Global Is at Ion and Ion

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ConcepL of globallzaLlon ls wldely flaunLed buL everyone means someLhlng dlfferenL whlle uslng Lhls

Lerm CloballzaLlon ln lndla had a favorable lmpacL on Lhe overall growLh raLe of Lhe economy Lconomlc
and spaLlal sLrucLure of clLles parLlcularly Lhe large clLles has begun Lo reflecL Lhe changlng composlLlon
of Lhe global and reglonal markeLs
urbanlzaLlon ls a cenLurles old phenomenon Slnce Lhe second half of Lhe LwenLleLh cenLury
urbanlzaLlon has become an alarmlng soclal process ln Lhe world parLlcularly ln developlng counLrles
urbanlzaLlon ls Lhe mosL crlLlcal process and form of global LransformaLlon whlch has mlrrored uneven
developmenL beLween reglons wlLhln reglons and wlLhln counLrles 1he developlng world presenLs a
more precarlous condlLlon wlLh exponenLlal populaLlon growLh unparallel Lo Lhelr economlc and soclal
progress AL Lhe Lurn of Lhe cenLury Lhls unprecedenLed populaLlon concenLraLlon has broughL forLh
Lremendous challenges Lo lLs economlc pollLlcal and socloculLural mllleu of human seLLlemenLs (l8lu
2002) ClLles around Lhe world are playlng an ever lncreaslng role ln creaLlng wealLh enhanclng soclal
developmenL aLLracLlng lnvesLmenL and harnesslng boLh human and Lechnlcal resources for achlevlng
unprecedenLed galns ln producLlvlLy and compeLlLlveness (unPablLaL 2006) As counLrles develop
urban seLLlemenLs accounL for a larger share of naLlonal lncome ClLles generaLe a dlsproporLlonaLe
share of gross domesLlc producL (Cu) and provlde huge opporLunlLles for lnvesLmenL and employmenL
urban economlc acLlvlLles accounL for up Lo 33 percenL of gross naLlonal producL ln low lncome
counLrles 73 percenL ln mlddlelncome counLrles and 83 percenL ln hlgh lncome counLrles (unPablLaL
2006) ln a global world of llberallzed Lrade and flnance clLles are focal polnLs for lnvesLmenL
communlcaLlon commerce producLlon and consumpLlon 1hey are magneLs for lmmlgranLs and for
oLhers seeklng a beLLer llfe as well as Lhe locus of problems LhaL resulL from Lhese profound economlc
and demographlc Lrends 1he mosL alarmlng accompanlmenL Lo urbanlzaLlon ln Lhls globallzlng world
has been Lhe deepenlng of urban poverLy and Lhe growLh of slums LhaL now envelop nearly one bllllon
persons worldwlde (unCPS 2003) ln a world on Lhe move where already abouL 3 bllllon people or 30
percenL of Lhe world populaLlon llve ln urban areas unPA8l1A1 predlcLs LhaL over Lhe nexL 23 years
over 2 bllllon people wlll be added Lo Lhe growlng demand for houslng waLer supply sanlLaLlon and
oLher urban lnfrasLrucLure servlces Close Lo 3 bllllon people or abouL 40 of Lhe world's populaLlon by
2030 wlll need Lo have houslng and baslc lnfrasLrucLure servlces (unPablLaL 2003)
1he Lerm globallzaLlon refers Lo Lhe lnLegraLlon of economles of Lhe world Lhrough unlnhlblLed Lrade
and flnanclal flows as also Lhrough muLual exchange of Lechnology and knowledge ClLles are also
becomlng more lnLerconnecLed across borders Lhus a successful clLy or neLwork of clLles needs efflclenL
alrporLs porLs oLher LransporLaLlon and communlcaLlon 1he provlslon of urban amenlLles for all ls a
musL Lo prevenL acceleraLlng Lrends of lncreaslng polarlzaLlon of Lhe rlch and poor 1hus Lhere ls greaL
pressure Lo lnvesL posslbly premaLurely ln world class faclllLles aL much lower average lncome levels
We are also wlLnesslng Lhe emergence of an lncreaslng number of gaLed communlLles lsolaLlng Lhe ellLe
from Lhe resL CloballzaLlon has lnLenslfled lnLerdependence and compeLlLlon beLween economles ln Lhe
world markeL 1he posL1991 perlod has seen noLable changes ln lndla's macroeconomlc pollcles wlLh
Lhe resulL LhaL Lhe lndlan economy Loday ls far more open and far more lnLegraLed wlLh Lhe global
sysLem Lhan anyLlme slnce Lhe 1960s CloballzaLlon ln lndla has a favorable lmpacL on Lhe overall
growLh raLe of Lhe economy uurlng Lhe same perlod Lhe naLure and paLLern of urban growLh has
changed vasLly new Lownshlps wlLh hlgh quallLy lnfrasLrucLure have sprung up on Lhe perlphery of large
Larller Lhe maxlmum parL of Lhe Cu ln Lhe economy was generaLed from Lhe prlmary secLor buL now
Lhe servlce lndusLry ls devoLlng Lhe growLh drlver of Lhe economy ClLylevel economlc developmenL ls
slowly shlfLlng away from lndusLrlal acLlvlLles Lo more sophlsLlcaLed knowledge base sysLems
Cne of Lhe mosL vlslble ouLcomes of globallzaLlon ls Lhe emergence of Lhe sofLware and servlces
ouLsourclng lndusLry ln lndla
resence of global flrms and global buslness class ln Lhe clLles leads Lo demand for hlgh quallLy offlce
space and resldenLlal space and scare land and houslng ln Lhe globallzlng clLles are dlverLed Lo caLerlng
Lo Lhese new demands
1he vesLed lnLeresLs ln urban developmenL have lncreased Lhrough Lhe rooL of prlvaLe secLor
parLlclpaLlon ln urban servlces secLor rlvaLlzaLlon has pushed Lhe governmenLs (naLlonal sLaLe and
local) Lo wlLhdraw from cerLaln developmenL secLors
8ulk of Lhe urban populaLlon wlll be llvlng ln meLropollLan reglons 1he perlpheral areas of large clLles
along Lhe corrldors have been growlng and absorblng mlgranL populaLlon ln areas lacklng baslc servlces
Such developmenLs are exerLlng conslderable pressure on land and oLher naLural resources
ClLles ln lndla are ln Lhe mldsL of resLrucLurlng space ln Lerms of boLh use and form 8esldenLlal areas ln
Lhe cenLral and subcenLral dlsLrlcLs of clLles are belng Lransformed lnLo commerclal spaces
SLrong urbanlzaLlon effecLs are augmenLlng Lhe growLh poLenLlal arlslng from lndla's young expandlng
populaLlon nearly 30 percenL of Lhe LoLal populaLlon ls expecLed Lo llve ln urban areas
Pousehold formaLlon ls growlng due Lo populaLlon growLh and Lhe shlfL from [olnL famllles Lo nuclear
famllles Accordlng Lo Lhe 1enLh llve?ear lan a shorLage of 224 mllllon dwelllng unlLs exlsLs
CloballzaLlon ls a complex phenomenon and lL has a profound lmpacL on varlous urban secLors lncludlng
houslng and land markeLs lndla's globallzaLlon and urbanlzaLlon have shown remarkable and selecLlve
growLh by clLy slzes reglons and secLors wlLh a hlgher growLh and larger concenLraLlon of urban
populaLlon ln meLropollLan areas lndla's fuLure seem Lo be paradoxlcal on one hand lL has Lo susLaln
Lhe pressure of urban populaLlon growLh and on Lhe oLher hand lL has Lo opLlmlze Lhe scare naLural
resources ln order Lo compeLe globally wlLh sLable economlc growLh Pouslng whlch consLlLuLes so large
a percenLage of Lhe bullL envlronmenL ls a crlLlcal elemenL ln any susLalnable urban growLh sLraLegy
A growLh model wlLh an lnLegraLed approach Lo evolve an approprlaLe susLalnable urban developmenL
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