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According to the Greeks, Chaos is the origin of everything, the empty, unfathomable space at the

beginning of time. Due to nothingness and forced energy, Gaia the Goddess of Earth was created. Gaia
as Mother Earth, was full of fertility and gave birth to Uranus, the God of Heaven, and Pontus, the God
of the Ocean. Uranus, her son fertilized her and she gave birth to Titans and monsters. Uranus was
disgusted with his sons: the Hecatoncheires and the Cyclops that’s why he locked them up in Tartarus,
his uncle, and the Underworld. Gaia also birthed Titans; one of them is Cronus, the youngest. Due to his
brother’s imprisonment, Cronus decided to kill his father. Uranus was badly wounded and from the drop
of his blood, the Furies, the Giants, and the Meliae. Cronus freed his brothers after their father’s death.
But due to an argument, Cronus put the Hecatoncheries and Cyclops in Tartarus. Meliae, the ash-tree
nymph gave birth to the first humans during Cronus’ reign. Cronus married his older sister, Rhea. They
had Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon. He swallowed them as soon as they were born out of
the concern that, as Gaia and Uranus warned him in his dream, they would overthrow him just as he had
done to his father. Zeus, who had been kept in hiding, eventually overcame Cronus to rescue his siblings.
The ascent of the Olympian deities, including Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, is symbolized by this. Hades
presided over the underworld, Poseidon over the seas, and Zeus over the gods and the skies. They
helped establish world peace.

B. The creation story of Greek Mythology is different from the creation story that we have in the Bible in
that the Book of Genesis in the Bible contains a monotheistic account of creation. It claims that a single,
all-powerful God created the world and everything in it. Greek mythology is polytheistic, with several
gods and goddesses participating in various aspects of the universe's and the world's creation. In
addition, According to the Bible, God's intention in creating the world was to bring about harmony and
order. Humans play a specific responsibility in the care of the Earth since they were made in God's
image. While in Greek creation stories don't always focus on a single reason for creation. They
frequently focus on the interactions and battles between the gods and titans, illuminating the arbitrary
character of the Greek pantheon.

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