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2. Good management is essential for the success of any organization.

Managers are responsible for

setting goals, providing leadership, and developing their team members. They also play a critical role in
ensuring that employees are compensated fairly and that company policies and procedures are

Companies should expect their managers to meet the following expectations:

Set clear goals and expectations for employees. Managers should communicate to their employees what
is expected of them in terms of their job duties, performance standards, and deadlines. This helps to
ensure that employees are aligned on the company's goals and objectives, and that they are working
towards the same outcomes.

Provide employees with the resources and support they need to succeed. This includes providing
employees with adequate training, access to necessary equipment and supplies, and opportunities for
professional development. When employees have the resources and support they need, they are more
likely to be successful in their roles and contribute to the company's success.

Monitor employee performance and provide regular feedback. Managers should regularly review
employee performance and provide feedback to employees on their strengths and areas for
improvement. This helps employees to stay on track and to identify areas where they can develop their
skills and knowledge. Regular feedback also helps to build trust and rapport between managers and

Recognize and reward employee accomplishments. Managers should recognize and reward employees
for their hard work and achievements. This helps to motivate employees and to create a positive work
environment. When employees feel appreciated, they are more likely to be engaged and productive.

Create a positive and supportive work environment. Managers should create a work environment where
employees feel respected, valued, and supported. This includes fostering a culture of teamwork,
collaboration, and open communication. When employees feel comfortable and supported, they are
more likely to be happy and productive in their roles.

In the scenario provided, Sam Smith is failing to meet a number of these expectations as a manager. For
example, he is not setting clear expectations for his employees, he is not providing them with the
support they need to succeed, and he is not monitoring their performance effectively. As a result,
employees are taking advantage of the situation and working fewer hours than they are being paid for.

3. Time tracking is essential for any company to ensure accurate payroll and compliance with wage and
hour laws. In the scenario above, Sam's failure to properly track employee time records is having a
number of negative consequences for the company, including increased costs, legal risks, and
operational disruptions.

For example, employees who are not properly clocking in and out may be working more hours than they
are being paid for, which could result in wage and hour violations. Additionally, employees who are
taking more time off than they are entitled to could put a strain on the company's resources and disrupt
The company is also at risk of financial and legal consequences if employees are being overpaid or
underpaid. It is important for the company to have a system in place to verify employee time records
and ensure that employees are being paid accurately.

From an ethical standpoint, it is unfair to employees if some employees are being paid accurately while
others are being overpaid or underpaid. It is also unfair to employees who are following the rules if Sam
is not enforcing the company's time tracking and attendance policies.

4. Benefits are additional forms of non-cash compensation that employers provide to their employees.
Common benefits include vacation and sick leave, family and medical leave (FMLA), health insurance,
and retirement savings plans.

In the scenario provided, Sam Smith, Director of Accounting at GGI, is mismanaging vacation and sick
leave and FMLA. This is leading to a number of ethical issues, including:

Inequitable distribution of benefits: Some employees are accruing vacation and sick leave while others
are forced to use theirs. This is unfair and can lead to decreased employee morale. Also, there are
Potential legal issues involved If employees are not being properly compensated for vacation and sick
leave, or if they are taking more FMLA leave than they are entitled to, the company could face legal

The mismanagement of benefits can also have a negative impact on the company's bottom line.
Employees who are not able to take time off when they need to may be less productive and more likely
to leave the company. Employees who are taking more time off than they are entitled to can put a strain
on the company's resources.

It is important for employers to manage benefits in a fair and ethical manner. This will help to create a
more positive work environment for employees and improve the company's bottom line.

5. The ethical components of compensation and benefits include:

Fairness: Employees should be compensated fairly for their work, regardless of their gender, race,
ethnicity, or other protected characteristics.

Transparency: Employees should be aware of the company's compensation and benefits policies. This
includes knowing how their pay is determined, what benefits they are eligible for, and how to access
those benefits.

Accountability: Managers are accountable for ensuring that compensation and benefits are managed
fairly and ethically. This means following the company's policies and procedures, and being responsive
to employee concerns.
Managers have a number of ethical duties related to compensation and benefits, including:

To treat employees with respect: Managers have a duty to treat employees with respect and dignity.
This includes compensating them fairly and providing them with the benefits that they are entitled to.

To avoid conflicts of interest: Managers should avoid conflicts of interest when making decisions about
compensation and benefits. For example, a manager should not approve their own pay raise or benefits

To comply with the law: Managers have a duty to comply with all applicable laws and regulations related
to compensation and benefits. This includes paying employees a minimum wage and overtime pay, and
providing them with certain benefits, such as health insurance.

Is pay fairness an ethical or legal issue?

Pay fairness is both an ethical and legal issue. It is ethical because employees deserve to be
compensated fairly for their work. It is also legal because there are a number of laws and regulations
that require employers to pay employees fairly. For example, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
requires employers to pay employees a minimum wage and overtime pay. The Equal Pay Act (EPA)
prohibits employers from paying employees different wages based on their sex for performing the same
or substantially similar jobs.

Ethical issues related to compensation

There are a number of ethical issues related to compensation, including:

Executive compensation: Executive compensation has been criticized for being excessive, especially in
relation to the pay of ordinary workers. This can lead to resentment and distrust among employees.

Pay equity: Pay equity refers to the practice of paying all employees fairly, regardless of their gender,
race, ethnicity, or other protected characteristics. Pay inequity is a serious ethical issue because it can
lead to discrimination and economic inequality.

Off-the-books pay: Off-the-books pay is compensation that is not reported to the government. This can
be done to avoid paying taxes or to avoid complying with labor laws. Off-the-books pay is an ethical
issue because it can harm employees and the government.

Ethical issues related to the scenario

In the scenario of Sam Smith, Director of Accounting at GGI, there are a number of ethical issues related
to compensation and benefits. Sam is not properly tracking employee time records, which is leading to
employees being paid for hours that they did not actually work. He is also not following the company's
disciplinary policy for attendance, which is creating an unfair situation for employees who are following
the rules.

Sam's actions are also raising concerns about compliance with the law. The FLSA requires employers to
keep accurate time records of employees' hours worked. If Sam is not doing this, GGI could be fined by
the government.

It is important for employers to manage compensation and benefits in a fair and ethical manner. This
includes following the law, being transparent with employees about their compensation and benefits
policies, and treating employees with respect.Employers should also be aware of the potential ethical
issues related to compensation, such as excessive executive compensation, pay inequity, and off-the-
books pay.

6. Slide Title: Impact of Major Federal Employment Legislation and Regulations on Human Resources
Compensation and Benefits Packages

Bullet Points:

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

Sets minimum wage and overtime pay requirements.

Requires employers to keep accurate time records of employees' hours worked.

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Provides eligible employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year for certain family and medical

Employers must continue to provide health insurance benefits to employees on FMLA leave.

Speaker Notes:

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a major federal law that sets minimum wage and overtime pay
requirements for employees. The FLSA also requires employers to keep accurate time records of
employees' hours worked.

In the scenario above, Sam Smith, Director of Accounting, is not following FLSA requirements by failing
to properly track employee time records and by approving incorrect time cards. This could result in
employees being paid overtime for hours that they did not actually work, and it could also result in
employees being paid for hours that they did not actually work.

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is another major federal law that protects employees' rights
to take unpaid leave for certain family and medical reasons. The FMLA also requires employers to
continue to provide health insurance benefits to employees on FMLA leave.

In the scenario above, Sam Smith is not ensuring that employees are properly inputting their
intermittent FMLA hours in the timekeeping system. This could result in some employees taking more
than 12 weeks of FMLA leave per year, while others are taking less than 12 weeks of leave per year. This
is unfair to both the employees and the company.

Impact of Sam Smith's actions on GGI

Sam Smith's actions could have a number of negative consequences for GGI, including:

Increased labor costs: GGI may be paying employees for hours that they did not actually work.

Reduced productivity: Employees may be less productive if they know that their time records are not
being tracked accurately.

Increased risk of lawsuits: GGI could be sued by employees for FLSA violations or for violating the FMLA.

Damage to reputation: GGI's reputation could be damaged if employees believe that the company is not
treating them fairly.


I recommend that GGI take the following steps to address the issues raised in the scenario:

Investigate the allegations further. GGI should interview Sam Smith and other employees to get a better
understanding of the situation.

Discipline Sam Smith. If the allegations are found to be true, GGI should discipline Sam Smith
appropriately. This could include disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Implement new timekeeping procedures. GGI should implement new timekeeping procedures to ensure
that employee time records are tracked accurately. This could include using a biometric timekeeping
system or requiring employees to clock in and out on a computer.

Provide training to employees on company policies and procedures. GGI should provide training to
employees on company policies and procedures, including the company's timekeeping policy and the
company's FMLA policy.

By taking these steps, GGI can help to protect itself from legal liability and create a more fair and
equitable workplace for all employees.

7. Technology can be used to manage compensation and benefits more quickly, easily, and accurately in
a number of ways. Biometric timekeeping systems, FMLA leave tracking systems, and human resources
software are just a few examples of technology solutions that can be used to improve the efficiency and
accuracy of compensation and benefits management.

In the case of Sam Smith, Director of Accounting, at GGI, the technology solutions listed above could be
used to help manage compensation and benefits more quickly, easily, and accurately. For example, a
biometric timekeeping system would eliminate the need for employees to manually clock in and out,
and it would help to ensure that time records are accurate. An FMLA leave tracking system would help
GGI to track employees' FMLA leave usage and ensure that employees are not taking more than 12
weeks of leave per year. A human resources software solution would help GGI to manage all aspects of
compensation and benefits, including payroll, timekeeping, and FMLA leave tracking.

By implementing these technology solutions, GGI could help to address the mismanaged compensation
and benefits issues caused by Sam Smith's actions.
In addition to the benefits listed above, using technology to manage compensation and benefits can also
help to improve the overall employee experience. For example, employees may appreciate having the
ability to access their compensation and benefits information online or through a mobile app.
Employees may also appreciate having the ability to submit their time cards and FMLA leave requests

Overall, using technology to manage compensation and benefits can help employers to save time and
money, reduce the risk of errors, and improve the overall employee experience.

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