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Classroom Expectations:

 Week 1 opens on a Wednesday and ends that Saturday.
 For Weeks 2 - 7, each week will open on Sunday and end that Saturday.
 Week 7.5 overlaps with Week 7, so pay close attention and remember that you
will be working in both Weeks 7 and 7.5 that Friday and Saturday.
 The course ends on a Monday and all work needs to be completed and submitted
in Blackboard by that day.

Discussion Participation:
 To fully engage in discussion, a good strategy is to submit your initial post by
Wednesday for Weeks 2 - 7 and make 3 reply posts within the week.
 Discussion posts need to be spread out over at least 3 different days within the
week, to earn the most points possible.
 Remember that Weeks 1 and 7.5 are shorter, which gives you slightly less time to
get your discussion posts in by the end of those weeks.

 All assignments and discussion posts from each student will be graded with
instructor feedback by Thursday of the following week.
 If you have any questions about your course or assignments, there is an “Ask
Your Instructor” button on the navigation panel.
 Your instructor will respond to all questions asked via the Ask Your Instructor or
through email within 24-48 hours.

Academic Integrity:
 As a student, the concept of “academic integrity” means that you are doing what
you're being asked to do in your courses and as part of your degree program
with the express purpose of learning the material and practices the college has
deemed necessary to receive a particular degree.
 Students may be subject to disciplinary action, ranging from failing an
assignment or course to suspension or dismissal from Bryant & Stratton College
for poor conduct that violates the standards of academic integrity. Such behavior
could include:
o Cheating – According to the Bryant & Stratton College Catalog, cheating
includes, but is not limited to:
 Inappropriate collaboration or carrying out conduct which the
student knew or should have known provided him with an unfair
advantage in the course
 Use of any course materials for which distribution and use has been
specifically prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to,
materials found on crowdsourcing sites, such as Course Hero,
Grade Buddy, and Koofers. Note: uploading work to or
downloading work from sites such as Course Hero constitute
 Use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, or
examinations or in completing assignments
 Use of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing
papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out
 The acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic
material belonging to a member of the College faculty or staff
 Taking another student’s or person’s academic work
 Completing a paper or assignment for another student
 Engaging in any behavior specifically prohibited by a faculty
member in the course syllabus or class discussion.
o Plagiarism - According to the Bryant & Stratton College Catalog,
plagiarism includes, but is not limited to:
 “Self-plagiarism,” where a student reuses significant, identical, or
nearly identical portions of his own work without acknowledging
that he is doing so or without citing the original work
 Use of purchased reports or other material misrepresented as the
student’s work
 Use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or
unpublished work of another person without full and clear
 Unattributed use of materials prepared by another person or
agency engaged in the selling of assignments or other academic

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