiting the Sun (Example 5). The Sun’s mass is so
spinning star. much greater than the Earth’s that the force acting
between the masses causes negligible movement of the
Sun. Here both stars move. In this special and simple
Example 11 case of equal masses the stars must follow the same
(a) Make a sketch of the graph relating brightness to orbit whose centre will be midway between the two stars.
time for a binary star that consists of two identical
RG Gin" _ mv"
stars which repeatedly overlap with their centres where r is the orbit’s radius,
ar)” r
forming a straight line with the observer.
oO How could you use such a graph to measure (1)
And y? — &m — 6.67 x10 x 7.854 x 10”
4r 452.0 10"
the period of rotation, and (ii) the ratio
radius (r) of orbit ,
radius (a) of star

(c) Suppose that the above-mentioned ratio is 40 and

period = 2ar/v =
253 140% 9.0 10"
that the period of rotation is measured as 2.56 x 104
5.0 x 10°s (about 58 days). Assuming that the
— 491 x 10°s
density of the stars is 1.5 x 10° kgm ° and that the
radius of the orbit is 2.0 x 10’ km, (i) calculate the Answer
mass of each star, and (11) calculate the period of
(c) (i) Mass = 7.9 x 10?’ kg, (ii) period = 4.9 x 10°s
rotation to show that the assumptions made agree
with the measured period.
Method Exercise 31.4
(a) See Fig. 31.15: at B and E there is a momentary
perfect overlap and the received intensity is Capella is a binary star. Its two stars have masses not
produced by only the nearer star. too: different from 8 x 10°kg each. If they are
3 x 10’ m apart, what is their orbiting period? (Take
i A C D F G the universal gravitational constant G _ as
Received Nee, Ney, \
67610 ANum" keene)

Time ——»
Exercise 31.5:
Fig. 31.15 Graph for answer to Example 10 Examination questions
(b) (i) The time from A to G in Fig. 31.15 is the .

period. 1 For latitude 40° north what is the declination of a

(ii) The time from A to B is sufficient for S, to star
move distance a/2 to the right in Fig. 31.14(b)
(a) if its altitude is 70°
and for S> to move a/2 to the left, whereas in
time A to G each star moves a distance 27R. (b) if it is just visible on the northern horizon?


The right ascension for Vega is 18h 36min. At Which star would you expect to appear brighter as
what GST will it culminate for a place 1 east of seen from Earth? Explain your answer.
Greenwich? [Edexcel 2001, part]
Neptune orbits the Sun with a period of 165 years. A certain galaxy G, visible in the constellation
What is the approximate radius of the orbit Ursa Major, is thought to be moving away from
measured in AU? the Earth at a speed of 1.5 x 10’ms_'. Use the
Calculate the radius of a star with an absolute
surface temperature of 6000K and a power
output of 3.5 x 10°W, given that the Stefan
AaA _yc
constant is 5.67 x 10 °Wm 7K“,
to calculate the apparent wavelength, measured
The absolute magnitude of the star Pollux is + 1.0. using light from this galaxy, of a spectral line
What is its apparent magnitude at a distance of 35 whose normal wavelength is 396.8 nm.
light years? (1 light year = 0.307 parsec.)
According to Hubble’s law, the speed v at which a
A star of luminosity L is a distance d from the galaxy is moving away from the Earth is related to
Earth. The intensity / of its radiation arriving at its distance d from the Earth by the formula
the Earth is given by the formula
I =L/(4nd’)
where H, the Hubble constant, has a value of
Define the terms /uminosity and intensity, and approximately 1.7 x 10°s"*. Estimate the
derive this formula. State one assumption which distance of the galaxy G from the Earth.
underlies the formula.
(Take velocity of light in vacuum
Deneb and Vega are two stars of similar colour. c = 3.00 x 10°ms')
The table gives some information about them. [Edexcel 2000, part questions]

Star Luminosity/W Distance from


Deneb 2510" (hese oll

Vega Oh 10" 23210"

Medical and health physics

Example 1
(a) Calculate the Sound intensity at a distance of 20m
from a source of power 5.0mW.
The medical profession has developed many
(b) If the ear of an observer can be assumed to be a
techniques from physics. Thus medical and
circle of radius 0.8cm, calculate the power of the
health physics is a very large topic embracing sound entering the ear at 20m from the source.
many branches of physics. We have already dealt Assume that the aperture of the ear is
with the following: perpendicular to the arriving sound.
e Biomechanics of body forces (Chapter 4) Method
e The eye and correction of defective vision
(a) We use Equation 32.1 in which P = 5.0 x 10~
(Chapter 15) and r = 20. Thus intensity / is given by ~
e Fibre optics (Chapter 14)
I = P/4nr* = 5.0 x 10°7/4n x 20°
This chapter deals with the physics of hearing, = 0.995 x 10° Wm ~
applications of ultrasonics including measure-
ment of blood flow, the effects of ionising (b —
We know that 0.995 x 10-° W of sound is incident
on an area of 1.0m? at a distance of 20m from the
radiation and radiation protection (including
source. A circle of radius 0.8cm, or 0.8 x 10°? m,
absorption). has an area A given by:
A =n x radius* = x x (0.8 x 10-7)”
Physics of hearing =9'0.« 10m?

Thus, the power P.,, of sound entering the

Intensity of sound aperture of the ear is given by:
Peay = intensity x area
The eardrum vibrates according to the intensity of
sound incident upon it. The intensity of a wave, be
II0.995 x 10° x 2.0 x 104
it a matter wave like sound, or electromagnetic = 1.99 x 10°"W
wave like light, is given by Answer

Intensity J =
Power (a) 1.0uWm~, (b) 2.0x 10°w

The unit of intensity is Wm ~. Intensity level

A point source of sound emitting power P The ear can detect sounds over a vast range of
uniformly in all directions will result in a sound intensities — its response is roughly logarithmic.
of intensity / at a distance r from the source For this reason a logarithmic scale called the
given by: decibel (dB) scale is used to record sound level.
We define:
I =P/4ar? (32.1)
Intensity level (in dB) = 10 logy) (I/Ip)
This is because the sound is spread uniformly over (32.2)
a spherical surface of radius r and of area 4zr’. It
means that the inverse square law is obeyed (see This is the intensity level of a sound of intensity J
also Chapters 28 and 31.). relative to a sound of intensity Jy. The average


human ear can just detect a sound of intensity Note that since intensity levels are taken relative
lo 10sc10Y-Wm- This “is. called’ the to the threshold of hearing, it follows that this
threshold of hearing. If a sound is quoted as ‘base’ intensity level is zero, since we use a
having an intensity level of, for example, 70 dB, it logarithmic scale.
may be taken as being9
referred to this threshold Answer
Cit 01007? Wim.
(a) 103 dB, (b) 67dB, (c) OdB.
A doubling of sound intensity from J to 2/
corresponds to a difference in intensity level of Example 3
3.0 dB. This can be seen from Equation 32.2 since
A music system can produce a sound of intensity
Increase in intensity level 1.5 x 10° Wm*. Replacing the amplifier with a more

= 10flogy(2l/Zo) — logyy (Ho)] powerful one increases the intensity

9.0 x 10 *Wm~. Express the increase in decibels.

= 10log,, (2//I) (see Equation 2.12)

= 10log,, 2 From Equation 32.2 we note that the difference in
=o.01dB intensity level between two sounds of intensity /> and
I, is given by
Example 2 Intensity level difference

Calculate the intensity level of sounds having the = 10[log,) Uo/Io) — 1og4) h/Io) |
following intensities: (32.3)
= 10 logy) (b/i)
(a) Loud music, 2.00 x 10°? Wm’;
(b) Noisy classroom, 5.00 x 10°° Wm °; We have b =9.0x10°*Wm” and J, =1.5x 10°
W m ~. Equation 32.3 gives
(c) Threshold of hearing, 1.00 x 10°’? Wm”.
Intensity level difference
= 10log,,) (9.0 x 107*/1.5 x 10°) = 10log,, 60
We use Equation 32.2 in which
== 117/ forall}
LO 0 Wm
(a) We have I = 2.00 x 10°> Wm”. Thus
The intensity level difference is 18 dB.
Intensity level
= 10log,) U/Io)
Example 4
= 10log,,) (2:00 x 10°7/1.00 x 10°")
The sound intensity in a factory is 0.040Wm~°. The
= 10log,, (2.00 x 10’°) wearing of ear muffs by a worker results in a drop of
= 103 20 dB in perceived intensity level. Calculate:

The intensity level is 103 dB. (a) the sound intensity perceived by the worker when
wearing ear muffs;
(b) 1 =5.00 x 10°° Wm~. Thus
(b) the intensity level (1) without ear muffs and
Intensity level (ii) with ear muffs.
= 10log,, (5.00 x 10°°/1.00 x 10~"*) Method
= 10log,, (5.00 x 10°) (a) We use Equation 32.3 with J, = 0.040, Intensity
009 level difference = —20 dB (note the negative sign,
since intensity level has decreased). We require
The intensity level is 67 dB.
I). Thus
(ce) f= Io, hence
—20 = 10log,, (2/0.040)
Intensity level = 10 log ([o/Io)
Rearranging gives
= 10log,, 1.00 = 0.00
I, = 0.040 antilog (—2.0) = 0.040/100
The intensity level for the threshold of hearing is
zero. US


The new sound intensity is 4.0 x 10°* Wm Reflection occurs when an ultrasonic pulse passes
across an interface between two media — for
Note that a change of 20dB is equivalent to a
sound intensity change of 100 times (we can see example tissue and bone. Some of the energy and
this since 10 log,, 100 = 20). intensity of the ultrasonic pulse is reflected as a
result of the fact that the two media will have
(b) (i) We use Equation 32.2 in which J = 0.040 and
different ‘characteristic acoustic impedances’.
Ip = 1.0 x 10-. Hence
This is shown in Fig. 32.1.
Intensity level
The characteristic acoustic impedance Z of a
= 10 log, (0.040/1.0 x 107") medium is defined by:
= 10 log,, (4.0 x 10'°)
Z= density p Xx velocity of ultrasound in
= 106dB 7

the medium c
(ii) The new intensity level is 20dB less than
106 dB, which is 86 dB. (32.4)

Medium 1 Medium 2
(a) 4.0 x 10 *Wm ~”, (b) (i) 106 dB, (ii) 86dB.
Incident intensity /; Transmitted intensity /,
Exercise 32.1 + —

Reflected intensity /,

Density p, Density pp
(Take the threshold of hearing as 1.0 x 10 2 Wim =) Velocity of Velocity of
ultrasound c, ultrasound c,
1 Calculate the intensity level, in decibels, in the
following circumstances: Z; = pC Z = P2lo

(a) for a sound of intensity 4.0 « 10 >Wm” Y2

Fig. 32.1 Reflection at an interface
(b) at a distance of 10m from a point source of
sound of power 8.0W. (Hint: first use
Equation 32.1 to find the sound intensity). Values of density and velocity of ultrasound in
different media are shown in Table 32.1.
2 The intensity level on a rocket launch pad is
170dB. To what sound intensity does this Table 32.1 Density and velocity of ultrasound in certain
correspond? (Note that this would rupture the
ear drum.)
Material Density/ Velocity/
3 Calculate the difference in intensity level between 10° kgm™ kms |
two sounds of intensity 2.0 x 10*Wm~ and Air L203 1053 0.330
5.0510" Wm.
Bone 1.91 4.08
4 Calculate the intensity of sound that has an Brain 1.03 1.54
intensity level (a) 5.0dB above, (b) 5.0dB below,
Fat 0.952 1.45
sound of intensity 1.0 x 10-° Wm °.
Muscle 1.08 1.58
Soft tissue 1.06 1.54

Applications of Water 1.00 1.50

ultrasound The fraction «, of the intensity reflected is given

Reflection of ultrasound
The reflection of ultrasound is used to observe
structures within the human body. An A scan can
be used to measure distances in the body (e.g. where /; = incident intensity from medium 1
biparietal diameter). A B scan can provide an f, =intensity reflected at interface
outline image of the foetus. between medium 1 and 2


Z| = p,c; = characteristic impedance of soft tissue when ultrasound is incident from

medium 1 water. Comparison of (a) and (b) shows why it is
Zy = PC. = characteristic essential to use an appropriate coupling medium
impedance of
to exclude air between the transducer which
medium 2
produces the ultrasound and the skin surface
Note that if Z;=Z, there is no reflected (soft tissue). If this were not so, the presence of
intensity. If Z,; and Z, are very different then an air gap would mean that very little ultrasound
most of the incident intensity is reflected at the would pass from the transducer into the body.
interface. (c) In this case soft tissue is medium 1 and bone is
medium 2. We have:
Example 5 Z; = p,c) = 1.06 x 10° x 1.54 x 10°
From the values given in Table 32.1, calculate the = 1.63 x 10°kgm~s |
fraction of intensity reflected at the following
Z> = Pr. = 1.91 x 10° x 4.08 x 10°
interfaces: (a) air—soft tissue, (b) water-—soft tissue,
(c) soft tissue—bone. = 7.79 x 10°kgm~’s !

Method Substituting into Equation 32.5 gives

We use Equation 32.5 in each case. y= (22%)

“ast Z1+Z,
(a) In this case air is medium 1 and soft tissue is
medium 2. We have 2 e& x 10° — 1.63 x i
7.79 x 10° + 1.63 x 10°
Z1 = pier = 1.30 x 330 = 429kem’s |
Zn = prCp = 1.06% 10° x 1.54 x 10°
Thus, 42.8% of the incident intensity is reflected at
= 1.63 x 10°kgm™’s_! the boundary between soft tissue and bone. This is
Substituting into Equation 32.5 gives a typical value which enables structures to be seen
within the human body.
he aN Answer
1.63 x 10° — 0.429 x 10°) (a) 1.00, (b) 1.72 x 10°, (c) 0.428.
1.63 x 10° + 0.429 x 103
= 1.00 Exercise 32.2
Note that, to within three significant figures, all of
the incident intensity is reflected. This is because 1. Use Table 32.1 to calculate the characteristic
the two media have very different characteristic acoustic impedance of (a) brain, (b) muscle, (c) fat.
acoustic impedances. 2 Calculate the fraction of intensity which will be
(b) In this case water is medium 1 and soft tissue is reflected at the boundary between (a) brain and
medium 2. We have bone, (b) muscle and fat. Hence comment on the
ability of ultrasonic reflection techniques to detect
Z, = pic, = 1.00 x 10° x 1.50 x 10° the boundaries in (a) and (b).
= 1.50 x 10°kgm~’s|
Zn = pr = 1.06 x 10° x 1.54 x 10° Blood flow measurement
= 1.63 x 10°kgm’s"!
The Doppler effect is a change in the observed

Substituting into Equation 32.5 gives
frequency of waves as a result of movement of
some kind*. In blood flow measurement use is
. Za +2, made of the fact that when a beam of ultrasound
: ee x 10° — 1.50 x I is reflected from moving blood cells then the
PI 63h 10° 0 50. 108 reflected waves have a different frequency to the
=1.72x 10% incident waves. This Doppler shift Af can be
used to estimate the speed of blood flow.
Thus, very little of the incident intensity is
reflected and most of it is transmitted in to the *See also Chapter 31.


Fig. 32.2 shows an arrangement which is used to We have

estimate the speed v of blood cells in a blood A= x (radius) = ee (oo ss m-
vessel using ultrasound.
and v= (076ms —
It can be shown that the change in frequency Af
Thus Ve = 0.60 x 107° m?s7!
compared to the incident frequencyf is given by

_ 2fvcosé (a) 0.76ms! (b) 0.60 x 10°°m'*s!

Af Sama (32.6)

where v is the blood flow velocity, c is the Exercise 32.3

(average) speed of ultrasound and @ is the angle ay

of incidence of the beam (see Fig. 32.2).

1 Typical values present in ultrasound observation
Ultrasonic transducer of blood flow velocity are as follows:
velocity of ultrasound = 1.5kms |,
blood velocity = 0.50ms_ |
Coupling medium incident frequency = 10 MHz,
angle of incidence = 45°
Calculate the Doppler shift in frequency which
Reflected f = incident
frequency(f + Af) frequency would occur under these circumstances.

. °
2 Ultrasound of frequency 4.0 MHz is incident at
*Blood ° * an angle of 30° to a blood vessel of diameter
* vessel *
e . 1.6mm. If a Doppler shift of 3.2kHz is observed
Blood cells moving
at speed v (a) the blood flow velocity

Fig. 32.2 Blood flow measurement (b) the volume rate of blood flow

Assume that the speed of ultrasound is 1.5kms '.

Example 6
In a measurement of blood flow in a patient, ultrasound
of frequency 5.0 MHz is incident at an angle of 30° to lonising radiation
the blood vessel and a Doppler shift in frequency of
4.4 kHz is observed. If the velocity of ultrasound can be
taken as 1.5kms | and the blood vessel is of diameter The essentials of the following topics have already
1.0mm calculate (a) the blood flow velocity, (b) the been dealt with:
volume rate of blood flow.
e X-radiation in Chapter 28
Method e Radioactivity in Chapter 28 (including activity
(a) To find the velocity vy we refer to Equation 32.6 and half-life, absorption and half-thickness)
and Fig. 32.2. We have Af = 4.4 x 10° Hz, Those further aspects which occur in medical
f =5.0 x 10° Hz, 6 = 30° andc = 1.5x 10°mst. physics will be dealt with in this part.
Rearranging Equation 32.6 gives
Physical, biological and effective
wpe (AAt I se leoc tr half-life
Ztcos — 2 X50 % WP Cosat
Substances containing radioactive isotopes may
= 0.76ms"!
be introduced into the body, for example orally
(b) The volume rate of blood flow Vp is given by or by injection, for therapeutic purposes or to
enable the body to be imaged. This radioactive
Ve =Axv
material may be excreted from the body by
where A = area of cross section of the blood biological means. Thus the decay of radioactivity
vessel and v = (average) blood flow velocity in the body is governed by two factors:


1 ‘Normal’ radioactive decay in which

radioactive nuclei spontaneously decay and A=Aje"™* (28.2b)
for which we have a physical or radioactive
half-life Tg (this has been dealt with in where Ap = original activity at time ¢ = 0
Chapter 28 — see Equation 28.3). A = activity at time ¢
2 = radioactive decay constant (which can
2 Biological processes in which material is be calculated from the half-life 7 using
excreted from the body and for which we Equation 28.3: A = In2/T = 0.693/T)
define a biological half-life Tz. The biological
We have Ap = 0.40 MBq, T = Tg = 5.22 days and
half-life is the time needed for one half of
require activity after 7.0 days. Equation 28.3 gives
the original atoms present in an organ to be
removed from the organ by _ biological 7 en 0,695" ee
processes alone (note this depends on the
individual patient). Using Equation 28.2b with At = 0.133 x 7.0 = 0.931
Taken together these two processes allow us to
Ae=0 4063!
define an effective half-life Tz given by (since the
two processes act ‘in parallel’) = 0.158 MBq.

jae a T. (32.7)
The activity after 7.0 days is 0.16 MBq. (Note this
can be checked using A = Ao/2” where Y =¢/T,
as in Equation 28.4b.)
or Answer

(a) 5.2 days, (b) 0.16 MBq.

f= TpTp 32.8
4 (Ty + Tr) ( )
Exposure and absorbed dose
Note that 7p; is less than Tp or Tp since the
biological and physical processes are additive. Exposure of a material to radiation produces
Also if Ty >> Tp then 7p ~ Tp and if Tp > Tp
damage as a result of ionisation of the
constituent atoms of the material. Exposure to
then fs ~ Tp.
radiation is defined in relation to the amount of
Example 7 charge Q, of one sign, produced in a mass m of
air by the radiation. We define
'S!T has a physical (radioactive) half-life of 8.0 days. It is
cleared from the thyroid with a half-life of 15 days.
Charge produced Q
Exposure = (32.9)
(a) Calculate the effective half-life of 317 in the Mass of air m
(b) If the initial activity is 0.40 MBq, find the activity Thus the unit of exposure is Ckg'. The unit of
after 7.0 days. exposure rate is Ckg 's''.
Method Exposure does not describe the energy given to a
(a) We have Tp = 8.0 days and Tp = 15 days. From
material and thus a more useful measure of
Equation 32.8 we can find Tx: radiation damage is the absorbed dose. This
effectively measures the deposition of energy E
ifs tee Tplp = (IS) 5 (30
which causes radiation damage in a given mass ™
a eer) oes of material, such as tissue. This is defined as
The effective half-life of ''I in the thyroid is 5.2 Energy deposited E
Absorbed dose =
days. Mass of material m
(b) The effective half-life governs the rate at which
radioactivity actually decays in the organ, in this
case the thyroid. The method by which activity Thus the unit of absorbed dose is J kg _'; known as
can be calculated at some time has been dealt the gray (Gy). Thus 1Jkg-' = 1Gy. Absorbed
with in Chapter 28. We have dose rate is measured in Jkg-'s-' or Gys |.


The relationship between exposure and the Exposure

(b) Exposure rate = cee
absorbed dose in a particular medium depends
upon the radiation absorbing characteristics of where t = 20 x 60 = 1200s. Thus
the material — this is a function of the material 50 x 10°°
Exposure rate = 1200
and the energy spectrum of the absorbed
radiation. = 4,17 x105° Ckg 87
We say __ Absorbed dose
(c) Absorbed dose rate
= Time ¢
Absorbed dose = Exposure x Energy
required to produce unit Se 10
charge in the materialf
* TP 1200
or 43 10. Ike os
Absorbed dose = Exposure X f (32.11)
(a) 17mike— (b) 405010 Che
Similarly COMUNE Sal aati

Absorbed dose rate = exposure rate x f Dose equivalent and radiation levels
(32.12) Exposure and absorbed dose are not adequate
quantities to describe the radiation damage done
The units of fare JC '. by various types of radiation. We must recognise
For x-radiation used in radiotherapy, f is about that certain types of ionising radiation (e.g.
34J.C! for air and soft tissue, 37J C | for muscle neutrons, g-particles) do more damage than other
and varies between 50JC ' and 150JC! for types (e.g. X-rays, y-rays). In fact 1 Gy of densely
bone, dependent upon the energy of the x-rays. ionising radiation does much more damage to a
cell than 1 Gy of X-rays or y-rays. We thus define
Example 8 the dose equivalent measured in sieverts (Sv) as
The average ionisation energy for air is 55 x We
Calculate (a) the absorbed dose in air at a point where Dose equivalent = Absorbed dose
the exposure is 50 uC kg '. X Quality factor
If this exposure occurs over a time of 20 minutes (32.13)
calculate (b) the exposure rate, (c) the absorbed dose
rate. (Assume the charge on an_ electron
The quality factor is a pure number so that the
sievert has the same physical dimensions as the
gray (Jkg ').
(a) We use Equation 32.11 with exposure = 50 x
The magnitude of the quality factor accounts for
10°°Ckg'. First we must find f, the energy
the varying damage to cells by certain types of
required to produce unit charge in the material.
radiation. Values for quality factor (QF) for
We are told that the ionisation energy is
55% 10°"J this is the energy needed to certain types of radiation are given in Table 32.2.
produce one ion pair, which has 1.6 x 10°’C of Table 32.2 Values for quality factor (QF) for various
charge (of one sign). Thus the energy required to radiations
produce unit charge is given by
Radiation type Quality
factor (QF)
f-, X- and y-rays 1.0
From Equation 32.11:
Slow neutrons ; 5.0
Absorbed dose = Exposure x f Fast neutrons, protons and «-particles 10
= 50 x10" «344 The following radiation doses apply for the UK:
=i 0210" Tee e Average dose equivalent from background
=L2nikee radiation = | mSv per year


e Maximum permissible dose equivalent for a Example 10

radiation worker = 50 mSy per year
The exposure rate at a distance of 0.50m from a point
e Maximum permissible dose equivalent for a
source of radiation is 1.0mCkg'h'. At what
student = 5 mSv per year distance from the source will the exposure rate be
Example 9
A radiation worker is exposed to «-radiation which results Method
ina dose equivalent of50mSv over ayear. If the technician The inverse square law (see e.g. Equation 28.6) tells us
works a 44 week year for 37 hours per week calculate the that the exposure rate is proportional to 1/r°. Suppose
(average) absorbed dose rate at the technician’s that
workplace. Neglect any background radiation dose.
ry = 0.50m = Original distance, for which the original
exposure rate is 1.0 x 10° Ckg 'h !
We use Equation 32.13 with dose equivalent = 50 x
10-*Sv and from Table 32.2, QF = 10 (x-particles).
Rearranging Equation 32.13 gives r, = new distance, for which the new exposure rate is
Dose equivalent 10106 Chee h—
Absorbed dose =
QF Then we have
Old exposure rate — ry,"
New exposure rate ro"
= 50 x 10-* Gy
3 , . Old exposure rate
This occurs in a time of 44 x 37 x 3600 = 5.86 x 10°s. Hence iie— Tox
New exposure rate

Absorbed dose rate =

Absorbed dose
and re Toes (
LO 107 \
Time 01x 103
= 50104
This gives r; = 0.5 x 10'/? = 1.58m
~ 5.86 x 10°
= 8.53 x 10°’ Gys* Answer
Answer 1.6m.
The (average) absorbed dose rate is 8.5 x 10°’ Gys”'.

Radiation protection Absorption

It is usually necessary to control the exposure to X-rays and y rays are both electromagnetic
radiation of, for example, patients during radiations and therefore show exponential
radiotherapy treatment and/or to ensure that attenuation by shielding. This type of absorption
hospital personnel are not overexposed. This can has been covered in Chapter 28 for y rays.
be done in several ways:
We refer to Fig. 32.3 in which:
1 Bycontrolling the power of the source.
Jo = incident intensity
2 Bycontrolling the time spent in the vicinity of
J= emergent intensity
the source.
x = thickness (m)
3 By controlling the distance between the
u = linear absorption coefficient (m_')
individual and the source — use is made of the
inverse square law (see Chapter 28), since it is Then
assumed that we have a point source.
4 By placing absorber between the source and
T=Ihhe* (32.14)
exposed area — use is made of the notion of
half-thickness to produce appropriate
The half value thickness or half-thickness 7 is
shielding (see Example 7, Chapter 28).
defined as that thickness of absorber which
In the following two examples we refer to 3 and 4 halves the intensity of the beam of radiation (see
only. Chapter 28). Now:


Linear absorbtion (b) To find , we use Equation 32.16 in which

coefficient 1 T = 2.00 107° ms Thus:
uu = 1n2/T = 0.693/2.00 x 10~°
Incident intensity /, Emergent intensity / — 346.6m7!
Sep as
(c) We can use Equation 32.14 in which we have
I =1,e7-#*
ABSORBER u = 346.6, x = 6.00mm and require. the emerging
fraction of intensity J/I[p. Since jx = 346.6x
6.00 x 10 *= 2.080, then rearranging Equation
——> 32.14 gives:

Fig. 32.3 Exponential absorption Ljpser =e 3 = sls:

Note that we could have obtained this answer
more easily by using Equation 32.15 in which
f=], /2" (32.15)
Y =x/f = 6.00/2.00 =3,00
where Y =x/T and x is the thickness of the (Note we have 3 half thicknesses of absorber)
material, as above.
Hence Equation 32.15 gives
In addition
Hilger 128
B= In2/T (32.16) Either approach is, of course, valid.

Example 11 (a) 0.304mm, (b) 347m |, (c) 0.125 or 12.5%

The tenth value thickness is that thickness of absorber

which reduces the incident intensity by 10%, that is,
leaves 90% of the original intensity. If the half value Exercise 32.4
thickness of Aluminium for a given beam of X-rays is
2.00 mm, calculate:
(Assume the following values: electron charge
(a) the tenth value thickness e=16x10'C; energy required to produce
(b) the linear absorption coefficient unit charge in bone = 140J; energy required to
produce wort charge an ar=34J. Retersto
(c) the fraction of the original intensity emerging Table 32.2 for values of QF.)
through a 6.00 mm thickness of Aluminium.
1 The effective half-life of a radioactive isotope is
5.8 days. If it has a physical (radioactive) half-life
(a) Let the tenth value thickness be xg;. From of 8.0 days, calculate the biological half-life.
Equation 32.15 we have:
2 Acertain radio-pharmaceutical has a physical half-
life of 15 days and a biological half-life of 3.0 days.
(=1,/2* with Y =x) ,/T (32.15)
Calculate (a) the effective half-life, (b) the initial
activity administered to the organ if the activity
In this case J = 90%, Ip = 100%, T = half value
after 6.0 days is 50 kBq.
thickness = 2.00mm and we require xo.
3 Calculate the exposure which gives rise to an
absorbed dose of 5.0mJ kg! in air.
90 = 100/2” so 2” = 100/90
4 A given exposure to radiation gives rise to an
Taking logs to base 10 and noting that Y = x9 ,/T, absorbed dose of 2.0mJ kg! in air. Calculate the
gives absorbed dose in bone for the same exposure.

Y logy 2 = @o.1/T) logyo 2 = logy, (100/90) 5 An exposure rate is quoted as 75u~Ckg ‘h'.
Calculate thet equivalent exposure rate in
Rearranging gives:
X01 = T1084 (10/9)/log,, 2
6 A chest X-ray delivers a dose equivalent of
Substituting 7 =2.00mm gives the tenth value 2.0mSv in a time of 4.0s. Calculate the average
thickness as 0.304 mm. absorbed dose rate in this time.


7 A technician works in a hazardous environment in 4 At a certain point P in a factory, noise can be

which the radiation dose can be considered to heard from two different machines. The sound
arise from slow neutrons. If the average absorbed intensity level with both machines in operation is
dose in tissue can be taken as 1.5 x 10-* Gy in 86 dB. Calculate:
one hour calculate:
(a) the sound intensity at point P.
(a) the absorbed dose rate in Gys’!: One of the machines is now switched off, which
(b) the maximum time that the technician can results in a drop in sound intensity level by 4 dB.
work in this environment in one year, Calculate:
assuming a maximum permissible whole body (b) the sound intensity produced at P by the
dose level of 50 mSv. machine, prior to it being switched off.

8 The exposure rate at a distance of 1.2m from a (a) What is meant by the intensity of a sound?
source is 0.20mCkg 'h!. Calculate the exposure (b) A person has normal hearing. For this person,
rate at a distance of 6.0m from the source. the minimum audible intensity at a frequency
9 The tenth value thickness of lead for 5S0kV X-rays of 1000 Hz is 1.0 x 10-'° Wm °. The effective
is 0.180 mm. Calculate: area of the entrance to the person’s ear is
68mm’. Calculate the minimum acoustic
(a) the half value thickness (sound) power at 1000Hz, incident on the
(b) the linear absorption coefficient entrance to the ear, which would cause the
person to detect the sound.
(c) the fraction of the original intensity emerging
(c) Sound entering a room through an open
through a 6.00 mm thickness of lead.
window produces a sound intensity level of
85 dB at a certain point in the room. When
the window is closed, the sound intensity
Exercise 32.5: level at the point is reduced to 72dB.
Examination questions Calculate the fraction of the sound energy
which passes through the window glass.
[CCEA 2001]
(Assume that the threshold of intensity of hearing The threshold of feeling is that sound intensity
is 1.0 x 10'°Wm ~ unless otherwise stated.) level at which the sensation of hearing changes to
1 A point source of sound has a power of 12mW. one of discomfort or pain. If this is taken to be
120 dB, calculate the sound intensity
Calculate the maximum distance from the
corresponding to the threshold of feeling.
source at which it can just be heard by
someone, given that the minimum sound (a) When ultrasound is used for the imaging of
intensity which that person’s ear can detect is body structures, a coupling medium such as a
3.0 x 10° Wm”. water-based jelly is used between the ultrasonic
2 A student goes to a very loud disco at which the transducer and the patient’s skin. Explain why
sound intensity level is 108 dB. Assuming that the this is so. Be as quantitative as you can.
student stays for two hours and that the sound (b) The acoustic impedance of soft tissue is
may be assumed to be of constant intensity and to 1.63 x 10°kgm~*s"'. A water-based jelly is
be collected by the eardrum over a surface area formulated such that it acts as an ideal
of 1.2cm’, calculate the total sound energy coupling medium to the skin (that is, there is
incident on the student’s eardrum over this time. no reflected intensity). If the velocity of
sound in the jelly is 1.50x10°ms'’,
3 The sound intensity next to a machine making
cans is 3.6 x 10> Wm ~. It is decided that it is calculate the density of the jelly.
necessary to reduce this sound intensity to The following information relates to ultrasound
3.6 x 10° Wm ~ in the interest of the health of passing through body tissues:
the workers in that area. This is to be achieved by
the wearing of ear muffs. Calculate: Tissue type Density/ Speed of
10° kgm? ultrasound/
(a) the intensity level of the sound next to the
10° ms!
Fat 0.9 {L5)
(b) the reduction in intensity level which must be
Muscle itll 1.6
achieved by the ear muffs.


Calculate: (c) The average annual dose equivalent for

background radiation in the United Kingdom
(a) the acoustice impedance of (i) fat, and
is 2.5mSy. A typical chest X-ray has a dose
(ii) muscle
equivalent of 30ySv. Calculate how many
(b) the fraction of intensity reflected when chest X-rays would be needed in a year to give
ultrasound passes from fat to muscle. a patient a dose equivalent equal to the
average annual value for background radiation.
An ultrasonic pulse travels through fat and is
reflected at a boundary between fat and tissue. A (d) A patient involved in a serious road accident
time interval of 0.018 ms is detected between the has 10 X-rays in 1 day. Suggest why this
pulse entering the fat layer and being received could be more dangerous than one year’s
back at the transducer. Calculate: background radiation, even though the total
dose equivalent is much lower. [OCR 2000]
(c) the thickness of the layer of fat.
11 A patient with cancer is treated using gamma rays
9 The following table shows values of acoustic from a cobalt-60 source. The source is
impedance for various constituents of the body. surrounded by lead shielding, with an aperture
through which the gamma rays pass.

Constituent Acoustic impedance/ The intensity received by the patient can be

10° kgm
=—2, =]
“s reduced by placing an absorber over the aperture.
The gamma ray intensity /, transmitted by the
Blood Le.
absorber is given by
Brain 1.58
ik. =
Ipe )
Muscle 1.70
where /) = the gamma ray intensity incident on
Calculate the value of the reflection coefficient « the absorber
at: x = the absorber thickness (unit : mm)
jt = a constant (unit: mm >:
(a) brain—blood and
(a) For the gamma rays emitted by a cobalt-60
(b) muscle—blood interfaces.
source with a lead absorber 8.8mm thick the
Hence explain why ultrasound can be used to fraction /,//) transmitted is 0.60. Calculate the
investigate blood flow within muscle but not value of 0.
within the brain.
(b) Using the information in (a) sketch a graph of
/, against x on Fig. 32.5 below.
10 47%

Thoron gas

Cosmic rays PERRO 12%
re KeKe% *

Discharges, fallout
Food and drink
12% Gamma radiation
from rocks and soil

Fig. 32.4

4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
(a) The pie chart in Fig. 32.4 shows the sources of
background radiation in the United Kingdom.
State the source of the 47% sector which is Fig. 32.5
not labelled. [OCR 2001]
(b) Explain the relationship between an absorbed 12 The intensity of (monochromatic) radiation from an
dose and a dose equivalent. X-ray source drops by 60% when a block of wood of
thickness 30 mm is placed in its path. Calculate the
half value thickness of wood for this radiation.

Angular motion A '

\¢-r—>| Uniform disc, mass M

mae and radius r

[= Mr
A net force produces a linear acceleration such
that (see equation 5.5) At!
(b) Uniform disc
Force F(N) = Mass m (kg) x acceleration a

(ms ~)
Similarly a net torque, or moment, produces an Uniform solid sphere, mass M
and radius r
angular acceleration such that
1 = 0.4 Mr?

Torque \ _
rNm) / — (c) Uniform solid sphere

Moment of Angular Fig 33.1 continued Moments of inertia of simple objects

inertia [ x | acceleration @
Note that the relationship / = Mr? can be applied
(kg m°) rad s”
to all objects for which the mass is effectively at a
(33.1) fixed distance from the axis of rotation — e.g. a
Comparing the two equations we see that I
replaces F, I replaces m and «a replaces a. Note that the combined moment of inertia of two,
Table 33.1 on page 275, lists a range of ‘linear’ or more, objects about a given axis is the sum of
quantities and gives their angular equivalents the separate moments of inertia.

Example 1
Moment of inertia Rotation

The moment of inertia of various simple objects

about an axis of rotation AA’ is shown in
Fig. 33.1.
Axis of rotation
A: 30 N

Fig. 33.2 Information for Example 1

| Meme
Point mass M
Refer to Fig. 33.2. A constant tangential force of 30N
Al acts on a wheel of radius 0.15 m which rotates about its
centre. Calculate (a) the torque acting on the wheel,
(a) Point mass
(b) its angular acceleration if the moment of inertia of
Fig 33.1 Moments of inertia of simple objects the wheel is 5.0kg m*. Neglect friction.


Method Note that we can readily solve this problem using

the equations of uniform angular acceleration
(see below).
Perpendicular Answer
Torque \ _ / Force ae distance d (m)
from axis of (a) 0.6rrads *, (b) 70mrad.
r(Nm)/ \F(N)
(33.2) Exercise 33.1
We have F = 30 and d = 0.15, so
1 Calculate the required quantities:
0S =45 Nin
T/Nm . I/kgm? a/rads~°
This torque causes the angular velocity of the (a) 30™ 9 0.6
wheel to increase in the clockwise direction, Le. it (b) ? 3.5 4.0
has an angular acceleration in the clockwise (c) 3.6 0.6 ?
2 A torque of 15 Nm acts on a wheel of moment of
(b) Equation 33.1 gives Tf = /x. We have l = 4.5 and inertia 6.0kgm°, initially at rest. Calculate (a) its
=, 550 angular acceleration, (b) its angular velocity after
20s, (c) its angular displacement in this time.
ao i= at = 0.90rads °
ih 5.0 3. A flywheel of moment of inertia 0.40 kgm is
Every second the angular velocity of the wheel initially rotating at 90 rev min ' It is brought to
increases by 0.90 rads ' in the clockwise direction. rest in 45s by a constant torque. Calculate (a) its
initial angular velocity in rads ', (b) its angular
Answer acceleration, (c) the magnitude of the torque, (d)
(a) 45Nm, (b) 0.90 rads E its angular displacement in the first 15s.

Example 2 Equations of uniform

A flywheel on a motor increases its rate of rotation
uniformly from 120revmin | to 300revmin ' in 10s. angular acceleration
Calculate (a) its angular acceleration, (b) its angular
displacement in this time. Table 33.1 on page 275 lists ‘linear’ quantities and
Method their ‘angular’ equivalents. The equations of
uniform angular acceleration are
(a) We require initial angular velocity @) and final
angular velocity w. In one revolution the angle
swept out is 27 rad. So wO=W,+ at (33.5)
(wp = 120 x 2nradmin™! = 4rrads"!
@ = 0,2 +200 (33.6)
w = 300 x 2xrad min ! = 10zrads

We have ¢ = 10, so angular acceleration is 0=a,t+ tat? (33.7)

_ Change of angular velocity They can be obtained by analogy with Equations
Se .
Time taken 5.1, 5.3 and 5.4 or by combining Equations 33.3
WO —W, and 33.4.
= (33:3)
Example 3
Soe ant A wheel is rotating initially at 90revmin '. What
10 torque is required to bring it to rest in 5.0 revolutions
(b) Angular displacement 6 is given by if the wheel has moment of inertia 0.80kgm*?
6= Average angular velocity X Time
We must first find x. We have
= t(w+o,) xt (33.4)
Wo = 2x x (90/60) = 3.02
SOG = + (42 +102) x 10 = 70x rad « = 0 and angular displacement 0 = 5.0 x 2x = 10z.


So, from Equation 33.6 (by) We have ay —0, w= 116, 7= 8.9 and require o.
@* = Wo” + 200 So, using Equation 3.5:
O= Oy, at = OF 6 x 8.9'— 14
0? = (32)? +2xax 10n
or a«@=—0.45arads 7
(a) 8.9s, (b) 14rads™*.
Note the negative sign which indicates that the flywheel
is Slowing down (negative acceleration). Example 5
From Equation 33.1, with J = 0.80, A flywheel rotates on a bearing which exerts a constant
TP = Io = 0.80 x (—0.45z) frictional torque of 12Nm. An external torque of
36 N m acts on the flywheel for a time of 15s, after which
= —-U.50n
IN mi time it is removed. If the angular velocity of the flywheel
The negative sign indicates that the torque is applied in increases from zero to 60rads ' in the 15s period, (a)
the opposite direction to that of the original rotation. calculate the moment of inertia of the flywheel, (b) find
at what time the flywheel will come to rest.
—0.36z N m.
(a) To find J first find [ and «. Net torque I is
Table 33.1 Rotational and translational quantities
[ = External torque — Frictional torque
Translational quantity Rotational equivalent = 36—12=24Nm
Force F (N) Torque T (Nm) We have wy) = 0, w = 60 and ¢t = 15. Rearranging
Mass m (kg) Moment of Inertia J (kgm) Equation 33.5 gives
Acceleration a (ms ”) Angular acceleration « Om Oy _ 60-0 =40rads?
(rad s-’) Ti -<27 15
Time ¢ (s) Time f (s)
So, since I = T'/a = 24/4, 1 = 6.0kgm’.
Initial velocity wu(ms ') Initial angular velocity cp
(rads ') (b) When the external torque is removed, the flywheel
slows down since a net torque [’’ of -12Nm now
Final velocity v(ms') Final angular velocity
acts Oneit "due. tom inchon since // —=6,0hethe
angular acceleration «’ is given by
Distance s (m) Angular displacement 0 (rad)
Momentum mv Angular momentum /~ ee Ties eas 2.0 rads 2
(kgms_') (kgm? rads_')
Kinetic energy dmv? (J) Angular kinetic energy Initial angular velocity mp’ = 60, final angular
+I? (J) velocity (at rest) w@' =0 and «’ = —2.0. To find
time ¢’ to come to rest, we rearrange Equation 33.5:
1 = 2 = ®0 SUES elie
Example 4 a —Z
A torque of 40 N m is applied to a wheel of moment of
inertia 25 kgm’, initially at rest. Calculate (a) the time
it takes to make 10 revolutions and (b) its angular (a) 6.0kgm’, (b) 30s after the external torque is
velocity at that time. removed.
(a) We have I = 40 and J = 25. So Exercise 33.2
os 1.6rads <2
1. Find « in each case, given the following:
We use Equation 33.7, with wp = 0, « = 1.6 and (a) wo = 10, i) = 25), j= A0)
@ = 10 revolutions = 10 x 2zrad, to find time f:
(Db) cop 30, = >A0), bs)
6 = a@ot+ dat? (Ch mg. 30, | 9c) == 10; 7 = 200
20n =Oxtx+x16xt’ (d) @ =90, P=), ()) es)
b=./(25n)=8.9s Assume appropriate units in each case.


2 Calculate the torque which must be applied to a by speed rw in the opposite direction due to rotation of
flywheel of moment of inertia 3.0kgm° if it is to the wheel, i.e. v = rw, so w = v/r. Now
be accelerated uniformly from rest to Translational i Rotational
otal \"=
300revmin | in (a) 10s, (b) 10 revolutions. (KE (mv*) KE (41°)
(KE /
3 A flywheel of moment of inertia 20 kg m° is slowed
down by a frictional torque of 8.0Nm. If it is psgut Velocin, @
initially rotating at 12rads~', calculate (a) the
time it takes to stop, (b) the angular displacement
in this time, (c) its angular velocity 15s after it
starts to slow down. >
Translational velocity v
4 A torque of 15 Nm is applied to a flywheel initially Speed rw
of centre of mass

at rest, which then completes 5.0 revolutions in ‘backwards’

2.0s. Calculate (a) its angular acceleration, (b) its
moment of inertia.
Contact point of wheel and piane
5 A wheel of moment of inertia 5.0kgm°* rotates on
an axle which provides a constant frictional Fig. 33.3 Solution to Example 7
torque of 15SNm. (a) Calculate the external
torque which must be supplied to increase its We have mm =12, v=0.30, 7 =0:24. Since 7 — 020
angular velocity from zero to 100rads_' in 20s. then) —= (77105) 02 alron ence
(b) If the external torque is removed, calculate Total KE =1x 12 x (0.3)? +4 x 0.24 x (1.5)?
(i) the time before it comes to rest, (ii) the
= 0.81 J ;
angular displacement in this time.
Rotational kinetic energy
Exercise 33.3
The angular, or rotational kinetic energy of a
wheel of moment of inertia / rotating with
1. Awheel possesses 200 J of rotational kinetic energy
angular velocity « is +/a~.
and has a moment of inertia of 0.80 kg m*. Calculate
its rate of rotation (a) in rads |, (b) in rev valtale
Example 6
2 The wheels of a car rotate 8.0 times each second.
Calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a flywheel of
moment of inertia 5.0 kg m* rotating at 120 rev min |
Each wheel has mass 15kg, radius 0.30m and
moment of inertia 0.27kgm*. Calculate (a) the
Method translational speed of the car, (b) the total KE of
The rotation rate is 120revmin' or 2revs '. So the four wheels (combined).
@ =2 x 2n = 4nrads_', and since J= 5.0
Rotational KE = LIm* =1x 5 x (42)° = 395J
Work, rotational energy
Answer and power
O.40 kJ.
There are equivalent expressions for work and
Example 7 power, in linear and angular terms. Equation 6.1:
Calculate the total kinetic energy of a cylinder of mass
12kg and radius 0.20m if it is rolling along a plane Work done (J) = Force (N) X Distance (m)
with a translational velocity of 0.30ms '. The moment (6.1)
of inertia of the cylinder is 0.24kgm°.
becomes, in angular terms
Refer to Fig. 33.3. For there to be no sliding between
point P on the wheel and the plane it touches, P must Work ieee x iss ee
be stationary at the instant of contact. This means the
translational velocity v (forwards) must be cancelled
done) TN) pana


Similarly equation (6.3): @ = P/T = 28.0 x 107/110

— 254.5rads_!
Power = Force Velocity 63
BON) ae (NY (ns!) (6.3) This equals 254.5 x 60 = 15.27 x 10° radmin“'. We
require the rate of rotation in revolutions per minute.
Becomes Since 1 rev = 2zrad then:
rate of rotation = 15.27 x 10°/2x
Power _ Torque . ee 43.9 — 2.43 x 10° revmin™

P(W) Wm) w (rad s

ie-) cee Answer

2.43 x 10° revmin!

Example 8
Exercise 33.4
A torque of 8.0N m is applied to a flywheel, initially at
rest, for 15s. If the flywheel has moment of inertia
2.0kgm’, calculate (a) the angular velocity acquired, =

(b) the kinetic energy acquired, (c) the work done by

the torque. Comment on the magnitude of (b) and (c).
Neglect friction. Pulley of engine

(a) We have I = 8.0 and J = 2.0.
Thus « =T/J = 4.0rads-*. Now
Engine assembly
Fig. 33.4 Information for Question 1
Since wy — 0,0 = 4.0 and ¢ = 15, w = 60rads -.
(b) Since J = 2.0 and wm = 60, Refer to Fig. 33.4. The engine of a lawn mower is
turned over by applying a constant force of 100 N to
KE = 4]u* = 3600J a string wrapped round the pulley. If the moment
(c) Using Equation 33.7 with wm) = 0,t = 15 anda = 4.0 of inertia of the lawn mower engine is 1.6kgm’,
and the string is pulled out by 0.60 m, calculate (a)
0 = apt +4at* = 450rad the work done by the force, (b) the angular velocity
To find the work done we use Equation (33.8) with acquired by the pulley. Neglect friction.
I = 8.0 and 0 = 450. Hence: 2 (a) A 2 litre turbo diesel engine has a maximum
Work done =T x 0 = 8.0 x 450 torque of 250Nm at engine speed of
1.75 x 10°revmin”'. Calculate the output
= 3600 J power at maximum torque.
Note the answers to (b) and (c) are the same since, due (b) The same engine develops maximum power, of
to the absence of friction, all the work done by the 80.0 kW, at engine speed 4.00 x 10° revmin'.
torque becomes rotational KE. Note that there is no Calculate the torque at maximum power.
translational component of energy and no energy
dissipated via friction.
Answer Conservation of angular
(a) 60rads"', (b) 3.6kJ, (c) 3.6kJ momentum
Example 9
Provided that no external torque acts, angular
A car engine is quoted as having an output power of momentum is conserved. This is the case, for
28.0kW at a torque of 110Nm. Calculate the rate of
example, when a spinning skater draws her arms in.
rotation of the output shaft of the engine in revolutions
per minute. Example 10
A skater is turning at 3.0rads' with both arms
We use Equation 33.9 in which P = 28.0 x 10° and outstretched, so that she has
a moment
of inertia of
I = 110. Rearranging to find w: 4.0kgm°. Her arms are now drawn in, so that her new


moment of inertia is 1.8kgm*. Calculate (a) her final (a) its angular acceleration as the brake was applied
angular velocity, (b) the increase in her rotational KE. (b) the number of revolutions it makes before it
Method comes to rest

(a) Angular momentum is conserved, so (c) the torque applied by the brake mechanism.
Calculate the moment of inertia of a flywheel
I[)@, =Iw (33.10) which has rotational kinetic energy of 50.0kJ
when it is rotating at 20.0rads |.
We have Jy = 4.0, wp = 3.0 and J = 1.8. Equation
The drum of a spin drier has a moment of inertia
33.10 gives w = 6.67.
of 0.24kgm* when it is loaded with wet clothes.
Er Original KE = Iga)” =4 x 4x 3? = 18] During operation it rotates with an angular
Final KE = 4Jw* =4 x 1.8 x 6.67° = 40.0) velocity of 2504ad's'.Calculate:

Increase in rotational KE = 22J (a) the rotational kinetic energy of the drum and
wet clothes
This arises because of the work done by the skater
as she pulls her arms in. (b) the net torque which must be supplied by the
motor to accelerate the drum from rest to its
Answer operational angular velocity in 5.0s.
(a) 6.7rads_ |, de) PALE A flywheel is initially at rest and a torque of
8.0Nm is applied to it. Calculate its rotational
Exercise 33.5 kinetic energy after it has completed
revolutions. Ignore the effects of friction. +

A grinding wheel of radius 0.080m is driven by an

1 A skater is rotating at 2.0rads_' with both arms electric motor at a constant speed of 50
outstretched, when her moment of inertia Is revolutions per second. A piece of steel is pressed
4.5kgm°. She now pulls in her arms and rotates against the outer rim of the wheel, producing a
at 8.0rads '. Calculate (a) her new moment of
tangential force on the wheel of 7.0 N.
inertia, (b) the increase in her rotational KE.
(a) (i) Calculate the rate at which work is being
2 A turntable is rotating freely about an axis with an done by the wheel.
angular velocity of 6.0rads ' and has a moment of (ii) Identify two forms of energy change
inertia of 1.5kgm*. A rough disc is gently dropped
which are occurring, stating where the
on to the turntable so that the centres coincide.
changes are taking place.
Eventually the combined turntable and disc rotate
at 4.5rads'.* Calculate (a) the moment of (b) A small fragment of the surface of the wheel
inertia of the disc about the rotation axis, (b) the breaks away from the wheel when it is in the
original rotational KE of the turntable, (c) the position P shown in Fig. 33.5. The plane of
final rotational KE of the combination, (d) the the wheel is vertical.
rotational KE ‘lost’. (Note: this is due to work
done against friction as the angular velocity of the
disc increases from zero to 4.5 rads '.)
*Combined moment of inertia = Sum of separate moments of inertia.

Exercise 33.6:
Examination questions

1 A flywheel has moment of inertia of 500 kg m’. It (i) On Fig. 33.5 draw the path of the
is acted upon by an external driving torque of fragment as it leaves the wheel.
750Nm and there is a constant frictional torque (ii) State the angle to the horizontal of this
of 400 Nm. Calculate the angular acceleration. path. [OCR 2001]
2 A flywheel is rotating initially at 600rads'. A In the petrol engine, illustrated in Fig. 33.6, the
braking torque is applied which brings it to rest in vertical motion of the piston is converted into
30.0s. If the flywheel has moment of inertia rotational motion by the connecting rod and
12.0kg m*, calculate: crankshaft.


9 (a) State the principle of conservation of angular

(b SS It is thoughtthat, in the past, comets have

impacted the Earth. Fig. 33.8 shows a comet
immediately before impact with the Earth at
Connecting rod the equator. The comet is travelling in the
same direction as the Earth’s rotation and
will impact horizontally on the Earth’s
surface. After the impact, the whole material
of the comet remains on the surface of the
Rotating system Earth.
Fig. 33.6
As the crankshaft of the petrol engine rotates, the Lu Les |

foy Sh
fae -|
torque applied by the piston to the crankshaft
varies. The variation, for two complete ( GO i\ DD) q
\ en AS Cy og |
revolutions of the crankshaft, is shown in Fig. \ (
IX Se? Seo y
YP : a 94 Ws5 ae >) |

33.7. The moment of inertia of the rotating \:& sl y y

system is 4.2 x 10 *kgm?. The crankshaft rotates AN!< cy

at 3400 revolutions per minute.
Torque/N m Earth’s direction of rotation

600 Fig. 33.8

period of rotation of the Earth = 8.6 x 10*s
radius of the Earth = 6.4510" m
moment of inertia of the Earth = 9.8 x 10°’ kgm?
velocity of the comet =2.1x10'ms’

(i) Show that the angular momentum of the

Earth, before the comet’s impact, is
72510" kem* $s:
—200 +
(ii) Consider the comet, just before impact,
Fig. 33.7 as though it is orbiting the Earth.
Calculate the angular velocity of the
(a) (i) Calculate _ the maximum angular
comet about the Earth.
acceleration during the cycle when there
(iii —” Calculate the angular momentum of the
is no torque resisting the motion.
comet about the centre of the Earth, just
(ii The average value of the torque during
before the impact.
the cycle is 32Nm. Calculate the
average power output of the engine. moment of inertia of the comet
(iii) Using data from Fig. 33.7 estimate the about the Earth = 3.8 x 10° kgm?
work done as the crankshaft rotates from (iv) Calculate the periodic time of the Earth’s
7m to 20. rotation after the comet’s impact. In your
(iv) Calculate the rotational kinetic energy of calculation, you may assume that the
the rotating system. moment of inertia of the Earth is
unchanged by the impact.
(b) A massive flywheel forms part of the rotating
(v) The impact of a larger comet, having the
system of the engine. State and explain the
same angular momentum about the
purpose of the flywheel. [AQA 2000]
Earth, would significantly change the
8 Assuming that the Earth moves in a circular orbit moment of inertia of the Earth. State
around the sun at a speed of 3.0 x 10'ms | and and explain how the change in moment
at a distance of 1.5 x 10'' m, calculate the angular of inertia would affect the period of
momentum of the Earth around the sun, given rotation of the Earth, compared with the
that the mass of the Earth is 6.0 x 10° kg. value you calculated in part (iv).
[AQA 2000, part]

Section K
Further Revision Questions

Unless otherwise stated assume the following (i) the kinetic energy of the crate when it hits
values: the ground;
(ii) the change in gravitational potential
o= eis energy when the crate falls from the
l y--1
R= Bo wmols 1K height calculated in (a)(i).
1 The aeroplane shown in Fig. 34.1 is travelling (c) In practice air resistance is not negligible.
horizontally at 90ms |. It has to drop a 500kg Suggest and explain how the quantities you
crate of emergency supplies to a_ village have calculated in parts (a)(1) and (a)(1i) will
community following a disaster. To avoid damage compare with their actual value.
to the crate the maximum vertical speed of the [AQA 2001]
object on landing should be 36ms_ !
The ‘London Eye’ is a large wheel which rotates at a
the acceleration of free fall, g =9.8ms slow steady speed in a vertical plane about a fixed
horizontal axis. A total of 800 passengers can ride
in 32 capsules equally spaced around the rim.
A simplified diagram is shown below.

0.20 ms“!

Fig. 34.1
60 m
(a) Assume that air resistance is negligible.
(1) Calculate the maximum height from
which the crate can be dropped.
(ii) Calculate the time taken for the crate to
reach the ground from this height.
(111) Explain why the mass of the crate has no
effect on your answer to parts (1) and (ii).
(iv) The crate has to land at a particular Passenger
place, marked X on Fig. 34.1. Calculate capsule
the horizontal distance of the aeroplane
from X when the crate is released from
the maximum permitted height. Ground

(b) The speed of the crate when it hits the ground (a) On the wheel, the passengers travel at a speed
is 97ms '. Calculate: of about 0.20ms' round a circle of radius


60m. Calculate how long the wheel takes to (ii) show that the increase in extension,
make one complete revolution. beyond that found in (i), to produce an
(b) What is the change in the passenger’s velocity acceleration of 0.60ms ~ is 11.2cm.
when he travels from point B to point D? (b) (i) Calculate the force required, in the
(c) When one particular passenger ascends from absence of friction, to cause the trolley
point A to point C his gravitational potential of mass 800g to have an acceleration of
energy increases by 80 kJ. Calculate his mass. 0.60ms~.
(ii) Using your answers to (b)(i) and (a)(ii),
(d —” Sketch a graph showing how the passenger’s determine the spring constant of the
gravitational potential energy would vary with elastic cord. Assume that the cord obeys
time as he ascended from A to C. Add a Hooke’s law.
scale to each axis. (iii) Calculate the frictional force on the
Discuss whether it is necessary for the motor trolley.
driving the wheel to supply this gravitational (c) In one particular experiment, the extension of
potential energy. [Edexcel 2001] the cord is kept constant at 3.5cm. Calculate
In a dynamics experiment, a trolley is accelerated (i) the speed of the trolley after it has
from rest along a horizontal runway as shown in travelled 1.2m from rest along the
Fig. 34.2. runway,
(ii) the time taken to travel a further 30cm
Elastic cord along the runway.
(d) By reference to Fig. 34.3, state and explain
(i) whether the acceleration of the trolley is
proportional to the extension of the cord,
(ii) how it may be concluded that the Hooke’s
law limit of the cord has not been
exceeded. [OCR 2000]
The accelerating force is provided by an elastic
A gymnast does a hand-stand on a horizontal bar.
cord. One end of the cord is attached to the
The gymnast then rotates in a vertical circle with
trolley and the other end is pulled so that the
the bar as a pivot. The gymnast and bar remain
extension of the cord remains constant as the
rigid during the rotation and when friction and
trolley moves along the runway.
air resistance are negligible the gymnast returns
The acceleration a of the trolley varies with the to the original stationary position.
extension x of the elastic cord as shown in Fig. 34.3.
Fig. 34.4 shows the gymnast’s position at the start
The trolley experiences a constant frictional force and Fig. 34.5 shows the position after completing
when in motion. half the circle.
(a) Use Fig. 34.3 to Direction of
Horizontal bar
(i) determine the extension of the cord subsequent motion
required to maintain constant speed of the
trolley, giving a brief explanation for your
answer, ‘a MAS,

of motion
Horizontal bar

Fig. 34.4 Fig. 34.5

(a) The gymnast has a mass of 70kg and the

centre of mass of the gymnast is 1.20m from
the axis of rotation.
acceleration of free fall, g =9.8ms ~
(i) Show clearly how the principle of
conservation of energy predicts a speed
of 6.9ms_' for the centre of mass when
in the position shown in Fig. 34.5.


(ii) The maximum force on the arms of the (a) Calculate the work done on the spring when it
gymnast occurs when in the position is compressed by 4.0. cm.
shown in Fig. 34.5
(b) The frog has a mass of 24g and rises 0.60m
Calculate the centripetal force required vertically into the air. Calculate — the
to produce circular motion of the gravitational potential energy gained by the
gymnast when the centre of mass is frog.
moving at 6.9ms_|.
(c) Compare your two answers for energy and
(iii) Determine the maximum tension in the explain how they are consistent with the law
arms of the gymnast when in the position
of conservation of energy. [Edexcel 2001]
shown in Fig. 34.5
(iv) Sketch a graph to show how the vertical This question is about lifts in tall buildings.
component of the force on the bar varies
A typical lift, designed to carry a maximum of ten
with the angle rotated through by the
people, has a mass of 400kg. The designers
gymnast during the manoeuvre. Assume
assume that the mass of the lift when full with
that a downward force is positive.
passengers is unlikely to exceed 1500 kg.
Include the values for the initial force
and the maximum force on the bar. (a) (i) Explain why this is a reasonable
Only show the general shape between (ii) The lift is supported by a steel cable of
these values. cross-sectional area 3.2 x 10-*m?. Show
Force/NA that the mass of 500m of this cable is
about 1300 kg.
density of steel = 8.0 x 10° kg me

(b) (i) A single cable supports the lift.. Suppose

the lift starts from the bottom of a 500m
shaft. Show that the maximum tension in
1 L 1 the cable must be greater than 33kN to
0 90 180 270 360 ie accelerate 1500kg of loaded lift and
1300kg of cable upwards at 2.0ms°.
(ii) Calculate the stress that 33kN produces
(b) The bones in each forearm have a length of in a steel cable with a cross-sectional
0.25m. The total cross-sectional area of the area of 3.2 x 107m’.
° a . = p)
bones in both forearms is 1.2 x 10°-~ m*. The The yield stress of the steel cable is
Young modulus of bone in compression is 2.9 10°Nm°. For safety reasons the
1.6 x 10!" Pa. maximum stress in the cable should not
Assuming that the bones carry all the weight exceed one quarter of the yield stress.
of the gymnast, calculate the reduction in Show that the addition of two more
length of the forearm bones when _ the identical cables in parallel with the first
gymnast is in the start position shown in will allow this condition to be met.
Fig. 34.4. [AQA 2000] (ii) Plans have been drawn up for a building
1km high. Explain why a lift like this
A toy frog has a spring which causes it to jump
could not be used in a 1000m tall shaft.
into the air. The force—compression graph for the
Justify your answer. [OCR Nuff 2000]
spring is shown below.
7 (a) State the principle of moments.
22 (b) To increase the extension of a stiff spring for a
given load, a student set up the system shown
in Fig. 34.6. The weight of the metal bar was
5.0N and the tension the student achieved in
the spring was 37N.
the gravitational field strength, g = 9.8Nkg!

0 ees (i) Apply the principle of moments to

0 0.04 calculate the mass of the load that the
student used.


(c) Studies of the crater left behind suggest that

the mass of material ejected was 6 x 10'* kg.
0.15m Spring tension (37 N) Estimate the total kinetic energy of the
ejected material.

Metal bar (d = This eruption would have sent shock waves

through the Earth’s crust to Crete which is
110km from Thera. If the waves had a
frequency of 0.09Hz and a wavelength of
Weight of bar 40km, find the time taken for the shock
(5.0 N) waves to reach Crete. [Edexcel S-H 2000]
© je) wa A wire of unextended length / and cross-
Fig. 34.6
sectional area A extends elastically by an
amount A/ when the tension in the wire is
(ui) Calculate the magnitude of the force increased by an amount F.
exerted on the metal bar at the pivot.
(iii) Draw on Fig. 34.6 an arrow to show the Write down expressions in terms of /, Al, A
direction of the force calculated in and F for
part (ii), (i) the spring constant k of the wire,
(ii) the Young modulus F of the material of
(c) The spring stiffness k of the spring was the wire.
(b) In order to determine the Young modulus of
Calculate the energy stored in the spring. the metal of a wire, a student set up the
[AQA 2001] apparatus illustrated in Fig. 34.7.
In 1628 BC there was a massive explosion of a The length of wire between the fixed end and
volcano on the Mediterranean island of Thera. the pulley is 1.4m and the area of cross-
This coincided with the decline of Minoan section of the wire is 6.2 x 10-’ m*. The wire
civilisation on the nearby island of Crete. It has passes over the pulley and is held taut by a
been proposed that this event may have given rise mass attached to its free end.
to the legend of the lost island of Atlantis.
It is possible to estimate the speed at which debris
is ejected from an exploding volcano by studying
how far blocks of rock are thrown.
The following passage is adapted from a
description of a similar modern eruption:
‘The largest blasts ejected blocks 0.5m to
1.0m in diameter up to 1km from the vent,
suggesting ejection speeds of up to 100ms"'.
The average ejection speed was probably
about 60ms!/’
A block of debris is ejected at 100ms ~ at an Fig. 34.7
angle of 40° to the horizontal from a vent at
ground level. Show that the vertical component of When the mass attached to the end of the wire
its velocity is about 65ms_'. is increased by 7.0kg, a pointer attached to
100 ms“!
the pulley rotates through an angle of 8.5°.
(i) The pulley has diameter 1.6cm. The wire
does not slip over the pulley as the pulley
turns. Show that the extension of the
wire resulting from the increased mass
on its end is 1.2mm.
(ii) Calculate
1. the increase in the stress in the wire,
(a) Find the time for which the block is in flight.
2. the increase in the strain of the wire,
(b) Show that the distance the block is thrown is 3. the Young modulus of the material of
about 1 km. the wire.


(c) (i) Sketch a graph to show the variation with

load F on the wire of its extension Al.
Assume that the elastic limit is not
(ii) Use your graph to show that the strain
energy EF, stored in the wire is given by
the expression

E, = k(Al)
where k is the spring constant of the wire.
(iii) For a total mass of 8.0kg attached to the
wire, the wire extends by 137mm.
(i) the lifttar momentum of the bullet before
Calculate the strain energy stored in the
it strikes the block,
wire for this extension.
(ii) the speed with which the block first moves
(d) (i) The specific heat capacity of the material from rest after the bullet strikes it.
of the wire in (b) is 420J kg 'K~! and the
(c) During the collision of the bullet and block,
mass of the wire is 6.2 x 10 °kg.
kinetic energy is converted into internal
Calculate the change in temperature of
energy which results in a temperature rise.
the wire when the total mass of 8.0 kg is
(i) Show that the kinetic energy of the bullet
removed, assuming all the strain energy is
before it strikes the block is 200 J.
converted into thermal energy in the wire.
(ii) Show that the kinetic energy of the
(11) Hence suggest why the steel head of a
combined block and bullet immediately
hammer can become warm when it is
after the bullet has lodged in the block is
used repeatedly to hit nails into wood.
[OCR 2001]
(iii) The material from which the bullet is
10 A 1930s’ racing car equipped with drum brakes is made has a specific heat capacity of
travelling on a horizontal track at 60ms '. The 250J kg 'K |. Assuming that all the lost
brakes are applied to reduce the speed of the car kinetic energy becomes internal energy
to 10ms '. The four brake drums are of iron, of in the bullet, calculate its temperature
total mass 30kg. The total mass of the car is rise during the collision.
1200 kg. The temperature of the drums before the
(d) The bullet lodges at the centre of mass G of
brakes are applied is 0°C.
the block. Calculate the vertical height h
(a) (i) Calculate the temperature of the drums through which the block rises after the
when the speed of the car reaches collision. [AQA 2001]
10ms '. Assume that all the kinetic
energy lost by the car is converted to
thermal energy in the drums. 12 This question is about an electric hair-dryer.
The specific heat capacity of iron is Fig. 34.8 shows the electrical circuit in the
450Jkg' Kl. hairdryer.
(ii) The friction lining material on the brake
shoes loses all its braking effect when the
drums reach 500°C.
Calculate how many successive stops of
this type could be made before the Mains Fan Heating
motor element
brakes cease to function.
(b) State two reasons why modern racing cars use
disc brakes. [OCR 2000}
(a) State the principle of conservation of linear
Fig. 34.8
momentum for two colliding bodies. ;

(b) A bullet of mass 0.010kg travelling at a speed When the fan motor is switched on, air is drawn
of 200ms_! strikes a block of wood of mass over the heating element through the back of the
0.390kg hanging at rest from a long string. hair-dryer. When the heating element is switched
The bullet enters the block and lodges in the on, the air leaving the hairdryer from the nozzle
block. is warmer than the air drawn in.


(a) Complete the table below, to show how the

(b) To obtain an estimate of the energy stored in
circuit works. the pressurised gas, consider the gas escaping
into the atmosphere through a nozzle until
S; S; fan motor heating the pressure in the cylinder has fallen to
element atmospheric pressure (1 x 10°Nm ~). If we
open open off off assume that the temperature remains
closed open constant, the pressure and volume change as
shown in Fig. 34.10.
open closed
closed closed 50

(b) The diameter of the fan is 5.0cm. When the

fan is switched on, air passes through the
hairdryer at speed v = 7.2ms_' (Fig. 34.9). E
> Vv
Cylinder of air
drawn through
5.0 cm rotating fan
heating element
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Fig. 34.10

Fig. 34.9 (i) Estimate the energy released as the air

expands into the atmosphere, using the
(i) Show that the volume of air drawn area under the graph. Show clearly how
through the rotating fan every second is you arrive at your answer.
about 1.4 x 10°? m?. (ii) In fact, the air cools as it expands. Explain
(ii) Calculate the mass of air drawn through why this means that the useful energy
the rotating fan every second. released is less than calculated in (b)(1),
density of air = 1.2kgm™~. as the air expands into the atmosphere.
(iii) The heater is rated at 300 W. Calculate
It is proposed to utilise this energy to propel a
the temperature of the air emerging
from the nozzle. State any assumption
(i) The aerodynamic drag force on the
that you make.
vehicle is 44N, when travelling at
room temperature = 15 °C;
10ms'. Calculate the power required to
specific heat capacity of air =
propel the vehicle at this steady speed.
1000 Tks °C. (11) Calculate the maximum time the vehicle
(c) There are two fan speed settings. On the could travel at this steady speed on just
higher fan speed setting air is drawn through one cylinder of pressurised air. Express
the hairdryer at a speed of 14.4ms_'. your answer in hours.
Calculate the temperature at which the air
now emerges from the nozzle.
(d) To increase the energy available from the
pressurised air, it is proposed to increase the
[OCR Nuff 2000]
initial pressure in the cylinder from 50
13 This question is about the feasibility of using atmospheres to 300 atmospheres. Suggest a
pressurised air to propel a vehicle. possible disadvantage of this idea.
[OCR Nuff 2000]
(a) A cylinder contains 0.10 m> of air at a pressure
of 50 x 10° Nm * at temperature 290K. In 1960 a brilliant physicist called Richard
(i) Show that there are about 210 moles of Feynman gave an interesting lecture entitled
air in the cylinder. ‘there’s always room at the bottom’. He discussed
molar gas constant R = 8.3 Jmol 'K'. the idea that we should eventually be able to stick
(ii) Calculate the mass of air in the cylinder. individual atoms together to make useful new
molar mass of air = 0.030kg mol'. materials and build objects on a very small scale.


This has become known as nanotechnology and the (ii) 50J of thermal energy is supplied to a
paragraph below illustrates a possible application fixed mass of gas in a cylinder. The gas
that may become a reality in the next twenty or expands, doing 20J of work.
thirty years. 1. Use the first law of thermodynamics to
calculate the change in internal energy
If people suffer from very poor circulation, tissue
of the gas. Indicate whether the
can become damaged. A temporary solution change is an increase or a decrease.
would be to replicate one of the functions of red
i). How could an experimenter detect that
blood cells by manufacturing tiny spheres full of the internal energy of the gas had
compressed oxygen and inject these directly into changed, and deduce the sign of the
the blood stream. These spheres could then
slowly release their oxygen.
(b) A sheet reetal worker uses a hammer to beat
Nanotechnology offers the promise of making out a thin piece of metal. The mass of the
extremely strong, diamond-like materials in any
hammer-head is 0.45kg. Just before it hits
shape required. The spheres would be mass-
the work-piece, it is moving with a speed of
produced very cheaply. Spheres of internal
6.0ms_'; the impact brings the hammer-head
diameter 1.0 x 10°’ m could be filled with oxygen
to rest so that all the kinetic energy of the
to a pressure of 1.0 x 10° Pa.
hammer-head is converted to thermal energy.
(a) State the meaning of the word nano when Hammer blows continue at a regular rate of
used as a prefix in front of a unit. two per second.
(i) Calculate the kinetic energy converted to
(b — The spheres are filled with oxygen
at a body
thermal energy in one blow, of the
temperature of 310K. Calculate the number
of moles of oxygen in one sphere. Assume
oxygen behaves as an ideal gas. (il) Calculate the rate of production of
thermal energy.
The typical oxygen consumption of an adult is (iii) The mass of the work-piece is 0.080 kg.
2.5x10°m* per minute at atmospheric The specific heat capacity of the metal of
pressure (1.0 x 10° Pa). Calculate the volume which it is made is 450JK ‘kg !.
in cm’ of spheres required to sustain the Assuming that 70% of the thermal
oxygen requirement of an adult for one hour. energy generated is transferred to the
Assume the volume of material used for the work-piece, calculate its initial rate of
sphere is negligible compared with its internal rise of temperature. [CCEA 2000]
16 The joule is the SI unit of energy. Express the
The strength of the material used to make joule in the base units of the SI system.
these spheres must be extremely high. It
would be comparable to diamond, with a A candidate in a physics examination has worked
breaking stress of 5.0 x 10'° Pa and a Young out a formula for the kinetic energy E of a solid
modulus of 1.0 x 10'? Pa. Calculate the strain sphere spinning about its axis. His formula is
in this material if taken to fracture, stating
any assumption made. E=Sprsf?
Explain why large values of breaking stress
where p is the density of the sphere, r is its radius
and Young modulus would be such vital
and f is the rotation frequency. Show that this
requirements for the material used in this
formula is homogeneous with respect to base
State one other property that the materials
Why might the formula still be incorrect?
used in this application should have.
[Edexcel 2001]
[Edexcel S-H 2000]
17 An electric kettle is marked ‘2.3kW’.
15 (a) On your Data and Formulae Sheet the first (i) Calculate the current that it would take from a
law of thermodynamics is quoted in the form 230 V mains supply.
(ii) A householder runs a cable from his house to
a shed at the bottom of his garden. He
(i) For a system consisting of a fixed mass of connects one end of the cable to the 230V
gas, identify the terms AQ, AU and AW mains supply in his house and the other end
in this equation. to an electric socket into which he plugs the


kettle. In the cable the resistance of each of the voltage across each circuit component
the two current-carrying wires is 0.75. and the current flowing in the lamp.
(1) Assuming that the kettle still draws the
current calculated in part (i), find the (c) Calculate the internal resistance of one of
total power wasted in the cable. these cells. [Edexcel 2000]
(II) Explain why the assumption about the
current is not quite correct.
[WJEC 2001, part]
18 The graph in Figure 34.11 shows how the
resistance of a thermistor varies with temperature.
eine, ee
500 fe: a
300 HEH SS
200 (a) In the circuit shown, the potential difference
100 -- between X and Z is 25 V. Explain, in energy
pysnsseancas sossescessseececeees soeuecuser passeseee: terms, what this statement means.
50 60 70 80 90 10
(b) Using the information in the diagram,
Fig. 34.11 (i)4 the potential difference between Y and Z,
(ii) the resistance of Ro,
(a) Explain why the resistance decreases at higher (iii) the resistance of Rj,
temperatures. (iv) the resistance of the combination of the
{hrees, TESISLOIS, we Le. wLhe: | effective
(b) The thermistor is included in the circuit shown
resistance between X and Z.
in Fig. 34.12.
[WJEC 2001]
The thermistor has to be maintained at a
temperature of 60°C. 21 (a) (i) Write down the equation linking the
capacitance C of a capacitor to the
charge Q on its plates and the potential
difference V between them.
Thermistor (ii) Define the farad, the unit of capacitance.
(b) Fig. 34.13 shows a capacitor of capacitance C,
5.0V which is initially charged to a_ potential
difference Vj. The capacitor is connected in
series with a resistor of resistance R and a switch.
120 Q resistor

Fig. 34.12

(i) the potential difference across the Fig. 34.13
(ii) the power that has to be removed from When the switch is closed, the potential
the thermistor to maintain the difference V across the capacitor decreases
temperature at 60°C. [AQA 2000, part] with time ¢. The rate at which V changes
19 A torch has three identical cells, each of e.m-f. depends on a quantity called the time
1.5 V, and a lamp which is labelled 3.5 V, 0.3 A. constant t of the circuit.
(i) Your Data and Formulae Sheet shows
(a) Draw a circuit diagram for the torch. that an expression for the time constant
(b) Assume that the lamp is lit to normal t is t= RC. Show that the product of a
brightness and that the connections have resistance (unit: ohm) and a capacitance
negligible resistance. Mark on your diagram (unit: farad) has the unit second.


(ii) At a time equal to one time constant The graph shows how the current through the
after the switch is closed, V is equal to metal filament of a lamp depends on the
xVo, where x is a constant less than 1. potential difference applied across it.
Complete Table 34.1 giving the values of (i) Calculate the resistance of the lamp for
V at various times f. potential differences of
Table 34.1 (1) 0.60 V,
(II) 6.0V.
t V (ii) Discuss to what extent, if at all, Ohm’s
Law applies to the filament.
0) Vo
(iii) When the potential difference across the
T xVo
filament is 6.0V_ its temperature is
2100°C. When the potential difference is
(0.60V the temperature of the filament
4t may be approximated to 0°C.
(1) Calculate the temperature coefficient
(iii) Name the mathematical function
of resistance of the filament.
describing the variation of V with f.
(II) Explain why the approximation is a
(iv) Obtain the numerical value of the
reasonable one. [WJEC 2001]
constant x.
(v) The capacitor in the circuit of Fig. 34.13
has capacitance 22 uF. The resistor has 25 Fig. 34.14 shows an X-ray tube.
resistance 47k). Making use of your (a) The cathode is a tungsten wire of length of
completed Table 34.1 and your answer to 0.12m and carries a current of 1.6A. The
(iv), or otherwise, estimate the time after voltage across the cathode is 6.3 V. Caiculate
the switch is closed for the potential the cross sectional area of the wire.
difference across the capacitor to fall to
5.0% of its initial value. conductivity of tungsten = 2.0 x 107Q7! m"!
(e = 2.718) [CCEA 2000] X-rays

22 A coil of self-inductance 0.30 H and resistance 55 Q Electrons Evacuated glass bulb

is to be supplied from a 240V (r.m.s.), 5OHz a.c.
source which has zero impedance. Find the values
of the components that must be put in series with
the coil if the current is to be 1.0A (r.m.s.) and in
phase with the applied voltage. [WJEC 2000, part] Cathode
23 The voltage output, V, of an a.c. source is given by
the expression Fig. 34.14
V = 10sin (200z¢)
where ¢ is time, measured in seconds. The source
(b) The X-ray power generated is 3.0 W, which is
is connected to a 0.50H inductor in a circuit of 1.0% of the power input to the tube. The
negligible resistance. remaining energy heats up the target in the
(1) Calculate the peak current in the circuit. anode. The target is a tungsten block of mass
(1) State the phase relationship between the 0.045kg. Calculate the initial rate of
current and the supply voltage. temperature rise of the tungsten block when
the X-ray tube is turned on.
[OCR 2000, part]
24 (a) State Ohm’s Law specific heat capacity of tungsten
=(A0ikon koe [AOA 2000]

26 In the cathode ray tube illustrated in Fig. 34.15,

electrons are accelerated by a potential difference
of 1.8kV between the cathode (C) and the
anode (A).
(a) (i) Calculate the kinetic energy, in J, of the
electrons after they have passed the

charge on an electrode, e = -1.6x 10°”C


(ii) Hence calculate the mass of americium-

241 used in the source. Avogadro
constant = 6.0 x 10° mol|
[OCR Nuff 2000]

28 Fig. 34.17 shows a series circuit containing a 2.0 V

cell, a switch S, a 0.25Q resistor R, and an
inductor L. The internal resistance of the cell and

+ 0.60 kV Screen the resistance of L are negligible.

Fig. 34.15

(ii) Calculate the velocity of the electrons

after they have passed the anode.
mass of electron = 9.1 x 10-7! kg
(b) The plates P and Q are 8.0cm long and are
separated by a gap of 4.0cm.
(i) Define electric field strength.
(ii) Calculate the force acting on an electron Fig. 34.17
when it is between P and Q and state the
direction of the force
(a) After closing S, the current in the circuit rises,
(iii) Calculate the time taken for an electron eventually becoming steady. While the current
to pass between the plates. is increasing from zero to 0.20A, the rate of
(iv) Calculate the vertical component of change of current can be assumed to be
velocity at the time the electron leaves constant at 40As_/.
the electric field between P and Q. (i) Calculate, for the instant when the
(v) Calculate the additional vertical current is 0.20A, the potential difference
displacement of the electron between the
time it leaves the electric field between P 1. across R;
and Q and when it reaches the screen. 2. across L.
[AQA 2000] (ii) Use your result from (a)(1) 2 in calculating
27 This question is about the radioactive material the inductance of L.
americium-241 used in domestic smoke detectors
(b) The current in the circuit eventually becomes
like that shown in Fig. 34.16. steady.
(i) Calculate the magnitude of the steady
(ii) Explain why the inductor L plays no part
in determining the magnitude of this
steady current. [OCR 2000]

Fig. 34.16 29 (a) Uranium-238 decays by alpha emission to

thorium-234. The table shows the masses in
(a) An americium-241 nucleus decays by emitting atomic mass units, u, of the nuclei of
an g-particle, and forms an isotope of uranium-238 (*35U), thorium-234, and an
neptunium. Complete the equation below alpha particle (helium-4).
that describes this decay by adding the
missing nucleon and proton numbers.
Element Nuclear mass/u
Sane = 37Np + He
Uranium-238 238.0002
(b —_
The half-life of americium-241 is 430 years. Thorium-234 233.9941
Show that the decay constant, 1, for this
Helium-4, alpha particle 4.0015
isotope is 5.0 x 107''s”'.
1 year = 3.2 x 10’s 1 atomic mass unit, u =17x10 ke
(c) (i) Calculate the number of americium-241 speed of electromagnetic
nuclei in a source with an activity of radiation, c = 3.0x 10°'ms !
4.6 x 10° Bq. the Planck constant,h =6.6 x 10‘Js


(i) How many neutrons are there in a Calculate:

uranium-238 nucleus? (i) the momentum of the alpha particle;
(ii) How many protons are there in a nucleus (ii) the wavelength associated with the alpha
of thorium? particle. [AQA 2000]
Determine the mass change in kg when a 30 Assuming a value of 3 x 10° Ss! for the Hubble
nucleus of uranium-238 decays by alpha constant, find the distance from Earth of a galaxy
emission to thorium-234. for which the red shift for a particular spectral
Determine the increase in kinetic energy line is a tenth of the wavelength of the same
of the system when a_ uranium-238 spectral line observed from a stationary source.
nucleus decays by alpha emission to
(velocity of light in vacuum is 3.0 x 10° mis™)
[Edexcel 2000]
(c) Wave particle duality suggests that a moving
alpha particle (mass 6.8 x 10°°’kg) has a
wavelength associated with it. One alpha
particle has an energy of 7.0 x 10° '°J.

Chapter 3 10 P=R+O and Px 3d=Q x 4d
11 See Example 7
Exercise 3.4
12 (b) I and IJ — take moments about P
1 Sl units are m for x, ms! for uw ands for t, so m for 13
ut, ms for a, s* for t” Show x = 0.4 m and
2 {force} is MLT~ or kems ”. Dimensions of take moments about E
right-hand side of Equation? 240 N
3 (b) (i) See Equation 21.1 in Chapter 21
(ii) Obtain value for z from calculator.
= = Se

Chapter 4
Exercise 4.4
1 2W cos 0
Chapter 5
2 (jf sins30° = 2000 (ii) T cos 30°
3 80N tension throughout rope. For a section at 40° Exercise 5.9
to horizontal: 1
(i) horizontal force 80 cos 40°
(ii) vertical force = 80 sin 40° 10
4 Net resultant force and moment must be zero
5 (c) and (e) See Example 4
6 x >< 400 mm >

160 N 60 N
Z 20 fNorth
Principle of moments
7 (a) and (b) Net horizontal and vertical forces = 0
(d) Clockwise moment due to W
= anticlockwise moment due to X 45 Ground

3 Equation 5.1 to find a. Equation 5.4 with ¢ = 10
4 Equation 5.4
5 (b) (ii) Il and IV — see Example 5, Chapter 4
III Net force = ma
(iii) Equation 5.4
6 s=tat’ with s, = 30 and sy) = 40.
Find f, and f,
7 See Example 9
8 (a) (i) horizontal component is constant
Base Jib Load (ii) 18.8 = magnitude x cos 40°
Principle of moments (b) Equation 5.3


(c) See Example 8(a) with uw = vertical component 9 (a) (i) M = volume x density;
(15.8ms_'). Add 1.80 to s. PE = mgh with h = 2.5 m (average height
(d) (i) Equation 5.3 with loss)
s = maximum vertical height (14.2m) and (ii) Equation 6.2 and
= fe P = rate of energy transfer
(ii) Addition of horizontal and vertical 10 (a) (i) Volume = area x wind speed;
components using Pythagoras Mass = volume x density
9 (i) Fig. 5.3, find V = R sin a, then Equation 5.3 (ii) and (b) See Example 8
with v = 0 11 (a) Mgh; then Equation 6.2, then
(ii) Fig. 5.3, find H power = rate of energy production
(iii) See Example 8(b) (b) Walking energy = power x time; add body
10 Net force = total mass x a energy required for change in height
11 (b) F =ma 12 (b) (i) Fig. 6.¥ to find h; then mgh
(c) Equation 5.1 (ii) power = work done/time taken
(d) Equation 5.4 13 (a) Equation 6.1
12 (b) (i) Use Pythagoras (ii) F = ma (b) 3.6ms | along slope = 0.3ms ' vertically,
13 Equation 5.1 then F = ma then use mgh; half of mgh needed
14 (i) and (ii) See Example 13 14 (a) Equation 6.3 (b) Example 11
(iii) Equation 5.2 to find ¢; (40 +f) = time when 15 (b) Equation 6.3
velocity = 0 (c) (i) total = (air + friction) resistance
15 (a) (11) Example 13(b) (ii) friction x speed”
(b) Example 8 and Equation 5.1. (iii) Equation 6.3 using total resistance
For (ii) s = —200m or use 2 stages 16 (b) (ii) 60% of mgh is 12 MW, where
(c) (4) See Example 3 + calculate ¢ from vertical m = mass per second
component (iii) 12 x 10° is 84% of power reaching
(ii) Fig. 5.3. H is constant. V decreases by generator, all KE
6.0ms |. Use Pythagoras. (iv) I. mgh becomes KE -+ friction losses
(c) Volume x density II. Estimate here; use Equation (6.3) with
average velocity of (say) 20ms |
(c) (i) Equation 6.2
(ii) Overall efficiency = efficiency of pipe
x efficiency of generator
distance (at 30ms ') exceeds 15m.
19 (a) Example 15(a) Chapter 7
(b) (4) Equation 5.3 (11) F == 7a
Exercise 7.6
1 Equation 7.1 (ii) Example 2
Chapter 6 (iii) 4mv (iv) KE becomes PE
Exercise 6.5 2 (a) Example 1
1 Equation 6.1 (b) Momentum conserved; positive to the right
2a) Piso. 3
(b) (i) Equation 6.1
(ui) P = rate of doing work
(c) P.E. gain
3 (a) Example 4 (b) Equation 5.3
(c) mgh or use Fxd and F = ma
4 (a) (1) mgh Use momentum as a vector quantity. On collision
(ii) P = rate of work done m = 0.070 kg, hence calculate velocities
(iii) and (c) See Example 4(c) 4 (a) F=ma
5S PE becomes KE. KE = decrease in PE of B (b) (i) See Example 2, u. = 0
— increase in PE of A (no friction) (ii) See Example 3
6 KE + PE, then KE 5 (a) Equation 7.1
7 Energy dissipated = PE change — KE change (b) Calculate KE of 10 kg trolley; collision leads to
8 (a) Litres used x energy value KE reduction
(b) P = rate of transfer of energy 6 (b) (i) Examples 2 and 3
(c) speed = distance/time (ii) Example 4, use M and (10/9)M. Solve 2
(d) Thrust x speed = power simultaneous equations


(c) At each bounce, Pe = 0.9", where 8 See Example 4

Vp = rebound speed and v = impact speed 9 See Example 4. Force = mg — my/r
Use Equation 5.4 with s = 0 to find time between 10 (b) (i) Fig. 8.1 (ii) Equation 8.1 gives v in ms~ 1

each bounce. Remember vp decreases at each bounce (c) Example 4

7 (c) (@) See Example 5 (d) Flash frequency = f in Hz, Example |
(ii) Power = rate of transfer of (kinetic) energy (e) See Example 5, for (iv) ¢ = 2ar/v
8 See Example 5 11 Example 5. Note r = (4.0 + 5.0 sin 60°)
9 234, = 4. Require ratio (4, :234y,”)
10 (b) (i) & (ii) See Example 1 Chapter 9
(iii) Remember (ii) is negative
Exercise 9.5
(iv) Equation 7.6
(v) Calculate KE before and after contact 1 Equation 9.1
11 See Example 7 2 Equate mass + distance
12 (b) (ii) Count squares; note ¢ in ms and mass in g 3 F x 1/distance
(ill) change in velocity = 2 x incident velocity 4 See Example 3
13 See Example 8; for (ii) a = F/m 5 See Example 4
14 (a) (i) Equation 5.2 (11) Equation 7.5 6 Equation 9.4
(b) Example 8 7 (a) Equation 9.1
15 See Example 8 (b) Equation 9.4 and Example 4. Note U is per kg
16 (b) (i) Example 8(a); area = x x 18° 8 (b) See Example 2(b)
(11) Change in KE Quadratic equation gives two solutions:
(c) Example 8(b), v —u = 2 2.0 x 10’, and 6.0 x 10°m
(e) Equation 6.2 for useful power output per wind 9 See Example 6
turbine 10 (a) v = V2er and g = GM /r° gives Equation 9.5
OK = $ mv
11 (b) See Example 7
Chapter 8 (c) (i) See Example 5
Exercise 8.4 (ii)See Example 6, or find U from
1 (a) Equation 8.2 (b) Equation 8.1 graph + Equations 9.4 and 9.5
(c) Equation 8.3 12 (c) (i) and (ii) Equation 9.6
2 See Example 1 (ii) Equation 9.3: G and M are constants
3 See Fig. 8.4 and Equations 8.5 and 8.6. 13 (b) (1) Equation 9.7 (ii) Equation 9.6
Por? use P (iii) KE =4 mv”
(d)a=F/m (e) Equation 8.3 (c) Compare KE of satellite to TNT explosive yield
4 mg+mvy/r 14 (a) (i) Equation 9.7
5 T =mg+mv-/r at bottom of swing. PE when (ii) g provides v’/r and v = 2ar/T
pulled aside, at top of swing, becomes KE at 15 Geostationary orbit takes 24 hours. Use Kepler’s
bottom of swing; mgh = 5 my. Calculate h from 5° 3rd Law to find T. N = 24/T
angle as in diagram 16 (b) (i) Equation 9.7: height above surface
(ii) Equation 9.3
(c) Kepler’s 3rd Law
17 (b) (ai) 1. Gradient = 0 2. g = slope of graph
(c) (i) Note mass is ejected with velocity such that
it just reaches peak of versus d curve.
Then mass falls through Ad towards
surface: Ad is greater for surface of Pluto
than for surface of Charon.

At top of swing (see Fig. 8.4) v = 0 and Equation Chapter 10

8.5 gives T = 2.5(09)N
6 (a) (i) Equation 8.1 (ii) Equation 8.4 Exercise 10.5
(iii) Equation 8.4, F = 180N 1 Example 1
(b) See Example 3, T, = 0 at top of circle so 2 F =ke with k = 40: Equation 10.2
mg = mro 3 (a) Find coordinates of A: use F = ke
7 (a) (ii) Example 3; variation is + or —mg (b) Area under graph: | square equals 4 mJ
(iii) mv’ /r = 5.0 4 Extension x //area: energy stored x extension
(iv) Equation 8.1 5 (ay OW oAvat U.S.
(b) Equation 8.4; r = L (ii) o = Es then W’ =0 A: ¢ = 0.5% = 0.005


6 PE becomes stored energy. Wire of length / has (c) A sin® graph: KE is zero at extremities of
extension e. So mg(l +e) = 4 Furs e. motion
16 | mr w and w = 22/T
9 9

Also Furs = Guts A and ¢ = e/l = oyrts/E.

Manipulate equations to find A. Note e </
7 (b) (i) Equations 10.4 and 10.5
(ii) Equations 10.2 and 10.3
8 (a) Example 7(a) (b) Equation 10.2
Chapter 12
9 (b) (i) ar
(ii) Example 5 — read values from graph Exercise 12.8
(iii) Equation 10.3 — read F from graph 1 Equation 12.1
(iv) Example 2 2 Find J and c, hence f
10 (c) (i) Example 7 3 (b) Distance = speed x time: same distance but if
(ii) Add load to shortest wire at base time ¢ for P wave, ¢ + 30 for S wave. Solve
(iii) Equation 10.2: energy x F for same simultaneous equations (Chapter 2)
extension 4 Equation 12.3
11 Equations 10.6 and 10.5 5 See Example 2
12 (b) (i) Equation 10.5 6 (b) (i) Il. f =number of cycles per second
(ii) Equation 10.6 II. A/2 or 3A/2 from x = 0 tox = 0.10m
(ili) Equation 10.4 (ii) Equation 12.1
13 See Example 8 7 (a) G) Read off graph: 7= 1/7
(b) (i) and (ii) A//? = 0.002 = e. Use Equations (ii) Equation 12.1
10.7 and 10.5 (b) (i) Distance = speed x time: same distance
(iii) Equation 10.3 but if time ¢ for P wave, (t + 65) for’S wave.
Solve simultaneous equations (Chapter 2)
8 (b) Wave 1: Equation 12.1 to findf,then T = 1/f.
Chapter 11 Note | period = 360°
Wave 2: 36.0° is 1/10th of a period. Hence find
Exercise 11.5 T, then f and use Equation 12.1
1 Example I(a) 9 Fig. 12.1(b): 2 equivalent to 1 wavelength. Then
2 Equation 11.3 Equation 12.1
3 Resonant frequency at peak amplitude. Find 7, use 10 YP 20m
Equation 11.3 — or find w, use Equation 11.4 11 (b) (iv) 1. See Example 7
4 (a) Find 7, use Equation 11.3 — or find ~, use 2. Bright fringe means a whole number of
Equation 11.4 fringe separations
(b) Equation 11.3, or use f = 1/T x 1/./m 3. Half a fringe separation from C
5 (a) Treat as LOOkg (1000 N) over 1 spring — use 12ya/ and y«l1/a
Equation 11.5 13 (b) Equation 12.7
(b) Treat as 300kg over | spring: Equation 11.3 (c) Gi) yada (ii)y x 1/a
6 (a) Example 3 (iii) More light passes through slits
(b) Since T x ,/m thenf x 1/,/m (d) (i) mz = Ay /A2
7 (b) (i) Equation 11.5 (ii) Equation 11.3 (ii) Calculate number of wavelengths in glass
(c) (i) Equation 11.3 or T x \/m (N,) and air (N,). Then (N, — N,) = extra
8 Example 3(b) and (c) wavelengths introduced by glass which
9 Equation 11.6 shows T* x land/ becomes (/ + 1.8) causes the pattern shift. For direction —
10 7 x 1/,/g for pendulum, from Equation 11.6 where does the zero fringe move to?
11 Example 5 14 (a) 1.5 wavelengths in 0.87m: c = f/
12 Takes T/4 where T = 22/m and w = 202. (b) 0.87 miis'A/2: fey.
Or see Example 3(b) 15 4=2L:c =f4. Then find new J, hence new f (or
13 (a) Equation 11.5 f x 1/L)
(b) (i) Equation 11.3 (ii) Example 1(a) 16 (b). QA (iii) Equation 12.4
(iii) Example 7(c) (iv) Example 6(b) 17 (a) See Fig. 12.12(a)
14 (a) & (b) —see Fig. 11.2 (b) 1.x/d =sin 6 2.d «x 1/sin 0
(c) Example 6(b) but note this gives time after mid 18 (a) (ii) fundamental, 7 = 4L: c =f)
tide — also y = (3.1 — 1.2)m (b) 2 = c/f. Number of wavelengths in
15 (a) Time between (for example) peaks tube = 0.46//
(b) Equation 11.9: m = 2x/T andr = 0.080m 19 (b) @) Fig 1223 (2) (ii) A=c/f and L=2/4
(Compare also with PE = mgh) (iii) Repeat above


Chapter 13 Chapter 15
Exercise 13.3 Exercise 15.4
1 Equation 13.1 (a) een ee (Db) ii 2, v= Zi
2 1/d given; use Equation 13.1 2 Example 1(b)
3 Equation 13.1. Set up 2 equations with same n 3 (c) Diverging lens, f = —200
and d value (d unknown). Divide equations to (i) Equations 15.1 and 15.3. See also
eliminate d Example 2
4 (b) Example 1| to find maximum n value. Note (ii) 1. uw becomes (+) 360mm
d = (0.001/380)m 2. Speed = distance moved + time
> 0 = 22.3° for n = 2. Equation 13.1 to find d — 3. v decreases. See Fig. 15.2
convert to mm. Calculate 1/d 4 (d) (i) Diverging lensf = —150mm.
Bi(4) 024 = 19,157; Oyine = 12.55% Equation 13.1, Equations 15.1, 15.3 and 15.2 to find D
Note d = 0.001/500. (ii) Converging lens. Equation 15.2 gives
(b) See Example 1(c) v = 0.2u or u = 5y. Substitute for u in
7 d sin 46° = 4A, = 3/, Equation 15.1 to find v
8 (a) Equation 13.1 gives d sin 0 = 1360 x 10°”. (ili) See Figs. 15.1(a) and 15.2
Pind” jor 2 —= 1 (intra red), 1 = 2 (red), 1 =3 (e) Equation 15.2 gives m = 8.00. So Equation
(violet) and n = 4 (ultra violet). For next 15.3 gives v = 8u
common angle n becomes 2n, then 3n and so Note (v +u) = 567mm. Substitute in
on — determine if 2 or 3n etc are possible equations to find v and wu. Then Equation 15.1
(sin 0 < 1) and find 0 to find f
(b) Example 1(c). Find maximum value of n//d 5 (a) (ii) Equation 15.5
(less than 1) (b) (i) Objective (converging) lens forms image
9 (a) Equation 13.3 (Die? which acts as object for the diverging lens
10 (a) Equation 13.1; d = 2.1 wm (11) Equation 15.1 with w = —21 andf 20
(b) Equation 13.3; W = 1.05 um, m = 1 (ili) Sign of v
11 (a) Equation 13.1 with d = 2W and n = 2; then (c) Decrease u, increase v
Equation 13.3 6 Example 3 and Fig. 15.3
(b) Example 1(c) 7 (a) (ii) Equations 15.1, 15.3 and 15.2
(d) Example 1(c); n = 2 also missing (b) (ii) 1. Equation 15.2
12 Example 4 2. & 3. Equation 15.3 gives u Dir
chew as, substitute in Equation 15.1 to find
14 (b) Example 5. Part (ii), @ decreases v, hence u. See also Fig. 15.2 and
15 See Example 5, r unknown (= L0) Example 2
8 (a) Equation 15.5
(b) Equation 15.1; see also Example 3
Chapter 14 9 Example 6
Exercise 14.4 10 (b) (i) Equation 15.1 with v = 1.7cm,f from
Equation 15.5
1 (b) and (c) Equation 14.1
(ii) Find power for u = co
2 (a) Equation 14.1 (b) ¢ = (88.5 — 8)°
(iii) Normal near point is 0.25 m
(c) 360° equivalent to 24 x 60 minutes
11 (a) Calculate f of lens.
3 Equation 14.4
(b) Fig. 15.6(b)
4 (a) Equation 14.4
12 (a) See Example 7
(b) Equation 14.6 T.I.R. when 1, > 1 that is
(b) (i) Equation 15.6
Gil <p
(ii) Calculate value of the new unaided far
5 (a) Equation 14.1 point
(b) (i) Example 5 13 (d) Example 7
(ii) Angle of incidence at wall = (90 — 0)’;
14 See Fig. 15.6 and Example 7
6 (a) Equation 14.1
(b) Equation 14.4 Chapter 16
(c) Example 5(b) to find 7,
7 (b) (i) Equation 14.2 (ii) Figs. 14.6 and 14.7 Exercise 16.3
8 See Example 6 1 D=12.0 cm; v = —12.0cm
9 Example 6. For (c) time = distance + speed. (a) Equation 15.1 (b) Equation 16.4
Note Equation 14.4 to find speed in fibre. See also Example 1


15 (b) Calculate
|. Energy given out if the lemonade cools to 0 °C
2. Energy absorbed when 2kg of ice melts
Compare to see that only 1/2 of ice needs to
Camera lens Photograph, h = 7.5a
(c) (i) mc d0/dt = 0.25 (X — 0) = 0.25 AT, where
m=£ B= a X is the external temperature
Integrate and use t = 0, 0 = 0. Solve for AT.
(b) For total magnification of 1 we require f = «,
(Alternatively, consider the temperature
so magnifying lens/eye must be placed 7.5 cm
difference in place of n in Equations 28.1 and
from the photograph, so u = 7.5cm. From v
28.2a in Chapter 28.)
(= D), findfusing Equation 15.1
(ii) Now X = 30°C. Find ¢ when 6 = 6°C and
3 Example 3
@ = 18°C; find time difference (in hours).
4 Example 4
If ice molten, m = 5.96 kg and c = 4200.
5 Find f., hence M = f,/f.. Then Equation 16.1
16 (a) (0; — 02)/l
6 Find f., hence M = f,/f.. Equation 16.1 to find «.
(b) Equation 17.10 and Example 7(a)
Then diameter = distance x «
17 Equation 17.10; AQ/At « k/l
18 Note 4 walls (0.9m x 0.5m) and 2 walls
(0.5m x 0.5m). Equation 17.10
Chapter 17 19 Equation 17.10
Exercise 17.4 20 (a) (ii) and (iii) Equation 17.11
1 (ce) G) Equation. 17.1, O =P xt
(b) Equation 17.1; calculate Q per second
2 (a) (i) Equation 17.4 and 17.2
21 (b) (i) Equate AQ/At; see Example 7(b) ~
(ii) Equation 17.1
(ii) AQ, across steel is very small! Equation
3 Equations 17.4 and 17.1 17.10 with A@, = 22K
4 (b) (i) Equation 17.1
(ii) Direct proportionality Chapter 18
(iii) Equation 17.4; subtract from (i), then use
direct proportionality Exercise 18.4
5 (b) (i) Mass = volume x density; per second 1 Equation 18.4
(ii) Equation 17.1; per second 2 Use total pressures. Equation 18.4
6 Example 5; water + calorimeter are equivalent to 3 Example 4. Find n and M,.
(0.22 + 0.02) = 0.24 kg water Density = mass + volume
7 (a) (1) 1kg in 12 seconds 4 (b) (i) Equation 18.2 with V, = 5000
(ii) Equations 17.4 and 17.2 (iii) Use Equation 18.5 for initial and final
(b) (i) See Example 5 conditions. Divide the 2 equations to find
(ii) Equation 17.1 Nz/N,.
8 QO =P xt = energy supplied by element. Equation 5 Equation 18.5; set up two Equations for X and Y.
17.1 gives energy received by water. Difference is Pressures equal. Divide equations
energy ‘lost’ to surroundings 6 (a) Equation 18.4
9 Equation 17.6 andQ=P xt (b) Equation 18.5;p « n and n x mass
10 (a) Equation 17.4 7 (a) and (b), see Example 4. Helium is monatomic
(b) Equation 17.7 with VI = V*/r and H = 0 (c) Force = net pressure x area (in m’)
11 In | minute O = nc x 4.0. 8 (b) (i) and (ii) Example 4
In 40 minutes 40 OQ = mL (iii) Density = mass + volume
Divide equations to find c/L (c) Equation 18.11
PA Oh= ial, avel OP a Sey 9 (b) (i) 1 mole contains Na molecules
13 (a) (i) graph; 4°C rise in 2 minutes (11) Equation 18.5
(ii) P = mc d0/dt and see Example 3 (iii) Example 8; density = mass + volume
(b) (ii) Equation 17.6 andQ =P xt 10 See Example 7
14 Note Example 3. Let x= final temperature 11 (b) Equation 18.11 shows m < c* > is a constant
Energy given out by warm water and m depends on molar mass. Remember
= 0.15 x 4200 x (18 — x) r.m.s. ratio is required
Energy absorbed by ice melting and the water (c) (i) Assume initially a fixed mass of gas
formed warming = (0.015 x 3.4 x 10°) (1.22 kg) with volume V = 1 m*. Use
+ (0.015 x 4200 x x) Equation 18.2 to find new V. Hence
Equate the two terms to find x density = mass + volume.


12 (b) (i) Mass = volume x density, which contains 14 Equation 20.19

1.03 x 10% atoms 15 (i) Useful to make sketch as question is read.
(ii) 1. Equation 18.9 2. Equation 18.11 Assume 10 A. Use Equation 20.5 to find
13 (a) Equation 18.10 resistance between output terminals, then find
(b) Equation 18.5 other resistance
(c) From Equation 18.10, 4 M, <c? >=3 pV (ii) Equation 20.7, but 120kQ >> 1kQ makes
(d) Example 2 : calculation shorter
14 (b) Equation 18.5; 1 mole contains Nx, molecules
(c) (1) Equation 18.4 and force = pressure x area
(ii) <c*> x T. See also Example 9
Chapter 21
Chapter 19
Exercise 21.2
Exercise 19.5
1 Equation 19.3
1 (a) Kinetic energy = 4mv (see Chapter 6).
For energy eV see Equation 21.5
2 Equations 19.3 and 19.1. See Example 1
(b) See Equations 8.4, 21.2 and 21.3
a =v Fi Oe
2 See Equations 21.4, 21.5
OO) Oy = nhT (ii) Equation 19.3
3 (a) Direction of force on a small + charge
(c) Example 2
(b) (iii) Equation 21.6
4 Equation 18.2; V2 = V,/3, p. = 5p,
(iv) Vx 1/R
Sy Equation 18:25, =V,/2, po =p;
(v) Potential x electron charge = PE of
6 See Example 4 to find 7,
electron (Equations 20.3 and 21.5)
7 Equation 19.8 and Example 6
4 (a) Equations 8.4 and 21.1. Fm’ is SI unit for ¢
8 Example 8
5 (a) (ii) Equation 21.1
9 Example 8
(b) (ii) Equations 21.6 and 20.3
10 (b) (i) work done =
energy supplied — energy expelled
aes ay | a
(iii) V « 1/R, eR
(ii) efficiency = (work done)/(energy supplied)
as a %

Chapter 20 Chapter 22
Exercise 20.9 Exercise 22.3
2 Convert mm? to m? 1 (a) (i) Equation 22.4
3 Need Equation 20.7; use it twice if necessary (ii) Equation 22.1
4 Combine series resistances first. Equations 20.6 (iii) Equation 22.2
and 20.7 (b) Equations 22.2 and 22.4. Note: need increase,
5 (b) (i) Equation 20.5 (11) Equation 20.10 not new energy
6 From P to Q the shortest route is 1 and other 2 (a) Equations 20.1 and 22.1
routes in parallel make Rpo smaller still. x in (b) Equation 22.3
parallel with x gives x/2. PS is 4Q in parallel with 3 Exponential fall. Time constant, see Equation 22.7.
62 V =VYoe /*®". Log V =?
7 Equation 20.19 4 (b) (i) Combine a pair of capacitors (Equation
8 (a) See Equation 20.17 22.6). (Can work in uF.) Then 3 pairs in
(b) (ii) Equation 20.5 (iii) Equation 20.16 parallel (Equation 22.5)
9 (b) For each bulb J = P/V (Equation 20.4). Could (c) () Equation 22.1
find bulb resistance (P = V*/R). Then (ii)(3) Q, = 198 uC - On
combine resistances in serial and parallel 5 (a) Combine capacitors in series first (Equation
(Equations 20.6, 20.7) 20.6). For parallel see Equation 22.5
10 Combine parallel resistances first (Equation 20.7). (b) QO same for series capacitors
See Equation 20.6 for series. For power see (c) PD shared by series capacitors
Equation 20.4 6 (a) Equation 22.4
11 Equation 20.5. PD across B is not 12 V. J through (b) (i) Equation 22.6
B? PD across B? Then ... (ii) Show charge on series combination is
12 Need three Equations (use three loops of circuit) 1.0 x 10°*C; then V = Q/C for C,
13 Find PD across meter for full scale deflection; (c) Get half-life from graph (for half-life see text
PD across shunt = PD across meter and Equation 22.8, also Chapter 28)


Chapter 23 2 Equation 27.2. Note the 3 significant figures used

Exercise 23.2 for data in question. KE = + mv> (Chapter 6).
1 (i) Equation 23.1 De Broglie, see Equation 27.6
(ii) Need same value for J; x J
3 Equations 27.9 and 27.4, and look for energy
2 (a) (ii) Torque or moment = 2 x F x b/2 change about 1.9eV
(b) (i) i= net PD/resistance 4 (i) Equations 8.4 and 21.1
3 (a) Convert mm to m. Equations 23.4 and 21.4
(ii) (1) Substitute answer to (i) into given Equation
4 Equation 23.1 and F = u/2z here (2)
(4) Use equation 27.6 and substitute for mv
Chapter 24 using equation given. For other orbits
Exercise 24.4 deduce equation relating 2 ton

1 Equations 24.3 and 24.2 or 24.1

2 (a) Equation 24.7
Chapter 28
(b) (i) Equation 24.7, but need effective area
perpendicular to B (=A cos 60) or Exercise 28.5
effective B perpendicular to area A 1. (i) Equation 28.3
(=B cos 60) (ii) Equation 28.1
(ii) 6 = wt. o =2xf Equations 24.5 or 24.6. (iii) Equation 28.2b or 28.4b
Equation 24.9 2 (b) (i) Equation 28.4b and activity is «x mass (see
3 Equations 24.5 and 24.2 Equation 28.5)
4 Equations 24.2 and 24.3. New flux is due to Myer (ii) Equation 28.2b with masses
entering same face of window 3 For half-life read ¢ from graph for 10°’ atoms. Then
5 See Example 4 use Equation 28.3. For rate of decay draw tangent to
graph. For calculated A use Equation 28.1
Chapter 25 4 (b) Equations 28.1 and 28.3
(c) 0.25 Bq is same as initial activity of bog wood.
Exercise 25.2
Use Equation 28.1b. Simplify and take logs of
1 Equation 25.1 both sides
2 (i) Equation 25.2 5 Equation 28.10
(ii) Ba 1/L
3 Equations 23.3, 25.1, 20.3, 20.1 and 24.8. Should
find unit for wis NA Chapter 29
4 (a) (i) Equation 25.1
(ii) Corkscrew rule Exercise 29.2
(b) (i) Opposing B values? 1 (a) Rate of decay (= AN) of Bi equals rate of
(ii) Need Pythagoras and tan @ decay of TI. Equation 28.3
(b) Nucleon numbers (or mass numbers) balance
Chapter 26 and proton numbers balance
2 (a) Neutron is 'pn. See Example 3. Convert mass
Exercise 26.4
difference in u to kg, then use Equation 29.1 to
1 Equations 24.9 and 26.1 get joules
2 Equation 26.7 and w = 2nf.1 =V/X, (b) 1.5 x 10°° pairs of nuclei
3 (a) See text 3 (a) (1) Nucleon numbers balance and proton
(b) (i) f=1/T (ii) Peak//2 numbers balance
4 Z* =R* + (ol —1/C) (Equation 26.8). (ii) Equation 29.1
Equation 26.5 and x = tan' (Equation 26.9) (b) For mole see Chapter 3. 1 mole of U 235 atoms
5 (a) Resonance has mass 235 g or 0.235 kg
(b) Equation 26.8, Equation 26.5 4 See Example 1. Convert kg to joules using
6 Equation 26.14 and Example 10(c) Equation 29.1. leV = 1.6 x 107!°J

Chapter 27
Exercise 27.2 Chapter 30
1 (i) Left-hand rule Exercise 30.6
(11) Equation 23.4 1 (c) Equation 21.6 in Chapter 21
(iv) Equation 8.4 (ce) Assume vacuum


2 (a) See Fig. 26.1 in Chapter 26. 230V is r.m.s. 9 Equation 32.5
Equation 26.4. Period = 1/frequency 10 (c) Simple division
(b) Equation 26.11 with cos « = 1 for resistance. 11 (a) Take natural logs; In (/,//,) = —p
Equation 26.4 (b) Transmitted intensity decreases by factor of 0.6
3 See Fig. 28.1. One half-life divides activity by 2, 0.5 for each 8.8 mm of thickness
half-life divides activity by 2 12 Either Equation 32.14 to find y, then Equation
4 (b) y = hx — WFE? Gradient of graph? See 32.16 to find T
Equations 30.1 and 27.2 or Equation 32.15 to find Y and Y = x/T
5 Force = rate of change of momentum with time
6 (a) (i) k is slope of graph Chapter 33
(ii) Use R = Ro + kO. Ro = 100 Exercise 33.6
(b) (iii) Fa x 100 = 2% at 40°C 1 Example 1(b); use net torque
2 (a) and (b) see Example 2
7 (i) Equation 20.16 (c) Equation 33.1
(ii) For graph V = —Ir + E. y = mx +c (Equation &} INE) = 110°
30.1) means a straight line. At J = 0, 4 (a) Example 6
Ver = OVOAtU =3 A.V = 3.0V. For (b) Equations 33.5 and 33.3
current value, / must satisfy both curves 5 Work done =T x 6
8 Photon energy is hf (see Chapter 27) 6 (a) (i) Equation 33.9
9 Straight line means charge « PD. For area under 7 (a) (i) Equation 33.1; use maximum [
graph see Equation 22.2 in Chapter 22 (ii) Equation 33.9; use average T°
10 Charge = area under graph. Could count squares. (iii) Equation 33.8; area under curve
Equation 20.1. Or find time constant (RC) (iv) KE = +0"
(Equation 22.7) from graph directly or via half-life 8 [=mr’ and o=v/r
(Equation 22.8). Hence C. 9 (b) (i) @=22/T and Iw
11 Use log versus log graph. Log 7,, = (i) Gi vir
log (knd*) — log V7 = —2 log V + constant or Ton (iii) [a
versus V* (iv) Add angular momenta and sum = /@pew
12 (1) Amplitude means peak value (v) J increased now
(2) Period = 1/frequency
Chapter 34
Chapter 31 1 (a) (i) Equation 5.3. Vertical motion only
Exercise 31.5 (ii) Equation 5.1
1 Equation 31.2 (iv) See Example 9(b) Chapter 5
2 See Example 2 (b) (i) KE=+4m’
3 See Equation 31.6 (ii) mgh :
4 Equation 31.8.4 = 4ar? (c) Dissipation of energy lowers vertical speed
5 Equations 31.11 to 31.14 2 (a) Time = circumference + speed
6 Calculate ratio 1, /Ip (b) See Example 1(c), Chapter 5
7 Equations 31.9 and 31.10 (c) mgh
(d) Other passengers descending
Chapter 32 3 (a) Gia=0
(ii) (X06 — 1.2)cm
Exercise 32.5 (b) G) F = ma
1 Equation 32.1 (ii) k= AF/AxinNm|
2 Equation 32.2 to find intensity. Then P = / x A to (iii) Calculate AF when Ax = 1.6cm
find power. For 2 hours. See Example 1 (c) (i) Equation 5.4
3 Equation 32.2 and Example 2. For (b) find reduction (11) Equation 5.4 with u = 0.49, 5 = 0.3 and
4 (a) Equation 32.2 a = 0.1; solve quadratic (see Chapter 2) or
(b) See Example 4(a); intensities add use Equation 5.3 with s = 1.2 ands = 1.5
See to find v in each case. Then
(c) Equation 32.3; see Example 4(a) time = distance + average speed
6 Equation 32.2 4 (a) (i) PE becomes KE
7AD)Z 4 = Zo (ii) F = mv? /r
8 (a) and (b) Example 5 (iii) mg + mv? /r
(c) Distance = speed x time; distance is twice (iv) See (ii) and (iii) above
thickness of fat layer (b) Example 6, Chapter 10


5 (a) Work done =1F xe (iii) 70% of (ii) = me x rate of temperature

(b) mgh rise
(c) Energy ‘lost’ 16 For dimensions and units see Chapter 3. Joule is
6 (a) (i) Mass of average person? unit for work (work = force x distance, Equation
(ii) Mass = volume x density 6.1). Acceleration = force/mass, Equation 7.5
(b) (i) Tension = mg + ma [fl is (T] |
(ii) c= F/A 17 (i) Equation 20.14
(c) (i) m = mass of cables + mass of loaded lift. (ii) Heat per second = PR
See (b). Maximum safe stress is yield 18 (b) (i) Equation 20.19
stress + 4 (ii) Equation 20.14
(ii) Find mg for (say) cable alone, or 3 cables 19 For EMF and cells in series see Chapter 20. Need
+ static lift. Then ¢ = mg/A for static the three cells in series to get more than 3 V. PD
situation. Compare to maximum safe across the battéty of three cells is 3.5 V. Volt drop
stress. (Situation worse if lift is to across the internal resistance of the cells is 1.0 V.
accelerate upwards. ) See Equation 20.16
7 (b) (i) Clockwise moments = anticlockwise
20 For resistances in series and parallel see Chapter
moments 20, Equations 20.6 and 20.7
(ii) and (iii) Total upwards force = total (b) (i) Equation 20.5 can be applied to the 6.02
downwards force resistor
(c) Equations 10.1 and 10.2 (ii) Current through R> is not 4A nor LSA
(iii) PD between X and Y?
6 Figo
21 For capacitance see Chapter 22
(a) Example 8(b), Chapter 5
(b) (i) See Equations 20.5, 20.1 and 22.1 »
(b) Example 3, Chapter 5
(ii) Time constant is time for V to fall to Vie,
(c) KE = 4 mv’; use average speed
see Chapter 22
(d)c =f2 and time = distance + speed
(iv) Consider 1/e as 1/3 initially. Then try with
9 ((b) (i) Al=ré@ and @ in rad
C2 LSn lye. 308
0) Neer
22 For RMS values and for LCR series circuit see
Chapter 26. For resonance see Equation 26.12.
Shy Eb — vANon/ WAN.
Current in phase with supply means resonance and
(c) (iii) + Fe
current limited by resistance only.
(d) O = energy stored = mcA0
23 (i) For inductance see Chapter 26. For similar
10 (a) (i) AKE=mcJAé gives
Equation see Equation 26.6
11 m.(u> —v*) = dhe eTONG
For peak values see definition of X_, preceding
(ii) simple proportion Equation 26.6
11 (b) (i) mass x velocity (ii) For phase difference see text dealing with LCR
(ii) conservation of momentum: circuit
total mass = 0.40kg 24 (a) See Equation 20.4
(c) (i) & (ii) KE=1 mv” (b) (i) 1) R=V/I (Equation 20.5) = 1/gradient
(iii) AKE = mcA0 (iii) See Equation 20.10
(d) mgh =*
25 (a) Equation 20.8, ¢ = 1/p. Also Equation 20.5
12 (b) (i) Volume per second = area x speed (b) For percentage see Chapter 2
(11) Mass = volume x density (per second)
26 (a) (i) Equation 21.5
(iii) P = mcA@; m is mass per second
(c) A@ is half of (111) since m1 doubles (i) KE = mv? (see Chapter 6)
13 (a) (i) pV =nRT (ui) M, =nM (b) (i) Equation 21.2
(b) (i) area under curve (ii) f = ek (Equation 21.2) and E =V/d
(11) p depends on T (Equation 21.4)
(c) (i) Power = force x velocity (iii) Time = distance/velocity
(ii) Power = work done ~ time taken (iv) Equation 5.1
14 (b) pV =nRT 27 (a) See Example 29.2
(c) Simple proportion, 1 m* = 10° cm’; (b) Equation 28.3
pv =constant (c) (1) Equation 28.1
(d)#=c/e (ii) 1 mole of particles = Avogadro number
15 (a) See Equation 19.1 and explanation of particles and mass of 1 mole is A grams
(b) (i) tm? where A is mass number of particle (see
(1i) Rate of energy transfer Chapter 3)


28 (a) (i) (1) V =JR (Equation 20.5) (b) () See Example 29.1
(2) Ve + V; must equal supply PD (ii) See Equation 29.1 and Example 29.1
(ii) Equation 24.8 (c) (i) 7x 10 '°J is kinetic energy and equals
(b) (i) V =JR (Equation 20.5)
Smv". For De Broglie see Equation 27.6
29 (a) Write equation with proton and neutron
numbers including >'He. See Chapter 29 and 30 See Equations 31.9 and 31.10 in Chapter 31
Example 29.2


Chapter 3 Exercise 4.4: Examination questions

1 (i) 100N (ii) 173N (iii) Max value = 200N
Exercise 3. 1 2 (i) 4.0KN (ii) 3.5KN (3.46kN to 3 sig figs)
1G) MiG tone cL rt (d) ML?>T>3 3 (b) (1) 0.14 KN (li) 0.13 KN
2 (aye (b) MLT! (ie 4B -, *
3 MQ" Toe 5 (a) 200N (c) 311N (e) J increases markedly
4 ML” ve °@-' (@ is temperature) 6 D
5 MT ~ 7 (a) LOON (b) Net force = 0
(c) 15 Nm (d) 25N
Exercise 3.2 8 (11) 65N (ili) 8.5N
1%2=1,p=2 9 (a) (i) 1. (93 x 10°+8F,)Nm
2. 112 x 10°Nm
(ii) Fy =2.4x 10*Nm
Exercise 3.3
(b) When F, = 0
4 (ayeoms— (b) 10° mm? (c) Increase angle beyond 60° until load just clears
(c) 0.4 4m (d) 2000s | end of crane body
2 0.00001 mQ! 0 (6) @) P]2s00 NO = 137S.N
(1) P, Q and R do not change
Exercise 3.4 1 (ii) 0.21kKN (itl) 0.17(5) KN downwards
1 (a) All terms have same units 12 (b) (i) 12.1(6)Nm II36N
(c) All terms can have same units but numbers (ii) return (iii) Lower C of G, widen base
make equation incorrect, e.g. if +were omitted 3 (c) (i) 180N
in the equéation given here. ;
3 (a)Nm’C”

(b) (i) k = — (ii) 9.0 x 10’mF ! Chapter 5

Exercise 5.1
1a) (b) 8/xnms| to left
(c) 8.0ms! upwards
Chapter 4 2 V4.5ms| at 135° to original direction
3 (a) 300ms|! (b) 53°
Exercise 4.1
1 (a) 24N at 12° to 1S N(b) 36N at 52° to50N Exercise 5.2
2 672Nat634" tos0N
3 79.4N at 40.9° to 30N
1 (a)12ms (b)24m
2 (a)2.5ms” (b)8.0s,128m (c) 10s,125m
Exercise 4.2 Exercise 5.3
1 (a) 4.1N (OX), —1.4N (OY) 1 360ms°
(b) aneN at 19° to OX
2 (a) 3.0s (b) 63m
Pets (b) 4.6kg
(c) t= 6.0s (for s increasing) and t = 14s (for s
3 (a) 5.3N down plane (b) 9.7N up plane decreasing
3 8.0% 102 meen
Exercise 4.3
1 (a)(0.27 KN (b) 1L.SKN Exercise 5.4
2 (a) 0.38 KN (b) 0.27kKN c) 6.5kg 1 (a) 45m (b) 30ms|
3 (a) 1.2kN (b) (1) 1.1KN (ii) 0.31 KN 2 17ms"
3 4.0s


Exercise 5.5 16 (a) 2.0ms! (c)0.65x10’kg (d)7.7ms_!

1 (a) 4.5s (b) 18m 17 (b) 4.2 x 10> ms_'; time approx 5 x 10°s
(c) 45ms,4.0ms~ (Cave (4/3)xr° pg (d) 6.1 «am
74 {sya 18 (a) (i) 0.675 (11) —7.4ms~ (b) Collide
3 (ay 77s (b) 35km (c) 7.4km 19 (a) 0.675 (b) (i) 6.6ms~ (ii) (—) 5.94kN
(c) Deceleration reasonably constant, therefore
Exercise 5.6 consistent
1 (a) 7.5N (b) 0.50ms7 (c) 3.0kg (d) Increase braking distance
2 (a)4.0ms* (b) 50m
3 (a)5.6kKN (b) 3.2kN (c) 1.6kN
4(a)42ms' (b)7.5kN Chapter 6
5 3.6kN
Exercise 6.1
Exercise 5.7 1 (a) 18 < 10 J (b) 4.0 x 10°J
iG) 2. 0ms7, B— C,.0.2ms2: (ce) LS 10K
C= )-0.oms — 2 (a) 15ms~* (b) 22.5m
(b) A—B, 40m; B— C, 80m; C — D, 30m; (c) 337.5) (d) 337.5J
Total 150m 3 72N
223910 2m 4 46ms |

Exercise 5.8 Exercise 6.2

(aa) -2m (b) 12m (c) 19m 1 (a) 24J (b) 13ms_!
2=5.0ms 2 (a) 5.05 (b) 0.20m
3 6.0)
Exercise 5.9: Examination questions 41.6ms!
1 12ms ' at 39° to horizontal 5 (a) 0 (b) 1.5ms! (c) 1.8ms_!
2(b) Gi) 26° (ii) 40ms!
Exercise 6.3
ANS msi 1 (a) 0.42kJ = (b) 28m
5 (b) (ii) 10.50kN; IL0.25kN; TI 0.15 kN; Date
IV 0.43kN 3 (a) 18J (b) 4.4N
(iii) t= 6.0
6A Exercise 6.4
7 (a)30s (b)7.5km (c) 0.39km co 1 (a) 150W = (b)300W ~~ (c) 214W
8 (a) (i) 18.8ms! (ii) 24.5ms7! 2 22.5kW
(b) (i) 10.0ms"! (c) 14.2m 3 (a) 10 x 10° kgs! (b) 20 x 10° kgs”!
(d) (i) 16.9ms! (ii) 25.3ms_' 4(a)18kW = (b)36kW_——(c) 25kW
9 (i) 55° (ii) 4.6 ms! (iii) 1.3 5 (a)23kW =(b)46kW_—(c) 33kKW
10 A 6 (a) 0.64kKN (b) 1.0kN
11 (b) 3.68ms ” (c) 30.5s (d) 1.70(6) km 7(a13.3ms- (b)S0ms—
12 (b) (i) 300N (ii) 50ms °
13 5.6kN Exercise 6.5: Examination questions
14 (i) 0.6ms~ (ii) 1 120m; Il 360m 1 1.0(5) x 10°J
(iii) velocity = 0 at 55s 2 (a) 319N
15 (a) (i) (b) (i) Only the horizontal component does work
V (ii) 24MJ (iii) 0.13 kW
(c) P.E. gain
30 3 @)4ims— .(b)(S7ims ~ (c) 0.21 MJ
4 (a) (i) 1.02 MJ
(ii) 68.0kW; PE becomes PE + KE
(b) 19.0ms_!
(c) Same speed since independent of mass
20 5 (a) 80J (bow nis.
(ii) 6.7(5) km 6 3.6)
(b) (i) 3.0s (ii) 245m (iii) 10s 7 60kJ
(c) (i) 59m (ii) 22ms_' at 22° to horizontal 8 (a)65x10"J (b)383MW_ (c) 0.24kms"!


(d) 1.7 x 10° W per engine; significantly greater (v0.9)

(c) t=0.638, 1=0.63+-——-x(U/( /0.9)) =24s
than (b)
9 (a) (i) 7.9 x 10°J (ii) 2.9 x 10°W 7 (c) First bounce 0.63 s. To come to rest /= 24s
10 (a) (i) 550m*s '; 660kgs| (ii) 33kJ since where v?= 40
(b) 13kW (i) 5.8(5)x 10 ?ms! (ii) 0.35kW
11 (a) 0.40kW (b) 5.7MJ (iii) Velocities reversed — move towards each
12 (b) (i) 32J (ii) 5.3W other
13 (a) 14W (b) Valid claim (needs 105 W) 8 0.24 x 10°ms!
(c) Streamline flow produces less resistance to 9 58.5
motion 10 (b) (i) 2.2Ns (ii) —1.8 Ns
14 (a) 30kN (b) 6.0kN (ili) 4.0 Ns (iv) 28N Gi) Beker
15 (b) 1.8kN 11 (a) 10 Ns (b) 15 Ns
(c) (i) 1.5(5)KN (ii) 6.2kKN (iii) 1.3 x 10°W 12 (b) (i) Change in momentum of ball
16 (b) (ii) 2.55 x 10°*kgs ! (ii) approx. 70 to 80ms|
(iii) I 147.3) MW; Il 33(.5)ms | (iii) approx. 35 to 40ms_
(iv) 16.1x10°MW; If0.3MN 13 (b) (i) 268x10%kg (ii) 35.1 x 10° ms”
(CM @n70z (11) overall 59% 14 (a) (i) 0.60kms ! (ii) 1.5kN
(b) 0.13(5) KN
15 (a) Area of cross section x speed x density = 315 v
(b) (i) 21ms™! (ii) 1.4 x 10° Ns
Chapter 7 (iii) 1.4 x 10°N
(c) e.g. friction, turbulence losses :
Exercise 7.1 16 (b) (i) 1.83 x 10*kg (ii) S1(2Y 10-9
1 (@)75koms~ (b) 4.0ms | (c) 37KN
2 (a) —10kgms (b) 1Okgms (c) 0 (d) A large turning effect about base of tower
(e) (approx.) 2450
Exercise 7.2
133035" Chapter 8
Pd —=(()
3 19ms! Exercise 8.1
1 (a) 4.7rads! (b) 0.66ms_! (c) 13s
Exercise 7.3 2 0.033 rads!
2 16.3kJ Exercise 8.2
S392.4) 1 1.5 KN, road friction
2 252N, 132N,10ms | at bottom
Exercise 7.4 3 90m, leaves road
1 0.40ms !
2 0.42ms! Exercise 8.3
3 807kms | forwards 1 (a) 1.85 (b) 5.8N
Exercise 7.5 Exercise 8.4: Examination questions
16N 1 (a) 733 10 tad= (b) 0.47kms!
2 60N (c) 0.034ms ?
3 40Ns 2 (b) (i) 94.2rads_! (ii) 18.8ms_!
3 (a) Vertical component = P cos 35° = W
Exercise 7.6: Examination questions (b) 4.79 x 10° N (c) 2.74 x 10°N
1 (i) 3.75Ns (ii) 1.24ms"! (iii) 2.33J (d) 6.86ms * (ec) 9.11km
(iy) aide Om am 4 6.3N
2 (a) 14Ns (b) 6.0 Ns to the right 5 T =2.5(19)N at bottom of swing.
3 25ms | Note T = 2.5(09)N at top of swing
4 (a)2.2x10N _ (b) (i) 0.36ms7! (ii) 18k] 6 (a) (i) 1.2(5)rads"' (ii) 94N (iii) 3.5ms7!
5 (a)A (b) B (b) (i) 5.0rads“! (ii) 40N
6 (b) (ii) Velocities; first ball v, second ball 0 (trivial 7 (a) (ii) 0.30kg — (iii) 2.6ms! (iv) 6.5rads!
solution) or; first ball (—1/19)v and second (b) T x I/L type graph
ball +(18/19)v 8 (a) 24(.5)ms7!


(b) (i) Horizontal component, H, of reaction 13 (b) (i) 6.6(7)x 10°m (ii) 7.7(6) x 10° ms"!
force produces part of centripetal force, F¢ (iii) 3.0(2) x 10'°J
(ii) H = Fe (c) 1000 kg satellite has KE equivalent to
9 5.5 x 10° N, downwards approximately 7 tonnes of TNT
10 (b) (i) 59.6rads'' (ii) 16.69ms~! or 60 km/hr 4 (a) (i) 7.8(9) hours (ii) 0.98Nkg!
(c) (i) 28m (ii) wheels leave ground r1.72 hours; 14 per day
(d) (i) 3.0x 10° r.p.m. 6 (b) (i) 17.1 x 10°m Gi) 3.77ms-
(ii) 0.31 x 10° rads (iii) 47ms! (c) 1.26 oe
(e) (i) Vertical T cos 0; horizontal T sin @ 7 (b) (iii)1. 13.6 x 10°m from Pluto
(ii) Vertical = T cos 0; T = 17N (16.8N) 2. 0.0536ms~
(iii) 2.6(0)ms"' (iv) 2.2s (2.18) (c) (i) 0.935 x 10° ms!
11 1.44rads“! (ii) Ad between surface and peak of graph is
less for Charon than Pluto

Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Exercise 9.1
Exercise 10.1
1907107 N
2 49N 1 (a) 25Nm ! (b) 26 mJ
3 36kg 2 (a) 4.0x 10°7J (by) 14x10 J
4 3.4 x 10°m from Earth 3 (a) 15J (b) 30J

Exercise 10.2
Exercise 9.2
1 (a) 7.3 x 10” kg (b) 0.67Nkg!
1 25kN
2 0.50mm
2 (a) 2.45ms” (b) 19.6ms ° (c) 98ms~-
3 0.54ms” 3 (a) 7.5 x 10’N (b) 3.0 x 104

Exercise 10.3
Exercise 9.3
1 (a) 57MNm ” (b) 0.45 x 10°
4 10°.3
(c) 13 x 10° Nm~
2 (a) 3.0 x 10° kg"! (b) 45.107) 297,510 N
3 0.65kms_!
3 (a) 1.4mm (b) 42N
4 (a) 0.19mm (b) 0.94kJ

5 3.6kJ
Exercise 9.4
1 (a) 5.1 10's (b) 1.7 x 10°m Exercise 10.4
2R=14~x10",T =0.63 1 O0.58KN
2 (a) 0.38MN (b) 0.69kJ
Exercise 9.5: Examination questions
1 3.70N Exercise 10.5: Examination questions
3D 1 (a) Straight line through origin to x = 25mm,
4A F=15N
5 B (b) (i) 18mJ
6B 2B
7 (a) 9.3 x 10°'°N, attractive 3 (a) 1.75 x 10°Nm"! (b) Approximately 4.5 J
(b) Decrease of 3.7 x 10°""J 4E
8 (a) 2.0 x 10’ m from centre of more massive star 5 (a) @ 72N, (ii) 8.0N
(b) As (a). Note 6.0 x 10’ m is also a solution 6 1.2x10°m
9 I1kms"! 7 (b) (i) 12mm (ii) 2.2J
10 (a) 7.8kms! 8 (a) 0.32mm (b) 0.24 x 10°75
(b) Energy required for launch (4m v*) increases 9 (b) (i) 0.10x10°m* (ii) 63 x 10’ Pa
as m increases (iii) 1.4 x 10° Pa (iv) 0.325
11 (b) 4.2(4) x 10’m 10 (c) (i) Copper 4.6mm; steel 7.9mm
(c) (i) 2.0x 10°J (ii) 4.4kms"! (ii) 54.N, to base of copper wire
12 (c) (i) 1.9 x 10’kg (ii) 3.1 x 10*ms"! (iii) Copper wire; larger force for same
(iii) 3.4 x 10° extension


11 1.9x 10°Jm™; Nylon creeps, steel doesn't 11 50.0

12 (b) (i) 8.0 x 10’ Pa (ii) 48 x 10° Jm~ 12 25 ms
(iu) SSmm 13 (a) 80mm >

13 (a) 6.9mm (b) (i) 0.568; 1.8 Hz (ii) 2.5ms

(6) G) 876 (ii) 1.4.x 10°Pa (iii) 0.28kN (iii) 0.22ms (iv) 23 ms
14 (a) 3.1m
(b) (i) 12.00 (12 noon) (ii) 15.00 (3.00 pm)
(c) 13.26 (1.16 pm)
Chapter 11 15 (a) 0.40s (b) 0.205 (0.197J)
Exercise 11.1 (c)
(a) 4.0 Hz (b) +1.3n? ms’, 0
(c) —0.32n? ms”
2 (a)32x10°’ms’ (b) 25kN
(a) 1.6 Hz (b) 0.63s

Exercise 11.2
; (a) 0.20m (b) 0.89 s (c) 68 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 "Time/s
25a) eos soz (b)OkeE0l33 mise
16 3.9mJ
3 (a) 0.25m (b) 0.063 m (c) 60
4 1.0m, 0.84m
Chapter 12
Exercise 11.3
Exercise 12.1
ee, tis 0 0.25 0.50 1 (a) 5.0 x 10'* Hz (b) 1.5km
y/10-*> m 0 28 4() 2 68x 10’Nm~
vims”! 0.13 0.089 0) 3 3.6x10°ms !
a/ms ° 0) 28 —().39 A Timse
5 (a) 0.10kms| (b) 25% 10" kg me.
The remaining values follow by ‘symmetry’
(b) time = 0.10(3)s Exercise 12.2
2 (a) 0.30ms (b) 0.094ms_! 1 (a), —4.3cm (b) 27/3 rad, 1072/3 rad
(c) 0.099ms *, 0.089ms ', r = 0.030, o=x 2 35cm
3 (a) 0.50 Hz (b) 12m, 2.4m, for example
Exercise 11.4
1 0.87 Hz Exercise 12.3
2 1&8mJ 1 (a) nothing (b) a double amplitude sound
3 (a) 8.0mJ (b) 0.5 mJ (c) 32mJ 2 3.16cm
3 (a) 1.0m, 340 Hz; 0.50 m, 680 Hz
Exercise 11.5: Examination questions (b) 2.0m, 170 Hz; 4m, 510 Hz
114ms” 4 (a) 567 Hz (b) 283 Hz
2 28Nm!
Exercise 12.4
3 1.15Hz;31Nm
4 (a) 2.5(33)Nm! (b) 8.0 Hz 1 0.49mm
5 (a)14x10°'Nm! (b)0.91s 2 0.42 mm
(c) (i) rolling and pitching (ii) bouncing 3 (a) 0.51mm (b) 0.80 mm (c) 1.6mm
6 (a) 0.48 (b) O.Sf
7 (a) (ii) F in opposite direction to x Exercise 12.5
(b) (i) SONm | (ii) 0.79 s 1 (a) 0.213m (b) 1.Ims!
(c) (i) 0.568; T «x ./m 2 23cm LG
(ii) 0.79 s; T doesn’t depend on amplitude
(d) (i) Straight line starting at end of existing line, Exercise 12.6
but with half the slope 1 (a) 1.8m, 59 Hz; 0.90 m, 117 Hz; 0.60 m, 176 Hz
(ii) No, force non-linear (b) 0.90 m, 117 Hz; 0.45 m, 234 Hz, 0.30 m, 351 Hz
8 (a) 0.40s (b) 2.25ms~ 2 (a)16x10°kgm! = (b) 0.19kms~!
9 0.6m (c) 1.6m (d) 0.81m
10 /2T 3 (a) 260Hz (b)300Hz (c) 520Hz


Exercise 12.7 Chapter 13

1 0.34m
2 (a) 0.166m Exercise 13.1
(b) 0.498m 1 638nm
3 170Hz; 510 Hz 7) TS, HOLY, 4
4 600 Hz; 1.00kHz 2) OF, 2
4 7.4°
Exercise 12.8: Examination questions
Exercise 13.2
PSA wg
1 (a) 12 x 10 “rad or 0.69 (b) 0.12 rad or 6.9
2 9.2mm
3 (b) 25 x 10*m
42.0x10" Nm” 3 9.0 x 10 °rad
5 fa) 5.0x10°ms*
4 0.20m
5 4.0m
(b) Speed in metal track and in air differ; time
interval 5.7s.
Excercise 13.3: Examination questions
6 (b) G) 125Hz
II 0.20 m; 0.067 m (0.5 2 or 1.52 in 0.10 m) 1D
(ii) 0.Sms~' (or 0.17ms_') 2C
7 (a) (i) amplitude 8.7 (+0.2) mm; period 3 461nm
30 x 10° s; frequency 33 Hz 4 (b)9
(ii) 0.15m 2) 3B)
(b) (i) 1.1 x 10°m 6 (b) Red —3: Blue -4
8 (a) See Fig 12.2 (c) 7 (a) 600 x 10 ?m (b) 4.0 x 10°
8 (a) 42.9°
(b) Violet — maximum order 8; angle 65.0
Wave Ms A f &, ¢, + 0.001 9 (a) 0.047 rad (b) 33mm
10 (a) 6 = 35° (34.8°)
1 330 =6-1.32 250 0.00400 90.0°
(b) For slit width = 1.05 wm, first order minimum
2 340 3.40 160 0.010 0 36.0°
for single slit occurs at 0 = 35°
9 0.15kms ! 11 (a) dsin@ = nd becomes (for d = 2W and n = 2)
10 (a) 120mm 2W sin @ = 2A. That is, sin @ = 2/W which is the
(b) zero minimum for a single slit, thus grating
11 (b) (ai) A — bright; B — dark maximum not present.
(iii) 2 = ay/d; d = fringe separation (b) nA/d for n = 3 is greater than 1 (1.05)
(iv) 1. 1.98mm (c) Redistributed
2. 9.9mm corresponds to 5 whole fringe (d) Ist and 3rd orders (only) are present
separations 12 1.5m
3. 0.99mm 13 2.0m
12C 14 (a) Resolving power defined as the minimum angle
13 (b) 3.0mm 0 of separation of two sources which can just be
(c) (i) Fringe separation increases (to 4.0mm) distinguished as separate
(ii) Fringe separation decreases (to 1.8mm) (b) (i) 37(.5)m
(iii) Brighter pattern (ii) Move away from the sources
(d) (i) 300nm 15 D(7 x 10'°m)
(ii) 55(.6) fringes ‘upwards’ (direction BA)
14 (a) 70ms | (69.6ms')
(b) 40 Hz Chapter 14
15 640 Hz
16 (b) (i) 20x10 °m Exercise 14.1
(ii) 0.20kms"! SOP
(iii) 16 x 10 °N 2x=35°y =30°
17 (a) 225nm 3 40°
(b) 1. 3.00mm 2. Distance d decreases
18 (a) (i) loud sound (ii) 0.33(1) kms“! Exercise 14.2
(b) (i) 0.368m (ii) See Fig. 12.13 (c) 1 (a) 33.4° (b) 76°
19 (b) (i) as Fig. 12.13(a) (ai) 0.53m 2 16°
(iii) Move 0.35 m downwards 3 (a) 1.33 (b) 32.0° (c) 540nm


Exercise 14.3 Chapter 15

Exercise 15.1
2 28
3 ¢69.6 1 +12cm
4 (a)
(a ee (b) 14.0 2 (a) —30cm (b) +15cm
= 3 (a) +5cm (b) —10cm
5 (a) ¢10°'ms”!
b es 30m Max 35 m (34.6
(b) m) 4 —24cm
c) Min 15 x 10-°s; Max 17 x 10°°s | 5 (a) 11.l1cm (b) 10.2cm = (c) 0.9cm
6 Red-19.3 x 10-*s; Blue - 19.6 x 107°s
Exercise 15.2
1 —80/3 cm
Exercise 14.4: Examination questions
2 (a) —0.50m (b) +3.0D
1 (b) (i) 49° (49.5°)
(C)ie()eS5—(54-9>) Exercise 15.3
(ii) 49° (49.5°) Same as (b) (i) since
(a) 0.018m (b) +4.0D
n sini = constant (a) —0.667D (b) 0.23 m to infinity
(a) 87.95 (b) 0.55 (c) 2.2 minutes (a) 2.0m
(b) (i) —0.50D (ii) 2.0D
A (b) 12.7° (air to water)
(a) 8 = 22° (22.48°) Exercise 15.4: Examination questions
(b) (1) 42° (41.8°)
1 (a) Converging, 12.0cm (b) Converging, 10.7 cm
(ii) 2 (a) 24cm (b) 18mm (c) Virtual
3 (c) (i) Position 400/3 mm from lens on same side
as object: m = (—) 1/3
(ii) 1. Position 129mm (128.6 mm) from lens
2. 2.4mms‘ (2.38mms_‘)
3. Towards lens
4 (d) (i) D=4.00mm
(ii) Diverging lens — image is 120mm from
lens on same side as object
Converging lens — image is 180 mm from
lens on opposite side to object
(11) Diverging lens — virtual, upright,
Converged lens — real, inverted, diminished
(e) f = 56mm: converging lens
5 (a) (i) Distant object produces image at focal
6 (a) 29 (by 242 (ii) 12.5D
(c) Critical angle = 24.4° .°, total internal (b) (i) A virtual object formed by the converging
reflection lens at distance (80 — 59) = 21 mm to
7 (b) (i) 19° (19.47) right of eyepiece
(11) 420mm from eyepiece and to the left of it
(iii) Virtual: v is negative (—420 mm)
(c) Move eyepiece away from objective lens so as
to reduce object distance: uw decreases so v
increases for the diverging lens
6 (i) Away from film (ii) 3.4mm
7 (a) (ii) Distance 84mm, linear magnification
(a) (iti) 752° 0.053, image height 21 mm
(b) (11) Critical angle decreases so more light likely (b) Gi) 1. (—) 0.4 2. (—)120mm_ 3. (+) 300mm
to stay in fibre (a) 20D *(b) 66.7mm
9 (a) 1.75cm (b) 1.68 cm
A= 9.5 & B= 80° (80.2°) 10 (b) (i) 0.85 m from eye lens
. Totally internally reflected (11) Yes, lens power required is 59 D which is
(c) Shortest 7.6(0) x 10° s; Longest 7.9 x 10~°s within the range quoted
(7.86 x 10° s) (iii) Hypermetropia


11 (a) (—) 0.800m Comment (a) 40 kW is very large and so a

(b) Fig. 15.6 (b) shows combined effect of eye 20°C house temperature is unlikely to be
lens and correction (diverging) lens to maintained;
produce a sharp image, on the retina, of a (b) & (c) The insulation layer mainly determines
distant object the rate of energy transfer
12 (a) (i) Diverging (ai) (—) 2.0m 5 (a) Thermal conductivity and thickness
(ii) —0:50D (iv) Similar to Fig. 15.2 (b) 4°C
(b) (i) —0.30D
(ii) Improved — lower power correction lens Exercise 17.4: Examination questions
needed and new far point is 3.3m from his (Cc) (i659. 9. ©
eyes (ii) Stop heat losses
13*(d) G@) —0.313D (ii) 12.5cm (d) (1) Conduction
14 (a) 300mm from eye (ii) Free electrons (and atomic vibrations)
(b) Moves from 200mm from eye to 600mm from transport KE
eye 2 (a) (i) 0.90 MJ (11) 0.50(4)MJ
(b) Heat losses; thermal capacity of dishwasher;
evaporation of water
Chapter 16 3 960 Gi(957 ©)
Discussion — e not all energy transferred to
Exercise 16.1 thermal energy
e thermal energy losses to
1 (a) 27mm (b) (—) 9.3 times
2 (a) 30mm (b) (—) 8.3 times
e thermal energy not uniformly
3 (a) 26mm (b) (—) 7.0 times
distributed in bit
First two points mean tip cooler, last point means
Exercise 16.2
tip is hotter
1 (a) 20.0 (b) 63.0cm (c) 40.0 x 10-7 rad 4 (b) (i) 66(.2)kJ
2 (a) 18 (b) 5.6 x 10° rad (ii) 441 kJ per 100g
(c) 2.1 x 10° km (iii) 432kJ per 100g
(c) See Chapter 19; work done AW in pushing
Exercise 16.3: Examination questions atmosphere back; AQ = AU + AW is greater
1 (a) 4.00cm (b) 3.00 times if gas is allowed to expand
2 (a) 0.30 times (b) 10.7cm 5 (b) (i) 0.060kgs| (ii) 20K (19.8K)
3 (a) 918mm (b) 50 6 42°C
4 (a) 125mm (b) 500mm 7 (a) (i) =5kg per second (ii) 5.3 MJ
5 20 x 10° rad (b) (i) 38(.3) °C. No energy transfer to
6 2.1(5) x 10° km surroundings, evaporation etc.
(ii) 7.1 MJ
8 0.66kW
Chapter 17 9 4.0 x 10°s
10 (a) 10.7kJ (b) 97.0kI kg”!
Exercise 17.1
12 460s
1 5.0K 13 (a) (i) 0.033Ks | (0.03 to 0.04 acceptable)
Qe) (11) 56 W (50 to 70 acceptable)
3 1800Jkg*K™ (b) (i) Ice melting at 0°C
4 39°C (ii) 0.27 kg (0.24 to 0.34 acceptable)
14 9.0°C
Exercise 17.2 15 (b) 0°C (when half of ice has melted) — assumes no
1 377W energy transfer from surroundings
2 (a) 438kJke! (b) 1.61kJ = (c) 59.4mgs (c) (i) AT = Xe °*/"" (assumes external
temperature X in °C, m = mass of liquid
Exercise 17.3 and c = specific heat capacity of liquid)
1 3.6W (ii) 19 hours
2 0.24Wm!K! 16 (a) 100Km ! (b) 0.23kW
3 38W, 36°C 17 25W
4 (a) 40kW ~— (b) 19(.4)°C._ (c) 1.2kW (1.17kW) 18 460W


19 150K height. More greenhouse gases at surface

20 (a) (i) Remove thermal energy at same rate as it (e.g. carbon dioxide) and more oxygen and
flows into building from outside nitrogen at higher levels
(ii) 0.22 kW 12 (a) Equation 18.10
(iii) 3 times larger (b)) (1) 5:53 10 ke
(b) 22kW (ii) 1. 548ms_" 2. 401K
21 (b) (i) 1.3(3) x 10° (ii) 73(.3)W 13 (a) 0.58kms | (b) 241K
(c) 6.0kJ (d) 361K
14 (b) 4.1 x 10”
Chapter 18 (c) (i) 0.55N (ii) 1.17

Exercise 18.1
1 (a) 280 (b) 983
Chapter 19
Exercise 19.1
63 x 10 °>m*
OE 11 5ea0)
170 cm? 2 (a)-50J (b) =707
auRWN98 x 10°? kg 3 (a) 50 x 10 *kg (b) 113kJ
(c) 8.4kJ (d) 105 kJ
Exercise 18.2
Exercise 19.2
1 22.5% 10 1m
2 (a) | 1 (a) 6.73 x 10°Nm ~, 290K
3 (a) 0.100 (b) 28.0 x 10-*kg (b) 14.4 x 10° Nm *, 619K
(c) 2.19 x 1077 m? 2 (a) 15.0 < 107 m>. 280K
4 2.30kg, 73 x 10° m? (b) 9.47 x 10-4 m*, 177K
5 1.26x 10°Nm~ 3 232K, 1.29m Hg

Exercise 18.3 Exercise 19.3

1579ms! 1 (a) 58% (b) 3.0MW (c) 38%
2 (a) 30ms (b) 34ms | (c) 35ms 2 5.0
3 0.179kgm *
4 1.12kms ! Exercise 19.4
5 666ms | 1 75kJ
2 (a) 0.12kJ (b) 30kW
Exercise 18.4: Examination questions
11,13 210 Pa Exercise 19.5: Examination questions
2 456kPa (355 kPa above atmospheric) 13x 10°)
3 (a) 1.7(5) x 10 7kgm™? (b) 3.2(5) x 10° 2 (+) 150]
4 (a) Silver absorbs less radiation (in daytime) and 3 (a) 458s
emits less radiation (at night-time) (b) (i) 0.85m> (ii) 0.86 x 10°J
(b) (i) 43.5kPa (c) AW =0.86 x 10° J AQ=1.1MJ
(ii) otherwise balloon would burst AU = 1.0(1)MJ
(iti) 19% 4 500K
5 A 5 150K
6 (a) 9.0% increase (b) 8.3% released 6 134K
7 (a) 2.48mol (b) 150 x 107° atoms (c) 0.90N 7 35.0%
8 (a) r.m.s. speed of molecules and pressure 8 0.40kJ
(b) (i) 1.2 mol (1.24) (11) 0.036kg 9 0.40kJ
(iii) 3.6kgm* 10 (a) AB (b) (i) 200J (ii) 52.6%
(c) (i) Same — temperature is same
(ii) Different — mass of molecules is different
9 (b) (i) 38x 10° (ii) 5.2 x 10° Pa Chapter 20
(iii) 0.48kms7!
10 424ms_! Exercise 20.1
11 (b) 0.93(5) 1 P5102
(c) (i) 0.412kgm? 2 125104
(ii) Composition of atmosphere changes with 3 0.75


Exercise 20.2 Increased p.d. produces increased current and so

1 (a) 0.10A (b) 2.0V greater heating. This causes resistance to decrease
2 (a) 2.5A (b) 1.5A and the 330 2 gets higher proportion of the supply p.d.
3 0.4A, 80V; 0.08 A, 160 V; 0.32A, 160V 8 (b) (i)

Exercise 20.3
2 18x 10°Qm
82064100 kK.

Exercise 20.4
1 24k)
2 (a) 2.4kWh (b) 8.6 MJ (il) 0.40A
3 240) (iii) 1.52
(iv) 3.0V (V = 2)
(v) Current increases so greater lost volts (/r)
Exercise 20.5
9 (a) 12V (b) 1.7A
1) OY 10 2.0W
2 4.02 11 Aw HI2V 3A 36W40
3 (a) 0.022 (b) 300A B 10VY, 2A, 20 W, 50)
(c) 1.8kJs~! (1.8kW) Cc ZV, 24, 4W, Lo
whole 12 V, 5 A, 60 W, 2.4
Exercise 20.6 12 0.29A
13 A and B are connected
0.6A A into circuit B B

Exercise 20.7
1 (a) 10.0mV (b) 10mA
2 (a) 0.040 shunt (b) 2.0 kQ in series
(c) 10 in series

Exercise 20.8
1 (a) 1.2V (b) 1.0V ereceat
2 (a) 4.0V (b) 3.4V Shunt resistance needed = 0.162
14 (i) 802 (ii) 4.3V
Exercise 20.9 15 (i) <10uA
1 n = number of free electrons per unit volume
v = drift velocity, i.e. mean speed of travel through
length of wire
= = | because both Y and X are copper
a = | because conductors are in series
= = 2 because area x v is same for Y and X
3 (i) 62 (ii) 0.9A
4 2.0 (i) ACL. 7 ela.
5 (a) Increased vibrations of atoms hinders electron
flow Chapter 21
(b) (i) At 0°C, 0.20kQ. At 100°C, 0.29kQ
(iyi43ee 107 Ke Exercise 21.1
6B 1 (a) 0.13 uN (b) 0.40 nC
7 Temperature increase releases more charge 2 (a) (i) 18kVm™ (ii) zero (b) 36V
carriers. Resistance = 495.2 3 2.0V


4 8.9kV, 8.6 mJ Time constant = 22s. Stays on for 15s. R increase

5 Zero, 2.8kVm | to the right lengthens time on.
6 (a) 88x 10° ms? (b) 3.0 x 10°ms"! 4 (b) @) 33 uF (11) 100V
(c) (i) 2.0 x 10° wC
Exercise 21.2 (ii) (1) 64, uC 2) 28Vv. (3) 46 uF
1 (b) (iv) 1.5 x 10*'NC! (or Vm‘) 5 (a) 26 uF (b) 20 nF (c) 20 uF
(v) 1.9x10°’C 6 (b) (i) 8.3uF
2 P.D. = 90kV, Max K.E. = 1.4 x 10°'"J, max (c) G)10V atr—0 10 = 771at t = half-life/2
speed = 1.8 x 10°ms'
3 <b) (iil). 1.6 10°" C
(iv) 7.2and4.8JC”
x 10°33 Chapter 23
Aa) S (b) 2.1 x 107° m Exercise 23.1
5 (a) (ii) 1.8 x 10°N to the right (a large force but 1 13 uN
huge charges involved) 2 4.0mN
(ili) Same size but to left ; 1.0mA
(b) (ii) 36J (Potential 9.0 MV) (ili) 22J (a) 3.2x 10°N (b) 6.4 x 10°°Nm
(iv) zero aec) 6.0 x 10 °Nm
5 (a) 0.50 x 10'Vm ! (b) 0.010T
Chapter 22
Exercise 23.2
Exercise 22.1 1 (1) 4.6 uN (ii) 90 A
1 (a) 0.34 x10 "F (b) 0.17 x ip" FB 2 (a) () = Bra
2 8.0 x 10’mmC ', 3.0 uF, 0.010uF (b) (1) 0.33A
3 24x 107'°F 90x 10°"Fm! (ii) Small back EMF, large current, excessive
4 80mA heating
3 (a) 7.0x 10°ms! (b) Negative
Exercise 22.2 4 4x x 10°7Hm"!
2 (a) and (b) 3.0 uC, 2.3J, 1.5 V
(c) 2.0 uC, 1.0uJ, 1.0V Chapter 24
3 (a) 0.80 mJ (b) 14V (c) 0.53 mJ
AG. 10 Exercise 24.1
1 (a)5.0mV — (b) zero (c) 4.3mV
6 (b) 0.73 Vs"!
2 (a) 25mV (b) 2.5mA
Exercise 22.3 3 6.0 x 10°’ Wb
Tie 2a 10 Gil ox 10
Exercise 24.2
(iii) 30 pJ
(oy) 4 12x10 J 1 (a) 1.6 x 10°* Wb (b) 80 x 10-4 Wb
ii) Work done against attraction of — and + (Cc) 16mV
plates 2 10%10-H
2 (a) 341x107 F (b) 30 nA

Exercise 24.3

across 2 (a) 13mV (b) 9.6mV

12V Exercise 24.4

2 (a) 0.38 Wb t
(b) G) ¢ = BAncos 60t
4 Flux through closed window = 18 x 10~° Wb.
t t Time ——»
Induced e.m.f. = 34 1V. When sliding there is zero
Door Door
opened closed e.m.f.


5 (a) (i) (1) 0.050V (2) 1.95V Chapter 27

(ii) 4.9 x 10°H
(b) (i) 8.0A Exercise 27.1
(ii) Inductor only produces voltage when 1 0.75 x 10 Hz, 5.0 x 10°"
current is changing. Dery:
3 0.97 x 10° Hz
Chapter 25 5 32 x 10!"
6 0.071 nm
Exercise 25.1 7 1.9x10°ms!
12410 T Exercise 27.2
2 (a) 4cm from 2.0 A wire, 6cm from other wire 1. (i) Direction is down page
(b) 20cm from 2.0A wire, 30cm from other wire (i)s3. Soe 107 aN
Seleiec 107 (iii) The force on the electron is perpendicular to
419xX10°V the motion by left-hand rule, so the speed
does not change but the electron is deflected,
Exercise 25.2 the force being the necessary inwards force for
1 0.75 mT circular motion.
2uGy a 10° 1 (i) L810" 8 (iv) 1.5mm
Av(ay G) tix 10°T 2 Max KE = 1.53 x 107'’J.De Broglie
(ii) Clockwise in diagram, i.e. to right at P wavelength = 1.3 x 10°'’m
(yan, 7 10 T north 3 For ionising transitions see figure
(ii) 2.1 x 10°T at 31° east of north OeV


Chapter 26
Exercise 26.1
1 (a) 2.8V (b) 0.14A
2 (a) 2.5ms (b) 0.83 ms —13.6eV
3 (a) 0.10k2 (b)1.0A (c) 87V (d) 050A
Ground state is lowest available energy level,
4 (a) 250 (b) 220 normal level (unexcited state) for the hydrogen’s
5 (a) 740 (b) 2.8V electron
6 2.9H
660 nm line is due to transition —3.39 to —1.51eV

Exercise 26.2
10) =
1 0.25 kHz i
(i)n(L) 2A
ae () 5.3 x MO
“ul iam
2 5.1 uF, 2.4A
3 (a) 0.36kHz (b)0.20A (c) 89V (3) radii in ratio 1, 4, 9, 16
(4) Deduce that wavelength = circumference
Exercise 26.3 divided by n, i.e. divided by 2, 3 and 4 for the
next three orbits
1 10V RMS, 0.020 ARMS
2 50kW, 0.56W
Chapter 28
Exercise 26.4 Exercise 28.1
1 36 1 3762 years or thereabouts
2 44mA RMS 2 10h, 0.069h!
3 (a) A capacitor (current peaks a quarter cycle 35.4510
before its voltage peaks)
(b) (i) 1.0Hz (it) 3-OLV, (iii) 1.0 Exercise 28.2
4 Peak voltage = 0.25kV. Peak supply p.d. leads the ib ye
peak current by 32° 2 (a) (i) 221u (ii) 3.7 x 10°”g
5 (a) 0.16kHz (b) (i) 30mARMS (ii) 0.36W (b) 27 x 10” (c) 6.2 x 10° Bq
6 (i) Step up (ii) 1250 (iii) 1.67A 3 2%


Exercise 28.3
1 218,84
2 0.50m
3 12 thousand years

Exercise 28.4
1 4.1 x 10'8 Hz, No
2 (a) 500 W _(b) 0.50 kW (c) 0.025 nm
3) 131e" J (b) 1.45% 106)
Exercise 28.5
1 (i) 9.5x 107s" (ii) 3.2 x 10° (iii) 9.6kBgq
2 (a) (i) A is activity at time f, Ag is initial activity, /
is radioactive decay constant
(b) (i) 3.4 ug
(ii) A further 49 years Exercise 30.2
3 Half life = 33s. Decay constant = 0.021s '. Rate 1 8kgcm '
of decay = 6 x 10'*s”'. Calculated decay 2 L=3.0x 10° Jkg',h=1.0W
constant = 2 x 10°7s_!. More reliable to avoid
drawing tangent method
4 (c) 1.8 x 10° years Exercise 30.3
a bir m 14=35AV*>,p=25
2 0.010 day|
Chapter 29
Exercise 29.1 Exercise 30.4

1 146 17m
2 96 mJ
3 4.03 MeV

Exercise 29.2
pig) (>) ol Pe Exercise 30.5
(b) 7.8 x 10° Jper kg 1 I5mV,5.0kHz
2 3.5kms |
(ii) 3.24 x 107" J 3 Y; lags on Y> by 40° (or Y> leads by 40°)
(b) 1.2 x 10°W
4 7MeV per nucleon

Exercise 30.6
Chapter 30 1 (a)
Exercise 30.1





(b) 7000 4 (b) hf = WFE + KEnax Or KEmax = hf — WEE.

Gradient of graph ish. h = 6.8 x 10 **Js
6000 approximately
5 Momentum = mass x velocity. Slope = force on
i 5000 awh lorry. At t = 20s slope is 1.5 x 10°N.
Explanation of shape of graph is that friction and
volt air resistance gradually increase the opposing
force, i.e. net force decreases.

6 (a) (i) 38x10 °K!

(ii) —263 °C. Close to absolute zero.
(b) (i) See columns 1 and 2 of table.
(= 100 + 0.380)
0 100 100 0
100 138 138 0
0 200 176 SS) 0.5
300 214 2D 2)
(izesAner 400 252) 247 5
500 290 281 9
(d) In figure for (b) V x r is constant
approximately (= 8.0 x 10° Vmm) and so (ti) See columns 2, 3 and 4 of table, and graph
agrees with equation in part (c) below.
(e) 8.9x 10°C

fe Q



—200 7 (i) 3.0V (ii) 2.1 A.


—400b- Vv .

0.020 V
(b) 4.84
3 2800 disintegrations per second



0 5 10
Time/years —»>

After 8 years 2800 disintegrations per second


8 B 7 Apparent wavelength = 4.2 x 10° nm,

9A distance = 8.8 x 10% m
10 4mC (800 squares each 5s by 1 uA), Capacitance is
between 4.4 x 10-4 F and 4.7 x 10°“F.
11 (a) [Tum- Woltage Chapter 32
Exercise 32.1
1 (a) 76dB (b) 98 dB
2 10x10? Wm ~
3 16dB es
4 (a)3.2x10°Wm~ (b) 3.2x 10° Wm ~

Exercise 32.2
1 (a) 1.59 x 10°kgm~s! (b) 1.71 x 10°kgm~s
(c) 1.38 x 10°kgm™~s
2 (a) 0.437, boundary easily detected
(b) 0.0114, boundary not easily detected

Exercise 32.3
1 47kHz
2 (a) 0.69ms! (bm: se
(b) Straight line passing through 7,, = 0, V 2 =
confirms that 7), x ee
Exercise 32.4
(2) 25 us per cm (4cm for period of 10-*s) 1 21 days
2 (a) 2.5 days (b) 0.26M Bq
LS 0e Gow
Chapter 31 8.2mJ kg’
ees iG renee
Exercise 31.1

12 x 10'*km W
No (a) 4.2 x 10° Gys”
Exercise 31.2 (b) 66.7 hours, neglecting background radiation
8 8.0uCkg'h”
2 43x 10*ms!
9 (a) 1.2mm (b) 3.85x10?m™’ (c) 3.0%
Exercise 31.3 Exercise 32.5: Examination questions
1 4.8
1 18km
22s) 2 55mJ
Sm(aeors (b) 0.39 (c) 6.3
3 (a) 105(.6)
dB (b) 30dB
Exercise 31.4 4 (a) 4.0x10*Wm~7 (b) 2.4x10*Wm~
3.1 x 10°s (about 10 years)
5 (b) 68 x 10= W (c) 0.050 (1/20)
6 1.00Wm~*
Exercise 31.5 7 (a) See Example5 = (b) 1.09 x 10°kgm™>
1 (a) 60 8 (a) (i) 1.35 x 10°kem “s~
(b) 50° (130° calculated means 50° up from celestial (ii) 1.76 x 10°kgm’s"!
equator on other side of celestial sphere) (by ie (c) 13(.5) mm
8h 32min 9 (a) 1.00 x 10° (b) 112 10—
Negligible reflection at brain—blood interface so
this cannot be seen. Even blood—muscle reflection
1.16 is small (but detectable).
Intensity: energy received per second by unit area 10 (a) Radon gas
perpendicular to direction of travel (b) Equation 32.13 + explanation
Luminosity: formula given shows luminosity is total (c) 84 (83.3)
energy radiated per second (d) No time for tissue to recover between doses
Brighter star (greater intensity seen by observer on and radiation absorbed by one part of body
rather than whole body dose.
earth) is Vega (# = 32)
D 11 (a) 0.058mm_'


(b) Exponential decrease with, for example, the (v) Increased mass would increase total I thus
following points plotted: decrease « and increase T compared to
part (iv)
(= NG) 60 36 2 Ne)
oo 0 8.8 17.6 26.4 Spy

12 41mm Chapter 34: ;

Miscellaneous questions
Chapter 33 1 (a) (i) 66m (ii) 3.7s
(iii) gindependent of mass (iv) 0.33 km
Exercise 33.1 (b) (i) 2.4MJ (ii) 0.32 MJ
1 (a) 5.0 (b) 14 (c) 6.0 (c) Greater height possible. Longer time. Due to
2a) 2.5rads.- (b) SOrads! (c) 500rad dissipative effects.
3 (a) 9.4rads | (b) —0.21 rads? 2 (a) 1.9 x 10°s(31 minutes)
(c) —0.084Nm (b) 0.40ms_' (downwards)
(c) 68kg
Exercise 33.2 (d)
1 (a) +3.0 (b) —2.5 80
(c) —2.0 (d) +2.0
2 (a) 3.02 Nm (b) 7.52Nm PE/kJ

3 (a) 30s (b) 180 rad (c) 6rads !

4 (a) 5.0nrads ~~ (b) 0.95 kgm?
5 (a)40Nm_ (b) (i) 33s__ (ii) 1.7 x 10° rad 1 eed

950 Time/s

Exercise 33.3 If wheel is equally loaded a passenger

Ti(aye2rads™ (b) 214 rev min | descending diametrically opposite means the
2 (a) 4.82ms_' (b) 8.2kJ motor does not have to supply the gravitational
P.E. for the ascending passenger.
Exercise 33.4 Sia) @eq— lkocmivhenia:—10
1 (a) 60J (b) 8.7rads_! (ii) (12.8 — 1.6) cm
2 (a) 45.8kW (b) 191Nm (b) (i) 0.48N (ii) 43Nm!
(ii) 0.069N
Exercise 33.5 (c) (i) 0.490ms"' (ii) 0.58s
(d) (i) Not directly proportional — graph does not
1 (a) 9/8kgm° (b) 27J pass through origin
2 (a) 0.50kem* + (b)277 (c) 203 (d)7J (ii) Acceleration, hence force, versus
extension is a straight line
Exercise 33.6: Examination questions 4 (a) (i) (6.86ms') (ii) 2.8kN (iii) 3.5 KN
1 0.7rads? (iv) F = +0.69KN at 0° and 360°; F = +3.5kN
2 (a) —20.0rads~ (b) 1.43 x 10° revolutions at 180°
(c) (—) 240Nm (b) 8.9 x 10°°m
3 250kgm° 5 (a) 0.44) (b) 0.14J
4 (a) 7.5kJ (b) 12Nm (c) Energy (of 0.30J) dissipated via, for example,
5 0.30kJ air resistance
6 (a) (i) 0.18kW (176W) 6 (a) (i) Average person unlikely to have mass of
(ii) - 110kg
(b) (i) Perpendicular to radius (ii) (1280 kg)
(ii) 30° (b) (4) 33(.04) KN (ii) 1.0 x 10°Nm~*
Tae ipisealO, rads (ii) 11kW (c) (i) Maximum stress is 6.6 x 10’ Pa which is
(iii) (—) 25xJ (iv) 0.27kJ less than the safe stress
(b) To smooth out the motion (ii) Greater length of cable leads to greater
825-10 kems * stress due to its own weight: e.g. cable
9 (b) (i) (7.16 x 10° kgm’s~') alone gives o = 8.0 x 10’ Pa
(ii) 3.3 x 10° rads“! 3 cables + static lift gives ¢ = 9.5 x 10’ Pa
(ii) 1.2(5) x 10° kgm? s! Both situations lead to stresses greater than
(iv) 7.3 x 10*s (20 hours) the maximum safe stress


(b) (i) 0.40 kg (ii) 28N (iii) Downwards (b) (i) From the graph R is 340 at 60°, PD is
(c) 1.2(4)J aN
SnyVer tical component 64ms | (ii) 40 mW
13s (b) (1003 m) 19 (a) and (b)
1.1 10!7J (d) 31s (30.6s) Battery

) (1.19 mm)
) dtiioe10° Pa Does lee
ileil7e ilpilvA AY WAZ
3. 135010" Pa
(c) (iii) S4mJ
(d)(i) 0.021K
(ii) Elastic strain energy ‘stored’ as thermal
energy in hammer head Current
0:30 A Lamp
10 (a) (i) 156K (ii) 3 stops (c) 1.10 3.5V
(b) Heat more rapidly dissipated and brakes 20 (a) Work done in driving one coulomb of — charge
lighter from Z to X is 25 joule
11 (b) (i) 2.0kgms' (ii) 5.0ms"! (b) () 9.0V (ii) 3.62
(c) (i) 200J (11) 5.0J (il) 78K (iti) 4.0Q (iv) 6.25 or 6.22
(d) 1.3m 21 (4) @) G=oF
(ii) C = 1 farad when Q = 1 coulomb and
tee S; S> Fan motor Heating
V =1 volt
(b) (i) - (ii) x°Vo, x°Vo,x"Vo
open open off off Gil) we (iv) 0.37
closed open on off (v) 3s
open closed off off 22 Need a capacitor in series. 34 wF, and extra
closed closed on on resistance 185
23 (i) 32mA
(b) (i) 1.4(1) x 107? m? 57} (ii) Current lags on supply PD by 90° (1/4 cycle or
(ii) 1.7x 10°7kgs 5 radian). (Tan « in equation 26.9 is infinite.)
iio. ts
24 (a) / x V for same temperature and conductor
(c) 24°C
(by) Gi) 33a (I) 200
13 (a) (i) 207(.5) mol (11) 6.2 kg
(ii) Applies up to 0.18A, 0.60V
(b) (i) 2.0 x 10°J (1.6 to 3.0 is acceptable)
(ii) Pressure lower, so area under curve is
(Gi) (D 245410 K+
(II) Resistance is constant at low
temperatures and difference between
(c) (i) 0.44kW
(ii) 1.3 hours (1.0 to 2.1 is acceptable)
room temperature and 0 °C is small
compared with 2100K
(d) Need to have stronger, heavier, cylinder
25 (a) 1.5 x 10°? m’ (b) 47Ks"!
14 (a) 10° (b) 2.0 x 107"
(c) 0.15cm* (at 1.0 x 10°Pa) = (d) 5.0 x 10°?
26 (a) G29 10e (ii) 2.5 x 10’ms~
Large Young’s modulus means spheres do not (b) @ 2 Fig
(ii) 0.24 x 10°-'* N, downwards
deform. Large breaking stress allows spheres to
towards + plate
have thin shells.
(iii) 3.2 x 107’s
(e) Non toxic, bio-compatible, oxygen permeable
(iv) 8.4 x 10°ms_!
15 (a) (i) Equation 19.1 and explanation
(v) 4.0cm
(i) 1) A= 2303
(b) (i) 8.1) (ii) 16W (iii) 0.32Ks"!
27 (a) *5,Np, 3He (b)i5,0 510s sm
(c) (i) 9.1 x 10" (Gi) 3.7 x 10g
16 Might be incorrect number in the formula; the +
might be incorrect. :
28 (a) (i) (1) 40As! (2) 1.95V
(ii) 49 mH
17 (i) 10A
(b) (i) 8A
(ii) (1) 150W
(II) p.d. across kettle is less than 230V by
(ii) L produces no PD when current is
constants i.e. when dJ/dt = 0
ae R
factor Hens 29 (a) (i) 146 (11) 90
18 (a) Energy of thermal vibrations becomes greater (b) G) 78x10 "ks (i) 70x 10-29
and releases more current carriers (c) (i) 98x10 "kgms! (ii) 6.8 x 10°m
30 1.0 x 10°m


Table | ELECTRIC CIRCUIT SYMBOLS conforming to BS 3939

Component Symbols Notes
Abbreviations for SI units
Conductor, wire or lead Implies zero resistance
kilogram (mass) = gq Crossing wires No electrical
metre (length) connection between
second (time) wires

newton (force) Junction of two or more

joule (work or energy) conductors

watt (power) Earth connection

kelvin (temperature)
Switch (single way and two way) Called ‘single pole’
volt (potential difference) since it ‘breaks’ only
ampere (current) one conductor
ohm (resistance) Battery (one cell and
farad (capacitance) multi cell)
henry (inductance) Resistor

tesla (magnetic flux density) Variable resistor

weber (magnetic flux) b
coulomb (charge) S28
Os Potential or voltage divider
becquerel (activity) ee)a
Alternative method of showing Often referred to as
voltage divider potentiometer or a
Mathematical Symbols ‘pot’

equals Capacitor
identical to Inductor (coil)
proportional to Diode or Rectifier Arrow indicates ‘easy’
Square root direction of current
of the order of (‘something like’) flow
divided by
Bulb (lamp)
ce Second symbol is used
for indicator lamps
approximately equal to Fuse link Rating is usually shown

greater than by a number
less than Voltmeter and Ammeter For millivoltmeter and
milliammeter letters

Table Il mV and mA are used


The following prefixes are commonly used and Thermistor

their values are given below Bipolar transistor pnp

Symbol Prefix Value npn

p pico tials Light-emitting diode LED

n nano Ore
Zener diode
m micro 107:
m milli 10% Transformer
c centi 10m

k kilo 10° Photoconductive cell
M mega 10°
G giga 10”

abbreviations 2-3, 319 calculators 4, 7-8 converging lenses 128-9 magnetic forces 197-202
abscissa 238 logs 11 conversion factors, units 17-18 power dissipation 141
absorption powers 11 corkscrew rule 209 power distribution 219
A-photons 229 rough checks 14 cosine 13 electromotive force (EMF) 174-5,
ionising radiation 267-70 trigonometrical ratios 14 cosine rule 14 203-8
acceleration calculus notation 12 coulomb 169 electron-volt 221-2
angular 273-5 calorimetry 142-4 critical angle 122-3 electrons
centripetal 63-4 cameras 129 CRO see cathode ray oscilloscope drift velocity 169-70
due to gravity 70 cancelling culmination 251 electric fields 185
force relation 36-7 conversion factors 17-18 current carrying wires, magnetic magnetic fields 199
non-uniform 37 equations 8 effects 197-9, 209 orbits 223
SHM_ 87,91 fractions 6 currents photoelectric emission 221-3
uniform 33-6 capacitive reactance 214 see also circuits wavelength 222
accommodation 131, 133 capacitors 189-96 alternating 212-20 electrostatics 183-8
accuracy 11 alternating current 214-18 direct 169-82 EMF see electromotive force
acoustic impedance 264 capacitance 16, 190-1 LCR circuits 214-18 energy 45-53
activity, radioactive decay 226-7 dielectrics 191 measurement 177, 245 see also kinetic energy; potential
addition, forces 20-1] time constant 193-4 energy
adiabatic changes 163-4 carbon dating 228-9 D see dioptres binding 235-6
alpha particles 228, 268 Carnot engine 164 dating, radioactive 228-9 charged capacitor 189-90
alternating currents 212-20 carrier velocity, electric decay, radioactive 226, 266-71 conservation 46
alternating voltage, current 169-70 deceleration 37, 39-40 density 81
measurement 245 cathode ray oscilloscopes decibel (dB) scale 262-4 elasticity 78
altitude, stars 250-1 (CRO) 244-6 declination 251 electrons 221-4
ammeters 177 celestial sphere 251 derived quantities 15 internal 141-52, 156-8
ampere 169 cells 171, 174-5 destructive interference 99-101 losses 47
amplitude centripetal force and deviation angle 120 nuclear reactions 234-7
accommodation 133 acceleration 63-4, 72 diagrams 2, 171 photons 221, 222.
SHM_ 87-9, 90 Cepheid variables 259 dielectrics 191 SHM 92
of dip 200-1 characteristic acoustic diffraction 112-18 thermal 141-52-
angles 12 impedance 264 dimensions 15-17 work function 221
incidence/refraction 119 characteristic X-rays 231 dioptres (D) 130 X-rays 231-2
properties 12-14 charge, electric 169 direct current circuits see circuits energy—mass relationship 234
angular frequency 88 charged particles discharge, capacitors 190, 193-4 equations 6, 8-9
angular magnification 137 electric fields 183-6 dises 13, 273 dimensions 16-17
angular motion 62, 273-5 magnetic fields 199 disintegration, radioactive see decay quadratic 14
angular velocity, SHM_ 88 Charles’ law 153 displacement rearranging 3-4
antinodes 102 circles 13 angular 274 solving 9
area under graph see graphs circuits SHM __ 87-8, 90-1 state 154-5
Aries, first point of 251 alternating current 212-18 wave motion 97-8 time 253
arithmetic 6-8 capacitors 191-4 distance, stars 255 equilibrium 22-6
astronomical unit (AU) 255 diagrams 171 diverging lenses 128-9 equinox 254
astronomy 250-61 direct current 169-82 division 8 errors 11
telescope 139-40 EMF 174-5 Doppler effect 256-7, 260, 265-6 escape speed 71-2
atomic mass unit (u) 18 heating effect 173-4 doses, ionising radiation 267-9 excitation 223-4
atomic number 226 Kirchhoff's laws 176 double slits 101-2 experimental errors 11
atomic structure 223-4 meters 177-8 explosions 56-7
attenuation coefficient 229-30 Ohm's law 170 ) exponential function 10
attraction, current-carrying LCR 214-18 ear 262-3 exponents 9
wires 197 symbols 171, 319 Earth 250-1 exposure, ionising radiation 267-9
AU see astronomical unit circular motion 62-8 magnetism 200-1 expressions 6
averages circumpolar stars 252 orbit 252-3 eye 116, 131-4
alternating current 213 coefficients zero potential 170
graphs 241-2 attenuation 229-30 ecliptic 253-4 factors 7
Avogadro’s number (Nx) 18 linear absorption 229-30, efficiency farad 189
axes 238 269-70) heat engines 164 fibre optics 123-5
performance 165 machines 48 fields
back EMF 206 temperature, of resistance 173 Einstein 234 electric 183-6
bases 9 coils elastic collisions 55-6 gravitational 70-1
becquerel (Bq) 226 induced EMF 205-7 elasticity 78-86 magnetic 198-201, 209-11
beta particle 228, 268 inductive reactance 213-14 Hooke’s law 78 first point of Aries (FPA) 251
bifocal lenses 132 magnetic fields 199-200, 205-7, stress and strain 80-2 fission 236-7
binary stars 259-60 210 work 78-81 flux
binding energy 235-6 collisions 55-6 Young’s modulus 78, 81 luminous 258
biological half-life |267 colour 114, 256 electricity and magnetism magnetic 203
blood flow measurement 265-6 conduction, heat 146-7 alternating currents 212-20 particle 229
body mechanics 25 conductivity, electrical 173 capacitors 189-96 ‘ flux density, magnetic 198-200, 209
body scans 264-6 conical pendulum 64-5 direct current circuits 169-82 flux linkage 205
Boyle’s law 153 conservation electric fields 183-6 focal length 128, 130
Bq see becquerel angularmomentum 277 electromagnetic induction 203- force constant 78
brackets energy 46 8 forces 20-31
braking 39-40 linearmomentum 54-5 electrostatics 183-8 addition 20-1
brightness, stars 258-9 constructive interference 99-101, magnetic field calculations 209- centripetal 63-4
de Broglie wavelength 222 112 11 charged particles 183, 199


current-carrying wires 197-9 conduction 146-7 limit of proportionality 78, 81

electric fields 183-5 direct currents 141-2 linear absorption coefficient 229- ohm 171
equilibrium 22-6 electrical resistance 173-4 30, 269-70 Ohm’s law 170
gravitational 69-77 engines 164-7 linear momentum 54-61 optical instruments 116, 137-49
impulses 57 heat capacity 141-4 linear motion 34, 54-61 optics
magnetic 197-202 ideal gases 153-60, 161-4 In 11 lenses 128-36
mass—acceleration relation 36 kinetic theory 156-8 local sidereal time (LST) 253 refraction 119-27
resolution 22 latent heat 144—5 logarithms 10-11 orbits
resultant 20-1,22 pumps 165-6 decibels 262-4 Earth 252-3
turning effects 24-6 thermal properties of graphs 242-3 electrons 2 23
formulae 2-3 matter 141-52 longitude 251 elliptical 25 4
FPA see first point of Aries thermodynamics 161-8 longitudinal waves 96, 105-6 planets 254
fractions 6-7 henry 205 see also waves satellites 72 =
Fraunhofer lines 256 hints, examination questions 291— LST see local sidereal time ordinate 238
frequency 301 lumens 258 oscillations 87-95
alternating voltage 245 Hooke’s law 78 luminous flux 258 see also waves
angular 88 horizon line 250 oscilloscopes 244-6
circular motion 62 Hubble constant 257 machines 48-9 overtones 103-5
harmonics 104-5 hypermetropia 132 magnetic fields
wave motion 96 hypotenuse 12, 13 calculations 209-11 parallax method 255
X-rays 231 coils 210 parallel arrangements
fringes ideal engine 164 current carrying wires 197-9, capacitors 191-2
diffraction 114-15 ideal gases 153-60, 161-4 209 @als a5)
interference 101-2 impedance 213-16 left-hand rule 198 resistors 171-2
full scale deflection (FSD) 177-8 impulses 57 neutral points 209 springs 79
fundamental modes 103-5 indices 9 magnetic flux 203 parallelogram rule 20
fundamental quantities 15 induced nuclear reactions 235 magnetic flux density 198-200, parsec 255
fusion induction, electromagnetic 203-8 209 particle flux 229
latent heat 144 inductive reactance 213-14 magnetic forces 197-202 particles
nuclear 236-7 inductors 213-14 magnetic intensity 209 aand fp 228, 268
inelastic collisions 55 magnification 128, 137-8 charged 183-6, 199
galvanometers 177 insulating materials 147 magnitude, stars 258-9 wavelength 222
gammarays 268 intensity mass, force—acceleration PD see potential difference
gases 153-60 electric 183-6 relation 36-7 pendulums
adiabatic changes 163-4 magnetic 209 mass defect 234 conical 64-5
gas constant 155 sound 262-4 mass number 18, 226 simple 89-90
gas laws 153 stars 258-9 mass-energy relationship 234 percentages 7
ideal gases 153-60, 161-4 ultrasound 264-5 mathematical symbols 319 perfect gases see ideal gases
isothermal changes 163-4 intensity level 262 mean value, alternating periodic time
kinetic theory 156-8 intercepts 241 current 213 SHM_ 87, 89
thermodynamics 161-8 interference 98-106 medical physics 262-72 wave motion 96
work done 161-2, 166 constructive/destructive 99 meters, electrical 177-8, 190 permeability 197
geometry 12-13 stationary waves 102-6 microscope 137-8 permittivity 183, 191
geostationary orbit 72 Young’s slits 101-2 milliammeters 177-8 phase angle 97-8
glasses, vision correction 132 internal energy 141-52, 156-8 modes, calculators 4, 7-8 phase difference 245
graphs 238-49 internal resistance 174-5 molecules, speed 156-8 phasor representation
area under line 38, 243-4 international units see Systeme moles 18 alternating current 212
common forms 239-40 International moment of inertia 273-4 LCR circuits 214
exponential function 10 inverse square laws moments 24-6 SHM_ 87
force-extension 78 electrostatic 183 momentum photoconductors 171
gradient 240-2 radioactivity 229 angular 277-8 photoelectric emission 221-5
intercepts 241 solar radiation 257-8 linear 54-61 photons 221, 222
logarithmic 242-3 sound 262 collisions 55-6 physical quantities
plotting 238-9 ionising radiation 229, 266-71 conservation 54-5 dimensions 15-17
pressure-volume 166 isothermal changes 163-4 impulses 57 symbols 2
radioactive decay 226 isotopes 227-8 photon 222 pipes, stationary waves 105-6
SHM 87 motion pistons 161-2
stress-strain 81 circular 62-8 Planck constant 221
temperature-time 142 Kepler 72, 254 kinetic energy 45-8 planets 254-5
velocity—time 38 key words 4-5 linear 34 see also Earth
gravitation 69-77 kilowatt-hour 174 projectile 35-6 plotting graphs 238-9
field strength 70-1 kinetic energy 45-8 vertical 35-6 point charges 183-4
planets 254 collisions 55-6 moving-coil meters 177-8, 200 Polaris 250-1
satellites 72-3 electrons 185 multiples, SI units =o}, ails) potential, gravitational 71
gravity, free-fall 35-6 gas molecules 157 multiplication potential difference (PD) 170
gray (Gy) 267 rotational 276 brackets 7 electric fields 185-6
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 253 kinetic theory 156-8 exponents 9 induced 203
Greenwich meridian 251 Kirchhoff’s circuit laws 176 logarithms 11 sinusoidal 212
ground state 223 order 6 potential dividers 178-9
Gysee gray lag, LCR circuits 215 sign 3,6 potential energy 45-8
latent heat 144-5 multipliers, voltmeters 177 nucleons 235
half-life latitude 250 mutual induction 206 springs 78
biological 267 LCR circuits 214-18 myopia 131-2 power
capacitor discharge 193-4 LDR see light dependent resistor angular terms 277
radioactive decay 226-7, 266-7 left-hand rule 198, 203 Na see Avogadro’s number cells 175
half-thickness 229, 269 lenses 128-36 natural logarithms 11 dissipation 216-17
harmonics 103-5 combinations 130-1 negative numbers 7 distribution 219
health physics 262-72 eye 131-4 nodes 102 electrical 141, 174
hearing 262-4 light see lenses; optics; waves nuclear fission and fusion 236-7 lenses 130
heat light dependent resistor nuclear reactions 234-7 machines 48-9
alternating currents 213, 216-17 (EDR meta nucleon number see mass number powers 9-11
calorimetry 142-4 light-year 255 nucleus 226, 228 presbyopia 132


presentation, calculations 1 satellites 72-3

statics 20-31 vaporisation, latent heat 144-5
pressure, gases 156-7 scales, graphs 238-9 addition of forces 20-2 vectors
Pressure law 153 scans, ultrasound 264-5 moments 24-6 addition 20
pressure-volume cycle 166 scientific mode 8, 10 stationary waves 102-6 forces 20-31
Principle of Moments 24 self-induction 205 Stefan constant 256 velocity 32-6
projectile motion 35-6 series arrangements step index fibre 123 velocity 32-6
proportional limit 78, 81 capacitors 191-2 step-up transformer 218 angular 62, 273-5
proportionality 9 cells 175 Stokes’ law 38 electrons |169-70
proton number 226 LCR circuits 214-18 stored energy 45 graphs 38
protons 169 resistors 171 straight line graphs 239-41 SHM 90 |
Pythagoras’ theorem 12 springs 79 strain 80-2 terminal 38-9
thermal conductors 146-7 strain energy 78 ultrasound 264
Qvalue 234 SHA see sidereal hour angle stress 80-2 vernal equinox 254
OF see quality factor shells, electrons 223 strings vertical motion 35-6
quadratic equations 14 SHM see simple harmonic motion stationary waves 103-5 vibrations see simple harmonic
quality factor (QF), ionising shunts 177 wave speed 96 motion; waves
radiation 268-9 SI units see Systeme International submultiples, SI units 2-3, 319 viscosity 38-9
sidereal hour angle (SHA) 251 Sun 253-4 vision 131-4
RA see right ascension sidereal time 253 Sv see sievert Xs visual angle 137
radians 13 sievert (Sv) 268 symbols volt 170
radiation sight 131-4 electric circuits 171,319 voltage
protection 269 sign convention, lenses 128 mathematical 319 alternating 212-16
spectra 255-6 significant figures 11 physical quantities 2 divider 178-9
X-rays 231-2 simple harmonic motion ST units 2-3, 319 measurement 177-8, 244-5
radioactivity 226-30 (SHM) 87-95 Systeme International (SI) voltaic cells 171, 174-5
carbon dating 228-9 definition 87 units 2-3, 15,319 voltmeters 177-8
decay constant 226-7 energy 92 see also cathode ray oscilloscopes
medical uses 266-71 simple pendulums 89-90)
tangent, trigonometry 13
rates of change 12 simplifying fractions 6-7 watt 174
telescope 139-40
Rayleigh criterion 116 sine 13 wave number 98
reactance 213-14 sinerule 14 wavelength
change 141-4
reaction time 39 sinusoidal currents 212 black-body radiation 256
coefficient of resistance 173
reactions, nuclear 235 sketches de Broglie 222 ,,.
gradient 146
reading the question 1-2, 4-5 diagrams 2 Doppler effect 256-7
reciprocals 7,9 stars 256
graphs 239 refraction 121
stress effects 82-3
red shift 257 slits X-rays 231
tensile stress/strain 80-1
reflection, ultrasound 264-5 diffraction 112-15 waves 96-111
terminal velocity 38-9
refraction 119-27 interference 101-2 diffraction 112-18
tesla 198, 203
refractive index 119-21 slope, graph 240-2 interference 98-106
refrigerators 165 thermal conductivity 146-7
solar time 253 refraction 119-22
repulsion, current-carrying
thermal properties, matter 141-
solenoids 210 speed 96, 121
wires 197 solving equations 9 52
thermistors 171 stationary 102-6
resistance 171-5 sound weber 203
internal 174-5 thermodynamics 161-8
see also ultrasound; waves weight 18, 69
moving-coil meters 177-8 threshold of hearing 263
harmonics 105-6 WEE see work function energy
time constant 193-4
resistivity 172-3 intensity 262-4 Wien law 256
resistors 171-2 toppling 25-6
speed 96 wires
resolution toroids 210
specific heat capacity 141-4 electric current 169-70
forces 22 torque 200, 273
specific latent heat 144—5 magnetic fields 203-4
optical instruments 116 total internal reflection 122
spectacles 132 stationary waves 103-5
velocities 33 spectra transformers 218-19
transmission, electricity wave speed 96
resonance 217-18 diffraction gratings 113-14
supply 219 work 45-6
rest mass 234 stars 255-7
transmission gratings 112-14 angular terms 276
resultant, forces 20-2 X-rays 231
transverse waves see waves elasticity 78-9, 81
revision questions 280-90 speed 32
triangles 12-13 electric currents 173-4
revolutions, period 62 escape 71
trigonometrical ratios 13-14 electric field 185
theostats 171 gas molecules 156-8
turning effects 24-6 expanding gas 161-2, 166
right ascension (RA) 251 root mean square 157
see also torque gravitational potential 71
right-hand rule 203 waves 96-7, 121
potential difference 170
root mean square (RMS) spheres 13, 273
work function energy (WFE) 221
current 213 springs u see atomic mass unit workings, units 3
root mean square (RMS) Hooke’s law 78 U-value 147
speed 157 simple harmonic motion 87, 89 ultrasound 122, 264-6
roots 10 square roots 10, 11 uniform circular motion 62-8
X-rays 231-2, 268
rotating coils 206-7 stability 25-6 units 2-3
rotating radius, SHM_ 87 standard form 10 see also Systeme International Young’s modulus 78, 81
rotational dynamics 273-9 standing waves 102-6 conversion 17-18 Young’s slits 101-2
rough checks 14 stars 255-60 dimensions 15-17
rounding 11 see also Sun universal molar gas constant 155 zenith 250

Calculations for A-level Physics —
Fourth Edition
T.L.Lowe and J.F. Rounce:
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