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The term “logic” is based on the Greek word, “logos”, which is associated with various different

senses, such as reason, discourse or language.

Logic is often seen as the study of the laws of thought, correct reasoning, valid inference, or
logical truth. ... It is a formal science that investigates how conclusions follow from
premises in a topic-neutral manner, i.e. independent of the specific subject matter discussed.

Relation of logic with philosophy Philosophy is based on reasoning, and logic is the study of what
makes a sound argument, and also of the kind of mistakes we can make in reasoning. So study
logic and you will become a better philosopher and a clearer thinker generally.

 Informal logic: Uses deductive and inductive reasoning to make arguments.

 Formal logic: Uses syllogisms to make inferences.
 Symbolic logic: Uses symbols to accurately map out valid and invalid arguments.
 Mathematical logic Uses mathematical symbols to prove theoretical arguments.


According to neorealist if the rising power challenge the already existing hegemone war is inevitable.
According to a book in the hegemon shadow if a rising power change the structure against the existing
hegemon the hegemonic great power will go for containtment. The United States remains mired in its
own problems, such as in 21 century first in Iraq then in Afghanistan but the rest of the world is not
standing still. As the 2017 National Security Strategy argues, China is “seeking to displace the United
States in the IndoPacific region. From the point where we are standing the two poles seems to be the
future of world politics both have important oppurtunities and challenges regarding each other. So it is
important for us to understand what has happened and what will happen in the foreseeable future
between the two contradicting poles.


Despite China’s official emphasis on “peaceful development,”9 modern China has never been entirely
peaceful. According to my understanding the country which is more prone toward military action is
China. Here why n how it is.communist china was founded in 1949 and China’s first and most significant
large-scale military intervention occurred during the Korean War, short after its foundation. During the
Korean war China entered into a war against a stronger, nuclear-capable adversary, despite being
relatively unprepared and unsure about Soviet aid. China deployed more than 2.3 million troops—
including more than 66 percent of the entire field army, all its tank divisions, and more than 70 percent
of its air force, suffering total casualties of 360,000.18 Nevertheless, Mao considered the Korean War a

During the first Taiwan crisis the PLA shelled the Kuomintang-controlled Jinmen island and during the 2 nd
Taiwan Strait Crisis in 1958, the PLA shelled the Kinmen (Quemoy) and Matsu islands in response to the
November 1957 U.S.-Taiwanese joint military exercises and the creation of the U.S.-Taiwan Defense
Command in March 1958. Recently with rivals neighbour India the response of China was more like a
straight farward message to the world and especially to the west. In our ppr we have tried to give a
simple basic understanding or these two great power dominating the contemporary wolrd politics both
in term of military in economy.


German philosopher Karl Marx developed the theory of communism.

Communism is an economic system where the group owns the factors of


In countries, the government represents the group. The means of the factors of
production are labor, entrepreneurship, capital goods, and natural
resources.1 Although the government doesn't legally own the labor force, the
central planners tell the people where they should work. He said it was, "From
each according to his ability, to each according to his need."2 In his view,
capitalistic owners would no longer siphon off all the profits. Instead, the
proceeds would go to the workers.

Factors of production are owned by Everyone

Usefulness to people
Factors of production are valued for

Allocation decided by Central plan

From each according to his Ability

To each according to his Need

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