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Committee: United Nations Human Rights Council

Country: United States of America
Topic: Combating discrimination and violence based on gender and sexual
orientation with special emphasis on promoting inclusivity and protection
for all individuals

Recognizes, the due course of the world problem at hand to combat

discrimination and violence, especially against the LGBTQ+ community,
the delegate of the United States Of America would like to make a
recommendation to the United Nations Human Rights Council(UNHRC),
committee on economic social and cultural rights (CESCR), Committee on
the elimination of racial discrimination (CERD), for the effective
implementation of the recommended actions,
Recommends, that the UNHRC member states to come together and put a
united front to combat the raised issues with the help of effective policies
and strategies,
The delegate of the United States of America recommends the following
1. Investigating, prosecuting, and providing remedy for acts of
violence, torture, and ill-treatment against LGBTI adults,
adolescents, and children, and those who defend their human rights
and strengthening efforts to prevent, monitor, and report such
2. Implement international human rights obligations without
discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity,
The Yogyakarta Principles are a useful tool to provide guidance for
implementing international human rights standards in relation to
sexual orientation and gender identity;Member states are also
encouraged to sign and ratify Protocol No 12 to the Convention on
Human Rights on the general prohibition of discrimination,
3. Monitor the effectiveness of the implementation of national
nondiscrimination legislation and involve national human rights
structures, including national structures for promoting equality, and
organisations representing LGBT persons in the monitoring process,
A regular monitoring mechanism should be put in place to this end,
4. Include homophobic and transphobic hatred explicitly as possible
motives in national legislation on bias-motivated crime and hate
speech; Crimes targeting individuals or groups of people because of
their perceived or real sexual orientation or gender identity should be
punished and the bias motive taken into account as an aggravating
5. Provide expertise and training to asylum officers and other related
professionals in order to ensure that LGBT asylum seekers are met in
a respectful, informed and sensitive way during the asylum
procedure; Procedures should be set up in a way that LGBT asylum
seekers feel safe to disclose their sexual orientation or gender
6. Abolish outdated classification systems which portray
homosexuality as an illness or disease,
7. Encourage systematic research and disaggregated data collection
concerning discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and
gender identity in all areas of life; LGBT-related questions should be
included in general attitude surveys and public opinion polls,
The United States of America stand ready to support and assist Member
States and other stakeholders as they work to address the challenges
outlined in this statement including through constitutional, legislative and
policy changes, strengthening of national institutions, and education,
training and other initiatives to respect, protect, promote and fulfill the
human rights of all LGBTI people.

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