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10131123, 5:44 PM_——_Surveying to Assess Human Secury and Regional Slabilly Dynamics in the Wake of Ethni Violence & Forced Migration: A Ban, Surveying to Assess Human Security and Regional Stability Dynamics in the Wake of Ethnic Violence & Forced Migration: A Bangladesh Perspective Dear Respondent, This questionnaire is designed to study "Human Security and Regional Stability Dynamics in the Wake of Ethnic Violence and Forced Migration: Bangladesh Perspective" for academic purpose. The questionnaire consists of both the quantitative questions that require you to choose from a set of options or provide numerical answers & qualitative questions that require you to provide descriptive answers in your own words. The questionnaire should take about 30 minutes to complete. The information you provide will help better understand the research question. This is entirely an academic research being undertaken as part of research work and please note that your participation in this survey is voluntary, any information that you share will be. used with professional confidentiality. if you would like, the general findings of this research will be made available to you. Iwill be greatly thankful for sparing some time in filling up the enclosed questionnaire in a frank manner. Your responses will he kept strictly confidential and used only for academic purposes. Thanking you, in advance, for your help in furthering this research endeavor. Research Supervisor Dr. Nelofar Pai Professor ntps:docs. google. comiformstat Wo3-Dp2C._ wetUp20AyrxDGRD}pziMNXoUNWBREMNIHwedlt7ts°653%062 a0 10/31/23,544 PM Surveying to Assess Human Securily and Regional Sibilty Dynamics inthe Wake of Ethnic Violence & Forced Migration: A Ban Department of Political Science University of Dhaka. Research Scholar Md, Rafi Rezwan Department of Political science University of Dhaka 1. What is your name? 2. Whats your age? 3. What is your ethnicity? ntps:docs. google. comiformstat Wo3-Dp2C._ wetUp20AyrxDGRD}pziMNXoUNWBREMNIHwedlt7ts°653%062 20 10131123, 5:44 PM_———_Surveying to Assess Human Secury and Regional Slabilly Dynamics in the Wake of Ethie Violence & Forced Migration: A Ban, 4. What is your religion? 5. Whatis your level of education? 6. Whats your current occupation? 7. Where do you currently live? Untitled Section 8. How aware are you of the ethnic violence in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) and the forced migration of the Rohingya from Myanmar to Bangladesh? Mark only one oval. Very aware (_) Somewhat aware ) Not very aware —) Not aware at all ntps:docs. google. comiformstat Wo3-Dp2C._ wetUp20AyrxDGRD}pziMNXoUNWBREMNIHwedlt7ts°653%062 30 10131123, 5:44 PM_———_Surveying to Assess Human Secury and Regional Slabilly Dynamics in the Wake of Ethie Violence & Forced Migration: A Ban, 9. How do you get information about these issues? (You can choose more than one option) Check all that apply. Newspapers Television Radio Internet Social media Word of mouth Other 10. How do you perceive the ethnic violence in the CHT and the forced migration of the Rohingya as threats to human security in Bangladesh? (You can choose more than one option) Check all that apply. [_] They threaten the physical safety of people. [_) They threaten the economic well-being of people. (| They threaten the social cohesion of people. [_) They threaten the political stability of people. (| They threaten the cultural diversity of people. [_] They threaten the environmental sustainability of people. [J They do not pose any threat to human security (J other / 410 10131123, 5:44 PM_———_Surveying to Assess Human Secury and Regional Slabilly Dynamics in the Wake of Ethie Violence & Forced Migration: A Ban, 11. How do you perceive the ethnic violence in the CHT and the forced migration of the Rohingya as threats to regional stability dynamics in South Asia? Check all that apply. [1 They increase the risk of conflict with Myanmar. [_) They increase the risk of conflict with other neighboring countries. [1 They increase the risk of terrorism and extremism. [_] They increase the risk of human trafficking and smuggling, (1 They increase the risk of infectious diseases and epidemics, [_) They increase the risk of natural disasters and climate change. (J They do not pose any threat to regional stability dynamics. (J other 12. To what extent has ethnic violence in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) impacted your sense of security? (On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “not at all" and 5 being “very much") ‘Mark only one oval. Not Very Much 13. How do you rate your level of support for the rights and demands of people from different ethnic groups? (Use a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is very low and 5 is very high) Mark only one oval. Very Very High / st0 0191/23, 544 PM 14, 15, 16. ‘Surveying to Assess Human Security and Regional Sabilty Dynamics inthe Wake of Ethnic Violence & Forced Migration: A Ban. How do you rate your level of agreement with the following statement: "People from different ethnic groups should have equal respect and recognition for their culture and religion in Bangladesh." (On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being "strongly disagree" and 5 being "strongly agree") Mark only one oval. Stro Strongly Agree How do you rate your level of agreement with the following statement: "People from different ethnic groups should have equal responsibility and contribution for the development and security of Bangladesh." (Ona scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being "strongly disagree" and 5 being "strongly agree") Mark only one oval. Stro Strongly Agree How would you rate the effectiveness of government policies and programs in addressing ethnic violence in CHT? Mark only one oval. —_) Ineffective ) Neutral O Effective ntps:docs. google. comiformstat Wo3-Dp2C._ wetUp20AyrxDGRD}pziMNXoUNWBREMNIHwedlt7ts°653%062 eto 10131123, 5:44 PM_——_Surveying to Assess Human Secury and Regional Slabilly Dynamics in the Wake of Ethni Violence & Forced Migration: A Ban, 17. Do you believe that interfaith dialogue and cultural understanding can contribute to peace building and reconciliation in the Chittagong Hill Tracts? Mark only one oval. ) Yes 18. To what extent has the forced migration of Rohingya people from Myanmar impacted your sense of security? (On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “not at all” and 5 being "very much") Mark only one oval. Not Very Much 19. To what extent do you believe that forced migration of Rohingyas from Myanmar has affected the demographics of your region? Check all that apply. C1 significantly (|) Moderately C1 slightly (J Notat all ntps:docs. google. comiformstat Wo3-Dp2C._ wetUp20AyrxDGRD}pziMNXoUNWBREMNIHwedlt7ts°653%062 m0 0191/23, 544 PM 20. 21. 22. ‘Surveying to Assess Human Security and Regional Stabilty Dynamics inthe Wake of Ethnic Violence & Forced Migration: A Ban. How much do you agree or disagree with the statement, "The forced migration of Rohingya people from Myanmar is a threat to Bangladesh's national security"? (On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being "strongly disagree" and 5 being "strongly agree") Mark only one oval. Stro Strongly Agree Have you noticed any negative changes in the economic conditions in Bangladesh as a result of the Rohingya refugee crisis? Mark only one oval. CO Yes No How has the presence of Rohingya refugees affected the labor market and employment opportunities in Bangladesh? Mark only one oval. (_) Negatively —_) Positively Untitled Section ntps:docs. google. comiformstat Wo3-Dp2C._ wetUp20AyrxDGRD}pziMNXoUNWBREMNIHwedlt7ts°653%062 ano 10131123, 5:44 PM_———_Surveying to Assess Human Secury and Regional Slabilly Dynamics in the Wake of Ethie Violence & Forced Migration: A Ban, 23. Are there any specific policies or programs that you believe have been effective in addressing these issues? (Please write your answer in a few sentences) 24. Can you share your thoughts, what steps can the government take to improve the security situation in the Chittagong Hill Tracts? (Please write your answer in a few sentences) 25. In what ways has forced migration of Rohingya communities from Myanmar affected the human security of both Rohingya refugees and host communities in Bangladesh? (Please write your answer in a few sentences) ntps:docs. google. comiformstat Wo3-Dp2C._ wetUp20AyrxDGRD}pziMNXoUNWBREMNIHwedlt7ts°653%062 ono 10131123, 5:44 PM_———_Surveying to Assess Human Secury and Regional Slabilly Dynamics in the Wake of Ethie Violence & Forced Migration: A Ban, 26. Do you have any other comments or suggestions regarding ethnic violence in the CHT and forced migration of the Rohingya? (Please write your answer in a few sentences) This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google Google Forms / 10110

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