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Analysis of the dataset Elements of national wealth by book value

Orlan Galiy, CS-2206


This report examines the trajectory of a nation's national wealth from 2009 to 2022, shedding light on
the diverse elements contributing to its economic prosperity. National wealth, a critical barometer of
economic health, encapsulates tangible and intangible assets, providing a comprehensive picture of a
country's economic standing. The analysis focuses on key indicators such as total national wealth, non-
financial assets, and net financial assets, offering insights into the evolving economic landscape.

The data reveals notable trends in non-financial assets, emphasizing the role of produced assets and
material capital in wealth accumulation. Furthermore, a scrutiny of net financial assets unveils the
nation's financial robustness, gauging its ability to meet financial obligations. As we delve into specific
components like inventories and durable goods, the report also explores the impact of consumer goods
on the standard of living and economic growth. This comprehensive examination aims to equip
policymakers and stakeholders with valuable insights for strategic planning and informed decision-
making, fostering sustained economic well-being.


National wealth:

Overall information:

National wealth
90000 000.0
80000 000.0
70000 000.0
60000 000.0
50000 000.0
40000 000.0
30000 000.0
20000 000.0
10000 000.0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Mean: 41 802 614,1

Median: 41 792 895,2

Mode: Na/N
Range: 70 797 461,6

Variance: 4,504E+14

Standard Deviation: 22130450,77

Non-financial assets:

Overall information:

Non-financial assets
120000 000.0

100000 000.0

80000 000.0

60000 000.0

40000 000.0

20000 000.0

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Mean: 57 794 018,5

Median: 55 724 796,1
Mode: Na/N
Range: 95 548 425,5
Variance: 1,016E+15
Standard Deviation: 32668697,36

Produced assets:

Overall information:
Produced assets
120000 000.0

100000 000.0

80000 000.0

60000 000.0

40000 000.0

20000 000.0

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Mean: 57 794 018,5

Median: 55 724 796,1
Mode: Na/N
Range: 95 548 425,5
Variance: 1,016E+15
Standard Deviation: 32668697,36

Main Capital:
Overall information:

Main Capital
100000 000.0
90000 000.0
80000 000.0
70000 000.0
60000 000.0
50000 000.0
40000 000.0
30000 000.0
20000 000.0
10000 000.0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Mean: 47 525 960,3
Median: 46 676 681,2
Mode: Na/N
Range: 76 058 622,9
Variance: 7,035E+14
Standard Variance: 27259571,93

Main Material Capital:

Overall information:

Main Material Capital

100000 000.0
90000 000.0
80000 000.0
70000 000.0
60000 000.0
50000 000.0
40000 000.0
30000 000.0
20000 000.0
10000 000.0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Mean: 47 525 960,3

Median: 46 676 681,2
Mode: Na/N
Range: 76 058 622,9
Variance: 7,035E+14
Standard Variance: 27259571,93

Inventories of working capital:

Overall information:

Inventories of working capital

25000 000.0

20000 000.0

15000 000.0

10000 000.0

5000 000.0

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Mean: 10 020 740,8

Median: 9 048 115,0
Mode: Na/N
Range: 18 425 324,5
Variance: 2,75E+13
Standard Deviation: 5291384,815

Overall information:

1200 000.0

1000 000.0

800 000.0

600 000.0

400 000.0

200 000.0

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Mean: 247 317,3
Median: 0,0
Mode: 0.0
Range: 1 064 478,1
Variance: 1,983E+11
Standard Deviation: 433705,5706

Net financial assets:

Overall information:

Чистые финансовые активы*

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
-5000 000.0

-10000 000.0

-15000 000.0

-20000 000.0

-25000 000.0

-30000 000.0

-35000 000.0

Mean: -15 991 404,4

Median: -13 931 901,0
Mode: Na/N
Range: 28 399 027,5
Variance: 1,189E+14
Standard Deviation: 10836805,49
Consumer durable goods:
Overall Information:

Consumer durable goods

5000 000.0
4500 000.0
4000 000.0
3500 000.0
3000 000.0
2500 000.0
2000 000.0
1500 000.0
1000 000.0
500 000.0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Mean: 2 527 549,5

Median: 2 348 051,6
Mode: Na/N
Range: 3 048 314,5
Variance: 1,174E+14
Standard Deviation: 10836805,49


The analysis of the national wealth data from 2009 to 2022 reveals several key trends and

1. Overall National Wealth Growth:

The national wealth has shown a consistent upward trend over the years, with a substantial
increase from 11,906,806.2 in 2009 to 82,704,267.8 in 2022. This growth indicates positive
economic development and increased prosperity.

2. Composition of National Wealth:

Non-financial assets and produced assets contribute significantly to the national wealth, with
values consistently higher than other components. This suggests a robust foundation of tangible
assets in the country.

3. Main Capital and Material Capital:

The main capital, comprising both material and non-material assets, has experienced steady
growth, indicating ongoing investments in infrastructure and productive assets. The mean value
for main capital is 47,525,960.3, demonstrating the substantial economic base.

4. Inventories of Working Capital:

The inventories of working capital, representing the reserves of material resources, have also
increased over time. This indicates prudent management of resources to support economic

5. Net Financial Assets:

The net financial assets, however, show a consistent negative trend over the years, indicating a
reliance on borrowing or external financing. Efforts may be needed to address this imbalance and
improve the country's financial position.

6. Consumer Durable Goods:

Consumer durable goods have shown a positive trend, reflecting an increase in the availability
and consumption of such goods. This could be indicative of rising living standards and increased
consumer spending.

7. Values:
The values component shows a noticeable increase from 389,696.7 in 2019 to 1,064,478.1 in
2022. This could be associated with the growing importance of intangible assets and intellectual
property in the economy.

In summary, the overall trajectory of national wealth is positive, with growth in tangible assets,
capital, and consumer goods. However, attention should be given to addressing the negative
trend in net financial assets to ensure a more balanced and sustainable economic outlook.
Additionally, the increasing importance of intangible assets suggests a shifting economic
landscape that may require strategic planning and policy considerations.

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