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Culminating Performance Task

Subject: Personal Development

Subject Description: This course makes senior high school students aware of the developmental stage
that they are in, for them to better understand themselves and the significant people
around them as they make important career decisions as adolescents. The course
consists of modules, each of which addresses a key concern in personal
development. Using the experiential learning approach, each module invites
students to explore specific themes in their development. Personal reflections,
sharing, and lectures help reveal and articulate relevant concepts, theories, and
tools in different areas in psychology.
Grade Level: 11
Culminating The learner writes and develops a personal journal about his/her life as a soon-to-
Performance Standard: be STEM, ABM, HUMSS, SPORTS, PROGROB, FBS/HK professional/
Transfer Goal: The learner reflects and applies the developmental processes and philosophical
ideas that they learned in explaining their personal experiences and development as
Performance Task My Development Journal – the learner writes a journal to apply the developmental
Scenario: processes and philosophical ideas in discussing life experiences.

Goals:  Your task is to write and develop your journal describing your life as a soon-to-be
STEM, ABM, HUMSS, SPORTS, PROGROB, FBS/HK professional/practitioner.
 The goals are to understand your development and well-being and discover the meaning
of life which will help you decide in your journey as a soon-to-be STEM professional/
 The lessons that you have learned from various personal development and philosophical
ideas and theories will help you formulate and write your development journal.
Roles:  You are a soon-to-be STEM, ABM, HUMSS, SPORTS, PROGROB, FBS/HK
professional/practitioner who is in the process of understanding yourself, your well-
being, and decisions in life that will help you to become a better person.
Audience:  The target audience is yourself alongside your personal and spiritual development. In
this way, you can make yourself better which can benefit the people around you.
Situation:  You are an adolescent who is struggling to figure out the things surrounding you. You
are having a hard time understanding your feelings, emotions, thoughts, philosophy and
behaviors as well as career decisions that have a great impact on your gradual
development as a human. As an intervention, you write and develop a personal journal
to understand your life as an adolescent.
Performance/ You will have to do the following:
Product: 1. Read the instruction and journal format provided by the teacher.
2. Write a journal about yourself every week. You can use any medium (digital/
traditional) to write your journal.
3. Make sure that your journal corresponds to the needed information and shows your
developmental and philosophical journey as a STEM, ABM, HUMSS, SPORTS,
PROGROB, FBS/HK student.
4. Design an appropriate and visually appealing journal before the submission at the
end of the semester.
5. Submit your accomplished journal on or before March 11, 2024.
1. Title/ Cover Page
2. Introduction
3. Getting to Know You (Introduce Yourself)
4. Mood Meter (Weekly)
5. Wellness Scale (Health, School, Leisure)
6. My Development Journal (Quadrant - Weekly)
6.1. How was my week?
6.2. What were the things I discover about myself this week?
6.3. What were the challenges I encounter this week?
6.4. What are STEM-related skills I develop this week?
6.5. My Reflection
7. My Proud Activities/ Achievements
8. Freedom Sheet
Expected Performance/Product by 3rd Quarter: Expected Performance/Product by 4th Quarter:
Week 1 – 8 – My Development Journal Accomplished My Development Journal
(Including the PT Outputs)
Standards: The content of the journal should tackle a:

 detailed explanation and specific descriptors of observation of experiences.

 This should be highly organized and logical in sequence and integrates the ideas
and concepts of personal development into the experiences.
 The journal should also provide good inferences, deeper meaning, and a high
level of critical thinking in expressing the experiences in the journal.
 In terms of creativity, this must be well-crafted, organized, and well-designed. The
journal experiences should provide a reflective impact that can inspire one another
and relates to the development of the person to his/her strand choice.

Finally, your development journal will be evaluated based on the following rubric.
Highest Possible 100/100
Score/ Grade:

Developin Functional | Proficient |
Criteria Advanced | 95-100% Grade
g | 1-50% 51-80% 81-94%
Retelling of Provides a detailed explanation and specific descriptors of observation of
Experiences experiences; writes the journal in a highly organized way with a logical
sequence; and clearly indicates the ideas and concepts of personal
development in their experiences.
Analysis of Makes excellent various inferences and comprehends the deeper meaning
Experiences of the experiences; exhibits a high level of critical thinking in expressing
the learning, experiences, and development; and possesses straightforward
and coherent ideas concerning their development.
Creativity & Exhibits a well-crafted, organized, and well-designed development journal;
Design the colors, lay-out, designs, and fonts used are excellently appropriate and
complement the journal of the person; the designs exactly reflect the
personality of the person.
Relevance and Demonstrates the relevance of the experiences and development to the
Adherence to the strand they chose; experiences and development are indicated in the
Strand (STEM) journal; the development of the person regarding his/her chosen strand is
and Emilian visible to his/her exhibited experiences; and proper adherence to the
Reflection/ Provides a critical and thematic reflection towards themselves and the
Personal strand they chose; exhibits a well-written personal response to the
Response challenges imposed in the journal; and creates a reflective impact that
allows readers to be inspired by the challenges and experiences of the
Performance Rating

Prepared by:

Mr. Reginaldo M. Rico Jr. Mr. Mark Justine de Honor

Subject Teacher Subject Teacher
Checked by:

Mr. Charls Vincent P. Dela Peña

HUMSS Strand Coordinator
Mr. Ed Allen R. Uriarte
Assistant Principal
Approved by

Juzy Laygo-Saguil, Ph. D.


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