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Patient leaflet in accordance with the nonprescription medications and dietary supplements, tell your ‫ من المهم بشكل خاص

ell your ‫ من المهم بشكل خاص إبالغ الطبيب أو الصيدلي‬.‫كان يُتوقع أن تتناول أدوية أخرى‬

Bayer AG
Pharmacists’ Regulations (Preparations) - 1986 doctor or pharmacist. Also tell your doctor or pharmacist if you may :‫إذا كنت تتناول‬
This medicine is dispensed with a doctor’s prescription only take other medicines. It is particularly important to inform the doctor or ‫قد تتأثر المواد الفعالة التالية أو مجموعات األدوية التالية إذا أعطِ يَت بالدمج مع تستوڨيرون‬
pharmacist if you are taking: :‫ديپو‬
The effect of the following active substances or groups of medicines may be
.)‫•أدوية لعالج العصبية واضطرابات النوم (باربيتورات ومسرّ عات اإلنزيم األخرى‬
influenced if administered in combination with Testoviron Depot:
• medicines to treat nervousness and sleep disorders (barbiturates and .)‫•أدوية لعالج األلم أو االلتهاب (أوكسيفينبوتازون‬
Testoviron® Depot other enzyme inducers)
• medicines to treat pain or inflammation (oxyphenbutazone)
‫•يمكن أن يزيد التستوستيرون تأثير األدوية المضادة لتخثر الدم (مضادات التخثر‬
‫ هناك حاجة إلى إجراء رقابة مشددة لحالة التخثر (فحوصات‬،‫ لذلك‬.)‫الفموية‬
Oily solution for injection • Testosterone can increase the effect of medicines preventing blood ‫) لدى المعالَجين الذين يتلقون‬INR ‫في أحيان قريبة أكثر لزمن البروثرومبين و‬
clotting (oral anticoagulants). In patients receiving treatment with oral .‫ ال سيما عند بدء العالج بتستوڨيرون ديپو وانتهائه‬،‫مضادات التخثر الفموية‬
anticoagulants, close monitoring of the clotting status (more frequent ‫ قد تكون هناك حاجة إلى مالءمة جرعة األدوية المستعملة‬.‫•أدوية لعالج السكري‬
prothrombin time and INR tests) is therefore required, especially at the ‫ كسائر اإلنسولينات األخرى‬،‫ ألن التستوستيرون‬،‫لموازنة مستويات السكر في الدم‬

page 2
start and end of treatment with Testoviron Depot. .‫قد يزيد تأثير اإلنسولين‬
Each 1 ml ampoule contains: • medicines to treat diabetes. It may be necessary to adjust the dose of
medicines used to regulate blood sugar levels, because testosterone, like
‫‏ (هرمون معين في الغدة النخامية) أو كورتيكوستيروئيدات‬ACTH•
testosterone enantate 250 mg ‫ أو‬ACTH ‫ قد يرفع إعطاء التستوستيرون و‬.)‫(هرمونات القشرية الكظرية‬
Inactive ingredients and allergens: See section 6 “Additional information”. other insulins, may enhance the effect of insulin.
• ACTH (a certain pituitary hormone) or corticosteroids (adrenal cortex ‫كورتيكوستيروئيدات في الوقت ذاته خطر حدوث وذمة (احتباس السوائل في‬
Read the entire leaflet carefully before you start using this medicine. ‫ ال سيما للمعالَجين الذين لديهم‬،‫ يجب إعطاء هذه العالجات بحذر‬،‫ لهذا‬.)‫األنسجة‬

Packaging Technology Berlin SGQCL

This leaflet contains concise information about this medicine. If you have hormones). Co-administration of testosterone and ACTH or corticosteroids
any further questions, consult your doctor or pharmacist. can increase the risk of edema formation (accumulation of fluid in the .‫مرض في القلب أو الكبد أو للمرضى الذين لديهم ميل لتطوير وذمة‬
This medicine has been prescribed to treat you. Do not pass it on to others. tissues). For this reason, these treatments should be administered with ‫ ألنه من المهم‬،‫يُرجى التأكد من أن تخبر طبيبك بأنك تعاني من اضطراب في النزيف‬
It may harm them, even if it seems to you that their medical condition is caution, especially in patients with heart or liver disease or in patients .‫أن يعرف طبيبك هذه المعلومات قبل أن يقرر حقن تستوڨيرون ديپو‬
similar to yours. prone to edema.
Please make sure you tell your doctor if you have a bleeding disorder, ‫تفاعالت محتملة إضافية‬
The medicine is not intended for children below the age of 12 years.
because it is important for your doctor to know this before deciding to inject ‫ "قبل‬2 ‫قد تؤثر األندروچينات في نتائج فحوصات أداء الغدة الدرقية (انظر أيضا البند‬
1) What is this medicine intended for? Testoviron Depot. .)"‫استعمال الدواء‬
• Testoviron Depot is intended to be used in adult men for testosterone Other possible interactions
replacement, to treat various health problems caused by testosterone ‫الحمل واإلرضاع‬
Androgens may affect the results of thyroid function tests (see also section
deficiency (male hypogonadism). Testosterone deficiency should be 2 “Before using this medicine”). ‫تستوڨيرون ديپو ليس معدا لعالج النساء ويُحظر استعماله لدى الحوامل أو‬
confirmed by two separate blood testosterone measurements in addition to Pregnancy and breastfeeding . ‫ا لمر ضعا ت‬
presented clinical symptoms such as: Testoviron Depot is not intended for use in women and must not be used in ‫ كثرة‬،‫) (حب الشباب‬Virilization( ‫قد يُسبب استعماله لدى النساء أعراض التذكير‬
- Impotence pregnant or breastfeeding women. .)‫ تغيير الصوت‬،‫الشعر‬
- Infertility Use in women may cause virilization symptoms (acne, excessive hair
- Reduced sex drive ‫اإلخصاب‬
growth, voice change).
- Tiredness .‫ وهكذا يلحق ضررا باإلخصاب‬،‫قد يعيق العالج بالتستوستيرون إنتاج المني بشكل مؤقت‬
- Depressive mood Fertility
- Bone loss caused by low hormone levels Testosterone treatment can temporarily suppress sperm production, ‫السياقة واستعمال الماكينات‬
thereby impairing fertility. ‫ليس هناك تأثير لتستوڨيرون ديپو إطالقا أو أنه يؤثر قليال جدا في القدرة على السياقة‬
Testoviron Depot may be used only when testosterone deficiency has
been confirmed clinically and by laboratory tests and when other possible Driving and using machines .‫وتشيغل الماكينات‬
underlying causes of the symptoms have been ruled out (see section 2 Testoviron Depot has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive and
use machines.
‫مكونات الدواء‬
ّ ‫معلومات مه ّمة عن قسم من‬
“Special warnings about using this medicine”). ‫ ملل من‬1 ‫‏ ملغ من بينزوات البينزيل في كل‬342.0‫يحتوي تستوڨيرون ديپو على ‏‬
• For treating delayed puberty in adolescent boys. Important information about some of this medicine’s ingredients
Testoviron Depot contains 342.0 mg of benzyl benzoate in each 1 mL .‫األمبولة‬
Only a doctor specializing in pediatric endocrinology is permitted to
use Testoviron Depot for puberty induction. The dosing schedule is ampoule. ‫كيف تستعمل الدواء؟‬3)
determined by the underlying clinical picture. 3) How to use this medicine? ‫ عليك أن تفحص مع الطبيب أو‬.‫يجب استعمال الدواء دائ ًما حسب تعليمات الطبيب‬
Therapeutic group: Testoviron Depot is a replacement for the male Always use this medicine according to your doctor’s instructions. Check .‫ي إذا لم تكن متأ ّكدًا فيما يتعلق بالجرعة وطريقة العالج‬
ّ ‫الصيدل‬
sex hormone testosterone and belongs to the group of medicines called with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure about your dose or about .‫الجرعة وطريقة العالج يحدّدهما الطبيب فقط‬
androgens. how to take this medicine. Only your doctor will determine your dose and
how you should take this medicine. :‫الجرعة الموصى بها عادة هي‬
2) Before using this medicine The recommended dosage is usually: ‫لعالج قصور عمل الغدد التناسلية الذكورية‬
Do not use this medicine if:
For male hypogonadism 250 ‫ ملل من تستوڨيرون ديپو (تعادل‬1 ‫الجرعة الدوائية األولية الموصى بها هي‬
• you are sensitive (allergic) to the active ingredient testosterone The recommended initial dose is 1 ml Testoviron Depot (equivalent to 250 ،‫ يمكن أن يالئم الطبيب الجرعة‬.‫ أسابيع‬3-2 ‫ كل‬،)‫ملغ من إنانثات التستوستيرون‬
enantate or to any of the other ingredients of this medicine. For the list mg testosterone enantate) every 2-3 weeks. The dosage can be adjusted .‫وفق الصورة السريرية ومستويات التستوستيرون التي يتم قياسها في المصل‬
of inactive ingredients, see section 6 “Additional information”, by the doctor, according to the clinical picture and the serum testosterone
• you have a prostate tumor or a breast tumor whose growth is levels measured. ‫ في‬.‫ قد تحدث حاالت من االنتصاب المتواصل والمؤلم خالل العالج‬،‫في حاالت نادرة‬
stimulated by male sex hormones (androgens), In rare cases, persistent and painful erections of the penis may occur during .‫ يجب تقليل الجرعة أو التوقّف عن العالج مؤقتا‬،‫هذه الحاالت‬
• you have or have had liver tumors, treatment. In such cases, the dosage must be reduced or the treatment ‫لعالج البلوغ الجنسي المتأخر لدى الشبان‬
• you have high blood calcium levels in the presence of cancerous temporarily stopped.
(malignant) tumors, ‫ ثم تتم‬،‫ في جزء منها تُعطى جرعات منخفضة‬.‫هناك عدد من أنظمة الجرعات المتبعة‬
• in newborn infants, For treatment of delayed puberty in adolescent boys ‫ حتى الوصول‬،‫ مع أو من دون تقليل الجرعة‬،‫زيادة الجرعة تدريجيا لتحفيز البلوغ‬
• in young children, There are several recommended dosing regimens. Some of them start ‫ تبدأ جرعات أخرى بجرعة عالية بهدف تحفيز البلوغ‬،‫ بالمقابل‬.‫إلى جرعة الصيانة‬
• in women. at low dosages, with a gradual increase upon puberty induction, with or
without dosage reduction, until the maintenance dosage is reached. Other ‫ يأخذ طبيبك بالحسبان العمر الزمني‬.‫ تكون جرعات الصيانة منخفضة‬،‫ثم بعد ذلك‬
Special warnings about using this medicine: dosing regimens start at high dosage for puberty induction and then low .‫وعمر العظام عندما يُحدد أنظمة الجرعة األولية وجرعة الصيانة على حد سواء‬
Talk to your doctor before you are administered Testoviron Depot, if you maintenance dosages. The chronological age and the bone age will be taken .‫ أشهر‬4
‫ ‏‬-6‫ لمدة‏‬،‫ أسابيع‬2
‫ ‏‬-4‫‏ ملغ كل‏‬50-200‫تكون الجرعات المتعبة غالبا‏‬
have/have had: into account when your doctor determines the dosing regimens, both the .‫يُمنع تجاوز الجرعة الموصى بها‬
- epilepsy initial and the maintenance dosage. The recommended dosages will usually
- heart, kidney or liver disease be in the range of 50-200 mg, every 2-4 weeks, for a period of 4-6 months. ‫ يجب‬.‫ يحقن الطبيب أو طاقم طبي فقط الدواء في عضل المؤخرة‬:‫طريقة التناول‬
- migraine Do not exceed the recommended dose. ‫حقن تستوڨيرون ديپو في العضل ببطء كبير تقليال لخطر حدوث ردود فعل جسمانية‬
- temporary pauses in your breathing while you are asleep (sleep apnea), Mode of administration: The injection will be performed only by the .‫ يجب الحقن في العضل بعد فتح األمبولة فورا‬.)"‫(انظر البند "األعراض الجانبية‬
as these may get worse. doctor or the medical staff into the buttock muscle. Testoviron Depot
- cancer, as calcium levels in your blood may have to be ‫ فــي فتــرات منقطعة‬،‫يقيــس الطبيــب مســتوى التستوســتيرون فــي دمــك قبــل بــدء العــاج‬
should be injected into the muscle very slowly to reduce the risk of physical ‫ قــد يقــرر‬،‫ إذا كان مســتوى التستوســتيرون منخفضــا جــدا‬.‫ وعنــد انتهائــه‬،‫خــال العــاج‬
regularly checked. reactions (see section “Side effects”). The intramuscular injection should be
- high blood pressure or if you are being treated for high blood pressure, as ‫ أمــا إذا كان مســتوى التستوســتيرون‬.‫الطبيــب أن يحقنــه لــك فــي أحيــان قريبــة أكثــر‬
performed immediately after opening the ampoule. ّ ‫ ال تتخـ‬.‫ قــد يقــرر الطبيــب أن يحقنــه لــك فــي أحيــان بعيــدة أكثــر‬،‫مرتفعــا جــدا‬
‫ـط مواعيــد‬
testosterone can lead to a rise in blood pressure.
Your doctor will measure the testosterone level in your blood before the start ‫ إذا‬.‫ ال يمكــن الحفــاظ علــى مســتويات التستوســتيرون لديــك بشــكل مثالــي‬،‫ وإال‬.‫الحقــن‬
- blood clotting problems:
of treatment, occasionally during treatment and at the end of treatment. If the .‫ توجــه إلــى الطبيــب‬،‫شــعرت أن تأثيــر تســتوڨيرون ديپــو قــوي جــدا أو ضعيــف جــدا‬
- bleeding disorders (i.e. hemophilia)
testosterone level is too low, your doctor may decide to give you injections
- thrombophilia (a blood clotting disorder that increases the risk of ‫تعليمات العالج بالمستحضر‬
more frequently. If your testosterone level is too high, your doctor may decide
blood clots forming in the blood vessels).
to give you injections less often. Do not miss your injection appointments. ‫ يمكن استعمال المحاليل‬.‫قبل االستعمال يجب فحص محلول الحقن فحصا مرئيا‬
- factors that increase the risk for blood clots in a vein: previous blood
Otherwise, your optimal testosterone levels cannot be maintained. If you .‫ الخالية من الجزيئات فقط‬،‫الصافية‬
clots in a vein, smoking, obesity, cancer, immobility, if one of your
feel that the effect of Testoviron Depot is too strong or too weak, contact .‫ يجب التخلص من أية فضالت غير مستعملة‬.‫تستوڨيرون ديپو مع ّد لالستعمال لمرة واحدة‬
immediate family members has had a blood clot in the leg, lung or other
your doctor. .‫ ال يجوز خلط تستوڨيرون ديپو مع أدوية أخرى‬،‫نظرا لنقص المعلومات من األبحاث‬
organ at a young age (e.g. below the age of 50); or as you get older.
Instructions for handling the preparation
How to recognise a blood clot: painful swelling of one leg or a sudden ‫ ال داعي التباع‬،‫ جرعة أعلى من الجرعة الموصى بها‬،‫ت عن طريق الخطأ‬ ِ ‫إذا تناول‬
The solution for injection must be visually inspected prior to use. Only clear,
change in color of the skin, e.g. turning pale, red or blue, sudden .‫وسائل عالج خاصة سوى إيقاف الدواء‬
particle-free solutions may be used.
shortness of breath, sudden unexplained cough which may bring up
blood; or sudden chest pain, headache, severe dizziness, severe
Testoviron Depot is intended for single use. Any unused residues must be ‫ تو ّج ْه فورا إلى الطبيب أو إلى غرفة‬،‫إذا ابتلع طفل من الدواء عن طريق الخطأ‬
discarded. .‫عبوة الدواء‬
ّ ‫الطوارئ التابعة للمستشفى مصطحِ بًا معك‬
abdominal pain, sudden vision loss. Seek urgent medical attention if you
In the absence of information from studies, Testoviron Depot must not be
experience one of these symptoms. .‫عليك المواظبة على العالج وفقًا لتوصية الطبيب‬
mixed with other medicines.
• Male hormones may increase the growth of prostate cancer and prostate ّ
‫ ال يمكن الحفاظ على مستويات التستوستيرون‬،‫ وإال‬.‫تتخط مواعيد الحقن الخاصة بك‬ ‫ال‬
If you have accidentally taken a higher dose than recommended, no
enlargement (benign prostatic hyperplasia). Before administering .‫لديك بشكل مثالي‬
special therapeutic measures are required other than discontinuing the
Testoviron Depot, your doctor should check you for the presence of prostate ‫ ال يجوز لك التوقف عن العالج بالدواء‬،‫حتى إذا طرأ تحسن على حالتك الصحية‬
cancer. If you are elderly, there may be an increased risk of developing
If a child has accidentally swallowed some medicine, immediately see a .‫من دون استشارة الطبيب‬
prostate enlargement when androgens such as Testoviron Depot are used.
doctor or go to a hospital emergency room and bring the medicine package
There is no clear evidence that androgens actually cause prostate cancer,
with you. ّ ‫يُمنع تناول األدوية في الظالم! تحقّق من الملصق على‬
‫عبوة الدواء ومن الجرعة‬
but androgens can increase the growth of existing prostate cancer. .‫ظارات الطبّية إذا كنت بحاجة إليها‬ّ ‫ ضع الن‬.‫مرة تتناول فيها دواء‬
ّ ‫الدوائيّة في ك ّل‬
• Testoviron Depot can be used for the treatment of reduced testicular Adhere to the treatment as recommended by your doctor.
function only in cases of confirmed (hyper or hypogonadotropic) Do not miss your injection appointments. Otherwise, your optimal .‫ استشِر الطبيب أو الصيدلي‬،‫إذا كانت لديكَ أسئلة إضافية تتعلّق باستعمال الدواء‬
dysfunction and after prior exclusion of other underlying causes of the testosterone levels cannot be maintained.
symptoms. Testosterone deficiency must be clearly shown to be present Even if your health improves, do not stop taking this medicine without ‫األعراض الجانبية‬4)
by clinical signs, such as regression of secondary sex characteristics, consulting your doctor. ‫ قد يسبّب استعمال تستوڨيرون ديپو أعراضًا جانبية لدى بعض‬،‫كجميع األدوية‬
changes in body composition, rapid onset of fatigue, reduced sex drive and Do not take medicines in the dark! Check the label and dose every ‫ فمن المحتمل ّأل تعاني من‬.‫ ال تفزع عند قراءة قائمة األعراض الجانبيّة‬.‫المستخدِمين‬
erection problems (impotence), it must be confirmed by two independent time you take medicine. Wear glasses if you need them. .‫ي ٍ منها‬
ّ ‫أ‬
measurements of blood testosterone levels. If you have any further questions about using this medicine, consult ‫ ألم‬:‫انتشارا التي شوهدت أثناء الحقن أو بعد الحقن فورا هي‬ ‫األعراض الجانبية األكثر‬
• Testoviron Depot should be injected into muscle only. Based on ً
your doctor or pharmacist. .‫أو ضيق في التنفس‬/‫ سعال و‬،‫وحكة (احمرار) في موقع الحقن‬
experience, the brief reactions that occur in rare cases during or
immediately after injection of oily solutions (persistent cough, coughing 4) Side effects :‫أعراض جانبية أخرى‬
fits, shortness of breath) can be avoided by injecting the solution very Like with all medicines, using Testoviron Depot may cause side effects in
some users. Do not be alarmed by this list of side effects; you may not ‫‏ مستعمل‬100‫‏ من أصل‏‬10-1 ‫‏– قد تحدث لدى‬‎‎‫‏)‏‬common‫أعراض جانبية شائعة (‏‬
slowly. ‫ ارتفاع الهيماتوكريت (حجم خاليا‬:‫اضطرابات في جهاز الدم والجهاز اللمفاوي‬-
experience any of them.
Tests and follow up .‫ وارتفاع الهيموچلوبين‬،‫ ارتفاع تعداد خاليا الدم الحمراء‬،)‫الدم الحمراء‬
A thorough medical examination is required before starting treatment with The most common side effects observed during or immediately after the
Testoviron Depot. Prostate cancer must be ruled out at this stage. During injection are: pain and itching (redness) at the injection site, cough and/or ‫ مستعمل‬1‫ ‏‬0,000‫‏ من أصل‏‬10-1 ‫‏– قد تحدث لدى‬‎ ‎‫‏)‏‬rare‫أعراض جانبية نادرة (‏‬
treatment, careful and regular medical examinations of the prostate and shortness of breath. ‫ انصمام رئوي صغير ناتج‬:‫ والعمليات‬،‫ التسمم‬،‫عفات مرتبطة باإلصابات‬ َ ‫ ُمضا‬-
breast must be performed in accordance with currently established Additional side effects: .‫عن محاليل دهنية‬
examination methods (at least once a year, or twice a year in elderly Common side effects - may affect 1-10 in 100 users
patients and patients at risk). - Blood and lymphatic system disorders: increase in hematocrit (red blood ‫ ال‬- )‫‏‬unknown frequency‫أعراض جانبية وتيرة انتشارها غير معروفة (‏‬
In addition to regular checks of blood testosterone levels, the following cell volume), increase in red blood cell count and increase in hemoglobin. ‫يمكن تقييم مستوى االنتشار استنادا إلى المعلومات المتوفرة‬
laboratory parameters should be regularly monitored during treatment with Rare side effects - may affect 1-10 in 10,000 users .‫ ألم في البطن‬،‫ تورم‬،‫ إسهال‬،‫ إمساك‬:‫اضطرابات في الجهاز الهضمي‬-
Testoviron Depot: hemoglobin (red blood pigment) and hematocrit (total - Complications related to injuries, poisoning and surgeries: pulmonary )‫ أورام حميدة (غير سرطانية‬:)‫أورام حميدة وخبيثة (بما في ذلك الكيسات والسالئل‬-
volume of red blood cells), as well as liver enzymes, lipid panel. Testosterone micro-embolism caused by oily solutions. .‫وخبيثة (سرطانية) في الكبد‬
measurements should always be performed in the same laboratory. Side effects of unknown frequency - the frequency of these side effects ‫ ارتفاع كريات الدم الحمراء بشكل‬:‫اضطرابات في جهاز الدم والجهاز اللمفاوي‬-
Venous thromboembolism cannot be estimated form the existing information .)erythrocytosis ,polycythemia( ‫ملحوظ‬
Events of venous thrombosis and embolism, including deep vein thrombosis - Gastrointestinal disorders: constipation, diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain. .‫ ردود فعل فرط التحسس‬:‫اضطرابات في جهاز المناعة‬-
and pulmonary embolism, have been reported in patients using testosterone - Benign and malignant neoplasms (including cysts and polyps): benign ،‫ نتائج غير سليمة في فحوصات أداء الكبد‬:‫اضطرابات في الكبد ومسالك المرارة‬-
containing preparations, such as Testoviron Depot. (non-cancerous) and malignant (cancerous) liver tumors. .)‫اصفرار الجلد والعينين (يرقان‬
Contact the doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms: - Blood and lymphatic system disorders: significant increase in red blood
- Pain, edema, warmth and redness in the lower extremities. The doctor ‫ ردود فعل جلدية مختلفة (تشتمل على‬:‫اضطرابات في الجلد والنسيج تحت الجلد‬-
cells (polycythemia, erythrocytosis).
will perform an evaluation for deep vein thrombosis. .)‫ وتساقط الشعر‬،‫ حكة‬،‫ شرى‬،‫ احمرار‬،‫حب الشباب‬
- Immune system disorders: hypersensitivity reactions.
- Acute shortness of breath. The doctor will perform an evaluation for - Hepatobiliary disorders: abnormal liver function test results, yellowing of ‫ ردود فعل مختلفة في موقع‬:‫اضطرابات عامة وحاالت مرتبطة بمنطقة الحقن‬-
pulmonary embolism. the skin and eyes (jaundice). .‫ والتهاب‬،‫ تورم‬،‫ تصلب الجلد‬،‫ حكة‬،‫ بما في ذلك ألم‬،‫الحقن‬
Tumors - Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders: various skin reactions (including .)‫‏‬PSA‫ ارتفاع مستضد خاص بغدة البروستات (‏‬:‫فحوصات مخبرية‬-
Androgens such as testosterone can accelerate the progression of pre- acne, redness, hives, itching and hair loss) .‫ تقلص العضالت‬:‫ والنسيج الضام‬،‫اضطرابات في الجهاز الهيكلي وجهاز العضالت‬-
existing prostate cancer or non-cancerous prostate enlargement (benign - General disorders and injection area conditions: various injection .‫ وتعب‬،‫ صداع‬،‫ اكتئاب‬،‫ عدوانية‬،‫ عصبية‬:‫اضطرابات في جهاز األعصاب‬-
prostatic hyperplasia). site reactions, including pain, itching, skin hardening, swelling and ‫ف‬ُ ‫ص‬ِ ‫ اضطرابات في ال َم ْن‬،‫ الصدر‬،‫اضطرابات في المسالك التنفسية‬-
Cancer patients with bone metastases may have high calcium levels in the inflammation. ‫ حاالت توقف التنفس لفترة قصيرة أثناء النوم (انقطاع التنفس‬:)mediastinum(
blood and urine. Caution should therefore be exercised during treatment - Laboratory tests: increase in prostate-specific antigen (PSA). .‫ عداوى في المسالك التنفسية العلوية‬،)‫النومي‬
with Testoviron Depot (see in section 2 “Do not use this medicine if”). For - Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders: muscle cramps.
- Nervous system disorders: nervousness, aggressiveness, depression,
،)libido( ‫ تغييرات في الرغبة الجنسية‬:‫اضطرابات في الجهاز التناسلي والثدي‬-
this reason, it is recommended that calcium levels be regularly monitored in ‫ يؤدي استعمال جرعات عالية من التستوستيرون غالبا إلى‬،‫ارتفاع وتيرة االنتصاب‬
these patients during treatment with Testoviron Depot. headache and fatigue.
- Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders: brief cessations in ‫ ونتيجة لذلك‬،‫اضطراب قابل لالنعكاس أو انخفاض قابل لالنعكاس في إنتاج المني‬
Cases of both benign (non-cancerous) and malignant (cancerous) liver breathing during sleep (sleep apnea), upper airway infections. ‫ يمكن أن يؤدي استعمال تستوڨيرون‬،‫ في حاالت نادرة‬.‫انخفاض حجم الخصيتين‬
tumors have been observed after the use of testosterone preparations. In - Reproductive system and breast disorders: altered sex drive (libido), ‫ديپو لعالج أداء الخصيتين المنخفض (قصور عمل الغدد التناسلية الذكورية) إلى‬
isolated cases, these tumors may cause internal bleeding, which may be increased erection frequency; high-dose use of testosterone generally
life-threatening. Tell your doctor if you experience unusual pain in the upper ‫ سرطان‬،‫ شذوذ في البروستات‬،)priapism( ‫حاالت انتصاب مؤلمة ومتواصلة‬
causes a reversible interruption or reversible reduction in sperm ‫البروستات (المعلومات ليست قاطعة فيما يتعلق بالعالج بالتستوستيرون واحتمال‬
abdomen that does not stop within a short period of time. production and hence a decrease in testicular size. In rare cases, use of
Other illnesses ‫ تضخم‬،‫ آالم في الثديين‬.‫ كذلك إلى انسداد تدفق البول‬،)‫تطور سرطان البروستات‬ ّ
Testoviron Depot to treat reduced testicular function (hypogonadism) can .)gynecomastia( ‫الثديين لدى الرجال‬
If you are suffering from severe heart, liver or kidney disease, treatment cause painful and persistent erections (priapism), prostate abnormalities,
with Testoviron Depot may cause serious complications manifested by fluid prostate cancer (data are inconclusive with respect to association ‫ تغييرات في الكهارل‬،‫ ارتفاع الوزن‬:‫اضطرابات في أيض المواد والتغذية‬-
retention in your body, sometimes accompanied by heart failure. In such between testosterone treatment and the risk of developing prostate ‫ والفوسفاتات غير العضوية‬،‫ الكالسيوم‬،‫ البوتاسيوم‬،‫ الكلور‬،‫(احتباس الصوديوم‬
cases, treatment must be stopped immediately. cancer), as well as urinary flow obstruction. Breast pain, male breast .‫أو أثناء العالج على األمد الطويل‬/‫ عند إعطاء جرعات عالية و‬،)‫والماء‬
The following blood tests will be carried out by your doctor before and during enlargement (gynecomastia). ‫قد يصل محلول تستوڨيرون ديپو الدهني إلى الرئتين (انصمام رئوي صغير يحدث‬
treatment: testosterone blood level, complete blood count. - Metabolism and nutrition disorders: weight gain, electrolyte changes ،‫ ويؤدي في حاالت نادرة إلى عالمات وأعراض مثل السعال‬،)‫نتيجة المحاليل الدهنية‬
Tell your doctor if you have high blood pressure or if you are treated for (retention of sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium and inorganic
phosphates and water) at high doses and/or during long-term therapy.
‫ شعور بـ "وخز‬،‫ دوار‬،‫ آالم في الصدر‬،‫ تعرّ ق مفرط‬،‫ شعور عام سيء‬،‫ضيق التنفس‬
high blood pressure, as testosterone may cause a rise in blood pressure. ‫ قد تحدث ردود الفعل هذه أثناء الحقن أو بعده فورا وهي‬.‫وإبر" (وخزات) أو إغماء‬
Caution should be exercised in patients predisposed to fluid accumulation The oily solution of Testoviron Depot can get into the lungs (pulmonary
micro-embolism caused by oily solutions), which, in rare cases, cause signs .)‫ يكون العالج غالبا عالجا داعما (توفير األكسجين‬.‫قابلة لالنعكاس‬
in the tissues (edema), as treatment with androgens such as testosterone
may increase sodium retention (see section 4 “Side effects”). and symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, generally feeling unwell, ‫ وكذلك عن نمو الشعر المفرط على الجسم‬،‫عدوانية‬/‫كانت هناك تبليغات عن عدائية‬
The restrictions on the use of intramuscular injections that apply to patients intense sweating, chest pain, dizziness, sensation of “pins and needles” .‫ عند العالج بأدوية تتضمن التستوستيرون‬،‫والوجه‬
with acquired or congenital blood clotting disorder, must be observed at (pricking) or fainting. These reactions may occur during or immediately after
the injection and are reversible. The treatment is usually supportive care ‫ يرجى أن تخبر الطبيب‬،‫إذا شعرت بأعراض جانبية بعد استعمال تستوڨيرون ديپو‬
all times. Caution should be exercised in patients with hypercoagulability, ‫ األعراض الجانبية التي قد تتطلب منك‬.‫ الذي سيتخذ خطوات تصحيحية‬،‫المعالِج‬
since hypercoagulability has been reported in this patient group during (oxygen administration).
testosterone treatment in studies and post-marketing reports. Hostility/aggression, as well as increased growth of body and facial hair, ‫ "تحذيرات‬2 ‫ مفصّلة في البند‬،‫استشارة الطبيب فورا أو التي تتطلب إيقاف العالج‬
Testoviron Depot should be used with caution in patients with epilepsy or have been reported to occur upon treatment with testosterone-containing ."‫خاصّة متعلّقة باستعمال الدّواء‬
migraine, as these disorders may worsen. medicines. ‫ أو إذا عانيت من‬،‫أي من األعراض الجانبية‬
ٌّ ‫ إذا تفاقم‬،‫إذا ظهر عارض جانبي‬
Testosterone and its derivatives can increase insulin sensitivity, thereby If you experience side effects after the use of Testoviron Depot, please .‫ عليك استشارة الطبيب‬،‫ي لم يُذكَر في النشرة‬
ّ ‫عارض جانب‬
reducing the dosages of insulin or other antidiabetic medicines needed tell the attending doctor, who will decide on any corrective measures to be
for treatment. If you are being treated with insulin or other antidiabetic taken. Side effects for which you may need to consult a doctor immediately, ‫من الممكن إبالغ وزارة الصحّة بأعراض جانبيّة من خالل الضغط على الرابط‬
medicines, your doctor will closely monitor your blood sugar level, especially or which require discontinuation of treatment, are listed in section 2 “Special ‫"اإلبالغ عن أعراض جانبيّة نتيجة العالج دوائي" الموجود على الصفحة الرئيسية‬
at the start and end of treatment with Testoviron Depot. warnings about using this medicine”. ‫يحولك إلى استمارة على‬
ّ ‫) الذي‬www.health.gov.il( ‫في موقع وزارة الصحّة‬
Pre-existing sleep apnea (brief cessations in breathing during sleep) may If you experience any side effect, if any side effect gets worse, or :‫ أو عبر دخول الرابط‬،‫اإلنترنت لإلبالغ عن األعراض الجانبيّة‬
get worse. when you experience a side effect not mentioned in this leaflet, ‎‫‏‬https://sideeffects.health.gov.il
Certain signs, such as irritability, nervousness, weight gain, persistent or consult your doctor.
excessively frequent erections, may indicate that the effect of Testoviron Side effects can be reported to the Ministry of Health by following the link ‫كيف يُخزّ ن الدواء؟‬5)
Depot is too strong. In this case, please talk to your doctor. ‘Reporting Side Effects of Drug Treatment’ on the Ministry of Health home ‫ بعيدًا عن‬،‫ في مكان مغلق‬،‫ وك ّل دواء آخر‬،‫•تجنّب التس ّمم! يجب حفظ هذا الدواء‬
page (www.health.gov.il) which links to an online form for reporting side ‫ ال تسبب‬.‫ وهكذا تتجنّب التس ّمم‬،‫أو األطفال‬/‫متناول أيدي ومجال رؤية األوالد و‬
Do not continue to use Testoviron Depot if symptoms indicating too strong
an effect persist or return during treatment at the recommended dosage. effects, or by using this link: https://sideeffects.health.gov.il .‫التقيؤ دون تعليمات صريحة من الطبيب‬
Testoviron Depot is not suitable for the treatment of male sterility. 5) How to store the medicine? ‫) الظاهر على‬exp. date( ‫•يُمنَع استعمال الدواء بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصالحية‬
• Avoid poisoning! To avoid poisoning, keep this, and all other medicines, .‫ تاريخ انتهاء الصالحيّة يُنسب إلى اليوم األخير من نفس الشهر‬.‫العبوة‏‬ّ
Effect of Testoviron Depot on thyroid laboratory tests
Androgens can affect the results of certain laboratory tests (thyroid test). in a closed place, out of the reach and sight of children and/or infants. ‫عبوة الكرتون حفاظا‬
ّ ‫ احتفظ باألمبولة في‬.‫‏‬‎30°C‫‏‏‬‎‫•يجب التخزين بدرجة حرارة تحت‬
If you are scheduled for such a test, tell the attending doctor that you are Do not induce vomiting unless explicitly instructed to do so by a doctor. .‫عليها من الضوء‬
receiving testosterone treatment. However, the concentrations of the • Do not use the medicine after the expiry date (exp. date) that appears on .‫•يجب استعمال األمبولة بعد فتحها فورا‬
hormones investigated in these tests and responsible for the hormone effect the package. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month. ‫•قبل االستعمال يجب فحص المحلول فحصا مرئيا واستعماله فقط إذا كان صافيا‬
remain unchanged. This means that symptoms such as those associated • Store at a temperature below 30˚C. Keep the ampoule in the carton .‫وخاليا من الجزيئات‬
with an underactive thyroid are unlikely. package to protect from light. .‫ يجب التخلص من فضالت الحقنة‬.‫•تستوڨيرون ديپو مع ّد لالستعمال لمرة واحدة‬
Special populations • Use the ampoule immediately after opening.
Elderly individuals (65 years and older) • The solution must be visually inspected prior to use, and should be used ‫معلومات إضافية‬6)
There is limited experience with safety and efficacy of using Testoviron Depot only if it is clear and free of particles. :‫ يحتوي الدواء أيضًا على‬،‫•إضافة إلى المادة الفعّالة إنانثات التستوستيرون‬
in patients above the age of 65. However, it should be taken into account that • Testoviron Depot is intended for single use. Any injection residues must castor oil, benzyl benzoate
physiological testosterone levels in the blood decrease with increasing age. be discarded. :‫العبوة‬
ّ ‫•كيف يبدو الدواء وماذا تحوي‬
If you are over the age of 65, the doctor will generally not adjust (increase) 6) Additional information .‫تستوڨيرون ديپو هو محلول دهني صاف وأصفر‬
your dose. • In addition to the active ingredient testosterone enantate, this medicine 100 ‫ ملل أو‬1 ‫ُسوق المستحضر في عبوات تتضمن أمبولة واحدة تحتوي على‬ ّ ‫ي‬
If your liver is no longer working properly also contains: .‫ ملل‬1 ‫أمبولة يحتوي كل منها‬
No formal studies have been conducted in patients with impaired liver castor oil, benzyl benzoate ‎ ‎.‫العبوات‬
ّ ‫أحجام‬ ‫كل‬ ‫ق‬ ‫سو‬
ّ ُ ‫ت‬ ‫ال‬ ‫قد‬
function. Testosterone treatment should therefore proceed with caution if • What the medicine looks like and contents of the pack: ‫ هود‬،36 ‫ شارع هحاراش‬،.‫ض‬.‫ بايير إسرائيل م‬:‫•صاحب التسجيل وعنوانه‬
your liver is no longer working properly. If you have or have ever had a Testoviron Depot is a clear yellowish oily solution. .‫‏‬45240 ‫هشارون‬
tumor in the liver, the doctor will not prescribe you Testoviron Depot (see The preparation is marketed in packs of one ampoule containing 1 ml or
section 2 “Do not use this medicine”). 100 ampoules containing 1 ml each. ‫ ‏‬‎.‫ ألمانيا‬،‫ برلين‬،.‫ جي‬.‫ بايير اي‬:‫•اسم ال ُمنتج وعنوانه‬
If your kidneys are no longer working properly Not all pack sizes may be marketed. .‫ وفق تعليمات وزارة الصحة‬2021 ‫تم تحريرها في آذار‬
No formal studies have been conducted in patients with impaired kidney • Registration holder’s name and address: Bayer Israel Ltd., 36
Hacharash St., Hod Hasharon 45240. :‫رقم تسجيل الدواء في سجل األدوية الرسمي في وزارة الصحة‬
function. Testosterone treatment should therefore proceed with caution if 048 61 23357 00
your kidneys are no longer working properly. • Manufacturer’s name and address: Bayer AG, Berlin, Germany.
Children and adolescents Revised in March 2021 according to MOH guidelines.
The safety and efficacy of Testoviron Depot in children aged up to 12 years Registration number of the medicine in the National Drug Registry of the
have not been established. Ministry of Health:
In adolescent boys, Testoviron Depot may be used only after careful 048 61 23357 00
consideration of the benefit/risk balance. Testosterone may accelerate bone
maturation as a result of conversion to estrogen, a female sex hormone,
thereby reducing adult height. Upon long term treatment or administration of DOR-TEST-SOL-0421-04 DOR-TEST-SOL-0421-04
a higher dose, radiological bone age measurements should be conducted at
regular intervals.
Effects of misuse for doping purposes
The use of Testoviron Depot can lead to a positive result in doping tests.
Androgens such as those contained in Testoviron Depot are not suitable
for enhancing muscular development in healthy individuals or for boosting
physical performance.
It is impossible to predict the health consequences of using Testoviron

Depot as a doping agent; serious health risks cannot be ruled out (see
section 4 “Side effects”).

Drug abuse and dependence

Always take this medicine exactly as the doctor or pharmacist has told you.
Abuse of testosterone, especially if you take too much of this medicine or
in combination with other anabolic androgenic steroids, may cause serious
health problems to your heart and blood vessels (that may lead to death),
mental health and/or the liver.
Individuals who have abused testosterone may become dependent and
may experience withdrawal symptoms when the dose changes significantly
or is stopped immediately. Do not abuse this medicine or in combination
with other anabolic androgenic steroids because it carries serious health
risks (see section “Side effects”).
Drug interactions
If you are taking or have recently taken other medicines, including

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